Curé of Ars Catholic Church - Amazon Web Services 3... · and to fast. Jesus also tells us to do...

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PARISH 9401 MISSION ROAD, LEAWOOD, KANSAS 66206 • Office: (913) 649-1337 • Fax: (913) 649-1339

Website: • Email:

SCHOOL 9403 MISSION ROAD, LEAWOOD, KANSAS 66206 • Office: (913) 648-2620 • Fax: (913) 648-3810

Website: • Email:

Pastor Fr. Richard Storey Associate Pastor Fr. Justin Hamilton Senior Priest Fr. Tony Lickteig In Residence Fr. Quy Ta Deacons Dcn. Steve White Dcn. Phillip Nguyen

Mass Schedule

Weekend Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am, 12:00 & 6:00 pm Weekday Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:15 am Saturday 8:00 am

Confessions Saturday 2:30-3:30 pm Sunday 4:30-5:30 pm First Saturday of every month following the 8:00 am Mass Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

Curé of Ars Catholic Church Lead all to the Church through the Word, the Sacraments and the Mass.

First Sunday Lent March 10, 2019

Take Each Day One at a Time

On this the First Sunday of Lent, we take advantage of our Time Machine to get an up-close,

personal look at what happened almost 2000 years ago. This experience will give us some

new insights into Lent. The control panel display shows 30 AD. We have landed at the edge

of a desert near the Jordan River. We see people clad in garments of the time. Our clothing

changes to match theirs.

We observe someone going into the desert. We recognize Him as the One who recently was

baptized by John in the River Jordan; we remember seeing the descending dove and hearing the Voice from the

cloud proclaiming, “This is my beloved Son!” This is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, human and Divine. During

these next six weeks we will trace His footsteps in a very special way.

Our Ash Wednesday liturgy sets the tone for all of Lent. We are told to perform good deeds, to give alms, to pray

and to fast. Jesus also tells us to do all this privately, in secret, hidden from where people may see our deeds and

praise us for them. He says, “And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.”

In today’s Gospel, Luke 4:1-13, we hear what Jesus did following His baptism by John in the Jordan River. St.

Luke tells us, “Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert

for forty days.” We can take a cue from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit, Whom we re-

ceived in our own Baptism, guide us as we enter into our Lenten journey.

Temptation has always been a part of our heritage. We can learn from Jesus as He dealt with temptation

in the desert. Jesus faced temptation not by giving in to the torments of the devil, rather He stood steadfast in His

trust and love of His Father. Jesus was facing temptation alone in the desert.

When we are tempted, our best path is to ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength to overcome those

temptations. We can pray and meditate; we can give alms and repent; we can place our trust in God.

A three-day trip begins with one day; a week-long trip begins with one day. Our forty days journey

through Lent begins with one day. Take each day – one at a time – and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit make

it the best day that you can. Have faith, pray a little, hope a little, and love a lot. “For the greatest of these is


Father Storey

Welcome to Curé of Ars!

We invite you to join the Parish! To register as a parishioner of

Curé of Ars, go to, click on About Curé, then

select Register with Curé of Ars. (link:

You can also stop by the Parish Office located to the north of the

church to fill out a registration form. Once your form is completed

(electronically or in person), the parish office staff will reach out

to you with information on how to become active in various parish

activities and ministries.

Please join us in welcoming

new Curé parishioners:

Patrick Koetting

Marilyn Morgan

Abigail Cattron

Charles and Casey Irwin

Lily Orpin

Pastor’s Notes

Parish Information

Office: (913) 649-1337 Email:


Fr. Richard Storey

Associate Pastor,

Fr. Justin Hamilton

Senior Associate,

Fr. Tony Lickteig

Ministry Assistant,

Sister Julie Galan, csj

Deacon Phillip Nguyen

Deacon Steve White

Parish Manager,

Bob Kolich

Business Manager,

Katy Rocca

Parish Life Coordinator,

Carol Morris

Music Ministry,

Ellen Tuttle


Coordinator, Amy Naab

School Principal,

Andrew Legler

School of Religion,

Bernadette Myers

Catechesis of the Good Shep-

herd, Joni Rundle

Youth Coordinator,

Andrew Lynch


Sister Rosie


@CureofArsLeawoodKS Twitter:


Online Giving

Online giving is available for parishioners, making donations simple, safe, and secure. Visit our website and click on the online giving button from your computer or mobile device. Initiate a one-time gift or set up recurring donations. If you have any questions or need help getting set up, please contact the Business Manager at the Parish Office 913.649.1337.

