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CURRENTS May 2014, Published Monthly


This month I am beginning a short sermon series on Jesus at Prayer…starting with the Prayer Jesus prayed in John 17 just before he

went to the cross (what I call “The Other Lord’s Prayer”) and then what the church has called The Lord’s Prayer (“Our Father…”).

My invitation and challenge is that we, now more than ever, pray “The Other Lord’s Prayer” (John 17) with the same passion which

we pray “The Lord’s Prayer…Our Father…” particularly in light of the issues confronting us personally, as a local church here at

NLPC, as a denomination (PCUSA) which is in danger of disintegration and implosion, and as the global church. Let us face it---

there is great chaos and conflict in the church which is probably reflective of how encultured we have become as a church since

much of that chaos and conflict is openly on display in American culture in what is often referred to as “culture wars”. I believe the

need to pray and faithfully participate in the Prayer of Jesus in John 17 is critical for us in these times.

Most are at least familiar with the prayer, but a quick synopsis is in order. The prayer that the Apostle John records for us in John 17

is the prayer Jesus prayed to The Father immediately after sharing The Passover Celebration with his Disciples. The evening had

begun with Jesus washing his disciples’ feet; an incredible demonstration of his love toward and service to his disciples. Then Jesus

spoke of his impending betrayal by Judas and denial by Peter, responded to by questions, accusations and protestations all around the

room. Jesus then moved on to speak words of comfort by inviting them to trust in God and pronouncing that he alone is “The Way,

The Truth and The Life” with Thomas and Philip having serious questions of what Jesus had just said. Then comes the promise of

the coming of the Holy Spirit as the gift of God the Father and the Son to the disciples and to the church as it abides and participates

in the life of triune God. Jesus concluded with further words of comfort and peace with the triumphant declaration “I have overcome

the world!” In the other Gospel accounts we are told that Jesus had ordained and celebrated Holy Communion with the disciples

(why John leaves this out is a bit odd?) and after their celebrations, Jesus and the disciples (except Judas Iscariot) sang a hymn and

headed for the Garden of Gethsemane/Mount of Olives.

It is in that place that the prayer of John 17 is placed even while in the other Gospel accounts, Jesus begs the disciples to stay awake

and to pray with him, but they could not. We are also told that Jesus’ praying was intense (powerfully depicted at the beginning of

the film The Passion of the Christ). What is revealed in the prayer is the very heart and soul of Jesus’ concern as he is heading to the

cross and completing the work for which he was sent by the Father and empowered by the Holy Spirit. And what was the focus of

that prayer Jesus prayed? The Glory of God shows up several times…that God would be glorified by the work of Jesus Christ and

that God would be glorified through the witness of His followers. The Word of God as truth is a strong word throughout the prayer.

Eternal Life is spoken of as being grounded in faith belief and obedience. So does God’s protection for all who would be disciples of

Jesus Christ. So does a sense of divine holiness founded upon the truth of the Word of God. So does the mission of all disciples to be

sent into the world just as Jesus was sent into the world by the Father. And oh yes, the joy of Christ would be evident in “full


The question is this: Is Jesus’ Prayer of John 17 being answered today? I know it is a provocative question. We all know it

will ultimately be answered in the eternal Kingdom of the new heavens and the new earth, but what about here and now. Are we

personally and communally living into this powerful prayer of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? It humbles me greatly to ask that

question. At the heart of my reflection is a further question "In the eyes of Jesus Christ who is Lord of all, Lord of the Church and

my Lord, 'Am I/we, by my/our attitudes and actions contributing more to the unity or the disunity of the Church of Jesus Christ?'

I found it interesting and helpful to go back to two major movements in the church that sought to embody the prayer Jesus prayed in

John 17, both grounded in a deep missional theology with a passion for a faithful witness to Jesus Christ, the building up of the

Church of Jesus Christ and the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the world.

