CURRICULUM VITAE Ian Liebenberg · 3 8. Zegeye A, Dixon T, Liebenberg I 1999 Images: the Seesaw...

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PERSONAL DETAILS Present Position: Director (Acting), Centre for Military Studies (CEMIS), Faculty

of Military Science (FMS), Stellenbosch University; Associate

Professor, Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University.

Previous Positions: Senior lecturer, Department of Sociology, Unisa (2000-2007);

Senior researcher, political analyst and project coordinator,

HSRC (1991-1999); Director, Research Unit, IDASA (1989-

1990). Language proficiency: English – Speak, Read, Write (Fluently)

Afrikaans – Speak, Read, Write (Fluently)

Dutch – Speak (Basic), Read (Fluently)

German - Read (Understand)

Russian - Completed elementary course (at best “rusty”)

Postal Address: P O Box 841, Saldanha, 7395, South Africa Physical Address: 4 Duiker Street, Bluewater Bay, Saldanha, 7395, South Africa E-Mail:

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Degree Year Institution Country

Doctor Litterarum et

Philosophiae Sociology

2009 University of South Africa South Africa

MA Development Studies

1994 University of Western Cape South Africa

MA Political Science 1988 University of Stellenbosch South Africa

BA Hons Philosophy

1985 University of Stellenbosch South Africa

BA Political Science, Philosophy,


1983 University of Stellenbosch South Africa



The main themes are democratisation, transition from authoritarian rule to democracy and truth and

reconciliation processes in emerging democracies with South Africa as a specific focus. The above include

civil-control over the military and civil military relations. The impact and outcomes of the authoritarian and

militarised apartheid regime and its force projection in a regional context deserve attention. Further research

interests are conflict studies, policy studies, qualitative methodology especially auto-ethnography, the

politics of ideologies and symbolic politics. My work over the past two decades was/is informed by subjects

such as sociology, political science and history but not limited to these disciplines. The concrete outcomes of

past outputs reflect inter- and multi-disciplinary approaches, individual projects and partnership/joint

research ventures touching on human and security sciences and African challenges, i.e. development

economics, political economy and Africa’s place within the global environment.



1. Liebenberg I 2006 Demobilisation and economic reintegration of soldiers into civil society: A South

African case study. Yus Afrika (South Africa), Moscow: 120-127.

2. Abatneh A S, Ferreira, R, Liebenberg I 2006 Disarmament, demobilisation, rehabilitation and

reintegration of Rwandan child soldiers, Commonwealth Youth and Development, Vol. 5(2): 32 – 50.

3. Liebenberg I, Ferreira R, Roefs M 2003 Loyal Service and yet demobbed: Demobilisation and the

reintegration of South Africa’s military personnel. Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 37(4) (3-5),

December. 299-317.

4. Liebenberg I 2001 Crime in a young democracy: Sharing notes on a destructive animal. Southern Africa

2001 Edition: 67-82.

5. Liebenberg I 2001 Civil control over security institutions in South Africa. Southern Africa 2001 Edition:


6. Williams R, Liebenberg I 1999 The impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the South

African National Defence Force (SANDF). International Studies (RIIS, Chubu University Japan), Vol.


7. Zegeye A, Liebenberg I 1999 The Burden of the Present. Culture Link Special Issue 1998/1999: 207-



8. Zegeye A, Dixon T, Liebenberg I 1999 Images: the Seesaw Haunting keeps Killing the Living. Social

Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Vol.5(4): 387-414.

9. Cilliers J, Schutte C, Liebenberg I, Sass B 1998 Attitudes concernant l’image et l’avenir de l’industrie

militaire et de la defence dans l’opinion publique sud-africaines. Alternatives Sud, Vol. 5(2): 177-185.

10. Liebenberg I, Zegeye A. 1998 Pathway to Democracy? The Case of the South African Truth and

Reconciliation Process. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Vol.4(3):


11. Liebenberg I. 1997 The Integration of the Military in Post-liberation South Africa: The Contribution of

Revolutionary Armies. Armed Forces and Society, Vol. 24(1): 105-132.

12. Van der Merwe, H W, Liebenberg, I, Meyer, G. 1992 Changing Political Styles in South Africa. Peace

Review (international quarterly of world peace), Winter, 1991/1992: page numbers not known.


1. Du Plessis, T, Van der Westhuizen, G., Liebenberg, I. 2012 The willing and the not so willing:

Conscription and resistance to compulsory military service in South Africa, 1968-1989. Journal for

Contemporary History, Vol. 37(2): 143-165.

2. Liebenberg I 2011 Sociology in practice: H W van der Merwe’s contribution to conflict resolution and

mediation in South Africa. Acta Academica, Vol. 43(1): 1-38.

3. Liebenberg I, De Kock P 2010 Transforming the state away from the State? Radical social action and

‘minority attractions’ under scrutiny (review article). South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 29(2):195-


4. Liebenberg I. 2010 Viewing the “Other” over a hundred and a score more years: South Africa and Russia,

1890-2010. Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, Vol. 6(2): 428-460.

5. Liebenberg I. 2010 (Trans-)grense, talighede, boek en bloedrefleksies in SA Tydskrif vir Letterkunde,

47(1): 122 – 135.

6. Liebenberg I, Du Plessis T, Van der Westhuizen G. 2010 Through the Mirage: Retracing Moments of a

War ‘Up there’ (review article), Scientia Militaria, Vol 38(2): 131-149.

7. Blanch H L, Liebenberg I 2009 A view from Cuba: Internationalists against apartheid, Journal for

Contemporary History, Vol. 34(1): 81-112).


8. Ferreira R, Liebenberg I 2006 War’s impact on Society: Angola and South Africa as two Southern

African case studies. Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 31(3): 42 – 73.

9. Liebenberg I, Barnard L 2006 Arms acquisition and procurement in South Africa: The socio-history of

arms deals with reference to attitudes, strengths and weaknesses in decision making, 1935 – 2004. (Part II).

Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 31(1): 99 – 112.

10. Liebenberg I, Barnard L 2005 Arms acquisition and procurement in South Africa: The socio-history of

arms deals with reference to attitudes, strengths and weaknesses in decision making, 1935 – 1994. (Part I).

Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 30(3): 76 – 91.

11. Liebenberg I 2005 Sociology, biology or philosophy of a warrior? Reflections on Jan Smuts, guerrilla-

being and a politics of choices. Scientia Militaria, Vol. 33(1): 141 – 170.

12. Ferreira R, Liebenberg I 2004 Civil-military relations and arms procurement in South Africa, 1994 -

2000. Society in Transition, Vol. 35(1): 61-86.

13. Liebenberg I, Ferreira R 2004 Civil society as defence policy formulator: For real or token partner?

Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 29(2): 173 – 203.

14. Pritvorov A, Liebenberg I 2001 War for Profit, Peace at Profit: The African Nexus in Wealth Creation

(Review article), Scientia Militaria, Vol. 30(1): 75-85.

15. Sindane J, Liebenberg I 2000 Reconstruction and the Reciprocal “Other”: The philosophy and practice

of ubuntu and democracy in African society. (with J. Sindane), Politeia, Vol. 19(3): 31 – 46.

16. Liebenberg I 2000 The quest for liberation in South Africa: Contending Visions, Civil Strife, Diaspora

and Transition to an Emerging Democracy. Scientia Militaria, Vol.30(2): 127-158.

17. Houston G, Humpries R, Liebenberg I, Dichaba W 2000 Public participation in developmental local

government (Review article). Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 35(1): 74-87.

18. Houston G, Mpanyane J, Liebenberg I 1999 The National Economic Development and Labour Council

(NEDLAC): A tripartite dialogue. Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 34(2): 75-93.

19. Liebenberg I 1999 Searching for reconciliation: The intricacies of the African experience. Journal for

Contemporary History, Vol.24(2): 25-37.

20. Liebenberg I 1996 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa: Context, future and some

imponderables. SA Public Law, Vol. 11: 123-159.

21. Liebenberg I, Duvenage P 1996 Can the deep political divisions of South African society be healed? A

philosophical perspective. Politeia, Vol. 15(1): 48-64.


22. Liebenberg I 1996 The long haul to democracy: Constitutional development and transition in South

Africa. Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 21(2): 22-25.

23. Liebenberg I 1994 South African youth and politics, 1987-1992: A research report. Politeia, Vol.13(1):


24. Liebenberg I 1994 Die Cape Times en Die Burger en die 1982 skeuring in die Nasionale Party.

Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis, Vol. 19(1): 51-74.

Articles/Review articles published in accredited journals before 1994 appeared in:

25. Liebenberg I. 1991 Politeia, Vol. 9(2): 2-25

26. Liebenberg I, Van der Merwe P J. 1991 Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis, Vol. 16(2): 1-24.

27. Liebenberg I. 1990 Journal for Contemporary History, Vol. 15(1): 130-141.

28. Liebenberg I. 1987 Journal for Contemporary History, Vol.12(2): 188-192.


1. Liebenberg, I. 2012 Northern Africa, Arabian Springs, Oil and Arrogance: new uses for R2P in Africa.

African Renaissance, Vol. 8(3/4): 34-54.

2. Liebenberg I 2010 Dr.Frederik van Zyl Slabbert: Orbituary. South African Review of Sociology,

Vol.41(3): 131-133.

3. Liebenberg I, Schutte C, Minnaar A. 1999 Civil control over security institutions in South Africa:

Suggestions for the future and notes on replicating the experience in South Africa. African Journal on

Conflict Resolution, Vol. 1(1): 77-102.

4. Liebenberg I 1999 Die WVK: Refleksie op ‘n proses en naloop van ‘n historiese gebeurtenis.

Fragmente: Tydskrif vir Filosofie en Kultuurkritiek, Nommer 3: 113-125.

5. Liebenberg I 1998 The African Renaissance: Myth, Vital Lie or Mobilising Tool. African Security

Review, Vol. 7(3): 42-50.

6. Liebenberg I. 1997 Consolidation of democracy in Africa: Inhibitors on civil society. African Security

Review, Vol.6(4): 41-48.

7. Cilliers J, Schutte C, Heinecken L, Liebenberg I. 1997 Public Attitudes Regarding Women in the Security

Forces in the SANDF. African Security Review, Vol. 6(3): 3-14.


8. Liebenberg I, Malan M, Heinecken L, Sass B. 1997 South African Public Attitudes on Participation in

Peacekeeping, Personnel Issues and Labour Relations in the Military. African Security Review, Vol.6(6): 3-


9. Brownlee R, Liebenberg I. 199. Reflections on the integration of the military in South Africa, African

Security Review, Vol.4(2): 26-30.

10. Liebenberg I. 1994 Stumbling blocks in the way of liberation. Information Update, Vol. 4(1): 16-35.


1. Liebenberg, I. 2012 Unipolarism and subversion of international values: The USA and NATO in Syria.

The Thinker, Vol. 44: 43-45.

2. Liebenberg, I. 2011 Forget about roadmaps to peace. It’s Gadaffi or bust! The Thinker, Vol.31: 51.

3. Liebenberg I, Roos M 2003 Past, Present and Future: A critical analysis of South African Public Sector in

Transition. (Part I) IMFO (Journal of the Institute of Municipal Officers of South Africa), Vol. 3(4): 30-


4. Liebenberg I, Roos M 2003 Past, Present and Future: A critical analysis of South African Public Sector in

Transition. (Part II) IMFO (Journal of the Institute of Municipal Officers of South Africa), Vol. 4(1): 30-


5. Liebenberg I. 2003 Transition to Democracy in Africa: No Easy Challenges. Conflict Trends, Vol. 1: 13-


6. Liebenberg, I 2002 Consolidation is not the issue: It is the format that counts. Conflict Trends, Vol. 4:


7. Liebenberg I 1994 Countdown to Election Day – blunders to avoid. HSRC In Focus, Vol.2(9): 2-4.

8. Liebenberg I 1992 Negotiations Stalled: Quo vadis? South Africa in the Nineties, Vol.1(3): 5

9. Liebenberg, I 1992 Final Victory for Capitalism: Some imponderables. South Africa in the Nineties,

Vol. 1(2): 7-8.

