Cupid Chronicles Script

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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  • 8/3/2019 Cupid Chronicles Script



    SCENE 1

    From high above, fluorescent lights beam down on loud, crowded


    Teenagers in school uniforms sit around at long lunch tables, eating,

    talking, screaming, and laughing. Slowly close in on a table to the

    right, nearly empty, with a few girls sitting. As we get closer, we

    hear a whispering voice.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    This whimpled, whining, purblind, wayward boy, This Senior Junior,

    giant dwarf....Cupid.

    Close in on WILLA HAVISHAM, 14, a girl with short brown hair, eating a

    sandwich. A book is placed in front of her on the table, The Complete

    Works of Shakespeare.


    But what about Cupid?

    Zooms out to show TINA BELLE, 14, blonde, pale, and attractive. She is

    writing in a notebook.

    TINA (laughing):

    Cupid? You are such a dreamer, Willa. What's a flying baby with a bow

    and arrow got to do with love?


    Everything. Cupid's got everything to do with love. He's the magic and

    the mystery, the goose bumps and heart thumps, the lightning you can't



    Oh, Willa, get your head out of that Shakespeare book. The numbers

    don't lie. Tanner and I are perfect for each other.

    The girls turn to look at a table in the corner, where a group of

    teenage boys sit eating pizza. Close-up on TANNER MCGEE, a muscular,

    good-looking boy. TINA sighs and takes a bite out of the slice of

    pizza in front of her.

    See? Favorite food? Pizza.

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    She starts to write in the notebook again.

    Tanner likes pizza, I like pizza. Favorite sport? Soccer. Tanner plays

    soccer, I like soccer. We have a lot in common. Look!

    She hands WILLA the notebook. Close up on the paper, which is a list

    entitled, Ten Perfect Reasons of Compatibility.

    Food and sports are important. And we both have brown eyes. Andboth

    our names begin with 'T'.


    Tina, you've basically just described half of Bramble Academy.

    Everyone likes pizza and soccer. And you haven't even met Tanner; he's

    two years older than you!


    So? Just because they don't date older people in those Nancy Drew

    books of yours...


    Um, actually, it's Shakespeare...


    Doesn't mean they don't in real life, too! And since when are you an

    expert, Willa? I know you set up your mom and Sam, but other than that

    one date with...

    JOEY KENNELLY, 14, appears behind WILLA. He has messy brown hair and

    is carrying a couple of textbooks.


    Hey, Willa. How's it going?

    WILLA turns around to face him, looking nervous.


    Joseph, hi! Um, when did you, uh, get back from Minnesota?


    We just got back yesterday. I'm still unpacking my stuff.


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    Well, uh, welcome back! I missed you! Um, I mean, we, uh, we all

    missed you.

    There is an awkward silence. JOEY and WILLA look at each other while

    TINA watches them.


    So, Joe, what are you doing for Halloween? Want to come candy

    collecting with Willa and me? A bunch of us are going. You don't even

    need a costume.

    JOEY (still looking at WILLA):

    Yeah, okay, sounds good.


    And, uh, later on, we're having a party at the inn, in the...barn.Lots of food and music...


    Uh, sounds good!

    (drops a book then quickly picks it up)

    See ya.

    JOEY walks away. WILLA turns back around to face TINA.

    TINA (smirking):

    Way to go, Willa. A party, huh? What will Stella say?


    I don't know. Hopefully, 'great idea, have fun', but I have a feeling

    it'll be much more complicated than that.


    Well, since you're the Freshman Class Community Service Leader, why

    not tell them to consider it community service?


    Tina, how is a party in the barn going to be considered "community



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    I don't know, Willa. Think of something. But you have to have this

    party. Are you forgetting who's back in Bramble?

    A school bell rings overhead. Everyone starts to get up and exit.

    Ooh, a party in the barn. Whatevershall I wear?



    SCENE 2

    WILLA is walking down the street happily with her backpack on her

    back. She stops in front of a tiny church building, Bramble United

    Community. The front lawn is full of giant sunflowers.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell. It fell upon a little

    western flower...

    A heavy-set African American woman in her late 50's, SULAMINA MUM, is

    standing on the porch, holding a sunflower bouquet. She waves to

    WILLA, who goes to join her. They hug.


    Hey, little sister! How's high school?


    So far so good, Mum.


    Who you playing Cupid for these days? Got a dark, handsome stranger up

    your sleeve for me?

    (She looks at WILLA seriously for a moment, then laughs)

    I'm just kidding. What's on your mind?


    Well, Mum, I'm taking a break from matchmaking to find a cause...a

    worthy cause, a charitable need...raise some money, do some good. I'm

    the class Community Service Leader and I need to (makes air quotes

    with her fingers) "scout out an opportunity to make a better Bramble

    and then organize and inspire classmates to participate." Any ideas?

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    MUM (sitting down in a wicker rocking chair):

    Well, there's lots of ways to make a difference, Willa. I'd say pick a

    cause that you care about. Something close to your heart. Then surely

    you'll succeed. But what's this I hear about a party in the barn?

    WILLA (groaning):

    Tina told you already?


    Just walked by, as a matter of fact. Is this about a boy?


    Joey Kennelly-I call him JFK-is back, and I kinda accidentally told

    him Stella would let me throw a Halloween party in the barn. But I

    doubt she will...

    MUM (handing WILLA the bouquet):

    Here, give these to Stella. Maybe they'll help. (laughs) You know,

    when I was young, it was the fella who did the asking out!


    Did you have a fella, Mum?


    Oh, well, no...




    Nothing 'bout love gets past you, does it? Have a seat.

    She points to another wicker rocking chair opposite her. WILLA sits in


    Now, you wouldn't know it today, but when I was a senior in high

    school, I had a mighty fine man calling on me. Mmmm, mmm, mmm. When

    that young Riley Truth looked at me, my knees would turn to pudding.

    Chocolate pudding.


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    What happened to him, Mum?


    Right around the time I got called for the seminary, he got called,

    too. To the United States Army. He went overseas and I went up

    north...and years piled and piled up...and letters stopped

    coming...(holding back tears) That's enough about that.


    Well, where's Riley now? Why don't you find out and call him, Mum?


    Oh, no, honey. What's over is over.


    But look how much you love him, Mum! That's Cupid there. And I bet he

    still loves you. You should track him down.


    No, Willa, I can't.


    Yes you can, Mum! If you just...

    MUM(angrily, standing up):

    That's enough, Willa, now stop it!

    (pause, softer)

    I'm sorry, Willa. I'm just a big ol' chicken.


    It's okay Mum. Don't be afraid. Be a leaper.


    A what?


    A leaper. Mum, you're the minister. Take a leap of faith. Believe in

    yourself. Just leap right over the scary part and land of the other


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    MUM(lost in thought):

    A leaper...I like that. I might use it in my sermon Sunday...


    Gotta go, Mum. Think about what I said!

    WILLA walks down the steps and heads back down Main Street. She stops

    in front of a small building with the words, Bramble Library, on top.

    A stone fountain with a whale stands of to the side. A large sign is

    over the window: CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. WILLA stops walking and

    stares at the sign. After a pause, she runs until she stops in front

    of the Bramblebriar Inn.

    Inside the inn are Halloween decor and guests sitting in a living

    room. A board containing the quote, "It is by spending oneself that

    one becomes rich-Sarah Bernhardt", is hanging on the wall in the

    foyer, and a long, red-carpeted hallway leads to a flight of stairs

    and the kitchen.

    Two guests, MAMA B, a poufy-haired, tall, plump, southern woman in her

    40's wearing a mink coat, and PAPA B, a short, plump, southern man in

    his 50's wearing a fancy suit, are reading the board.


    Mom! Sam! I'm home!

    (She walks down the hall to the kitchen, where SAM, a tall, thin manis his 40's with balding blonde hair, is lifting a pie out of the oven

    and STELLA also in her 40's with long, dark hair, is arranging food on

    a tray. A pot is emitting steam form the stove)


    Good. We need your help. (nods her head in the direction of the

    cutting board on the counter next to the pot)


    How was school, Willa?


    Pretty good. Sam, there's a closed sign on the library window.


    Budget problems. The library is considered a nonessential service...

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    Nonessential service! The library is not nonessential...


    Okay, Willa! What's essential right now is making dinner.

    WILLA sticks the bouquet in a watering can next to the doorway then

    goes over to the cutting board and starts slicing cheese.


    So, Mom, Tina and I were talking about having a Halloween party in the

    barn today...


    That's nice, Willa. Did you squeeze in some algebra during all thattalking?

    There is a long silence. The oven dings, and SAM takes another pie out

    of the oven while checking the pot.


    Well, since I'm the Community Service Leader, I thought we could get

    the class together on Halloween to brainstorm service ideas... (puts

    the cheese on a plate)

    STELLA(picking up her plate and heading for the door):

    Right now it's time to serve our guests. You take the cheese in,

    Willa. I've got the quiche here.