First, over 35 years ago, Billy Graham and John Stott brought together Christians from every part of the evangelical church in the

world and formed what is now known as the Lausanne Movement, they expressed their deep commitment to a visible expression of

the John 17 prayer of Jesus with these words:

We affirm that the Church's visible unity in truth is God's purpose. Evangelism also summons us to unity, because our

oneness strengthens our witness, just as our disunity undermines our gospel of reconciliation. We recognize, however, that

organizational unity may take many forms and does not necessarily forward evangelism. Yet we who share the same biblical

faith should be closely united in fellowship, work and witness. We confess that our testimony has sometimes been marred by

a sinful individualism and needless duplication. We pledge ourselves to seek a deeper unity in truth, worship, holiness and

mission. We urge the development of regional and functional cooperation for the furtherance of the Church's mission, for

strategic planning, for mutual encouragement, and for the sharing of resources and experience. (John 17:21,23; Eph. 4:3,4;

John 13:35; Phil. 1:27; John 17:11-23)

P eople who know me know that I love to write. What they may not know, however, is how often I have to rewrite. It is a loathsome reality. Whether crafting a sermon, a poem, an essay, or words to a song, I never get it right the first time.

Ever. Any written enterprise is an amalgamation of ink and sweat, for which I deeply apologize. If there is an environmental award for paper conservation, I will never get it. Take this column. I wrote, and then rewrote, a rough draft, sent it to my dear wife for comment (something I seldom do), and awaited her reply, which was swift but sweet: “Honey, I don’t like it.” I have learned through the years that this means game over—the end of the line for my precious creation, even if it contains deathless, prize-winning prose. Whenever my wife says, “Honey, I don’t like it,” she has very good reasons, honed by nearly 30 years in the classroom and 43 years of living with me. Rebuttal, though tempting, is futile, and in due course I invariably see that her evaluation was spot-on, God be praised. So here we are…with a column to write. Any topics you’d like to discuss? While you are thinking, let me say that rewriting is a lot like life. We seldom get it right the first time. But help is available! God is in the revision business and likes nothing better than a challenge. “Life is a series of new beginnings,” one of my Digging Deeper students said the other Sunday, and right she was. We need to be grateful for the chance to start over. If at first you don’t succeed, you must be human!

The apostle Paul understood this principle and spent his years updating, revising, correcting, rebooting, retooling, renewing, and recasting a life he once thought perfect. But even Paul knew his limits. As he reached his glorious, hard-fought finish line, knowing he had fallen far short of perfection, all he could say was, “I press on.”

So there! Get busy! There is still time to rewrite the ending to your life’s story. Press on, I say! Press on!


From Your Associate Pastor

And at the first meeting of the World Council of Churches at Amsterdam in 1948 (which has now strayed far from its founding but

there are some who continue to faithfully live into this) equally affirmed Jesus prayer from John 17 with these words:

The World Council of Churches is composed of churches which acknowledge Jesus Christ as God and Savior. They find

their unity in him. They do not have to create their unity; it is the gift of God. But they know that it is their duty to make

common cause in the search for the expression of that unity in work and in life. The Council desires to serve the churches

which are its constituent members as an instrument whereby they may bear witness together to their common allegiance to

Jesus Christ, and cooperate in matters requiring united action…The purpose of the Council is to express its unity in another

way. Unity arises out of the love of God in Jesus Christ, which, binding the constituent churches to him, binds them to one

another. It is the earnest desire of the Council that the churches may be bound closer to Christ and therefore closer to one

another. In the bond of his love, they will desire continually to pray for one another and to strengthen one another, in wor-

ship and in witness, bearing one another's burdens and so fulfilling the law of Christ. I find these words helpful to reflect upon and pray to God in these days. Could it be that one of the primary reasons the church is for

the most part "failing" in its call to be a missional witness to Jesus Christ is our failure to truly pursue a faithful embodiment of

Christian Unity that would let the world know that Jesus is Lord. Even so, 'Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus Come.' I would value your

thoughts, reflections, etc. ( May God grow us together into a deeper experience of Christian unity

grounded in a common Christian Faith.

With deep love and affection in Christ,

Pastor Bryan Burton

Church Family & Friends

Roger Crouch, Janet Dain, Bill Evans, Marilyn Gierach, Mary Hartinger, Jean Herbert, Charlie Huber, Betty Litterst, Raymond Merritt, Ray Spirnock, Marge Sulzer Ralph Taylor, Peggy Trenton, Sandy Wiborg, Susan Wiedenman, Ralph Taylor, Jerry Wilson, Billie Heindel, Joann Beckner, Dr. Jim Harmon, Frank Sypniewski...

