Curriculum Vitae

Post on 10-Feb-2016

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CV Preparing Tips


CV comes from Latin, and it means course of life; a CV therefore provides a concise autobiography of an individual.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Since it is meant to provide a detailed account of an individuals achievements, a CV tends to be Lengthier (2-8pages) than the normally crisp resume (usually, not more than two pages).

According to some people, the term CV should be used only in the context of academics; in all other cases, resume should be used.

This distinction is seldom maintained, and there is a tendency to use the two words interchangeably nowadays. The main aim of writing a CV or a resume is to get the person reading it to call for an Interview.

Your C.V needs to take care of the following


As soon as you feel you have gathered enough data about the position you are finding out about begin writing the CV with a few of the things to follow in mind.

Are there specific key skills the job advert asks for, ensure that you provide appropriate skills within your CV so that the potential employer can know that you are appropriate to the job.

Ensure that the covering letter is relevant and brief and enables the potential employer you are approaching to see why you would be the applicant for the job.

This involves making sure that any data you have gathered about the needs of the position offered are talked about in a positive way for you within the covering note.

Ensure that contact information are clearly shown at the top of the page so that the potential employer does not have to go hunting through lots of text to get hold of you.

Never use negative language when talking about yourself, your skills or the company you are interested in. Be bright and positive about yours and the position you are interested in, you can, get the position you want.

When listing qualifications and previous jobs ensure you list the most recent qualification and job first and work the time line backwards from there. Place the educational section first if you are just out of college with any relevant jobs afterwards.

As you have more jobs place the list of employers first with your education afterwards. In both categories draw out information that is appropriate to the job you are applying for. Add any additional relevant vocational qualifications after this.

Hobbies and interests can reflect well on the job you are looking for if you can ensure the skills within it are beneficial, team sports. For example show that you enjoy working as part of a team.

Finally try to get the end product typed out on a computer and get a copy stored on disc. Ensure you use some quality paper to give the correct impression to your potential employer.

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