    STELLA exits. WILLA and SAM exchange looks of distress before WILLA

    exits with her plate of cheese in hand.



    SCENE 3

    STELLA and WILLA enter a dining hall filled with a few white-clothed

    tables and guests sitting around talking, plates in hands. They set

    the plates down on a long buffet table against the back wall next to a

    window, where the sun is setting.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

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    "So-so" is good, very good, very excellent good. And yet it is not; it

    is but so-so.

    STELLA turns on a radio on the windowsill and tunes to a station

    playing light jazz music.

    MAMA B (O.S., loudly):

    Add that to the list, Papa B.

    PAPA B (O.S., loudly):

    Come again, Chickles?

    MAMA B (O.S., louder, whiny):

    That sweet word thingamajiggy they got out front there! I want one on

    our front lawn!

    Pan to a table near the corner, where MAMA B and PAPA B are sitting.

    PAPA B is writing in a notebook frantically while MAMA B sips a glass

    of wine.

    PAPA B:

    Right away, Mama B.

    MAMA B:

    Make that all of our front lawns.

    PAPA B:

    Yes, ma'am. Got it right here on our honey-do list. Do it as soon as

    we get home.

    STELLA rushes over to the table, WILLA following reluctantly behind.

    STELLA (faking a smile):

    Welcome to Bramblebriar! Such a pleasure to meet you. I'm Stella

    Havisham. I'm sure you've met my husband, Sam Gracemore, and this is

    my daughter, Willa. Willa, say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Blazer. You know,

    from the Blazer Buick USA? We've seen their commercials on TV.

    MAMA B and PAPA B exchange glances, then they burst out singing.


    Blazin', blazin', it's amazin, cars and trucks from coast to coast.

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    Blazin', blazin', it's amazin, please excuse us while we boast.

    Blazin', blazin', it's amazin, BlazerBuick sells the most!

    The other guests stare silently at the table. WILLA starts to laugh,

    but STELLA nudges her. WILLA shakes both their hands.


    It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Blazer.

    MAMA B:

    Oh, please, don't mind us. Call me Chickles or Mama B. Everybody does.

    My, aren't you a pretty little thing?

    PAPA B:

    And I'm Bellford T, but to friends like you, Papa B. And yes Mama,she's pretty as a picture. (putting his hand over his heart) Makes me

    miss our daughter, Suzanna Jubilee.

    MAMA B:

    We named her that 'cause it was truly a Jubilee the day she was born.

    You see, I'd been laboring through that horrible hurricane Hoover, and

    the power was out for days and the sky was as dark as the devil, and

    every contraction was like a dagger slicing through my...

    PAPA B:

    Get to the part where she was born, Mama.

    MAMA B:

    But when she was born, the sun shone through like it just learned how

    to shine.

    MAMA B and PAPA B start to tear up, but STELLA interrupts. WILLA is

    still fighting the urge to laugh.


    Well, we'd love to meet her, the next time you come for a visit.

    MAMA B:

    You read my mind! You see, we would've brought her this time, only

    she's in the quarterfinals for Miss Daisydew, and she's got an

    important session with her talent trainer today.

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    They launch into another story, but WILLA slips away and heads

    upstairs to her bedroom, a small room with a desk next to her bed and

    a few pieces of white furniture. She starts her homework at her desk,

    and a few minutes later, she hears STELLA and SAM coming up the


    STELLA (O.S.):

    The Blazers are loaded! They're staying until after Halloween and then

    they're coming back for Thanksgiving, with a ton of relatives. They've

    already reserved ten rooms, three suites, and all of the cottages


    They pass by WILLA's doorway and head into another room. WILLA gets up

    and stands at the doorway, where SAM is rummaging through a drawer and

    STELLA is sitting on the edge of the bed, talking. She stops when she

    notices WILLA.


    Willa. Come in.

    WILLA (entering the room):

    I finished my homework for the night.



    WILLA: it okay for us to have a Halloween community service get-


    STELLA(lost in thought):


    WILLA (looking over at SAM, who winks):

    Thanks, Mom! Thanks, Sam!

    WILLA goes back to her room, takes a journal off her desk, and lays on

    her bed, writing in it.

    WILLA (V.O.):

    I don't want to get my hopes up, but JFK's back and he's coming to our

    party in the barn. I don't know if he likes me, but even when gorgeous

    Tina was talking to him he kept looking at me...I can't believe Mum

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    had a boyfriend. I hope she'll write to him. She deserves to find

    love...What should we do for community service? Nana supports Bramble

    Head Start for kids, and Sam donates to the food pantry...Stella even

    runs for the heart association...but Mum said pick something close to

    the heart...



    SCENE 4

    SAM and WILLA are standing at opposite ends of the counter in the

    middle of the kitchen. SAM is reading the newspaper. WILLA is watching

    him nervously.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    She hath more hair than wit, and more faults than hairs, and more

    wealth than faults...

    SAM (lowering the newspaper and looking at WILLA):

    It doesn't look good for the library. Harry Sivler says they're in too

    much debt.

    WILLA leans over the counter and pulls back the edge of the newspaper

    to read it. After reading for a minute she lets go.


    Only open three days a week! They can't do that!


    Unfortunately, they can. Now get to school; you'll be late!

    WILLA heads out the door and runs to school, which is a few blocks

    down. She bursts through the doors and looks down the hall, which is

    lined with lockers and cluttered with students. When she sees TINA,

    she runs down the hall toward her.

    WILLA (panting):

    Tina! You're not going to believe what they're doing to the library!



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    Hey, Willa, I think we should get Ruby to help with our party. It's

    two weeks away, and she has lots of experience. Remember the June Bug

    dance in seventh grade? Besides, I think it's time you two buried the

    hatchet and...

    RUBY SIVLER, 14, with curly red hair and freckles, comes up behind

    WILLA, wearing a bright red leather jacket, red makeup, and red nail

    polish. Her face is twisted into a permanent smirk.


    Hey, ladies! What do you think?

    (The girls gasp)

    Mommy and I went to Spangles for the weekend, our favorite spa in

    Boston. Daddy flew us over in the new jet. (she shows off one of her


    TINA(bending over to examine the hand):

    Oh, how glam!


    And Mommy's favorite yogi was there. At first I was like, "yawn, what

    a scraggly old dinosaur", but then later that night he started

    mumbling something about "blossoming...blossoming...letting your inner

    bud bloom..." and all of a sudden I had, like, this, I

    finally woke up. Right there I decided to do something dramatic, youknow, like, a personal statement? Something to demonstrate my

    passionate I made an appointment at the salon and..

    (she poses)



    The bell rings, and RUBY takes off her jacket.


    And guess what? Tanner McGee winked at me in the hall and said, "See

    you at the game, Ruby", and I was like, "Okay, Tanner, see ya then."

    Our first big conversation! And he knows my name! And did you hear?

    Joey Kennelly is back!

    (TINA squints and folds her arms. WILLA's eyes widen)

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    He's gotten taller and his hair is longer and curly now. And that

    dimple...but, I'm into older boys now...still...Joey is a cutie...

    TINA and WILLA look at each other, and after an awkward pause, TINA

    unfolds her arms.


    Hey, Ruby, Willa's parents said he could have a party in the barn at

    the inn on Halloween. Want to help?

    RUBY (faking a smile):

    Oh, how sweet. But the Burners-you know, the cheerleading squad I'm

    in?-they're having a bonfire on the beach. All of the cute guys are

    coming and...


    Not Joseph K!


    Oh, I'm sorry, I meant all of the big boys are coming.


    Well, then you better have a lot of big marshmallows to put in your


    Two girls in cheerleading uniforms walk by laughing. RUBY starts tofollow them.


    Got to go! (to the girls) Hey, girls! Wait up!

    They watch RUBY catch up with the girls, who laugh and play with

    RUBY's hair. TINA stands in front of WILLA and blocks her view of



    So what? We don't need her, Willa. We'll plan a party that'll make her

    bonfire look like a Cub Scout weenie roast. Got some paper?

    WILLA (taking off her backpack and rummaging through it):

    Do fish have fins?

    (She takes out a notebook and a pencil and gets ready to write)

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    Okay, first things first: food. You get Sam going on that. Stuff that

    guys like...chicken wings, ribs, pizza, nachos...

    (WILLA writes quickly)

    And second: decorations. I'll send over my housekeeper to sweep out

    the place and make my dad fork over some cash for prizes. Third:

    entertainment. Those seniors Luke and Jessie would definitely play.

    They usually only have gigs in garages. They aren't very good, but who

    cares? They're ice cream.


    Ice cream?


    I thought you might like that. You know how they call cute guys "eye

    candy"? Well, I invented "eye-scream". Get it? Eye-candy, eye-scream.

    Ice cream's just as sweet as candy, isn't it?