10. Van der Merwe H W, Liebenberg I 1991 New versus old political styles: Prospects for a peaceful

transition to democracy. South Africa in the Nineties, Vol. 1(1): 7-8.

1 Contributions to bulletins and newsletters between 1987 and 1999 per se excluded. Examples are Democracy

in Action: Monthly Newsletter of IDASA, Mowbray, Intergroup: Newsletter on Conflict and Peace in South

Africa (Centre for Intergroup Studies), Rondebosch and HSRC Centre for Constitutional Analysis

Communiques, Pretoria. Articles in student newspapers and local media between 1984 and 1988 excluded.

Contributions to literary journals between 1989 and 1994 excluded.



1. Liebenberg I. 1996 Gaan die waarheid ook vryheid bring? Zuid-Afrika, Vol. 73(10): 168-169.


1. Roefs, M, Liebenberg I 1999 Non-racialism on the eve of 2000. The South African gallery of survey data

and notes on policy making. Journal of Public Administration: 163-169

2. Liebenberg I, De Kock P 1995 Some conjectures and perspectives on the RDP White Paper. Politeia,

Vol.14(1): 106-111.

3. Liebenberg I 1994 Final victory for capitalism? Some imponderables on Fukuyama’s thesis ‘The End of

History’ Politeia, Vol.13(2):73-80.

4. Liebenberg I 1990 Apartheid’s military in politics: Naked power revealed. Journal for Contemporary

History, Vol. 15(1): 130-141.

5. Liebenberg I 1987 The independents: Analysis of a movement. Journal for Contemporary History,

Vol.12(2): 188-192.


Cornwell R, Liebenberg I. 2000 Politeia, Vol. 19(3): Special Edition: African Renaissance (113pp, 8

articles, 3 book reviews).


Scientia Militaria since 2009 (with Abel Esterhuyse, Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University)


South African Journal of Philosophy (2003/2004)


African Renaissance Journal (2012 →)



1. Potgieter, T. and Liebenberg, I. 2012 Reflections on War: Preparedness and Consequences.

Stellenbosch: Sun Media. ISBN: 978-1-920338-84-8.

2. Manganyi, C., Liebenberg, I. and Potgieter. 2012 South Africa and Romania: Transition to

Democracy and Changing Security Paradigms. Durban: Just Done Publishers. ISBN: 9 781920 315887

3. Batley K, Liebenberg I, Allais A, Du Plessis, T 2007 A Secret Burden: Memories of the Border War

by South African Soldiers who fought in it. Cape Town: Jonathan Ball Publishers ISBN: 978-1-86842-

290-6 (Two editions were published 2007/2008).

4. Snyman I, Liebenberg I, van der Westhuizen G, Roos M 2005 A Century is a short time: New

perspectives on the Anglo-Boer War, 1899 – 1902. Pretoria: Nexus Publishers. ISBN: 0-620-35311-2.

5. Houston G, Humphries R, Liebenberg I 2001 Public Participation in democratic governance in South

Africa Pretoria: HSRC Publishers ISBN Number unknown [Co-authored five chapters].

6. Solomon H, Liebenberg I 2000 Consolidation of Democracy in Africa – A view from the South.

Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers. ISBN: 0 7546 1174 4. [Contributed three chapters, authored and co-


7. Schutte C, Liebenberg I, Minnaar A 1998 The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South Africa.

Revised 2nd

Edition (with new chapters). Pretoria: HSRC. ISBN 0 7969 1866-X (Contributed three chapters)

8. Liebenberg I, Van der Westhuizen G, Lortan F 1994 The Long March: The story of the struggle for

liberation in South Africa. Pretoria: Kagiso-HAUM Publishers, 1994. ISBN 0 7986 3237 2 (Contributed

two chapters)

9. Minnaar A, Liebenberg I, Schutte C. 1994 The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South Africa.

Pretoria/Johannesburg: IDASA-HSRC/ Friedrich-Neumann Stiftung. ISBN 0 7969 1563 6 (Contributed two


10. Rhoodie N, Liebenberg I 1994 Democratic Nation-building in South Africa. Pretoria: HSRC

Publishers. ISBN: 0-7969-1575-X (Contributed one chapter)


1. Shubin G, Maidanov I, Liebenberg I 2010 South African Armed Forces and Military Industry.

Moscow: Memories Publishers. ISBN: 978-5-904935-05-4

2. Liebenberg I 1990 Ideologie in Konflik. Johannesburg: Taurus Uitgewers. ISBN: 0 947046 21 6



1. Liebenberg, I 2013 Evolving experiences: Auto-ethnography and military sociology – a South African

immersion. In: Carreiras, H. and Castro, C. (Eds.) Qualitative Methods in Military Studies: Research

Experiences. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-69811-5.

2. Liebenberg I. 2012 Transition from authoritarian rule to democracy. In: Manganyi, C., Liebenberg, I. and

Potgieter. 2012. South Africa and Romania: Transition to Democracy and Changing Security

Paradigms. Durban: Just Done Publishers. ISBN: 9 781920 315887.

3. Liebenberg I. 2012 The arms industry, reform and civil-military relations in South Africa. In: Manganyi,

C., Liebenberg, I. and Potgieter. 2012. South Africa and Romania: Transition to Democracy and

Changing Security Paradigms. Durban: Just Done Publishers. ISBN: 9 781920 315887.

4. Liebenberg I, Manganyi, C and Potgieter T. 2012 Waves of Change, military-political reorientation,

economic alliances and uncertain futures. In: Manganyi, C., Liebenberg, I. and Potgieter. 2012. South

Africa and Romania: Transition to Democracy and Changing Security Paradigms. Durban: Just Done

Publishers. ISBN: 9 781920 315887.

5. Liebenberg, I. and De Wet, F. 2012 Militarised Politics, economic consequences and the implosion of

state legitimacy under apartheid: 65-90. In: Potgieter, T. and Liebenberg, I. 2012. Reflections on War:

Preparedness and Consequences. Stellenbosch: Sun Media. ISBN: 978-1-920338-84-8.