5/1 Bob Hiller Cameron Nations 5/2 Jean Herbert Lora Richards 5/5 Warren Guerr 5/6 Betty Harris Tiffany Love Sandra Wibord 5/7 Diana Hairston John Henning Gordon Lindenblad 5/8 Barbara Cornell 5/9 Jane Coughlan Bill Evans 5/11 Nancy Fisher 5/12 Sharilyn Warren 5/13 Richard Mellock Frank Sypniewski Brett Walters 5/14 Terry Ake Al McClure 5/16 Peggy Gonyaw

5/17 Bob Hoagland

5/18 Ryan Welshans

5/19 Linda Holt

Susan Wools

5/20 Mary Olson

Eldon Wadsworth

5/21 Darlene Dupree

George Henry

Sally Lawson

5/22 Andrea Sawyers

Karen Temple

Art Warshaw

5/23 Steve Austin

Muriel Berry

Warren Robinson

5/24 Ronald Breese

Hannah Shearin

5/25 Louise Shepard

Noreen Smith

5/26 Shirley Aust

Eileen Clawson

Steven Eschrich

5/29 John Jones

Katie Surrency

5/30 Donna Kuhns

Noah Welshans

5/31 Russell Aust

Bob Schwendenman


Good Shepherd Hospice holds open-ended Grief Support Groups which are free to anyone in the community who has lost a loved one. In May the group will move to the new Good Shepherd Hospice House at 3450 Lakeland Hills Boulevard. The group will meet there May 12 and 26 at 10:30 am and will continue each month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. New participants should register with Angel at 968-1739 . She can prov ide information about this and other groups or you may contact Marty Dickey at 686-2891.



Joshua Berrian (Army) Justin Berrian (National Guard)

Shawn Coniglio (Navy) Kegan Davis (Middle East)

Mathew Scott Harreld (NC) Don Ott (Army)

Jeremy Taylor (Army) Seth Taylor (NC) Anni Taylor (NC)

Joshua Barker (Navy) Angela Shearin (Navy)

Rob Cook (Afghanistan

5/1 Keith & Linnea Murphy 5/4 David & Betty Wilson 5/6 Craig & Donna Haas 5/10 Rodney & Paula Helm 5/11 Brian & Amanda Murray 5/13 Jack & Donna Kuhns 5/14 Paul & Freda Harmon 5/18 Louis & Phyllis Crandall Jerry & Denise Flower Gene & Mary Gettig 5/22 Steven & Suzanne Eschrich 5/24 Carol & Paul Brooks Charles & Pat Irwin 5/25 Bob & Mary Walters 5/27 James & Shirley Marvin 5/28 Bob & Marcia Nicoletti 5/29 Glen & Christina Crawford Bob & Magdalena Hoffman

Laura Tracy and CJ Thielemann are selling Bricks for Noah's Ark, to help raise funds for finishing the Commercial Kitchen that will be built in the Dining Hall at Noah's Landings, which will provide at least 1 healthy meal a day for the clients living within the community.

There are 2 sizes of bricks. 4X8 ($100.00) and 8X8 ($250.00). These bricks will be engraved with what you wish, i.e. In Memory Of, and will then be laid as pathways within Noah's Landings Community.

Contact Cindy Thielemann at 858-1255 or

You can also view Noah’s Landings at or

North Lakeland Presbyterian Church 6725 N Socrum Loop Road Lakeland, FL 33809-6134 Ph: 863-853-9541 Fx: 863-816-0618 Email us at:

PLEASE NOTE: To help save on costs (postage, paper, ink, etc.) we encourage you

to receive your Cross Currents by e-mail. Please call 863.853.9541 or e-mail Cross Currents is also available on our



Our purpose as a congregation is to serve God through worship and to provide an innovative environment for growth and fellowship, in order to go into the world as disciples of Jesus Christ.

NLPC in Worldwide Mission

Friday, May 2, 7:00 p.m.

Glenn and Betty White are extending an

invitation to join them for a dinner

sponsored by Wycliffe Associates.

Bible Translations Around the World.

