cSi gam theFseatn€¦ · Farmers' Union. j The information cora.--s to us tfutt j after...

Post on 20-Aug-2020

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Farmers' Union. j The information cora.-- s to us tfutt j

after Cii:iinierlin was ."eicared" for !

ki!itii: es "in beif-defeu?- ."

tiuf made it so vun forjNO MORE PREMIUMS.s s a


AGAIN IN THE T&&JNew Ideas! M Styles! M Goods!

That is What We Have ih

We are in the field with the most fieaatifnl assortment procnrable, com-prising everything that is new and t lih. Our repotation is well known iothis, otif strong tlrpartment, and we have tnade greater ef!br than ever toselect a complete Tine in all New Xov el ties, and are now ready io saply nildemant's in that line from a

srs:w stogk iEin Tj racing the neatest and most elegant designs' in all grades direct frofsthe leading mamifaetorics and from this day on we will open the flood gateand permit to .flow a tidal wave of genuine bargains that will deluge nil1

competition. We are SOLE AGENTS for

The World's Fair.

. The Dakota Ruralist, the ollicia!

organ of the National Alliance sas:"We are erccasionttily asked if the

X. F. A. & I. V. will have headquar-ters at the World's Fair. Wc havemade no arrangements nnd are notlikely to. The Kansas State Allianceare, however, arranged to ai-cai-n mo-dal-e

all Alliance bretheru who mayvisit Chicago during the fair at veryreasonable prices.

The Farmer's Wife, a paper publish-ed at Topeka, Kansas, the home ofthe association, endorses it as follows:

Again Kansas has stepped to thefront in behalf of the people. Presi-dent Hanna of the State Alliance,has just returned from Chicago wherehe has completed arrangement forcaring for visitors to the World'sFair at about one half what la askedby other associations. He is presi-dent of an F. A. os 1. U. associationwhieh is endorsed by the state Alli-ance, the State Grange and the State

AYER'SY-o- ur best remedy for



Gait-Rheu- m, Sore EyesA-bsces- TumorsR-unni- ng SoresS-cur- vy, Humors, ItchA-nem- ia, Indigestion

es, BlotchesA-n-d Carbuncles


DropsyL-iv- er ComplaintA--ll cured by

AVER'SSarsaparillaPrepared by Ir. J.C. Aver ft Co., Lowell, HimSold by all Drugglsta. Price 1 ; els botllM, Si.Cures others, will cure you

Going: out of the Coupon and Premium Busi-ness. - You must get your Coupons ready tobe canceled not later than JULY 1st, andmust present them by

-TTa-TTST 1ST.Now we give you LONG- - Notice, so don't

complain if you preseht coupons after August1st, and we refuse to receive or redeem them.

Remember, we will give you coupons untilJuly 1st, im4 cancel themredeem them un-til AugiiSt list. After these dates no couponswill beredeemecl, so do not make any claims.

Now is the time to roll up your purchaseswhile these otters are still on.

After this, we will have something to in-terest our customers.

G, W, Pitfcios

Mixed Paints',

Low Frioes

n nIVII1 1

- - fa :

Brown &West Side,

We will have given our customersmore than 1000 Dollars before ou.t Premiumsare withdrawn, and we believe they appreci-ate this fact and will continue to patronize us.

J. F. WHITACHE & CO.,W-s- t Side Square, First Door Sou'.h P. O., "2Ol

; Keokuk & Western Railroad Co. cSiJHft Tke Short link JSraP&ll'

J3fc: ' From aho To RjJS?I : . . Southern Iowa Points. t

Sf S" ' KC OOOORICri, Of N L MWMttii. KSOKUK. IA. d. f. ELOM. . C MSS SEPT. '

ef'Cav?' bm 4m&& aSasskf

gam to --the FseatnJOHN H. MULCH & CO.

.Are ixow ready to show their Summer stockof Furniture and Carpets. Perhaps it is notnececessary for us to here mention, as we sup'


John D. SmK)t was iii Granger lastMonday.

Mr. L. D. Nuck'jls wa in Keokuk,Monday.

Judge McClintoelf went to Kahoka.Tuesday.