Eucharistic Adoration

Our Adoration Chapel is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call 913.558.1187 or email to schedule a weekly hour.

Low Gluten Hosts

The presiding priest will have a separate pyx containing low-gluten hosts. Simply receive from his line at Mass stating “low gluten”.

Assistance in Receiving Communion

If you need assistance in receiving communion at Mass, please notify an usher when you come into the church and they will notify an Eucharistic Minister.

Bulletin Deadline

Please email all bulletin items by Noon on Monday to

Parish Offering

March 2 and 3, 2019

Week 36 Offertory Collected $ 85,125

YTD Actual 7/1/18 –2/17/19 $ 3,209,517

YTD Budget 7/1/18–2/17/19 $ 3,206,298

Variance $ 3,219

Annual Budget 7/1/18-6/30/19 $ 4,525,000

Lenten Schedule

Daily Mass: 6:30am / 8:15am / Tuesday, 6:30pm

Stations of the Cross: Fridays of Lent, 5:30pm

Reconciliation: Wednesdays of Lent, 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Saturday, 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Sunday, 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Parish Penance Service: Sunday, April 7th at 3:00pm

Please pray for those in our parish who

are suffering from illness:

Pray for Peace

The Knights of Columbus encourage you to leave

home a half-hour earlier for the 4 pm Saturday Mass

and join other parishioners in the Church at 3:30 pm to

pray the rosary for peace.

Our Parish Family Weekly Novena

Please join us every Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm in the

church to pray for marriages, families, vocations and

for those who have left the faith to return to the Sacra-

ments. This is for the whole family, children included.

We will pray this beautiful and powerful prayer as we

call on Our Lady’s intercession for these intentions.

Please pray for all those who have died

and for the consolation of their families:

Rodney Kneale, husband of Claudette Paul Lynch, husband of Winona and father of Michael, Tai, Suzy, Linda and Rose

In Need of Prayer?

We have a group of people here at Curé of Ars who are

willing to pray for your special needs in the privacy of

their homes. All is kept confidential. Call Jeanne

Dervin at 913.648.3214 or Ruthanne Schroeder at


Please let us know when your loved one is better!

Worship & Liturgy

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary

“Listen. Put it into your heart … the

thing that frightened you, the thing that

afflicted you is nothing: Do not let it

disturb you …Am I not here, I who am

your mother? Are you not under my

shadow and protection? Am I not the

source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my

mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need

something more?” -Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1531

As a special dedication to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the

Rosary will be prayed every Sunday at 7:10 pm in the

Cry Room of the Church. Please join us in community

to pray the prayer Our Blessed Mother gave to us.

Ushers Needed

We are in need of ushers for the 7:30 am Mass. If

interested, please contact Ann Miller at 913.383.9398.

Rick Sinclair, Zach Josephson, Brian Titus, Darcy

Fowler, Jerry Saale, Dean and Marian Wiseman,

Jeannie Bolton, Tom Barry, Ross McVey, Wes

Kurre, Dan Monks, Audrey Dhooge, Kathleen

Helming, Jeff Hoffman, Susie Leake Gilbert, Tim

Werth, Msgr. Charles McGlinn, Bob Bolton, Tim

Corbett, Janet Reid, Stan Bezek, Christine Raya, Joan

Carlton, Bob Carlton, Joanie Tassi, Ted Burns,

Phyllis Menard, Rose Ray, Chris Bublitz and Rita


Gift Bearers for Offertory

Does your family ever want to take the gifts

up at Offertory? Ever wonder where you

sign-up to be the gift bearers? No sign-up

required! There is a cross with a tag on it that

says “Gift Bearers” on the table when you

walk into the sanctuary. Just pick it up and

follow the directions on the back of the tag! It’s that

simple! We hope your family considers trying this

ministry at Mass some Sunday!

