D20 - D&D 3rd - Adventure - Level 10-13 - A Touch of Chaos - Grinning Goblin Adventures

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1: Encounter withArcanphilus

2: The Gully Labyrinthand Temple Complex

3: The Temple Complex

Encounters Summary

Writers - Mark Butcher and Colin Haslett Maps - Mark Butcher • Pen & Ink Illustrations - Gary HudsoColourIllustration- JaniceBlaine • Layout- I Need SomeArtwork.com


All text and graphics belong exclusively to Grinning Goblin Adventures (division of 2-The-Point Consulting Inc.) and iCopyright 1999, 2000 2-The-Point Consulting Inc. (DBA: Grinning Goblin Adventures) and may not be reproduced inwhole or in part without the expressed written consent of the company. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Nopermission is granted to reprint or redistribute this text in any media without the prior written consent of the CopyrighHolder. To request such permission, please contact - Attention: Andrew Levine.info@grinninggoblin.com

Grinning Goblin World

Welcome to Grinning Goblin Adventures.We are very happy to share with you ourpassion and excitement for Role PlayingGames. Inside, I am sure you will beentertained, surprisedand challenged.

Each adventure is carefully designed, play-testedandchecked by a team of role-playingenthusiasts. We are looking for, and wish tocreate, an adventure that will whisk youaway and challenge your sword arm asreadily asyour mind.

Grinning Goblin Adventures are not simple'hack and slash' adventures. Each has atheme, a set of goals, puzzlesand mysteries

to solve. To complete your experience anprovide you with surprises (both for thGame Master and for each PlayeCharacter) we've included Villains anHeroes to each adventure.As well, there aMythical and Haunted beings that are usein this adventure - and may be used in otheadventures of your making.

Since everyone has different 'styles' of RolePlaying, and because of the many differe

'Gaming Systems' that exist, we decided tdesign a Generic Scoring System. Thadventure may be used with any gaminsystem you wish - and with a littimagination, you can tailor this adventure tfit into your existing campaign.

Use this adventure as a single stand-alonadventure for a weekend gaming session ouse it as part of a multi-part gamincampaign. Interchange various adventuretogether. If you have a great idea - send it tus, we always warmly appreciate your inpandgrow with your feedback.

We strongly believe that the objective tRole-Playing is 'Playing' - and we wcontinue to do our best to bring to you funentertaining and playable adventureEnjoy.





The Grinning Goblin



Game Mechanics

The Measure Of All

Things; Man



Cast Of Characters


Player Handouts

D20 Supplement

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Game Mechanics

For those of you who have used pre writtenadventures before the contents of thisintroduction will not be new to you, but youmay want to peruse the following anyways.For those of you who have never run anadventure before the following will provemost useful.

We at Grinning Goblin Adventures havedesigned a series of adventures that maybe played using any existing Role-PlayingGame system. To accomplish this we havedeveloped a basic Human template to be

used to compare all other systems against.This baseline human can be used in such away that almost any character in ouradventures can be easily converted intoany game system. Of course, if anymonster that is required in one of ouradventures already exists in your gamingsystem, it would be advisable to use thatversion.

If you do need to use our stats for amonster, the easiest way to think of them isas statistic modifiers. In our system, anaverage Human has a value of 1 for the

three physical statistics and the threemental statistics. Simply multiply the statm od if ie r o f our c reat ur e w it h t hecorresponding statistic that your gaming

system would assign an average humanand you have the stat of our creature your gaming system. If an average Humain your system has a strength of 8, and thtarget creature in our system has strength of 1.5, that creature in you

system would have a strength of 12 (8 1.5 = 12).

When it comes to Skills, it works a littdifferently. In most systems Skills are givedescriptions or rankings to provide an ideof how capable your character is in particular skill. For our character anmonster Skills we have simply given eacSkill possessed a ranking, which can bcompared to your system which will providan idea of that characters proficiency. one of our characters is described ahaving the melee skill at a master leve

and in your system someone with a meleskill of 87% and up is considered to be master with that skill, then in your game hhas a melee skill of 87% or higher (thexact value is left to the game mastediscretion). We have deliberately left thranking system simple to allow the gammaster to tailor the opposition to PCparticipating in his adventures.

