CRUNCH - Best MicroSite(TV Show)

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Best Micro-site(TV Show) CRUNCH on

• India’s first cross format reality show • Live 24x7 across 30days on • Weekly episodic sow on MTV • Audience seamlessly moved between TV and

internet to engage with and consume the content on offer

Show Concept:

• 10 pairs of contestants were locked up in 10 rooms across 30 days, with no real communication with the outside world.

• After certain intervals of time, every room got ‘crunched’ in size, eventually making the pair live in rooms which were close to a fraction of the size they started with.

• This was broadcast on ‘live’ 24x7, while MTV telecast weekend episodes of the highlights of the action.


• Addressed the need for ‘convenience’ and ‘nonstop entertainment’ – Audience could engage with their favorite show at

any point of the day or night

– It was ‘Live 24x7’, thereby providing non-stop entertainment which was not the case with other reality shows on television

– It allowed the user to ‘choose’ to content that one wanted to consume

• Interactive – One could chat with contestants within the show,

something which is difficult to pull off on television

– At any single point in time a number of users could chat with the contestants simultaneously. These interactions raised the level of engagement of the audience with the show.

Why it worked

Interactive Design

Special Features

Special Features

• Video on Demand – One could access any piece of content over and

over again.

– No one was forced to consume content; they consumed whatever they liked, as many times as they wished to, at any point of the day or night.

• Live Voting – One could vote for their favorite contestants ‘live’

on the website

• Social media friendly – One could share their favorite pieces of content

– Comments, likes, tweets were made possible, thus opening up the content to a wider range of audiences

Important Dates

Launched On

17th April’2011


15th May’2011


Total Visits

2.17 million

Total Unique Visitors

1.7 million

Total Page Views

7.4 million

Average Time Spent

4:20 minutes

*Source- Google Analytics