CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008

Post on 30-May-2018

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  • 8/14/2019 CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008


    WINTER 2008

    Reaching our

    province . . .

    for Christ!


    CSSM Ministries

    Manitoba Branch

    200 -189 Henderson Hwy.

    Phone: (204) 668 - CSSM (2776)

    Fax: (204) 667-1496

    E-mail: mb@cssm.ca

    Web: www.cssm.ca/mb

    National Ofce -Winnipeg, MB

    A Pause

    That RefreshesMANITOBAMISSIONARY ts good now and then to pause from whatyou are doing and take a look around! Fartoo often we nd ourselves so busy with

    life that we have the life we are supposedto be living pass us by! My wife and Ihad just returned from a very refreshingholiday this past October when we wereabruptly awakened in the middle of thenight by Fire Dept. personnel telling us toget out of our house. Our garden shed was

    on fire and because our RV trailer wassitting next to it, both were burnt up. Sincethat night we havepaused to, not onlythank the Lord! forsparing our homeand any harm to lifeand limb but alsoreflect on what isreally important inthis life.

    This past couple ofyears our Mission,as a national entity,has paused to lookback over the historyand growth of theministry realizing changes were needed ifwere to continue to minister efciently andeffectively in and to our Canadian culture.Continuing to build off the foundationalWord of God as Truth, much was seen asnecessary to be done if the Mission was tosurvive as a viable agent of spiritual changein the future of our nation. This past Novem-ber at our once-every-ve-years Personnel

    Conference our newly appointed NationalDirector, Rob Pollett, took the results of thetime spent during these last two years ofconsultations to outline some of CSSMsaspirations and goals for the upcomingyears. Pray that as we adjust the course ofour Missions ship to better reach out tothe Lost and build up the Church as itpresently exists in Canada, our effortswill be guided and blessed by God Himself!Pausing to correct our mistakes along theway can also be very refreshing! I was so

    pleased that we had put together our last

    Manitoba Missionary letter newsletterissued in September by only having to usethe standard four pages (no insert pages),but Turtle Mountain Bible Camps summerwrap-up article was left out. My humbleapology! Please note this late-but-not-forgotten article presented in this issue.Another pause was taken at the end ofour scal year (Sept. 30th) when the Lordreminded us again of His promises to

    supply all our needs. We were headed fora sizable end-of-the-scal-year debt when

    a bequest came infrom an estate of anindividual who hadcome to the Lordthrough the ministryof CSSM years andyears before. Wepaused to thank theLord for a life livedin service to his Kingand, to the Lord, forHis always-on-timeWay of taking careof our needs!

    With Christmas nowupon us we certainly need to pause and berefreshed in and through the celebrationsof this special time of the year! Might wesense the importance of sharing this re-freshing news with all those the Lordwould bring our way this season andduring the New Year ahead!

    For unto us a Child is born,

    unto us a Son is given;and the governmentwill be upon His shoulder,and His name will be calledWonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 9 v 6,7

    Keep Encouraged!Dean Davidson

  • 8/14/2019 CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008


    Introducing The ReimersGreetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    My wife, Rose, and I embarked on a newadventure this year. We became Bible campdirectors! Wow!! God does move in myste-rious ways!

    Rose and I grew up, and currently live, inGrunthal. We have three daughters: Dez 16,Kim 13, and Lizzie 7.

    We both accepted Christ as our Savior at ayoung age but life doesnt stay easy! I re-dedicated my life to the Lord as a teenagerand have been trying to serve Him as best that I can ever since. Ihave been involved in the local church as Sunday School teacher,congregational chairman, and lead elder. In 2000 we sold our autobody repair shop sensing that God was leading us to something else.It wasnt until this year that we heeded His call and became campdirectors. Looking back now it is easy to see that all of lifes experiences are not by accident but are all a part of Gods plan.

    It has been a great summer at Roseau River Bible Camp with lotsstill to be learned! But God is always faithful and we are lookingforward to what God has in store for us.

