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The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

CVM – A communication virtual machine

Yi Deng, S. Masoud Sadjadi *, Peter J. Clarke, Vagelis Hristidis,Raju Rangaswami, Yingbo Wang

School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA

Available online 20 February 2008


The convergence of data, voice, and multimedia communication over digital networks, coupled with continuous improvement in net-work capacity and reliability has resulted in a proliferation of communication technologies. Unfortunately, despite these new develop-ments, there is no easy way to build new application-specific communication services. The stovepipe approach used today for buildingnew communication services results in rigid technology, limited utility, lengthy and costly development cycle, and difficulty in integration.In this paper, we introduce communication virtual machine (CVM) that supports rapid conception, specification, and automatic reali-zation of new application-specific communication services through a user-centric, model-driven approach. We present the concept, archi-tecture, modeling language, prototypical design, and implementation of CVM in the context of a healthcare application.Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Model-driven architecture; Communication services; Multimedia; Middleware; Telemedicine

1. Introduction

The convergence of data, voice, and multimedia overdigital networks coupled with the continuous improve-ment in network capacity and reliability has enabled awide range of communication-intensive applications.Examples range from general-purpose communicationapplications such as VoIP telephony, voice, video ormultimedia conferencing to specialized applications suchas disaster management and telemedicine. The pace ofinnovation of new communication-intensive applicationswill undoubtedly accelerate further as both capacityand demand increase. This trend in communication-intensive applications is reminiscent of the rise of data-intensive applications during the late 1970s through the1990s.

0164-1212/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Inc.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 305 348 1835; fax: +1 305 348 3549.E-mail addresses: (Y. Deng), (S.

Masoud Sadjadi), (P.J. Clarke), Hristidis), (R. Rangaswami), Wang).

There are several problems, however, with the currentapproach for developing communication-intensive applica-tions. First, today’s communication tools are developed instovepipe fashion with limited separation between user-level communication logic, device types, and underlyingnetworks. This has led to the use of multiple specializedcommunication tools like email, answering machines, fax,and custom-made teleconferencing applications. Unfortu-nately, these tools cannot serve unanticipated communica-tion needs without first incurring a lengthy developmentcycle, and consequently, high cost. Second, such verticallydeveloped systems typically have fixed functionality andinterface, and do not interoperate with each other becauseof the differences in design, architecture, API, and network/device assumptions. It is difficult to adapt these systems tofit changing user needs, the dynamics of underlying net-works, and new device and network technologies (Krebs,2005). Users, particularly sophisticated domain specificusers, are forced to switch between tools to satisfy theircommunication needs. Third, the fragmented developmentapproach poses major challenges with respect to integra-tion when providing integrated communication solutions.

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Last but not the least, it hinders the development of newcommunication tools, particularly for domain specificapplications (e.g., telemedicine), because of the complexity,cost, and lengthy cycle required for vertical development.

In this paper, we present a fundamentally differentapproach for engineering communication solutions. Thisapproach, which we call communication virtual machine

(CVM), represents a paradigm shift on how communicationapplications are conceived and delivered. We argue that theCVM approach provides the basis to effectively address theproblems discussed above. The basic premise of the CVMapproach is that such a costly development process can bebypassed and largely eliminated by providing a model-dri-ven platform for formulating, synthesizing, and executingnew communication services. When a new (communication)service is needed, a model called communication schema thatspecifies the requirements and flow for the service is builtand fed as input to the CVM. The CVM synthesizes thecommunication schema into a communication control script,which contains step by step instructions (e.g., initiating avoice call), on how the new service should be executed.The CVM then executes the script and delivers servicesrequired by the user. (See Section 4 for more detailed discus-sion of this process.) Consequently, the CVM approachtransforms a full blown development process of deliveringa new communication service into a modeling process.

We argue that this approach is feasible for most conceiv-able communication services. This is because the basicfunctions of communication (e.g., voice/video call, confer-encing, file/data exchange, and messaging) are commonacross different applications; therefore, the interface todata sources, underlying networks, and different devicetypes can be normalized. The logic and workflow for com-munication services are fairly simple (compared to generalsoftware systems), and thus can be synthesized fromhigher-level models. We make no claim that this approachcan handle every possible application, but we do argue thatit is general enough to have far reaching utility and impact.

Furthermore, this approach offers a number of advanta-ges over the vertical development-based approach in termsof flexibility, adaptability, and interoperability, because itseparates the logic and control of user communicationfrom communication networks, devices, data sources, andadd-on functions. For instance, security and privacy func-tions are not addressed in our current prototypical imple-mentation of CVM. However, the extensible design ofCVM allows existing tools for password protection,authentication, access control, and auditing to be readilyadded to the CVM platform and made available to all com-munication services. A change of device type will amountto adding a new device interface in CVM. A change inuser-communication requirements only leads to change ofa communication schema. A new mediator can be addedfor access new data sources, etc. Since even a sophisticatedcommunication schema can be built in terms of hours ordays, rather than months or years needed for designingand implementing a major communication application

(e.g., telemedicine), CVM provides an effective way to sup-port complex application-specific communication needs.

A layered CVM architecture will be presented. These lay-ers are common to and shared by different communicationapplications. This architecture separates and encapsulatesmajor concerns of communication modeling, synthesis,coordination, and the actual delivery of the communicationby the underlying network and devices, into self-containedcompartments with clear interface and responsibility. Wewill show that this architectural principle of separation ofconcerns employed in CVM is the basis for its automationand flexibility. This is because system components and com-munication protocols that are common to different applica-tions can be identified and shared without having to be hardcoded into a stovepipe system. This will also enable theCVM architecture to be independent of the underlying net-working infrastructure and communication devices.

Coupled with the CVM architecture, there are severalmajor components that together form the CVM system:A communication modeling language that provides an intu-itive graphic form for users (or user organizations) todeclaratively model their communication requirements (interms of communication schema); a synthesis engine thatnegotiates and synthesizes user-communication sessions; acommunication engine that executes user-communicationlogic; and network communication broker that interfaceswith the underlying network infrastructure.

The design of CVM draws from the concepts of model-driven engineering (Bettin, 2004; Schmidt, 2006) communi-cation middleware (Schmidt, 1997) and middleware-basedarchitecture (Schmidt, 2002). However, by focusing on thecommunication aspects of the application, CVM achievesa high degree of automation and effectiveness, and avoidsthe pitfalls of many general purpose methods and tech-niques for model-driven engineering that are overreachingand consequently ineffective. Furthermore, the CVMapproach goes far beyond the goals of communication mid-dleware towards end-to-end communication solutions.

A prototypical design of the CVM is implemented and isfully functional. In addition to supporting general purposecommunication functions (e.g., multimedia conferencing),we have worked with physicians and technical staff at theMiami Children’s Hospital (MCH) and the Teges Corpora-tion, which supplies MCH with its patient medical infor-mation system called i-RoundsTM (TegesTM Corporation,2005; Burke and White, 2004). We have conducted casestudies of using the CVM to support communicationbetween doctors involved in cardiovascular operationsbased on scenarios and criteria formulated by the doctors.We have demonstrated that it takes less than a day to dis-cuss, formulate and structure the telemedicine scenariosinto CVM communication schemas; and it takes two grad-uate students a week to integrate the CVM system with thei-Rounds patient information systems, which transformsCVM into a communication platform capable of support-ing a variety of telemedicine communications with struc-tured exchange of patient information.

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In the rest of this paper, we present the concept, archi-tecture, modeling language, prototypical design, andimplementation of CVM. Without compromising the appli-cability of CVM in other application domains, we use ahealthcare communication application as the case study.

2. Motivating example

The authors have been collaborating with members ofthe cardiology division of Miami Children’s Hospital(MCH) over the last 2 years to study the applications ofCVM in healthcare. One such scenario is post-surgery con-sultation among the heart surgeon, attending physician,and referring physician.

Scenario: Baby Jane, who appears to have a heart con-dition, has been referred to MCH by Dr. Sanchez forobservation and additional tests. Dr. Monteiro, the attend-ing physician for baby Jane at MCH, performs additionaltests on baby Jane and determines that her heart conditionis severe. Dr. Monteiro consults with Dr. Burke, the chiefcardiovascular surgeon at MCH, and a decision is madeto perform surgery the following day. After Dr. Burke per-forms the surgery, he returns to his office and contacts bothDr. Sanchez and Dr. Monteiro to let them know how thesurgery went and to share several aspects of Jane’s medicalrecord with them, including the post-surgery echocardio-gram (echo), images of the patient’s heart captured duringthe surgery, and the vital signs. Dr. Burke also needs tooutline the post surgery care for baby Jane that shouldbe followed by Dr. Monteiro at MCH for the next twoweeks.

Supporting such a communication requires voice/videoconferencing, compiling the data to be shared, exchangedifferent types of data (e.g., text, image, and video), accessto medical information system, exchange (part of) thepatient’s medical record, and logging the consultation forlater reference.