6. De Wet, F. and Liebenberg, I. 2012 Conflict and economic consequences: Comparative notes on going to

war: 241-268. In: Potgieter, T. and Liebenberg, I. 2012. Reflections on War: Preparedness and

Consequences. Stellenbosch: Sun Media. ISBN: 978-1-920338-84-8.

7. Liebenberg I 2005 Jan Christiaan Smuts and somatic experience: From guerrilla to holist and back again.

In: A Century is a short time: New perspectives on the Anglo-Boer War, 1899 – 1902. Pretoria: Nexus

Publishers: 89 – 122.

8. Liebenberg I, Roos M 2005 Rights or no Rights? A moment of silence for the fallen. In: A century is a

short time: New perspectives on the Anglo-Boer War, 1899 – 1902. Pretoria: Nexus Publishers: 123 – 159

9. Liebenberg I, Grossberg A 2005 Pretoria: A tale of cities and a century is a short time. In: A century is a

short time: New perspectives on the Anglo-Boer War, 1899 – 1902, Pretoria: Nexus Publishers, 251 – 274

10. Liebenberg I, Zegeye, A 2001 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa: Tentative

implications drawn from public perceptions and contemporary debates In: Zegeye A (Ed.) Social Identities

in the New South Africa: After Apartheid – Volume 1. Cape Town: Kwela Books: 321-332. ISBN:0-


11. Houston G, Humphries R, Liebenberg I 2001 Public Participation in democratic governance in

South Africa. Pretoria: HSRC Publishers [Co-authored five chapters.].

12. Liebenberg I 2001 Civil control over security institutions in South Africa: Notes on replicating the

experience in Africa. In: Eidelberg, P. & Shubin, V. (Eds.) Southern Africa on the Threshold of the Third

Millennium. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences: 83-97.

13. Liebenberg I. 2000 The Consolidation of Democracy-Debate in Africa: Challenges for the Civil

Community in Solomon H, Liebenberg I 2000 Consolidation of Democracy in Africa – A view from the


South. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers: 65-92. ISBN: 0 7546 1174 4. [Co-authored two other chapters; one

with Robert Agranoff, Indiana University and one with Hussein Solomon, Pretoria University].

14. Zegeye A, Liebenberg I, Houston G. 2000 Resisting ethnicity from above: Social Identities and

Democracy in South Africa. In: Muthien, Y., Khosa, MM and Magubane B M (Eds.) Democracy and

Governance Review: Mandela’s Legacy, 1994 - 1999. IBSN 0 7969 1983 6. Pretoria: HSRC Publishers:


15. Roefs M, Liebenberg I 2000 Public participation in South Africa in Muthien, Y.G. et al. Democracy

and Governance Review: Mandela’s Legacy 1994 - 1999. ISBN 0 7969 1983 6. Pretoria: HSRC


16. Van Vuuren W, Liebenberg I 1998 Government by illusion: The legacy and its implications in Schutte

C, Liebenberg I, Minnaar A 1998. The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South Africa. Revised 2nd

Edition. Pretoria: HSRC: 95-106. ISBN 0 7969 1866-X.

17. Liebenberg I 1998 Unconventional intervention during transition in Schutte C, Liebenberg I, Minnaar

A 1998. The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South Africa. Revised 2nd

Edition. Pretoria: HSRC:

137-152. ISBN 0 7969 1866-X.

18. Pienaar M, Liebenberg I 1998 Human rights and covert state activity in Schutte C, Liebenberg I,

Minnaar A 1998. The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South Africa. Revised 2nd

Edition. Pretoria:

HSRC: 411-418. ISBN 0 7969 1866-X.

19. Schutte C, Liebenberg I, Minnaar A 1998 Policy proposals and recommendations concerning covert

operations in Schutte C, Liebenberg I, Minnaar A 1998. The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South

Africa. Revised 2nd

Edition. Pretoria: HSRC: 457-464. ISBN 0 7969 1866-X.

20. Liebenberg I 1994 Understanding the background to covert operations in Minnaar A, Liebenberg I,

Schutte C. 1994. The Hidden Hand: Covert operations in South Africa. Pretoria/Johannesburg: IDASA-

HSRC/ Friedrich-Neumann Stiftung: 13-24. ISBN 0 7969 1563 6

21. Liebenberg I 1994 Resistance by the SANNC and the ANC, 1912-1960 in Liebenberg I, Van der

Westhuizen G, Lortan F 1994. The Long March: The story of the struggle for liberation in South Africa.

Pretoria: Kagiso-HAUM Publishers: 8-21. 1994. ISBN 0 7986 3237 2

22. Liebenberg I, Lortan F 1994 The role of the labour movement in the struggle for liberation in

Liebenberg I, Van der Westhuizen G, Lortan F 1994. The Long March: The story of the struggle for

liberation in South Africa. Pretoria: Kagiso-HAUM Publishers: 227-240. 1994. ISBN 0 7986 3237 2.

23. Liebenberg I 1994 Nationbuilding and community reconciliation in an embattled South African society

in Rhoodie N, Liebenberg I 1994. Democratic Nation-building in South Africa. Pretoria: HSRC

Publishers: 9-22. ISBN: 0-7969-1575-X

24. De Coning C, Liebenberg I 1993 Regional demarcation – A South African perspective in De Villiers B,

Sindane, J. Regionalism: Problems and Prospects. Pretoria: HSRC: 33-69. ISBN: 0 7969 1548 2


Articles/chapters to books accepted and in the publication process

Public participation and local government in Saulsville/Attredgeville (with Mbulaheni Mulaudzi), Journal

for Contemporary History. Forthcoming 2013.

Mädchen in Uniform (with Gerda Wittman). Scientia Military. Vol. 1. Forthcoming, 2013.


Potgieter T, Esterhuyse A, Liebenberg I 2008 Regions, Regional Organisations and Military Power -

Proceedings of the XXXIII International Congress of Military History, Stellenbosch: Sun Media. ISBN



Liebenberg I 2008 Talking Small wars in Far Away lands: Three Incidences in Angola’s “Second War of

Liberation”. In: Regions, Regional Organisations and Military Power - Proceedings of the XXXIII

International Congress of Military History, Stellenbosch: Sun Media.