    Please pray for us; as the family continues to adjust to this newministry; for Rose as she seeks to nd an appropriate part time job;and, for myself as I still have much to learn.

    Rod and Rose Reimer(Rod became Director of Roseau River Bible Camp this past March.)

    Introducing Ela Klaue:Follow-Up & Day Camp Coordinato(Ela joined us part-time, year-round January, 2007)

    m so thankful for the Lords guiding hand upon my life. In 200packed up my things and moved to Winnipeg from BC. upmarrying an amazing God-loving and God-fearing man, Dan

    Klaue! After three years of marriage I accomplished my dreamgraduating from university with a BA in Sociology. During my studI was introduced to CSSM Ministries through a friend from cla

    Leanne Friesen-Harder, and through my neighbour, Freida JohnsThrough them I had an opportunity to see and be part of the VBS/DCamp ministry and the CSSMs yearly banquets. However, it did nbecome obvious that my future would lie with this organization unone month after I graduated in 2006.

    I remember so clearly how I felt ready and open to whatever God hin mind for my life when I made that call to Dean Davidson, BranDirector, at the exact that time the CSSM Ministries - MB Branch wurgently praying for help with the VBS/Day Camps ministry. Oprayers were answered and that summer I joined the Mission. Afthat busy summer was over I had become convinced that this wwhere I wanted to be and, with prayer, where God would want also. So I insisted on sticking around the Branch Ofce. I asked togiven any work that needed to be done, even if it meant for it tovolunteer work. Thats how much I appreciated CSSMs people avision to reach the unreached. There was plenty of work to be doand I was given the Day Campers follow-up. I had many letters to seout that fall and much to learn. Thank God I happen to know my deneighbour, Freida, and I was able to call on her for all kinds of worelated questions; since, in essence, she had a similar role at an earltime. By January, 2007, I was officially hired as a Day CampsFollow-Up Coordinator.

    As Christians, we are many parts in one body, building Gods KingdoIm so thankful that the Mission trusted the Lords Guiding Hand agave me a chance to discover my unique God-given gifts and the tito learn how to put those gifts towards eternal efforts. Today, I trualong with the Mission and the bigger body of Christ, that Godworking in us all according to His purpose.

    Romans 8:28 And we know that in all thingsGod works for the good of those who love Him,who have been called according to his purpose.

    As a missionary for the next generation I prayand ask, if God puts on your heart to supportthe Day Camps and Follow-Up ministry ormyself nancially or prayerfully then let meknow. Lets see together what else our Fatherin Heaven has planned for us! Thanks, Ela!


    30 SEPTEMBER 2007Our scal year ending September 30th , 2007 received an encouragingboost through a bequest that came in shortly thereafter resulting in theanticipated decit becoming a positive. We are so grateful for thoseindividuals who look ahead and become blessings in their death asthey were also when they lived! PRAISE THE LORD for our faithfulsupporters and their involvement in a work that touches the lives ofso many children, adults and communities in our province!

    Actual(Audit not complete) Same period last year

    Income $222,189.53 $231,008.00

    Expenditures $239,216.10 $230,845.77

    -$17,027.47 + $17,027.47

    Total $0.00 $162.23

    Joining with you incelebrating our Lord& Saviors Birth arethose CSSM MinistriesMB missionaries andProvincial Councilmembers and theirwives! Picture takenat the annual Provin-cial Council ChristmasSupper.

    Gods VERY BEST to youand yours this ChristmasSeason and throughoutthe New Year ahead!!

    This type of ministry continues touching Manitoba children afamilies for Jesus Christ. Perhaps being at another end to the taxatyear you will consider an extra gift that will help change lives in 20

    Through planned giving there are many ways to support CSSMMinistries Manitoba Outright gifts (cash, real estate, etc.) Regular donations (check out our Pre-authorized Monthly

    Donation program) Bequests giving to CSSM in your will. Life Insurance policy (with CSSM as beneciary) Charitable Trusts


    ATTENTION: If wanting your gift to go to a specic camp, please mit clearly on your cheque or donation insert so we can pass it on to tcamp indicated. Otherwise, donations received go for the operati

    of the Branch Ofce and the services it provides.