For cheapest bats in the c'ty go toMrs. Davis.

J. A Gill, of Livrn Kidge, was ir.

Memphis, Momlay.

Harry Allen, of Nebraska, is in thecity, visiting his parent.

Efforts are living nvtde in this cityto secure a series of lectures.

All who attended seemed to enjoythe Gould lecture Tuesday night.

Chas. II. Tinney left here Tstrdavto join Ringling Bros. circu9 hand.

Wm. Sigler, of St. L iuis, arrived inthe city Monday, for a visit with hisparents.

The past week has been a dis-

couraging time to early gardenmakers.

Pete Doyle has gone to Keokuk forthe purpose of in a print-

ing office.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Knoti, re-

turned from a short Initial tour Tues-

day night.

Mis Gertie Wilson, of the Center-vill- e,

Iowa, College, is in town visitingher parents.

Dr. Charles Watktns and wife ofLineville. Iowa, are yisiting relativesin this city.

Humphrey Bros , and Mount .bip-

ed :i fine monument to iiirmiiigiiani,fmvri, iasi Week.

The coinmeieoiu'nt ) the?

'.i:n;I class of tin citv hitfbccurs tonitiriow.

rians. Uon. Ol million, (iw:i. wuin the city Tuesday and node tinsolTi.-- a pieii.iul call.

F. A. I'routy, N'civtr n, Kansas?, wasin r.i yesterday and purchased a Suejack of T. II. Wagner.

0. S. V:irrii went to Kokuk. Mon- -

day of this week, to add to his alreadyl:ir:e stK;k of groeeries.

M 'i ri :md Shank keep the Jlolineeotii ji.ji'U r, tullivntor anil plows, tkebest made. Call and mcc them.

Virgil D.nfor 1 arrived in the cityMonday night for a visit with hisparents, Kev. and Mrs. Dan ford.

Geo. Woodruff, James Dehart, A.E. Van Ilosen and J. B. Tuoina9 arenew subscribers of this newspaper.

This office has just finished print-

ing the proceedings of the W. C. T.U. convention at Kahoka in pamphletform.

W. A. King of this city, and MissRosa Smith, of Henry county, weremurriei at Kahoka on the 13thinstant.

Virgil Hunt, of Mt. Pleasant town-

ship, was in the city Tuesday andbad us place his naae on our sub-

scription book.

The K. of P. entertainment at theOpera House and supper last Fridaynight was a very pleasant affair insome respects.

Wm. L. Gale and family have mov-

ed to Louisville, Kentucky. Theirmany friends here wish them un-

bounded success.

The county school commissionerwill be at her room in David Justice'sresideuce in Memphis, the fourthFriday in each month.

David R. Graves, northeast of thiscity, sold bis 160 acre farm last weekto Wm.M. Hardman. K. R. Bartlettfigured in the transaction.

Morris and Shanks opened up animpliment business, west of CitizensBank. Call and see thtm there or atBen Morris's hardware s.orc.

The ladies of the Chriotaia Ciiurcbwill give an ice-crea- supper at theOpera House, Friday night. Pleantvof ice cream and cakt will be served.

If anyone has an idea that J. J.

uim Ui:i the c uiiir. that knew himonce, knows him no more forever.If this should be so, our two citycontemporaries should get up an ibdignution meeting and protest Theybhould see that Cbamberlin lie givena chance to "provide for bis family"and have a good time generally.And after things are "righted" theyc.uid ''slop oyer" as was the casenext day after the murder "trial."

Rounscvelle Wildman, who furn-ishes to the May Wide Awake a de-

lightful sketch of life on an island inthe China Sea, was for some yearsU. S. Consul at Singapore, andbrought away mental add actualphotographs ef life in the Indies.

H inipli.ey Bros. & Mount's mar-b'- e

works in this city, presents ascene of activity from morning nntilnight, in getting out the large amonutot orders receiveu. No otLer estab-lishment of the kind lias a better re-

putation for first-clas- s work.

Rand, McNally & Co., 166 AdamsSt. Chicago, III., desire a local mana-ger to take the management of thesale of their new Universal Atlas.Anyone desiring a pleasant and prof-itable position would do well to writethem.

