Cultivation practices of small gourd

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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(unranked): Angiosperms

(unranked): Eudicots

(unranked): Rosids

Order: Cucurbitales

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Genus: Coccinia

Species: C. grandis

Binomial name

Coccinia grandis


Coccinia grandis, the ivy gourd, also known as baby watermelon, little gourd,gentleman's toes, or sometimes inaccurately identified as gherkin, is a tropical Vine. It is also known as Cephalandra indica and Coccinia indica.

Roots stems leaves are used to cure skin disease bronchitis on diabetes.Fresh juice from leaves is administered for diabetes.The plant reduces the amount of sugar in the urine and improve the general metabolism patient.The parts of the plants (leaves and roots) are used in the treatment of diabetes even when insulin has failed.Immature green fruits bitter due to the present cucurbitacin B reduces during ripening. Plant is dioecious.Fruit is pepo.

Land preparation

Cleared off all weeds. Pandal should be erected as when the cutting start with vegetative growth. Planting is done at 2 to 3 m on either side.Pits are dug up size 30 to 45 cm3 they are filled with 5 kg of well decomposed FYM, ½ kg of neem cake, little quantity of SSP along with top soil. Rooted cuttings are planted in the centre of the pit while planting 5 to 10% vines should be of male type they should be uniformly planted in the Orchard. It is a dioecious as well as parthinocarpy.


In traditional medicine, fruits have been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis, and jaundice. The fruit possesses mast-cell-stabilizing, anti anaphylactic, and antihistaminic potential. In Bangladesh, the roots are used to treat osteoarthritis and joint pain. A paste made of leaves is applied to the skin to treat scabies .


Ivy gourd extracts and other forms of the plant can be purchased online and in health food stores. These products are claimed to help regulate blood sugar levels. Some research supports that compounds in the plant inhibit glucose-6-phosphatase. Glucose-6-phosphatase is one of the key liver enzymes involved in regulating sugar metabolism. Therefore, ivy gourd is sometimes recommended for diabetic patients. Although these claims have not been supported, a fair amount of research on the medicinal properties of this plant are focusing on its use as an antioxidant, antihypoglycemic agent, immune system modulator, etc. Some countries in Asia, such as Thailand, prepare traditional tonic-like drinks for medicinal purposes.