Clearly, carrying out this scenario is possible withtoday’s technology. For instance, Dr. Burke can make aconference call with Dr. Sanchez and Dr. Monteiro usinga conferencing tool. Although feasible, it would be prob-lematic for Dr. Burke during his conversation to compilethe data from baby Jane’s patient record and send it inreal-time. In case either Dr. Sanchez or Dr. Monteiro doesnot have access to this specific application, Dr. Burkewould have to use a separate means to share the patient’smedical record with his colleagues, either through a cus-tom-developed telemedicine application, or extracting thepart of the record into a file, or more likely, fax the datasheets to the other doctors. A paper record or separate dataentry is also needed for logging the session. In general,although such scenarios can be accommodated withtoday’s technology, the users would either have to switchbetween different tools (e.g., phone, email, file-sharing,and messenger applications), or to rely on custom-devel-oped applications, which are typically expensive and rigidlydesigned.

In the following sections, we show how this scenario, aswell as any other similar scenarios, can be satisfied on-demand and with ease using CVM.

3. CVM overview

To better understand the motivation for CVM, let usconsider what has taken place in the data management area.Fig. 1 captures the parallelism between the CVM paradigmand the one for managing heterogeneous data sources. Theincreased use of computers and databases has resulted indata being dispersed across a large number of data sourceswith different data models (e.g., relational, XML, text, andso on), data schemas and querying interfaces (e.g., SQL,XQuery, and keyword search). This heterogeneity meantthat applications were now required to access multiple datasources, with possibly different data models and queryinginterfaces, resulting in the development of specialized accessmechanisms for each data source. Using specialized accessmechanisms to access data is cumbersome and inflexiblesince, if a legacy database is replaced by a newer one, theapplication has to be changed. Hence, the logical dataabstraction paradigm was proposed, to hide the specificsof the underlying sources and export a uniform interfaceto the applications for querying data. The right-hand sideof Fig. 1 shows a popular mediator architecture (Chawatheet al., 1994), where XQuery (see used as the common data extraction language.

In the communication domain there is a similar need tohide the underlying device and network infrastructure andprovide a unified communication abstraction layer. TheCVM plays the role of the mediator and it handles the exe-cution of communication requests specified in CML (com-munication modeling language explained in Section 5,which corresponds to XQuery). The wrappers on the leftand right side of Fig. 1 play the role of abstracting the net-work/device and data specifics, respectively. Finally, theSIP messages (see play the same role asbreak-down of XQuery queries. Notice that the dashed lineswith arrows between the left and right sides of Fig. 1 depictthe correspondences between the two paradigms.

In the rest of this section, we present a CVM architec-tural model for achieving the vision discussed earlier. Thereare four major tasks need to be performed to serve theusers’ communication needs (Deng et al., 2006):

(1) Conceive and describe the users’ communicationrequirements. For example, (1) a multimedia confer-ence involves specifying who the participants of theconference are and what kind of media or data areto be exchanged, and (2) a telemedicine applicationincludes specifying the policy that governs who canaccess which part(s) of the patient’s medical record.

(2) Transform the user-communication requirementsinto a sequence of commands or actions, which whenexecuted will control the flow of user communicationas dictated by the requirements.

Fig. 1. Parallelism to mediator technology in data management.

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(3) Provide a platform or environment in which the saidsequence of commands can be executed to regulatethe flow of communication.

(4) Deliver the media or data among the communicatingparties through one or more communicationnetworks.

Today, these tasks are typically hard coded in a commu-nication system or tool, which pre-defines the way that auser will use the system. Such a stovepipe design is the rootcause of the problems discussed in Section 1. At the heartof CVM is a layered architecture, which provides a cleanseparation and compartmentalization of these major con-cerns in the spirit of Buschmann et al. (1998), as illustratedin Fig. 2. The CVM architecture divides the major commu-nication tasks into four major levels of abstraction, whichcorrespond to the four key components of CVM men-tioned above:

(1) User-communication interface (UCI), which providesa language environment for users to specify theircommunication requirements in the form of a user-

communication schema or schema instance1;(2) Synthesis engine (SE), which is a suite of algorithms

that automatically synthesize a user-communicationschema instance to an executable form called commu-

nication control script;

1 A schema is a generic model of communication; a schema instance isan instantiation of the schema for a particular communication session. Wewill use the terms interchangeably until Section 5.

(3) User-centric communication middleware (UCM),which executes the communication control script tomanage and coordinate the delivery of communica-tion services to users, independent of the underlyingnetwork configuration; and

(4) Network communication broker (NCB), which pro-vides a network-independent API to UCM and workswith the underlying network protocols to deliver thecommunication services.

This layered division of responsibility is reminiscent ofthe OSI layered stack model for network communication(Day and Zimmermann, 1995). Each layer has a specificrole in the stack and communicates logically with thepeer-layer at a remote site during communication sessions.Each layer builds on the upper layers in the stack to finallyrealize the user-communication schema.

UCI is responsible for providing users with a means todefine and manage their communication schema, whichdescribes the role of communicating parties and the com-munication logic (e.g., participants, flow of data or infor-mation). For this purpose, a communication modelinglanguage is needed (Clarke et al., 2006). Such a language(see Section 5) should be intuitive enough to support on-the-fly communication modeling without requiring knowl-edge of underlying networks and yet rich enough todescribe a variety of communication tasks. The languagedesign poses many interesting research issues in its ownright. In addition, it is responsible for maintaining consis-tency between the views of participants, and for servingas the runtime interface for users to manage their sessions.

User / Application (initiator)

User Communication Interface (UCI)

Synthesis Engine (SE)

User-Centric Comm. Middleware (UCM)

Network Communication Broker (NCB)

Communication Networks


CML Model Comm.

User Session Comm.

Network Session Comm.

CML Instance Comm.

User / Application (Participant)

User Communication Interface (UCI)

Synthesis Engine (SE)

User-Centric Comm. Middleware (UCM)

Network Communication Broker (NCB)

Communication Networks


LegendControl and Data Flow Virtual Communication

Fig. 2. Layered architecture of the communication virtual machine.

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SE performs two major tasks (Rangaswami et al., 2007):The first is schema negotiation among participants of com-munication to ensure that all parties agree to a consistentschema. Second, SE automatically transforms the schemato an executable communication control script. This scriptrepresents the network-independent control logic for user-level communication session specified in the schema. Abasic requirement for SE is that the synthesis process mustbe fully automated. SE uses a repository of pre-definedcomponents for common, as well as domain-specific com-munication functions. SE puts together the communicationcontrol script by combining pre-defined components (e.g.,communication session establishment or transmission oftext message) based on the user-defined schema. Conse-quently, the capability of a schema synthesizer can beimproved incrementally as more ‘‘middleware” compo-nents are developed. The design of automated and efficientsynthesis techniques and the middleware components rep-resents another class of interesting research issues.

UCM is the execution engine for communication controlscripts. Based on the communication logic defined in thescript, UCM invokes the common services provided bythe NCB layer to perform tasks including (1) creating ses-sion, (2) adding a participant to the session, (3) adding amedia to the session, (4) transmitting media, and (5) adjust-ing media QoS. UCM is also responsible for updating theuser-communication schema resulted from runtimechanges. These changes (received in the form of signalsfrom the NCB layer) may include (1) initiate session, (2)receive media, (3) end media transmission, and (4) connec-tion failed. Furthermore, UCM is responsible for providinga safe state transition between the running and updated

communication control scripts. For example, when a ses-sion participant changes the communication schema byswitching from a person-to-person call to a multi-way con-ference, SE will generate a new communication controlscript that reflects the change. Once the new communica-tion control script is deployed to UCM, it should transferthe state of the old control script to the new one seamlesslyand safely (Zave et al., 2004). The UCM is also responsiblefor the enforcement of policies contained in the communi-cation schema instance. The policies may include commu-nication constraints, security properties and other QoSconcerns.

NCB is responsible for providing a uniform API of high-level and network-independent communication services todiverse communication applications (Zhang et al., 2006),in such a way to shield user applications from the underly-ing network/device heterogeneity and dynamics. It utilizesand coordinates networking functions (e.g., signaling,encoding and decoding, and transmitting and receiving)provided by the underlying networks, systems, andlibraries. Given the variety and complexity of network con-figurations, it must exhibit a self-managing behavior thatcan respond to dynamics of the underlying device and net-work infrastructure. The concept of NCB offers a novelapproach that simplifies application development andinteroperation, and introduces many important researchissues including self-management, dynamic configuration,definition of application independent communicationAPI, and software framework for hiding networkheterogeneity.

These layers collectively fulfill the promise of CVMthat of generating communication applications that are

Table 1High-level tasks of CVM layers



UCI 1. Create/modify the communication schema instance basedon user input

2. Check the correctness and validity of the user-communica-tion schema

3. Maintain consistency between participants’ instances

SE 1. Ensure the consistency of user-communication schemathrough schema negotiation

2. Perform schema synthesis to obtain the communicationcontrol script

3. Deploy the script to the user-centric communicationmiddleware

UCM 1. Execute the communication control script2. Update the user-communication schema based on changes

made by other participants3. Perform a safe state transition from an older schema to an

updated one4. Enforcement of schema policies

NCB 1. Provide a high-level communication API, which is inde-pendent of the platform

2. Utilize and coordinate the available, low-level networkand hardware services

3. Provide self-management in response to dynamics of theunderlying infrastructure

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1645

reconfigurable, adaptive, and flexible based only on a high-level description of communication requirements. A sum-mary of the high-level responsibilities assigned to each ofthese layers is presented in Table 1.

