CyberCitizenship CyberCitizenship : Teaching Digital Natives How to Use Technology Responsibly By...

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CyberCitizenship:Teaching Digital Natives How to Use Technology Responsibly

By Aïda Michlowski, PhD, JDThe John Reilly Education Grant

Technology for the Timid and the TenaciousAugust 18, 2011

Marian University

1. Digital Access: electronic participation

Does easy access make cybercheating ok?

2. Digital Commerce: buying & selling online

Do you shop, bank or pay your bills online?

4. Digital Literacy: the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, and create information using digital technology

Is digital literacy in your curriculum?

5. Digital Etiquette: standards of conduct in using technology; digital decorum

What would you consider rude behavior online?

6. Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions, deeds either ethical or unethical using technology

Is it a crime to download music & copy DVDs?

7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: privileges extended to everyone using technology

What digital responsibilities go with digital rights?

Downloading stops here!

Illegal downloading is inappropriate for all ages.

Do you want to end up behind bars for breaking the rules?

Don’t press the button or you’ll be in a lot of trouble.

If you don’t follow the rules, you could lose your privileges.

Don’t steal copyrighted stuff.

8. Digital Health and Wellness: physical and psychological well-being related to tech use.

What would be wise & healthy use of technology?


9. Digital Security : electronic precautions to guarantee personal safety and network security

How can you protect yourself while online?

Respect Your Self/Respect Others 1. Digital Access 5. Digital Etiquette 6. Digital LawEducate Your Self/Connect with Others 2. Digital Commerce 3. Digital Communication 4. Digital LiteracyProtect Your Self/Protect Others 7. Digital Rights and Responsibility 8. Digital Health and Wellness 9. Digital Security

Think before you click!

Are we ready to teach our students digital citizenship?