One of the most difficult aspects of FantasRole-playing Games to convert is MagiWhat we have done in our system is tprovide the Gamemaster with a generindication of the practitioners ability lev(similar to skills) and also provid an idea othe types of magic he is capable performing. An example of an ‘Illusionislike David Copperfield might be describein one of our adventures as a wizard who a novice in the use of magic and is limiteto low power spells in the areas summoning and illusion.

From this information it should be relativeeasy to choose what spells are available tthe character and how capable he is

using them in your chosen rule systemmake our adventures available to be usewith most RPG rule systems.


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Skills Rankings


D20 Equivilant % Equivilant

Bonuses and Penalties

D20 equivilant % Equivilant

Traps and Damage Equivalency

Novice 1-20%Moderate 21-40%Skilled 41-70%Expert 71-90%Master 91-100

There are some occasions where it will be necessary to rate the difficulty of something, eitherremoving a trap or making a given saving throw. Grinning Goblin uses the following:

Easy DC 10 +10%Moderate DC 13 +5%Average DC 15 +0%Above Average DC 20 -10%Challenging DC 25 -20%Difficult DC 30 -30%Nigh Impossible DC 35 -40%Impossible DC 40 -50%

Sometimes the GM will need to assign PCs bonuses or penalties to their actions due to theeffects of certain traps, or conferred upon them by certain items. In order to make thedescriptions of these easier to convert, Grinning Goblin uses the following scale:

Minor +/-1 +/-5%Small +/-2 +/-10%Moderate +/-3 +/-15%Substantial +/-4 +/-20%Large +/-5 +/-25%Great +/-6 +/-30%

Therefore if the party finds a magical sword, the GM would be able to figure out exactly what

the bonus to hit and damage would be with the weapon in his system.

Rather than leave judging the damage, difficulty to find and remove, and effects of the traps upto the GM to figure out, with these systems, we can pinpoint exactly how a trap functions,except for damage. To convert this, Grinning Goblin uses damage equivalency. Any fantasysystem will have a certain array of weapons. In order to give the GM the appropriate damagefor something, the damage will be listed as being equivalent to a certain weapon’s damage. Ifit does a lot of damage, even more than a weapon could do, it will be listed like triplebroadsword damage, ect. So if a broadsword in the given system is a d8 damage, triplebroadsword damage would be 3d8.

The purpose of this system is that it makes the damage of a given trap proportional to thedamage system of a given game system. In some game systems, PCs have a lot of hit points

and weapons do lots of damage. In others, weapons do less damage and people have less hpoints. By giving the GM an idea of the type of harm that the trap is supposed to inflict on thePCs, traps can be customized to fit into any system. Of course, always assume that theweapon is as if it were wielded by a person of average strength in that game system, in caseweapon damage is based on strength in a given system.


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Typical Man

Measure Of All Things; Man


Religious Beliefs:



This is the character's physical appearance.This will detail any historical information known about the character.

This describes the base emotional reactions the Player Characters canexpect upon encountering the character or creature.

This describes a religious affiliation if applicable, or a code ofconduct/set of morals.

This will identify if the character has rank in an organization, or if a creature is apack leader.

These are general skills that don't fit into either combat or defensive categories.




Level: 1

HP: 6

AC: 10





STRENGTH 1 11 55%

AGILITY 1 11 55%

FITNESS 1 11 55%

KNOWLEDGE 1 11 55%




No. Attacks: 1


These are skills incombat or a weapon.If the character hasany relevant racialabilities they will belisted here as well.


Any attacking

spells are listed



Armor Class: 1


These are skills that aidthe character's defence.If the character has anyrelevant racial abilitiesthey will be listed hereas well.


Any defending

spells will be

listed here.


Walk: 10Run: 40

Fly: n/a

Swim: 5


Any weapons or armorcarried by the character.


Generalbelongings of the



Any valuables ormagic items carried

by the character.

The sample character that follows is supplied for two purposes; firstly, it describes theconventions and format used in this adventure to detail any creatures or characters met by thePlayer Characters, and secondly it illustrates the conversion of a basic human into some of themost prevalent game systems. The "Other" column is supplied to act as a worksheet for yourconvenience, in case the character attributes used in your game system are not listed.