For more information please contact

Glenn and Betty at 863-853-1807 or

Sunday, May 11 Wheelchairs for Nigeria Rev. Ron Rice will visit NLPC with a message of hope for victims of polio in Nigeria. Join him in the Fellowship Hall from 10:15—10:45 a.m. for stories of this unique ministry:

Thank you for supporting Pancakes on

Palm Sunday!

We enjoyed serving you! NLPC Friendship Class

Once a month assist Vicky Odem with Friendship Class 9:30 –10:30 a.m. Vicky: 863-944-6678

Meals on Wheels delivery (mid-day, once a week or substitutes) Ron & Nancy Knoll 863-858-6152

Children’s Ministry—do you have a hobby or talent that you would like to help elementary children learn?

Evelyn McMullen: 863-853-9541;

Growing Children in Christ

Building Strong Homes of Faith @ NLPC

On Sundays

Nursery care up to age 3 during

both the 9 a.m. and 10:45 am


Children ages 4 and older may

attend worship with their

families. A slide on the worship

screen invites them meet their

class leaders in the back of the


9:30-10:15 a.m. Discovery Hour

where kids discover the

importance of God’s Word for

their lives! Grades K—5 in Room 5

10:45 a.m. Children’s Church.

Please sign in your child in the

narthex and pick them up from

Room 7 after worship.

On Wednesdays

6:00-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Kidz

Grades K-3 meet in the Fellowship

Hall. Grades 4 & 5 in Room 7

Ceda r k i r k

Open House


May 3 1:00-5:00 pm, our

presbytery camp south of Plant

City opens its gate for a free

afternoon at camp. Learn

about summer programs & get a

feel for what your child will

experience. Hayrides, s’mores,

swimming pool, rock wall,

archery, & zip-lining. Let’s

make it an NLPC Family Event!!

Curious 2s &3s & Awesome 4s Learning, Faith & Fun…. All rolled into one:

Thank you to the wonderful families that have

entrusted their children to NLPC Preschool Pilot

Project. The month of April was a busy month

learning about our families. We sang songs about how much God loves

them, and Jesus as their friend, relating to the Easter message. Baby

chicks came to visit and spring was in the air with April showers, raining

bubbly bubbles.

Please feel free to visit us during our Preschool hours 9:30 to 11:30 am,

Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you would like to read a story or help with

an activity please contact Miss Caroline at 206-883-5092 or

The Pilot Project

ends on May 29.

Thank you to our

volunteer teachers

Caroline Burton


Leah Hossman

NLPC Vacation Bible School Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind

June 22nd -26th (5:45pm – 8:15pm)

Leaders, Crew Folk and Awesome Volunteers! VBS is about helping kids meet Jesus. Adults are there to help reinforce the Bible stories and form the relationships that will help kids grow! We would love you to attend this VBS meeting on May 6th in Room 7 at 6:30pm. We are in the planning stage and would love you to be a part of the team. So come and find out what is happening at VBS: Weird Animals and “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” with us. Contact: Diane Mikolon (863- 529-3849) and Cille Beasley (863-738-4377)


Community & Learning

on Sunday mornings:

9:30—10:15 a.m. Who is this Man? Room 4 led by Ginger Futch and Bill Setterberg

9:30—10:30 a.m. Friendship Class—Room 7 Adults with disabilities led by Vicky Odem

10:30—11:30 a.m. Digging Deeper– study of sermon text —Fellowship Hall - led by Pastor Dill

10:30—11:30 a.m. The Forgotten God—led by Marjorie York in Church Library

10:30—11:30 a.m. The Holy Spirit: Here & Now—led by a team of learners in Room 4

COME & SEE: Community & Learning

on Weekdays These weekly groups all

welcome new folks! Mondays: 8:30 a.m. Women @ Panera Bread 6:30 p.m. “Mondays for Me” - Marjorie York’s home 2413 Big Cypress Blvd. Tuesdays: 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study for Early Risers—Room 7 8:45 a.m. Men’s Roundtable Bible Study Room 4 Life After Death Wednesdays: 6:00 p.m. “Foundation Builders” in Hospitality Room, led by Terry Tucker Thursdays: 11:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study, - Faith Seeking Understanding (Proverbs & More)— Hospitality Room led by Evelyn McMullen

Living as Disciples of the Crucified & Risen Christ means that our new life has begun! Worship with a renewed sense of the Holy Spirit among us. Serve Christ as a disciple by demonstrating a welcoming spirit to all! Ask God to lead you to a new way to seek deeper understanding—

not just to know about God, but to know God. As you gather with others for worship, learning, or service, look

for the image of God reflected in the face of your neighbor.

