CWA Newsletter, Thursday, January 9, 2014

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  • 8/13/2019 CWA Newsletter, Thursday, January 9, 2014


    January 9, 2014

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    [Michael ]

      CWA: Fast Track is the Wrong Track for Trans-Pacific Partnership

      Here's How We Stop Fast Track

      Mark Your Calendar: CWA Town Hall Call on January 23

      NAFTA at 20

      Senate Moves For war d on Extending Emergency Jobless Benefits

      'Way Past Time' at Olean General

      Bargaining Update

      Growing Income Inequality Means Danger Ahead for Middle-ClassWorkers

      Court Guts Workers' Right to Sue Their Bosses

    CWA: Fast Track is the Wrong Track for Trans-Pacific Partnership

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    Today, Senator Max Baucus and Representative Dave Camp introduced fasttrack authorizing legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Readthe response by CWA President Larry Cohen:

    "Fast track is the wrong track when it comes to a trade deal like theTrans-Pacific Partnership that will affect our laws, our jobs, our food andour environment. Fast track, also known as Trade Promotion Authority,forces Congress to give up its Constitutional right to amend andimprove this trade deal, which now is reportedly more than 1,000 pageslong.

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    "For nearly four years, the U.S. Trade Representative and TPPnegotiators have purposely restricted participation and information,keeping members of Congress and citizen groups, unions,environmental and consumer organizations in the dark. There has beenno opportunity for public interest groups to meaningfully participate in

    the negotiations, and under fast track authority, there will be noopportunity for our elected representatives to amend the deal and makeit better for Americans.

    "Fixing any one problem with fast track at this late date is not thesolution. As important as workers' rights, environmental standards,consumer issues, job loss or currency manipulation might be, fast trackauthorization should be rejected, not tinkered with. None of us whofocus on those issues had any input into this fast track legislation andthis in itself is as serious as the glaring deficiencies.

    "If the Baucus-Camp fast track authorization proposal passes,Congress will have given away its Constitutional right to amend withoutever having read and vetted all potential ramifications of the final tradebill.

    "Some 600 corporate advisors have been actively involved in shapingthe pact and had access to the text. The rest of us have only piecedtogether the impact of this deal on ordinary Americans from leakedchapters. More U.S. jobs would be shifted overseas and U.S. workerswould suffer lower wages as companies look to countries like Vietnam,where the average hourly wage is 75 cents and the minimum wage is

    28 cents an hour.

    "Since the American people and their elected representatives had noinput during the negotiations, Congress must retain its right to amendand improve the trade deal for ordinary Americans. Fast track authorityhas been voted down before by Congress, and trade deals have beenapproved without fast track authorization. Congress must reject fasttrack authorization or at least start over to craft an inclusive fast trackprocess.

    "We mark 20 years of NAFTA by fighting harder than ever for fair trade,

    transparency and participation from the start by all who should beinvolved not just multinational corporations and appointed officials whoclaim to represent national security interests."

    Here's How We Stop Fast Track

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    Local 1103's community coalition opposing fast track legislation is taking off in Westchester.

    Below: Members of Local 3122 get the TPP message in Miami. In another action, members of Local 3104 in Fort Lauderdale leafleted worksites there.

    CWA activists and allies are ready to battle the introduction of "fast track"authorization for the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other trade deals. Under fast track legislation, members of Congress would give up their right toamend the TPP and make it better for Americans. The fast track authorizationvote would take place before members of Congress even see the final 1,000-

    page trade deal.

    Call your Senators and Representative at 1-866-937-4359 and tell themCongress must reject fast track authorization for the Trans-PacificPartnership.

    Ready to join the CWA rapid response team? Sign up here.

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    Need more information? Go to

    On the job, members of Local 1103 use break time to call their members of Congress with the "no fast track" message.

    Members of CWA Local 1103 in Westchester, NY already are pushing hard,mobilizing members and building support from community allies to make sureCongress hears us loud and clear.