An exchange has arrived at theconclusion that "the longer we run anewspaper and write about peopleand events, the more we realize howutterly impossible it is to scratchevery man on the spot where he itch-

es the most.

Preaching at the South MethodLtChurch. Sunday morning next, by llev..S. K. liotsfonl. of Goiin. Mr. Botsford ia the "boy preacher" pt this partof lue slat Conic out uud hear bimSunday. . .

The contract for the building ofC. 1. Baxter's new residence in theSinoot addition was let, Saturday, toGeo. Tricket. The houe wil containfive rooms, pantry and two verandas.

Frank Monroe shot and killed a largepelican last Friday, that measuredeight feet from tip to tip of wings.It will be stuffed, mounted and placedon exibition

The Centerville, Iowa, band wentto Keokuk, Monday, to furnish musicfor the soldiers encampment Prof.J. A. Gordon, of this city accompained them.


Well, as is often the case, mostpeople thought spring was here be-

fore it realy was, and as a result wasdisagreeably surprised by the latecold wave.

Some preparations for corn plantingin this part, but not much planted.

Has not the late cold spell beenpretty hard on the fruit?

Bad weather spoiled a gathering atS. J. Francis last week.

School at Liberty is getting alongvery well.

Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. Ungerwere therecipients of a new girl a few daysago. As a result, William steps high.

John B.trker and Robert Johnstonhad a raising and erected their sum-mer residence, last week.

Every defunct sub union in thecounty should reorganize and senddelegates to the Couutr Union, Mayloth. Inethein wake up! aud helpmake intelligent citizens of theAmerican people.

Liberty Union met Saturday nightApril 22ud, aud meets again in regularsession May 6, 7.30 p. m., importantbusiness aud every member should bepresent and take part

More Anon.

Lawn Ridpe.

Eeitor Union: I thought 1 wouldpen you the news from Lawn Ridgeand vicinity.

Considerable sickness here. Wm.Uaney, who ha-"- , been sick for sometime, is not improving as fast as histuauj friends would like to see. Mrs.C. T. Adams, two sons, Job 113-

- audFreddie, and Burt Bard have beenonite sick for a few das. the little

J fulks are still whoopiug.

,.ousin MjlW Ellu McEldowney. visitedW. P. Miller, near Upton, Sunday,

Mrs. Kmma Stevens has returnedr,''n Colorado.

Look out for a wedding soon atthe Knlge.

Why don't we people of Lawn"idge finish repairing

.the church,

I i. L3 1 l sia,m oiay scnooirBest wishes to the Union.

List of unclaimed letters remain-ing in the postofflce at Memphis.April 25th, 1893. Chas. Armstrong.Mrs. Minnie Green, Mr. W. D. Linton,Katie Mason, Willard Oliver, PerryOliver, G. W. Scott.

F. M. Cowell. P. M.

free. BotUa Dr. XUs' KarrbM atDranista,


WR-- DS F I .

(The above words when properlyfilled iu compose the name of thegreat event of the year.)

Every person who properly fills

them in and returns this card to uswith an order for 1 50 of our 5 centcigars (S $35.00 per 1,000, (makingsmall C. (. D. bill of $5.25),ill re-

ceive a beautiful and reliable goldfilled watch free (aocompnnicd by 20

year guarantee) full jewelled, stemwind and stem set.

The object of this extraordinarytiflferjs ofjeourse to 6ave the heavyexpeuse of of traveling salesmen, andto introduce the goods at once. Ailgoods shipped C. O. I. ami full ex-amination allowed before ou payone ee-n-t

American Cigar Co., Winston, N. C.

BROWN'S IRON BITTERScures Dyspepsia, In-digestion & Debility.

Memphis Stock Market

Dressed Beef, per hundred.. .t3.00O3.SSCows and mixed " . " .. . l.SS1.;5Hors. ' .. . 7.5017

If you feel weakand all worn out takeSHORTS ISOa BITTERS

D. C. Riley,Pleasant i Retreat, i Mo.,

"Exclusive Salesman In Scotland Co. for

Dr. C. I. Shop's Family


Don't fall to write for free Kara rlea of hisHeadache Tablets, which guarantee a cure intwenty minutes.