Memorial Liturgy

A Memorial Liturgy for deceased loved ones will be

Saturday, March 16, at the 8:00 am Mass. Following

Mass those experiencing the loss of a loved one

through death are welcome to attend a time of

fellowship and support in the Father Burak room. The

topic will be, "Understanding and Dealing With

Grief." For more information call 913.649.2026.

Mass Intentions Daily Readings

Mon. 3/11 Lenten Weekday Lv 19:1-2, 11-18

Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [Jn 6:63b]

Mt 25:31-46 6:30 am Marc Ingenthron

8:15 am Reva Dehan

Tue. 3/12 Lenten Weekday Is 55:10-11

Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19


Mt 6:7-15

6:30 am Lowliest Soul in Purgatory

8:15 am Helen Mazurek

6:30 pm Brian McBride

Wed. 3/13 Lenten Weekday Jon 3:1-10

Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19


Lk 11:29-32

6:30 am Carl Gilb

8:15 am Leona Fladung

Thu. 3/14 Lenten Weekday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25

Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8


Mt 7:7-12

6:30 am Helen Story

8:15 am Mary Buehler

Fri. 3/15 Lenten Weekday Ez 18:21-28

Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8


Mt 5:20-26

6:30 am Kathy Field

8:15 am Conway Leary

Sat. 3/16 Lenten Weekday Dt 26:16-19

Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 [1b]

Mt 5:43-48 8:00 am Carmella Giangreco

4:00 pm Intentions of the Fisher Family

Sun. 3/17 Second Sunday of Lent Gn 15:5-12, 17-18

Ps 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14[1a]

Phil 3:17—4:1 or 3:20—4:1

Lk 9:28b-36

7:30 am Curé of Ars Memorial Mass

9:00 am Joseph and Margaret Murphy Family

10:30 am Al Simoes

Noon Dixie Taylor

6:00 pm Pastor’s Mass for the People


Bryer William Michels

Brooks Stephen Rabbitt


Kathleen Marie Watson


Gregory Scott Kulik

Worship & Liturgy

Marian Meditation

Say to the daughter of Zion: See,

your savior comes! Behold, his

reward is with him, his recompense

before him. Isa 62:11

Mary was blessed by

conceiving the flesh of

Christ. But she was

even more blessed by

receiving the faith of


Monthly Food Drive on March 9 and 10

Please bring NONNON-PERISHABLE food to the Catholic Charities truck on site after each Mass. Many in need are depending on us. The following are special requests: canned meat (tuna, chicken, salmon), peanut butter, canned or dried beans, canned fruits, low sodium vegetables, pasta sauce and canned tomatoes, cereal (whole grain, low sugar content), whole grains (pasta, pancake mix, etc.), oatmeal or grits, and rice (brown, white or basmati).

Thank you for your help and support!

Bible Study

Our weekly Bible Study meets Tuesdays 1:00 to 2:30

pm in the Ars II Room. We are currently reviewing the

Gospel of Luke. All are welcome, come as often as

your schedule allows. For more information contact

Jodie Stockwell or Bill Hobbs 913.568.6300.

Legion of Mary

Please join us as we pray the Rosary, participate in

good works for our community, and share in a deeper

spiritual relationship with our Blessed Mother. When:

Tuesday Morning after 8:15 am Mass (cry room). All

are welcome!

Join the Auxiliary of the Legion of Mary on the third

Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Cry

Room. Please join us to pray the Rosary and to learn

more about the Legion and our Blessed Mother. All

are welcome.

Join us for a rosary on the Feast of the Annunciation of

Our Lord on Monday, March 25th at 6:30 pm.

Call Sallie Steele at 816.914.0733 or Amelia

Fitzpatrick at 816.820.1837 for more information.

News & Events

Tuesday Morning Men

Join Tuesday Morning Men who meet in the Fr. Burak

Room after the 6:30 am Mass for their new thirteen

week program. The current program is “The Vision of

Man Fully Alive.” For more information, contact Greg

Albers at 913.642.7201.

Shrimptacular Tickets

Tickets for the Shrimp Dinner

and for the Dueling Pianos

event on March 22 are limited

and have been selling fast!

No tickets will be sold at the

events. Tickets are available

at https://


Shrimp Dinner tickets are $15 with two seating

times available - 5 pm and 6:30 pm (The 6:30 pm

has sold out).

