Custom and traditions around the world

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AUGUST 12, 2015

Germany Germany, as one of the major tourist destinations in Europe, is a country that is home to remarkable historical passages and houses inside the most varied traditions and customs in each of its towns and villages; then all about the traditions, festivals and events, as well as the best festivals in Germany.

Festivals and events across the country

The carnival

Cologne Carnival

This festival is carried out especially in the German regions where the majority of residents are Catholic and Rhine. Carnival ("Fasching", "Fasnacht" or "Karneval") is a celebration that dates back to ancient times, especially standing out in the cities of Cologne, Bonn, Mainz and Düsseldorf.

Trade shows (Kirchweih or Kirmes)

Kirmes is the Kirchweih or religious origin and formerly took place on the occasion of the consecration of a Christian church. This festival takes on special importance is the rural areas, where shows are performed and performed a traditional ceremony which is to plant the Kirchweihbaum (Kirchweih tree).

Wine festivals

In the regions near the Rhine and Moselle more precisely in Baden, the Palatinate and along the Main, are carried out between the months of May and November, the wine and grape festivals, in which the various unions and their representatives, They escancian their wine stalls set up in public places, while offering the specialties of the region, with lots of live music and culminating with the crowning of the wine queen.

Christmas markets

Christmas market in Römerberg, Frankfurt

There are many cities in Germany celebrating the Christmas markets in the months of November and December and some even until the day of kings. There you can visit a lot of places where you can buy Christmas ornaments, jewelry, candles, toys and more and even enjoy a good mulled wine (Glühwein), chestnuts, spiced bread and toasted almonds

Berlin Marathon

It is the largest and fastest race in Germany, famous worldwide for its more than 50,000 participants, which not only involved international brokers, but also handicapped in wheelchairs and those who want to enjoy it from the sides of the street.

Besides the main event will take place also a race for skaters and a mini-marathon for children and students. The marathon is held annually in September in the city of Berlin, which for its beauty attracts not only competitors but also many people who enjoy one of the most famous races in the world.

Oktoberfest (Oktoberfest)

During the Oktoberfest festivities

The Munich Oktoberfest is the world-famous festival and one in which more than 6,000,000 visitors each year at the Theresienwiese. Gallons of beer are drunk in huge jars of one liter called Maßkrüge, while donuts and eat pork sausages.

An unforgettable celebration in which you can visit in the vast grounds, lots of rides and roller coasters, and visited many places and enjoy the parades of traditional costumes and band concerts. Many of the locals as well as many young people with typical dress to attend the party clothes.

Munich Oktoberfest is a world famous and typical celebration of Munich and Germany, which starts in mid-September until the first days of October, attracting large crowds of visitors after traditional broached barrel on the esplanade of Wies' n.

Festival Rhine in flames

Between the cities of Linz and Bonn on the Rhine River, it holds a celebration, where the finale is the fireworks and lights Germany's largest flare. The festival takes place annually on the first Saturday in May.

The Rhine Valley and the surrounding area are full of tourists and residents every year again surprised by this magnificent spectacle. In addition to the main show of fireworks, the festival includes various recreational activities to have fun at night activities such as tastings, walks, etc.

ArgentinaCustoms and traditions of Argentina.

Each nation has its own customs that make them special, with factors such as history and geographical location some of those most often taken into account in this regard. Let's meet this time the case of Argentina, the South American nation could well be said to have a very unique and recognizable style, seeing here some of their traditions and customs.

For example, almost always it tends to emphasize more the urban part of Argentina, but also can not ignore the interesting peasant side, being here where the gaucho culture, this being very marked in the national folklore. Each time you visit a country stay in Patagonia is common to see the gauchos and their lifestyle, being part of them well-known use as a beverage and honed as classic grilled food.

Full stop to tango, dancing and Argentine traditional musical genre par excellence, being also shared with Uruguay, considered as a mixture of own European immigrants influences, descendants of African slaves and local people, enjoying great sensuality by commonly touching topics related to themes of love own sadness.

We should also mention that Argentines are football fans, and therefore come every Sunday to encourage their teams to the stadium.

Festivals in Argentina

National Festival of Taming and Folklore of Jesus Maria

The National and International Night Festival of Taming and Folklore of Jesus Maria is one of the most important festivals of folk music of Argentina, and the most renowned horse rodeo event in the country.

It takes place in the city of Jesus Maria, located 50 km north of the provincial capital of Cordoba, in the amphitheater "José Hernández", which has a stage and a field of dressage.

The festival has been developing continuously since 1966 in the first half of January, over ten nights, combining the skills of rodeo and exhibition of gaucho skills, folk and popular music and tasting of typical dishes Creole cuisine.

It is a massive festival in 2007 attended by over 400,000 people, including those who attend the amphitheater and visit the "rocks" and crafts fair.

Festival Cosquín

Cosquín Folk Festival is one of the most important festivals of folk music of Argentina. The festival lasts nine days and takes place in the second half of January, in the city of Cosquín in the tourist Punilla Valley in the province of Cordoba. The tradition used to refer to the nine moons of Cosquín.


Baradero Festival was born in the middle sixties - more precisely in 1965 - when folk music was all the rage and flourished everywhere singers, groups, clubs.

BrazilVisitors to Brazil, always mark him as one of the most joyous and funny world countries. It actually is and if we have to stop and talk about what are the customs and traditions of Brazil, immediately think of everything that has to do with dancing, music, carnival and sports. Here are some of the most representative Brazilian customs.

With regard to dances and traditional dances of Brazil, first, we have to mention capoeira, by many regarded as a work of art. In fact it is a very peculiar type of martial art, also known as "war dance".

Capoeira combines different elements of martial arts, dance, sports and body language. Historically, it was practiced by former slaves, who originated and developed different techniques one of the most important traditional dances of Brazil.

