Curriculum Vitae Henri Gooren, Oakland University February ... · Winter 2016 AN 302 Amanda...

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Curriculum Vitae

Henri Gooren, Oakland University

February 15, 2017


a. Full Name: Henri Paul Pierre Gooren

b. Department: Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice

c. Rank: Associate Professor of Anthropology


Degree Institution Date Subject

Ph.D. Utrecht University 11/27/1998 Anthropology

M.A. Utrecht University 08/30/1991 Anthropology

B.A. Not applicable in the old Dutch system of academic titles


a. Teaching Experience Not as a Graduate Student

Institution Rank Date Full or Part Time

Oakland University Associate Professor 2011- Full Time

Oakland University Assistant Professor 2007-11 Full Time

Utrecht University Post-doc 2003-07 Part Time

b. Teaching Experience as a Graduate Student

Institution Rank Date Full or Part Time

Utrecht University PhD student 1993-98 Part Time


c. Other Relevant Professional Experience

2003-2007 Research team coordinator and postdoc in Conversion Careers and

Culture Politics in Pentecostalism: A Comparative Study in Four

Continents. Research program funded by Netherlands

Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), similar to NSF in the

United States, as part of The Future of the Religious Past initiative.

2002-2003 Senior staff member and board secretary of the Netherlands Social

Science Research Council (SSRC) of the Netherlands Organization for

Scientific Research (NWO).

1999-2002 Staff member of the Netherlands Social Science Research Council of

the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

1994-1997 Graduate student representative of the national research school for

development studies CERES and of the executive committee of

Utrecht University’s Department of Cultural Anthropology.

d. Oakland Appointment Record

i. Rank and date of initial appointment: Assistant Professor, 08/15/07

ii. Date of reappointment: 08/15/2009

iii. Rank and date(s) of promotion(s) Associate Professor, 08/15/11

iv. Date(s) of Spring/Summer teaching (post-tenure):

Semester/Year Course Enrollment Evaluations Available

Summer I 2016 AN 102 15 No*

Summer II 2015 AN 102 10 No*

Summer I 2014 AN 102 19 No*

Summer I 2013 AN 102 21 No*

* The department does not conduct course evaluations for summer terms.

v. Date(s) and type(s) of leave: Sabbatical, Winter 2015

e. Oakland Instructional Record (Courses taught after receiving tenure)

Semester/Year Course Enrollment Evaluations Available

Winter 2017 AN 102 69 Eventually

Fall 2016 AN 102 74 Yes

Fall 2016 AN 302 28 Yes

Summer I 2016 AN 102 15 No*

Winter 2016 AN 102 71 Yes

Winter 2016 IS 250 6 Yes

Fall 2015 AN 102 71 Yes

Fall 2015 AN 271 19 Yes


Summer II 2015 AN 102 10 No*

Fall 2014 AN 102 73 Yes

Fall 2014 AN 302 28 Yes

Summer I 2014 AN 102 19 No*

Winter 2014 AN 102 79 Yes

Winter 2014 AN 371 24 Yes

Fall 2013 AN 102 89 Yes

Fall 2013 AN 271 21 Yes

Summer I 2013 AN 102 21 No*

Winter 2013 AN 102 79 Yes

Winter 2013 IS 250 43 Yes

Fall 2012 AN 302 26 Yes

Winter 2012 AN 371 20 Yes

Winter 2012 AN 395 2 Yes

Fall 2011 AN 102 90 Yes

Fall 2011 AN 271 20 Yes

* The department does not conduct course evaluations for summer terms.

Independent study projects directed:

Semester/Year Course Enrollment Subject

Winter 2016 AN 302 Amanda Sosnowski Anthro Res. Methods

Winter 2016 AN 302 Lila Gee Anthro Res. Methods

Winter 2016 AN 302 Bethanee Calloway Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2015 AN 302 Jessica Klima Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2015 AN 302 Matthew McAlpine Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2015 AN 371 Shayna Roer Mexico&Central Am.

Winter-Fall 2015 HC 370 Kimberly Ballor Machismo in Mexico

Winter 2014 AN 302 Lauren Ruszkowski Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2013 AN 302 Kailey McAlpin Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2013 AN 302 Kyle Nazaroff Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2013 AN 371 Alex Morton Anthro Res. Methods

Winter-Fall 2013 HC 370 Lauren Tibbits Cosmetic surgery

Winter-Fall 2013 HC 370 Alex Morton Camino de Santiago

Winter 2013 AN 302 Brett Hagen Anthro Res. Methods

Winter 2013 AN 302 Lindsay Miller Anthro Res. Methods

Winter 2012 AN 302 Matthew Kamara Anthro Res. Methods

Winter 2012 AN 302 Rob Ninowski Anthro Res. Methods

Winter 2012 AN 302 Brittany Stem Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2011 AN 302 Orlando Benedict Anthro Res. Methods

Fall 2011 AN 302 Kristen Heyes Anthro Res. Methods

Winter-Fall 2011 HC 370 Nicole Smola Black Cult.&Hip Hop

Winter 2011 AN 480 Christina Carr Voodoo in Haiti

Winter 2011 AN 480 Rob Ninowski Evolution of Religion

Winter 2010 AN 302 Kalae Atwell Anthro Res. Methods

Summer-Fall 2009 MALS Brenda Bujold Gender and Religion


Winter 2009 AN 302 Michael Denyes Anthro Res. Methods


indicate how each item was selected (referees; editor; invitation, etc.) for

publication or presentation

a. Doctoral dissertation: Rich among the Poor: Church, Firm, and

Household among Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Guatemala City (Amsterdam:

Thela, 1999).

Supervisors: Prof. Dirk Kruijt and Prof. Wouter van Beek (Department of

Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University [UU], the Netherlands)

b. Master’s thesis: “The Expanding Mormon Church in Latin America:

Sketches from a Ward in San José, Costa Rica” (1991, in Dutch, unpublished)

Supervisors: Prof. Jan Ooijens and Prof. Wouter van Beek (Anthropology, UU)

c. Books published or in press:

1. Henri Gooren (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions.

Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Reference. Forthcoming 2018 (refereed, stand-

alone entries online as of August 2015).

2. Henri Gooren, Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation: Tracing Patterns of

Change in Faith Practices. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010 (refereed).

196 pp.

3. Freek Bakker, Wil van den Bercken, Eddy Van der Borght, Martha Frederiks,

Henri Gooren, and Karel Steenbrink (eds.), Rethinking Ecumenism: Strategies for

the 21st Century. Zoetermeer, the Netherlands: Boekencentrum, 2004 (invited).

299 pp.

