D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan

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  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Introduction of Theory of Metrology in

    Economic Sectors and its Research

    Zhu, Chongquan (Professor)

    General Engineer

    Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Main Content

    Introduction of Metrology Theory in Economic Sectors

    Demand characteristics of metrology application in economic sectors

    Some principle rules that should be followed in metrology in economic sectors

    Economic and mathematic model for metrology in economic sectors


  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Introduction of Metrology Theory

    in Economic Sectors

    Definition of Metrology

    Whats Metrology in Economic Sectors?

    Background of introduction of metrology in economic sectors

    Relationship between metrology in economic sectors and metrology

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Definition of MetrologyScience concerned with measurement.

    Science of measurement and its application.

    Field of knowledge concerned with measurement.

    JJG 1001 GeneralTerms in Metrology

    and Their


    Internationalvocabulary of

    metrology- Basic andgeneral conceptsand associated

    termsVIM (2007)

    Definition inthe pre-

    edition of


    Note: Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects, whatever themeasurement uncertainty and field of application.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan



    s Metrology in Economic Sectors? Definition description: It is the proper and applied science which

    focuses on the correctness of the final data of measuring and

    controlling result, and serves various industrial economy activities

    applying the form of metrology elements chains.


    Elements chain contains metrology technology and management chain including

    statute requirements;

    Service contains the whole process of products life cycle, i.e. R&D, design,

    manufacturecirculation, use, and discarding, as well as the involved relativity ofindustrial chains .

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Whats Metrology in Economic Sectors?

    Object of research: Solve the metrology issues come from activities in

    economic sectors

    Content of Research: The requirementscharacteristicsmannerscontents

    scope and regulations of the metrology application in modern economic

    activitiessuch as metrology statute, metrology technologies and metrology

    management), and the academic frame system serving various aspects of

    Industrial chains applying the form of metrology elements chains.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Whats Metrology in Economic Sectors? Research direction:

    F Review metrology in the aspect of economics;

    F Study metrology upon the requirements of economic structure in

    modern economy sectors;

    F Design, perform and evaluate metrology by seeking quality and


    F Understand and improve metrology base on the essential

    (connotation) of metrology science .

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Whats Metrology in Economic Sectors?

    Purpose of Research

    Further enrich and develop metrology by supplementing and

    perfecting its study content to promote the healthy development ofmetrology; make Metrology better apply and serve the field of

    industrial economy, fully play its academic leading and guiding roles

    in national economic construction and development, and contribute

    to the scientific and technological progress as well as the

    development of economic society.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction of metrology

    in economic sectorsIndustrial revolution and Economic sectors revolution (transforming from

    industrial view to economic sectors view, switching from industrial

    economy to economics sectors economy.)

    The first industrial revolution: Steamer engine;

    Britain, started from 1760s, lasted 80 years

    The secondary industrial revolution: generator, electromotor;

    Germany, Belgium, start from 1870s, lasted more than 30 years

    The third revolution of science and technology: computer, the atom;

    America, start from 1950s, has lasted more than 60 years

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction ofmetrology in economic sectors

    How to keep continual economic growth?

    By the end of The third revolution of science and technology, the resource

    and environment (such as GDP/land, energy, environment source) of

    economy growth has been aggravatingly restrictedthe ability of

    technological innovation was weakened, the development of society and

    economy was slowing down.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction of

    metrology in economic sectors Development mode of economic sectors in the new


    Green industry, low-carbon economyImpressed with low-carbon and

    new energy

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction of

    metrology in economic sectors

    Strategic emerging industries have appeared while

    major initiatives for prospering economy was

    introduced by many countries:

    F Industries such as energy saving and environmental

    protection, new generation of information technology

    biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy,

    new material, new energy vehicles, etc, appeared

    successively, and giant economy growth plans were made.

    F The service industry scale extends rapidly, and its GDP hasfar exceeded that of traditional industry, which indicates the

    quiet appearance of the fourth economic sector revolution.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction of

    metrology in economic sectors

    Economic sectors structure materializes economic structure

    Because of the obvious coverage and pertinence of the materialization of

    economy sectors to economy than that of the industries to economy,

    economic sectors classification for national economic activities has become

    a standard method adopted by international society which has been used by

    China since many years ago. Recently, new edition of industrial

    classification for national economic activities (GB/T 4754) has been



  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction of

    metrology in economic sectors

    Therefore, the connection between economy and economic sectors is built,

    the belongings of economic sectors from economy is plotted out, and the

    objective data for regulation, standardization and guidance of relevant

    organizations for economic sectors development can be supplied. Recently,new industries as an integrated category that independent from other

    industries, is appearing. The energy industry is possibly sorted as a single

    category because of its particular status and function. Several years ago, I put

    forward the National City Energy Metrology Data Center Project and have

    done its research correspondingly. Now, this project is applied very well.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction ofmetrology in economic sectors

    In conclusion, economic sectors has become main issue of

    economy development in contemporary society. It is an urgent

    problem to be solved now that how to study metrology in

    economic sectors and how to make metrology serve

    economic sectors more pertinently and more effectively.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Background of introduction of

    metrology in economic sectors Metrology elements is one of the three pillars (raw material,

    technology and equipment ,and metrology elements) of

    modern economic sectors.