  • 8/14/2019 CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008



    January 1 Welcome to the Year 2008!!

    January 10 11 Annual CSSM Ministries - MB Missionary Retreat- Portage la Prairie

    January 1112 Annual Retreat/Advance Provincial Council/CamBoards/Missionaries -Portage la Prairie

    January 14 26 Camp Summer Staff Recruitment Tour to Sask./AltaBible Colleges

    January 30 - Feb. 7 Camp Summer Staff Recruitment Tour to ManitobBible Colleges

    February 1 - 3 Missionfest at Grant Memorial Baptist Church, Wpg

    February 6 7 Semi-annual CSSM Ministries Branch DirectorsMeeting

    February 8 9 Annual General Meeting -CSSM Ministries National.

    February 14 18; Annual CSSM Ministries - MB BranchMarch 7 - 11 Promotional Events (details in this issue).

    (TBA) Parade of Camps at St. Vital Centre

    March 23 - 25 Spring Forum & Annual General Meeting of CCI(Christian Camping Internl) - MB/NW Ont.

    April 28 CCI MB/NW Ont. Spring Camps tour: Moose LakCamp; Roseau River Camp; St. Malo Catholic Camp

    May 18 20 CSSM Ministries - MB Leadership Training & Semi-annual Camp Directors Meeting

    June 2 6 Seniors Camp at Roseau River Bible Camp

    June 16 19 Seniors Camp at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp

    June 26 29 Corporate Summer Missionary Training Days (heldat Valley View Bible Camp)

    June 30 July 1 Individual Camps Summer Missionary Training Day

    July/August Neighborhood Bible Day Camps/VBS & ChildreResidential Camps throughout the Province

    August 24 29 Seniors Camp at Gimli Bible Camp

    CONGRATULATIONS!Jake Friesen, Gimli Bible CampBoard Chairman, presenting thenal loan payment cheque for theDining Hall/Lodge Complex toDean Davidson (Manitoba BranchDirector.)

    ongratulations to the Gimli Bible Camp Board as they have now

    completely paid off the money owing on their Dining Hall/ Lodge Complex! GBC had borrowed money from the CSSMMinistries - MB Capital Loan Fund a number of years ago and had$19,000.00 owing until a gracious gift from an estate came in to allowthem to pay all this amount off. Praise the Lord! for His bountiful careof this ministry and for our many supporters who see the importanceof having their lives count for the Lord in both life and death!

    Involvement Project - You Are Needed!

    Replacement Laptop Computer NeededOlder (IBM 2000) needs to be updated.

    Cost of replacement: $1,400.00

    Mission Car Replacement FundCost of replacement: $15,000.00 (three year projest)

    Amount needed this year: $5,000.00

    Mission Promo Display Replacement NeededCost of replacement: $2,500.00

    Computer Printer NeededCost of replacement: $700.00

    Perhaps you can help make one or more of these projects listereality?! Often items such as these can only happen if the Lorpeople respond to the need. Is there a project listed you can get behand help make happen? We would love to hear from you regardsuch! Your gift would be tremendously helpful and encouragi

    All Things Are PossibleBy Howard & Kathy Weir - Turtle Mountain Bible Camp

    Nothing is as remotely powerful as when Gods people go to the ONEwho rules a hundred billion galaxies to focus His love and power on a ministry, person, situation or need. We are deeply humbled and

    grateful for those who come alongside us through prayer, nancesand active involvement. Your partnership enables the ministry toimpact the lives of staff and campers for His glory!