4. Henri Gooren, Rich among the Poor: Church, Firm, and Household among

Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Guatemala City. Amsterdam, the Netherlands:

Thela, 1999 [Latin America Series, number 13] (refereed). 269 pp.

5. Mariecke van der Glas, Henri Gooren, Wendy Pompe, and Fred Zaal (eds.),

Under Pressure: Essays on Development Research. Utrecht, the Netherlands:

ISOR/CERES, 1997 (invited). 198 pp.

d. Peer-reviewed articles published or in press:

1. Henri Gooren, Un nuevo modelo para la pentecostalización de la religión y la

sociedad en Paraguay y Chile. Revista Sendas 3 (3): 25-60 (May 2016)


2. Henri Gooren, The Growth and Development of Non-Catholic Churches in Chile.

Review of Religious Research 57 (2): 191-218 (June 2015) (refereed).

3. Henri Gooren, Comments on John Hawkins, The Undergraduate Ethnographic

Field School. Current Anthropology 55 (5): 573-574 (October 2014) (refereed).


4. Henri Gooren, Comparing Mormon and Adventist Growth Patterns in Latin

America: The Chilean Case. Dialogue 46 (3): 45-77 (Fall 2013) (refereed).

5. Henri Gooren, The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Latin America. Pneuma:

The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 34 (2): 185-207 (2012)


6. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Latin America.

Exchange 39 (4): 355-376 (December 2010) (refereed).

7. Henri Gooren, Ortega for President: The Religious Rebirth of Sandinismo in

Nicaragua. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 89: 11-27

(October 2010) (refereed).

8. Henri Gooren, Conversion Careers and Culture Politics in Pentecostalism:

Time, Space, and Mobility in Four Continents. PentecoStudies 9 (2): 229-250

(September 2010) (refereed).

9. Henri Gooren, Reassessing Conventional Approaches to Conversion: Toward A

New Synthesis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 46 (3): 337-353

(2007) (refereed).

10. Henri Gooren, Latter-day Saints under Siege: The Unique Experience of

Nicaraguan Mormons. Dialogue 40 (3): 134-155 (Fall 2007) (refereed).

11. Henri Gooren, The Religious Market Model and Conversion: Towards a New

Approach. Exchange 35 (1): 39-60 (2006) (refereed).

12. Henri Gooren, Towards a New Model of Conversion Careers: The Impact of

Personality and Contingency Factors. Exchange 34 (2): 149-166 (2005)


13. Henri Gooren, Catholic and Protestant Culture Politics in Nicaragua: A Media-

Based Inventory. PentecoStudies ( 4 (3): 1-17

(2005) (refereed).

14. Henri Gooren, The Religious Market in Nicaragua: The Paradoxes of

Catholicism and Protestantism. Exchange 32 (4): 340-360 (2003) (refereed).

15. Henri Gooren, Catholic and Non-Catholic Theologies of Liberation: Poverty,

Self-improvement, and Ethics among Small-scale Entrepreneurs in Guatemala

City. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 41 (1): 29-45 (2002) (refereed).

16. Henri Gooren, The Dynamics of LDS Growth in Guatemala, 1948-1998.

Dialogue 34 (3 & 4): 55-75 (Fall-Winter 2001) (refereed).

17. Henri Gooren, Analyzing LDS Growth in Guatemala: Report from a Barrio.

Dialogue 33 (2): 97-115 (Summer 2000).

18. Henri Gooren, Sobreviviendo en la informalidad de ciudad de Guatemala:

Familia, empresa e iglesia. Polémica (Revista Centroamericana de Ciencias

Sociales) 4 (2): 45-60 (1996) (refereed).

e. Book chapters published or in press:

1. Henri Gooren, Religious Conversion. In: John L. Jackson Jr. (ed.). Oxford

Bibliographies in Anthropology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

Online as of July 27, 2016 at (invited and



2. Patricia Fortuny and Henri Gooren, Neither Catholics nor Protestants: Mormons,

Jehovah’s Witnesses, Adventists, and “La Luz del Mundo.” In: Virginia Garrard-

Burnett, Paul Freston, and Stephen C. Dove (eds.). The Cambridge History of

Religions in Latin America, 690-707. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University

Press, 2016 (invited and refereed).*

3. Henri Gooren, Pentecostal Conversion Careers, Generational Effects, and

Political Involvement in Latin America. In: Martin Lindhardt (ed.). New Ways of

Being Pentecostal in Latin America, 165-186. Lanham (MD): Lexington, 2016

(invited and refereed).*

4. Henri Gooren, Anthropology of Religious Conversion. In: Lewis R. Rambo and

Charles E. Farhadian (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion, 84-

116. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014 (invited and refereed).*

5. Seth Bryant, Henri Gooren, Rick Phillips, and David Stewart Jr., Conversion and

Retention in Mormonism. In: Lewis R. Rambo and Charles E. Farhadian (eds.).

The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion, 756-785. New York: Oxford

University Press, 2014 (invited and refereed).*

6. Henri Gooren, The Growth and Development of Non-Catholic Churches in

Paraguay. In: Donald E. Miller, Kimon H. Sargeant, and Richard Flory (eds.).

Spirit and Power: The Growth and Global Impact of Pentecostalism, 83-98.

New York: Oxford University Press, 2013 (invited and refereed).*

7. Henri Gooren, Religion and Development Revisited: Some Lessons from

Guatemalan Micro Entrepreneurs. In: Gerrie ter Haar (ed.). Religion and

Development: Ways of Transforming the World, 141-157. New York: Columbia

University Press, 2011 (invited and refereed).*

8. Henri Gooren, Conversion Narratives. In: Allan Anderson, Michael Bergunder,

André Droogers, and Cornelis van der Laan (eds.). Studying Global

Pentecostalism: Theories and Methods, 93-112. Berkeley (CA): University of

California Press, 2010 (invited and refereed).*

9. Henri Gooren, The Mormons of the World: The Meaning of LDS Membership in

Central America. In: Cardell K. Jacobson, John P. Hoffman, and Tim B. Heaton

(eds.). Revisiting Thomas F. O’Dea’s “The Mormons”: Contemporary

Perspectives, 362-388. Salt Lake City (UT): University of Utah Press, 2008

(invited and refereed).*

10. Henri Gooren, Conversion Careers in Latin America: Entering and Leaving

Church among Pentecostals, Catholics, and Mormons. In: Timothy J. Steigenga

and Edward L. Cleary (eds.). Conversion of a Continent: Contemporary

Religious Change in Latin America, 52-71. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers

University Press, 2007 (invited and refereed).*

11. Henri Gooren, Pentecostal Conversion Careers in Latin America. In: Frans

Wijsen and Robert Schreiter (eds.). Global Christianity: Contested Claims, 157-

175. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2007 (invited and refereed).*

12. Henri Gooren, Towards a New Model of Religious Conversion Careers: The

Impact of Social and Institutional Factors. In: Wout J. van Bekkum, Jan N.