General Admission Dueling Pianos tickets are $25

(does not include Shrimp Dinner).

VIP Admission Dueling Pianos tickets are $50 and

include an open bar and preferred seating (does not

include Shrimp Dinner).

Men of Curé

Join us on Friday mornings in the Fr. Burak Room as

we discuss the Scripture readings for the upcoming

Sunday. The discussions will be 7:00-8:00 am. Coffee

will be served. Please contact Doug Leibbrandt at

816.695.3357 if you would like more information.

Men Under Construction

Men Under Construction will be held on April 6 at

Church of the Ascension. Come join us this year to

hear Dr. David Anders and Elvis Grbac, former KC

Chiefs quarterback. Experience the power of 1000

men praying. Come and see. Men 14 years of age or

older are welcome to bring your fathers or brothers.

Registration starts at 6:45 am, lunch included in the

$40 fee with a closing Mass at 2:15 pm. Signup at the

door or online at

News & Events

Faith Conversations

Faith Conversation will not be

meeting on March 10 and March

17 due to Spring Break.

Curé Adult Faith Enrichment

Please join us Wednesday evening, March 13, 7:00 pm-

8:00 pm in ARS II Room, as we begin an 8-week series

by Bishop Robert Barron, The Pivotal Players. This

series will illuminate the saints, artists, mystics and

scholars (such as, St. Augustine, St. Benedict, St.

Francis of Assisi, Michelangelo, G.K. Chesterton, and

many more) who not only shaped the life of the

Church, but changed the course of civilization. For

more information, call Greg or Lisa Albers at

913.642.4030. We look forward to seeing you!

News & Events

Something to Eat Lenten Food Packing


Save the date! Something to Eat, Curé of Ars' Lenten

food packing party, will return for another year

on Saturday, March 30th, from 10 a.m. to noon. This

fun-filled event provides an opportunity for our parish

to work together to pack 25,000+ meals to help feed

those in need! This is an all-ages event and an ideal

way for families to volunteer together. To sign up

online please visit:

Save the Date - Spring Clothing Drive

Lent is a great time to clear

the clutter from our hearts

AND our closets! Our spring

clothing drive, benefitting

our Catechesis of the Good

Shepherd program is

scheduled for March 23-31. All clothing and linens

are accepted. Please bag shoes separately as we

receive a higher rate of return than clothes. A truck will

be in the north parking lot of the church to receive your

donations beginning March 23. Questions? Please

email Joni Rundle at

Adult Curé of Ars Trivia Night

Date: Saturday, March 30 - Adult Cure' of Ars Trivia

Night to support the Booster Club

Price: Tables of 8 are $200 - please form your own


Where: Cure of Ars Gym

Time: 6:00 doors open and 7:00 Trivia begins

Details: This is a bring your own food and drink event

and table themes/costumes/decorations are

encouraged. To buy a table, please


Knights of Columbus

At the Knights March meeting, Terry

Radke was named Knight of the Month

for his leadership and commitment to

the Free Throw contest. Joseph Killeen

and his children Molly and Michael

were named Family of the Month for their support of

the confirmation retreat.

Lenten Fish Fries - This Lenten season the Knights

will host Lenten Fish Fries on March 29 and April 5

and 12 in the School Cafeteria from 5:00 to 8:00

pm. Dinner includes Fried Cod, Baked Tilapia, Sides,

Desert and Beverage (Beer and Wine available for an

additional donation). Kids menu: Cheese Pizza. Sug-

gested donations: Families $30, Adults $11, Children 7

-17 $6, Children under 7 Free. Carryout available.

Afternoon Book Club

The Afternoon Book Club will be meeting in the Ars II room at 12:30 pm on Thursday, March 14. The discussion will be centered on the book Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner. Judy Harris will be our discussion leader. Please be sure you have sent your RSVP to Judy or Mary as directed in your email. Until then, stay safe and warm. Any questions, call Cheryl Hagedorn at 913-341-2908.