    WILLA(laughing and resuming writing):

    Right Tina. Good one.

    TINA (flipping her hair):

    No kidding it's good. I should get a patent on it or something.

    Anyway, Luke and Jessie's band bites, but all the freshman girls will

    come see them. We can charge admission-five bucks maybe-to pay them.

    Got that?

    (WILLA nods)

    Fourth: games. You can plan those Willa. Something Halloween-y. I

    don't care what it is, as long as it's fun. Use that wild imagination

    of yours, but no word games or anything like that. Be fun, Willa. Fun!

    (picks up her backpack from the floor and starts to leave, but turns

    back to WILLA) And don't worry, I'll bring the right music for the

    last dance, when the party's over and it's getting late, and allthat's left is that stairway to heaven.

    WILLA(pausing and looking up from her notes):



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    Tanner McGee may get lured off to that stupid bonfire, but I bet your

    boy will show up. Joey Kennelly is a team player.


    What stairway to heaven?

    TINA (walking down the hall):

    Oh, Willa, you've got to ditch Shakespeare and get to the movies more


    TINA exits, leaving WILLA alone in the hall, lost in thought.



    SCENE 5

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me...with volumes that I prize

    above my dukedom.

    WILLA is biking down the street with two books crooked under her arm.

    She stops in front of the library, which is closed. She gets off her

    bike and leaves the two books on the front step, then gets back on and

    bikes a few more blocks, stopping at a small shop, Sweet Bramble

    Books. A cat is sitting on top of a book in the window, sleeping.

    WILLA walks in, and a bell on top of the door jingles. She walks over

    to the cat, who meows and stands up.

    WILLA(scratching the cat's head):

    Hey, Muffles, what book have you got for me today?

    The cat jumps down and scurries away, leaving behind the book, which

    is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. WILLA takes the book, sits in a nearby

    chair, and starts to read.

    GRAMP TWEED, a man in his 70's with little hair and glasses, entersfrom behind one of the shelves with DR. SWAMINATHHAN, a male Indian

    school teacher with gray hair.


    I'll be interested to hear what you think.


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    Thank you, good sir, I appreciate your recommendations. (to WILLA)

    Hello, Willa. See you on Monday. (exits)


    Willa! Just in time for tea. (goes to the candy counter, which has two

    cups of steaming tea on top, and hands one to WILLA as he sits in the

    chair opposite her)


    Where's Nana, Gramp?


    Out walking the dog. I promised your Nana that if she walks every day,

    I'll take her to New York City in December. Did you know she's never

    seen a Broadway show? (sips his tea)


    Hey, Gramp, what do you know about what's happening to the library?

    GRAMP(putting down his cup):

    Nothing's been decided yet. It's on the agenda for the next council



    Can kids talk at these meetings?


    Well, you have to be eighteen to vote, but there's no rule against

    talking! Especially in Cape Cod. This is the first place the Pilgrims

    stopped, you know, so freedom of expression is...


    Great! (gets up to leave) Thanks for the book, Gramp! it looks good.

    Tell Nana I said hello! (starts for the door)


    Wait, Willa! Your candy! (gets up and reaches behind the candy

    counter. He pulls out a bag of assorted candies)

    WILLA (taking the bag):

    Thanks, Gramp! (she hugs him, then goes outside and gets on her bike)

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    As WILLA starts to pedal, a memory montage fades in. A small girl

    resembling WILLA struggles to pull open the door to the library, but

    after a moment, she opens it and runs inside.

    The scene changes, and YOUNG WILLA is sitting on a multi-colored rug

    with other small children as an older woman, MRS. SAPERSTONE, is

    dressed like a bee and reading a book to them. They are nibbling on


    The scene changes, and NANA and YOUNG WILLA are standing outside the

    library. YOUNG WILLA is petting the stone whale on the fountain, a

    book under her arm. NANA hands her a penny, and she closes her eyes,

    then throws the penny into the fountain.

    The scene changes, and MRS. SAPERSTONE is sitting at the library desk,

    reaching over to hand YOUNG WILLA a library card. YOUNG WILLA hands it

    back to MRS. SAPERSTONE and struggles to put a stack of books up on

    the desk.

    The scene returns back to the present, where WILLA is smiling on her



    No way are they closing my library...wait, that's it! We'll save the

    Bramble Library!

    WILLA stops in front of the Bramble Library, where MRS. SAPERSTONE, a

    frail librarian in her 80's, is coming down the steps, two bags of

    books in her hands.


    Mrs. Saperstone! I need to talk to you! (she gets off the bike, book

    in hand, and helps MRS. SAPERSTONE set the bags down on the steps)


    Hello, Willa. (noticing the book) Nice choice.


    Gramp picked it out for me.


    Well, at least I know Alexander will point the good ones your way. You

    always were one of my best customers, Willa.


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    Don't worry, Mrs. Saperstone. I've got a plan.

    MRS. SAPERSTONE(looking away):

    I...I think it's a done deal, Willa.

    WILLA(yelling, angrily):

    No! I won't let it happen!

    MRS. SAPERSTONE (turning toward the building):

    No...Willa...I'm certain the council will sell this building...the

    roof is leaking...the brick is crumbling...we need a complete

    technology upgrade...


    But what about the books?

    MRS. SAPERSTONE(turning back to face WILLA):

    I'm done battling, Willa. (reaches into one of the bags, picks up a

    book, looks at it, then drops it back in) The council's making

    arrangements to...


    No. That's not right! This is Bramble's library. These are Bramble's

    books. And what about you, Mrs. Saperstone? Where will you go?

    (MRS. SAPERSTONE starts to cry. WILLA reaches up and hugs her)

    Don't worry, Mrs. Saperstone. I won't let them close our library.

    MRS. SAPERSTONE nods. It starts to rain, and WILLA gets back on her

    bike and starts to ride away. She stops at the Bramblebriar Inn, goes

    inside, and runs upstairs to her room.

    Sitting down at her desk, WILLA pulls a laptop out of one of the

    drawers and starts to search the Internet.

    Focus on the clock above her, which shows every hour as she continues

    to search on the computer. Fade to black as we zoom in on the moving




    SCENE 6

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    Pan around to show Main Street, the storefronts all decorated with

    Halloween paraphernalia. Children in costumes are walking around,


    QUOTER (V.O.):

    Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble...

    Zoom in on Sweet Bramble Books, where WILLA, dressed as a chef, and

    TINA, dressed as a genie, are standing on the front steps with bags of



    Trick or treat!

    NANA(dressed as a bee, opening the door):

    There's my girl!

    (A beagle pushes past her legs and jumps up to lick WILLA'S face)

    Come in!

    NANA, an overweight, elderly woman with curly gray hair, leads them

    inside. GRAMP, dressed as a wizard, is checking out customers at the

    counter. NANA reaches behind and pulls out a black piece of saltwater


    NANA(handing WILLA the taffy):

    Here, Willa, try this.

    WILLA takes the taffy and chews. A second later, she spits it out.


    Yuck! Nana, what is this?


    Trick or treat! Sorry, sweetie. I couldn't resist. Pretty clever for

    an old bat-I mean bee-huh?


    Come on, Willa, we gotta go! It's almost eight.


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    Before you go, I made these special for you and your friends. (takes

    out two orange candy bags and hands them to TINA and WILLA)

    TINA(hugging NANA):



    Nana, can I have an extra one?

    NANA(taking out another orange bag):

    Already done. Have fun, girls!

    They exit and run down the street, where faint metal music can be



    Oh, God. They sound awful.

    They reach the Bramblebriar Inn and head to the backyard, which is a

    circular labyrinth and rose garden with a barn toward the back. A

    wooden sign at the labyrinth entrance says, "Circle of Scares, Enter

    if you Dare".

    They walk through the labyrinth, admiring the cobweb lights strung

    from the hedges, the Edgar Allen Poe-quoted tombstones on the ground,

    and the plastic Halloween props randomly placed on the path.

    They reach the entrance of the barn, where a fold-out table is set up,

    a jar on top and two chairs behind it. They sit down as girls start to

    follow close behind, greeting them and putting money in the jar.

    TINA(rubbing her arms):

    God, it's freezing.


    Wish you were a chef now?

    TINA(sticking her tongue out):

    Looking for JFK still?

    As more girls stop by and put in their money, SAM and STELLA come from

    inside the barn.


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    Everything's all set, Willa. Have fun!


    Thanks, Sam.


    Keep the volume down, girls. Some of the guests are trying to sleep.

    And don't forget Willa, it's over at ten. And I mean ten. Not a


    MAMA B and PAPA B walk up to the table.

    MAMA B:

    Can we join in?

    PAPA B:

    Been years since the prom!

    STELLA(changing to a lighter tone and faking another smile):

    Why, certainly! Doesn't it look fun! A party in the barn! Makes you

    feel like a kid again, doesn't it?

    PAPA B puts a rolled-up bill in the jar.