The carnival takes place for about 40 days before Easter. During those days, over 2 million people gather in the streets next to the Sambadrome, to observe and participate in the parade of colorful floats and huge with musicians, dancers and scantily-clad showgirls.


If, music, dance and festivals are very important in Brazil, but if something can be considered almost as important is football. They say that Brazilian children before learning anything else, they must first learn to dance samba and samba dancing second in a soccer field with a ball.

Football is really a tradition and custom, anyone who knows the most basic and simple of the sport know that historically takes place verdeamarela. This sport is a passion and several of the best players in history are Brazilians. Among many other things, Brazil is the country that has left more times world champion.


Religion also plays a very important role in the lives of Brazilians place and one of the most popular religious monuments in the world is in Brazil: the image of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado. This is one of the main attractions of the city of Rio de Janeiro, where throughout the year, thousands and thousands of believers.

Brazil is a predominantly Catholic country, however, the Brazilian people are very diverse and open mind. Often, this diversity is embodied in a unique blend of religious practices; a clear example is the Umbanda religion. It is African religious groups that merged with Catholic doctrines, this being a unique phenomenon in the world.

January 15:

Feast of Santo Amaro in the Goytacazes Campos (Rio de Janeiro); religious party saint baixada camper, where a Mass is celebrated, with payments of promises and baptisms. The representation of the fight between Moors and Christians, also known as horses also performed.

From January 24 to February 2:

Celebrations of the religious festival of Our Lady of Nazaré in Nazaré (Bahia)

February 2nd

Our Lady of the Navigators: the more traditional religious festival of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul), is celebrated as the patron saint of the city became.

Four days before Ash Wednesday

Considered the world's biggest party, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, enjoying five days of uproar. Midnight before Ash Wednesday begins Friday, in late February and early March. It is celebrated in almost all cities of Brazil; the most famous is the one that takes place in Rio.

April, the 21st

Tiradentes Day. National holiday in the death of Joaquín José da Silva Xavier (Tiradentes) who represented the best example in the struggle for the independence of Brazil through Inconfidencia Mining remembered.

June, 15

Corpus Cristi, National Holiday in which the edges of the streets with figures adorn the Catholic liturgy. The cities of Florianopolis (Santa Catarina), Cabo Frio and Petrópolis (Rio de Janeiro), Matão, Ipitinga and São Manoel (Sao Paulo) stand out as the best decorated.

22 and 24 June

Folk Festival of the Amazon in Manaus.

22 June 24

Fiesta de San Juan in Cachoeira (Bahia).

September 7

Independence Day, national holiday. It commemorates the declaration, by Don Pedro I, removal of the country of Portugal.

5 to October 22

Oktoberfest in Blumenau (Santa Catarina). German festival with music, dance and cuisine, is considered the largest after the Munich Oktoberfest in Germany, is also performed a rock festival called Sol rock. The festival brings together some two million tourists annually.

December 26th

The festival of parades Congadas is black on the day of St. Benedict, commemorating the coronation of a king of Congo. They include dances and songs from Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. The Congadas best known are the Lapa, the few municipalities of Santa Catarina and in some regions of gold in Minas Gerais.

ChileChilean Customs

Today, cultural expressions that make chilenidad manifest in civic events (holidays and memorial days), crafts, festivals and carnivals, folklore (dance and music), gastronomy (food and spirits), games, oral traditions (sayings, myths and legends of Chile) and religious traditions or popular fervor.

Many of these cultural events originated during the colonial era being own of the Creole culture, mix of indigenous and Spanish cultures, while others have emerged during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and therefore the Spanish heritage as by contributions from other immigrants from the nineteenth century.

Typical activities

Flag of Chile, hoisting (civic act): In September the national flag is hoisted in public places and private homes, which must be done correctly, if done horizontally, is lifted as is, with the star up to the left, if done vertically star should be left even left the front on the back, all of the perspective watching from the street. If it is raised in government or palace in the presence of the President, the flag should bring the shield in the center (Presidential Flag). Although the standard is mandatory, it has relaxed its ustipica Chilean inn with respect to private homes, but not if it is lifted incorrectly. On September 18, next to May 21 and September 19, the national flag is hoisted in public places and private homes, but on May 21 not mandatory.

Chilean races (sports): The powers of speed on a horse in a natural terrain. The riders ride without saddles, without stirrups, without spurs and just hanging on to the horse's mane. Win rider reaches the finish line first.

Chinchinero (musicians) are people who play a drum carrying on his back, and dance (in turns) to the sound of his music.

Cueca (dance): The form it assumes this South American dance in central Chile is considered the national dance of the country. Are two types of dances, traditional, considered more elegant, in which men and women called huasos calls

Rayuela (sport): typical Chilean game of aiming and skill, in which the

Participant, with a yew (iron cylinder) or a coin, must hit a sandbox or rectangular mud bisected by the long half, shooting or throwing the object to an agreed distance, reach and achieve as much as possible to that center. Generally people can bet and gain the currency of the other to be who the currency closer to the center than its rival.

Short Rayuela (said): Euphemism used between two or more people to drink wine in glasses fourth cane (125 cc). Its name refers to the act of taking the puck in hopscotch, but instead of throwing heads towards the mouth.

Rodeo (sports): Rodeo is a sport that consists of a pair of riders (collar) on horses, which should lead to a bull by a circuit (Crescent) and stop in alcochadas circuit.

International Song Festival of Vina del Mar

The International Song Festival of Viña del Mar is undoubtedly the most important musical event and the most prestigious level event that takes place in the country and South America.

