Culture Scan: An Introduction to Spiral Dynamics

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Dr. Don Beck


CultureSCAN: An Introduction to Spiral Dynamics

developed by Clare W. Graves and Don E. Beck

Thus the task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, But to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody sees.


5 DeepActions and BehaviorsSystems and Structures

Ways of ThinkingValue Codes/Adaptive Intelligences

Life Conditions

Articulation of Emerging Distinctions

SDi Mind Scan

MRI Brain Scan

✓ Helps pinpoint strengths, areas of potential improvement

✓ Scales from individual up to organization

✓ Identifies potential early adopters and people who may resist change.

✓ Offers insights into personal and collective values and patterns of thinking.

✓ Offers pathways, what’s next, for varying individual futures

✓ Psychological dig to understand source of conflict, shadows, developmental sink

holes, and attachments

✓ Analyses and predicts team behaviors.

✓ Critical foundation for designing adaptive organizations as current life conditions:

✓ change faster, ✓ increase in complexity, and ✓ become more chaotic over the next decade

Value Proposition

Range Low 8 – Maximum 668-14 IdealWe have found this to be a range that suggests a high degree of alignment and vibrancy with all aspects of your working life15–25 Moderately HighSome areas of your working life may me out of alignment – Do you have any idea what these might be? Is it that you recognize things that need to change but cannot find a way to achieve them?26–35 HighYou are probably aware of what is causing some confusion? How would you describe this? What is holding you back? >35 Very High It is time to do something differently. NOW!!!!

Derived from an analysis of:

• The individual's perceived fit to their job, their supervision, their work group and degree of security as an employee;• The gap between present and desired work structures andflows;• The alignment of perception across many aspects of theindividual's life;• The change state — specifically focusing on Turbulence andTornado.

Fit Factor

Drawing from the integral principles of Spiral Dynamics Integral to understand the multiple needs of organizations and teams to continue to thrive and evolve in today’s world the multiple bottom lines assessed include:

Purpose, Principles, Profit, People, Planet, and Trust and Respect.

Again this assessment is relative to internal groups.

Multiple Priorities

Personal Priorities/Value Systems

These arise from deep psychological, psychosocial, patterns that determine how you think rather than what you think. They are the dynamic, and ever changing invisible DNA like core intelligences, within us that influence all that you sense in the world, and are some of the mechanisms of the deeper, internal, processes of YOUR change.

They are a core part of all human development and influence all aspects of society and organizations. They underpin your personal priorities:

The scores shown as ‗Personal Priorities‘ in your ‗CultureSCAN-Profile‘ reflect different models, world views, value-systems, belief structures and operating systems. Your highest scores will be an indicator of the dominant ‗Value- Systems‘ and the underpinning ‗Value System Codes‘ that impact on all that you think and do.

Preference for 1st Order or 2nd Order ChangeThis brief assessment highlights the preference for either

1st order change,where change is within the existing paradigm or value system which in itself remains unchanged (restore balance, improve within givens, rooted in past decisions, renew, refurbish, reform, working harder and smarter – fundamentally more of the same) or

2nd order change where the preference is for shifts to new paradigms, new assumptions and new structures – (generated by outside influences/ events, puzzling, unexpected, paradoxical, driven by perceived future – a reframing)

Readiness for Change

“Yes my thinking is in alignment” -Stable (Alpha)…………………(average score = 9.1)“Something needs to change but Iʼm not sure what” - Turbulence (Beta).............................................................….. (average score = 4.9)“I feel stuck and in a rut” - Tornado – (Gamma)……..……………..(average score = 3.9)“I can see clearly now” – Delta (Tipping Point)…....……………... (average score = 8.2)“My new thinking is aligned” – New Stability – (New Alpha)….... (average score = 10.1)

Change State Indicators

Present and Desired Pattern Flows

Entrepreneurial:The capacity and aptitude to launch a completely new entity or system working independently from others :Transformational:The insights and skill necessary to change one operational system into a different one, from the PRESENT to the DESIRED:Translational:The temperament and good sense to preserve, elaborate on, or expand on existing systems.

The assessment aims to highlight gaps and excesses that may impair performance and result in inter-personal and inter-group tensions.

Executive Intelligences

Digital SystemsStrong Points: Penchant for detail/precision

Linear problem-solvingMaintains neat/tidy categoriesRuns quiet/steady operations

Blind Spots: Boxed in view of “reality”Inappropriate/stifling rigidity

Blindy-driven by clock-tick timeWorld reduced to bits and bytes

Mixed SystemsStrong Points: Translates idealism into realism

Absorbs complexity/reduces to simplicityRoams the terrain yet waters the trees

Expands strategies/refines tacticsBlind Spots: Pragmatism endangers principles

Everything to everybody wears thinTorn twixt and between; two worlds

Moderation/mediation snuffs out clarity/creativity

Analog SystemsStrong Points: Accesses the kaleidoscopic”whole”

Zig Zags through complexityDriven by dreams and visionsLives on uncharted “frontiers”

Blind Spots: Details “fall between the cracks”Bias toward ideation, not action

Lives on emotional roller coastersTrapped in a world of fantasy

Patterns of Thinking