News & Events

23nd Annual Joint Diocesan Mass With

Anointing of the Sick

The Order of Malta is pleased to sponsor this Mass for

Catholics of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, with priests

from both dioceses concelebrating. Archbishop

Naumann will be the Principal Celebrant and Bishop

Johnston will deliver the homily. This Mass with

anointing of the sick, similar to celebrations in

Lourdes, France, will be at 10am, Saturday, March 23,

2019, at Curé of Ars Church. All are invited. Prior to

Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered

from 8:45 to 9:30am. Those wishing to receive the

Anointing of the Sick are asked to pre-register. Please

call 816.579.1370 or and

leave your name and correct spelling. Please join us in

praying for all of our sick and suffering brothers and


Curé of Ars Lenten Series

Enter into Lent in a deeper

way by following the stages

of Christ’s Journey towards

the Cross. We will be using

Cardinal Ratzinger’s 2005

meditations on the “Way of

the Cross” as a jumping-off

point to see how we can

incorporate the journey of

Jesus in a more profound way

in our own lives. Classes will

be lead by the Holy Family School of Faith and will be

held in the church following the 6:30 pm Mass at

approximately 7:00 pm on the following Tuesdays:

March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2, and April 9.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Shrine of Ars, France, has

entrusted to the Knights of

Columbus the major relic of St.

Jean Vianney’s incorrupt heart

for a national tour in the U.S.

The Knights of Columbus

welcomes this special

opportunity to offer for

veneration a major relic of the

patron of parish priests, whose

holiness and integrity is a

model for clergy and laity alike.

The pilgrimage will be in

Kansas City on March 17. The

relic will be displayed at the

noon Mass at Curé of Ars with

Archbishop Naumann

presiding. It will then travel to

St. Michael’s the Archangel

Church in Leawood for a public

veneration from 2:30 - 4:30 pm

followed by the 5 pm Mass. To

see the full schedule of the

pilgrimage, please go to



Baptisms for children are celebrated Sunday following

the noon Mass or Saturday following the 4:00 pm

Mass. Please complete the baptism form on the web-

site:, under Sacraments, or call

the parish office.


Curé of Ars is dedicated to supporting those who

have experienced a divorce. We are here to give you

understanding as well as practical help, and to ex-

plain the annulment process and its distinction from

civil divorce. For more information contact Jodie

Stockwell at or contact the

parish office.


The Archdiocese requires a couple to allow six months

preparation before marriage by attending preparation/

spirituality sessions prior to the date. If you are plan-

ning a wedding, please contact Carol Morris in the

parish office at


Families seeking Confirmation for their teen should

have the student enrolled in a Catholic School or

the School of Religion program at Curé of Ars. For

more information, contact Andrew Lynch at

913.649.1337 or

First Reconciliation

The Sacrament of First Reconciliation is usually re-

ceived in the 2nd grade for our parish students. Stu-

dents actively prepare to receive this sacrament both at

home and in the Catholic school or School of Religion

classroom. Contact Bernadette Myers at 913.649.1337

or for more infor-



RCIA classes will meet on Monday nights (starting

October 1st) from 7-8:30 p.m. Progress from one

stage to the next is marked by liturgical celebrations

in the midst of the parish community. If you are in-

terested or just have questions, contact Sister Rosie

913.649.1337 or

First Eucharist

The Sacrament of First Communion is usually re-

ceived in the 2nd grade for our parish students. Stu-

dents actively prepare to receive this sacrament both at

home and in the Catholic school or School of Religion

classroom. Contact Bernadette Myers at 913.649.1337

or for more infor-


Rosary Repair

To make arrangements to repair or to discuss any

questions, please email David and Jacqueline Elbert

at or contact the Par-

ish Office at 913.649.1337. Repairs are done free of

charge with some exceptions. Donations of old rosar-

ies are welcome.

Communion for the Homebound

To add yourself or a loved one to the list to receive

Holy Communion, please contact Sister Julie in the

parish office at 913.649.1337 ext. 108.

Anointing of the Sick

Emergency calls can be made at any time by calling

the Parish Office. Please notify the office concern-

ing hospitalization or lengthy illness at home.

Holy Orders

For more information, contact Fr. Dan in the Archdi-

ocesan Vocations Office at


Please contact a priest through the Parish Office be-

fore arrangements have begun at the mortuary.

Sacrament & Other Information