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Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

November 2011

Name: Cristian SecchiDate of Birth: February 4th, 1975Place of Birth: Montecchio Emilia (RE), ItalyNationality: ItalianAddress: Via E. De Amicis 10/1

42020 Quattro CastellaReggio Emilia - Italy

Telephone (Work): +39 0522 522235Telephone (Mobile): +39 328 0462016E-Mail: cristian.secchi@unimore.itURL:

Personal Education

1989-1994 Scientific Diploma degree 60/60

1994-2000 University of Bologna (Degree in Computer Science Engineer-ing, majors in Robotics and Automation)

M.Sc. 99/100

2000 Delft University of Technology, NL with a scholarship fromthe University of Bologna (I)

2001 Italian Professional Degree

2001-2004 Ph.D Student on Information Engineering, with majors in Au-tomation, at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I).Ph.D Thesis entitled “Control of Interactive Robotic Inter-faces: a port-Hamiltonian approach”.


International Experiences

2000 Delft University of Technology (NL) as a visiting scientist

2001-2002 University of Twente (NL) as a visiting scholar

2005 Invited scientist at the University of Twente (NL)

2010 Invited scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (DE)



Italian mother tongue

English fluently written and spoken

French Good written and spoken

Brief Biography

Cristian Secchi received the M.Sc. in Computer Science Engineering in July 2000 fromthe University of Bologna (I) and the Ph.D. in Information Engineering, curriculum Au-tomation, in 2004 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I). Between the twodegrees he has been working as a visiting scientist at the Delft University of Technology.Since January 2005 he is faculty member as assistant professor (Ricercatore) at the De-partment of Sciences and Methods of Engineering (DISMI) of the University of Modenaand Reggio Emilia (I). He is member of the IEEE since 2001, first as a student and thenas a regular member. He is author of the book “Control of interactive robotic interfaces:a port-Hamiltonian approach” (Springer,ISBN:3540497129).On March 18th, 2006 he has been selected as a finalist for the 5th Edition of the EURONGeorges Giralt Award for the best PhD thesis on robotics defended in Europe in 2004. Hehas participated to the CROW (Coordination of AGVs in automatic warehouses) projectthat has been selected as one of the six finalists of the 2010 EURON-EUROP TechnologyTransfer Award, awarding the best technology transfer project in Europe.He has been Associate Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine from Jan-uary 2005 to December 2008. Since May 2007 he is co-chair of the IEEE Robotics andAutomation Society Technical Committee on Telerobotics.He is involved in research projects related to robotics, factory automation and real-timesoftware. He has been teaching basic courses on control and system theory, industrialautomation and robotics.


Education and Organization

Prepared Courses

2001-2004 Automatic Control Teaching assistant for the course for Management En-gineering at the University of Modena and ReggioEmilia (I)

2004 System Theory M.Sc. Course for Management Engineering andMechatronic Engineering at the University of Modenaand Reggio Emilia (I)

2005- Automatic Control Teaching assistant of the course for Mechatronic En-gineering at the University of Modena and ReggioEmilia (I)

2005- Control of Robotic Systems M.Sc. Course for Mechatronic Engineering at theUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)

2006-2008 Control Systems M.Sc. Course for Mechanical and Vehicle Engineeringat the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)

2006-2009 Engineering and Technol-ogy of Control Systems

M.Sc. Course for Mechatronic Engineering at theUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)

2010- 2011 Digital Control M.Sc. Course for Mechatronic Engineering at theUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)

Supervised M.Sc. students

He has supervised more than 50 M.Sc.and B.Sc. students (starting from January 2005) inthe Mechatronics Engineering curriculum and in the Management Engineering curriculumat the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Almost half of the M.Sc. projects havebeen carried on with companies on applied research and technological innovation topics.

Supervised post-graduate students and PhD students

2005 Luca Bassi Object oriented modeling of complex manufacturing plants

2007-2010 Roberto Olmi Traffic Control of AGVs in automatic warehouses (Ph.D. Student)

2008- Lorenzo Sabattini Distributed Control of multi-robot systems

2010 Davide Ronzoni SLAM for AGVs in automatic warehouses

2011 Federica Ferraguti Autonomous Tasks in Surgical Robotics

2011- Alessio Levratti SLAM for robotic lawnmowers (Ph.D. student)

2011- Dino Giuseffi Experiments on Traffic Control for AGVs in automatic warehouses3

Ph.D Committee

2008 He has been in the PhD committee of Emmanuel Nuno, PhD candidate at theUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain under the supervision ofProf. Luis Basanez. He defended a thesis titled “Nonlinear bilateral control ofteleoperators with transmission time delays”.

2010 He has been in the PhD committee of Davide Zerbato, PhD candidate at the Uni-versity of Verona, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Fiorini.