1. Visser D, Liebenberg I 2009 Afrikaner nationalism, Tertiary Military Education and Civil Discontent:

Student attitudes at an Afrikaans university from Apartheid’s beginnings to the end of the Angolan war, 1950

– 1989. ACTA (Volume II), International Commission for Military History: 646 – 665.

2. Liebenberg I 2006 On being a Partisan: Jan Christiaan Smuts and the Anglo-Boer War experience. In:

Reytov, L. (Ed.) Yug Afriki: Nasledi proshlogo i nastoya schego (English: Africa South: The legacy of the

past and the present). Collected conference papers: 25 - 35.


1. Liebenberg, I. 2012 Into the Future: Leadership for Africa. Security Institute for Governance and

Leadership (SIGLA) Occasional Paper Series entitled Into the Future: Leadership for Africa, No. 1 (Series

Editor: Ian Liebenberg). Sun Media: ISBN: 978 0 620 55441 1

2. Liebenberg, I. 2011 From racialism to authoritarianism: South Africa, militarised politics and the

implosion of state legitimacy under apartheid. ISPAIM (Institutul Pentru Studii Politice de Apărare şi Istorie

Militară, Bucharest), Occasional Paper Nr. 16: 64-93.

3. Liebenberg, I 2004 The New Apartheid: Militarist projections and the current global order. Occasional

Paper, No. 1 / 2, Institute for Communitarian Studies, Tshwane, RSA.

4. Liebenberg I, Roefs M 2001 Demobilisation and its aftermath Part II: Economic reinsertion of South

Africa’s demobilised military personnel. Institute for Security Studies (ISS) Monograph Series, No. 61,

August. ISBN: 0-620-28058-1

5. Zegeye A, Liebenberg I, Houston G 2000/2001 Resisting ethnicity from above: Social identities and

democracy in South Africa. Human Sciences research Council (HSRC) Occasional Papers. Pretoria. ISBN:



6. Liebenberg I. 1989 Responses to the ANC Constitutional Guidelines. Institute for Democracy in South

Africa (IDASA) Occasional Papers. Mowbray.


Only papers delivered since 2001 mentioned here. Papers delivered since 1985 at national and international

conferences and workshops may exceed 30.


1. Liebenberg I 2010 Auto-ethnography as a research methodology in military sociology. XVII World

Congress of Sociology, Gothenborg, Sweden, 13-17 July.

2. Visser D, Liebenberg I 2008 Afrikaner Nationalism, Tertiary Military Education and Civil Discontent:

Student attitudes at an Afrikaans University from Apartheid’s beginnings to the end of the Angolan War,

1950 - 1989. XXXIVth Conference of the International Commission of Military History, Trieste, Italy, 31

August – 05 September.

3. Liebenberg I 2007 Questions asked, questions contested: The Angolan War, 1975 – 1989. XXXIIIth

International Congress of Military History, Cape Town, 12 – 17 August.

4. Liebenberg I. 2006 Civil-Military Relations and the link with the South African Truth and Reconciliation

Commission. XVI World Congress of the International Association of Sociology, 23 – 29 July, Durban.

5. Liebenberg I 2005 The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and civil-military relations:

A case study with comparative elements. 12th Congress of Africanists. Institute for African Studies, Russian

Academy of Sciences, Moscow. May 2005.

6. Liebenberg I, Du Plessis T 2005 South African war poetry: No real heroes? Symposium of the

International Society for Theoretical Psychology Conference. Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town: 24 June.

7. Ferreira R, Liebenberg I 2005 War’s impact on society: Angola and South Africa as two Southern African

case studies. International Institute for Sociology (IIS), Stockholm, Sweden, 08 July (Ferreira delivered the

paper on our behalf).

8. Liebenberg I 2003 Democracy and Civil-military relations in “Third World” countries: References to

South Africa. 19th Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), 29

th June – 04 July,

Durban South Africa.

9. Liebenberg I 2002 Demobilisation and economic integration of South Africa’s military personnel. The 9th

Conference of Africanists, 21 –24 May, Moscow.

2 International Conference participation are hamstrung since my tenure started at the Military Academy,

Saldanha (February 2008) due to lack of funding. Frequent invitations to international conferences and

workshops have to be declined.


10. Liebenberg I 2002 A quest for Liberation and Democracy in South Africa. Extended Research

Workshop, Nordiska Africa Institutet, Uppsala and the Centre for African Studies, University of

Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 – 23 August.


1. Liebenberg I 2010 Globalisation, Inequality and Resistance. Annual Congress of the Philosophical

Society of Southern Africa, 20-22 January, Monash University, South Africa.

2. Liebenberg I, Du Plessis T 2006 Dan Pienaar: Reflections on a South African general. Paper delivered

with Tienie du Plessis at the 5th War and Society in Africa Conference, 12 – 15 September, Military

Academy, Saldanha.

3. Liebenberg I 2004 Civil-military relations and emerging democracies – Lessons from Africa. SASA

Annual Congress, Bloemfontein, 27 – 30 June, Bloemfontein.

4. Liebenberg I 2001 Jan Christiaan Smuts: Holist and guerrilla. Philosophical Society of Southern Africa

Congress, January, Durban.

5. Houston G, Liebenberg I, Dichaba W 2001 Public participation in the integral development planning

processes of local government in Pretoria. delivered at the Annual Congress of the South African

Sociological Association (SASA), Pretoria, 1 – 4 July.

6. Ferreira R, Liebenberg I 2001 Civil-military relations and arms procurement in South Africa. Annual

Congress of the South African Sociological Association (SASA), Pretoria, 1 – 4 July.


1. Liebenberg I. 2012 Academic Article Writing, a tow day workshop presented at the College for

Educational Technology (COLET), SANDF, Centurion, September.

2. Liebenberg I 2010 Getting published, two lectures delivered at a Faculty of Military Science/Centre for

Military Studies/Faculty Research Committee workshop on article publishing, 26 February, Military

Academy, Saldanha.