     All week, members of the local's Legislative Political Action Team are visitingwork sites, encouraging CWAers to call their members of Congress with thismessage: No more trade deals that hurt workers. CWAers also met withactivists from MoveOn, WesPac, Concerned Families of Westchester,Citizens Trade Campaign and other groups who agreed to make phone calls,write letters to the local newspaper, and join our Day of Action on Jan. 22.

    More community meetings are planned.

    Make sure you're a part of the fight against fast track authorization for TPP.

    Mark Your Calendar: CWA Town Hall Call on January 23

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    This month's half-hour town hall call will be held on January 23, at 7:30 pmET. This call will be all about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, withCWA and United Auto Workers members, along with UAW President BobKing and CWA President Larry Cohen.

    Register at

  • 8/13/2019 CWA Newsletter, Thursday, January 9, 2014


    NAFTA at 20

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    In 1993, the United States, Mexico and Canada signed the North AmericanFree Trade Agreement. Two decades later, working Americans have onlyseen a string of broken promises.

     Arguing for NAFTA, President Clinton ensured the American people thatNAFTA would "create 200,000 jobs in this country by 1995 alone." But, theU.S. actually saw some 700,000 jobs move to Mexico.

    Clinton also said NAFTA would be the first agreement that had "any teeth inwhat another country had to do with its own workers and its own labor standards." But U.S. employer threats made during organizing campaigns toclose plants if workers voted for a union rose from 29 percent in the mid-1980s to 50 percent in the two years following the adoption of NAFTA to 57percent during the mid-2000s. Today, employers are more likely to usecoercive tactics in their anti-union campaigns than they were before theadoption of NAFTA in 1993.

    Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the State Department haveall documented worsening conditions and eroded standards for workers both

    in the U.S. and Mexico. In our own country, we still have hundreds of thousands of children working on American farms. Migrant workers have fewprotections and families struggle with weak or non-existent laws on paidleave.

    Meanwhile U.S. wages aren't getting better. They're actually getting worse. As corporations rushed to take advantage of Mexico's low wages, Americanshave witnessed downward pressure on their wages at home.

    In 1993, the United States had a $1.66 billion trade surplus in goods withMexico. Yet by 1995, just one year after the implementation of NAFTA, the

    country had a $15.8 billion deficit. In 2012, the deficit had grown to $62billion.

    Be sure to check out the rest of CWA's Broken Promises report here (pdf). Itoutlines what happened over the last 20 years and what it means for futuretrade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

    Public Citizen also has a fantastic report on how NAFTA has contributed to

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     job losses, record income inequality and scores of corporate attacks onenvironmental and health laws. Check it out here.

    Senate Moves Forward on Extending Emergency Jobless Benefits

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    This week Democrats are pushing to extend federal emergency joblessbenefits that expired Dec. 28. The Senate voted 60-37 to move forward onconsideration of the measure that would provide for a three-month extensionfor the nation's long-term unemployed.

    CWA President Larry Cohen said, "We commend the Senate for today's voteto proceed on consideration of extending emergency benefits to 1.3 million Americans, and applaud Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid for making thisissue the top priority as the Senate returned to work this week. Not only isthis a moral issue, but it's an economic one as well. These dollars flow backinto the economy, and the Congressional Budget Office has calculated thatevery dollar spent on unemployment benefits yields $1.60 for our economy."

    It's time for the Senate to finish its work and the House of Representatives totake action to extend this critical safety net for millions of Americans.

    The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities does an excellent job of puttingthe nation's long-term unemployment benefits crisis into perspective.

    The emergency federal unemployment program started in 2008 – in themiddle of the Great Recession – to provide up to 47 weeks of benefits for 

     jobless Americans still looking for work after their state unemploymentbenefits run out. When Congress failed to renew the program last month, itleft 1.3 million Americans without that vital lifeline:

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    This chart shows how many people lost benefits when Congress failed toextend emergency benefits.


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    This chart shows what would happen if federal emergency benefits, thesafety net for jobless workers, had been extended, especially whereunemployment remains high.


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    This chart shows what the country looks like today for unemployed people.Unless Congress acts, benefits are limited to 26 weeks or less in every state,no matter how high a state's unemployment rate remains.

    'Way Past Time' at Olean General

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    By Ann Converso, LPAT coordinator for CWA's Healthcare CoordinatingCouncil

     At a small hospital in southwestern New York, 120 technical workers seekingto organize with CWA Local 1168 have battled a fierce anti-union campaign.

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    Workers at Olean General Hospital.

    The group, which includes licensed practical nurses (LPNs), respiratory

    therapists, operating room techs, and the like, began its union drive lastspring. As their symbol of solidarity, the worker committee chose anhourglass – to symbolize the message "It's time. It's way past time."

    They had not received a raise in more than three years, respiratory therapistSue DiPaolo said. Workers were also frustrated with management's changingtheir shifts with just a few hours' notice, no lunch breaks, no extra pay for working overtime (they would be made to come in late the next day or leaveearly the next day), and very long hours in the OR with no time off in betweencases.

    In the lead-up to the union authorization vote, hospital administrators sentanti-union emails to all employees and held "town hall" meetings. Supervisorscornered workers for mandatory one-on-ones. The CEO made regular roundsto all areas – a sight never seen before. "It was very clear that managementdid not want another union at the hospital," said LPN Joelle Hyson.

    On Election Day, managers and the lawyer from the union-busting firmJackson Lewis escorted union observers in and out of the hospital as if theywere criminals. Security guards hired from an outside firm questionedeveryone who entered the hospital all day. Every manager (even those withno employees eligible to vote) was required to be in the hospital that day and

    attend the vote count.

     After all these efforts at intimidation, the vote was too close to call; 18challenged ballots will determine the outcome. Those challenges will bedecided by the NLRB soon.

    This article originally appeared in Labor Notes.  Read the full version here.

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    Bargaining Update

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    T h e J e r s ey J o u r n a l  

    N.Y. Newspaper Guild President Bill O'Meara and Local Guild RepresentativeBob Daraio protest outside Jersey Journal offices.

    In New Jersey, employees of  The Jersey Journal  protested Monday outsideof the paper's new office building during its grand opening in Secaucus anddemanded executives negotiate a fair contract that will raise wages and

    provide reasonable benefits. The  Journal  has been in a contract dispute withits employees and their union, the Newspaper Guild of New York, CWA Local31003, since January 2013. Read more at Broadcast Union News.

    Growing Income Inequality Means Danger Ahead for Middle-Class Workers

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     A number safety net programs established in the 1960s – Social Security,food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid, education and training programs, andother support to help families succeed – worked.

    Today, these programs and the people who rely on them face a harsh assaultby some Republicans. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) has said thatgovernment assistance like food stamps and medical care is a form of

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    slavery. Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan (R) believes that anti-poverty programshave "wrecked families and communities" and wants people to "dreamagain." According to a Ryan supporter, "You don't dream when you've gotfood stamps."

    Middle-class families may think they're not in danger of losing the limitedsafety net that's in place to help us over tough economic times. They'rewrong. A new article on AlterNet finds that "middle-class Americans areincreasingly in danger of learning about poverty firsthand." Check it out here.

    Court Guts Workers' Right to Sue Their Bosses

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    Craig Becker, general counsel to the AFL-CIO and a former member of theNLRB, writes in Politico Magazine:

    "Unnoticed except by employment lawyers, the United States Court of  Appeals in New Orleans last month issued what might be the mostimportant workers' rights opinions in decades. The decision permitsemployers to require workers, as a condition of keeping their jobs, toagree to arbitrate all workplace disputes and to do so as individuals,standing alone against their employer. The ruling could spell the end of 

    employment class actions that were instrumental to breaching thebarriers of both race and sex discrimination after the passage of the1964 Civil Rights Act and remain critical to enforcement of minimumwage and other labor standards laws."

    He notes that that if the court's holding becomes law, "all but the mostsought-after employees, baseball stars and skilled computer programmers,and those represented by unions, will have to yield their rights. The result willbe a right-less workplace."

    Read the full story here.

  • 8/13/2019 CWA Newsletter, Thursday, January 9, 2014


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