2010 He has been in the PhD committee of Stefano Galvan, PhD candidate at the Uni-versity of Verona, Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Fiorini.

2011 He has been reviewer of he PhD thesis of Jorge Barrio, PhD candidate at thePolitechnical University of Madrid, under the supervision of Prof. Manuel Ferre.


2005- Member of the Committee for the access test at the School of Engineering II of theUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)

2005- Member of the Council of the School of Engineering II of the University of Modenaand Reggio Emilia

2006-2010 Member of the Committee for Ph.D. of the School of Engineering II of the Universityof Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)

2010- Member of the Council of the PhD School of Industrial Innovation Engineering ofthe University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)



2011-2014 ISUR (FP7-GA 270396) Intelligent Robotics Surgery (coordinator ofthe local unit)

2011-2013 DIRO (Regional Project) Mobile Robotics for Industrial Applications

2010-2013 INTERMECH (Regional Project) Advanced Mechatronic Systems

2010-2012 ECHORD (FP7-GA 231143) Traffic Control of AGVs in Automatic Ware-houses(coordinator of the TRAFCON exper-iment)

2010-2011 Tetra Pak Carton Ambient s.p.a Development of a SysML modeling strategyfor an automatic machine

2008-2010 CROW (Elettric80 s.p.a) Development of an efficient coordinationstrategy for AGVs in automatic warehouses

2007-2010 Tetra Pak Carton Ambient s.p.a Predictive Maintenance of rolling bearingsfaults in an automatic machine for packag-ing

2005-2008 Tetra Pak Carton Ambient s.p.a. Object oriented modeling of a manufacturingsystem

2005-2008 Pro-Tract (Regional Project) Distributed Control for ECs on board of offroad tractors

2005-2007 OOMM (National Project) Object Oriented Methods for Mechatronicsystem modeling

2005-2007 Tecno Effe S.r.l. Visual Servoing for a mosaic builder robot

2003-2005 OASYS (National Project) Open source software for industrial Automa-tion and distributed SYstemS

2002-2006 GEOPLEX (IST-2001-34166) Geometric Network Modeling and Control ofComplex Physical Systems

2005- EURON Contact person for the University of Modenaand Reggio Emilia (I)




2000- Prof. Claudio Melchiorri University of Bologna (I)2000- Prof. Stefano Stramigioli University of Twente (NL)2001- Prof. Cesare Fantuzzi University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)2002 Prof. Arjan van der Schaft University of Twente (NL)2003- Dr. Alessandro Macchelli University of Bologna (I)2003 Dr. Antonio Visioli University of Brescia (I)2004-2007 Dr. Riccardo Morselli University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)2005- Dr. Marcello Bonfe University of Ferrara (I)2005- Prof. Riccardo Rubini University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)2007-2010 Dr. Debora Botturi University of Verona (I)2007- Prof. Paolo Fiorini University of Verona (I)2007-2010 Prof. Manuel Ferre Politechnical University of Madrid (E)2007- Dr. Angelika Peer Technical University of Munich (DE)2007- Dr. Nikhil Chopra University of Maryland (USA)2010- Dr. Paolo Robuffo Giordano Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (DE)2010- Dr. Antonio Franchi Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (DE)

Prizes and Acknowledgments

He has received the following acknowledgments for scientific merits:

• The paper Transparency in port-Hamiltonian Telemanipulation, co-authored withCesare Fantuzzi and Stefano Stramigioli, has been nominated for the best paperaward at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS) in 2005

• On march 2006, during the Euron Meeting, he has been selected as one of the threefinalists for the fifth edition of the Georges Giralt PhD Award, that awards the bestthesis on Robotics defended in Europe in the year 2004.

• The paper Variable Delay in Scaled port-Hamiltonian telemanipulation, co-authoredwith Cesare Fantuzzi and Stefano stramigioli, has been selected among the bestseven papers presented at the IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO) 2006.

• The project CROW (Coordination of AGVs in automatic warehouses) has beenselected as one of the six finalists for the 2010 EURON/EUROP Technology TransferAward.

• The work Decentralized and Passivity based Teleoperation of a Group of UAVs withTime-Varying Topology, co-authored with Paolo Robuffo Giordano and AntonioFranchi, has been selected as one of the five finalists for the best paper at theNational Conference AUTOMATICA.IT 2011 at Pisa (I)


Invited Speaker

2000 Delft University of Technology (NL) Geometric Grasping and Telemanipulation

2000 University of Bologna (I) Geometric Grasping and Telemanipulation

2001 University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I) Mini-course on bond-graphs

2002 University of Twente (NL) Sampled port-Hamiltonian systems

2004 University of Verona (I) Bilateral Telemanipulation: a port-Hamiltonian approach

2008 Technical University of Munich (DE) Modeling and Control of bilateral teleoper-ation systems through the port-HamiltonianApproach