    Oh, you don't have to pay. You're our guests.

    MAMA B(grabbing PAPA B's hand):

    We insist! Come on, Bellford, let's shake a leg!

    MAMA B and PAPA B go into the barn. WILLA puts her head down on the

    table in embarrassment. Close up on her head as TINA, now out of view,

    whispers her name. WILLA looks up, and pan to JOEY walking towards the

    table, also dressed as a chef.


    Ooh, looks like someone's found her match.


    Tina! He can probably hear you.

    JOEY reaches the table and puts money in the jar.

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    To pee or not to pee, that is the question.

    WILLA(swiveling to face TINA):


    TINA(smiling mischievously):

    Got to go, Willa. (goes inside the barn and exits)

    WILLA(watching TINA leave):

    Tina, wait...(turning back toward JOEY nervously) Hi, Joseph. Uh,

    thanks for coming.


    No problem. So what do you like to cook?




    You're a chef, right?


    Oh...right. Well..uh, nothing, really. Tuna fish is about the extentof my talent.

    There is a silence as JOEY looks up and listens to the muffled metal

    music coming from the barn.


    Are they horrible or what?


    They're okay. Besides, they're eye......affordable.

    WILLA stares into JOEY'S eyes. Zoom in on his face.

    JOEY(muffled, V.O.):

    Willa, my darling, will you dance with me?


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    Zoom out to show JOEY completely, who is laughing.


    I said, "Willa, I'm starving, what's there to eat?"

    WILLA(laughing nervously):

    Oh, sure....come on.

    WILLA gets up and holds the barn door open for JOEY, who walks inside.

    As he passes, WILLA hits her head on the door and shakes her head in

    embarrassment before entering behind him.



    SCENE 7

    The barn is filled with girls crowded around a small, lit up stage,

    where a group of boys is playing metal music. Halloween decorations

    hang from beams and hay is strewn on the ground. A long, food-filled

    buffet table is off to the side, next to a few empty horse stables.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    If music be the food of love, play on...

    JOEY and WILLA walk over to the buffet table and fill two plates with

    food. They go and sit on a large bale of hay at the end of the table

    and eat.


    The wings are good.


    Thanks. I'll tell my dad that Chef Kennelly approves!

    (JOEY laughs, and they both take off their hats)

    So, how does your dad like his new job as publisher for the Cape Cod


    JOEY(taking a bite out of some nachos):

    He loves it...these are awesome.

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    Um, glad you, uh, like them.


    My dad always wanted to run the Cape Cod Times. It was his big dream.


    Oh! Uh, good for him. I always think it's great when people's dreams

    come true. (turns her face away for a moment, embarrassed)


    Hey, I made the Bucks! Second string, quarterback.


    Oh, that's, uh, great? Congrats.


    You like football?


    Oh, I, uh, love it! (turns away an embarrassment again for a moment)


    Looking good for the Pats, huh?


    Yeah, they're, uh, looking great! The Pats are my favorite team.

    (fakes a smile)


    So, uh, what book are you reading now? I always see you reading.


    Well, I just finished A Tale of Two Cities and I'm starting A Tree

    Grows in Brooklyn. Are you reading anything?


    Well, Shakespeare, because of Dr. Swammy, but I'm trying to finish

    Moby Dick because I promised my dad I would. But right now, I'm into

    The Outsiders. It's good.

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    What's the best book you've ever read?


    I don't know. That's hard to say. I have a lot of favorites...

    There's a loud laugh, and pan to the horse stall next them. MAMA B and

    PAPA B are dancing and laughing. They kiss and keep dancing. Pan back

    to WILLA and JOEY.


    Sorry, they're our new guests.


    That's okay. They're having fun.

    The band stops playing, and everyone claps. Pan to TINA turning on a

    boom box at the foot of the stage. Pan back to WILLA and JOEY.


    Um, what kind of music do you like, Joseph?




    Oh! Uh, what do you, um, like about it?


    I like the beat and how it flows. It's like it's's music. I'm really into the lyrics.


    So...too bad about the library, huh?




    I know that's one of your favorite places. I've seen you there a few


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    Oh, yeah. I heard they're cutting back hours...


    No, they're closing it. My dad said it'll be on the front pagetomorrow.


    What? They can't do that! Why? When?


    Whoa, Willa. Hold on. (puts his hand on her shoulder until she calms)

    You'd make a good reporter.


    They can't close our library!


    I know it's bad. I like to old place, too. But my dad says it costs a

    fortune to run. It needs a new roof, a new heating system, tons of



    But the library is a Bramble landmark, an historic...


    I know, but it's all about the money.


    How much?


    I don't know. I'll get more details from my dad tomorrow. But hey,

    listen, we can't save the library tonight.

    JOEY takes a doughnut off his plate and takes a bite. WILLA does the


    WILLA(after taking a bite):

    These are my favorite.

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    Mine too.

    (He leans forward , and WILLA gets a look of panic on her face. He

    brushes a piece of sugar off her face.)

    You had some...sugar there.

    TINA approaches them and pulls WILLA to her feet.


    Sorry, Joey, I gotta borrow Willa.

    TINA and WILLA head onstage, where this a barrel of water in front

    full of apples. TINA takes a microphone.


    Okay, kiddies! Time to bob for apples!

    (The crowd groans. Someone shouts, "We're in high school!")

    Willa's dad put quarters in them. Silver dollars, too!

    There is another awkward silence.

    JOEY(from the crowd):

    I'll go.

    He goes onstage and stands in front of the barrel.


    Hands behind your back, Joey. You've got thirty seconds to catch an

    apple. Ready....go!

    JOEY bends down into the barrel and starts to grab at apples with his

    mouth. People move closer to the stage and cheer him on.

    WILLA spots MAMA B and PAPA B standing off to the side of the stage

    and approaches them.


    Will you be our honorary judges for the costume contest after this?

    MAMA B:

    Why, of course! We'd be tickled pink!

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    PAPA B:

    Oh, Suzy-Jube would love this.

    Pan back to the center of the stage, where JOEY emerges from the

    barrel with an apple between his teeth.


    And....stop! Nice job, Joey. Back to the party, everyone! (turns the

    volume on the boom box up)

    Show different shots of the party, as MAMA B and PAPA B take notes on

    costumes and ask kids questions.

    TINA heads back to the stage and talks into the microphone.


    Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Blazer, do we have a winner for the costume


    MAMA B comes forward from the crowd and hands TINA a slip of paper.

    And the winner is....the Wizards of Oz!

    Three girls in Wizard of Oz costumes cheer as PAPA B comes forward to

    hands them each a gift bag.

    WILLA joins TINA onstage with a piece of paper in her hands and leans

    into the microphone.


    Okay, now it's time for the scavenger hunt! Everybody just break into


    The music gets louder as the song changes to Stairway to Heaven.



    She nods her head at JOEY. Pan to show him standing in the crowd,

    staring at WILLA and heading towards the stage. WILLA climbs downstage

    and starts towards him. They meet in the middle of the dance floor,

    and JOEY extends his hand to her.

    STELLA rushes onto the stage. Pan to show her onstage as she talks

    into the microphone. The music stops.

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    Okay, everyone! Party's over. It's quarter after ten!

    (She searches the crowd for WILLA. They lock eyes. STELLA's face turns

    cold, and WILLA looks nervous. There's a silence as they stare at each

    other. Then STELLA turns back to the crowd.)

    So, who needs a ride? It's raining out there. Mr. Gracemore and I can

    each take five or so. Let me know if you need to borrow my cell phone

    to call your parents.

    Pan to WILLA and JOEY, who puts his hand in his pocket. TINA emerges

    from the crowd.


    I'll come by to help you clean up tomorrow. (exits)

    JOEY(disappearing into the crowd):

    Thanks for inviting me, Willa. It was fun. (exits)

    WILLA watches JOEY disappear and stares a few seconds longer as people




    SCENE 8


    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more


    WILLA, now dressed in pajamas, stares at herself in a full-length

    mirror at the foot of her bed. She turns around and poses a few times.

    Focus on a shelf on the wall containing pictures. Zoom in on the one

    closest to the left. A family photo of STELLA, WILLA, NANA, SAM, AND


    Slowly move right to a photo of a tall man in a suit who resembles

    WILLA. The frame says, "Billy Havisham" at the bottom.

    Slowly move to right to a photo of WILLA and GRAMP TWEED sitting at a

    restaurant table, eating pancakes.

    Slowly move to a photo of SAM in a fishing outfit standing on a dock.

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    Pan to WILLA as she lays in bed reading A Midsummer Night's Dream.

    After a pause, she looks up in thought and closes the book, closing

    her eyes.

    Fade to a montage, showing JOEY walking toward WILLA in his chef

    costume, smiling.

    JOEY (V.O.):

    It's like poetry except it's music.

    JOEY is extending his hand, and the song Stairway to Heaven slowly

    grows louder.