    We rejoice at the opportunities God has given Turtle Mountain BibleCamp the past 60 years in sharing the truths of the Gospel with preciouscampers. This message has not only changed the eternal destination ofmany campers, but has given their lives hope and meaning. Many werevery receptive to the message and as children have given their heartsto Christ, we can never underestimate how far reaching the effectswill be as they impact their family, friends and world. It is alwaysencouraging to be contacted by individuals who have witnessed achange in the lives of campers and staff when they return home.

    As part of our camp promotion in the spring we showed a DVD entitled,Facing the Giants. It emphasized that: WITH GOD, ALL THINGSARE POSSIBLE. We can truly say we have evidenced the prayersof Gods people and His intervention in ways that are nothing butmiraculous. A few weeks prior to camp starting, we only had about25% of our summer missionaries in place. Once again God has provedHimself faithful in providing an incredible, united, godly and focusedstaff to meet each need. Seven staff came from Ontario and Shirley, adear Hutterite lady (who left the colony in June) provided consistencyin the kitchen all summer. She won everyones heart and was such atestimony in her deep hunger for God and desire to learn and grow inher faith. She was such an encouragement to Kathy who faced newchallenges in preparing menus and food orders this summer. Megan,a blind cabin leader, had such a positive attitude and listening ear.

    Her passion for Christ and the campers and perseverance amidst herchallenge was an incredible testimony to us all.

    God enabled the ministry to side two more cabins, install a safetybarrier on the climbing wall, relocate several buildings, make somewaterfront upgrades and build a new and much needed washroomfacility. Only God could have raised up the needed volunteers andnances to see these projects to completion. We still need volunteersto help us complete the basement of the staff/guest accommodation.We praise God for the safety, wisdom and staff unity He provided.PRAYER is the language of dependency on God! It is through prayerthat every victory, provision and breakthrough comes from Gods throneroom. Our hearts desire is to give HIM the glory as He has doneexceeding, abundantly, above anything we could ask or imagine!

    [Cut out and post as a reminder to pray

    for these events and those involved in them.]

  • 8/14/2019 CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008


    Seniors Music Nightpproximately 250 people packed the Winkler Seniors Centre on F

    October 19th as the musicians and singers from CSSM MinistriSeniors camps presented a program of familiar Gospel music

    all in attendance. Aside from the music by the choir, orchestra avarious other groups, Shirley Waldner shared her journey fromHutterite colony to Turtle Mountain Bible Camp. An offering was takfor CSSM Ministries Manitoba, and approximately $1800 was receiv

    Low German Music Nightriday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17 were eveninof Low German music, comedy and inspiration at Steinbach aWinkler respectively. Attendees enjoyed the music of Ha

    and Anne Neufeld (MacGregor) and Daniel Klaue (Winnipeg). DenGiesbrecht provided comical emceeing and our special guest, year-old Reverend John J. Neufeld shared portions of his lifes journand shared inspirational thoughts from Gods Word. We had 3guests over the two-day event, and nearly $3000 was raised fCSSM Ministries.

    Special thank yous for Reverend Neufeld, Hank and Anne Neufeland Daniel Klaue and Dennis Giesbrecht, as well as Hulls FamBookstores in Steinbach and the Bible Book Shop in Winkler. We are agrateful for the assistance of Lynda Friesen and Abe Kehler in Steinbaand Shirley Waldner and Phyllis Loewen in Winkler.

    The Annual Support Raising TourConcerts? Banquets? This Year, You Get To ChooThis year, our upcoming fundraising event will bedifferent than anything weve tried thus far. Youllwant to read the following carefully. Call us (668-CSSM)if you would like clarication.

    Were excited to announce that the Daae (pronouncedD) Family is returning for most of the events.

    This year, in communities with banquets, we have madeattendance at the banquet entirely separate from theprogram that follows. Banquets will start at 6:30 p.m.Tickets will be $15 each or sponsor a table of 8 for $100.Please note: The ticket purchase deadline is one weekbefore the banquet. No tickets will be available afterthe deadline! The program, will include a mini-concertwith the Daae Family (all locations except Virden) anda Mission report, complete with testimonies, interviewsand comedy. The program is entirely free and opento all. Priority seating will be given to those attend- ing the banquet.