Bremmer, and Arie Molendijk (eds). Paradigms, Poetics and Politics of

Conversion, 25-40. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2006 (invited and refereed).*

* Invited by the editors; refereed by the publishing press.


13. Henri Gooren, De betovering van bekering: Westerse cultuurkritiek onder nieuwe

Nederlandse moslims. In: Geert Mommersteeg and Ton Robben (eds.). Een

handvol kolanoten: Antropologische opstellen aangeboden aan Wouter van Beek,

173-190. Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker, 2006 (invited).

14. Henri Gooren, Reconsidering Protestant Growth in Guatemala, 1900-1995. In:

James W. Dow and Alan R. Sandstrom (eds.). Holy Saints and Fiery Preachers:

The Anthropology of Protestantism in Mexico and Central America, 169-203.

Westport (CT): Praeger, 2001 (invited and refereed).*

15. Henri Gooren and Dirk Kruijt, Poverty, Informality and Coping Strategies:

Comparative Views from Latin America. In: Wil Pansters, Geske Dijkstra, Paul

Hoebink, and Erik Snel (eds.). Rethinking Poverty: Comparative Perspectives

from Below, 149-168. Assen, the Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 2000 (invited).

16. Henri Gooren, Crime and Deliverance: Guatemalan Slum Dwellers Responding

to Poverty. In: Mariecke van der Glas, Henri Gooren, Wendy Pompe, and Fred

Zaal (eds.). Under Pressure: Essays on Development Research, 21-36. Utrecht,

the Netherlands: CERES, 1997 (invited).

* Invited by the editors; refereed by the publishing press.

f. Encyclopedia entries published or in press:

1. Henri Gooren, Nicaragua. In: Thomas Riggs (ed.). Worldmark Encyclopedia of

Religious Practices: Volume 2, Countries [Second Edition], 554-559. Detroit

(MI): Thomson Gale, 2014 (invited and refereed).*

2. Henri Gooren, Conversion. In: Mark Juergensmeyer and Wade Clark Roof

(eds.). Encyclopedia of Global Religion: Volume 1, 251-256. Thousand Oaks

(CA): SAGE, 2012 (invited and refereed).*

3. Henri Gooren, Globalization and Conversion. In: Mark Juergensmeyer and

Wade Clark Roof (eds.). Encyclopedia of Global Religion: Volume 1, 465-468.

Thousand Oaks (CA): SAGE, 2012 (invited and refereed).*

4. Henri Gooren, Guatemala. In: Mark Juergensmeyer and Wade Clark Roof

(eds.). Encyclopedia of Global Religion: Volume 1, 485-487. Thousand Oaks

(CA): SAGE, 2012 (invited and refereed).*

5. Henri Gooren, Panama. In: Mark Juergensmeyer and Wade Clark Roof (eds.).

Encyclopedia of Global Religion: Volume 2, 975-976. Thousand Oaks (CA):

SAGE, 2012 (invited and refereed).*

6. Henri Gooren, Paraguay. In: Mark Juergensmeyer and Wade Clark Roof (eds.).

Encyclopedia of Global Religion: Volume 2, 980-981. Thousand Oaks (CA):

SAGE, 2012 (invited and refereed).*

7. Henri Gooren, Nicaragua. In: Thomas Riggs (ed.). Worldmark Encyclopedia of

Religious Practices: Volume 3, Countries M-Z, 139-143. Detroit (MI): Thomson

Gale, 2006 (invited and refereed).*

* Invited by the editors; refereed by the publishing press.


g. Academic presentations (Complete listing as of 2007):

1. Henri Gooren, Political Pentecostalism and Political Islam: Comparing and

Theorizing Latin America and the Middle-East. Paper presented at the annual

meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Atlanta (GA); October

30, 2016.

2. Henri Gooren, Political Pentecostalism and Political Islam. Lightning talk given

at the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, and Criminal

Justice, Oakland University, Rochester (MI); March 18, 2016.

3. Henri Gooren, The Anthropology of Religious Conversion: Analyzing Daesh.

Lecture given at the Authors at Oakland Senate event in the Kresge Library,

Oakland University, Rochester (MI); March 16, 2016.

4. Henri Gooren, A New Model for the Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in

Paraguay and Chile. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the

Scientific Study of Religion, Newport Beach (CA); October 24, 2015.

5. Henri Gooren, A New Model for the Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in

Paraguay and Chile: Some Interactions with Theology. Invited keynote speaker

with paper at the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; May 15, 2015.

6. Henri Gooren, A New Model for the Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in

Paraguay and Chile: The Religious Field and Politics. Invited keynote speaker

with paper at the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; May 13, 2015.

7. Henri Gooren, Pentecostal Conversion Careers, Generational Effects, and Civil

Society in Latin America. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society

for the Scientific Study of Religion, Indianapolis (IN); October 31, 2014.

8. Henri Gooren, La conversión y la desafiliación religiosa: Buscando patrones de

cambio en prácticas de fe. Invited keynote speaker with paper at the annual

meeting of the Red de Investigadores del Fenómeno Religioso en México

(RIFREM), Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico; July 9,


9. Henri Gooren, Pentecostalization, Civil Society, and Politics in Paraguay and

Chile. Paper presented at the Renewal across the Americas conference at Regent

University, Virginia Beach, VA; February 28, 2014.

10. Henri Gooren, Pentecostalization and Politics in Paraguay and Chile. Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion,

Boston (MA); November 9, 2013.

11. Henri Gooren, Conversion Processes and Social Networks in Latin America:

Applying the Conversion Career Approach to Pentecostals in Paraguay and Chile.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of

Religion, Boston (MA); November 9, 2013.

12. Henri Gooren, Contrasting Pentecostalization in Paraguay with

Pentecostalization in Chile. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society

for the Scientific Study of Religion, Phoenix (AZ); November 10, 2012.

13. Henri Gooren, Resultados preliminares del proyecto de investigación sobre la

pentecostalización en el Paraguay. Invited keynote speaker with paper at the

Instituto Bíblico Asunción, Paraguay; July 26, 2012.


14. Henri Gooren, Religious Conversion and Deconversion: The Conversion Careers

Approach in Latin America. Invited keynote speaker with paper at Bielefeld

University, Bielefeld, Germany; May 22, 2012.