    The scene changes back to the present, and STELLA is entering the



    So, what did your class decide on?




    What volunteer thing did you decide on? Wasn't that the purpose of

    this party? To plan a service project?

    WILLA:Oh...right. We...uh, talked about a lot of...stuff.

    STELLA sits down at the desk and picks up a notebook. She flips

    through the pages.


    And who was that boy you were talking to?

    WILLA(blurting and sitting up):

    The...the library!

    STELLA(looking surprised and looking up from the notebook):



    That's what we're going to do. We're going to save the Bramble


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    STELLA(putting the notebook down and leaning forward):

    What? How?

    SAM(appearing in the doorway):

    That sounds like quite a project. May I come in?

    SAM walks in, kisses STELLA, who still looks shocked, and sits on the

    edge of WILLA's bed. She turns to face him.


    Joseph Kennelly's dad said it will be on the front page tomorrow.


    I heard they met in a closed session today.


    They can't make a decision like that in private! This is America!


    If there's another meeting, maybe your class can attend and...

    STELLA(standing up):

    It's a money matter, I'm sure. It's...quite admirable that your class

    wants to tackle a big issue like this, but I imagine they're talking a

    lot of money.


    We'll figure out something. Where there's a will, there's a way,



    Speaking of will, what are you reading now?

    WILLA(holding up the book):

    A Midsummer Night's Dream.


    Nice. Aren't Quince and Bottom hysterical?


    Speaking of dreams, time for bed, Willa. Rosie's got a family wedding

    and Daryl called in sick, so you and I are on breakfast duty.

    Goodnight. (exits)

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    SAM(standing up):

    Goodnight, Willa. (kisses her on the forehead, then exits)

    WILLA stares as he leaves and closes the door.


    No way they're closing my library. (lays back down in bed and starts

    to read)

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    Once I sat upon a promontory, and hear a mermaid on a dolphin's back

    uttering such a dulcet and harmonious breath that the rude sea grew

    civil at her song and certain stars shot madly from their spheres to

    hear the sea-maid's music...


    It's like poetry except it's music.

    WILLA slowly falls asleep as there's a fade to black.



    SCENE 9

    WILLA is arranging the letters "B-E-N-O-T" on the board.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve

    greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them...

    MAMA B and PAPA B walk through the front door and stop.

    MAMA B:

    Good morning, Willa. Thank you again for the lovely evening.

    WILLA(over her shoulder):

    I'm glad you had a good time.

    PAPA B:

    When's the next dance party?


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    That was the only one.

    MAMA B:

    I was just telling Papa I hoped you'd have another one for

    Thanksgiving. We had a ball, didn't we, Bell? More fun than the




    WILLA(putting the letters on the ground and heading for the kitchen):

    Sorry, I've got to go. I'm on breakfast duty!

    WILLA enters the kitchen, where STELLA is arranging food on a large


    STELLA(handing WILLA the platter):

    Here, take these out.

    WILLA takes the tray to the dining hall and sets it down on the

    nearly-full buffet table. A few guests are already taking food.

    TINA walks up behind WILLA and taps her shoulder, making WILLA jump

    and turn around.


    What did you two chefs cook up last night? Things looked pretty hot.

    WILLA(looking around nervously):

    Shh! We talked. That's all.


    I hope Ruby kept her nasty red fingernails off of Tanner last night.


    I wouldn't worry, Tina. The rain probably ruined the bonfire anyway...


    Did you see Jessie last night?

    WILLA(rolling her eyes):

    I certainly heard him.

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    Who cares if he can't play guitar. His hair is so yummy. And did you

    see that earring? He looks British or something, sort of a cross

    between Beckham and that guy from the Harry Potter movies, or

    maybe that boy from that new reality show...

    WILLA starts to turn back around to the table, but TINA grabs her



    Wait. Hold everything. How much money did we make last night?

    WILLA and TINA run upstairs to WILLA'S room and open the jar of money

    on her desk. TINA quickly reaches in and pulls out a hundred-

    dollar bill.


    Whoa! A hundred bucks! Someone put in a hundred bucks!

    WILLA(taking the bill):

    Let me see that. (stares at the bill, eyes widening) Who would

    put in...(expression changes to one of realization) The Blazers.

    (to TINA) Our new rich guests.

    TINA(taking the bill back):

    Wow. That was nice of them.

    WILLA(taking the bill again):

    Tina, I gotta give them change.


    But why, Willa? They can read, can't they? The sign said 'five

    dollars'. They were trying to support our cause.


    We didn't even pick a cause last night.


    I know, but why spoil it? Let them feel proud about helping us kids

    out, doing community service.

    WILLA(after thinking a moment):

    No, Tina. I have to at least offer them change.

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    TINA(folding her arms in defeat):

    Oh, all right. Why do you have to be so good, Willa?...But don't

    push 'em too much. If they say "keep it", keep it. I'll pay the

    band. It'll give me a reason to stop at Jessie's. Then we can

    split the rest. See you later. (takes some money out of the jar

    and exits)

    WILLA goes downstairs and outside, where her bike is on the ground.

    She bikes to a small beach. The sky is gray and cloudy, and the

    beach is deserted. A small breeze is picking up. WILLA gets off

    her bike, takes her shoes off, and walks to the water's edge. A

    seagull swoops down, stares at her, squawks, then flies away.

    WILLA sits down and watches some sailboats off in the distance. The

    wind picks up, and she gets up and puts her shoes back on.

    Heading to her bike, she drags it up to the sidewalk, walking

    along Main Street. She stops to pick up a flower on the side and

    puts it in her hair. She continues to walk.

    WILLA(smiling and looking thoughtful):

    I wonder what JFK is up to...



    SCENE 10

    WILLA is tying an orange candy bag with a Post-it note attached to a

    locker, smiling.


    The web of our life is a mingled yarn, good and ill together...

    TINA comes up behind WILLA, looking excited.


    Willa! I was thinking, we should have more parties at the barn.

    WILLA(turning around):Actually, Tina, I was thinking the same thing. We can hold events

    to raise money for the library and...


    Yeah, yeah, sounds good. Anyway, I was thinking...

    RUBY walks up, looking angry.

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    Tanner McGee is a jerk! Lana Sharkey...


    The head of the squad?

    RUBY(looking at TINA coldly):

    Yes...she can have him. Tanner was just, like, sitting there on a

    log all by himself and all I did was, like, sit down next to him

    and ask if I could roast him a hot dog or something, and then all

    of a sudden, Lana just comes running over and whispers something

    to me, and they just walk away.

    TINA(sounding a tad jealous):

    What did she say?

    (RUBY looks around nervously then leans in and whispers in TINA's ear.

    TINA's eyes widen.)


    I know. Anyway, I, like, thought about it all weekend, and I realized

    Tanner was just using me to get back at Lana for flirting with

    that new transfer kid, Chris. Omigosh, have you seen him? What a


    (WILLA and TINA are growing impatient)

    Anyway, at first I was, like, really hurt, but then I was like, "So

    what? Let it go", just like Mommy's yogi would say. And I was

    like, "What's more important, Ruby Sivler? Being a Bramble Burner

    or a boy?" I, like, don't need Lana Sharkey mad at me. She's

    adding my moves to the new halftime cheer...

    (WILLA starts looking over RUBY'S shoulder around the hall. TINA

    apples lip gloss)

    So. I was thinking...Lana can have Tanner, but I'm going back with

    Joey Kennelly.

    TINA AND WILLA(suddenly looking up at RUBY wide-eyed):


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    TINA(looking nervously at WILLA):

    What do you mean you're going back with Joey? When were you ever

    with Joey?


    Oh, come on. Don't you remember? Joey and I had a good thing going

    before he moved to Minnesota. We had some nice times. I'm

    definitely ready for older guys, but Joey is so sweet and shy.

    (twirls her hair and giggles) He'll be like my training wheels.

    TINA(putting her hands on her hips):

    What nice times are you even talking about?


    Well, it was right after Willa moved to Maine for a while last year...

    (WILLA's expression becomes a mixture of coldness and nausea)

    Joey and I were Spanish partners and had to write a skit for Cinco de

    Mayo, and Joey would, like, come over my house, like, every day

    after school so we could work. (sounding dreamy and looking up)

    We were sitting side by side at my computer....all my

    basement...and then one afternoon he just leaned over and...


    He leaned over and what?

    RUBY(looking back at them and smiling):

    Oh, I can't say. It's sort of our secret.

    WILLA turns and runs down the hall. TINA calls after her as the bell

    rings. WILLA walks into a classroom and sits down at a desk in

    the back. Her teacher, MADEMOISELLE FERRET, a young woman with a

    hard expression, is standing at the head of the class.


    Willafred, how nice of you to join us. We were just about to start a

    pop quiz. Please stand and conjugate the verb 'to love'.