4. Design of CVM

In this section, we present a design for CVM that pro-vides communication services to a user application andsupport the querying of a data source using a specializedCVM mediator. Fig. 3 shows the top-level architecture of

User Interface

Native Server

Data Source

CVM Mediator






Fig. 3. Top-level architecture of CV

CVM which consists of the following major components:the User Interface that provides a easy to use GUI for nov-ice users; the CVM Mediator that queries the data sourceand formats the results using pre-defined forms; and theCVM Repository that stores the profile for each CVM user.The data in the CVM repository is partitioned into: (1)data on contacts – a list of participants that have beenadded to the user’s profile; and (2) a set of communicationschemas and instances – these are schemas and instancesthat the user decided to store to the repository. The separa-tion of the contact information and communication sche-mas allows the NCB layer in the CVM to include othersystems that provide low-level communication servicessuch as Skype (Skype Limited, 2007), Google Talk, (Goo-gle, 2007), or applications developed using the EclipseCommunication Framework (Eclipse, 2007). Based onthe design presented in this section we have developed aprototype, described in Section 6, that supports the practi-cality of our design.

In the rest of this section, we introduce the internaldesign of the CVM’s four layers and the Mediator. Thecomponents of the four layers in the CVM communicateusing the following interfaces: Provides, Uses, Handles,and Signals (adopted from Hill et al., 2000). Table 2 sum-marizes the method invocations and the callbacks used torealize communication services provided by the CVM.Notice that each layer uses (resp. handles) what the lowerlevel provides (resp. signals).

4.1. User-communication interface

The architectural design of UCI, shown in Fig. 4, con-sists of five major components: (1) the UI Adapter – pro-vides an API to the user interface that allows for thecreation of a communication service schema or instance;(2) the Communication Modeling Environment – providesthe user with an environment to develop communication




User Interface

Native Server

Data Source

CVM Mediator



M and associated components.

Table 2Interface between CVM components

Layer Provides Signals

UCI msg login(userid, passwd) notifyUserProfile(data)

msg logout(userid) notifyCommServiceStatus(commServiceList)

msg createConnection() notifyConnectionException()

msg addParticipant(connect_id, userid) notifyCommServiceID()

msg addMedia(connect_id, media)msg send(connect_id, data)msg invoke(commService_id)msg store(commService_id)msg load(commService_id)

SE msg login(userid, passwd) notifyUserProfile(data)

msg logout(userid) notifyMediaStatus(connect_id, media_id)msg invoke(schema_inst) notifyParticipantStatus(connect_id, participant_id)msg invoke(schema_data) notifyException()


UCM executeScript(string) notifyUserProfile(data)




NCB authenticate(userid, passwd) notifyUserProfile(data)

createSession(session_id) notifySessionStatus(session_id)closeSession(session_id) notifySessionInvitation(sender_id, x-cml)addParty(userid) notifyNetworkFailure()



UCI-SE Interface

CommunicationModeling Environment





X-CML instance

UI Adapter

Function Calls

Schema Transformation Environment

User Interface


1646 Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

schemas and instances in G-CML2 which are then auto-matically transformed to X-CML; (3) the Schema Transfor-mation Environment – transforms an X-CML instance intoa synthesis-ready X-CML instance or stores the X-CMLmodel in the repository; (4) the CVM Repository – storesartifacts (e.g., grammar rules and CML schemas) to sup-port the creation of CML schemas/instances; and (5) theUCI-to-Synthesis Engine Interface – provides a conduitfor interaction with the synthesis engine. The User Inter-face provides a user-friendly GUI that allows users ordevelopers to easily create communication services schemasor instances.

UCI provides several functions via the API of the UIadapter to the user interface as shown in Fig. 4. These func-tions are listed in the first row of Table 2. The first functionlogin allows a user to be authenticated, and if successfulthe user’s profile is retrieved from the central repository.The function notifyUserProfile passes a user’s pro-file form the NCB to the UI after the user successfully logsin so that the appropriate data is made accessible to theuser. The user profile consists of the contact list for the userand the set of communication schemas and schemainstances accessible to the user.

The functions createConnection, addPartici-

pant, addMedia, and send, provide the user interfacewith the required operations to allow the UI adapter toconstruct an X-CML schema instance. Once the schemainstance has been created, the function invoke(comm-

2 We developed two equivalent variants of CML: the XML-based (X-CML) and the graphical (G-CML). They are introduced in Section 5.

Service_id) is called to start the negotiation processin the synthesis engine. The parameter commService_idis the unique identifier for a communication service beingexecuted by the CVM. The notifyCommServiceID

event signals the UI with the unique identifier associatedwith a given communication service. Note that althoughonly one communication schema is being executed by the

User interactions

Flow of control and data

Flow of data only

Flow of control only

Fig. 4. Block diagram showing the detailed architecture of UCI.


Fig. 5. Block diagram showing the detailed architecture of the synthesisengine.

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1647

CVM, it may consist of more than one application. Theuser/developer has no knowledge of the underlying schemainstance running on the CVM to support the applications.However, the user interface needs to know the componentsof the applications so that they can be updated accordinglyin the GUI presented to the user/developer.

The functions load/store provide the user (or devel-oper) interacting with the user interface the ability toretrieve/save an application from/to the user’s temporaryprofile in the local CVM repository. The functions returnan acknowledgment or error message in the form of a mes-sage (msg). Note that when the user invokes the logoutfunction his/her user profile is stored to the central reposi-tory. For example, in the scenario described in Section 2,Dr. Burke builds the communication application in theuser interface, which makes the appropriate calls to theUI adapter to build the X-CML model for the schemainstance. After the construction of the application is com-plete, Dr. Burke starts the application via the invoke

function provided by the UCI.In addition to constructing a communication schema

instance, UCI checks the syntactic and semantic correct-ness of a communication schema instance by building anabstract syntax tree of the X-CML representation and tra-versing the tree to check type compatibility of the mediatypes and the values of the fields of the attributes. Someschema instances require that their abstract syntax treesbe annotated with meta-data associated with a communica-tion schema (a template for a class of communicationschema instances). This meta-data is defined using the com-munication modeling environment and stored in therepository.

During the execution of a schema instance UCI storesthe current state of the schema instance, which includesthe unique identifier for each application, the unique iden-tifier for the participants and media in the communication,and the current state of the media being transmitted. Thestate is required during communication with the synthesisengine and is updated based on the signals from the synthe-sis engine (see Table 2). Any changes to the schema arepassed to the user interface using the notifyCommSer-viceStatus event. If there is a problem with a particularconnection the UCI signals the UI by sending the noti-fyConnectionException event. For example, if thereis a problem in transmitting the images of the patientrecord (scenario from Section 2) to Dr. Sanchez or Dr.Monteiro (e.g., bandwidth of the connection is too small)the UCI signals the user interface of the problem. This sta-tus update allows Dr. Burke, the sender of the images, tosend text describing the images.

4.2. Synthesis engine

The synthesis engine (SE) automatically transforms adeclarative user-communication schema (specified usingCML) to an imperative communication control script fordeployment on the UCM. It is invoked by UCI via its pro-

vides interface functions, invoke(schema_inst) andinvoke(schema_data), as shown in Table 2. The SEis defined by its algorithms, processes, and techniques,which are used to generate the communication controlscripts. These control scripts represent the network-inde-pendent control logic for user-level communicationsessions.

The key challenge for the SE is complete automation,free of human intervention. In the rest of this subsection,we demonstrate how such automation can be achieved inthe domain of user-centric multimedia communication ser-vices, at least for the functional aspects of the communica-tion such as coordination of communication requirementsand capabilities, as well as media delivery.

Given the role of the SE, we identify the following tasksthat it must perform: (1) probe the local environment toalign needs with communication capabilities and con-straints and also determine the need for negotiation; (2)ensure the consistency of user-communication schemaacross participating end-points in a communicationsession; and (3) perform schema synthesis to obtain thecommunication control script to be deployed on the user-centric communication middleware.

The design of the SE supports a three-stage process: (1)schema population, during which the SE probes the environ-ment to determine and account for local device communica-tion capabilities and to handle communication constraints;(2) schema negotiation among participants of communica-tion, to determine the feasibility of the desired communica-tion and to ensure that all parties agree to a consistentcommunication schema; and (3) schema synthesis, duringwhich the SE determines the needs of communication andautomatically transforms the schema to a communication

control script deployable on a user-centric communicationmiddleware. Fig. 5 depicts the architecture of the SE. The

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arrows depict control flow. The SE also contains an eventhandler for external negotiation requests, media progress/delivery notifications, and exceptions. Such handling mayinvolve re-negotiation or user notification/feedback.