    Research and evaluation of metrology contributing to

    economy of economic sectors

    Intensive research on metrology

    F The relationship between metrology data and measuring


    F Integral requirement of metrology elements chain.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Relationship between metrology in economicsectors and metrology

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Demand characteristics of metrology

    application in economic sectors 1.Common characteristics

    F Timeliness

    F Economical efficiency

    F Flexibility (variety) of measurement methods

    F Diversity of measuring element demands

    F Reality of on-line measuring

    F Interaction of process technology combining with metrology technology

    F Applicability (precision) of measuring data

    F Integrated correlation among measuring, standards and quality

    F Creativity of measuring demands

    F Concise ways to provide and deliver measuring resultsF Independent on measuring qualification


  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Demand characteristics of metrology

    application in economic sectors

    2.Personality (diversity)

    F Diversity of measuring environment conditions

    F Diverse ways to obtain observing and controlling data

    F Diversity of requirements on precision

    F Diversity of ways of measurement & statistics and calculation

    F Diversity of evaluation on measurement uncertainty and its demands

    F Diversity of application of observing and controlling data

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Some principle rules should be followed

    in metrology in economic sectorsDuring the activities of economic sectors, the following

    important principles should be followed to ensure the

    correctness of the metrology data used ultimately:integration principle

    pertinence principlecoherence and interaction principle

    whole process and system principle

    equilibrium principle between social benefits and economy benefits

    principle of society resource commonality

    practicability principle

    timeliness principleperspective principle

    principle of continuous improvement

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Economic and mathematic model formetrology in economic sectors

    Input model for metrology in economic sectors

    Economic benefit model of metrology in economic sectors

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Input model for metrology in economic

    sectorsBased on main elements (I.e. metrology in economic sectors, rawmaterial technology and equipment) of activities in modern economic

    sectors, a model for gross input of a product is set up:



    1 +++












    othtmsa CCCCC +++=

    the percentage

    of input of

    metrology in


    occupying gross

    input of a


    gross input of a


    input of metrology

    in economic


    input of raw


    input of technologyand equipment

    other input, such as

    management input,

    logistics input, andmarketing input, and so on

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Input model for metrology in economic


    It is indicated in the research that the percentage of input of metrology

    in economic sectors occupying gross input of a product is about 15%

    55% varying from one economic sector to another.




    is fC

    the costs involved in every

    element of metrology element

    chains, such as the costs for

    instruments calibration, the

    costs for product testing and

    the costs for metrology

    management and so on.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Economic benefit model of metrology

    in economic sectors

    Product benefits produced by metrology in economic sectors ,which is a

    function of Q(product quality), C(cost) and V(value).


    )()()(),,( fCfQfCQfM ++==

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Economic benefit model of metrology

    in economic sectors






    product quality the benefits due to decreasing

    the loss come from the

    fluctuation of product quality,

    introduced by MeasuringManagement Economy

    Evaluation Committeeof Japan.

    the benefits due to the

    promotion of product

    quality, reduction of the

    fluctuation of rawmaterial quality and

    brand effect

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Economic benefit model of metrology

    in economic sectors






    costthe benefits due to the

    reduction of consumption,

    increase of the ratio of

    quality to technicalrequirements and the

    improvement of productivity

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Economic benefit model of metrology

    in economic sectors

    = QPf )(

    valueunit price of a


    quantity of


    the ratio of workload to

    consumption of

    metrology in economic

    sectors during aproducing process of a


  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan



    In modern society, traditional industry economy structure has been

    transformed to economy structure of economic sectors, therefore, the

    metrology development should meet the requirements of this


    New definition of metrology in VIM extends significant application scope for

    metrology development, which will show the important economics value in

    the application.

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan



    Metrology in economic sectors is an effective way to study that

    metrology application creating and demonstrating economic value of

    metrology in economic sectors.

    Metrology in economic sectors is a field worthy of particular attention

    and study. It is believed that the study results will impress profoundly

    on science and technology progress and economy development of the


  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan


    Reference Research on real-time online monitoring technologies proposal of

    national city energy measurement data, Zhu Chongquan, Ma Zhitong,Jin Xiuyue, China Metrology2010.11;

    Research on real-time online monitoring & applying technologies modelof national city energy measurement data, Zhu Chongquan, Jin Xiuyue,

    Ma Zhitong, Metrology and Measurement Technique2011.2; Method of closed loop operation-research on implementing method of

    the national mandatory standards GB17167-2006 Zhu Chongquan,Jin Xiuyue, Ma Zhitong, China Metrology 2010.2

    Establish new thinking of metrology in economic sectors, support depthdevelopment of economic sectors Zhu Chongquan, Zhou Yingchun,Yang Bingwang China Metrology2010.8

    Metrology in economic sectors and economic sectors ZhuChongquan, Zhou Yingchun, Advanced Measurement and LaboratoryManagement2011.1

  • 7/29/2019 D14 p.m. 01 Zhu Chongquan



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