    WILLA(looking sick):

    J'aime...tu ou elle aime... (she gets paler and more sad as

    she continues) Nous aimons...vous aimez...ils ou elles aiment.

    (sits back down)

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    Bien. Now, someone raise their hand and conjugate, "to have".

    The class fades and the sound becomes muffled. Zoom in on WILLA's

    face, where a tear trickles down her cheek.



    A bunch of students are sitting on chairs and a couch, facing the

    front of the room. A row of chairs sits next to a podium, filled

    with students. WILLA sits closest to the podium, holding a piece

    of paper and still looking ill. The chair next to her is empty.

    She stares at the couch. Pan to show JOEY sitting on the end,

    listening to music.

    Pan back to the front where GUS GROFF, a short boy wearing glasses,

    stands at the podium.


    Okay, everyone! Let the freshman class meeting begin! We'll start with

    Willa and her service project.

    WILLA stands up and goes to the podium. GUS sits in the empty seat.

    She stares at JOEY, who takes off his headphones, smiles at her,

    and holds up the bag of candy.

    Willa! (taps his wristwatch)


    Sorry, thanks, Gus. Hi, every...

    RUBY and a few other cheerleaders in all-red walk in, giggling. They

    sit on the couch and push RUBY next to JOEY.


    As you know, we need to decide our community service project. Some way

    in which our class can make a better Bramble. I have a

    suggestion, but I'd like to hear other ideas.

    (another pause, pan to show the classroom, then back to WILLA)

    Okay, then. You've probably heard about...

    LUKE(from the back):

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    Let's get some decent vending machines.

    A few people nod and voice agreement.

    Pan to show JESSIE, a boy in a leather jacket with messy hair, sitting

    on the windowsill off to the side, his arm around TINA.


    And a better sound system in the gym.

    TINA(smiling up at him):

    Good one.


    Okay...(takes a marker from the board and starts to write ideas

    down) Anybody else? (pause) Okay then, if nobody else has any

    ideas, I have a suggestion...

    RUBY(from the back):

    How about vanity lights?

    WILLA(hesitantly turning around):



    Vanity lights.


    What...exactly do you mean by...vanity lights?


    Well, it's no secret that we need better lighting in the girls' locker

    room, so we can see ourselves better.

    (The cheerleaders on the couch voice agreement.)

    It's impossible to put on mascara, or curl your eyelashes, and you can

    forget about eyeliner...

    (The cheerleaders get louder and more excited)

    And so, in conclusion, I say better lights for a better Bramble.

    The cheerleaders cheer.

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    And you think this is an important cause? You want to make a better

    Bramble by buying new lights for the bathroom?

    (The students in the chairs and desks laugh)

    Okay, fine. (turning back to the board to write) Number three:

    vanity lights.

    WILLA turns back around. Pan to show RUBY leaning into JOEY and

    touching his arm.

    RUBY(smiling mischievously):

    Oh, and...I don't want to discriminate against boys or anything...Not

    that I've ever been in the boys' locker room...

    (Boys in the room start making noises and catcalls. The cheerleaders

    say, "ooh")

    And so I'm not exactly sure how dark it is in there...

    Pan back to show WILLA holding back tears. Pan to show JOEY raising

    his hand.


    What about you, Willa? You said you had a good suggestion.

    Zoom out to show entire classroom.


    Yeah, Willa, what's your idea?


    Willa? We're almost out of time.

    WILLA(taking a deep breath):

    Well, I don't know if any of you have heard the news, but the

    town council is closing the Bramble Library...

    The bell rings. Kids get up to leave. TINA gets up from the windowsill

    and joins WILLA at the podium.


    Hey, wait. Everybody, listen to what Willa's saying. Our town's

    library is being closed for good. And we should try and save it.

    Maybe we'll even end up on television, one of those morning shows

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    or something. You know, for saving the "poor old library". And we

    won't do fundraisers, we'll do fun-raisers!

    JOEY(getting up and walking toward the podium):

    Sounds good to me. (stands on the other side of WILLA) Count me

    in. I vote for the library, too.

    RUBY(from the couch):

    Joey's right. I vote for the library, too.

    GUS(standing up):

    Does everyone vote for the library? (pause) Okay then! Service

    idea done. We're going to save the Bramble Library. Meeting


    WILLA runs out of the room. JOEY tries to catch her.


    Willa! Willa, wait! What's wrong? Willa!



    SCENE 12

    WILLA enters, looking upset. STELLA is chopping vegetables next to the

    stove, which has a frying pan on top. SAM is at the center

    counter, slicing bread.

    QUOTER (V.O.):

    I'll not budge an inch...


    The Blazers spoke with me today about your Halloween party.


    I know, we owe them change.


    They didn't say anything about change, but they said they had a

    wonderful time and they want to dance again when they come back

    at Thanksgiving. The barn will be cold, but Sam said he could

    bring in some space heaters and...


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  • 8/3/2019 Cupid Chronicles Script


    together and you know what? I don't think they even kissed. I

    think Ruby's trying to make it seem like they were a

    couple...but, just to be sure, why don't I see what I can get out

    of Joey?


    No, Tina.


    Oh, come on, please? I haven't been watching soaps since I was six for

    nothing. I know how to dig without...




    That's not fair, Willa. You're always talking about being fair. I know

    Joey's a boy, but he's a person, too. Doesn't he have the right

    to tell his side of the story?

    (pause, WILLA and TINA stare at each other)


    Okay, Tina, talk to him a little. But don't mention my name. I don't

    want him to know I lo-like him.

    TINA(becoming excited):



    Like, Tina. I said like.


    Love! (stands up and twirls around the room, hand on her heart and

    eyes closed. Her tone becomes dreamy) Joey-o, Joey-o, my Joey-o.

    How do I love thee, Joey-o? Let me count the ways...

    WILLA(taking a pillow off the bed and throwing at TINA):

    Shut up.


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    Oh, Willa, lighten up. It happens to the best of us.


    What about you, Tina? Have you found ten things in common with Jessie



    Just about. Look. (opens her notebook and hands it to WILLA) We have

    the same favorite band and TV show and...

    STELLA (O.S):

    Willa! Come outside! The Blazers are leaving!

    WILLA and TINA go downstairs and outside the inn. A limo is at the

    sidewalk, where SAM is shaking MAMA B's and PAPA B's hands. A

    chauffer is taking their luggage and putting it in the trunk.

    WILLA goes up to MAMA B and gives her a hug.

    MAMA B:

    Good-bye, Willa, honey. It's been great.

    PAPA B:

    We'll be back for the Thanksgiving Tango.

    MAMA B(pretending to dance):

    With roses in our teeth! Cha cha cha!


    Wait. (takes a hundred dollar bill out of her pocket) I've got your


    MAMA B:

    Oh, no, that's for you and your friends. We'd have paid a million for

    that much fun, right, Bell?

    PAPA B:

    Absolutely. Most fun we've had in years.

    MAMA B, PAPA B, and the chauffer get in the limo. PAPA B rolls down

    the window, and they blow kisses and wave. The chauffer, from the

    driver's seat, tips his hat. They drive away.

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    STELLA and SAM start to go back inside. WILLA grabs STELLA by the arm.


    Mother, you didn't agree to a tango, did you? My friends don't tango!


    Well, they can have fun learning. I promised Chickles and Bellford.

    It's their favorite dance.


    Mother, please, the party is for teenagers, not some old...


    I thought the party was for the library.


    It is, Mother, but come on, the tango?


    The Turkey Tango.


    The Turkey Tango?


    Yes. Chickles came up with the name and Bellford loved it, so I said

    that's what we'd call it.


    Mother, how could you?


    I'm sorry, Willa, but they are important guests. I am, we are, trying

    to run a business here. Besides, I'm sure by now they've alreadytold all their relatives and...


    Oh, no. Why didn't you ask me before you ruined my whole...

    SAM(coming in between them):

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    Okay, ladies. Let's take a breather. (smiling) There must be a

    compromise. Remember, it takes two to tango!

    SAM looks back and forth at them. WILLA and STELLA stare at each

    other. TINA watches all three of them. Fade to black.



    SCENE 13

    The library, small on the inside. The first floor has a long wooden

    desk and a faded, multi-colored rug surrounded by bookshelves.

    WILLA is heading up the wooden steps to the second floor, which

    has wooden tables and chairs. Farther back are a few old

    computers and filing cabinets. More bookshelves line the walls.

    MRS. SAPERSTONE is sitting in a chair by the back window.


    My library was dukedom large enough...

    MRS. SAPERSTONE(not looking at WILLA):

    Willa, come in.

    WILLA sits down in a chair opposite her. There is a long pause. MRS.

    SAPERSTONE continues to look out the window. WILLA stares at MRS.


    MRS. SAPERSTONE(CONT'D, leaning forward and looking at WILLA):

    We've got to make it personal.


    We've got to tug at their heartstrings, somehow.