2010 Max Planck Institute, Tubingen (DE) Being there without being there: the chal-lenge of telerobotics

2010 Summer School on Telerobotics (Munich, DE)) A port-Hamiltonian Approach to BilateralTeleoperation

2010 University of Roma Tre (I) Telerobotics: Extending Action and Percep-tion


Visited Conferences and Workshops

2001IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

Maui, Hawaii

2002 CIRA National Conference Perugia (I)

2002IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

Lausanne, Switzerland

2002 Tutorial “Towards Intelligent Robotic Manipulation” Lausanne, Switzerland

2003IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

Las Vegas, Nevada

2003 7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO) Wroclaw, Poland

2003 CIRA National Conference Modena (I)

2004 CIRA National Conference Cagliari (I)

2004 Workshop on Robotics and Neuroscience Siena (I)

2005IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Au-tomation (ICRA)

Barcelona, Spain

2005IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineer-ing (CASE)

Edmonton, Canada

2005IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

Edmonton, Canada

2005 IEEE Conference on Control Application (CCA) Toronto, Canada

2006Geometric Methods for Applications and Industry(MEGAI 2006)

Bologna, Italy

2006 EURON Annual Meeting Palermo, Italy

2006IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Meth-ods in Nonlinear Control (LHMNLC)

Nagoya, Japan

2006IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informat-ics (INDIN)


20068th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control(SYROCO)

Bologna, Italy

2006 CIRA National Conference Milano (I)

2007IFAC International Conference on Nonlinear ControlSystems (NOLCOS)

Pretoria (South Africa)

2007 SIDRA National Conference Genova (I)


2007IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control(CDC)

New Orleans (USA)

2008IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Au-tomation (ICRA)

Pasadena, USA

2008 IFAC World Congress Seoul, South Korea

2007 SIDRA National Conference Vicenza (I)

2009IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Au-tomation (ICRA)

Kobe, Japan

2009IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

St. Louis (USA)

2010IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Au-tomation (ICRA)

Anchorage (USA)

2010IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Conference(IAV)

Lecce (I)

2010IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

Taipei (Taiwan)

2011 Eurobotics Vasteras (Sweden)

2011IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Au-tomation (ICRA)

Shanghai (China)

2011IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS)

San Francisco (USA)

2011 AUTOMATICA.IT National Conference Pisa (I)


Editorial Activities and contribution to international organiza-tions

2005-2008 Associate Editor of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine

2007- Co-Chair of the IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Telerobotics

2008 Co-organizer of the invited session “Putting energy back in robotics”, that has beenheld at the IFAC World Congress in Seoul (South Korea), in July 2008

2008 Co-organizer of the Workshop “New Vistas and Challenges in Telerobotics”, held onMay 20th 2008, in correspondence of the IEEE International Conference on Roboticsand Automation (Pasadena, USA)

2010 Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Design and Control Methodologies in Teler-obotics that has been published on the Elsevier Mechatronics Journal 20(7) , Octo-ber 2010

2010 Co-organizer of the Summer School on Telerobotics, held in Munich (DE) from July26th to July 30th 2010.

2010 Co-organizer of the invited session “Advanced teleoperation control architectures”held at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Robots(Taipei, Taiwan) in October 2010

2010 Member of the IPC of the 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics andBiomechanics, ICABB-2010, held in Venice (I) in October 2010.

2011 Co-organizer of the Tutorial “Control Issues in Haptic Teleoperation”, held in cor-respondance of the Worldhaptics International Conference

2011 Co-organizer of the “Symposium on Telerobotics” held in correspondence of theIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2011 in SanFrancisco (USA).

He has been a Reviewer for the following Journals and International Conferences:


• IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation

• IEEE Transactions on Robotics

• IEEE Transactions on Haptics

• IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

• IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology

• IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

• IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

• IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


• ASME Journal of Dynamical Systems

• IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

• Elsevier, Automatica

• Elsevier, Mechatronics


• IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

• IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

• IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

• American Control Conference

• IEEE Conference on Control Applications

• IFAC Symposium on Robot Control

• IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics

• IFAC World Congress

• IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems

Current Research Topics

In the field of teleoperation, novel energy-based control structure are sought to bridgethe gap between passivity and transparency. In this way it would be possible to obtain ateleoperation system that are at the same time intrinsically safe for the users and capableto reproduce with a high fidelity the impedance of the remote environment at the user’sside. At the moment we have obtained some very promising results using a two layerapproach where a lower level takes care to ensure a passive energy transfer and the upperlevel takes care to shape the energy transfer in order to ensure transparency.Another line of research, exploiting these concept coupled with distributed control tech-niques, deals with the teleoperation of a swarm of autonomous robots where the group isteleoperated while maintaining some autonomy for low level maneuvers.