4.2.1. Schema population

The first step in synthesizing the desired communicationis schema population, which probes the local environmentto align communication needs with local device capabilitiesand constraints. Schema population augments the commu-nication schema instance with the communication capabil-ities of the local device such as the media types supported,including specific format (or subtype) information (e.g.,real-media format of type video). The capability informa-tion is further enriched with type-specific information suchas resolution and frame-rate of video or the bit-rate ofaudio supported. The populated schema instance is thenaligned with the communication needs declared in theschema instance, employing user-feedback to resolveinconsistencies, if any. Schema population also determinesthe need to negotiate communication parameters withremote participants involved in the communication. Theneed for schema negotiation arises the first time a commu-nication is initiated and whenever there is a modification tothe current communication schema instance. Specifically, itis required in the following scenarios: (a) the initiator of anew communication instantiates the corresponding schemawith remote participant information for the first time; (b) aparticipant in an ongoing communication adds or deletes aparticipant; and (c) a participant in an ongoing communi-cation adds/deletes a medium type to the current schema.Addition or deletion of a participant requires re-negotia-tion to inform other participants of the change as well asto accommodate the communication capabilities of thenew set of participants. Addition or deletion of a mediumtype requires re-negotiation to conform to the capabilitiesand preferences of the communicating participants. Notethat the addition of a new instance of a medium-type(e.g., sending audio-file myfile.mp3) does not require re-negotiation as this addition will occur only after the‘‘audio” medium-type has been negotiated. No new capa-bilities are required of the end participants.

4.2.2. Schema negotiation

Schema negotiation is required to determine the feasibil-ity of the desired communication and to ensure the consis-tency of the communication schema instance across theparticipating end-points in a user-communication session.A communication schema instance defined by user Amay require a video connection to user B. However, ifB’s device is not capable of video communication, thiscommunication is not possible. In a multi-party communi-cation scenario among A, B, and C, where A initiates thecommunication, C may not agree to communicate with Bafter it receive the invitation from A. Apart from negotiat-ing the initial schema instance before actual communica-

tion starts, schema re-negotiation may also be requiredwhen a communication session is in progress.

Each participant in a communication session has a localcopy of the schema instance. Any change to the schemamade locally may require an update to the local schemainstances at all participating end-points. If two users in asession are simultaneously altering their schemas, concur-rency problems arise. The synthesis engine uses a modifiednon-blocking three-phase commit protocol Rangaswamiet al. (2007) for schema synchronization.

Each schema instance change initiates a negotiation pro-cess, which proceeds in three distinct phases. The finalphase is the commit phase. In Phase 1, the initiator reportsthe requested change to the schema instance to all remoteparticipants, including any new participants being added,by sending the desired schema instance. In Phase II, theremote parties receive the changes and append their ownun-committed changes, if any, to the schema instance. Ifthis is the first time a schema instance is being negotiatedor in case new participants are being added, the new partic-ipants also declare their device capabilities in the schemainstance. Each remote participant sends this modifiedschema instance to the initiator. In Phase III, after the ini-tiator receives the responses from all participants, all mod-ifications from remote participants are merged. If the newschema instance differs from the original intent of the initi-ator, user feedback is employed to authorize the communi-cation. The initiator then sends a final confirmation, eitherin the form of a consistent schema instance to be used forcommunication or to cancel the session.

Since multiple parties may initiate schema negotiationsimultaneously, negotiation requests from remote partiesare queued together with the locally generated negotiationrequests in a synchronized negotiation request queue. Theserequests are handled in order to ensure the consistency ofthe append operations described above. Out of orderrequests at multiple nodes are automatically handled dueto the mechanics of the negotiation algorithm, which wouldmerge requested changes to create a consistent schema.

4.2.3. Schema synthesis

As shown in Fig. 5, the schema synthesis process isinvoked either directly after schema population or afternegotiation. Regardless of the path taken, the schema syn-thesis process is the same. Its purpose is to transform thedeclarative communication schema instance into an imper-ative communication control script, executable on the user-centric communication middleware (described in Section4.3).

A schema instance for a communication session definesall device types and device instances that are part of the ses-sion, followed by the attributes of all participants, and theassociation between participants and device instances in thesession. The synthesis algorithm is as follows:

(1) Obtain the difference (X-CML’) between the currentX-CML schema instance and the previous (already

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1649

synthesized) schema instance. If no previous schemainstance exists, the entire new schema instance is usedas X-CML’.

(2) Augment X-CML’ with context information includ-ing session ID and connection ID for each new entity(e.g., new participant or new medium instance), ifabsent. Now the X-CML’ is composed of one ormore connection blocks.

(3) Create an empty communication control script. Foreach connection block in the X-CML’, (i) for eachconnection, if this connection did not exist in the pre-vious version of the schema, add to the script a com-mand to create a new session that implements thisconnection; (ii) for each participant, add to the scripta command for adding a participant to the corre-sponding session; and (iii) for each medium instance,add to the script a command for adding the mediuminstance to the corresponding session.

(4) Dispatch the communication control script to theUCM layer for execution.

The X-CML schema of any communication sessiondefines all devices, persons, and associations of the session,in sequence as a tree. As the synthesis algorithm processesthe X-CML as described above, it is evident that code forall features of the communication session will be generated.

In Section 6, we elaborate an actual instance of synthesisfor the telemedicine communication scenario that wedescribed in Section 2.

4.2.4. Event handler

The event handler of the SE handles system notifications,exceptions, or error conditions and dispatches the event tothe appropriate subhandler. Remote negotiation requests

UCM-SE Interface

UCM Manager


Script Interpreter

Event Handler

UCM-NCB Interface

Local Respoistory(macros, logging





Fig. 6. Block diagram for the user-centric communication middleware.

are dispatched to the negotiation handler by adding themto the synchronized negotiation request queue. Exceptionconditions such as loss of communication with a specificparticipant or temporary loss in network connectivity aredispatched to the exception handler, which may either initi-ate a re-negotiation request to handle the exception or inti-mate the user via the UCI layer if the exception cannot behandled internally due to schema instance-specific con-straints. Finally, communication status updates such asthe amount of progress in media delivery are directly noti-fied to the UCI layer.

The synthesis engine delivers four types of notificationsto the UCI layer. The notifyMediaStatus and noti-

fyParticipantStatus signals notify the UCI aboutmedia delivery and participant connectivity, respectively.The notifySI Status signal notifies the UCI aboutchanges to the schema instance as a result of externalchanges due to other participants such as addition of newparticipant to an existing session or a change in capabilitiesof an existing participant, etc. Finally, the notifyExcep-tion signals the UCI about exceptions such as lost net-work connection, when it cannot be handled internally.

4.3. User-centric communication middleware

UCM is responsible for executing the communicationcontrol script and for maintaining the states of user-levelcommunication (as opposed to network level one). Fig. 6shows the architecture of UCM. The components of theUCM include UCM-SE interface and UCM-NCB interface

that exposes the provides and signals functions shown inTable 2, Row 3; UCM Manager that coordinates the activ-ities of UCM; Script Interpreter, interprets the controlscript, load libraries and generates a sequences of calls tothe NCB to realize communication; Loader loads theappropriate component macros required for enforcementof policies such as communication constraints, securityproperties and other QoS concerns; Local Repository storesthe macros, current state and logs to support the opera-tions of UCM; Exception Handler passes exceptions tothe UCM manager to be handled; and Event Handler, han-dles events, including exceptions, generated by the underly-ing communication services provider, NCB.

The UCM provides one service to the SE, execute-Script(string), that takes a string consisting of thecommunication control script generated by the SE to beexecuted. The control script contains the control flow logicto either perform schema negotiation, or realize the com-munication schema instance. The UCM manager takesthe control script and passes it to the Script Interpreterfor translation and execution. During the translation pro-cess the control script is parsed and the Loader is invoked,if there are any script commands that correspond tomacros required during execution. Although we have notyet incorporated the facilities to process policies such ascommunication constraints (e.g., if bandwidth is low thensubstitute video with images) or security properties (e.g.,

NCB Unified API

NCB Manager




QoS & Self-management

Session Manager

User Session

Presence Signaling Media Processing & Transmission

Network Session

Network Interface to the Underlying IP Network Protocols


Signaling Protocols, Real-Time Prototcols, Best Effort Protocols

Fig. 7. Block diagram showing the detailed architecture of the networkcommunication broker.

1650 Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

encrypt all patient data), we expect that such policies willbe introduced in the future and a macro facility will beneeded to support the enforcement of the policies. In thecurrent prototype the Script Interpreter takes the controlscript generated by the SE and invokes the appropriateNCB commands. We provide an example of the code gen-erated by the Script Interpreter for the scenario in Section6.

The Exception Handler processes exceptions from boththe Script Interpreter and the Event Handler. Possibleexceptions from the Script Interpreter include illegal-ScriptFormat or missingMacro. These exceptionsare passed to the UCM manager where a decision is madeto interrupt the Script Interpreter and terminate executionor allow execution to continue. The Event Handler pro-cesses all the events coming from the NCB including theexceptions generated from the NCB (e.g., networkFai-lure, which is passed on to the SE via the UCM man-ager). Other events handled by the Event Handler includenotifyUserProfile(data) containing the user pro-file after the user has successfully logged into the CVMrepository and retrieved the user’s schemas (see Fig. 3);notifySessionStatus(session_id) informs theUCM of the current status of a session related to a partic-ular connection; and notifySessionInvita-

tion(sender, x-cml) is an event that invites the userto join a communication session, the x-cml contains theschema for the communication.

