D pershad a look at 4 free monitoring tools

Post on 11-Sep-2014

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A quick review of 4 free social media monitoring tools


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Deepak Pershad’s Blog MSM G # 5: A Look at 4 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools Many social media contributors on the web have been kind enough to share frequent lists of free social media monitoring tools. I decided to take a look at 4 of these in a little more detail, by using the same search term for all three, and examining the types of results that were generated. The search term was a hot trending topic, i.e. the Apple iPad (the actual term entered was “ipad.”). The 4 tools that were examined were:




BlogPulse Each tool searches a little differently, and is focused either on a specific area (e.g. blogs or message boards and forums, or Twitter), or more broadly across content categories.

Addict-o-matic searches the best live sites on the web for the latest news, blog posts, videos and images

BoardReader uses proprietary software to allow users to search multiple message boards simultaneously, in order to accurately find and display information contained on the Web's forums and message boards

Trendistic is a tool that allows one to track trends on Twitter. It gathers tweets as they are posted, filters redundant ones and compiles the rest into one-hour intervals

BlogPulse (available from NM Incite, an A.C. Nielsen-McKinsey collaboration) allows one to generate blogging trends on a selected topic, identify hot blogging topics, and track conversations developing from blogs

Here’s how the results were displayed for each tool (See following page):

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Of the 4 tools reviewed, 3 provide the ability to trend results (BoardReader, Trendistic, and BlogPulse). While Addict-o-matic reports results of all kinds across the web, it does not apparently have the ability to provide an aggregate trend of all the product mentions. Given that the 3 tools that do report on trends report on different information sources, one would have to develop a composite picture using the data from each tool. Of course, a much more sophisticated and comprehensive paid service like Radian6 can take your company’s social media monitoring, planning and execution to a completely different level, through its comprehensive coverage of the Social Media ecosphere. For those small companies or single practitioners starting out with Social Media however, these tools can still deliver some value.