In the field of mobile robotics, three main research projects are active: traffic con-trol of AGVs, distributed coordination of mobile robots and SLAM for lawnmowers.An efficient traffic control strategy, based on coordination diagrams, for coordinatingAGVs in automatic warehouses has been developed. A traffic dependent (re-)routingstrategy has been developed and the experimental phase on real AGVs has started.Distributed control strategies for allowing a group of robots to autonomously perform acomplex tasks are being studied. It is aimed to couple passivity based approaches andgraph theory for obtaining robust and distributed cooperating structures.Exploiting low costs sensors and moving the complexity to the control, we are developing,in cooperation with a company, a robotic lawnmower capable of localizing itself and ofefficiently covering a generic garden.


In the field of surgical robotics, within the ISUR project, novel modeling and controlstrategies are being explored for making automatic some surgical actions in a realisticsetting (e.g. unexpected events can take place and the operating environment is variableand partly unknown). At the moment, our work is devoted to the translation of theknowledge of the surgeons into a formal language (e.g. UML) that can be understoodand replicated by a robotic system.




B1 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Fantuzzi, C., Control of Interactive Robotic Interfaces: aport-Hamiltonian approach, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR), Springer,ISBN:3540497129, Marzo 2007


P1 Cocconcelli M., Bassi L., Borghi D., Rubini R., Secchi C., Predictive Rolling BearingMaintenance, International Patent number WO 2010100253 (A1), September 10th,2010


J1 Stramigioli, S., Secchi, C., van der Schaft, A.J., Fantuzzi, C., Sampled Data SystemsPassivity and Sampled port-Hamiltonian Systems, IEEE Transactions on Robotics,21(4):574-587, August 2005

J2 Bonfe M., Fantuzzi C., Secchi C., Behavioral inheritance in object-oriented modelsfor mechatronic system, International Journal on Manufacturing Research, 1(4):421-441, 2006

J3 Secchi C., Bonfe M., Fantuzzi C., On the use of UML for modeling mechatronicsystems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 4(1):105-113,2007

J4 Bonfe M., Fantuzzi C., Secchi C., Simani S., Modelli orientati agli oggetti per sis-temi con dinamiche ibride, Automazione e Strumentazione, Anno LV, n. 4, VNUBusinness Publication, April 2007

J5 Secchi C., Bonfe M., Fantuzzi C., Borsari R., Borghi D., Object-Oriented Modelingof Complex Mechatronic Components for the Manufacturing Industry, IEEE/ASMETransactions on Mechatronics, 12(6): 696-702, 2007

J6 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Discussion on ”On preserving passivity in sampled-datalinear systems”, European Journal of Control, December 2007

J7 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Fantuzzi C., Transparency in port-Hamiltonian based Tele-manipulation, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24(4):903-910, August 2008

J8 Secchi C., Bonfe M., Fantuzzi C., Borsari R., Borghi D., Authors’ reply to ”Com-ments on ’Object-Oriented Modeling of Complex Mechatronic Components fortheManufacturing Industry’”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 13(4):487-489, August 2008

J9 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Fantuzzi C., Variable Delay in Scaled Port-HamiltonianTelemanipulation, Elsevier Mechatronics, 18(7):357-363, September 2008

J10 Botturi D., Vicentini M., Righele M., Secchi C., Perception-centric Scaling in Bi-lateral Teleoperation, Elsevier Mechatronics, 20(7):802-811, October 2010


J11 Olmi R., Secchi C., Fantuzzi C., Coordination of Industrial AGVs, InternationalJournal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 9(1/2), 2011

J12 Sabattini L., Secchi C., Fantuzzi C., Arbitrary shaped formations of mobile robots:Artificial Potential fields and coordinate transformation, Autonomous Robots 30(4):385-397, May 2011

J13 Bassi L., Secchi C., Fantuzzi C., Bonfe M., A SysML based methodology for manu-facturing system modeling and design, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,16(6):1049-1069, 2011.

J14 Franken M., Stramigioli S., Misra S., Secchi C., Macchelli A., Bilateral Telemanipu-lation with time delays: A two-layer approach combining passivity and transparency,IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 27(4):741-756, August 2011

J15 Cocconcelli M., Bassi L., Secchi C., Rubini R., Fantuzzi C., An algorithm to diag-nose ball bearing faults in servomotors running arbitrary motion profiles, MechanicalSystems and Signal Processing, 2011, in press

J16 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Fantuzzi C., Steady State Kinematic Compensation inScattering based teleoperation, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2011, submitted

J17 Sabattini L., Chopra N., Secchi C., Decentralized connectivity maintenance for co-operative control of mobile robotic systems, Automatica, 2011, submitted

J18 Bonfe M., Fantuzzi C., Secchi C., Design Patterns for Model-Based AutomationSoftware Design and Implementation, Control Engineering Practice, 2011, submit-ted