If You Waal Monnatioif Afcoat

Address a lcttvr;or postal card to

The Press Glaiks GompanyJohn Wcdderhoni, Managing-Attorney- ,

P O. Box 403. WASHINGTON, II. C.


Soldiers, "Widows,Children, Parents.

Also, for Soldiers and Sailors ninllrd in theline of duty hi the Kesrtilur Army or Nnvysince the war. Survivor of the Inilian v.arof IKC! to 142. and their widows, now entitled.Old and rejcctedtclajms a specialty. Thousands entitled to Burner rates, nena tor newlaws. No charge Tor advice. Ko fee untilueceasfaL

WORK FOR USfew days, aad voa will he startled at the ancc-parte- d

sacceaa that will reward vour etVarta. Wepositively have the beat baiaeas to o3er an aeeetthat raa be foaad on the face of this earth.SMS.M nrnBt SIS OO worth of bwsinees isbeing eavily and honorablv made by and paid tehandrsds ot men, women, boys, aad Rirls in ouremploy Ton can maae money raster a wora rorastbaa nave any luea or. inv mum mm

to lean, aad Imtnicttons so shunts ana plain.that all soeceed from the start. Those who takebold of the basiness reap the miivaotare thatarises from the soand reputatioa of one wf fheiMest, SBSSt saeesssfal, and larrret pebUahras;boases ia America. Secure for youreetf the profitsthat thebesians so readily and handsomely yields.All beginners succeed grandly, aad more thanrealise their greatest eapacratfons. Those whotry it lad exactlv a we tell them. There is plentyof room for a few more workers, and we urgsthem to becis at once, ir yoa are aireaaT einlnvad. bat have a few snare momenta, aad wlto aae them to advantage, thea write as at oaee(for this Is yeur grand opportunity), and receivefall particular by retara mail. Addres.

TKUn A CO Bos Km. AOt, AsfaiU,

Ripans Talmles banish pain.Dr. IKIes' Xew Heart Care at firm-.- f.

officers of Kansas', and inyites alliancepeople of ail other states to stop withhis associatioil while in Chicago,Headquarters on and after May 1stwill be at 6825 May Ktreet, Chics-go- ,

Illinois. It is about three miles westof Jackson Park and has direet com-munication with the Exposition.The association is not exclusive andinvites all who desire cheap boardand lodging to take advantage of thelow prices il offers. For further in-

formation, address the secretary, J.P. Stevens, at Topeka , Kansas, untilMay 1st. and after that date at headquarters in Chicago."

Arbela News.

Wednesday of last; week, FrankHatfield arrived from III inois withtwo car load of stock and implements.He had recently purchased' a farm.

Mr. Hatfield, father of frank pur-chased John RowenV farm one biylast week, the consideration being $4,-10-

Possession will be given atonce.

The snow storm of last Thursdaywas very severe on sttK-k- , sarly liniland corn planted.

Win Rendles and wife, of Ft. Mad"ison, Iowa, arc viiting-'he- r father a:nlsister, II. Campbell and Mrs. SuePower, of this city.

Mr?. Eva Cravens has 'establishedoue of the finest millinery stores inArbela to "oe found anywhere.

Mrs. Ben Hou'z and two daughters,of Seattle, Wash., were visiting hrhusband's relatives ' here last week;They went to Ft. Madison and willsoon leave for home.

Wood Kite's father and family, ofTennessee, has come to this couutyto reside.

Mr. Forbes, of Kahoka, was on ourstreets last Saturday.

Robert Russell and family movedto Ft Madison last Monday.

Farmers are on a standstill on ac-

count of too much rain, but such islife. 240.

Fine Books, Fabulously Cheap.

