CVSP 205 Oct.19, 2015 George Sabra. St Augustine in his study by Sandro Boticelli (1480)

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Introduction to the World, Life and Thought

ofSt. Augustine (A.D. 354-430)

CVSP 205 Oct.19, 2015

George Sabra

St Augustine in his study by Sandro Boticelli (1480)

Human happiness and dignity come from obedience to the universal law.

“Nothing can be good for a man unless it helps to make him just, self-disciplined, courageous and independent; and nothing bad unless it has the contrary effect.”

(Meditations Bk. 8)


Mithraism (Mithras was a Persian and Indian sun-god).

All creatures believed to have sprung from the bull which Mithras slew before ascending into heaven.

Initiation into its mysteries guaranteed a member immortality and blessedness.

Mystery Religions

Mani the prophet (ca. 216-276) A combination of Oriental, Persian and

Christian ideas and teachings Goal of religion: liberating man from the

chains of Satan and darkness which are embedded in the physical world

A dualistic interpretation of ultimate reality


One God: All-Good, All-Powerful Creator out of Nothing Jesus: the presence of God among human

beings; perfect man and perfect God. Church: the community of believers in Jesus New Testament: the memory of Jesus, his

words and deeds, and the early community’s interpretation of his person and teachings

Trinity: One God in three real ways of being the same God: Father/Creator – Son/Savior – Spirit/Sanctifier


Mani the prophet


Faith and Reason Western Christian mysticism Shaper of Catholicism and Protestantism Doctrine of “original sin” Synthesis of Plato and Christianity Discoverer of the subconscious? Anticipates


The Legacy of St. Augustine

Books I-IX: a form of autobiography until his mother’s death.

X-XIII: Augustine as expositor of the

Bible; Neoplatonic analysis of memory, time, creation,

exegesis of Genesis I

Structure of The Confessions