J19 Franchi A., Secchi C., Son H.I., Bulthoff H., Robuffo Giordano P., Bilateral Teleop-eration of Groups of Mobile Robots with Time-Varying Topology, IEEE Transactionson Robotics, submitted

Book Chapters

BC1 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Fantuzzi C., Power scaling in port-Hamiltonian tele-manipulation over packet switched networks, in “Advances in Telerobotics” (M.Ferre, M.Buss, R.Aracil, C. Melchiorri Eds.), Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics(STAR) Series, Vol. 31, pp.233-256, ISBN: 978-3-540-71363-0, Springer, Luglio 2007

BC2 Secchi C., Stramigioli S., Fantuzzi C., Kinematic Compensation in Port-HamiltonianTelemanipulation, in “Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods in Nonlinear Control2006” (F. Bullo, K. Fujimoto Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sci-ences (LNCIS), Vol. 366, pp.99-100, ISBN: 978-3-540-73889-3, Springer, 2007

BC3 Lefemine G., Pedrini G., Secchi C., Tesauri F., Marzani S., Virtual Fixtures forSecondary Tasks, in “Human-Computer Interaction Symposium”, pp. 67-81, ISBN:978-0-387-09677-3, Springer Boston, 2008

BC4 Secchi C., Fantuzzi C., Formation Control over Delayed Communication Networks,in “Modeling, Estimation and Control of Networked Control Systems”, Understand-ing Complex Systems, Springer, ISBN: 978-3642031984, 2009


BC5 Franken M., Stramigioli S., Reilink R., Secchi C., Macchelli A., Bridging the gapbetween passivity and transparency, in “Robotics: Science and Systems V”, MITPress, ISBN: 978-0-262-51463-7, October 2010

International Conferences

Invited Papers

CI1 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, M. Bonfe, On the use of UML for modeling physical sys-tem, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), April 2005,Barcelona, Spain. Invited paper in the session entitled “Object-oriented modellingand formal validation methodologies in manufacturing and automation”

CI2 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, The problem of packets loss in scaled digitalport-Hamiltonian based bilateral telemanipulation, Proceedings of the IEEE Interna-tional Conference on Control Applications (CCA), August 2005, Toronto, Canada.Invited paper in the session entitled “Control of Telerobotic Systems”.

CI3 M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, Verification of Fault Tolerance of Discrete-EventObject-Oriented Models using Model Checking, Proceedings of the IFAC WorldCongress, July 2008, Seoul, South Korea. Invited paper in the session entitled“Dependable Control of Discrete Event Systems”.

CI4 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Compensation of position errors in passivitybased teleoperation over packet switched communication networks, Proceedings ofthe IFAC World Congress, July 2008, Seoul, South Korea. Invited paper in thesession entitled “Putting Energy back in Robotics”.

CI5 C. Fantuzzi, M. Bonfe, C. Secchi, A Design Pattern for Model Based Software De-velopment for Automatic Machinery, Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium onInformation Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM09), June 2009, Moscow,Russia. Invited paper in the session entitled ”Advanced Software Engineering inIndustrial Automation”.

CI6 C. Fantuzzi, F. Fanfoni, C. Secchi, M. Bonfe, ”An engineering process for the mecha-tronic development of industrial automation systems”, Proceedings of the IEEEInternational Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN10), July 2010, Osaka,Japan. Invited paper in the session entitled ”Advanced Software Engineering inIndustrial Informatics and Factory Automation”.

CI7 C. Fantuzzi, M. Bonfe, F. Fanfoni, C. Secchi, A Design Pattern for translatingUML software models into IEC 61131-3 Programming Languages, Proceedings ofthe IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italia, September 2011. Invited paper in thesession entitled “Model Based Engineering in Industrial Plant Automation”

CI8 P. Robuffo Giordano, A. Franchi, C. Secchi, H. H. Bulthoff, Experiments of Passivity-Based Bilateral Aerial Teleoperation of a Group of UAVs with Decentralized VelocitySynchronization, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intel-ligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, September 2011. Invitedpaper in the Symposium on Telerobotics.


CI9 C. Secchi, Traffic Control of AGVs in Automatic Warehouses: the TRAFCON Ex-periment, Workshop on European Efforts in Strengthening the Academia-IndustryCollaboration in correspondence of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on In-telligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, September 2011.

Regular Papers

C1 Secchi, C., Stramigioli, S., Melchiorri, C., Geometric Grasping and Telemanipula-tion, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS), October 2001, Maui, Hawaii (USA)

C2 Stramigioli, S., Secchi, C., van der Schaft, A.J., Fantuzzi, C., A Novel Theoryfor Sample Data Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS), September 2002, Lausanne (Switzerland)

C3 Secchi, C., Stramigioli, S., Fantuzzi, C., Digital Passive Geometric Telemanipula-tion, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automa-tion (ICRA), September 2003, Taipei (Taiwan).