    MRS. SAPERSTONE nods, leans back, and resumes looking out the window.

    WILLA waits for a moment then gets up and walks past the

    bookshelves, picking out one to flip through. MRS. SAPERSTONE

    comes up behind her, an open book in hand.


    Sign this, will you, Willa?

    (WILLA puts the book back and turns to face her, puzzled)

    The pen is mightier than the sword.

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    Zoom in to the open book to show a card in the back with "Date" and

    "Borrower's Name" in two columns.


    What is it?


    It's the old-fashioned way we used to borrow books in Bramble. You

    signed your name in the card in the pocket on the back. Signing

    your name made it personal. Like you were borrowing something

    special. (takes a pen out of her pocket and hands it to WILLA,

    who signs the card) One of the nicest parts was that you could

    look at the card and see who had read that book before you. When

    you read the names, you felt a connection to those people. And

    when you signed your name, you connected yourself to all the

    people who would read that book after you. (closes the book andtakes the pen back) A book is a living thing, Willa. It soaks

    into your mind and heart and shapes how you think and feel. Every

    book you read becomes a part of you. (rushes forward to a section

    of the bookshelf and runs her hand along the side, laughing)

    Sometimes, Willa, I'll see a smudge of sauce on a page where

    there's a funny scene and I'll think maybe the person who read

    this book before me was eating pizza when she laughed at this

    part. Or I'll see a tear-sized stain on a sad page and I'll

    wonder about the person who read this passage and was moved to

    cry just like me.

    WILLA(turning to face MRS. SAPERSTONE):

    You've got to tell this to the council tonight, Mrs. Saperstone.


    No, Willa, they've heard me so often they don't listen to me anymore.

    This old library needs a new champion.

    There is a pause as MRS. SAPERSTONE continues looking at the spines of

    books and taking a few out.


    You know the council members, right, Mrs. Saperstone?


    Of course, I know them well.

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    And did they sign out books when they were kids?


    Well, not the wash-ashores like Harry Sivler, but Phinny Langerhornsurely did, and Phoebe Slingerlands, and of course Josiah

    Bulmer's father was the one who donated the whale fountain

    because he was such a fan of Moby Dick...


    That's it!

    They exchange glances like they are thinking the same thing.


    Oh, no, Willa, I can't.


    Yes you can, Mrs. Saperstone! Yes you can.

    Another pause. MRS. SAPERSTONE rushes to the other side of the room

    and starts looking through a filing cabinet.


    This is the bravest thing I've ever done. I could lose my job over

    this! (laughs) But then, I probably will anyway. I might as well

    have fun. You know, Willa, since I was a little girl, I've done

    what is expected of me. I've followed the rules. I've toed the

    mark. I've never ruffled any feathers. Today, I'm going to be a


    MRS. SAPERSTONE pulls out a folder and exchanges excited glances with

    WILLA. Fade to black.



    SCENE 14

    A group of council members sits at a long, wooden table. The room is

    bare otherwise. WILLA, SAM, NANA, GRAMP, TINA, MUM, and DR.

    SWAMMY enter, standing at the back.


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    All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

    They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his

    time plays many parts...

    HARRY SIVLER, a big man in his mid-40's dressed in a suit, sits at the

    head of the table. He sees the group, whispers to the man next to

    him, and they both laugh.

    STELLA(leaning down and whispering to WILLA):

    Speak loudly and clearly, and give eye contact with the decision

    makers. And if you start shaking or sweating, just keep smiling

    confidently and no one will notice.

    SAM(leaning in on the other side to whisper):

    Don't worry, Willa. Being nervous is good. Actors hope for butterflies

    in their stomach before they go on stage. It means they care

    about the part. Without passion, the performance falls flat.

    PHINNEUS T. LANGERHORN III, a thin man with round glasses in a

    pinstriped suit, sits at the other head of the table. He turns in

    his chair to look at the group.


    Well, I suppose you're all here for the library. Come in.

    The group inches forward, and SAM shuts the door behind them. WILLA

    takes a book, Treasure Island, out of her bag and hands it toPHINNEUS.


    It's Treasure Island.

    PHINNEUS(flips through the book for a moment then closes it):

    That's nice.


    Look at the back. In the pocket.

    PHINNEUS(reading the back cover):

    Haven't seen one of these in years. Look at this. (he shows the back

    cover to the table, pointing at the card) That was me, Phinny

    Langerhorn, a long, long time ago!

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    WILLA takes another book, Little Women, out of the bag and hands it to

    the woman on PHINNEUS's right, PHOEBE SLINGERLANDS. She has

    graying dark hair and a pair of bifocals but is dressed sharply

    in a women's suit.

    PHOEBE (taking the book and glancing at it):

    Little Women. How sweet. (starts to hand the book back)


    Look in the pocket.

    PHOEBE (flipping to the back, taking out the card, and reading):

    Devon Bender, Faith Picotte, Peggy McGarry...oh, my good friend

    Peg...oh, and look, there I am, Phoebe Slingerlands. (pauses,

    looking reminiscent, then closes the book)


    Turn to page twenty-one.

    PHOEBE(re-opening the book and flipping through):

    Oh...I wrote on the side, right by the part where she loves to play

    piano! I wrote, "Me, too. P.S." I forgot how much I loved to play


    WILLA goes to the man next to PHOEBE, JOSIAH BULMER, a big man with

    balding hair and a smiling face.


    I know, Moby Dick, right?


    Just call me Ishmael. (takes the book Moby Dick out of her bag and

    hands it to JOSIAH)

    WILLA continues to hand books out to the other members, except for

    HARRY SIVLER. When she finishes, she returns to her group andfaces the table.


    Isn't it a great feeling when you read a book? You never lose your

    connection with it, even if you yourself have forgotten it. See,

    books make people of any age happy or sad or informed or

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  • 8/3/2019 Cupid Chronicles Script


    Yes, Willa. Good job. I'd hire you. But the bottom line is, the bank

    is foreclosing. We have several competing concerns and limited

    resources. Roadway maintenance, beach access issues...We all feel

    badly about the library, but something's got to give. The money

    just isn't there.


    How much money do we need?


    More than we can squeeze out of this budget. (closes his eyes and puts

    his feet on the table)


    Well, how much? The Bramble Academy freshman class will be holding

    fundraisers all year long and every penny we raise is going to

    the library.

    The council members laugh. After a second, PHINNEUS clears his throat,

    the council quiets, and he leans forward.


    That's very nice, Ms. Havisham. Please tell your classmates how

    grateful the board is for your...civic-mindedness. It is truly

    impressive. But the debt is just too great at this point.

    WILLA(getting angry):

    But exactly how much do we need?

    HARRY(leaning forward and slamming his hands on the table):

    Too much!


    I'm sorry, young lady, but it's really already been decided. We've

    made an excellent arrangement with the town of Falmouth to

    consolidate the collections and...


    But this is the town of Bramble, and these are Bramble books!

    Her group cheers.

    PHINNEUS(becoming embarrassed):

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    That's true. But the bank is foreclosing...

    TINA(coming up next to WILLA, yelling):

    Okay. This is the third time my friend has asked you people, how much

    money do we need?


    Fifty thousand dollars!


    Okay. Now we're getting somewhere.



    SCENE 15

    Zoom in from the window of the cafe, which is packed with people of

    the inside. WILLA, TINA, MUM, DR. SWAMMY, SAM, STELLA, NANA, and

    GRAMP are sitting around a small round table, drinking from mugs.

    As we get closer, we can hear the buzz of talking and chairs moving.


    What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would

    smell as sweet...


    You and Tina make a great tag team.


    The scene was perfectly executed. (sips from his mug) Bravo, ladies. I

    expect you both to try out for the spring play.


    Willa wasn't acting tonight. That was straight from the heart. (pats

    her heart) Good job, little sister.


    We're proud of you, honey. And you too, Tina.

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    Couldn't be prouder.


    At least they said you only have to raise ten thousand of it.


    Let's start brainstorming. (takes out a pen and pulls a napkin from

    the dispenser on the table) Did you know The Beatles wrote some

    of their best lyrics on napkins?


    No, Willa, I didn't. That's fascinating.


    Okay, November. My mom planned...the Turkey Tango...


    We're still stuck with the name?




    Okay, no problem. We'll find a way to make it fun. Now,

    December...let's have a prom. We can call it the Snow Ball!


    But doesn't it take months to plan a prom?

    TINA(sagging her shoulders and pouting):

    You're right.


    How about a winter carnival? We can still call it the Snow Ball. We've

    got cross-country trails behind the inn and Sam's making an even

    bigger ice skating rink than last year. And maybe we could have a

    snowman-making does that sound?


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    Cold, Willa. It sounds cold. We've got to think fun. Wait, I know! How

    about a winter beach party? We can dump sand on the floor, hire a

    DJ, get some grills going with burgers and hot dogs, and we can

    wear our bathing suits!