Many of the choicest books of theworld are now being issued in stylesand prices to delight book lovers withlimited purses. John B. Alden.publisher, 57 Rose St., New York,who was the pioneer, and is still theleader in the Revolution,"send ns a copy ol Bayard Taylor sfamous and delightful "Views Afoot,or Europe Seen with Knapsack andStall," as a sample of his half morocgilt top style, in which he publishessome of the world's most famousbooks at prices ranging from 30 centsto CO cents each, the same books beingissued also in neat cloth binding atprices ranging from 15 cents up.These books are always in large type,printed on fine paper, the cloth bind-ing being of excellent quality, andthe half morroco, gilt top style fit 10adorn any library. A 32 pagedescriptive pamphlet may be badfree, or a 128 page catalogue, a vcrti-bl- e

feast for liook lovers, may be hadfor a two cent stamp. Address JohnB. AWen, Publisher, 27 Rt.se St NewYork,

There will be an . adjourn sessionof the county Unin in Memphison the 13th of May it 10 a. m. Mat-

ters of great financial interest to thecitizens of the county will be actedupon. All members who want to bebenefitted right now, from one totwenty dollars, are requested to bepresent and take part in the workAll persons who have ever been mem-Ijer- s

are invited to come, don't stayat home because it !s a busy timebut come out and attend to yourinterest J. L. Texxant Soc'y.,


When you want a carriage, buggy,spring wagon or farm wogon, it wilipay you to see the immense stock ofmy own manufacture. 1 am nowenabled to compete in price and cangive you a better vehicle for lessmonej- - than can be purchased elaewhere, and you have the advantage ofa firstclass warrant.


A dispatch to the St. Louis Repub-lic says the Baltimore and Ohio rail-road is seriously considering the feas-ibility of building a new line of roadfrom Sioux City, Iowa, to St. Louis."One point is yet in doubt" the dis-patch says, "and that :s, whether itwill connect with the Q O. & Iv. C.at Kirksville or with the Keokuk andWestern north of that place." Thisis a matter of general interest to Lan-caster and all other towns along theK. A W. road. Lancaster Republi-can.

Choice short horn cattle, PolandChina hogs, and Patridge Cochencbickers for sale at Lone Oak StockFarm, Eggs, 50 cents per setting.Farm four miles south of Memphis.

C. MV Moons.

First quality of Millet Seed for sale,which can tie secured by calling at J.J. Townsend'a wagon shop, Mempb'sor at my farm south west of Mem-phis. A. C. Cowell.

For Pond Hydrant Valves andMole trap, address M. McG art,

Memphis, Mo.

pose all know, that we carry the Greatest Va-riety and the most Complete Stock in our lineof any house in this and adjoining counties.


The wide world over without finding asComplete a line of goods as that shown atJOHN H. MULCH & CO S.

Every article is new in design, handsomein finish and sure to please you.

Come in friends and see us. We havesomething startling to show you in

Children's Carriages and Refrigirators,

and can assure you that the prices are allright.

Yes, right to the front of all competition.We place our Elegant New Spring Stock ofFurniture of all kinds, Carpet, Curtains, OilCloth, Mattings and Bugs. Come and learnthat it pays to trade with

JOHN H. MULCH & CO.,The Leaders in Undertakers Goods, on the

West Side.



BEJLL ESTATEBought and Sold or Exchanged on Commission. Rents Collected arH Taxes

Paid or Abstracts Procured.

Money Loaned on Real Estate Security,1- -3 to 1- -2 value, from 1 te 5 years time, at lowest current rates of interet

aud most Liberal terms. Loans payable iu entailments"before due. if desired.jj

County, Township, City aud School Bonds bought and sold on Commission

The Rote and not the

Exception with 11$.

Dawson,Memphis, Mo.

Northwest Missouri. fcyAll wtuiaea

Dealer in all kinds of

best material in the market.

Side Public Squre, tepii, Itssxri

HEARTniCACC ! n't farm, PatpltMUa,UlOCMcC Tain Id fide. Mionldcr andArm, Hhort Breath, Opprciln. Anlbnia,rvul!eii Ankles. Ucnk anil --rauiberin

t il's lropr. Wind la Stomach, etc., ore .eure-it- DR. MILES' NSW HEART CURE.A now rfivovcry l.y the eminent Indiana Sp?rl.U.ht. A. K. Uavla, silver Creek. Neb., after takingfour botilee f II K1HT CI" It K t belter i

il he lino for twelve years. t or thirty yearsub!1 with limit I)ivfisi: two bottles of