C4 Fantuzzi, C., Secchi, C., Visioli, A., On the Fault Detection and Isolation of Indus-trial Robot Manipulators, Proceedings of the 7th International IFAC Symposium onRobot Control (SYROCO), September 2003, Wroclaw (Poland)

C5 Macchelli, A., Melchiorri, C., Secchi, C., Fantuzzi, C., A Variable Structure Ap-proach to Energy Shaping, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC),September 2003, Cambridge (UK)

C6 Secchi, C., Stramigioli, S., Fantuzzi, C., Delayed Virtual Environments: a port-Hamiltonian Approach, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS), October 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA)

C7 Secchi, C., Stramigioli, S., Fantuzzi, C., Dealing with Unreliabilities in Digital Pas-sive Geometric Telemanipulation, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on In-telligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA)

C8 Secchi C., Fantuzzi C., Gianotti A., Control of an Industrial Robot Using RTAILinux, Fifth Real-time Linux Workshop, November 2003, Valencia (Spagna)

C9 Fantuzzi C., Secchi C., Energetic Approach to Parametric Fault detection and Isola-tion, American Control Conference (ACC), July 2004, Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

C10 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, M. Bonfe, Unified modeling of control software and physicalplants, 16th IFAC World Congress, July 2005, Praha, Czech Republic

C11 M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, Inheritance of Behavior in Object-Oriented De-signs for industrial control systems, 16th IFAC World Congress, July 2005, Praha,Czech Republic

C12 M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, Verification of Behavioral Substitutability inObject-oriented Models for Industrial Controllers, International Conference on Roboticsand Automation (ICRA), April 2005, Barcelona, Spain


C13 M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, Object-Oriented Modeling of Multi-Domain Sys-tems, Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 2005,Edmonton, Canada

C14 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Power Scaling in port-Hamiltonian basedTelemanipulation, IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots andSystems (IROS), August 2005, Edmonton, Canada

C15 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Transparency in port-Hamiltonian based Tele-manipulation, IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sys-tems (IROS), August 2005, Edmonton, Canada. This paper has been nomi-nated for the best paper award

C16 M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, Unified Modeling and Verification of Logic Con-trollers for Physical Systems, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),December 2005, Seville, Spain

C17 M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, UML come linguaggio di modellazione unificatoper sistemi meccatronici, ANIPLA Congress on the Automation for the developmentof competitivity of SME, November 2005, Napoli (I)

C18 C. Landi, A. Prati, C. Secchi, Image analysis and automatic composition of ceramicmosaics, VIII Congresso SIMAI, May 2006, Ragusa, Italy

C19 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Kinematic Compensation in Port-HamiltonianTelemanipulation, IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods forNonlinear Control (LHMNLC), July 2006, Nagoya, Japan

C20 C. Fantuzzi, M. Ruggeri, S. Marzani, C. Secchi, A Distributed Embedded ControlSystem for Agricultural Machines, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Con-ference on Industrial Informatics, August 2006, Singapore

C21 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Variable delay in scaled port-Hamiltoniantelemanipulation, IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO), September 2006,Bologna, Italy. This paper has been selected as one of the best 7 publica-tions of the symposium.

C22 C. Secchi, M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, A coalgebraic approach to behavioral inheritancein Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the International Symposium on NonlinearTheory and its Applications (NOLTA), September 2006, Bologna, Italy

C23 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Intrinsically Passive Force Scaling in HapticInterfaces, Proceedings of the IEEE-RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS), October 2006, Beijing, China

C24 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Position Drift Compensation in port-HamiltonianTelemanipulation, Proceedings of the IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intel-ligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October 2006, Beijing, China

C25 L. Bassi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, M. Bonfe, An object-oriented approach to man-ufacturing systems modeling, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on AutomationScience and Engineering (CASE), October 2006, Shangai, China


C26 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Inheritance for Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the In-ternational Congress ANIPLA 2006, November 2006, Rome, Italy

C27 D. Zanichelli, C. Secchi, R. Rubini, C. Fantuzzi, M. Bonfe, D. Borghi, R. Borsari,E. Sacchetti, Towards Object-Oriented Modeling of Complex Mechatronic Systemsfor the Manufacturing Industry, Proceedings of the ASME International MechanicalEngineering Congress and Exposition, November 2006, Chicago, USA

C28 C. Secchi, M. Bonfe, C. Fantuzzi, Design by Extension and Inheritance of behaviorin Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC), December 2006, San Diego, USA

C29 C. Secchi., S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Port-contact systems in bilateral telema-nipulation, 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2007),August 2007, Pretoria, South Africa

C30 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Energy Shaping over Networks for Mechanical Systems, Pro-ceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2007,New Orleans, USA

