CSS from the future

Post on 19-Mar-2017

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One step in the future:CSS Variables

version ✌�

Giacomo ZinettiGiko

Action plan


Theory �


--your-property: value;

How to define a property

:root {

--button-color: blue;

--align: left;


header {

--header-height: 300px;



var(--your-property, default-value)

How to use a variable

button {

background-color: var(--button-color);


a {

color: var(--link-color, black);


Quiz time: Inherited or


Quiz time: Inherited or


VS Preprocessors �


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>



Inheritance:root { --link: red }

footer { --link: blue }

a { color: var(--link) }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>



$link: red

footer { $link: blue }

a { color: $link }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>



Inheritance compiled:root { --link: red }

footer { --link: blue }

a { color: var(--link) }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>



$link: red

footer { $link: blue }

a { color: $link red }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>



Inheritance:root { --link: red }

footer { --link: blue }

a { color: var(--link) }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>



$link: red

footer { $link: blue }

a { color: $link }

Preprocessors: N


:root {

--gutter: 10px;


@media (min-width: 768px) {

:root {

--gutter: 15px;



article {

padding: var(--gutter);


Media queries

$gutter: 10px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {

$gutter: 15px;


article {

padding: $gutter;


:root {

--gutter: 10px;


@media (min-width: 768px) {

:root {

--gutter: 15px;



article {

padding: var(--gutter);


Media queries compiled

$gutter: 10px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {

$gutter: 15px;


article {

padding: $gutter 10px;


:root {

--gutter: 10px;


@media (min-width: 768px) {

:root {

--gutter: 15px;



article {

padding: var(--gutter);


Media queries

$gutter: 10px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {

$gutter: 15px;


article {

padding: $gutter;

}Preprocessors: N


:root {

--gutter: 10px;


@media (min-width: 768px) {

:root {

--gutter: 15px;



article {

padding: var(--gutter);


Preprocessors solution

$gutter: 10px;

$gutter-large: 15px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {

article {

padding: $gutter-large;



article {

padding: $gutter;


But… :root {

--gutter: 10px;


@media (min-width: 768px) {

:root {

--gutter: 15px;



article.class {

padding: var(--gutter);


$gutter: 10px;

$gutter-large: 15px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {

article {

padding: $gutter-large;



article.class {

padding: $gutter;


But… they can be friends

Example ��


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




Base rule

a { background: var(--link, red) }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




Override variables, not propertiessection { --link: green }

a { background: var(--link, red) }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




Make Cascade Love, not Specificity Warsection { --link: green }

footer { --link: blue }

a { background: var(--link, red) }

Old school... section { --link: green }

footer { --link: blue }

a { background: var(--link, red) }

footer section a { background: green }

footer a { background: blue }

a { background: red }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




Old school... section { --link: green }

footer { --link: blue }

a { background: var(--link, red) }


footer section a { background: green }

footer a { background: blue }

a { background: red }


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




The end of specific

ity war!



element.style.setProperty('--color', 'red');


Support �


49+ 31+ 15? 36+ 9.1+

Jan 2017: 68.34%

Fallback property

@supports (--foo: green) {

body {

color: var(--my-color);



Feature query

color: red;

color: var(--my-color, red);

Good news �


<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




We already use CSS variablesbody { font-size: 18px }

footer { font-size: 16px }

section { font-size: 14px }

a {

border-width: 0.2em;

padding-right: 2em;



<a>Link 1</a>


<a>Link 2</a>


<a>Link 3</a>




The superhero: currentColorbody { color: red }

footer { color: blue }

section { color: green }

a {

border-color: currentColor;


Use case:

Theming �

.theme(@bg: gray, @col: red, @var: blue) {

.box { background: @bg }

.button { color: @col }

.box .button { color: @var }



.dark {

.theme(black, orange, lightgreen);


Theming with LESS

.box { background: gray }

.button { color: red }

.box .button { color: blue }

.dark .box { background: black }

.dark .button { color: orange }

.dark .box .button { color: lightgreen }

Theming with CSS

.box {

--col: var(--alt, blue);

background: var(--bg, lightgray);


.button {

color: var(--col, red);


.dark {

--bg: black;

--col: orange;

--alt: lightgreen;


Theming with CSS Variables

Questions? �

Grazie! �@giacomozinetti