The Tuesday Men’s Roundtable Bible Study is starting a new series called “Life After Death: Studies in Post-Resurrection Discipleship.” All men are cordially invited. Newcomers are always welcome! We meet Tuesdays at 8:45 A.M. in Room 4 in the CE Building.

Come & See

How do we live as Easter People?

May 4th we’ll begin a class @ 10:30 am in Room 4 to explore the gift that Christ gives us—the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit: Here & Now by Rev. Trevor Hudson

“The Holy Spirit is deeply at work in you, right at this moment, wherever you are.” In this intriguing book, Trevor Hudson shares his own struggles and joys in being more responsive to the Holy Spirit. He invites us to move beyond religion as usual into an adventure of restoration, renewal, and transformation.

Hudson shares his personal journey, giving practical guidance to help you experience God’s work in your life. His simple exercises help you invite the Spirit into every area of your life—here and now! Discover how the Spirit brings you alive to God’s presence, draws you into community with others, guides you in decision making, transforms you inwardly, helps you pray, and much more.

Look for the image of God reflected in the face of

your neighbor.

Sometimes one is not enough. That’s why every week

we offer two scoops of Scripture—one during worship

and one during Sunday school. To get your second

scoop, come to Digging Deeper, a Bible study for

Adults, led by associate pastor Brian Dill.

Where: Fellowship Hall

When: Sundays at 10:30 A.M.

Why: Because one scoop is not enough!!!

Time to dig in!

- - - - - - - - - - - - -PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN TO CHURCH OR E-MAIL PASTOR Dill at - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

____ Yes! I am interested in Digging Deeper!

Please contact me at

Phone _______________________________________________

E-mail ______________________________________________

Name _______________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

I attend _______ 9:00 service ________ 10:45 service ________ have attended both

CONSIDER YOURSELF...INVITED! Prime Timers The Prime Timers gather for a meal on the third Sunday evening of

each month. On May 18th we will meet at Mimi’s Café at 4:30 p.m. To make a

reservation contact our hosts Karen Scito and Bill Uhrie at 815-0851 or fill out a yellow

pew card and place it in the offering plate.

Glowing Embers is a senior fellowship group that meets the second Tuesday of each month for lunch. On

May 13, Glowing Embers will meet at 11:30 a.m. at Reececliff Restaurant, since the April meeting was cancelled due to the weather. The address is 940 S. Florida Ave. Please call Ann Holzer at 683-5065 or fill out a yellow pew card so reservations can be made.

Faith & Fiction Wednesday May 21st at 11:30 a.m. we will meet at Sandpiper Clubhouse. All-Girl Filling

Station's Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg. Contact Barbara Phillips at 858-8968.

NLPC Golf Fellowship

Fellow Golf Warriors,

On May 17th we will continue on our trail of never before played courses and are scheduled to play at Pebble Creek Golf Club in Tampa. The cost is $32.00 and I have booked 5 times, starting at 10:00 a.m. “We are on a Mission for Anchor House”.

Please contact Ron Sallada for more information. 863-604-5924 or

Ladies Mad Hatter Tea Party

& Fashion Show by Marshalls

Saturday, May 10th at noon

In the Fellowship Hall Wear your fanciest, wildest, most beautiful

hat (be creative. There will be judges) Tickets sold in advance Adults $7, Children $5 Contact Donna Haas at


Four Seasons Fellowship will meet on Saturday, June 7, at 11:30 in Fellowship Hall. Our program will be, "All the World's A Stage: A Conversation with Doro-thy Sarver." Dorothy will share with us some of her experiences from a lifetime in the theater. A salad luncheon will be served following the program. We are asking each mem-ber attending to bring a salad to share. Drinks and cookies will be furnished by the Steering Committee.