His first release was in 1960 in order to promote the city of Viña del Mar as resort and tourist destination. Over the years and as the Festival was opening both participants and international juries, gradually was transformed into an important arena of national and international music, and the birthplace of several stars who today succeed in the world of music. The competition is divided into folk and international category, which are accompanied by the presentation of large and top artists as has been the case of Bryan Adams, Donna Summer, Paul Anka and Tom Jones, among many other figures invited to the event.

The magnitude, quality and consistency of the event, the Festival of Viña as commonly known, have become an iconic event in the Chilean idiosyncrasy.

ChinaChinese customs

Chinese customs can vary greatly from those of the West, but there are things that always remain the same.

Perhaps most different are the rules of table etiquette. The first is that except rice bowls, all dishes are shared Chinese can be very tolerant of manners, but they can be very annoying to see that you do not handle chopsticks well. Some recommendations are:

• Never use chopsticks to examine a meal. Go straight to what you want. Once you take it, you can not return it.

• Do not put your chopsticks upright in your rice bowl; it is a connotation that wants the death of everyone around you.

• Do not use chopsticks as drumsticks drum. It is a serious offense.

• If a piece of food is very hard to hold, help yourself with a spoon. Do not try to thread the food with the tips of the chopsticks.

Chinese traditions

China, officially the People's Republic of China, is the state with the largest population in the world and as you would expect in a population this size is obviously the most diverse, hinting on their territory countless traditions and customs taken from other parts of Asia that at some point in its history had contact with her as Bhutan, Burma, Mongolia and Korea just to mention a few.

Holidays and festivals of China

Most festivals in China are calculated by the lunar calendar, the New Year usually begins between the months of January or February of the solar year. There are some more modern, to follow the solar calendar, and others that are celebrant according to the calendar of different minorities, because practically every minority in China had their own way of counting the years.

Solar Festival Calendar

They are generally civilian parties, influenced by the West or by the history of the PRC, including the most important are:

March 8. Working Women's Day.

A holiday celebrated worldwide, during which Chinese women, whether they work in administration or in a state enterprise, often enjoy a half day.

May 1st. Business day.

It is an international festival, which is held in China in a big way. People enjoy three days of vacation, on all those working in offices or the administration; sometimes recover before or after working some holidays. .

October 1st. National Holiday.

Commemorates the establishment of the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square in Beijing on October 1, 1949. The Tiananmen Square is decorated during previous or subsequent weeks, a larger, on the anniversary military parade is held that they are multiple of five, and people enjoy three or four days of vacation.

ColombiaColombia has a rich history, tradition and culture that make it one of the most visited countries in South America. Therefore many agencies of the world offer to make you know the most beautiful places and warm people of this nation. Below we indicate some of the best-known customs of Colombian society:

If you meet a Colombian he will realize that they are very happy, conservative and tardy. The part of Colombia where more is accentuated these customs is in the Caribbean coasts. And the joyful way of being Colombian easily strike up a conversation

The customary greeting between men is a handshake. Women, however, employ a verbal greeting or kiss on the cheek. The most common greetings are: Hello!, How are you ?; and saying goodbye usual Goodbye! If one was

invited to a family reunion is common to see the end of it to the organizers accompanying these to the door of the house.


Devil's Carnival

It is not a religious devil, nor is it an anti-Christian party. Carnival does not touch the religion of men.



Jan 05

Folk Festival

Colombian Folk Festival Corporation presents a playful spirit capital of Tolima people and certainly an icon: "Cultural and Artistic Heritage of the Nation".



June 25

Pacific Festival

Pacific Folk Festival is a veritable feast of joy culture and entertainment, thanks to its wealth of artistic expressions ranging from dance to the marimbas,...


Cauca valley

July 17

Wayuu Culture Festival

Over 25 years ago the Grand National Wayuu gathered to celebrate their traditions and customs in what was called the Wayuu Culture Festival. The objective of the creation of the Festival.



Aug 16

National Festival of Bagpipes

The National Indigenous Festival of Bagpipes of San Jacinto Bolivar is the most vivid and authentic expression of the Colombian Caribbean, the festival is the annual meeting to be held in commemoration.

San Jacinto,


Aug 17

Feria de Manizales

Manizales Fair, held annually in the Colombian city of Manizales, known for its bullfighting season and the International Coffee Pageant. This fair has Spanish roots.



Jan 03

Fiestas de San Pedro

The celebrations of San Juan and San Pedro, if you stick to the story, were born to celebrate the Jura, which was then called also the attitude and obedience to the King of Spain.



Costa RicaCosta Ricans or "Ticos" are warm and friendly. Always ready to shake hands or kiss. If you are invited into a house, flatters the hostess with flowers, chocolates or typical of your country. And if you offer food you must accept if you do not feel hungry. Gentle and charming, hate to say "no": prefer to say "thank you". The phrase "Pura vida!" They use to tell us that all is well.

They love the holidays and weekends, so most businesses are closed Saturday and Sunday.

Famous is the Carnival of the city Limon, in October. But San Jose is transformed in December: the second and third weeks of the Christmas Parade Lights Festival, and Christmas 15 days after celebrating the end and beginning of the year with the Fiestas de Zapote.


Costa Rica may be a Catholic country, but its people absolutely know how to party. Oftentimes they even use religious holidays as an excuse to do so.

Small festivals take place throughout the country all year round, but the celebrations ramp up during the holiday season, and involve everything from bullfighting and carnival rides to fireworks, marimba music, feasts, and jubilant dancing. Zapote, which happens in the eponymous neighborhood in San José, is the biggest of these festivals and features elaborate rollercoasters and the largest bullfights of the year. Palmares—Costa Rica’s equivalent of Octoberfest—is the longest party of the year. And down on the Southern Pacific coast, the traditions of the area’s indigenous people are honored during the Fiestas de Los Diablitos.

Should you tire of tradition, there’s the Envision Festival, a mini tropical Burning Man that happens in Uvita every February, or the Límon Carnival, a raging parade and boozefest on the country’s Caribbean’s side. Don’t forget the Advil.