3. Liebenberg I 2010 Auto-ethnography in Sociology. Department of Sciology, Stellenbosch University,


4. Liebenberg I 2007 Jan Christiaan Smuts as holist and guerrilla. Talk at the Friends of the Smuts

Museum. Irene.

3 I delivered my first paper at a national conference (Association of Sociology in South Africa, ASSA, Conflict

and Peace Studies group or CAPS ) circa 1985 and thereafter regularly at conferences of the political science

association and others. 4 First paper delivered at a workshop of the Centre for Intergroup Studies took place in 1985, UCT, Rondebosch.

Numerous papers and talks were delivered between 1985 and 1999, i.e. at Nusas workshops, at the National

Defence College, SA Army College. I cannot hope to recall them all.


5. Liebenberg I 2004 Challenges for Civil Society. Sixth Conference of the Department of Political Sciences

and Philosophy/Centre for African Renaissance Studies (CARS), Unisa, 3 June, Pretoria.

6. Liebenberg I 2004 Conscription of White South African Youth during Apartheid. “A Decade of Freedom”

under the auspices of the National Children and Violence Trust, 5 – 6 August, Kempton Park.

7. Liebenberg I 2003 Philosophy of Technology: Perspectives on the information society and the digital

divide. The Politics of Digital Equality Workshop, University of Pretoria, 10 April.


1. Liebenberg I 2008 Socio-political Challenges: Development, Democracy and Diversity. Institute for

Future’s Research (IFR), The Social Environment component for Business Futures 2008 (25th edition of the

series), Institute for Futures Research, University of Stellenbosch Business School.

2. Liebenberg I, Roefs M. 2001 The re-insertion of demobilized SANDF personnel and ex-combatants into

the South African economy. Pretoria. Principal: Institute for Security Studies (ISS). Funder: European Union.

3. Liebenberg I 2000 The South African Public Sector in Transition. Principal: African Centre for the

Constructive Resolution of Conflict (ACCORD), Durban.

4. Roefs M, Liebenberg I 1999 Preliminary Report on Public Participation in South Africa. Principals:

Khululekani Institute for Democracy (KID) and Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). Pretoria/Cape


5. Cilliers J, Schutte C, Malan M, Liebenberg I, Shaw M, Heinecken L, Solomon H, Sass B 1996

Consolidated results of a nation-wide opinion survey on attitudes to selected security issues. Institute for

Security Studies (ISS) and the Human Research Council (HSRC). Pretoria.

6. Slabbert FvZ, Malan C, Marais H, Olivier J, Riordan R, Rhoodie N, Zulu P, Schutte C, Liebenberg I, De

Kock C, Ngoashen K, Whiteford A, Conradie P, Hall P, Mabitsela O, Amoateng A Y, Kalule-Sabiti K et al

1994 Youth in the New South Africa. Pretoria. Principals: Cooperative Research Programme: South African

Youth and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).

7. Liebenberg I (Project coordinator), Van der Lugt C, Booysen S, Gagiano J. 1990Worlds of Difference:

The Political Attitudes of White Students in South Africa. Mowbray: Institute for Democracy in South Africa


5 During my tenure at the HSRC (1991 – 1999) and as consultant (1999-2001) I contributed as team member to

various reports. I did not keep track of them all.



1. Scientia Militaria, 2011 Vol (1). Wages of Destruction by Tooze: 140-145

2. Politikon, 2010 Vol 37(1). My Life: Fidel Castro by Ramonet: 177-179

3. War in History. 2010 Vol.17(2). The Rhodesian War by Moorcraft and McLaughlin: 267-269.

4. Scientia Militaria, 2009 Vol. 37(2). Beyond the Border War by Baines and Vale: 124 - 130.

5. Historia, 2009 Vol. 54(2). Beyond the Border War by Baines and Vale (in Afrikaans): 246-249.

6. Scientia Militaria, 2008 Vol.36(1). Oral Histories of Forgotten Wars by Shubin, G: 115-117.

7. African Security Review, 2002 Vol.11(1). Dialogue amongst Civilizations by Bekker and Pretorius: 123-


8. Politeia, 1999 Vol.18(3). 1999. Peace Profit or Plunder by Cilliers and Mason: 152-156.

9. Politeia, 1999 Vol.18(3). 1999. Die Ruiterwag: JongBroederorde by Payze: 156-163.

10. Journal of Modern African Studies. 1996 Vol. 34(3). Dealing with the Past by Boraine, Levy and

Scheffer: 547-548.

11. Tydskrif vir Publieke Administrasie (SAIPA). 1994 Vol. 29(2). Democracy: Prospects for South Africa

by Cloete: 151-154.

12. Journal of Modern African Studies. 1991 Vol.29(4). Power Plays by Du Toit: 696-697.

13. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis. 1990 Vol.15(3). The Mythmakers by Du Toit and Esterhuyse: 138-

143 (with M. Baldwin)

14. Politikon. 1990 Vol. 17(2). The Right to Learn by Christie: 158.

15. Politikon. 1990 Vol. 17(2). Democratic Theory and Practice in Africa by Chege et al: 159-160.

16. Journal of Modern African Studies. 1989 Vol.27(1). Apartheid’s Rebels by Davis: 174.

6 Only book reviews in academic journals listed (as far as I could trace them). List excludes book reviews for

Democracy in Action (1988-1990), Vrye Weekblad, Rapport, African Security Review (1990s/2000s). Book

reviews for literary journals such as New Contrast, Tydskrif vir Letterkunde excluded. Poetry and prose for

publications such as De Kat, Penseel, Akal and Pelia excluded.


17. Politikon. 1988 Vol.15(2). Perestroika by Gorbatchev. 92-94.

18. Politikon, 1988 Vol.15(1). The Militarisation of South African Politics by Grundy: 123-124.




1. Supervisor: Mulaudze, M. Public participation in Saulsville/Atteridgeville (Political Science). University

of Pretoria. Graduated 2006 (Thesis published in 2010).

2. Supervisor: Abatneh, A S. Disarmament, demobilisation, rehabilitation and integration of Rwandan

child soldiers (Sociology). University of South Africa. Graduated 2007 (Co-supervisor: R Ferreira).

3. Supervisor: Shongwe, L. Transfrontier Parks and Policy Challenges. (Political Science). University of

Pretoria. Graduated 2005.

4. Co-supervisor: Ramuhala, G. Strategic Studies. Stellenbosch University. Graduated 2010. Supervisor:

Dr. Francois Very, FMS, SU.

Current supervision

1. Supervisor: Barnard, E T. RSA and USA Relations. Political Science, FMS, SU.

2. Supervisor: Kobbie, C. The African Standby Force and lessons from SHIRBRIG. Strategic Studies, FMS,

SU (Co-supervisor: Dr. F. Very).

3. Co-supervisor: Bentz, G. History of the Natal Carbineers. Military History, SAS, FMS, SU (Supervisor:

Prof. I van der Waag).

4. Supervisor: Warden, H. Military Media in South Africa, 1990-2010.

5. Supervisor: Lawrence, A. The politics of education: Tertiary education results and outcomes based


External Examinership 7

Numerous MA’s and one PhD between 1999 and 2011. University of the North (UNIN), University of

Pretoria, Randse Afrikaanse University RAU) / University of Johannesburg, University of Witwatersrand.

Hons examiner and moderator: University of the Witwatersrand, University of Western Cape, University of


Undergraduate: Third year external examiner/moderator; University of Western Cape, University of Pretoria,

University of the Free State.

7 For more detail kindly see summary of PROFESSIONAL CAREER, pp. 17ff.







See PROFESSIONAL CAREER below, pp. 17ff

PROFESSIONAL CAREER Date: From – To Job Title Employer/institution

2008 to 2012 Senior Researcher (2011-2012,

Acting Director)

Centre for Military Studies

(CEMIS), Military Academy of

South Africa, Faculty of Military

Science, Stellenbosch University.

Research: Responsibilities and research areas: Civil-military relations, civil control over the military,

(history of) the Angolan War, 1966 – 1989, research on military history (South Africa), emerging

democracies and human security.

Management responsibilities: CEMIS: responsible for concrete deliverables/research output, annual

planning and monthly, quarterly and annual reports (2008/2009) in absence of CEMIS director appointed.

Since 2011 Director Acting.

Faculty involvement/Academic citizenship/conference organisation

1. Chair: Faculty Research Committee: coordinating activities (i.e. workshops) on research related issues,

provide inputs at Faculty Board, took part in the organisation of two conferences (one on Maritime Strategy

and one on Strategic Theory, 2008, 2009).

2. Member of Senate Sub-Committee A, Research SU (2009 →).

3. Co-editor of Scientia Militaria, an accredited journal now in its 43rd


4. Member of the Military Academy Advisory Board (MAAB, 2008/2009). Member of the Faculty Board

(2008 →), FMS, SU. Member of the Executive Committee, Faculty of Military Science (2008/2009,

2011/2012), Stellenbosch University.

Supervision: Acting as co-study leader for MA students and study leader for MA students.

Peer reviewer for various journals.

Examiner of PhD theses and MA dissertations, University of Witwatersrand, University of Johannesburg,

University of Pretoria.

2008 to 2011 Lecturer, Department of Political


Faculty of Military Science,

Stellenbosch University.

Main responsibilities: Lecturing African political thought and International Political Economy (IPE),


distance learning included. Setting of test papers, assignments, examination papers and marking and

finalisation of marks for both modules.

Responsible for lecturing of research methodology in first semester for political science third year students.

Research guidance to PhD students (2011: Co-supervisor for one student)

Research guidance to MA students (2011: Three x MA’s; co-supervisor for one student)

Research guidance to Hons students.

Provide inputs as regular reviewer at Hons and MA student research colloquia.

Examiner of PhD and MA theses/dissertations.

2004 to 2007 Lecturer (Permanent


Department of Sociology,

University of South Africa

Lecturing: Main responsibilities: Member of Departmental Executive Committee (2007), Module

coordinator for Soc 102 (SA Sociology) including setting assignments, marking and examinations;

involvement with Module Soc 303 module group (“World of Work”), acting as host for visiting academics,

study leadership for Hons. Students, providing guidance to MA students, co-study leader for one MA


Study guidance/supervision: MA’s delivered; Three.

Study guide authorship: Contributed two chapters (Study Units) for Unisa Sociology Study Guides for

2003/2004 and took part in the revision of study guide, SOC101 (2004/2005).

Community engagement, Chair: Academic Personnel Staff Association (APSA); Editor of the APSA

Newspaper entitled UnionBeat.

Academic citizenship: Book review editor of the South African Journal of Philosophy.

Examining: Examiner of MA’s in Political Science and Sociology (University of Johannesburg).

2001 to 2003 Lecturer (Contract appointment) Department of Sociology,

University of South Africa

Lecturing responsibilities: Lecturing Soc 102 (Module coordinator), co-organising of the South African

Sociological Association Annual Congress at Unisa, 1 – 4 July 2001; involvement with Soc 103

(demography) and Soc 303 (industrial sociology) as part of module group including setting of assignments,

test and examination papers and marking.

Study guide authorship: Involved in writing a new study guide (Soc 204 – Social problems. Two units:

Crime in South Africa and Street Children). Revision of SOC-102 Study Guide.

Community engagement: Member of the APSA Union Council (2001 – 2003). Initiator and editor of the

APSA Union Newspaper, UnionBeat at Unisa during 2002/2003 (Circulation 2 500 copies).

Acted as book review editor for the South African Journal of Philosophy.

Examiner of MA’s in Political Science and Sociology (University of the North, University of Pretoria,

University of Johannesburg).

Academic citizenship/conference organisation: Organising Committee, Annual Congress of Sociological

Association for Sociology (SASA) hosted by Unisa.


2001 to 2003 Research Associate, Centre for

International Political Studies


University of Pretoria

Main responsibilities: Making contributions at workshops and conferences, publishing short articles, co-

organising a workshop on the Digital Divide in South Africa.