PR. MILES HEART CURE rural n.e.-- ltl,can, rlucbnnau, M.ch.' K. H. svitson. Waii

niatinn. oa., naa taken DR. MILES' HEARTCURE tor Heart t.oiiWev. iih (treat results. Mrs. '

M Bar. Kitrhbnr. llicb.. was III tar t vef itteHeart Drwase. had to hire house help, liver onliquid food : tiiied Dr. M ties' Heart Cure and !

il pains left Iter : ecu-to- ut use cured tier.I bsvsfor Uteri years been snlTerlne with '

tli Heart, and never fuund n remedyibal cava ma relief, unlit I tried It. ildrs' Ariojirart Van: It orlted wonderfully and gave matnatant relief and bein. I rn cheerfully rema-men- d

th: mcdlcme to ail woo suffer auy kind OfJaaaxt D!.at. IL ntSEAXD, Greenville, Tcsaa,

The eflbet of ronr .Vrte Hrnrt Oiee la wonderful.MUH. EVA LUKabKH, McOregor, lows, i

Sold a peeltlv sjamrnatee.wiaeTOMtrated bock-- FTtEKat TniKKlta or address

. MILK9' M&DICAl CO., Klkhart. ImS.


Citizen's Bank,Wnn Side or Pcblic Square,

Piid in Capital, $50,000.

Surplus, $16,000.

Orrici IIovrs from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

J. R. PAKRIBH. President.C. B. COMBS, t.

N. V. LESLIE. Cashier.MILO COWAN, Assistant Cashier.In rectors: J. E. Parish. N. V. Leslie, J. J.

Townsend, V. 3. MEIlcr, C. R. Combs, CharlesFalter. T. H. Warier. A. It. Pitkin. JosephIIat lick. R. M. Thomson, J. D. Sktdrnore. MiloCoweo and O. K. Leslie.

W. ej. Black's


We will do aaytlisaf la our line on shortmMn,

Ths Celebrated FrsnoSi Cure,


POSITIVEGUARANTEEto en re aa? form ofucrvona dim o orany disorder .( theaeners'ivw oifnnnwhether ariclnrfMnf O? n rv. an

BLFOflE tunc! Stimulants. AFTEATobaxHjoorOplBm.ortlirouph yoa'.hf-i- l iv.d!scrr-3k-

orer indulgence. Ae..such as Um of P. r.J'ower, Wakelntnecs, Benrln? down l'ain lrt the

Seminal Wtaknesa, Hyttor:a, Nervoas i'ros-- lrtkD. Nocturrial Kmlsslons ,

i iia-s-, weak Mernorv, ixf or ower a c mpo--1'

ary, Wblcb 11 reflected often lesd torreTnetureI ana mammy, mw a ixx, iua'A. Sent hr mstT an --tcvl. t of rjrice.

4 WRlTfEri UAHANTES is alron for everrf 'O order received, to refund the moitev if a

f naaaral enre la not elfertei. we hnve tliou-t-.nd- a

of teatlmoBiala from ell and yruur. ofliota saxes, who ha been nrdtrjr the uaeof AphroJ ltine. ffrenlarf-e- e Ad .raas

TBI APHRO MEIIf ' K CO..WeaHiu nrancb. llu 27, Pobti.m;, Ob.

For Sale by Bkoww & Dawson.

Henry Courtney,

Watchmaker Jewelry,

uth of 8. K. Corner Square,MiMrai. Mo.

Watches and clocks repaired on short bo-l- u.

AH kinds of Jewelry neat ly mi nded andwerkwarraated. A full stock of

WalCuts, Clocks at! Jevclrj

rnataatl on hand at reasonable prices. Aiberal sbaro of the public putronae Is so--aiaaf. Ulre Mm a eau oeiore u vinjf.

Sotice of Final Settlement

VMbWIi tieee.br Hren. that the undcrslim- -

ed adminietrator of the estate of Jonathan I

UisseU. deceasad. will make flnal nettletnent ;

f Ma saoeounta with said estate as such ad--,rsiniatrator, at the next term of the ProbateCourt of Scotland county. Missouri, to beb- - tlden In said county on the 5th dav of June,a- if tasa.