The Local Repository stores the state for the communi-cation application being executed. This state informationincludes the connection unique identifier and associatedsession unique identifiers; logs containing the policymacros that were executed and the exceptions that wereraised during execution; and locations of data that needsto be sent on demand during the connection session.

4.4. Network communication broker

NCB’s job is to manage network sessions. (It should beclear that each user session may result in many networkand transport layer connections and connectionless com-munications.) Each participant of a session can multicastto all the other participants. The NCB API (detailed inZhang et al., 2006) to UCM is both application- and net-work-independent, through which high-level communica-tion tasks can be specified. A new session is created byinvoking the createSession call provided by NCB,with a session ID, which maintains a unique associationbetween each user and network sessions. NCB providesaddParticipant, and addMedia services to UCM todynamically add participants and media types in user ses-sions. The NCB interface allows an application to custom-ize NCB behavior under specific network and systemconditions, based on user or application preference. Theinterface, applyPolicy, takes as input an XML stringwhich describes the policy for self-management. TheNCB callback interface presented in Table 2 allows it to

signal the status of the network, the status of the existingsessions, and a session invitation from a remote user (i.e.,the new session will be created after the local user agreesto join the session).

NCB translates a high-level communication task into aseries of operations that control the underlying networkingfacilities. It encapsulates and abstracts the heterogeneity ofthe network protocols and their interfaces. As illustrated inFig. 7, the internal architecture of NCB is complex in thatit coordinates both the control plane (i.e., signaling proto-cols negotiating the communication) and the data plane(i.e., transport protocols delivering media). The NCB corefurther includes modules such as Session Management,Participant Management, Media Management, and QoSand Self-Management. The current prototype implementa-tion utilizes the JAIN SIP and the JMF library, and sup-ports SIP and RTP as underlying networking protocols.

The communication messages between different NCBsfollowing standard networking protocols may have theirown notions of low-level network sessions. To encapsulatevarious network sessions (e.g., audio, video, etc.) within oneuser session, the NCB must internally maintain the map-ping from the user-level session ID to the network-level ses-sion IDs of the underlying protocols. In the rest of thepaper, the term ‘‘session” is used to denote a NCB user ses-sion, unless otherwise stated. In Fig. 7, only the modulesabove the dotted line are aware of user sessions, while allthe modules below that line are responsible only for indi-vidual network-level sessions. The extensible design of theNCB can facilitate the integration of new communicationfeatures over heterogeneous network condition. We brieflydescribe and discuss each module as follows.


Form Generator

Format Data & Tags

Data source(s)(Medical Data)

CVM Data Mediator

Domain App.. Interface

Data Request



Mediator Controller


Data & Layout Request

Query mapping info.

Formatted Data

Fig. 8. Block diagram showing the architecture of the CVM data mediator.

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1651

The NCB Manager is responsible for the initializationand the configuration of the entire NCB middleware. Forexample, it maintains the signaling server information (IPaddress, etc.). Upon receiving an application request forcreating a new session (at the caller side), or a signalingmessage INVITE (at the callee side) from a remote usernegotiating a new conversation, NCB Manager creates anew Session Manager (see below) to handle the new com-munication session. The NCB Manager maintains the listof Session Managers for all active sessions.

A Session Manager deals with a single user session. Sincethe states associated with a session include the call status,the participants, and the media transfer, this module fur-ther delegates the tasks to the ‘‘Call Processing”, ‘‘SessionParticipants”, and ‘‘Media Delivery” submodules withinthe Session Manager. The Session Participants modulekeeps the list of participants of this session. The Call Pro-

cessing module controls, at the level of user sessions, thelogic of a session. It converts high-level control actions(such as ‘‘addParticipant”) of a user session to low-level signaling operations, based on the underlying Signal-ing module, which carries out the basic signaling. It main-tains the states of the user session, such as the mappingbetween the user session and individual SIP signaling ses-sions maintained by the Signaling module. The Media

Delivery module manages, at the level of user sessions,the transfer of media in a session. It translates an ‘‘addMe-dia” call from the application into a number of internaloperations. It first relies on the Call Processing module tonegotiate transmission parameters (port numbers andencoding/decoding schemes) before the actual media trans-mission. It then pass the control to the ‘‘Media Processingand Transmission” module to actually transmit the media.

The Media Processing and Transmission carries outmedia transmission and reception. In addition, media will

be pre-processed (e.g., encoding) at the sender side, and willbe post-processed (e.g., decoding) at the receiver side. TheSignaling module carries out the basic signaling operationsaccording to the signaling protocols, such as registration,invite a participant, media type and parameter negotiation.The Signaling module encapsulates the signaling heteroge-neity, such as different signaling protocols (SIP vs. H.323),with or without NAT traversal.

The QoS and Self-Management module autonomouslymonitors and adapts the behavior of the Media Deliverymodule. The self-management behavior of this module fol-lows the high-level policies specified through the apply-

Policy interface (see Table 2) as the guideline fromupper-layer applications. For example, if the availablebandwidth is low, depending on user/application prefer-ences specified through high-level policies, this module caninstruct the Media Delivery module to either (i) use encodingschemes that provide less resolution; or (ii) suspend videotransmission in order to maintain high-quality voice com-munication; or (iii) slow down (by decreasing socket buffersizes) file transfer for high-quality video/audio.

4.5. CVM data mediator

The CVM Data Mediator, shown at the top of Fig. 3, isan extension to the prototypical design presented by Denget al. (2006). Although the mediator is external to theCVM, it provides an interface that allows the CVM toextract data from domain specific information systems tobe sent to participants in a communication. The task ofinterfacing with other information systems is particularlyimportant in the domain we are currently exploring, thehealthcare domain (Hristidis et al., 2006).

The architecture of the CVM Data Mediator, shown inFig. 8 consists of four major components: (1) the Mediator

Fig. 9. EBNF representation of X-CML.

1652 Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

Controller – accepts the data request from the user interfaceand coordinates the packaging of the data to be returned tothe CVM; (2) the Domain Application Interface – formu-lates the query to be sent to the domain application, e.g.,in the healthcare applications; (3) the Presentation Handler

– processes the data returned from the Domain Applica-tion Interface and applies any security/privacy policies onthe data content, the formatting of the data using theappropriate template, and generating the retrieval mappingdata; and (4) the Local Repository – stores the templates,tags and mapping information used in the CVM data medi-ator. The data from the mediator is passed to the CVMusing the X-CML data format. The mediator invokes thesend function provided by the UCI.

5. Communication modeling language

In this section, we introduce our approach to communi-cation modeling through an overview on the requirementsfor communication modeling and description of our com-munication modeling language.

5.1. Requirements

We have identified the following requirements for thecommunication modeling language: (1) Simplicity – be sim-ple and intuitive; (2) Network-independence – be indepen-dent of network and device characteristics; and (3)Expressiveness – model the large majority of communica-tion scenarios.3 In order to refine the expressivenessrequirement, we identify the following primitive communi-cation operations:

(1) Establish a connection.(2) Transfer a piece of data or a data stream.(3) Add/Remove participants to a communication

(which corresponds to the conferencing capabilityof current systems).

(4) Specify requested properties for a connection or aparticular data transfer. These properties includequality of service, security, access rights, suggestedhandling of transferred data.

(5) Group the transferred data such that the receivingsides become aware of their association.

(6) Close connection.

Notice that the above operations are by no means anexhaustive list. We considered a much longer list but chosethe above in order to build a minimal, intuitive and ade-quately expressive first version of CML. Other operatorswhich we have considered but have postponed for later ver-sions include communication constraints (e.g., if band-width is low then do not send video streams) and timingcommands (e.g., transfer the sensor output every 5 s).The goal of CML as the first language in this area is to trig-

3 Similar to SQL, which can express the large majority of data queries.

ger the research community to start developing communi-cation languages in order to eventually reach a well-accepted standard.4

5.2. CML

We present an intuitive communication modeling lan-guage (CML) (Clarke et al., 2006) for modeling user com-munication requirements. We developed two equivalentvariants of CML: the XML-based (X-CML) and thegraphical (G-CML). The former is the version that CVMunderstands and processes, while the latter is the user-friendly graphical form. G-XML is analogous to the E–Rdiagram (Chen, 1976) in the database domain. In Clarkeet al. (2006), we show how these two variants can be auto-matically converted to each other.

5.2.1. X-CML

For presentation purposes we have converted (and sim-plified) parts of this XML Schema to EBNF form (strippingout reference constraints that cannot be represented inEBNF), shown in Fig. 9, in order to explain the basic com-ponents of CML. Notice that Fig. 9 depicts an attributegrammar, where attributes are denoted by an ‘‘A” sub-script, terminals by boldface and non-terminal by italics.Fig. 10 shows the hierarchy of built-in types (builtinTy-peA) currently supported in the CML implementation inCVM. An example of the EBNF productions shown inFig. 9 is as follows. Production 6 states that the deviceNT

non-terminal is composed of an actual device (device ter-minal) e.g., PC, that has one or more capabilities (device-Capability terminal) i.e., the types the device canprocess. In production 9 the actual device currently hasone attribute a unique device identifier deviceIDA.