C31 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Formation Control Over Delayed Communication Networks,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), May 2008, Pasadena, CA, USA

C32 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Coordination of Multiple AGVs in an IndustrialApplication, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics andAutomation (ICRA), May 2008, Pasadena, CA, USA

C33 E. Gebennini, A. Grassi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, An Analytical Model for AutomatedPackaging Lines Design, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, June2008, Seattle, WA, USA

C34 D. Botturi, S. Galvan, C. Secchi, A Force Dependent Scaling for Improving the Hu-man Perception in Bilateral Teleoperation, Workshop on New Vistas and Challengesin Telerobotics, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics andAutomation (ICRA), May 2008, Pasadena, California, USA

C35 M. Cocconcelli, C. Secchi, R. Rubini, C. Fantuzzi, L. Bassi, Predictive maintenanceof ball bearings for machines rotating with arbitrary velocity profiles, Proceedingsof the ISMA2008 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering,September 2008, Leuven, Belgium

C36 M. Cocconcelli, C. Secchi, R. Rubini, C. Fantuzzi, L. Bassi, Comparison BetweenTime-Frequency Techniques to Predict Ball Bearing Fault in Drives Executing Ar-bitrary Motion Profiles, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engi-neering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), November 2008, Boston, Massachusetts,USA

C37 D. Botturi, S. Galvan, M. Vicentini, C. Secchi, Perception-Centric Force ScalingFunction for Stable Bilateral Interaction, Proceedings of the IEEE InternationalConference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2009, Kobe, Japan


C38 M. Franken, S. Stramigioli, R. Reilink, C. Secchi, A. Macchelli, Bridging the gapbetween passivity and transparency, Proceedings of the 2009 Robotics: Science andSystems Confeernce (RSS09), July 2009, Seattle, WA, USA

C39 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, A Coordination Technique for Automatic GuidedVehicles in an Industrial Application, Proceedings of the 9th International IFACSymposium on Robot Control (SYROCO), September 2009, Gifu, Japan

C40 C. Fantuzzi, G. Perrica, C. Secchi, A way to reduce model complexity for Non LinearSystem Approximators, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physicsand Control (PhysCon2009), September 2009, Catania, Italy

C41 L. Sabattini, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Potential Based Control Strategy for ArbitraryShape Formations of Mobile Robots, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ InternationalConference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October 2009, Saint Louis,USA

C42 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Coordinating the motion of multiple AGVs in auto-matic warehouses, Workshop on Robotics and Intelligent Transportation Systems,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,May 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.

C43 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Coordinating multiple robots with assigned paths,Proceedings of the 7th IFACSymposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 2010,September 2010, Lecce, Italia.

C44 M. Bonfe, E. Piccinini, C. Secchi, SaBot: A scalable architecture for Web-enabledMobile Robots, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent AutonomousVehicles 2010, September 2010, Lecce, Italia.

C45 L. Sabattini, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, A. Stefani, Bird’s - Eye View Image for theLocalization of a Mobile Robot by Means of Trilateration, Proceedings of the 7thIFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 2010, September 2010, Lecce,Italia.

C46 L. Bassi, M. Cocconcelli, C. Secchi, R. Rubini, C. Fantuzzi, An algorithm to diagnoseball bearings faults in servomotors running arbitrary motion profiles, Proceedingsof the ISMA2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering,September 2010, Leuven, Belgium

C47 L. Sabattini, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, D. de Macedo Possamai, Tracking of Closed-Curve Trajectories for Multi-Robot Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Inter-national Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, October2010

C48 M. Bonfe, C. Secchi, Online Smooth Trajectory Planning for Mobile Robots by Meansof Nonlinear Filters, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference onIntelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010

C49 P. Robuffo Giordano, A. Franchi, H.I. Son, C. Secchi, D.J. Lee, H.H. Buelthoff, To-wards Bilateral Teleoperation of Multi-Robot Systems, Proceedings of the 3rd Work-shop for Young Researchers on Human-Friendly Robotics, Tuebingen, Germany,October 2010


C50 A. Franchi, P. Robuffo Giordano, C. Secchi, H.I. Son, H.H. Buelthoff, A Passivity-Based Decentralized Approach for the Bilateral Teleoperation of a Group of UAVswith Switching Topology, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference onRobotics and Automation (ICRA), Shanghai, China, May 2011

C51 D. Ronzoni, R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, AGV Global Localization Using Indis-tinguishable Artificial Landmarks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conferenceon Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Shanghai, China, May 2011

C52 R. Falconi, L. Sabattini, C. Secchi, C. Melchiorri, C. Fantuzzi, A Graph-BasedCollision- Free Distributed Formation Control Strategy, Proceedings of the IFACWorld Congress, Milano, Italy, September 2011

