Customisation & Total Cost of Ownership for Multi-Tenant Systems

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Customisation &Total Cost of Ownership For Multi-tenant systems

What is a multi-tenant system?

“The term "software multitenancy" refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants.

A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance.”

-- Wikipedia

What is software Total Cost of Ownership?

Software ownership adds many liabilities over the entire lifecycle:

▪ Costs for enhancements and fixes required to support changing business environment

▪ Costs for testing and deploying these changes

▪ First-line support costs: documentation, compliance, training of new staff, handling user errors, access roster management

▪ Second-line support costs: Ongoing support and management of production and pre-production environments

Comparison to multi-instance systemsMulti-Tenant Multi-Instance

Why multi-tenancy

▪ Reduced cost at scale: costs scale with number of active users, not number of tenants

▪ Reduced maintenance costs: one set of hardware to manage, maintain and update

▪ Reduced ongoing development costs: one codebase to test

Why multi-instance

▪ More straightforward security model: one set of equipment per tenant

▪ Facilitates customisation per-tenant: separate codebases can be used if needed

▪ Lower initial development cost: significant upfront cost of multi-tenancy infrastructure

Customisation & Configuration

Configuration: enabling different software parameters on a per-tenant basis to deliver a different experience or feature set to the users.

Customisation: developing bespoke features for individual tenants.

Approaches to customisation

1. Develop entirely new branch of software, deploy to entirely new hardware → separate custom deployment

2. Develop generic new features with appropriate feature flags and configuration parameters → generic feature development

3. Develop custom code just for a single tenant and hide it behind a feature flag → point customisation

Separate custom deployment

▪ Allows any form of customisation that is technically possible

▪ Create entirely new code branch and entirely new set of environments

▪ Exponential increase to TCO:

▫ More hardware

▫ Changes need to be merged to both branches

▫ Doubles testing requirements

▫ Doubles deployment costs

▫ Doubles support costs

▫ Changing shared data and content can get very painful

Generic feature development

▪ Developing generically useful feature is more expensive and takes longer (could be e.g. 2x as long)

▪ Requires thought and design and may not be possible if feature truly is tenant-specific

▪ However features now available to all tenants if they want them, so increases software value

▪ Slower increase to TCO:▫ Increases testing costs in line with normal feature development

▫ Increases future enhancement costs in line with normal feature development

Point customisation

▪ Hide custom code behind a feature flag

▪ Moderate increase to TCO:▫ Increases ongoing change costs

▫ Increases ongoing testing costs - sets of tests now need to be retested for each new customisation, and combinations of them

▫ Does not require entirely new set of hardware environments

▫ Still only one deployment per change

▫ Future changes do not need to be merged twice

Charging models




Generic feature development


# of features

Projection of TCO changes using different approaches

Charging for separate custom deployment

▪ Take existing projections for ongoing maintenance and change costs for all tenants

▪ Double it. At least.

▪ Add your margin

Charging for generic feature development

▪ Design the generic feature

▪ Confirm with customer that it satisfies their needs

▪ Develop a fixed-price style charge. This means:

▫ Detailed design

▫ Detailed estimation

▫ 50% cost overrun buffer

▪ Recommend ignore TCO change in costing: should be accomodated by ongoing support model

Charging for point customisation

▪ Develop a fixed-price style charge. This means:

▫ Detailed design

▫ Detailed estimation

▫ 50% cost overrun buffer

▪ Add TCO charge. Suggest 3 year horizon for “total”. Ask QA team for an estimate of increased regression test cost. Multiply by 36, for one regression per month. So if it adds one day to a regression, then charge the additional 36 days. Could add substantially more.


Conversion to multi-instance: avoid at all costs. Maintain coherent single platform with defined mission. If necessary spin off new services to deal with truly unique new features.

Conversion to configuration: use wherever possible. Apply thought and design to how new requirements can be applied to existing and future customers. Maintain coherent mission.

Point customisation: Only use where necessary. Charge realistically.

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