5.2.2. G-CML

Table 3 shows the graphical grammar for G-CML. Col-umns 2 and 3 of Table 3 show the non-terminal definitions

4 In the same way as XQuery emerged by combining multiple earlierXML language proposals.

Fig. 10. Pre-defined (built-in) types for CML.

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1653

of G-CML, while Columns 4 and 5 show the terminal def-initions. The number in the first column of Table 3 corre-sponds to the equivalent production in the EBNFrepresentation of X-CML, shown in Fig. 9. For instance,the first row of Table 3 shows the structure of the userSche-

ma non-terminal, which consists of the local non-terminalconnected to one or more connection non-terminals (con-

nection). To indicate that a symbol may be repeated weuse the character ‘‘�” for zero or more repetitions and‘‘+” for one or more repetitions. The right side of the firstrow in Table 3 shows the terminal for connection, whichconsists of a diamond shaped box with the label ‘‘connec-tion”. The remaining non-terminals and terminals in Table3 can be described in a similar manner. G-CML uses anotation similar to E-R diagrams, however the semanticsare different. The symbols used in G-CML can be classifiedinto three categories, these include: (1) entities – person,

device, medium and form; (2) relationships – connec-tion and isAttached; (3) attributes – properties of theentities (e.g., suggestedApplicationA

5). We havebuilt a tool to support the construction of G-CML modelsusing the Eclipse Modeling Framework (Wang et al.,2007). The tool guides the user when building G-CML dia-grams in an intuitive drag-n-drop manner and automati-cally validates the model as it is being built.

5.2.3. CML for scenarios

Figs. 11 and 12 show the (instantiated) G-CML andX-CML representations for the scenario of Section 2,respectively. Since the frequency of exchanging data duringcommunication is much higher than updating the commu-nication’s configuration (e.g., list of participants, devicecapabilities), we partition a CML instance into control part

5 There are attributes associated with entities that are not shown asspecial symbols in the diagram but are captured as textual notation in theassociated symbols, e.g., personRole of Person. We chose this designoption to avoid having diagrams that are cluttered with symbols.

(configuration) and data part (exchanged media), as shownin Fig. 12. Sending the control part, only when a changeoccurs, leads to reduced processing and parsing delays.Note that in practice the user only needs to create the G-XML or X-CML schema once. Then for each instantiationof the schema, the user only needs to assign values to theentities of the schema, e.g., assign names to participants(persons) and media. A connection in CML is a user ses-sion, and is defined as a communication among a groupof participants, where exchanged data is by default broad-casted to all participants. In addition to the local side, aconnection contains a set of media (mediaAttached)currently transferred in the connections (user-communica-tion session) and a set of remote participants (remote).Both local and remote participants are associated with acommunication device (e.g., PC, cell phone), which is asso-ciated by a set of capabilities (deviceCapability).

Notice that the specific characteristics of a device, suchas its type (e.g., PC or cell phone) or its connection typeto the network (e.g., IP or cellular), are not defined norrequired. The reason is that CML operates on an abstrac-tion of the underlying network and devices. We assumethere is a single virtual device per person, which has theunion of the capabilities of all physical devices attachedto the user.

A medium is a data piece or data stream, like a Worddocument or a live video feed respectively. A medium hasa type which is one of the pre-defined types supported bythe system, a mediumURL that contains the location ofthe medium (a file location for a data piece or a port fora data stream), and a suggestedApplication whichdefines the application that can be used to view or processa medium (e.g., Powerpoint for ppt files).

Finally, composite data are represented using forms inCML, which are nested structures that contain media aswell as user-defined attributes (e.g., media with commonsuggestedApplication can be grouped together in aform). For example, it is common in medical scenarios to

Table 3Grammar for G-CML

connectionpersonDr. Burke023Surgeon




generic form


LiveAV Non-StreamFile

VideoFile TextFile


LiveAV Non-StreamFile

VideoFile TextFile

personDr. Monteiro048Attending Physician

personDr. Sanchez041Referring Physician


LiveAV Non-StreamFile

VideoFile TextFile

formVital Signs


Fig. 11. G-CML example for our scenario.

1654 Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

Fig. 12. X-CML example for our scenario.

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1655

require transferring complex medical data consisting ofmultiple simple media (e.g., a page in a patient medicalrecord). Form has an action attribute which defines adefault action that is performed on this medium duringform transfer. The actions ‘‘send” and ‘‘doNotSend”

translate into transfer automatically the medium in theform or wait for the user to request the medium, respec-tively. The ‘‘startApplication” orders the system toopen the suggested application of the medium oncetransferred.


6. Prototype implementation

A CVM prototype has been implemented using the fol-lowing technologies. A Web-based user interface has beendeployed with the Opera 8.5, a voice-enabled browser. Thisprototype enables creation, modification, and use of com-munication schema instance using voice commands. Thetechnologies used at the browser side are HTML, Java-

script for dynamic effects and the program logic, andXHTML+Voice6 for voice conversation. Part of the Java-script code uses AJAX7 technology (Asynchronous Java-Script and XML) to make web requests and responses inthe background, without having to refresh the web pages.The rest of the CVM layers, including another user inter-face (currently being the most updated version of ourUI), are implemented in Java, deployed on each node.JAIN SIP and Java Media Framework (JMF) are usedfor control and data communications, respectively. Finally,we used SER (SIP Express Router) server for registrationand presence and Asterisk for connection to PSTN andaudio mixing.

Figs. 13 and 14 show two screenshots form the currentprototype with the Java-based user interface (for Web-based UI, please refer to Deng et al., 2006). These screen

Fig. 14. Screenshot of CVM prototype showing integration of CVM with the iRounds system.

Fig. 13. Screenshot of CVM prototype showing an overview of active communications.

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shots are taken from Dr. Burke’s perspective, who initiatedthe communication application in the scenario presented inSection 2. The user interface of CVM can be divided intotwo parts:

(1) The right side is the CVM dashboard which consistsof: Contacts – user’s contact list; Services – all avail-able communication services; My Forms – list of pre-viously created forms; My Documents – refer torecently used files; and Profile – the user’s personalinformation.

(2) The left side panel is the communication applicationspace and it is divided into six composites. It includes:Controls – the communication service information;Chat – the space of exchanging instant message;Forms – refer to shared forms; Files – refer to sharedfiles; Participants – remote persons involved in thecurrent communication; and Video – consisting oflive video stream windows for all remote persons inthe current communication.

An additional window will pop up for the constructionof forms. It can be a Generic Form window or a Specific

Form window. Fig. 13 shows the screenshot of the CVMduring the construction of a generic form. The three doc-tors in the scenario are having a three-way video confer-ence. Live video streams from Dr. Sanchez and Dr.Monteiro are shown in the bottom left corner of the com-munication application space. The video streams are dis-played in two windows in the Video composite. Dr.Burke is constructing a generic form ‘‘baby jane” inthe Generic Form window. The Generic Form windowcontains two media entries a video file ‘‘heart_-scan_video.mpg” and an image ‘‘heartscan2.gif”.

Fig. 14 shows the screenshot of sharing a specific formgenerated from the iRounds8 system. There are two itemsin the Form composite on top of the CVM side panel.One is the generic form ‘‘baby jane.xcml” shown inFig. 13; the other is a specific form ‘‘PatientHospital-ization866803.xhtm” shown in Fig. 14. The content ofthe specific form is shown in the ‘‘Vital Signs” windowin the foreground of Fig. 14. The CVM Mediator retrievesthe information from the iRounds system for ‘‘JaneSmith” and combines it with a pre-defined layout tem-plate to generate the specific form.

The UCI modifies the schema instance to reflect theabove changes and invokes the synthesis engine. The syn-thesis engine generates the following script after a processof negotiation is completed:


addParticipants(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘Dr. San-

chez, Dr. Monteiro’’);

8 i-Rounds is an integrated clinical information system developed byTeges and currently being used in Miami Children’s Hospital.

sendSchema(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘Dr. Burke’’, con-

trol-xcml, data-xcml);

addMedia(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘LiveAV’’);

sendForm(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘baby jane’’,

‘‘ mpg;”);

sendForm(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘PatientHospital-

ization866803’’, ’’’’);

The above script is delivered to the UCM using the exe-cuteScript() of UCM provides interface (as presentedin Table 2). The UCM then invokes appropriate NCB func-tions to accomplish the actual operations requested by theuser. Following is an outline of the logic generated and exe-cuted by UCM interpreter for the control script shownabove:

/* createConnections(‘‘connection1’’); */

sid = ‘‘s1’’/*createaUCMsessionIDsharedwith


map(‘‘connection1’’, sid) /*maps connectionID

to sessionID*/

if(!ncb.createSession(sid)) /*calls NCB to

create session*/

throw noSessionException

/*addParticipants(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘Dr. San-

chez, Dr. Monteiro’’); */

sid = getSessionID(‘‘connection1’’)

store participantList/*list contains ‘‘Dr.