Envision Festival

Do you like to cover yourself in glitter and dance with abandon? Have you used the word “manifest” as a verb? If you responded yes and yes, this gathering of the world’s trustafarians and psychedelia enthusiasts might be just the festival for you. A campsite and a bunch of stages and booths comprise the four-day hippie extravaganza, which involves art, yoga, music, crunchy food and sacred movement, whatever that is.

Fiestas de los Diablitos

Translated to mean Festival of the Little Devils, this event takes place in two indigenous communities, Boruca and Rey Curre, in December and in February, respectively. The villagers don masks and costumes representing ancestral spirits, and then reenact a victory over the Spanish conquistadors via dancing. They also drink chicha, a fermented corn beverage, out of hollow gourds.

EcuadorEcuadorians live fervently Catholicism is why we prepare and enjoy their religious festivals, to the point that commercial establishments close in those days. His music is an important part of these celebrations, wind and percussion instruments are the protagonists, leaving out the participation of guairas and bamboo flutes. Ecuadorian Andes have managed to merge their religious beliefs with Catholicism

Although generally speaking Spanish in Ecuador, the inhabitants of the mountains and highlands still retain their dialects, so they are bilingual, your main language is Quechua and the Spanish learn to communicate well. There are communities which have their own native languages or dialects. A curious fact is that on the coast of Esmeraldas you can hear people using a dialect with African overtones

Popular festivals in Ecuador

Inti Raymi

Human Devils dance party in the sun: Inti Raymi.

The summer solstice is celebrated to thank the god Inti (Sun) for the bountiful harvest and the Pachamama (Mother Earth) to care for and bless crops. Held on June 21 in almost all indigenous peoples of the highlands. The best known are recorded in the provinces of Imbabura, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, Canar, Azuay and Loja. The festival of Inti Raymi is characterized by dancers who take their decorated with mirrors, sequins and feathers heads; or in the way of Aya Huma (diabluma or huma devil) character can spin very close to you, with his mask on two fronts.

The coastal Montubio Rodeo

It is in the province of El Oro, in towns like Pimocha and Vinces, or around Balzar, Guayas Province, where you can find montubios rodeos. They are popular festivals accompanied by lots of color, where riders parade and compete, and distinguished men; wearing traditional clothing they have the necessary straw hat. Men competing in competitions and choose to "Criolla Bonita", a woman who represent the various estates of the sector. The montubio rodeo is performed as a tribute to the Day of Intercultural and Plurinationality, October 12.

Festival of Flowers and Fruits

The streets of Ambato, in the province of Tungurahua, become a gateway. Floats, built by the residents of the capital, walking the neighborhoods that complement the landscape of the mountains. Held 40 days before Easter, the parade of the fellowship is complemented by the choice of the Queen of Ambato, plus the blessing of the bread and fruit. It is a round accompanied by music and food.

Diablada Píllaro

The Festival is held every Diablada years Píllaro province of Tungurahua, from 1 to 6 January. According to legend, the groups representing a devil that came to America with Christianity. It is at this event where the Indian jump, dance

and rejoice become devil, putting his face large masks. This ancient festival is expressed in the dance of all communities in the canton, which circle show his pace and his hands never missing a doll, a bottle of liquor and a handkerchief.

Cassava beer Sarayaku

In the province of Pastaza, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, cassava beer is prepared and it is a party. Sarayacu women gather cassava ethnicity orchard, while the men go hunting. Woman cooking cassava until it can be chewed. Then all get together and begin to chew cassava with the sound of the drum that signals the start of a party that brings the community to celebrate a ritual that takes place in February.

El SalvadorCustoms and traditions

Carpets Good Friday

In El Salvador making rugs Good Friday is a tradition in the day when the death of our Lord Jesus is celebrated. It is one of the Catholic traditions that live in the Holy Week in almost any village, county, town or place in which to spend the Holy.

The descent of the Divine Savior of the World

The descent of the Divine Savior of the World is the most important festivities in San Salvador moment, also known as August festivities. This event held every August 5 is a commemoration of Jesus' transfiguration which refers to a chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.

Ash Wednesday

This day is celebrated Ash Wednesday, a Catholic celebration which kicks off the Lent, which is a time forty days before Easter. Although always celebrated on Wednesday is not exactly the same date every year.

Independence Day

September 15 is the Day of National Independence of El Salvador. It is celebrated nationally in public and private schools, as well as on military bases. Parades are held in each city with the participation of students marching represent their respective campus with their bands.

SpainWhat customs are typical in Spain?

How is life in Spain?

We have always heard that from "Spain is different" and, indeed, is often the point at which match most of the foreigners who visit our country. Now, are we really so different?

1. The siesta

You sound right? That little time to sleep after eating, what you feel good! The ideal is to last about thirty minutes. It is best to let us as well as new is scientifically proven the benefits of napping: improving health and circulation, and nap. Healthy Spanish habit prevents the burden and stress. It also promotes memory and learning mechanisms. Curiously, Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill were daily siesta. They say Churchill during the days of World War II until the early hours worked so cool, while their partners were rendered.

2. Life on the Street

In Spain a lot of life on the street is. The Spaniards are going out to the terraces, caps, walk, shops ... The possibilities are thousands at any time of day, but calmly can mix several and may be a normal day, shopping, for eating (itching) something, long sitting with coffee that are joining friends and well into the evening.

3. The festivities

In Spain there is a long tradition of festivals. In every city there are parties and millions of people from different cities and countries come every year to see them and live them. Are many and varied, some of the festivals best known are: Las Fallas, the April Fair, the Carnival of Cadiz and Tenerife, La Tomatina, the Fiestas del Pilar, El Rocio, Moors and Christians, San Isidro, Bonfires of San Juan, the Sella ...