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IntroductionA Touch of Chaos

Running the Adventure

Background:The Legend of Set and Apep

is a challenging adventuredesigned for four PCs of 10th to 13th level. Toproperly play this adventure, DMs will need the3rdEdition D&DPlayers’Handbook,

(hereafter PHB, DMG & MM). It is difficult, if notimpossible, to judge with 100% accuracy themeasure of success or degree of failure yourPCs will experience playing this adventure. Ifyour group experiences difficulty in thewilderness region, namely with wanderingmonsters, decrease the frequency and basechance of these encounters. However, thisshould serve as an indicator that your PCs willbe unable to survive the temple complex, as allwanderingmonstershaveencounter levels andchallenge ratings well below that of four 10thlevelPCs.

To decrease the challenge presented by theencounters within the temple complex, simplyremove some, but not all, of the PC levelsgiven

to themainvillains.For example, Khertoosk isamummy/14th level clericwith a challengeratingof 13 (Khertoosk casts clerical spells at adecreased level, which will be explained in thebody of the adventure), and reducing him to a10th level cleric will reduce his challenge ratingto 11, presenting a significantly lesser threat toPCs. Be sure to lower treasure awardsaccordingly if this option is used. Conversely,simplyadd PClevels if yourgroup ismeeting allof thechallengestoo easily.

DMs should feel free to adapt or modify any orallof theelementsand locales tobettersuit theirown campaigns. Substitute as required more

appropriate cultural aspects, environmentalhazards, monsters, and if necessary, deities.However, in doing so, try to maintain the themeof two opposing evil gods, Set (Lawful Evil) andApep (Chaotic Evil), who once waged a bloodyandviolentwaragainst oneanother.

Some additional work will have to be done byDMs to run the adventure hooks and fit themsmoothly into an existing campaign,possibly tothe extent of running adventures in or aroundKhardr ist and the surrounding oasissettlements to introduce PCs to the setting.

These areas and the corresponding hookshave only been described briefly: skeletons towhich the DM must add flesh. For the sake ofbrevity, only material essential to the running of

this adventurehas been describedin detail.

Important note: Common monsters are listewith a page number reference to the MMstatistic blocks have not been provided fothem. Uncommon, advanced or namemonsters have statistic blocks that can bfound in the appendix at the end of th


The legend of Set and Apep is a common anoft repeated tale throughout the many nationthat surround the desert known as the Thaz. APCs will have heard it in bitsand pieces if notits entirety, on numerous occasions whtraveling.

Read the following:

PCs may obtain the following pieces

information related to this legend by makinone or more of these successful skill checkBardic Knowledge DC20, Gather InformatioDC25, Knowledge (Arcana, History or Religioasappropriate) DC30.

Arkusdard, the blue dragon originally entrustewith guarding Apep’s prison, died long ago anpassed on his horde of treasure, including thHeart of Osiris, to an heir. The power of Setfollowers on this world has all but vanished recent centuries as the god has turned hattentions to other realms across the multiversandall butforgotten this one. Related legends te

that Set also slew other gods while on this worlincluding his brother Osiris, whose wife placehis body in a great pyramid erected on the sitwhere she found his corpse, somewhere on thnorth-easternfringesofThaz.

"Dungeon Masters' Guide and Monster Manual" 

"Many thousandsof yearsago, ina titanic battthat all but destroyed the once beautifkingdom of Thaz, the evil god, Set, vanquishethegreat chaos serpent, Apep, and imprisonehisessencewithin thefist sizedsapphireknowas the Heart of Osiris.The gem was then giveto a great blue dragon named Arkusdard whwaschargedwithits safekeeping.

"Fearing for their lives at the hands of Setclerics and led by their high priest, Khertoosthe followers of Apep went into hidinthroughout the now ravaged Thaz. Those whmanaged to survive both the wrath of Setminions and the new desert environmeeventually became thenomads and barbarianwhoare knowntodayas thedeserttribes." 


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Character Hooks

The Desert of Thaz

Note to DMs:


Khardrist Magical; Al



Authority Figure(s):

Important Figure(s):

Dark powers, covetous of the rewards animprisoned godwouldgrant his liberators, havecommanded a succubus named Trillabeth tofind the Heart of Osiris and free Apep on theirbehalf. To this end she has awakenedKhertoosk, now an ancient mummy, andtogether they have stolen the gem fromArkusdard's heir and are awaiting their dark

masters' instructions on how to end Apep'simprisonment. It is around this central theme ofa dark god's restoration that A Touch of Chaoshasbeendesigned.