A. W. MOUNT. Administrator.- "I

r-- 'Tat Drape. Hues' Slew Heart Care.


If you want a cheap farm, go to .

R. Bartlett's.If vou want a nice city residence,

go to Bartlett's.If you want a cheap farm loan, go

to Bartlett s.If you want reliable insurance, go

to Bartlett's.If you want c) clone insurance at $1

per $100 for five years, go to BartlettIf ou want six percent interest, go

to Bartlett s.If you want to borrow or loan mon-

ey, go to Bartlett's.. ,

If you want to buy or sell lands,loans or merchandise, go to Bartlett's.

Bartlett's twenty years experiencein his varied fin of business, with acontested claim, shows' that he is ableand willing to do thoroughly, prompt-1-- ,

all that he advertises to do, anddoss not resort to any catch pennytricks to get business.

Lumber! Lumber!

For the spring trade. I have on hand75,000 feet inch, of which 50.000 mustbe sold, as I have no place to stack it;therefore, I will sell at cost Thosewishing to build, will make money byseeing me. I cau and will save you50 percent. Time given to responsi-ble parties. Come quick. Profit isnot what I want it is sales. Am do-

ing business for my health. Are yougoing my way. Lumber delivered ifdesired..

llonT. E. Daoos, Azen, Mo.


To loan money on realestate securi-ties for five or seven years in amountsto soit the borrow.

.Loans closed and money paid onthe .same day that notes and mortgageis sjgncd. No' delay.

-- Best ahd most liberal option to theborrower ever ; offered. Alao thelowent rate of interest.

Call and svi rue. A. H. Pitkin.

A Wonderful Discovery.

Dr. Cbecini's Electric Spavin Curepositively c;ires bone spavin, ringbonesplict or ouib in '48 hours withoutpain. $.()0 reward for failure orslightest injury. The grealeKtritinderof the ninteeeth .century., astonishingas it does Tbe cnlirie veterinaryworld. Circulars and testimonialsfree. Addres Dr. Guy Chccini, 378Canal St. New York.

A Marvelous Discovery Free.

Superfluous hair removed perman-ently, instantaneously without pain,by Electro Chemicl Fluid. In orderto prove superiority, we will for thenext 90 days send sample b ttle andtestimonial's free on receipt of ninteencents to pay tmstage. Address,Electro-Chemica- l Co., 25 East 14thstreet, New York.

For those desiring to attend theWorls Fair, and who have not yet secured accommodations in Chicago,I wish to say I am cow prepared topectire suck accommodations with theWorlds Fair Tourest Club or WorldsFair Hotel and Boarding BureauThis Bureau is regular Chartered andcomes highly recommended and endorsed by all the leading railway linesrunning into Chicago. It is the onlyBureau having regular authorizeduniformed agents on trains as theyapproach Chicago to act as guide andConduct Tourists to pbaces whichhave been assigned them mhohold contract with this Bureau. Forall information, rates etc. Apply to,

C- - A. Pkwet, Agt.,

Townsend is going to q iit iuuufac--j Mrs. Wiluioth and daugherts,turing carriages and wagon-i- , a visit Muud and liattie, seut Sunday atto hi- - establishment would at once j

'urry Dean's.

put to flight such a notion. There; Frank Fowler, wife and daughter,!aiu' cousin M:s Minnie Long, sientwill End vehicle. des- -otcvei3they SlJ(lav at j Q . AdiW- -

criplion in all stages of budding and ,

A(am wif

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many to completion. A isit to insextensive ios would be a treat toevery uodj", whether thi-- want to'buy or not.

aiC'ra J. Gould, the lecturer, appear-- 1

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liefore a good sized audience. Mr.

I... th- - ahditr t. i.lur anaudience ami at the same tune toldsome cold facts that might beuetitalmost anybody.

Crawford Capen, who has a paperon Sumps and stamp collect ing wthe May Wide Awake, is a practicalNew York philatelist of many yearsexperience and has much interestinginformation about postage stamps.

Does the largest business of any inpromptly aitentiea to. commissions reasoname ana


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