4. Family life

Spaniards are very familiar. There are many festivals throughout the year that bring the family, of course Christmas, but also saints and birthdays. Sundays are also days of family visits and meals with parents or grandparents. A daily telephone contact with the family is also almost habitual.

5. Walking

We're both going outside the rides is very ours. Strolling through parks, cities, towns. Enjoy our scenery, companies or the environment in general.

6. End of year: grapes and bells

December 31, during the day were with friends, we take something and congratulate the year. Night falls and family dinner and twelve o'clock .... The bells! Of course before we prepared grapes twelve one for each chime to give the clock from Puerta del Sol. There are rituals of all kinds, people who grapes peeling, others remove the seeds, we and reviewed, they are the twelve a thousand times ... and then already that you can add another set of superstitions. But start the year off right and all the television and radio broadcast the twelve.

The flamenco and the world around him

Flamenco has its best in Andalucía. In this region of the south are many singers and singers of great fame, but this cultural exponent has representatives scattered across the country. Between the parties related to flamenco is the April Fair in Seville. In her dance Sevillanas and visitors wear the typical regional costumes, flamenco woman and man shorty.

Bulls are important elements in the holidays

Bullfights are also world famous. Although in recent years there are many who are trying to suppress this national holiday, many communities still continue to make this event a symbol of their city. Bullrings are well known Ventas in Madrid and popular Maestranza in Seville. It is very common to all Spanish cities including the holding of bullfights in their festivities.

Valencia Fallas and the Tomatina

Other important traditions in the country are given in Valencia. In March the Fallas are held. They are caricatures large of the most popular characters of the year. These failures are consumed by fire on the day of San José. In the Valencian town of Bunol it has been held for more than 60 years a particular battle where the only weapons available are tomatoes.

San Fermin, Pamplona

January 1, February 2, March 3, April 4, May 5, June 6, July 7 San Fermin ..." To Pamplona we must go if we want to hear this classic. The feast of feasts par excellence, the most popular of Spain, will host from tomorrow to hundreds of thousands. In fact, during the San Fermin, Pamplona's population goes from 200,000 to over 1,000,000. To run!

La Tomatina, Buñol

This festival for all ages is held for more than 60 years in Buñol, Valencia, and has even come to be imitated in some countries. The last Wednesday of August every year, thousands of people over 100 tons of tomatoes each other are thrown into a "battle" as fun. Recently, the party has undergone some controversy for its privatization and the entry fee required for non-residents of the village people.

El Rocío, Almonte

More than one million people come each year to the pilgrimage of El Rocio in Almonte, Huelva, to venerate the Virgin. This tradition, which is the most important in the Christian world, surprised by the incredible devotion of his assistants, to whom this party is pure emotion and feeling.

United StatesUnited States traditions

Customs and traditions of the United States are hardly unknown to us because we are constantly bombarded by them through the media, cinema and others. But the United States is a really huge country with a large population and great ethnic variety. Perhaps maybe you're planning a visit to the country and if that is the case, will surely come in handy review a little from another point of view. I invite you to know what are some of the most important traditions of the United States. So, let's go dude!

Clothing and typical food in the United States

As for what to do with their clothing, this varies by region of the country and has really considerable differences. Very roughly, those living east of the

country, traditionally dress more formally than in many other parts, while to the west, prefer casual attire. Speaking formal dress, many US companies have something called Casual Friday (Friday Casual), in which employees are allowed free of their suits, jackets, ties and more conservative clothing, since the idea is to dress at home , feeling as comfortable as possible.

But it is important to repeat that this is a very large country with many people and a lot of diversity that perfectly could be considered almost as a continent, so the standards are always variables and the ways in which something can be consider appropriate or inappropriate always changes from one state to another. In fact, each state has its governor, its laws, its history, its culture and way of perceiving reality.

As for the gastronomic aspects, something that is worth mentioning it is that eating out at a restaurant or at any branch of fast food, it is much more common than elsewhere. Again, diversity is present in virtually any American restaurant one can find the desired menu. Having so many foreigners, theme restaurants are very popular, with many gastronomic centers of Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Italian, etc. Undoubtedly, hamburgers and fast food are more representative of the typical dishes of the United States.



Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year's Day

Monday, January 19, 2015

Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Saturday usual

Monday, February 16, 2015

Washington's Birthday


Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Independence Day


Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day (Labor Day)


Monday, October 12, 2015

Columbus Day


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day


Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day

FranceTraditions of France

France is a unique country and the more you learn about their culture and traditions, more and more want to know. With a long and rich history, with customs that have been passed from generation to generation and still one of the most promising destinations in the world, you can not stay without knowing the traditions of France.

The people and the French family

You just step on French soil, you will feel as if the French were waiting to speak in French, because there are really picky about their language. Clearly, however, if you do not there will be no problem, as they are actually used to receive tourists from all over the world. What matters is education, respect and values, you must be attentive to the greeting, an important example of education that is part of the tradition of all good French. For example, you have to say "Good morning, Sir / Madam" ("Bonjour Madame / Monsieur") and possibly shake hands. The "hello" or in French "Salut" is reserved for greetings among friends or confidants.

In general, the French people is made up of people are very polite and well mannered. The French do not like arguments. If someone speaks to you, or feel bad, well, try to keep your posture and not raise his voice, as this is considered a vulgar and can be very uncomfortable...

The French have very clear that the family is the social glue that binds a country and therefore every member of it has duties and responsibilities to fulfill. The family is the economic lifeline of a country, but above all is the emotional basis and therefore should care, which is very important for the French.