The adventure begins for the PCs five days  journey north of the great desert city ofKhardrist. Motivations for making this journeycan be found amongst the character hooksafter thissynopsisorcan besuppliedbyDMs tofit their campaigns. Regardless of the hookused, the PCs will encounter Arcanphilus, ahuge adult blue dragon and the grandson ofArkusdard. On thisday,Arcanphiluswillpresent

thePCswith a simplechoice; retrieve theHeartof Osiris or be destroyed.Acting on informationprovided by the dragon, PCs will travel into thefoothills of the Patar Mountains where they willdiscover an ancient temple of Apep, Trillabeththe succubus, Khertoosk the mummy priest,and the 3000 year old prison of the great chaosserpent.

• Acting on rumors and legends heard inKhardrist, PCs venture into the desertof Thaz searching for a mythical hoardof treasure guarded by a young bluedragon. The dragon is the latestdescendant in a long line of blues whohave called Thaz their own domain(Arcanphilus is actually much olderand more powerful than these rumorssuggest).

• PCs have been contracted by a localgovernment official to investigate thed i s ap p e a ra n c e o f n u m er o u smilitiamen from Khardristpatrols in theThaz desert(the soldiers are, in fact,the victims of ambushes set by thedesert tribes).

• Acting on rumors heard from merchants

traveling through Khardrist, PCsinvestigate the disappearance ofyoung men from the oasis settlementsin the region (this is the work of

Trillabeth, who is indulging herseafter being confined to the Abyss, heropinion,for fartoo long).

The following information on thcity of Khardrist, the outlying oasis settlemenand the desert tribes is only a brief descriptioof the setting for this adventure. For DM

interested in running an entire campaign or significant portion of one in or around thesareas, some work will be necessary to adgreater depth and detail. As previoussuggested, itmay beeasier for DMs toalter thadventure to fit their campaigns rather than alter their campaigns to fit this adventure. Wia minimal effort, the entire desert region can btransformed and transplanted to fit any type wilderness areaorcampaignworld.

The infamous metropolis of Khardrist is locateroughly a day’smarchnorthof theKadish Riveon thesouthern fringeof thegreatdesert knowas the Thaz, which once was a verdant anbountiful seat of a powerful empire millennlong ago. From the Grand Ziggurat, whereKing Nishpander rules with an iron fist, to thteeming bazaars, where merchants from dozen desert cities buy, sell and trade ainnumerable variety of exotic wares, Khardriis an exotic melting pot overflowing wilasciviousness,mysteryand intrigue.

On the northern banks of the Kadish Randipor, a large port town wholly under thrule of Khardrist, which oversees thebulk of thtrade along the entirety of the river's length. I

own wealth and population are included in thstatistics forKhardrist.

(metropolis): LE

155 million GP; 100,000 GP limit

31,000 (approx.); mixed (79%human, 9% halfling, 5% elf, 3% half-orc, 2%dwarf, 1% gnome, 1% half-elf)

King Nishpander, malehuman, Ftr 14/Clr 10 (Hextor)

Xerpeth, female humaWiz 14,head of theWizards' Guild;Vergil,mahuman, Exp 10, head of the Moneychanger

Guild; Mykuldo, male human, Rog 14, head the Thieves Guild; R'kar, male half-orc, Ro7/Asn 5, head of the Non, the assassins' guilDorillo, female human, Ari 11, head of th


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Council of Nobles; Menastacles, male human,Clr 15, headof the Churchof Hextor

Note: Although King Nishpander wields theultimate tyrannical power in Khardrist, theheads of the various guilds possess notableinf luence in their own r ights and areoccasionally granted permission to petitiontheir monarch directly. Only the heads of themost significant guilds have been listed above.

There are many others, however, and conflictsbetween and even within the guilds arecommon, a situation which the Non exploit withruthlessefficiency.

310 full-time professionalsoldiers; 1300 militia members/conscriptsreadily mobilized within a few hours; five 20-40manmilitiaunitson rotatingpatrols of theThaz

Khardrist's patron deity is Hextor,andhis temples area commonsight throughoutthe city. Other faiths are discouraged orsuppressed by the church and the king,although worshippers of other gods areseldom

persecuted to any great degree unless theybecome outspoken or organized. The obviousexception to this tolerance is the worship ofHextor's hated brother, Heironeous (see PHB,p.91). PCswhoworshipHeironeous, especiallypaladins, are cautioned to be extremely carefuland as inconspicuous as possible within thecity's walls.