15. Henri Gooren, Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation: Cases from Latin

America. Invited keynote speaker with paper at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Leuven, Belgium; April 19, 2012.

16. Henri Gooren, Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation: The Conversion Careers

Approach. Invited keynote speaker with paper at the Department of Counseling

Psychology and Special Education (CPSE), Brigham Young University, Provo

(UT); February 23, 2012.

17. Henri Gooren, The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Latin America:

An Anthropological Appraisal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

American Anthropological Association, Montreal (Canada); November 20, 2011.

18. Henri Gooren, Comparing the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Asunción,

Paraguay with Santiago de Chile. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Milwaukee (WI); October 29, 2011.

19. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Latin America:

First Findings from Chile. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society

for the Scientific Study of Religion, Milwaukee (WI); October 28, 2011.

20. Henri Gooren, La pentecostalización de la religión y la sociedad en Chile.

Keynote lecture presented at the Universidad Católica, Temuco, Chile; August

16, 2011.

21. Henri Gooren, El pentecostalismo como fenómeno transnacional. Lecture

presented at IDEA, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; July 14, 2011.

22. Henri Gooren, La pentecostalización de la religión y la sociedad en Chile.

Lecture presented at IDEA, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; June 28, 2011.

23. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Paraguay: First

Findings. Lecture presented at the first plenary meeting of the Pentecostal and

Charismatic Research Initiative (PCRI), Quito, Ecuador; May 10, 2011.

24. Henri Gooren, From Observer to Participant: Fieldwork among Pentecostals,

Catholics, and Mormons in Central America. Paper presented at the annual

meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans (LA);

November 20, 2010.

25. Henri Gooren, Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation: Tracing Patterns of

Change in Faith Practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society

for the Scientific Study of Religion, Baltimore (MD); October 30, 2010.

26. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Latin America:

First Findings from Paraguay. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Baltimore (MD); October 29, 2010.

27. Henri Gooren, Conversion Careers: Why People Become and Remain

Religiously Active. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the

Scientific Study of Religion, Baltimore (MD); October 29, 2010.

28. Henri Gooren, The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Latin America. Invited

speaker of the Bishop Walter Sullivan Lecture at Virginia Commonwealth

University in Richmond (VA); October 13, 2010.


29. Henri Gooren, Cosmopolitanism and Hybrid Identities in Four Nicaraguan

Churches. Invited keynote speaker with paper at NORFACE conference Utrecht

University, Hydepark Doorn (the Netherlands); February 23, 2010.

30. Henri Gooren, Socialism and Visions of Evil: The Creative Power of

Transnational Pentecostal Networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the

American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia (PA); December 6, 2009.

31. Henri Gooren, Between Observer and Participant: Fieldwork among

Pentecostals, Catholics, and Mormons in Central America. Paper presented at the

annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Denver (CO);

October 24, 2009.

32. Henri Gooren, Comparing Mormons and Adventists in Latin America. Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion,

Denver (CO); October 23, 2009.

33. Henri Gooren, The Anthropology of Conversion. Paper presented at the annual

meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Denver (CO); October

23, 2009.

34. Henri Gooren, La conversión y sus implicaciones socio-religiosas y económicas

en el creyente. Invited speaker with paper at the Centro Esdras conference,

Guatemala City; July 30, 2009.

35. Henri Gooren, El pentecostalismo en Guatemala: Aportes y debilidades. Invited

speaker with paper at the Centro Esdras conference, Guatemala City; July 28,


36. Henri Gooren, Between Observer and Participant: Fieldwork among

Pentecostals, Catholics, and Mormons in Central America. Paper presented at the

annual meeting of the Society for the Anthropology of Religion (a section of the

American Anthropological Association), Asilomar (CA); March 28, 2009.

37. Henri Gooren, The Anthropology of Pentecostalism: A View from Nicaragua.

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological

Association, San Francisco (CA); November 22, 2008.

38. Henri Gooren, The Anthropology of Pentecostalism in Nicaragua. Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion,

Louisville (KY); October 19, 2008.

39. Henri Gooren, The Anthropology of Catholicism in Nicaragua. Paper presented

at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Louisville

(KY); October 18, 2008.

40. Henri Gooren, Thomas O’Dea, Ancestor Worship, and the International Mormon

Church. Panel contribution presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the

Scientific Study of Religion, Louisville (KY); October 17, 2008.

41. Henri Gooren, Conversion, Ritual, and Time: Pentecostals and Charismatic

Catholics in Managua, Nicaragua. Paper presented at the international conference

Conversion and Time in Global Pentecostalism: A Lifelong “Live” Experience,

Amsterdam, the Netherlands; June 12, 2008.

42. Henri Gooren, Diversiteit in de pinksterbewegingen van Nicaragua. Paper

presented at the Dutch conference of the Conversion Careers research program,

Amsterdam, the Netherlands; June 11, 2008.


43. Henri Gooren, Conversion Careers and Culture Politics in Pentecostalism:

Comparative Results from Four Continents. Paper presented at the international

conference Gestures: Religion Qua Performance, Utrecht, the Netherlands; June

9, 2008.

44. Henri Gooren, Going to Four Different Churches in Nicaragua: Inter-Religious

Competition and Conversion Careers. Invited speaker with paper at the seminar

Edges of Transnational Religion, Utah Valley State University, Orem (UT);

March 27, 2008.

45. Henri Gooren, Mormon Dilemmas in Nicaragua. Paper presented at the annual

meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Tampa (FL);

November 3, 2007.

46. Henri Gooren, The Churches in Nicaragua: Inter-Religious Competition,

Conversion, and Leadership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society

for the Scientific Study of Religion, Tampa (FL); November 2, 2007.

47. Henri Gooren, Ortega For President: The Religious Rebirth of Sandinismo.

Invited speaker with paper at the international conference Political Parties and

Democracy in Latin America: Crisis or Renewal? Utrecht, the Netherlands;

October 5, 2007.

48. Henri Gooren, Latter-Day Saints Under Siege. Invited speaker with paper at the

Kennedy Center, Brigham Young University, Provo (UT) and the Mormon History

Association (Salt Lake City, UT); May 25 and May 29, 2007.

49. Henri Gooren, Ondernemen voor familie en kerk [A Family and Church

Enterprise]. Invited keynote speaker with paper at the symposium Religion and

International Cooperation in The Hague, the Netherlands; November 16, 2006.

50. Henri Gooren, The Mormons of the World: The Meaning of LDS Membership in

Central America. Invited keynote speaker of the Glenn Vernon Lecture of the

Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA) at the SSSR meeting in Portland (OR);

October 19, 2006.