    Please note the dates of the following events anddisplay attached poster.:* 6:30 banquet, followed by 7:30 program, featuringthe Daae Family** 6:30 banquet, followed by 7:30 program, featuringlocal and a camp musical talent*** 6:30 program, free and open to all, featuring theDaae Family, followed by dessert and coffee fellowship**** 7:00 program, free and open to all, featuring theDaae Family, followed by dessert and coffee fellowship

    DID YOU KNOW? Each month (Sept. through May) a group of people join together

    for a time of praying for CSSM ministries in Manitoba andacross Canada.

    Why not join them? Call 668-2776(CSSM) for a prayer guide that isprepared for this important group of supporters! (see Calendar ofEvents so as to know what to pray for in the months ahead!)

    Prayer is upholding Gods work and workers before Him, and, inresponding in Praise and Thanksgiving at seeing Him work.

    Praise the Lord for a well-attended CSSM Ministries NationalPersonnel Conference (held once every ve years) at Pinawa, MBin early November! Much praise was given while celebrating the80th Anniversary of the Mission.

    Praise the Lord for meeting our needs (see Financial Update)regarding the scal year-end that happened the last day of Sept.,and, for all our faithful supporters both prayer warrior and nancial!

    Praise the Lord for timely diagnosis and treatment (surgery) asDean Davidson, Branch Director, had some skin cancer removedthese past couple of months!

    Praise the Lord for the many opportunities we have to serve ourLord in the New Year ahead! Did you know we had 3629 campersinvolved at our residential and day camps this past summer with225 coming to know Jesus as personal Lord and Savior, and,another 102 recommitting their lives to the Lord?

    Altona - Altona EMMC:158 2nd St. NE

    Winnipeg - St. Vital EMC:2005 St. Marys Rd.

    Steinbach - Steinbach CMC479 Hanover, 346-6322

    Gladstone - GladstoneChristian Fellowship Chapel

    Portage la Prairie - HermanPrior Centre: 40 Royal Rd. N

    Rosenort - Rosenort EMC:509 River Rd. S

    Oakbank - Oakbank BaptistChurch: 4655 Springeld Rd.

    Winkler - Winkler SeniorsCentre: 344 6th St.

    Killarney - LakeviewCommunity Church: 523-8960

    Virden - Virden AllianceChurch: 375 Frame St. E

    Fri.,Feb. 15

    Sat.,Feb. 16

    Sun.,Feb. 17

    Mon.,Feb. 18

    Fri.,March 7

    Sat.,March 8

    Sun.,March 9

    Mon.,March 10

    Tues.,March 11

    Wed.,March 12











    no ticketsrequired

    FridayFeb. 8

    SundayFeb. 10

    no ticketsrequired

    FridayFeb. 29

    no ticketsrequired

    no ticketsrequired

    MondayMarch 3

    TuesdayMarch 4

    Wed.March 5

    Altona EMM324-8432


    Hulls Books326-2430

    John Klassen385-2887

    Heritage Boo857-8895

    Rosenort EM746-6479


    Bible BookShop 325-427

    Ron Groenin523-7398


    Date City/Town/Venue Event Ticket Additional

    Deadline Information

    Video of Low German Misic Night available!

  • 8/14/2019 CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008








    When: at p.m.

    Find the complete tour schedule at www.cssm.ca/mb or call 668-CSSM (2776)

  • 8/14/2019 CSSM Ministries MM Newsletter Winter 2008


    For Eternal (and maybe some temporal) Rewards, Turn Yourselves In To:


    200-189 Henderson Hwy. Winnipeg, MB R2L 1L7

    PH: (204) 668-CSSM (2776) FAX: (204) 667-1496 Email: mb@cssm.ca

    Wranglers Nurses

    Pool Director

    Grandma & Grandpafor the campers


    Financial Supporters

    Program Directo

    Qualied life-guard/Instructor

    Prayer Warriors