Thefollowingrumorsmaybe heard inKhardrist before the PCs depart the city. DMsmay dispense them as they see fit, or withsuccessful Gather Information checks (DC15)PCs may each learn one of the rumors atrandom (d10). If any of these rumors are beingused as character hooks ignore the result androll again. Numbers 9 and 10 can be used tomislead thepartyor createnew adventures.

• "A fierce blue dragon namedArcanphilus calls the Thaz his own."

• "King Nishpander himself is paying ayearly tithe to appease some dragonto the north."

• "A mysterious leader is uniting thedesert tribes."

• "Some of the King's patrols in the Thazhave been disappearing."

• "The desert tribesmen have been doingmore raiding and less trading with the

outlying settlements."

• "An ancient mummy wanders the Thazsnatching up unwary travelers."

• "Merchants coming out of the northhave brought with them tales ofdemons."

• "Legend says that an ancient pyramidpartially submerged in the desert

sands, contains the treasures of theold kings of Thaz."

• "An unusually large number of clerics othe church of Hextor have beenentering the Thaz lately."

• "Water holes and springs in the Thazhave been turning salty in recentmonths."

DMs who decide to forego any game play Khardrist and opt instead to begin in the Thaitselfshould read thefollowing to thePCs

By day, anyone traveling the Thaz is subject

the unrelenting fury of the desert sun and nsane being wears any armor, save perhaps shield. Travel by night exposes one to the bon

Standing Army:



Wilderness Areas


"Leaving the tented bazaars, the spice and sishops, the belly dancers and the opiuemporiums of the decadent walled city Khardrist some five days past, you've traveledeep into the desert waste known as the ThaRocky bluffs, steep gullies, rolling sand dunesparse vegetation and long merchant caravanare common sights on the journey north. Mileto the west are the foothills that mark thbeginningsof themightyPatarMountains.

"The Thaz is a rugged and inhospitabwilderness, although it is far from uninhabitedfeatureless. Dozens of nomadic desert tribewander the shifting dunes, steppes, foothil

and mountains. Small oasis settlements, littmore than hamlets or thorps, are connected bwell-maintained roads and trade ways, offerinshelter from theunyielding extremes of thehigdesert climate. Enforcing King Nishpandertyrannical rule, Mounted Khardristpatrolsareodds with the ruthless bandits and brigandwho ply their bloody trade. And the deadwildlife that calls theThaz home hungrily awaiany unwary traveler, unfortunate enough stumbleintoitsgrasp." 


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numbing cold resulting from the Thaz's highelevation. Refer to the DMG (p.86) for heat andcold dangers, which are in effect throughout theThaz. Strong winds and dust storms are alsocommon, and are a potentially deadly climatecondition. To reflect this, the following windtablehasbeen included.

Wind Table: 1d20, check once per hour1-12: No Wind

13-16: Moderate Wind17,18: Strong Wind19: Severe Wind20: Windstorm

Any t ime Strong or Severe winds areencountered, there is a 60% chance they areaccompanied by a dust storm and a 20%chance of this becoming a greater dust storm.Refer to the DMG (p.p.87-88) for the effects ofwind on Search, Listen and Spot checks, theeffects of wind on different sized creatures, andthesuffocationeffectsof duststorms.

The most critical element for any of thesettlements in the Thaz is a readily availablesourceof water, and these communities alwayscenter on one of the rare underground springsor water holes found in the wasteland. Evenassuming the possibility of a disproportionatenumber of clerics in a community willing toexpend all of their spell energy creating waterforthe populace, the largest settlementswill notexceed hamlet size (Population 81 - 400) andwould likely be small ones at that. Exceptionsare possible if a settlement has access to amoresignificant water source, but communitieswith populations exceeding 400 are generallylocated near larger sources of water such aslakes or rivers, which are not to be found in theThaz.