While people are strict in educational terms and in the manners, the French are considerably liberal when it comes to clothing: they like to dress casually, but that does not mean they are messy, of course, but everything otherwise. They set much in the way people dress and are careful in the details, for example, it is not surprising that many people used jeans to be in their homes, but then luxury designer jeans. If during your stay in the land of the Eiffel Tower you are

invited to eat, keep in mind that it is polite to wait for all the guests arriving to serve the drink and you should wait for the host to have to start eating.

French cuisine is considered one of the largest in the world, which can not fail to take it seriously at all times. Various types of meat, exquisite cheeses, breads, jams, wines and best champagne, among many other elements, makes every dish an exceptional jewel

Traditional celebrations and festivals in France are characterized by a close encounter with the best traditional dishes. The carnival is enjoyed in a different way but with great intensity, having two carnivals of great importance worldwide: the Nice Carnival and Mardi Gras.

In the carnival of Nice in winter, more than a million spectators come to the city to enjoy the dance, music and colorful, partying for nearly three weeks without stopping. On the other hand, Mardi Gras is more related to religion, especially Christianity. Dunkirk Carnival is undoubtedly the most interesting, with full bars, bands playing live on the street, music, dance and drink until late at night. On the other hand, many other celebrations do not differ from those of many other Western countries, such as Easter, Christmas or New Year.

The most common greetings are Bonjour, which means good morning, and Comment allez-vous? or Ça va? -more informal mean how are you? Usually accompanied by the name of the person you are greeted.

It is a custom also among the French arrive at a social gathering last 15 or 20 minutes of the scheduled time. Which is not frowned upon, but the longest delays to these.

At the moment they prefer holidays in their own country by organizing various activities such as camping, skiing and so on. Although it is increasing gradually people who choose to vacation distant places.


January 1 (1 janvier) - This is the first of the year, where good wishes for the coming year is desired.

January 6, Epiphany (L'Épiphanie) - A religious festival where the arrival of the Magi to the place where the baby Jesus was born kings held.

Fiesta de La Chandeleur


February 2, Candlemas (La Chandeleur) - This is a party in honor of the God Pan, purification, fertility and prosperity. It held preparing pancakes at Candlemas famous for the tradition of Pope Gelasius I, who distributed creppes all peregrio he reached Rome.

February 14, Valentine's Day (La Fete des Amoureux) - is a non-religious holiday where the day dedicated to lovers and couples. Abound at this event details such as flowers, chocolates, balloons, dinners and more.


Easter - is the annual celebration where Christians commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is celebrated on different dates because it is based on the astronomical calendar.


May 1, Labor Day (Fete des Travailleurs) - People offer their friends about clusters of small white flowers that some parts of the street are sold. Small bouquets represent the symbol of good friendship and is considered auspicious and good luck.

May 8, Victory Day (Fete de la Victoire 1945) - Germany's surrender and the end of the Second World War in Europe was commemorated.


June 2, Feast of the Ascension (L 'Ascension) - A religious festival which celebrates the time when Jesus Christ ascended into heaven.

June 12, Pentecost Sunday (Pentecost) - The birth of the Christian Church.

June 13, Whit Monday (Pentecost) - Whit Monday is a public holiday.

June 21, Fete de la Musique (La Fete de la Musique) - It's a very popular festival where concerts organized throughout the country, streets and squares are held.


July 14: Bastille Festival (Fête nationale) - is a national holiday where the fall of monarchical power that ruled the country until 1789 is commemorated.


August 15, Feast of the Assumption (Dormition) - Rise of the Virgin to heaven, his "dormant", the "Assumption" was held.


November 1, All Saints' Day (Toussaint) - is celebrated and the day surrenders to all anonymous and unknown saints in the Catholic church, also remember those families or loved ones they have lost.

November 11, Armistice Day (Armistice 1918) - Commemoration of the armistice (suspension of attacks) and ends the First World War.


December 25, Christmas (Noël) - the birth of Christ is celebrated and where the family gather around a table lit with candles, Christmas decorations, festive dishes and typical of each city.

HollandWhile in many countries celebrate the arrival of St. Nicholas on December 6, in Holland the festivities begin in November with the arrival of Bishop boat, this celebration is transmitted to television. It is December 5, from noon all give gifts from noon, the work is suspended and held the saint.

The bicycle is the main means of transport in the Netherlands, after China, is the country with more bikes in the world. While there are 16 million people who live there, there are 14 million bicycles for them. The rails are very safe and there are places where you can rent them, be careful to purchase one in the street because it must be stolen bicycles.

In Holland you can buy hashish, marijuana, grass, pot and everything related to smoking, so if you are keen on bongwater in this destination you will feel free because you can eat in licensed cafes. Hallucinogenic mushrooms are consumed, but not massive. In the Netherlands, only 5% of its population committed these soft drugs.

Traditions in Holland

Undoubtedly, in the Netherlands, it is still maintained many traditions in the popular environment. That if not in big cities like Amsterdam or Rotterdam but in small towns and villages. One of the traditions is that when a baby is born, a stork out of the house, in most cases, made of wood is placed. Previously, the village women shared this stork, which was called "Ooievaar" in Dutch language; and they were passing from one to another, depending on who had a baby. Also, there is the tradition of giving cards to friends and family, or using what is known as "meth Muisne Baschuit" or toast are a type of light, which has a sweet and anise seed coverage. They are pink, if a girl is born; if it's a boy blue and orange, if you are a member of the Royal Family of the Netherlands. In January, for example, L'Elfstedentoch, a marathon, held across 11 cities, skating on ice, through Friesland held. Also, on December 6, it is celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas.

At Christmas, in the east of the country, playing the Midwinterhoorn, ie trunk winter; a very long trunk, several meters long, which remind us fallopian Alps. In Old Year eat oliebollen, buns that remind us a little, to the famous Churros. And on 1 January, it is usually jump into the North Sea, 'The Hague-Scheveningen (something only for the brave, because sometimes, the water is freezing temperatures).