51. Henri Gooren, The Unique Experience of Mormons in Nicaragua. Invited speaker

at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley (CA); October 17, 2006.

52. Henri Gooren, Conversion Careers: Why People Become and Remain Religiously

Active. Invited speaker at the San Francisco Theological Seminary (San Anselmo,

CA); October 16, 2006.

53. Henri Gooren, Mormonism in Central America. Invited speaker at the Teresa Long

Institute of Latin American Studies (LILAS), University of Texas at Austin (TX);

March 22, 2005.

54. Henri Gooren, Mormonism in Guatemala. Invited keynote speaker at the Kennedy

Center for International Relations, Brigham Young University, Provo (UT);

October 19, 2002.

h. Books reviewed (a selection of 32 out of a total of 54 since 1997):

1. The Mormon Quest for Glory: The Religious World of the Latter-day Saints

(2013), by Melvyn Hammarberg. Sociology of Religion 75 (3): 495-496 (2014).

2. Review essay of When God Talks Back (2012), by T. M. Luhrmann. Pastoral

Psychology 63 (2): 195-205 (2014).


3. Jesus and the Gang: Youth Violence and Christianity in Urban Honduras (2011),

by Jon Wolseth. The Anthropology of Christianity Bibliographic Blog

[] (2013).

4. Los Evangélicos: Portraits of Latino Protestantism in the United States (2009),

edited by Juan F. Martínez and Lindy Scott. Exchange 41 (2): 209-210 (2012).

5. Review essay of Deconversion: Qualitative and Quantitative Results from Cross-

Cultural Research in Germany and the United States of America (2009), by Heinz

Streib et al. Pastoral Psychology 60 (4): 609-617 (2011).

6. City of God: Christian Citizenship in Postwar Guatemala (2010), by Kevin Lewis

O’Neill. International Bulletin of Missionary Research 34 (4): 237-238 (2010).

7. Conversion Growth of Protestant Churches in Thailand (2009), by Marten Visser.

Exchange 38 (4): 404-405 (2009).

8. Reason to Believe: Cultural Agency in Latin American Evangelicalism (2007), by

David Smilde. Bulletin of Latin American Research 28 (4): 564-565 (2009).

9. Re-enchanting the World: Maya Protestantism in the Guatemalan Highlands

(2007), by C. Mathews Samson. Journal of Latin American Studies 41 (1): 194-

196 (2009).

10. Coming Out of the “Iron Cage”: The Indigenists of the Society of the Divine

Word in Paraguay, 1910-2000 (2008), by Darius J. Piwowarczyk. European

Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 86: 120-122 (April 2009).

11. Law of the Harvest: Practical Principles of Effective Missionary Work (2007), by

David G. Stewart Jr. Journal of Mormon History 34 (1): 228-231 (Winter 2009).

12. The Rise of Mormonism (2005), by Rodney Stark. Journal for the Scientific Study

of Religion 48 (1): 223-225 (March 2009).

13. Japanese Saints: Mormons in the Land of the Rising Sun (2007), by John P.

Hoffman. BYU Studies 47 (4): 174-177 (2008).

14. The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion is Giving Way to Spirituality (2005), by

Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead. Exchange 37 (1): 94-95 (2008).

15. Review essay of The Rise of Mormonism (2005), by Rodney Stark. MSSA

Newsletter 28 (1): 3-9 (2007).

16. Religions in Global Society (2006), by Peter Beyer. Exchange 36 (3): 332-333


17. Revolution, Revival, and Religious Conflict in Sandinista Nicaragua (2007), by

Calvin L. Smith. Exchange 36 (2): 226-228 (2007).

18. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity (2002), by Philip

Jenkins. Exchange 36 (1): 111-112 (2007).

19. Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling – A Cultural Biography of Mormonism’s

Founder (2005), by Richard L. Bushman. Journal of Contemporary Religion 22

(1): 137-138 (2007).

20. Teología: An Introduction to Hispanic Theology (2003), by Luis Pedraja.

Exchange 35 (3): 338-339 (2006).

21. All Abraham’s Children: Changing Mormon Conceptions of Race and Lineage

(2003) by Armand L. Mauss. Journal of Contemporary Religion 21 (3): 412-414


22. The Blackwell Companion to Sociology of Religion (2001), edited by Richard K.

Fenn. Exchange 35 (2): 251-253 (2006).


23. The Politics of the Spirit: The Political Implications of Pentecostalized Religion

in Costa Rica and Guatemala (2001), by Timothy Steigenga. Exchange 34 (3):

185-186 (2005).

24. An Introduction to Pentecostalism: Global Charismatic Christianity (2004), by

Allan Anderson. Ars Disputandi [] 4 (1) (2004).

25. Teología en América Latina, Volumen III: El siglo de las teologías

latinoamericanistas (1899-2001) [2002], edited by Josep-Ignasi Saranyana (dir.)

and Carmen-José Alejos Grau (coord.). European Review of Latin American and

Caribbean Studies 76: 145-147 (April 2004).

26. Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America (2001), by Paul

Freston. BYU Studies 43 (2): 171-174 (2004).

27. The Ticos: Culture and Social Change in Costa Rica (1999), by Mavis H.

Biesanz, Richard Biesanz and Karen Z. Biesanz. European Review of Latin

American and Caribbean Studies 75: 144-146 (October 2003).

28. The Soul of Development: Biblical Christianity and Economic Transformation in

Guatemala (1997), by Amy L. Sherman. Journal of Latin American Studies 34

(1): 202-203 (2002).

29. Pioneer in Guatemala: The Personal History of John Forres O’Donnal, Including

the History of the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints In Guatemala

(1997), by John Forres O’Donnal. Journal of Mormon History 27 (2): 277-280


30. Bautizados en fuego: Protestantes, discursos de conversión y política en

Guatemala (1989-1993) [1998], by Manuela Cantón D. American Ethnologist 27

(2): 542-543 (2000).

31. The Issue of Authenticity in the Study of Religions. Religion and the Social Order,

Volume 6 (1998), edited by Lewis F. Carter. Religie NU 2 (1): 42-43 (1998).

32. Creolization and Modernization at the Periphery: The Case of the Q’eqchi’es of

Guatemala (1996), by Hans Siebers. European Review of Latin American and

Caribbean Studies 63: 144-146 (December 1997).

i. Research in progress:

1. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Paraguay and

Chile. Forthcoming monograph, conditional acceptance by Oxford University

Press USA (refereed).

