Cross site calls with javascript - the right way with CORS

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Using CORS (cross origin resource sharing) you can easily and securely to cross site scripting in webapps - less servers and more integration from apis right in the browser This was presented during Web Directions South, 2013, Sydney, Australia.


CORS and JavascriptIntegration in the browser

Michael Neale@michaelneale

Friday, 25 October 13

Integration in the browser

Lots of services, microservicesEverything has an APIJSON == lingua franca

Why have servers that are just text pumps:Integrate into new apps in the browser

Friday, 25 October 13

For example

Friday, 25 October 13

CI serverApp service

JSON !!111


Friday, 25 October 13

but - same origin policy?

Friday, 25 October 13

but - same origin policy?

Web security model - not bad track record.

Not going to change... so, how to work around:

Friday, 25 October 13

integration middleware?

Friday, 25 October 13


Friday, 25 October 13


Add “padding”.

JSON P: take pure json, make it a function call - then eval it in the browser.

Same Origin Policy doesn’t apply to resource loading (script tags)

Friday, 25 October 13

jsonp: Most glorious hack ever

Friday, 25 October 13


JSON: { “foo” : 42 }

JSONP: callback({ “foo” : 42 });

Widely supported (both by servers and of course jquery & co make it transparent)

Friday, 25 October 13

direct to origin:

$.ajax({ dataType : "json" ... });

Friday, 25 October 13

JSON-P cross domain

$.ajax({ dataType : "jsonp", jsonp:'jsonp' .... });

Friday, 25 October 13


What it is really doing: creating script tags, and making your browser “eval” the lot. Each time, each request.

Don’t think too hard about it...

Friday, 25 October 13


Really misses the “spirit” of same-origin.

Security holes: any script you bring in has access to your data/dom/private parts.

How secure is server serving up json-p?

Friday, 25 October 13


Also, JSON is not Javascript

JSON can be safely read - no eval

JSON-P only eval

JSONP is GET only

Friday, 25 October 13


Allows servers to specify who/what can access endpoint directly

Use plain JSON, ALL HTTP Verbs: PUT, DELETE etc

Friday, 25 October 13


Friday, 25 October 13

Oy, they’re my sisters yer lookin atNOT THESE:

Friday, 25 October 13


Trivial to consume: plain web calls, direct.

Complexity: on the server/config side.

Browser support: complete(ish):

All verbs, all data types

Friday, 25 October 13

CORS - client side ex.

$.ajax({ dataType : "json",

xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } ...


Friday, 25 October 13

How it worksMost work is between browser and server, via http headers.

“Pre flight checks”:

Browser passes Origin header to server:Origin:

Server responds (header) saying what is allowed: Access-Control-Allow-Origin:

Friday, 25 October 13

How it worksbrowser server

http OPTIONS (Origin:

Access-Control-Allow.... etc

direct http GET /POST (as allowed by Access headers)



your app

Friday, 25 October 13

How it works“Pre flight checks”:

Performed by browser, opaque to client app. Browser enforces. You don’t see them.

Uses “OPTION” http verb.

Friday, 25 October 13

Security Theatre?“Pre flight checks”:

Can be just an annoyance.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Downside: allows any script with right creds to pull data from you (do you want this? Think, as always)

Friday, 25 October 13

Common patternAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: $origin-from-request

The returned value is really echoing back what Origin was - checked off against a whitelist:

Server needs to know whitelist, how to check, return value dynamically.

Not a static web server config. SAD FACE.

Friday, 25 October 13

MiddlewareAll app server environments have a way to do the Right Thing with CORS headers:

Rack-cors: rubyServlet-filter: javaNode: express middlewareetc...

(it isn’t hard, just not as easy as it should be)

Friday, 25 October 13

Other CORS headersAccess-Control-Allow-Headers (headers to be included in requests)

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE etc

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: boolean

(lists always comma separated)

Friday, 25 October 13

AuthorizationYou can use per request tokens, eg OAuth

OpenID and OAuth based sessions will work

(browser has done redirect “dance” - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true -- needed to ensure cookies/auth info flows with requests)

Friday, 25 October 13






your app


Friday, 25 October 13

DebuggingPesky pre-flight checks are often opaque - may show up as “cancelled” requests without a reason.

Use chrome://net-internals/#events

Friday, 25 October 13

DebuggingFollowing screen cap shows it working...

note the match between Origin and Access-control - if you don’t see those headers in response - something is wrong.

Friday, 25 October 13

Friday, 25 October 13

Friday, 25 October 13

Debuggingt=1374052796709 [st=262] +URL_REQUEST_BLOCKED_ON_DELEGATE [dt=0]t=1374052796709 [st=262] CANCELLEDt=1374052796709 [st=262] -URL_REQUEST_START_JOB --> net_error = -3 (ERR_ABORTED)

This is it failing: look for “cancelled”.

Could be due to incorrect headers returned, or perhaps Authorization failures (cookies, session etc)

Friday, 25 October 13

My Minimal Setup Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE  Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $ORIGIN

$ORIGIN = if (inWhitelist(requestOriginHeader) return requestOriginHeader

INCLUDE PORTS IN Access-Control-Allow-Origin!!

Friday, 25 October 13

Example (express)app.all('*', function(req, res, next) { res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With"); next(); });

node and express js:

Friday, 25 October 13

Example (rack/ruby)gem install config/application.rb:

... config.middleware.use Rack::Cors do allow do origins '*'

resource '*', :headers => :any, :methods => [:get, :post, :options] end end

Friday, 25 October 13

Thank you

Michael Neale

Friday, 25 October 13