May 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

On May 13, the office will be closed from 10am to 3pm for an extended staff meeting.

1 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 11am»Bible Study-HR 6:30pm Mission/Evang. Rm 4 7pm»Worship Band


6pm»Girl Scts-Rm 7 7:30pm»AA-YB


4 9am»Worship 9:30am»Discvry Hr. 9:30am»Adult Class 10:30am»Adult Class 10:45am»Worship

5 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 6pm»Hi School-YB 6:30pm»Mon. for Me 6:45pm»Boy Scouts #774-FH 7pm»Cub Scts-Rm7

6 8am-4pm»LGHS-

AP Testing-FH 6:30am»Men’s Bible 8:45am»Men’s Bible 9am»Faith Cir-HR 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 10am»Staff Mtg 6pm»Admin-HR 7pm»Cub Scts-all rms

7 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 1pm»The Village 6pm»Youth-FH 6pm»Wed. Kidz -YB 6pm»Foundation Bldrs-HR 6pm»Worship-CR 7pm»Chancel Choir

8 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 11am»Bible Stdy-HR 1:30pm»Hope Cir-HR 6pm»Girl Sct Ldr Mtg-FH 7pm»Worship Band

9 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 7pm»Cub Scout leader Mtg-Rm 4 7:30pm»AA-YB

10 8am»Anchor House Mtg-HR 12pm»Mad Hatter Tea Party & Fashion Show-FH

11 Happy Mother’s Day 9am»Worship 9:30am»Discvry Hr. 9:30am»Adult Class 10:30am»Adult Class 10:45am»Worship

12 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 6pm»HS Group-YB 6:30pm»Monday for Me 6:45pm»Boy Scouts #774-FH 7pm»Cub Scts-Rm 7

13 6:30am»Men’s

Bible Study-Rm7 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 8:45am»Men’s Bible 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 10am»Staff Mtg 11:30am»GlowingEm 7pm»Cub Scts-all rms

14 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 3pm»The Village 6pm»Youth-FH 6pm»Wed. Kidz -YB 6pm»Foundation Bldrs-HR 7pm»Chancel Choir

15 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 11am»Bible Stdy-HR 6:30pm»Session-Rm7 7pm»Worship Band

16 8am-4pm»LGHS-AP Testing-FH 6pm»Girl Scts-Rm 7 7:30pm»AA-YB

17 9:30am»Girl Scts Bridging Ceremony-Sanctuary 10am Buddy Break-FH 11:30am»Golf Fellowship

18 7am»Sunrise Service 9am»Worship 9:30am»Discvry Hr. 9:30am»Adult Class 10:30am»Adult Class 10:45am»Worship 12pm»CE Mtg-Rm 7 12:30pm»Deacons CZ2-HR 4:30pm»PrimeTimers

19 6pm»HS Group-YB 6:30pm»Monday for Me 6:45pm»Boy Scouts #774-FH 7pm»Cub Scts-Rm 7

20 6:30am»Men’s Bible Study-Rm7 8:45am»Men’s Bible Study-Rm 4 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 10am»Staff Mtg 7pm»Cub Scts-all rms 7:30pm»Deacons CZ1-HR

21 11:30am»Faith & Fiction-Sandpiper 3pm»The Village 6pm»Youth-FH 6pm»Wed. Kidz -YB 6pm»Foundation Bldrs-HR 7pm»Chancel Choir

22 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 11am»Bible Study-HR 7pm»Worship Band

23 7:30pm»AA-YB


25 9am»Worship 9:30am»Discvry Hr. 9:30am»Adult Class 10:30am»Adult Classes 10:45am»Worship

26 Memorial Day-Office Closed

27 6:30am»Men’s Bible Study-Rm7 8:45am»Men’s Bible Study-Rm 4 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 10am»Staff Mtg 7pm»Cub Scts-all rm 7pm»All Deacons-HR

28 3pm»The Village 6pm»Youth-FH 6pm»Wed. Kidz -YB 6pm»Foundation Bldrs-HR 7pm»Chancel Choir

29 9:30am»Pre-School-Nursery 11am»Bible Study-HR 7pm»Worship Band

30 7:30pm»AA-YB