2. Henri Gooren, Conversion Careers in Nicaragua: Charismatic Catholics,

Pentecostals, and Mormons in Managua. Forthcoming monograph (refereed).

3. Henri Gooren, Pentecostalization and Politics in Paraguay and Chile. In: Daniel

Jordan Smith and Richard L. Wood (eds.). Pentecostalism, Politics, and Political

Culture: A Comparative Perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University

Press, 2017. Forthcoming (invited and refereed).*

4. Henri Gooren, Conversion Processes and Social Networks in Latin America. In:

Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens, David Orique, and Manuel Vásquez (eds.). The

Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Latin America. New York: Oxford

University Press, 2017. Forthcoming (invited and refereed).*


5. Henri Gooren, Religious Change and Conversion. In: David M. Wulff (ed.).

The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Religion. New York: Oxford

University Press, 2017. Forthcoming (invited and refereed).*

6. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Paraguay and

Chile. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (to be submitted in 2017).

7. Henri Gooren, The Pentecostalization of the Mass Media in Paraguay. Sociology

of Religion or the Journal of Media and Religion (to be submitted in 2017).

8. Henri Gooren, Analyzing Protestant and Mormon Growth Patterns in Latin

America. Review of Religious Research (to be submitted in 2018).

j. Grants (source, year, and amount of award):

1. Individual Grant, The Pentecostalization of Religion and Society in Paraguay and

Chile, Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative (PCRI), John Templeton

Foundation/University of Southern California.

Amount: $ 100,000 (2010).

2. Research Fellowship, Oakland University, Rochester, MI.

Amount: $ 8,500 (2008).

3. Travel Grant, Mormon History Association, Salt Lake City.

Amount: $ 700 (2007).

4. Developing Countries PhD Fellowship (Netherlands Organization for Scientific

Research NWO, WOTRO Tropical Research) In and Out of Church in Managua,


Amount: 55,000 euros [about $ 77,000] (2005).

5. Workshop grant (NWO) Conversion and the Religious Market.

Amount: 4,000 euros [about $ 5,600] (2004).

6. Co-author of Conversion Careers and Culture Politics in Pentecostalism: A

Comparative Study in Four Continents (NWO “The Future of the Religious Past”).

Amount: 450,000 euros [about $ 630,000] (2003).

7. Travel Grant, paper, and lecture at Mormon History Association, Aalborg, Denmark.

Amount: $ 600 (2000).

8. 6 International Travel Awards of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

(SSSR) annual meetings in Nashville, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Norfolk (VA),

Kansas City (MO), and Rochester (NY).

Amount: usually around $ 1,000 (1996-2005).

9. 3 Travel Grants, papers, and lectures at meetings of the Association for the

Sociology of Religion (ASR) in Miami, New York, and San Francisco.

Amount: usually around $ 1,000 (1993-1998).

10. Verenigde Spaarbank (VSB), PhD scholarship.

Amount: almost 6,000 Euros (12,500 guilders; about $ 8,400) (1993-1998).

11. 2 Travel grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO,

WOTRO Tropical Research).

Amount: around 1,000 Euros [about $ 1,400] each (1993-1994).

12. Fulbright scholarship for PhD graduate research on Mormonism in Central America

at UC Berkeley in the United States (not accepted).

Amount: $ 10,000 (1991).



Names of Activity Dates Role in Activity

a. Public Service:

Lecture “Conversion Narratives in Pentecostalism,” Interfaith discussion forum,

Oakland University 04/02/2012

Lecture “Conversion in Chile,” Anthropology Club, Oakland University,


Lecture “Fieldwork in Chile: First Findings,” Anthropology Club, Oakland

University 11/29/2011

Lecture “Anthropology as a Vocation: Jack Vance and the Invention of Cultures,”

Penguicon, Troy (MI) 04/30/2011

Lecture “Religion in Science Fiction: Analyzing a Shift of Focus,” Penguicon,

Troy (MI) 04/30/2011

Lecture “Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation,” Rochester Hills Public

Library, Rochester Hills (MI) 04/14/2011

Lecture “Conversion in Paraguay,” Anthropology Club, Oakland University


Lecture “Fieldwork in Paraguay: First Findings,” Anthropology Club, Oakland

University 11/30/2010

Interview, Detroit Free Press 05/17/2010 Interviewed expert

Lecture “The Scientific Study of Religion: A Contradiction in Terms?” Religion

& Society debate, Oakland University04/12/2010

Lecture “God’s Children: Tribally Defined; Racially Divided,” Christ Church

Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills (MI) 11/11/2009

Lecture “Angels and Demons: Finding Fact in Fiction,” panel discussion on Dan

Brown, Oakland University 05/26/2009

Interview, Radio Netherlands Worldwide 12/12/2007 Interviewed expert

Lecture “Adventures of an Anthropologist in Central America (and Beyond),”

Anthropology Club OU 11/14/2007

b. University Service:

International Education Development Grants 2016-17 Reviewer

Senate 2015-17 Member

AAUP Advisory/Bargaining Forum 2012- Member

RS Center for Religious Understanding 2015- Member

Religious Studies Advisory Board 2008-14 Chair

c. College Service:

College of Arts and Sciences Assembly 2015-18 Member


BA Liberal Studies Interim Director 2017 (Winter) Director

BA Liberal Studies Executive Committee 2011- Member

Frontiers & Borders CAS Theme Committee 2009-10 Member

Religion & Society CAS Theme Committee 2008-09 Member

College of Arts and Sciences Assembly 2007-09 Member

d. Departmental Service:

Merit Pay Review Committee 2015- Chair

Tenure Criteria Review Committee 2015- Chair

Mentor for Dr. Matthew May 2015- Mentor

Research Grants Committee 2013-14 Member

Anthropology Major Academic Adviser 2011- Adviser

Anthropology Faculty Recruitment Com. 2010- Member

Department Awards Committee 2010-15 Chair

(Pre-)Tenure Review Committees

Kareen Tonsing c.1 2016-17 Chair

Jon Carroll c.1 2015-16 Chair

Jacob Becker c.1 2015-16 Member

Scott Smith c.4 2014-15 Member

Angela Kaiser c.2 2014-15 Member

George Sanders c.4 2013-14 Chair

Dalton Connally c.4 2013-14 Member

Tara Deubel c.1 2012-13 Chair

Graham Cassano c.4 2012-13 Member

Dalton Connally c.2 2011-12 Member

Dalton Connally c.1 2009-10 Member

Pontiac Study Group 2008- Member

Anthropology Assessment Committee 2007- Secretary



a. Honors, awards

1. Oakland University chapter, Sigma Delta Pi-Theta Psi Hispanic Honor Society.

Honorary faculty member; October 18, 2016.

