CS Hyatt - Psychopaths Bible

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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The Psychopath's Bible provides a refreshing, much needed `psychic elixir' for those individuals who have been branded as "psychopaths" by the society of the times. You know, the person who doesn't wear designer clothes, or who doesn't imitate those who yet manage some cheap imitation to get their `friends' approval. Or the individual who dares to `think'...REALLY think...for him or herself, despite being the `laughing stock' of his or her `peers.' Or the person who is continually `pushing the envelope,' to the rage and fury of those little men in gray suits that skulk along the walls of any large corporation...or around your neighborhood block, for that matter. Of course you know the ones I'm talking about. The REAL Thinker is the odd one out. Why? Because each of us is a mirror to others. And the reflection they see in our mirrors show them what they are and are not, constantly. The "average;" the "normal," are generally the ones who never had an original thought in their lives and never will, and yet are so incompetent as to have trouble in stealing ideas from others. Sure, you know the kind. They're all around you! You have to put up with them everyday, just to earn your bread! I'm talking about the "bastions of society," as the herd (or, "masses") call the lackluster! Well, Hyatt's book certainly ISN'T for them!