Most settlements have a single elder that actsas a figureof central authority and is advised bya small numberof thehighest-levelNPCs withinthat community. A loosely organized militia isalways present in these throes and hamlets.Furthermore, there is a 35% chance that, inaddition to such a militia, there may be a patrolfrom Khardrist in any community, regardless ofits size, at any given time. The officer in chargeof such a patrol is always an authority figure

while in the community. Troop strength will fallbetween 22 and 40 militiamen (2d10 + 20), with1 commander (Ftr 4), 2 or 3 sergeants (Ftr 2),and 19-36 soldiers (War 1). Refer to the DMGfor generating random communities (p.139)


Distantdescendants of the followers andclericofApep who fled into the Thaz, the nomads anbarbarians collectively known as the desetribes are the undisputed masters of stepphill, dune and mountain. Engaging in profitabtrade as often as pillaging, these desertnativeare as unpredictable as they are dangerouTribes varygreatly insize, but are always led bthe strongest individual. Nomadic at heart anknowing the location of even the smallesprings and water holes, the nomads raistented encampments wherever their chieftapleases, dwelling there for as long as hdesires. Refer to the DMG (p.p.47-58) frandom generation of NPCs, treating atribesmen as barbarians (Alignment chaotneutral or chaoticevilonly).

Two wandering monster tables have beenincluded below. These are for the desertwilderness areas only. The first generatescommon, less powerful encounters. Thesecond generates less frequent, morepowerful monsters. Each of these types ofmonsters should not be encountered morethan once.

1d4+1: large monstrous scorpions(MM p.209)

2d4+4: wild dogs (MM p.196)

1d6+4: bandits, all Fr 1 (see DMGp.p. 47-58 for random generation ofNPCs)

1d4+4: desert tribesmen, all BBB 1(see DMG as for bandits)

1 behir (MM p.24)

1 lamia (MM p.p.126-127)

1 manticore (MM p.p. 130-131)

1 hieracosphinx (MM p.p. 170-171)

Oasis Settlements

Desert Tribes

Wandering Monsters

Wandering Monster Table I:

Wandering Monster Table II:

Frequency; once per hour, Base Chance; 30%, roll 1d4 

Frequency; once every 3 hours, Base Chance; 20%, roll 1d4 


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Cast Of Characters:• Arcanphilus (Villain)

Multimedia Reference:• Arcanphilus

Encounter #1: Encounter with Arcanphilus

Read this to the Players:(Read the following once Arcanphilus drops his hallucinatory terrain ability:)The air seems to shimmer before you as alarge, blue, reptilian head bearing a singlemassive horn upon its snout rises up from thesand. Cruel, cunning eyes, set slightly forwardof dramatic frilled ears, regard you with aleisurely contempt. The beast pulls theremainder of its great body from the sand,revealing a powerfully muscled torso, leatherywings and a long spiny tail. The majority of itsbulk is covered in iridescent azure scales,polished to a glossy finish. The beast's hidehumsandcrackles withstatic electricity.

Game Master Text:This encounter is the main motivating factor forthe PCs' travelling to and exploring the templecomplex. Read the information below carefully,and be familiar with all of the dragon's abilities,

spell-like abilities and feats. Do not simply runthis encounter as another wandering monster:strive to add depth to Arcanphilus' personality.

Arcanphilus, the blue dragon, grandson and heirto Arkusdard, has been observing the party for afew days, using his hallucinatory terrain abilityat a great enough distance to avoid discovery(see PHB p. 212 for details on the spell

). Perhaps the dragon haseven watched the party f ight off somewandering monsters. Once the DM decides thatthe time is right, Arcanphilus will approach theparty and the adventure will begin.

Maintaining his hallucinatory terrainability, Arcanphilus burrows beneath the sand toa point directly in front of the PCs. He thenallows the PCs to approach to within 35 feet,watching the PCs advance by only slightlyexposing his head from the sand. Once theparty reaches the 35-foot mark, Arcanphilus

mutters a single arcane word and uses hcreate/destroy water ability to destroy thparty's water supplies (no save) and potion( save, DC 24). Arcanphilus can destroy u

to 30 gallons of water using this ability. He thecasts the following spells upon himself; Enlarg(increasing his size by 50% and his Strength b2), and He then drops the hallucinatory terrain ruse anreveals himself to the party.