New Year

The Dutch typically celebrate New Year's Eve privately with family or friends. Most Dutch spend the night watching shows and comedies on television while enjoying traditional sweets like `oliebollen' (donuts) and` appelbeignets' (apple fritters).

New Year's Day

On the day of New Year, the bravest Dutch take a dip, the so-called New Year Dip in the icy North Sea. This event is organized in several beaches, but the most popular is the beach of Scheveningen in The Hague.

The Queen's Day

Holland is held every April 30 birthday of the Queen, an event known as `Koninginnedag'. This day nationwide orange dresses and takes place a variety of events across the country. The most popular events are La Noche de la Reina (KoninginneNach), held the night before Queen's Day in The Hague and Amsterdam flea market during the day of the party. In the market, the Dutch sold second hand stuff on sidewalks or under temporary stalls (weather permitting). In addition, the Royal Family visits one or two people this day. The present Queen, Queen Beatrix, was actually born on January 31, but the tradition of celebrating the birthday of his mother, Queen Juliana (1909-2004) has been maintained.

Day of Remembrance

Each year at 20: 00h May 4 the Dutch remembered with two minutes of silence to civilians and soldiers died in the Netherlands or other countries from the beginning of the Second World War, both in war and in peace missions . Before this tribute, a memorial service at the National Monument on the square `Dam' in Amsterdam, with speeches and the laying of wreaths is done.

San Martin (no holiday)

The celebration of San Martin, the first celebration of the religious calendar, takes place on November 11. This celebration has always been the second most popular festival in the Netherlands (especially for children), the first is St. Nicholas. The holiday is especially popular in Groningen, Drenthe, Friesland, North Brabant, Limburg and Utrecht. At night many children walking around town carrying torches and singing songs. They go door to door and are rewarded for their singing with candies and other sweets

San Nicolas (no holiday)

Every year in mid-November, the Dutch children eagerly awaiting the arrival of Sinterklaas, also known as Saint Nicholas. At night, St. Nicholas brings small gifts and sweets for children. Riding his horse Americo, trotting over the rooftops introducing gifts through chimneys, assisted by his helpers, the Zwarte Pieten (Black Peters). The festival takes place on December 5. Older children and adults also celebrate 5 December, which is known as'the mists of regalos'. Days before numbers assigned to a name of the family group or friends and gifts are purchased. The gifts are wrapped so as to conceal their

actual contents and are often accompanied by poems especially directed to the person in question.

AustraliaCustoms and traditions in Australia

Over the years, Australia was established as one of the countries with the largest number of immigrants from around the world. Note that these expatriates come from all over the world, why the mix of cultures that can be found in this destination is truly great and varied. Despite this, if you have in mind to undertake a pleasure trip to this enchanting country, it is important to inform yourself beforehand about how the lifestyle there, in order to handle yourself in the best way possible and not miss respect for the locals with some attitude misplaced.

First, it notes that the traditions of Australia are influenced primarily by Indian culture and European customs. Despite this, the country also keeps certain own habits, such as Australia Day celebration, which takes place every January 26 of each year. As one of the last days of the summer holidays, to celebrate the reasons are more than sufficient, and is done through music, picnics and fireworks.

In regards to the food, do not forget that fish is a typical ingredient in any dish in this country, like roast and served with fruits and vegetables. Also, if you have the opportunity to travel to Australia, we can suggest you vegemite and pavlova. Clothing, meanwhile, not much different from the rest of Western world.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that the use of protector to the sun is a habit we all meet in the country, regardless of the place to which it concurs as Australia is one of the places with greater index mortality from skin cancer, the use of sunscreen isJanuary

National Party of Australia

Fireworks on National Day

New Year: A festival that goes around the world also celebrated in Australia with music, excitement and fireworks.

National Party of Australia: On this feast the arrival of the first European explorer boat to Australia is commemorated and celebrated on January 26.


Water Carnival: It takes place in Tasmania and becomes one of the most prominent in Oceania for their races.

Perth Festival: This festival takes place in Western Australia and has a lot of artists, both national and international.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras: This is similar to Mardi Gras in New Orleans celebration, held in the city of Sydney and is one of the most striking and pompous festivals. practically a law.


Adelaide Festival

Moomba Festival: This festival is held in Melbourne lasts a full week of hoopla ends with an interesting parade.

Adelaide Arts Festival: This festival is unique art held every two years since 1960. Here you can find various art forms such as music, theater, opera, ballet, and various art exhibitions

International Fringe Festival: This is a celebration of alternative art in Australia, which is attached to the Adelaide Festival

Harvest Festival: An interesting activity that takes place in New South Wales, where they can participate in the grape harvest and taste the best Australian wines.


Sydney Royal Agricultural Show: At the start of April activity more rural court is held, enjoying interesting detours and the whole tradition of this.

Anzac day: The national holiday is celebrated on April 25 to commemorate Anzac forces (Australian and New Zealand) who participated in the Gallipoli campaign in 1915.

Comedy Festival Melbourne: In the city of Melbourne for three weeks and you'll enjoy the best comedians in the city.

World Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing: In New South Wales, a popular motorcycle competition held annually.


Adelaide Cup: This is one of the most important events of the month; a horse race dating back to 1864 is celebrated.

Labor Day is celebrated worldwide on May 1, but in several localities have different dates of celebration.


Birthday of the Queen of England: This is held during the second Monday in the states of Queensland, Northern Territory and Victoria.

Melbourne Film Festival: In a lot of movies and documentaries national and international exhibits.


Alice Springs Camel Cup: In this activity, the camels are used for competitions and races; although camels are not native to Australia, when they were brought to these lands they remained as a tourist attraction.