Sanchez, Dr. Monteiro’’*/

if (sid==null)

throw noSessionException

for all p 2 participantListbegin

if( !(ncb.addParty(sid, p)))

throw partyNotAddedException(p)


/*sendSchema(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘Dr. Burke’’,

control-xcml, data-xcml)*/

sid = getSessionID(‘‘connection1’’)

participantList = getParticipantList (‘‘sid’’)

if (sid==null)

throw noSessionException

if !(control_xcm==null)

if( !(ncb.sendSchema(sid, ‘‘Dr. Burke’’, par-

ticipantList, control_xcml)))

throw controlSchemaNotSentException

if( !(datel_xcm==null))

if( !(ncb.sendSchema(sid, ‘‘Dr. Burke’’, par-

ticipantList, data_xcml)))

throw dataSchemaNotSentException

/*addMedia(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘LiveAV’’)*/

sid = getSession(‘‘connection1’’)

if (sid==null)

throw noSessionException

if !(ncb.sendMdia(sid, ‘‘LiveAV’’, null))

notify SE.unavailableMeida()

Table 4Reduced development time compared to traditional design anddevelopment

Application type Application loc Estimateddevelopmenttime

Spec/Synthesistime (min)

Multi-user textchat


5528 2 months <5

Person-to-personvoice call

Custom 9478 4 months <5


Custom 16,784 7 months <5

1658 Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

/*sendForm(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘baby jane’’, http://,”


sid = getSession(‘‘connection1’’)

if (sid==null)

throw noSessionException

formURL = getFormURL(‘‘baby jane’’)

if (formURL==null)

throw formNotFoundException

/*Check if the form is a specific form*/

if (formURL.type==specific){

if (!ncb.sendMedia(sid, FileTransfer,


throw mediaNotSentException



/* Form is generic. URLString contains ‘‘http://,”*/

mediumURLList = URLString.Tokenize()

/*Extracts each mediumURL from the list*/

while (mediumURLList.hasNext())

if(!ncb.sendMedia(sid, FileTransfer,

throw mediaNotSentException


/*The sendForm code is repeated for the specific


sendForm(‘‘connection1’’, ‘‘PatientHospi-

talization866803’’, ’’’’); */

We have tested our prototype implementation with sev-eral other case studies both in general purpose applicationssuch as multimedia conferencing and in domain specificapplications such as Telemedicine. Our Telemedicine sce-narios have been provided by our partners at Miami Chil-dren Hospital.

Limitations. The current version of the CVM prototypesupports the design presented in Section 4. However, thefollowing functionality have not yet been implemented:policies to support QoS, adaptive management, reliability,security, and access control.

7. Prototype evaluation

To show the effectiveness of synthesis engine, we obtainan estimate of the reduction in development time (and con-sequently, development cost) for applications with compa-rable functionality using two development approaches. Thetwo approaches that were compared included the tradi-tional stovepipe approach and the automatic synthesisapproach provide by the CVM. The applications included(1) a chat application, (2) a person-to-person voice call,and (3) a person-to-person video communication service.Applications (2) and (3) used JMF (Java Media Frame-work API, 2005) and JAIN-SIP (JAIN-SIP, 2006) technol-ogies and were developed by our team. Table 4 summarizes

these applications, their code sizes in lines of code (loc),their estimated development time using the traditionalapproach, and also shows the approximate specificationand synthesis time for generating these applications usingthe CVM prototype. Row 1 of Table 4 contains the datafor a multi-user test chat application, the application usingthe traditional approach is Jabber-1.4.2 (jabber07, 2007),lines of code is 5528, estimated time of development is 2months, time to develop the application using CVM is lessthan 5 min. Rows 2 and 3 represent the data on the appli-cation that were developed by our team for the person-to-person voice call, and person-to-person video conferencerespectively. To estimate the development time by a trainedprogrammer, we used the study of Ferguson et al. (1997),whose findings reveal approximately 2500 lines of codeper month per programmer.

The numbers in Table 4 demonstrate the significance ofour approach. Service creation time is reduced by severalorders of magnitude. Even if we assume that only 25% ofthe code contributes to the functional aspects of the soft-ware, improvements in development time are still overtwo orders of magnitude. Further, the automated processintroduces fewer bugs into the code-base, improving soft-ware reliability. This underlines the importance of usingautomated processes for synthesizing communicationapplications rather than follow traditional design anddevelopment.

To evaluate the time required for the actual synthesisprocess, we deployed CVM to seven machines (desktopsand laptops) in a combination of wired and wireless localarea network. Ten demo users were created and used torepresent seven users communicating with each other. Toverify the correctness of the synchronization protocolwithin the negotiation process, we initiated simultaneousmodifications to the schema instance at different sites andverified the absence of any inconsistencies in the schemainstances at the various end-points automatically overnumerous iterations. In addition, we instrumented the syn-thesis engine to obtain the time required to perform schemasynthesis. The plot in Fig. 15 shows the average time inseconds required for synthesis including the negotiation/re-negotiation stages when there are 2–7 participantspresent in a communication session. The results of these








0 2 6 10 11

Number of Participants



is T






1 3 4 5 7 8 9

Fig. 15. Average time required for negotiation.

Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662 1659

experiments show that the synthesis process scales linearlywith the number of participants, and the process itself isdominated by the schema negotiation time. Higher num-bers are not depicted due to lack of experimental infra-structure; however, we do not envision any issues limitingthe linear scaling for larger participant-sets. The experi-ment demonstrates the practicality of schema synthesisprocess with a distributed negotiation algorithm; the nego-tiation time, which dominates the overall synthesis timeincurs an acceptable delay.

8. Related work

There is a plethora of related research that addresses theindividual processes and artifacts used in the various com-ponents of the CVM. However, not much has been pub-lished on how such components can be combined toprovide flexible, user-centric and on-demand communica-tion solutions. There are a number of off-the-shelf commu-nication applications such as Yahoo! Messenger and MSNMessenger. We are also aware of several companies’ effortsto integrate various tools into comprehensive communica-tion solutions. The development approach that these prod-ucts are based on dictates that none of them possesses theflexibility, on-demand, and user-centric communicationsolutions addressed in this paper. For example, it wouldbe a tall order to adapt any of these tools to a comprehen-sive telemedicine application.

In the rest of this section, we have divided the relatedwork into three major categories and discussed howCVM relates to them.

8.1. Model-driven engineering

The CVM approach shares some common traits withthe concept of model-driven engineering (Bettin, 2004; Bal-asubramanian et al., 2006, 2004). In contrast to general-purpose model-driven development, automatic generation

of communication services is feasible in CVM for two rea-sons: First, CVM is restricted to the scope of communica-tion services and does not bear the complexity ofgenerating general-purpose applications. The complexityof communication logic can be carefully regulated throughthe design of the schema modeling language. Second, CVMutilizes communication middleware components (e.g.,those of ACE Schmidt and Huston (2002)) and server-sidearchitectures (e.g., Bond et al., 2004) as building blocks togenerate communication applications. Such existing com-ponents encapsulate procedures, patterns, and algorithmsgoverning basic communication services (e.g., sessionestablishment of person-to-person voice call, transmissionof an image file, and real-time video streaming), whichare well understood. The role of CVM is limited to theidentification and composition of such components(McKinley et al., 2004).

More specifically, Heckel and Voigt (2004) describe howmodels in UML are transformed into BPEL4WS using theconcept of pair grammars. We use a similar approach inthe UCI but our modeling language G-CML is far morerestrictive than UML and hence far more manageableand its synthesis can be automated. The implementationof the visual model in the UCI is based on the work byCostagliola et al. (2004). Costagliola et al. provide a frame-work that allows the user to define a visual language, creategraphical models, validate these models and convert themodels into strings of another language. The work in Bal-asubramanian et al. (2006) generates code from modelsusing tool suites for specific application domains that weredeveloped using a generic modeling environment. In ourwork, a generic SE generates control scripts from a CMLdescription of communication logic, with restricted utilityto the communication domain.

8.2. Communication middleware

There has been extensive work on communication mid-dleware. Our work used many of the principles presentedby Schmidt (1997), including using patterns and frame-works to alleviate complexity associated with a growingrange of multimedia data types, traffic patterns, and end-to-end QoS requirements. Schmidt explored common pit-falls of developing communication software, including lim-itations of low-level native OSs and APIs and thelimitations of higher-level middleware. The UCM andNCB components of CVM are designed exactly to avoidthese pitfalls.

The existing protocol stacks may not be always suitableto take advantage of advanced transmission technologiesand high-speed networks. Geppert and Roßler (1996) dis-cussed how communication architectures could be mademore flexible by automatically configuring communicationsubsystems based on a specification of desired target ser-vice. In the NCB we use a similar approach.