If hostilities erupt, Arcanphilus uses his breatweapon against any cleric present, therebeliminating any attempts to foil his destroy wattactics. He then takes to the air and fights froawing, using his flyby attack and snatch featHe will also continue to use his breath weapoto full effect (every 1d4 rounds). Remember thit is not Arcanphilus’ intent to kill the party (ye

and he will use what means he can to subduthe PCs and set them to the task he has fothem. If Arcanphilus is reduced to 60 or fewehit points he will retreat.

Hallucinatory Terrain 


Mage Armor, Bull Strength Enduranc


He will not fight to thdeath.

Special Notes:



male, adult bluedragon; HD 23, HP299;seemonster appendix.

Arcanphilus is vain and arrogant tothe extreme; he does not walk, he swaggers; hedoes not ask, he demands; and he brooks no

insolence from short-lived insects. He willintroduce himself with a haughty air, but does notask the PCs their names.The party is a temporaryuseful tool to him, nothing more, and a tool which

will not outlive its usefulness. The DM should trhowever, to make it clear to the party that thdragonintends them no immediateharm.

What Arcanphilus desires is for thPCs to retrieve the Heart of Osiris, which wa

stolen from his lair some days past by Trillabeand Khertoosk. The dragon is fully aware of whtheHeartof Osiris isandwhat is imprisoned insidof it. Arcanphilus is quite eager to have the ge


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Cast Of Characters:

• Achaierai (Villain)• Giant Scorpion (Villain)

Multimedia Reference:• Scorpions

Encounter #2:The Gully Labyrinth and Temple Complex

Read this to thePlayers:

Travel to the gully labyrinth is considered to be movement across trackless, sandy desert and allmovement rates are halved.Once the PCs are in the foothillsread thefollowing: 

The ground begins to grow gradually rockier andthe ascent steeper as you approach the foothillsof the imposing PatarMountains.

Game Master Text:

restored to his treasure hoard, as he is not keenon the idea of a chaotic evil deity running rampantthrough the Thaz, which the dragon considers hispersonal domain. He will not, however, reveal thetruenatureof the gem tothePCs.

Scryingwitha crystal ball from hislair,Arcanphilushas determined who committed the theft and haslocated their hiding place. As mentioned earlier,Trillabeth and Khertoosk are responsible for the

theft, and they are currently to be found in thetemplecomplex.If thepartydoes notpress foranydetails, Arcanphilus will tell the PCs as little aspossible about what he has learned, simply givingthem directions to the gullies that lead to thecomplex. The temple complex is some 16 mileswest of where the PCs encounter Arcanphilus, inthe foothills of the Patar Mountains. The entrance

to the complex is not readily apparent from thground, as it is located within a labyrinthinnetwork of gullies, which wend their ways througa large rock plateau. What Arcanphilus absolutewill not tell the PCs is the fact that he already trieto retrieve the gem himself but was thwarted bthe Guardian Obelisks in Area E. The dragonterms are simple; recover the gem and be alloweto continue on their way. Fail or refuse and bdestroyed.

Once Arcanphilus finishes talking to the PCs, htakes to the air and uses his hover feat beforflying away to the south, back the way the parcame from. This blows up a huge cloud of sanand dust and confuses the party as to whicdirectionhis lair mightbe.

To find thegully entrance requires a Searchcheck(DC25). If PCscooperate, each individual helperssuccessful Search check (DC 10) gives a +2circumstance bonus to the leader's main check.Each failed search check by the leader, or byanyone not cooperating in the search, results inone hour being wasted looking for the entrance.Even a successful search requires and hour ofeffort.

Read the following when the PCs locate the gullyentrance:

The gully entrance and labyrinth are a naturalblemish, scarring a large rock outcropping on the

easternmost fringes of the Patar Mountains. Thwalls of the gully rise to an average height of 14feet. PCs wishing to climb these walls must maksuccessful Climb checks (DC 25). Successfunegotiating the gully wall results in the daring Preaching the crumbling rock plateau abovFooting atop the plateau is fairly treacherous, anany PC moving faster than half his/her normmovement rate must make a successful Balanccheck (DC 15) to avoid falling and sustaining 1dpoints of sub dual damage. Moreover, anyonfalling near the gully wall must also make a Reflesave (DC 17) to avoid falling into the gully itsetaking 14d6 points of damage as a result. Thgully floor is sandy but littered with rocky debr

and rubble.