Anzac Day

Yuendumu Festival: Cultural and Sports Meeting of Aboriginal communities in the regions of central and west. Staff meets in the town of Yuendumu - northwest of Alice Springs - the first weekend of August.

Darwin Beer Can Regatta: Fiesta-based competition essentially reveler boat built entirely with empty beer cans. Do not forget that the city of Darwin is regarded as one of the places in Australia where there are more sponges per square meter. This special event is held in August.

Great Marathon Sydney: It's a race of 14 kilometers in which involved nearly 25,000 runners is Sidney streets.


Oktoberfest: This is an inherited festival in Munich, Germany, also celebrated with great food and beer, traditional making in Australia and in other countries.

Henley on Todd Regatta: This is a race that is performed by the Todd River.


Melbourne Cup: This is also a horse race; it takes place in Flemington on the first Tuesday of November.


Christmas: This is one of the most significant and important dates worldwide; in Australia also it celebrated, but not so popular because of the small number of believers.

Boxing Day: The day continues at Christmas, and the more gifts are delivered.

Sydney Festival: Great waste of events held in the most dynamic city of Australia. Some notable various outdoor concerts, theater cycles, fireworks and races, especially the famous Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Festival activities take place throughout the month of January except for the Sydney to Hobart YR which is celebrated on December 26.

CanadaTraditions and customs of Canada

The Canadian person has a strong influence of British culture and in recent years, has also been clearly influenced by American traditions and customs. But this does not mean that Canada lacks the proper, on the contrary, he knew draw on various elements to form a diversified but only culture in the world. Let us know some of the most interesting traditions and customs of Canada.

Already mentioned the profound British influence and the recent connection to the United States, but it are very important to highlight the other great historical reference to Canada: France. Formerly the Canadian territory was colonized by British and French groups, which historically French traditions are also present in the depth of the Canadian population.

But this is not all since before colonization and subsequent independence, Canada was inhabited by indigenous aboriginal groups. For years, historians have also pointed out that the influence of these ancient indigenous cultures continued present throughout Canada's history. Currently, it is the second largest country in the world (after Russia) and as a result of all these factors: from region to region, there is a huge cultural diversity, each with a unique value.

With such historical background, one can imagine the value and diversity in all three areas. The artistic development of Canada's something really original in the field of letters, for example, there are several international awards writers such as Saul Bellow (1976 Nobel Prize for Literature), M.Atwood (nominated for Nobel Literature) or CGBlairfindie Allen, among others.

In the field of theater and cinema, cities like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, have become some of the largest centers of filmmaking production in North America. On the other hand, as to what musical, Canada seems to have become a leading exporter of bands pop, rock and alternative music of enormous popularity.

In language, returning to the historical aspects that have shaped this colorful nation, Canada has two official languages adopted as legacy of the past and readjusted his way: Canadian English and Canadian French. However, these are not the only dialects that exist in Canada and population statistics reflect a multifaceted end. The other 5 languages most present are Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, Italian and Arabic.

With these characteristics, Canada appears to be a simply spectacular, full of diverse cultural and country. It is generally considered to Canadians as tolerant, friendly and strong community people.

It is a country with a good quality of life that is reflected in their lifestyles. Peaceful and simple but cordial, Canadians live in an atmosphere of calm and very nice friendly. Celebrate popular festivals like Christmas, birthdays and national holidays in a harmonious environment. No wonder then, that hardly receive news about Canada.



January 26:

Tradition Day


January 26 to February 1:

Winter Carnival: during these weeks the carnival is celebrated in Canada. The streets of several cities are decorated with ice sculptures, parades and colorful lights; during these days, besides, the streets are filled with people enjoying the parades. In the carnival of Canada, pens and small outfits (typical of other carnivals) are replaced by large coats and scarves. Carnivals of Canada's most famous is that of Quebec, where year after year a spectacular ice castle is mounted in the center of the city at night lights and serves as home to a snowman named Bonhomme and is considered King of Carnival.


March 20:

International Day of the Francophonie.


May 1 to 18:

Canadian Tulip Festival: This event stores are mounted where 25 different countries share their customs and meals. The event has a massive audience that comes to Ottawa to enjoy 18 days of celebration.


June 14:

Toronto Taste: a culinary celebration that takes place in the exclusive neighborhood of Bloor-Yorkville, Toronto. In this festival, fifty distinguished chefs prepare delicacies for attendees.

June 27:

Multicultural Canada Day: date on which the plurality of cultures is celebrated.

June and July

29 June-July 9:

International Montreal Jazz Festival: the festival of the world's leading jazz. This celebration of Canada attracts more than two million people each year, who come to Montreal to enjoy this special music.


International Ottawa Jazz Festival: a festival that lasts for weeks and gathers artists from around the world. This festival is held during the summer in Ottawa, Ontario and takes place in various locations in the city.


First Peoples Festival (Victoria) festival which is celebrated with typical crafts, dancing and canoeing war.


September 10 to 19:

Toronto International Film Festival: this year (2009) will be the thirty-fourth edition of this festival in Canada where they can be enjoyed the best film products in the world.

September 21 to 27:

Day of National Forestry.

Toronto International Film Festival.


2nd Monday:

Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving for the autumn harvest).

October 14 to 18:

International Animation Festival Ottawa: Canadian celebration is the largest in North America of its kind and attracts movie fans, art lovers and cartoons worldwide.

Chocolate Festival West Coast: in this celebration in Canada, guests can enjoy plenty of chocolate delicacies. The celebration takes place in Vancouver and chocolate lovers can not miss.


November 11th:

Remembrance Day: This day Canadians celebrate their dead and those who served the country during the war.

November 16 to 22:

Restorative Justice Week: throughout this week in the country's mediation between victims and perpetrators is promoted.

November 20:

National Children's Day: in this celebration in Canada entertains the kids.

28 to 29 and 30 November: