Cyberbully Yes Or No?

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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See an explanation of how this lesson was developed and used at:


NO YesNot Sure?


A Digital Citizenship Lesson Plan for Middle School

NS Teens Video

What is Cyberbullying?

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed,

humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital

technologies or mobile phones.

Nick was an honor roll student and had never been in any kind of

trouble. In a creative writing class, students were asked to write their

own obituaries.

After the class, Nick created a website where he posted mock

obituaries of friends (some who asked to be included) and asked

visitors to the site to vote for who will die next.

NO Yes

Who Will

Die Next?

Not Sure?


Amanda reported some of the girls in her class for stealing her makeup case.

When she got home IM’s kept popping up that she was a tattletale and a liar and calling her the “B***” word.

She went to a basketball game with her family and in the space of the game she had over 50 messages calling her names.



YesNot Sure?

Joe had some friends at his home for a sleepover. Joe’s friend Adam said, “Let’s

go online and see who else from school is online.”

Adam used Joe’s password and typed an instant message to a popular girl on Joe’s

buddy list: “I really like Lauren.”

Joe had told Adam that he liked Lauren but didn’t think he would tell anyone else.

Some boys laughed. Others were quiet.



YesNot Sure?

Talent Show Video

Lisa gets a text message from her friend, Jodie.

Lisa forwards the message to another girl in her class

without asking Jodie’s permission.



YesNot Sure?

A boy made a video of himself swinging a golf ball retriever around as a weapon. The tape was left at school and was found by a classmate.

This classmate showed it to a friend who emailed it to other students.

Someone uploaded it to YouTube and it went viral and today has over 20 million views and over 99,000 comments most of which are mean and hurtful.



YesNot Sure?

Erica is new at school this year. No one has said anything mean to her in person or

online but she feels excluded.

When Erica IMs other students in her class, they tell

her they don’t have time to respond. If she sends a text

message, she never seems to get a reply.



YesNot Sure?

Susie and Allison had a fight at school. Susie was angry and hurt and felt that Allison had betrayed her.

When Susie got home she posted a really mean message on Allison’s Facebook page.



YesNot Sure?

Rosie is really excited. She has been having a hard time in math this year and

she got 100% on the last test. She texts all of the girls in the class with the great


Another girl in the class, Lisa, texts their friend, Stacy, saying that Rosie must either be lying or that she cheated.

Lisa and Stacy text Rosie over and over calling her a cheater and a liar.



YesNot Sure?

David and

NO Yes


Not Sure?

David and Greg love to play video games. If they could they’d play all day, every day both face to face and online.

When David and Greg are both playing online they think it is funny to gang up on other gamers or kick other people out of the game.

Cyberbulling Chicken Video