CSIT 534 Presentation Cherri_edmond

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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CSIT 534 presentation: The Rise of Cloud Computing and Data StorageCherri Chiang

Edmond Low

Cherri Edmond Confidential

Overview Objective Overview of Cloud Computing

What and Why Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing Anatomy

SaaS, PaaS, IaaS Factors enabling Cloud Computing Overview of Data Storage Industry

US/ Global demand of data storage Global Data Storage Market Current Outlook Data Storage Future on Cloud Computing growth The Data Storage players in Cloud Computing


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Create awareness of Cloud Computing

Impact of Cloud Computing and the opportunity offered to Data Storage Industry.

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What is Cloud Computing?Multiple Choice: Cloud Computing is…

A. Cloud computing is using the existing power of internet to host software applications and store information at any situation in which computing is done in a remote location (out in the clouds), rather than on your desktop or portable device using the Internet connection.

B. A way to access applications hosted on the web through your web browser (Software as a Service -- SaaS)

C. A pay-as-you-go model for IT resources accessed over the Internet (Platform as a Service – PaaS)

D. Use of commodity computers, distributed throughout an internet, to perform parallel processing, distributed storage, indexing and mining of data

E. An IT buzzword that assures potential clients that your product is on the cutting edge of technology

F. All of the above

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Why Cloud Computing? Cost Saving Solution

Reduce hardware/software requirements Reduce the need for a multi million dollar IT infrastructure in order to compete

in the marketplace.

Move workloads to improve efficiency Get the same security and reliability as competing enterprises without a

multimillion dollar IT budget Offers more cutting edge applications than the enterprise.

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Cloud Computing Anatomy

Cherri Confidential

Cloud Computing Structure include:

IaaSInfrastructure as a Service

PaaSPlatform as a Service

SaaSSoftware as a Service

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Factors enabling Cloud Computing Increased Parallelism

Moore’s Law – 2x processors per chip generation Parallel software industries emerging to address challenges Redundant networks and storage increasing performance

Increased Virtualization Processing, Storage, Bandwidth, Delivery

Commodity Components Servers, consumer hard drives, ethernet Open Source SW –Ease to customize

Increased Outsourcing of Core Elements “By 2012, 80 percent of Fortune 1000 companies will pay for

some cloud computing service, and 30 percent of them will pay for cloud computing infrastructure.” Gartner

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Data Storage - Mechanism of Cloud Computing

Edmond Confidential

Overview of Data Storage Industry

Edmond Confidential

US/ Global Demand of Data Storage An article report by the University of California, San Diego stated

that: American diet: 34 Gigabytes of data per day In 2008, American consumed 3.6 zettabytes of data overall.

According to an International Data Corporation 2008 report: Total Computer data generated/ stored worldwide forecasted

>1,800 exabytes by 2011 (18 x 10^20 bytes)

This gives rise to new cloud-based computing and storage models.Page 11 Edmond Confidential

What is Zettabytes? Exabytes?

Zettabytes = one billion trillion bytes: 1 with 21 zeros at the end or 1 billion gigabytes — is roughly equivalent to the capacity of 5.1 million computer hard drives, or all the hard drives in Minnesota.

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Cloud Computing = Doubled Growth of Data Storage

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Global Data Storage Market Current Outlook

Highest Single platter/ disc – 320GigaBytes capacity

Highest hard drive capacity – 2 Terabytes.

Booming of SSD (flash) industry as it offers better performance and faster.

Highest SSD capacity – 512 Gigabytes.

High growth in Mobile laptops. Low end include flash memory (SSD) – netbook High end in favor of Hard drives – notebook

Increased consumer personal content of photo/ music/ video data storing – cloud computing application – Facebook

Of course, increased consumer of cloud computing provide the big boost of data storage demand.

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Future of Data Storage to accommodate Cloud Computing growth All major hard drive makers to develop similar technologies Capacity leadership - key to Cloud Computing stream. Performance and reliability - key issue Fastest drives will have advantage. Flash will be the leading choice in portable applications – Google

Chrome OS net book.

Declining prices cause flash to replace HDD in portable applications.

HDDs will prevail - Cloud Computing servers (large storage files)

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The Data Storage players IT hardware vendors are not offering cloud storage products – yet;

- experimented with cloud-based concepts.

However, several vendors positioning themselves to supply cloud computing hardware to businesses or to sell cloud computing and storage services to both business and end-users. - transform into a 21st century IT utility.

- announced its Hulk and Maiu clustered NAS hardware/ software. – acquired Polyserve technology.

- largest IT infrastructure on the planet. - seed universities with small cloud computing facilities

- launched the world's largest NAS cluster with 100 nodes- 2.3PBytes. - active in cloud computing enterprise market development.

- to become a major force in supplying storage-based online services to businesses and is another prospective cloud computing services supplier.

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Cloud Computing = Data Storage

Take opportunity = Investment

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Edmond Confidential