Stiller et al. (1999) described the Da CaPo++ systemas an end-system middleware for multimedia applications

1660 Y. Deng et al. / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 1640–1662

adaptable to the application needs. The authors claimedthat Da CaPo++ automatically configures suitable com-munication protocols, provides an efficient runtime sup-port, and offers an easy to use object-oriented API,which shares some common traits with the low layersof UCM components. UCM design also leverages theconcept of adaptive and reflective middleware, such asACE and Ensemble, to provide self-management usingonly a high-level guideline. ACE (Schmidt and Huston,2002) is a real-time C++ framework that wraps OS ser-vices and provides a variety of communication-relatedpatterns. Ensemble van Renesse et al. (1998) is a group-ware communication toolkit, which enables insertion ofdetectors in protocol graph. These detectors can triggerdynamic adaptation by distributing a new protocol-graphspecification to all involved participants using a reconfig-uration protocol.

JAIN-SIP (2006) is a standardized Java interface to SIP.Java Media Framework API (2005) is a library for audioand video communication. The low-level APIs of thesecommunication libraries are still significantly complex touse, and far less usable than the user-centric session ofUCM. The Java Telephony API is a high-level API for tra-ditional telephony applications. They do not support next-generation multimedia communication applications withsophisticated business logic. Zave et al. (2004) discussesopen software architectures for IP-based voice communica-tion. Parlay (The Parlay Group, 2007) is an API for rapidcreation of telecommunication services. These frameworksmostly address the server-side architecture and service cre-ations. The server-side architecture has different concernsthan the client-side middleware, which is the focus ofUCM. In contrast to traditional telephone networks, inIP networks, end-hosts are capable of sophisticated com-munication logic. We note that the CVM principle of sep-arating policy from mechanism has been popular in theoperating systems community for several decades (Levinet al., 1975).

8.3. Computing middleware

Common computing middleware like CORBA (Vinoski,1998; Vinoski, 1997), Java RMI (Satoshi, 1997), andDCOM (Chung et al., 1997) define higher-level distributedprogramming models as a set of reusable APIs and mech-anisms, allowing developers to request services providedby target objects transparent of their location, program-ming language, OS platforms or communication protocols(Raj, 1998; Chung et al., 1997; Emmerich, 2000; Emmerichand Kaveh, 2002). Java/RMI allows Java developers toinvoke object methods and execute them on Java VirtualMachines. Using JavaRMI, entire objects can be passedand returned as parameters. CORBA is a distributed sys-tems technology that provides a higher-level, object-ori-ented interface on top of the basic distributed computingservices. DCOM is a distributed extension to the Compo-nent Object Model (COM). Similar to CORBA, DCOM

supports heterogeneous programming languages, butunlike CORBA and Java RMI, DCOM supports onlyWindows-based platforms.

Such computing middleware provides only a generalmodel as a basis for developing distributed application,which serves to achieve application requirements in a dis-tributed environment. The purpose is to eliminate the dif-ference of using remote objects and local objects.However, the focus of their work is not on the communi-cation process itself (Object Management Group, 1994).The high-level work flow and basic primitives of commu-nication are not addressed in these paradigms. Even thesimplest communication scenario, such as making aphone call, might go beyond the capability of CORBA,which does not inherently support APIs for real-time,interactive voice communications (Schmidt and Kuhns,2000). Many issues such as, communication quality con-straints, exchanged data types, and security definition dur-ing communication may arise to be implemented in thereal communication services. Since these distributedobject paradigms always ignore the location of targetobjects, it is hard to capture these requirements in anintuitive way. CVM is constructed to support basic com-munication activities and enable users to define variantcommunication models to capture the process of usercommunication. CORBA, JavaRMI, DCOM, and the likeare not designed to solve these problems.

In CVM, an entire communication application isexpressed using a high-level communication model, whichcan be rapidly realized. A communication schema pro-vides higher-level of abstraction for capturing real worldcommunication scenarios than the comparatively lower-level object-oriented model used in CORBA, JavaRMI,and DCOM. In this way, developers can create commu-nication application models without the need to dealwith the details of logical sequence of object methodinvocations.

9. Conclusion

We have presented CVM for on demand declaring,synthesizing and delivering communications services. Wehave discussed its architecture, supporting modeling lan-guage, components, algorithms, interfaces, and prototypi-cal implementation. We discussed how CVM allows usersto rapidly build and execute communication schemas toprovide communication solutions across different applica-tion domains. It would be a misconception, however, toassume that an end-user needs to know modeling beforethey can use the CVM. For most end-users (e.g., a doc-tor), the modeling aspect will be hidden, because the sche-mas they use will be packaged as pre-defined services bytheir service providers or their organizations (e.g., ahospital).

Several classes of issues including security and perfor-mance at different layers of CVM are not addressed in thispaper. A number of useful features can also be added.

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Robust and effective solutions to these issues require fur-ther study, which represent exciting and interestingresearch topics. We argue, however, CVM represents anew paradigm for structuring and delivering communica-tion solutions and services, which are far more effectivethan the current ways of development. In fact, the uniquearchitectural traits of CVM allow new components andfeatures to be seamlessly added as they become available.As such, CVM can serve as a communication serviceframework, which can be built upon and incrementallyimproved by the collective wisdom of the researchcommunity.


This work was supported in part by the National Sci-ence Foundation under grant HRD-0317692. We thankEric Johnson, Andrew Allen, Yali Wu, Mario Lorenzoand Marylurdys Hernandez and for their participation inCVM prototype implementation.


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Yi Deng received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University ofPittsburgh in 1992. He has been the Dean and Professor of School ofComputing and Information Sciences at the Florida International Uni-versity (FIU) – the State University of Florida in Miami and one of thelargest urban research universities in the US. Under his leadership, theSchool has grown into one of the largest computer science and informa-tion technology education programs and one of the best externally fundedresearch programs in State of Florida University System, a national leaderin diversity, and an active partner to industry. He is an accomplishedleader in computing and information technology research, innovation andapplication. He has authored or co-authored over ninety research papersin peer-reviewed journals and proceedings, and awarded eighteen researchgrants as the principal or co-principal investigator totaling over $15 mil-lion, most of which from premier US federal funding agencies. He hasinitiated and led many large scale multidisciplinary R&D and educationprojects and initiatives, founded and directed three research centers,including the Center for Advanced Distributed System Engineering, theNSF Center of Emerging Technologies for Advanced Information Pro-cessing and High Confidence Systems, and the IBM Center for Autonomicand Grid Computing at FIU. He has been an active contributor to theprofessional and research community in various leadership capacities. Heco-founded and co-chairs the Board of Governors for the Latin AmericanGrid (LA Grid) Consortium, with members include IBM, BarcelonaSupercomputing Center and twelve universities in US, Puerto Rico,Mexico, Spain and Argentina, dedicated for collaborative research,innovation and workforce development in computing.

S. Masoud Sadjadi received the BS degree in Hardware Engineering fromUniversity of Tehran in 1995, the MS degree in Software Engineering fromAzad University of Tehran in 1999, and the PhD degree in ComputerScience from Michigan State University in 2004. He is currently anassistant professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciencesat Florida International University. He has extensive experience in soft-ware development and leading large scale software projects. Currently, heis leading several international research projects in the Latin AmericanGrid and is co-chair of the program committee for IEEE ICNSC 2008. Hiscurrent research interests include Software Engineering, Distributed Sys-tems, and High-Performance Computing with the focus on Autonomic,Pervasive, and Grid Computing. He is PI or Co-PI of 8 grants from NSFand IBM for total of over $3.5 million. He is a member of the IEEE.

Peter J. Clarke received his BS degree in Computer Science and Mathe-matics from the University of the West Indies in 1987, MS degree fromSUNY Binghamton University in 1996 and PhD in Computer Sciencefrom Clemson University in 2003. His research interests are in the areas ofsoftware testing, software metrics, software maintenance, and model-dri-ven software development. He is currently an Assistant Professor in theSchool of Computing and Information Sciences at FIU, where he startedthe Software Research Testing Group (STRG) in 2005. Dr. Clarke is amember of the ACM (SIGSOFT), IEEE Computer Society and afounding member of The Association of Software Testing.

Vagelis Hristidis received his BS in Electrical and Computer Engineeringat the National Technical University of Athens in 1999. He received hisM.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science in 2000 and 2004 respec-tively, at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of theUniversity of California, San Diego (UCSD). Since 2004 he has been anAssistant Professor at the School of Computing and Information Sciencesat Florida International University. His areas of expertise are Databasesand Information Retrieval.

Raju Rangaswami received a B.Tech. degree in Computer Science from theIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. He obtained M.S. andPh.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of California atSanta Barbara where he was the recipient of the Dean’s Fellowship andthe Dissertation Fellowship. Raju is currently an Assistant Professor ofComputer Science at the Florida International University in Miami. Hisresearch interests include operating systems, storage systems, virtualiza-tion, security, and real-time systems. He is a recipient of the NSFCAREER award and the Department of Energy Early CAREER Prin-cipal Investigator (ECPI) award.

Yingbo Wang is currently enrolled in the PhD Program in School ofComputing and Information Sciences at Florida International University(FIU). She received her Masters and Bachelors degree from Institute ofSoftware, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Science andTechnology of China (USTC) in 2003 and 2000. She is currently a grad-uate assistant under Dr. Yi Deng and Dr. Peter J. Clarke in the area ofsoftware modeling and model-driven development.