C53 P. Robuffo Giordano, A. Franchi, C. Secchi, H.H. Buelthoff, Passivity-Based Decen-tralized Connectivity Maintenance in the Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple UAVs,Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, Los Angeles, USA,June 2011

C54 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, An Efficient Control Strategy for the Traffic Co-ordination of AGVs, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference onIntelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, September 2011

C55 L. Sabattini, N. Chopra, C. Secchi, Distributed Control of Multi-Robot Systems withGlobal Connectivity Maintenance, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Con-ference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), San Francisco, USA, September2011

C56 L. Sabattini, N. Chopra, C. Secchi, On Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance forMobile Robotic Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference onDecision and Control (CDC), Orlando, USA, December 2011

National Conferences

CN1 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, An Energetic Approach to Fault Detection and Isolation,Convegno Nazionale CIRA, September 2002, Perugia.

CN2 C. Secchi, Intrinsically passive control of telemanipulation systems, Convegno NazionaleCIRA, September 2003, Modena.

CN3 C. Secchi, Transparency in bilateral telemanipulation, Convegno Nazionale CIRA,September 2004, Cagliari.

CN4 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, Position drift compensation in port-Hamiltoniantelemanipulation, Convegno Nazionale CIRA, September 2006, Milano.

CN5 C. Fantuzzi, C. Secchi, Inheritance in Object-Oriented Modeling of Dynamical Sys-tems, Convegno Nazionale CIRA, September 2006, Milano.

CN6 C. Secchi, S. Stramigioli, C. Fantuzzi, On the compensation of position errors inpassivity based teleoperation, Convegno Nazionale SIDRA, September 2007, Genova

CN7 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, On the Use of UML for Modeling Mechatronic Systems,Convegno Nazionale SIDRA, September 2007, Genova


CN8 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Formation Control over Delayed Communication Networks,Convegno Nazionale SIDRA, September 2008, Vicenza.

CN9 C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, S. Stramigioli, Compensation of position errors in pas-sivity based teleoperation over packet switched communication networks, ConvegnoNazionale SIDRA, September 2008, Vicenza.

CN10 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Multiple AGVs Coordination, Convegno NazionaleSIDRA,September 2008, Vicenza.

CN11 L. Sabattini, C. Secchi, Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance, Convegno NazionaleSIDRA,September 2008, Vicenza.

CN12 R. Olmi, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, A Coordination Technique for Automatic GuidedVehicles in an Industrial Application, Convegno Nazionale SIDRA, September 2009,Siracusa, Italia.

CN13 L. Sabattini, C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi, Potential Based Control Strategy for ArbitraryShape Formations of Mobile Robots, Convegno Nazionale SIDRA, September 2009,Siracusa, Italia.

CN14 C. Secchi, P. Robuffo Giordano, A. Franchi, Decentralized and Passivity based Tele-operation of a Group of UAVs with Time-Varying Topology, AUTOMATICA.IT2011 conference, Pisa, Italy, September 2011. This work has been selected asone of the five finalists for the best paper

Theses and Technical Report

T1 Secchi C., Controllo basato su passivita di sistemi robotici di telemanipolazione conritardo, Tesi di Laurea, DEIS, University of Bologna, July 2000. Supervisor: Prof.C. Melchiorri. In Italian.

T2 Secchi C., Geometric Grasping and Telemanipulation, Technical Report, Delft Uni-versity of Technology, December 2000. Supervisor: Prof. S. Stramigioli.

T3 Secchi C., Stramigioli S. , Fantuzzi C., Digital Passive Geometric Telemanipula-tion, Technical Report number 36 of the Department of Sciences and Methods ofEngineering (DISMI) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

T4 Macchelli A., Melchiorri C., Secchi C., Fantuzzi C., A variable structure approachto energy shaping, Technical Report number 37 of the Department of Sciences andMethods of Engineering (DISMI) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

T5 Secchi C., Stramigioli S. , Fantuzzi C., Dealing with Unreliabilities in Digital PassiveGeometric Telemanipulation, Technical Report number 38 of the Department ofSciences and Methods of Engineering (DISMI) of the University of Modena andReggio Emilia.

T6 Secchi C., Stramigioli S. , Fantuzzi C., Delayed virtual environments: a port-Hamiltonianapproach, Technical Report number 39 of the Department of Sciences and Methodsof Engineering (DISMI) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.


T7 Fantuzzi C., Secchi C., Visioli A., On the fault detection and isolation of industrialrobot manipulators, Technical Report number 40 of the Department of Sciences andMethods of Engineering (DISMI) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

T8 Secchi, C., Control of Interactive Robotic Interfaces: a port-Hamiltonian Approach,PhD thesis, Information Science Doctoral School, University of Modena and ReggioEmilia. Supervisor: Prof. C. Fantuzzi.