2. Oakland University, The Anthropology of Religious Conversion: Analyzing

Daesh/ISIL. Keynote lecture at the Authors at Oakland Senate event, Kresge

Library, Rochester (MI); March 16, 2016.

3. Oakland University, Faculty Recognition Award for Research; April 9, 2014.

4. Oakland University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Scholarship

Award; December 2, 2011.

5. Oakland University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Service Award;

September 10, 2010.


6. Oakland University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Scholarship

Award; July 15, 2008.

7. Oakland University, Research Fellowship; December 14, 2007.

8. Henri Gooren, The Mormons of the World: The Meaning of LDS Membership in

Central America. Glenn Vernon Lecture of the Mormon Social Science Association

(MSSA) in Portland (OR); October 19, 2006.

b. Other conferences attended

1. Traverse City, Michigan: Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning; September

23-25, 2011.

2. Traverse City, Michigan: Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning; September

25-27, 2009.

3. Strasbourg, France: European Scientific and Technical Cooperation (COST);

April 2003.

4. Helsinki, Finland: European Research Council Network; June 2002.

c. Professional, editorial, and organizational positions

1) Phd Examinations:

a. Bryan Monte, Tiny Zion: Harvest Hills, An Intentional Zionic

Community. External examiner, Tilburg University, the Netherlands;

December 2, 2015.

b. Priscilla Choi, Muslim Conversion to Evangelical Christianity in

Belgium. Second external examiner, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,

Belgium; April 20, 2012.

c. Israel Ortiz, Neo-Pentecostal Churches in Guatemala: With Special

Reference to their Presence and Social Role, 1976-2006. External

examiner, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Oxford, UK; January 4,


d. Paul Davies, Faith Seeking Effectiveness: The Missionary Theology of

José Míguez Bonino. Internal examiner, Theology, Utrecht University, the

Netherlands; November 10, 2006.

2) Editorial Experience:

a. Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions (one or two

volumes, forthcoming 2018), Springer Reference Works, Netherlands/

Switzerland (2015-2018).

b. Co-Editor for the Religion in the Americas book series, Brill

Publishers, Leiden, the Netherlands (2007-).

c. Editorial Board, International Journal of Latin American Religions,

Springer (2016-).

d. Editorial Board, Politics and Religion, Cambridge UP (2008-).

e. Academic Advisory Board, Dutch mission studies journal Exchange,

Brill (2007-).


f. Co-founder of and co-editor for the Dutch journal Religie en

Samenleving [Religion and Society] (2005-2008).

g. Editor for the Dutch mission studies journal Exchange (2003-2007).

h. Reviewer (2002-) for the National Science Foundation (NSF), the

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Midwestern

Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS), Journal for the Scientific Study

of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Review of Religious Research, Journal

of Contemporary Religion, Religion, State and Society, The International

Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Dialogue, Etnográfica, Ethnos:

Journal of Anthropology, Religie & Samenleving, Exchange, Social

Problems, Bulletin of Latin American Research, International Journal of

Latin American Religions, and Suomen Antropologi: The Journal of the

Finnish Anthropological Society.

3) Conference Organizational Activities:

a) (Co-)Convener and organizer of sessions at the annual meetings of the

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) since 2003:

2017 Washington, DC: “Religion in Latin America.”

2016 Atlanta, Georgia: “Religion and Spirituality in Latin America.”

2015 Newport Beach, California: “Souls, Perspectivism, and Animism

in Latin America” and “Trends and Dynamics in Pentecostalism

and Neo-Pentecostalism in Latin America.”

2014 Indianapolis, Indiana: “The Oxford Handbook of Religious

Conversion” (2 sessions), “Changing Relationships between

Religion and Society in Guatemala,” and “Contemporary Religious

Diversity and Social Change in Latin America.”

2013 Boston, Massachusetts: “New Approaches to Conversion,”

“Religious Change in Latin America” (2 sessions) and the MSSA

Glenn Vernon Lecture by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (Harvard Univ.).

2012 Phoenix, Arizona: “Pentecostalism in Motion” and “The Catholic

Charismatic Renewal.”

2011 Milwaukee, Wisconsin: “The Catholic Charismatic Renewal:

Comparative Cases and Critical Reflection” (2 sessions) and

“Religion in Latin America” (2 sessions).

2010 Baltimore, Maryland: “Reconceptualizing Conversion” (2

sessions) and “Religion in Latin America” (2 sessions).

2009 Denver, Colorado: “Rethinking Conversion” (2 sessions),

“Theorizing the Growth of Mormons, Adventists, and Witnesses,”

and “Religion in Latin America” (2 sessions).

2008 Louisville, Kentucky: “The Anthropology of Pentecostalism,”

“The Anthropology of Catholicism,” and “Religious Markets,

Prosperity, and Demography: Religion in Latin America.”

2007 Tampa, Florida: “Global Growth of Mormons, Witnesses, and

Adventists,” “Global Pentecostalism,” and “Religion in Latin



2006 Portland, Oregon: “Global Growth of Mormons, Witnesses, and

Adventists,” “Global Pentecostalism,” and “Religion in Latin


2005 Rochester, New York: “Religion in Latin America.”

2004 Kansas City, Missouri: “International Mormonism” and “Religious

Competition in Latin America.”

2003 Norfolk, Virginia: “International Mormonism” and “Religious

Diversity in Latin America.”

b) Co-convener and organizer of two sessions at the annual meeting of the

American Anthropological Association (AAA) in New Orleans, Louisiana:

2010 With Robin Shoaps (U Chicago) and Jon Bialecki (UC San Diego):

“The Limits to Participation in Fieldwork with Pentecostal and

Evangelical Christians.”

2010 With Carolyn Schwarz (SUNY Potsdam) and Diane Austin-Broos

(University of Sydney, Australia): “Going Global: The Transformative

Power of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian Networks.”

c) Convener and organizer of a session at the annual meeting of the

Society for the Anthropology of Religion (SAR, a section of AAA):

2009 Asilomar, California: “Limits to Participation in Pentecostalism.”

d) (Co-)Convener and organizer with Simon Coleman (now University of

Toronto, Canada; then University of Sussex, UK) of a session at the

annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA):

2008 San Francisco, California: “The Anthropology of Pentecostalism.”

e) (Co-)Convener and organizer with Achmat Salie (Oakland University,

Islamic Studies) of eight public “Religion and Society” debates as part of

the College of Arts and Sciences Theme year (2009-10).

d. Ph.D. graduate student supervision

1. Victor Cuartas, The Religious Conversion of Hispanics to Islam in the USA.

Duration: 2011-2017. Middlesex University and Oxford Center for Mission

Studies (OCMS, UK). Co-supervisor: David Singh (OCMS).

