Crescendo Overview Presentation

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Engage customers with great content. Measure results. Repeat.

Today, when customers need to look for a solution or purchase a product the first place they go to is Google…

Where if your product information does not appear on the first page of the search results, bye-bye….

If the first few lines of the search result aren’t relevant, you lose…

Where even if you spend $100s buying Google ad words, they’re ignored because consumers have trained themselves NOT to respond to them

It’s tough being a marketer today and finding new ways to entice and engage customers.

A consumer’s average attention span is 8 seconds – less than a gold fish.

The Reality of Content:

27 million pieces of content are shared every day.

90% of emails are never opened

50% of consumer time online is spent engaging with custom content

60% of buyers are inspired to seek out a product after reading content about it

70% of the buying process is completed before engaging a vendor

80% of business decision-makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement

The Rise of Content Marketing

But, 70% of marketers say they lack a consistent or integrated content strategy– Altimeter Group

77% of marketers report that they plan to increase content production in the next year -- LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community

Content creation ranks as the single most effective SEO technique -- Marketing Sherpa

33% of B2B marketing budgets were allocated to content marketing – Marketing Profs

67% of marketers named measurement as the top area in which they needed to invest this year – Altimeter Group

Contentin all of its forms, is the new foundation of marketing – and, it is king.

What metrics are important? Which are vanity metrics?Are these false positives?

Am I creating a lot of content to “feed the content beast” or am I really engaging with those prospects with a propensity to buy?

Is more content the answer?Is better content the answer?Is promoting my content instead of my products the way to go?

What am I doing that’s generating revenue or other desirable outcomes and how can I demonstrate that to the organization?

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” – John Wanamaker

The MQL is dead.*Marketing must be seen as having an impact -- not only at the top of the funnel -- but all the way through to purchase. We will continue to be perceived as a cost center until we are seen as an investment center for driving more business or revenue.

*Well, it’s not exactly dead, but it’s certainly not enough!

Look at the Funnel a Whole New Way

The sales funnel that many marketers use today, AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) was developed by Elias St. Elmo Lewis in 1898.

While the basic premise of the sales funnel is still relevant, looking at it from the top down, at a more holistic angle, is more applicable to today’s buyer’s journey.

“Like” in Facebook

Saw something on Pinterest

Started to follow on Twitter

Downloaded a whitepaper

Read a blog post

Read an online guide

Watched a You Tube Video

The Buyer’s Journey is NOT Linear

Viewed a presentation in SlideShare

Directly Engaged with Vendor

With Crescendo, B2B marketers understand what content is driving desired business outcomes.

Create & Optimize

Publish & Amplify

Analyze & Predict

Crescendo is the only Content Marketing System built by marketers for marketers that delivers actionable insights into how content is driving revenue. The system enhances the six facets of your content marketing lifecycle:

Create & Optimize Publish & Amplify Analyze & Suggest

Crescendo is a closed-loop marketing system that empowers B2B marketers to use content in context to find and nurture leads, drive revenue, and create repeatable marketing practices.


Crescendo – Create & OptimizeCreate• Calendar and planning• Multiple Content

Contributors• Collaborative Editing• Workflow/ApprovalOptimize• SEO• Metatags• Keywords• Images• Word count

The most successful content marketers have content contributors both inside and outside of the organization. Crescendo guides writers through the process to deliver content that truly engages and is easily found.

Effective teams need role-based experiences designed to facilitate the development of high conversion content. Crescendo will keep your team efficient with easy to use content libraries, an editorial calendar, and automated workflow.

Crescendo even helps you optimize that content – from suggesting keywords to pointing out if your headline is too long while your blog post is too short.

Crescendo – Publish & AmplifyPublish• Micro-sites• Landing Pages• Blog posts• Video

Amplify• Social Promotion• Support for multiple

channels• Syndication

Create your own blog content within Crescendo or use existing assets like .pdfs, videos, infographics. Once you create or import your content, you can publish it directly to an existing web content management system, including WordPress, using new or existing templates.

Crescendo even prompts your content contributors to recommend social posts that you can schedule and directly publish to your social media channels for maximum exposure.

Crescendo – Analyze & Suggest

Analyze• Content Effectiveness

– Awareness– Engagement– Value

• CRM integration• ROI

Crescendo content analytics evaluates the lifecycle of a given piece of content to understand how it is impacting not only visitors, but also opportunities and closed revenue. No more collecting data from 6 or 7 sources and putting the results into a spreadsheet. You’ll get a holistic view of how your content is performing from first impression through to purchase. You’ll understand and demonstrate what content is really driving business impact.

Suggest• Understand what

content is creating the most value and adjust your output

Crescendo is the only Content Marketing System created by marketers for marketers with state of the art machine learning technology to deliver actionable insights into how content is driving revenue.

July 1, 2015

Now Accepting Early Adopter Inquiries

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