Conference organisation: Politics of the Digital Divide in South Africa Workshop, April 2003

Report writing: Co-ordinated and completed with the CIPS project manager a report for the African

Association for Political Studies (AAPS) on Politics of the Digital Divide in South Africa. April/May 2003.

2001 to 2004 Part time Lecturer: Masters and

Honours Modules University of Pretoria

Post graduate teaching:

1. Presenting Policy Studies to MA students including setting tests, examinations, marking assignments and

providing study guidance, Department of Political Studies.

2. Presenting Hons modules on South African politics.

2000 Started All Africa Consultants cc Pretoria

Consultancy and report writing:

1. Two projects on contract for the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Conflict (ACCORD)

2. Coordinated and completed research project on demobilized military staff and their reinsertion into

civilian and economic life in South Africa. Managed and oversaw research team and field workers for the

project. Principal: Institute for Security Studies (ISS). Funder: European Union. Outcomes: 1 x report and 1

x publication entitled Demobilisation and its aftermath (Volume 2): Economic reinsertion of South Africa’s

demobilized military personnel. ISS Monograph Series, No. 61, August 2001. (Co-authored with M. Roefs).

Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies.

3. Completed contract research on National Symbols for DACST

Lecturing: Lectured at Rand Afrikaans University (now University of Johannesburg – UJ) for second year

students in Political Science. (one module, responsible for all tasks)

* Reports available on request

1991 to 1999 Senior Researcher/Political

Analyst Human Sciences Research


Research: Main responsibilities: Research in the Unit for Political Studies (later to become the Centre for

Constitutional Analysis) at the HSRC. Contributed to various reports and acted as co-editor of three books.

In the Group Democracy and Governance acted as project leader for social identities research and involved

with the Policy Analysis Program directing projects on public participation in South Africa for the HSRC

and produced together with Gregory Houston of the South African Democracy Education Trust (SADET) a

book on the topic.

Involvement with surveys/interpretation of data (Report writing): Assisted with the HSRC Annual Survey


Community Engagement:

1. Assisted the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) with research on a report related to deaths in


police custody. (Interim/draft report – August 1998). Co-author: David Bruce, CSVR, Johannesburg.

2. Undertook a study for the HSRC regarding public participation for the Khululekani Institute for

Democracy (KID). Report delivered in June 1999. Copy available on request. Further deliverables: Articles

and chapter to books.

3. Involvement as civilian representative/civil society member in the Defence Review Process

(DRP) and the Stockholm Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) project on arms procurement and

civilian oversight over procurement processes in democracies.

Academic citizenship: Initiator and co-editor of a HSRC quarterly publication on socio-political issues,

South Africa in the 90s.

Community Engagement:

1. Research project on commercial sex work and HIV/Aids. Planned and executed together with Dr Willem

Schurink. Report for Department of Health completed in June/July 1993.

2. Contributed to the HSRC Youth Report with responsibility for sub-divisions.

3. Contributed to a report on “The Protection of Religious, Linguistic and Cultural Communities” [Section

185 of the New Constitution, Act 108 of 1997] prepared on request of the Department of Constitutional

Development by the Human Sciences Research Council.

1993, 1996, 2004 Part-time lecturer in Political


Rand Afrikaans University

(University of Johannesburg)

Main responsibilities: Lecturing for second years (one module per semester).

1990 Director of Research and Research

Consultant, Head Office Institute for a Democratic

Alternative for South Africa


Main responsibilities: Co-ordinate workshops, oversee research projects, draft annual budgets and annual

reports for the research unit.

Conference/Workshop organisation/Community engagement:

1. Acted as co-ordinator for a rural land workshop presented by IDASA, March 9-11. Deliverable/Outcome:

An edited reader: A harvest of discontent: Land Reform in South Africa (1991) by Michael de Klerk (UCT),

IDASA, Mowbray.

2. Responsible for regular contributions to IDASA’s bulletin Democracy in Action (articles, reports on

workshops and book reviews).

3. Co-ordinated workshops related to the ANC’s Constitutional Guidelines in Western Cape, Eastern Cape

and Natal, wrote and managed publication of the workshop proceedings.

4. Co-organized a national student conference for progressive ‘white’ Afrikaans organizations to discuss the

role of Afrikaans speaking students in the process of liberation and democratisation. Attended by students

form UP, UPE, US, PU for CHE, RAU and University of the Orange Free State (Bloemfontein).


Date: From – To Job Title Employer/institution

1988-1989 Consultant/Researcher, Head


Institute for a Democratic

Alternative for South Africa




1. Acting in a research and advisory capacity.

2. Initiated the first national study in South Africa on political attitudes of white South African students at

tertiary institutions, managed the project team, administered questionnaires and publication of the report.

[Published by IDASA, as Worlds of Difference, 1990]. Previous studies were limited to specific universities

such as SU and RAU.

Community engagement: Organized a series of public lectures for IDASA on “Understanding conflict in

South Africa”. Speakers included academics and practitioners from UWC, University of Stellenbosch and

UCT and conflict resolution experts.

1987 Regional coordinator Institute for a Democratic

Alternative for South Africa

(IDASA), Western Cape Region


Acting in a research and advisory capacity. Also responsible as student coordinator for Stellenbosch. The

latter more an activist than research position.

Conference organisation: Initiate and organize a national student conference for the Institute for a

Democratic Alternative in South Africa (IDASA) in Stellenbosch where members of youth organizations like

SANSKO, PESCO, PEYCO, NUSAS, SAAK and various others were brought together. The purpose to look

at obstacles on the road to democracy and strategies to attain a non-racial democracy.

Took part in the Dakar Conference arranged by IDASA, a meeting between South Africans and the exiled

ANC (widely published; contributed articles to newspapers on the event).

Public debate:

1. Several contributions on South African politics to local and national media, i.e. Cape Times, Argus,

Rapport, Burger, South, Akal and Vrye Weekblad.. 2. Interviews with national media.


International Sociological Association (ISA)

South African Sociological Association (SASA)

Philosophical Society of Southern Africa (PSSA)

South African Association for Political Studies (SAAPS)

Historical Association of South Africa (HASA)

The South African Military History Society (SAMHS)