2. Carlos Sediles R., In and Out of Church in Managua, Nicaragua.

Duration: 2007-2015. Theology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Co-

supervisors: prof. Martha Frederiks (UU), prof. Henk Tieleman (UU), and prof.

Benjamin Cortés (CIEETS/ Universidad Evangélica, Managua, Nicaragua).

3. Ikuya Noguchi, Crossing Borders and Bridging Ethnicity: The Transnational

and Local Dynamics of the Full Gospel Tokyo Church.

Duration: 2004-2010. Anthropology, Free University Amsterdam and Theology,

Utrecht University. Co-supervisors: prof. André Droogers (Free University,

Amsterdam) and prof. Mark Mullins (Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan).


4. René Holvast, Spiritual Mapping in the United States and Argentina, 1986-

2005: A Geography of Fear.

Duration: 2004-2008. Theology, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Co-

supervisor (main supervisor: prof. Karel Steenbrink); July 11, 2008.

e. Undergraduate student mentoring:

Fall 2016 Caitlin Sutton Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2016 Jacob Fraley Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2015 Margaret Topij Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2014 Megan Skoken Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2014 Cassandra Coaton Study abroad UK mentoring

Winter 2014 Louise Haven Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2014 Maria Ciavattone Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2014 David Haddon Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2014 Emily Klein Study abroad India mentoring

Fall 2013 Eric Boulis Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2012 Kristen Pierce Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2012 Rob Ninowski Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2012 Michael Henson Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2012 Jessica Conrad Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2012 Nikki Smola Volunteering Peru mentoring

Winter 2012 Caitlin Sutton Volunteering USA mentoring

Winter 2011 Christina Carr Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2011 Chelsea Gruda Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2011 Leilani Ward Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2010 Samantha Malott Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2010 Megan Michals Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2010 Ranna Mikha Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2010 RoseMarie Peterson Graduate school mentoring

Fall 2008 Alex Pontois Graduate school mentoring

Winter 2008 Grant Gifford Graduate school mentoring

f. Professional memberships:

American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR)

Association for the Study of Religion in Latin America (ASRIL, co-founder)

Mormon Social Science Association (MSSA): Board Member (2007-2011);

President (2011-2013)

Religious Research Association (RRA)

Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR)


g. Non-refereed professional articles in Dutch newspapers and magazines:

1) Non-refereed professional articles in Dutch newspapers

1. Henri Gooren, Realistisch immigratiebeleid kan hard en helder zijn. De

Volkskrant; May 1, 2015 (Opinie en Debat).

2. Henri Gooren, Eén ding beloof ik: Ik stem geen PvdA meer. NRC Handelsblad;

June 7, 2013 (Opinie).

3. Henri Gooren, Tanja Nijmeijer moet geweer blijven dragen. De Volkskrant;

November 6, 2010 (Opinie en Debat).

4. Henri Gooren, Rede en geloof zijn niet elkaars tegengestelden. Trouw;

December 15, 2006 (de Verdieping).

5. Henri Gooren, Boerkaverbod maakt boerka populairder. NRC Handelsblad;

November 29, 2006.

6. Henri Gooren, Nieuwe Mens Ortega gebruikt alle kerken. Trouw; November 16,

2006 (de Verdieping).

7. Henri Gooren and Cécile Raat, De Cito-toets is een tiran. Het Parool; February

24, 2004.

8. Henri Gooren and Cécile Raat, Normen en waarden. NRC Handelsblad;

October 26, 2002.

9. Henri Gooren, Kohnstamm maakt zich schuldig aan simplificaties. De

Volkskrant; April 4, 2000.

10. Henri Gooren, Groei van het christendom. NRC Handelsblad; September 26,


11. Henri Gooren, De Guatemalteekse democratie. Trouw; June 25, 1994.

12. Henri Gooren, De opmars der mormonen. Trouw; January 10, 1992.

2) Non-refereed professional articles in Dutch magazines

1. Henri Gooren, Diversiteit in de pinksterbewegingen van Nicaragua. CV Koers:

12-13 (June 2008).

2. Henri Gooren, Van guerrillaleider tot devoot katholiek: De nieuwe Ortega

gebruikt alle kerken in Nicaragua. LA Chispa [Alerta] 323: 18 (December 2006).

3. Henri Gooren, De bekeringscarrières van nieuwe moslims in Nederland. Psyche

en Geloof 17 (1): 11-21 (2006).

4. Henri Gooren, Bekering als vorm van westerse cultuurkritiek. Wereld en Zending

35 (2): 23-38 (2006).

5. Henri Gooren, Apocalyptiek en de groei van de mormoonse kerk in Midden-

Amerika. Wereld en Zending 35 (1): 33-47 (2006).

6. Henri Gooren, Verbod op boerka maakt boerka juist populair: Bekering tot de

islam is niet anders dan bekering tot een pinksterkerk. Centraal Weekblad.

February 3, 2006: 10.

7. Henri Gooren, Katholieken of protestanten: Concurrentie tussen de kerken in

Latijns-Amerika. LA Chispa [formerly called Alerta] 298: 13-15 (November


8. Henri Gooren, Apocalyptiek en de groei van pinksterkerken in Latijns-Amerika.

Wereld en Zending 30 (2): 64-73 (2001).


9. Henri Gooren and Richard Singelenberg, Heaven’s Gate: ‘Het lichaam is slechts

een omhulsel’. Religie NU 1 (1): 4-17 (October 1997).

10. Henri Gooren, Diefstal in Bus 72. CAhier (Periodiek voor antropologisch

onderzoek Utrecht) 5 (1): 51-53 (February 1996).

11. Henri Gooren, De eindeloze oorlog. Alerta 219: 33-34 (November 1995).

12. Henri Gooren, At work in Guatemala City. CERES Newsletter 1 (4): 4 (December


13. Henri Gooren, Taxi naar Florida. CAhier 3 (3): 58-62 (October 1994).

14. Henri Gooren, Mormoonse kerk bloeit in San José, Costa Rica – Geloven in de

enige ware kerk van Christus. Alerta (175): 17-18 (June 1991).

15. Henri Gooren, De opmars van de mormoonse kerk in Costa Rica. CAhier

(Periodiek voor antropologisch onderzoek Utrecht) 1 (1): 22-25 (August 1991) .

16. Henri Gooren, Geloof: een zekerheid; hoop: een veste – Veldwerk in de

mormoonse gemeenschap van Costa Rica. Utrechts Universiteitsblad; 28 June