    WILLA(writing on the napkin):

    I'm still liking the snowman idea...anyway...January. How about a Rock

    N' Roll Bowl-for-Books night?


    Sounds like fun. (sips from her mug)

    By now, MUM is the only one listening. The others discuss school and

    books behind them.


    Sounds...boring. We can do better.


    What's wrong with bowling, Tina? I like it...


    We've got to think boys, here, Willa, boys. In January every boy will

    be thinking about the Super Bowl, especially because the Pats

    have a shot this year.


    Okay. February's easy. Valentine's Day. How about a formal dance?


    Now you're talking, Willa. We know who you'll be smooching. (winks)

    WILLA(glancing around nervously):


    (MUM laughs)


    At least by then you'll know if you're compatible or not!

    WILLA(lowering her voice):

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    It's not all about compatibility.

    TINA(rolling her eyes):

    Oh, that's right. I forgot all about the flying baby.

    (MUM laughs again)

    Wait! Let's test it out!


    Test what out?


    Let's see which works better, compatibility or Cupid.




    Well, you know I've been working on a list of ten compatibility

    questions, right? How about if everyone who buys a ticket for the

    dance has to fill out my questions? We can match up the most

    compatible couples, and they'll have to dance to a special slow

    song together. After, we can see if the matches stick. If they

    do, compatibility rules. If not...well, maybe Cupid's all right.


    Sounds fun, girls!

    (WILLA and TINA look up at her with serious expressions. MUM quiets)


    WILLA(turning fully to face MUM):

    Hey, Mum, did you ever write that letter?


    As a matter of fact, I did. I was a leaper, all right. I called our

    high school, got an address and wrote to Riley, but I guess he...


    What are you talking about?

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    Nothing, honey. It's getting late. I better head out. (exits. A bell

    jingles over the door)


    What was that all about?


    I'm trying to get Mum to contact her old boyfriend from high school.

    They lost contact after he went to war and she went to the



    Really? Wow! Mum had a boyfriend! Wow...Okay, enough about that. What

    should we name the February dance?


    Let's see...It's for the library. Maybe something about books?...How

    about...Dancing for Dickens?


    That's a horrible name. We need something romantic! Something about

    the perfect matches we're going to make...


    Don't forget Cupid...Well, if you don't like Dickens, how about

    Shakespeare? A Midwinter Night's Dream? You know like a



    I love it! A Midwinter Night's Dream it is.

    Focus on SAM and STELLA sitting behind them, looking serious. As

    STELLA speaks, her voice becomes more audible.


    Fifty thousand dollars sounds fishy to me, Sam. There's something else

    going on here. I bet Harry Sivler's up to something.

    Focus back on TINA and WILLA. STELLA's voice can no longer be fully

    heard. The two exchange worried glances.

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    The inside of the church is huge. The floors are carpeted and gray,

    and wooden pews line both sides, facing an altar, which has a

    large mural painting of people smiling behind it. The windows are

    high up and diamond-shaped, made of stained glass and streaming

    through sunlight.

    People are standing up in the pews as MUM enters through a wooden door

    off to the side, dressed in a colorful robe and smiling.

    MUM(arms outstretched, singing):

    Here comes the sun, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Here comes the sun and I say,

    it's all right! (puts her arms down and smiles at the crowd) Good

    morning, sisters and brothers. Happy new day to you. Tomorrow,

    November thirteenth, is World Kindness Day. Time to turn rain

    into rainbows. (takes boxes off the altar and walks down the

    aisle, passing out paper hands and crayons) I want you to write

    down one kind thing you are going to do for another person this

    week. And I mean do, sisters and brothers, do. Not just think

    about, or talk about, or offer to, or promise to, but one kind

    thing you are going to do for someone. And if the someone is a

    someone you've had troubles with, that's even better. Turn that

    rain into rainbows, my friends. Rain into rainbows. It's all in

    your hands.

    Focus on WILLA, SAM, NANA, GRAMP, and STELLA standing toward the back.

    RUBY, HARRY SIVLER, and MRS. SIVLER, a petite strawberry blonde

    woman in her mid-40's in a black dress, are standing in front of

    them. MUM passes supplies to them then turns back around and

    heads for the front.


    Now sing with me, brothers and sisters!


    We've got the whole world in our hands,

    We've got the whole world in our hands,

    We've got the whole world in our hands,

    We've got the whole world in our hands.

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    People continue singing. RUBY turns around and holds her paper hand up

    to WILLA's face. WILLA leans in to read, and it says, "beauty

    consult, your place or mine?"

    WILLA looks offended at first, but she takes a deep breath.


    How about your house?


    Great. Tomorrow after school.

    The singing ends, and people gather their things and start to exit.


    Go forward, my brothers and sisters, and turn rain into rainbows!

    WILLA, SAM, NANA, GRAMP, and STELLA head outside and start walking

    down the street.


    Willa, I need you to try a few taffy flavors for Thanksgiving. My

    scouts tell me the other Cape candy stores are going all out. I

    think I won Halloween, but Thanksgiving's anybody's turkey.

    They arrive at Sweet Bramble Books and go inside. SAM and STELLA sit

    down at a table and talk. GRAMP goes behind the counter and handsthree pieces of taffy to NANA, who gives them to WILLA.

    WILLA tries the first and spits it out. She then eats the next two,

    one at a time, and gives a thumbs up.


    So, no "No Bluffin' Stuffin'", but keep "Ginger-Gravy Baby" and

    "Talkin' Turkey Toffee Taffy"?


    Definitely. But you should put little flavor descriptions underneath

    the names so people will know what to expect.


    Good idea. You've got good candy genes, Willa. Maybe you'll take over

    the business someday. Clearly, your mother has no interest.

    (glares at STELLA, who looks up for a second in confusion)

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    Gramp thinks we should have a contest. Any customer who can say

    "Talkin' Turkey Toffee Taffy" five times fast without messing up

    gets a five-pound chocolate turkey, solid.

    WILLA(looking up at the clock):

    Okay, here goes. Talkin' turkey toffee taffy, talkin' toofy tofer



    Nice try, honey.


    You're walking every day, right, Nana?


    Yep. Every day. This old bat's finally hitting the Big Apple.


    That's great, Nana!


    We might even get on TV. Just you wait. Some December morning you'll

    be sitting there having your cold cereal watching the news before

    school while Stella's rushing around instead of making you the

    good hot breakfast you deserve...


    Okay, I heard that one!


    ...and that nice man will be doing the weather report and then all of

    a sudden you'll see me and Gramp with a poster waving, "Hi Willa!

    Hi Willa!"


    You're a riot, Nana.

    NANA(reaching behind the counter and lowering her voice):

    Here, give these to Stella. (hands WILLA a box of chocolate-covered

    mints) They're still her favorite, right?

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    If your parents don't mind, Willa, could you stay and help for a bit?

    This is the time your nana goes up for a nap. (winks at NANA, who

    smiles and exits upstairs)


    We're going to go, Willa. Be home for dinner!

    SAM and STELLA exit.


    Is Nana okay?


    Oh, she's fine, honey. A nap is one of the great gifts of old age. Youdon't feel guilty anymore. When Nana comes down, I'm heading up

    for a snooze myself. Now help me with these books.

    They go to the shelves and put new books on and rearrange a few. When

    they finish, GRAMP goes behind the counter and makes tea. WILLA

    takes a seat at the chair. GRAMP sits opposite her and hands her



    Now. Are you enjoying reading Shakespeare?




    Good. I'm glad. Here's a little something for you. An early Christmas


    He reaches under his chair and pulls out a wooden plaque with a red

    bow tied around it. He hands it to WILLA, who pulls off the bow

    and reads it.

    Zoom in on the inscription in gold lettering, which reads:


    Who is it that says most? Which can say more, than this rich praise:

    that you alone are you...

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    I thought you might like to put it over your desk or something.


    It's beautiful, Gramp. Thanks. Now what can I get you this year?


    Not a thing you can buy me, Willa. Just knowing you is a gift.

    WILLA hugs GRAMP and places the plaque on the table next to her tea.


    So, what else are you reading?


    Fahrenheit 451.


    Ah, an important book, indeed. And not so fantastical. There will

    always be those who try to keep certain books off the shelves. We

    must fight that, Willa. Writers must be free to write the truest

    books they can. If you don't like a book, you can close it. But

    you have no right to say I can't open it.


    You're right Gramps. Which is why we're going to save this

    library...starting with...(groans) The Turkey Tango. Stella even

    hired some dance instructor named Shirley Happyfeet. And I swear,

    that's her real name, Gramp. "Happyfeet".

    GRAMP(laughing hard):

    Oh, Willa, I hope you'll write all this down.


    Don't worry, Gramp. I will . You can't make this stuff up!



    SCENE 17

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    The students are sitting in desks and on the couch in the back. TINA

    and WILLA are standing at the podium.


    Kindness in women, not the