Giant scorpions inhabit the gully labyrinth in vanumbers. For every 30 minutes spent in the gulabyrinth consult the table below (see MM p.


"The entrance to a wide gully looms before you.The sheer walls stretch some 140 feet above you to a rocky plateau, creating a natural corridor that disappears to thenorth-east." 


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205, 208-209) for scorpion statistics. Any timespent on the plateau exempts PCs from anywandering monsters, scorpions or monsters fromthewildernessregions.

1-4: 1d4 monstrousscorpions, small5: 1d3 monstrous scorpions, medium6: 1d2 monstrous scorpions, large7-8: no encounter

Many years ago a lawful evil wizard intent ondiscovering the secrets of Apep's templesummoned this beast from the infernal plane ofAcheron. The wizard perished in Area E, a victimof the Guardian Obelisks. For some reason theachaierai was never recalled to its own plane. Itleads quite a comfortable existence in the gullylabyrinth, feeding on the numerous giantscorpions that abound throughout thearea. Thereis a 1-4 chance on a d6 that the achaierai is

present when thePCs arrivein this area.

Achaierai: hp 51 (see MM p. 15)

Utterly sadistic and evil, the achaieraiattacks the PCs on sight. It concentrates all of itseffortson thesmallest, weakest looking individual.Ifreduced tolessthan 20hp, itwill attemptto flee.

PCs making a successful Searchcheck (DC 15) in or around the nest area will findamongst the bones, scorpion husks and debris,the following; a Wand of Knocking (17 charges),alarge yellow topaz (worth 783 gp), and a small,locked (Open Locks [DC 25]), iron bound woodenchest containing 280 gp, 1 potion of Cure

Moderate Wounds and 1 potion of Cure SeriousWounds.

There is a 60% chance that for each tunnel thePCs enters; they will attract the attention of thenumerous giant scorpions living within (see MMp.p. 205, 208-209 for scorpion statistics). Any PCfoolish enough to enter one of the tunnels with alight source notices numerous smaller tunnelsbranching off from the main "entrance" tunnel

before beingoverwhelmedby scorpions.

1-4: 1d6+6 monstrous scorpions, tiny5,6: 1d4+4 monstrous scorpions, small

7: 1d4+1 monstrous scorpions, medium8: 1 monstrous scorpion, large

There is only a 30% chance that angroup of scorpions exiting a tunnel is hungry anactively searching forprey, andwill thus attack thparty. If the party approaches the tunnels toclosely, any group of exiting scorpions will attacen masse to defend their home. Under eithcircumstance, the scorpions will not pursue th

PCs any further than the exit for the corridolocated nearArea D'squicksand.

Any PC making a successful Spot check (DC 2notices a large pool of quicksand blocking aaccess through this area. If the party does nnotice the pool, the lead PC will blunder directinto it, immediately sinking to his/her chest. Eve1d6 rounds thereafter the PC must make successful Dexterity check (DC17) to avosinking further, first to his/her neck and then tbeing completely submerged.At this point the Pcan hold his/her breath for a number of roundequal to twicehis/her Constitutionscore.After th

time the PC must make successful Constitutiochecks (DC 10 + 1 per round) to continue holdinhis/her breath. If the PC fails any Constitutiocheck,drowningbegins.

PCs not in the quicksand can attempt to pull thefellows out with a successful Strength check (D20), although a successful check will only pull character in up to his/her chest out to his/hewaist; a character in up to his/her neck out this/her chest; and a completely submergecharacter out to his/her neck. Any charactetrying to help the pulling character require successful Strength check (DC 10) for a +circumstance bonus to the main check. Thcharacter in thequicksand must continue to makDexterity checks every 1d6 rounds to avosinking back down while this isgoingon.

PCscancircumvent thepool by climbing aroundon the gully wall with a successful Climb chec(DC 20). Any PC who fails is permitted a Reflesave (DC20) toavoid falling into thequicksand.

The six obelisks are carved and chiseled onystand some 20 feet tall and are the temp

Scorpion Encounters: d8

Area B:Nestof theAchaierai



AreaC:Scorpion Colony

Scorpion Colony: d8



Area E;Guardians Against Lawand Good

"A large nest made of small stones and dry vegetation is nestled between a rocky cleft,situatedonthefarwall of theopening." 

"The gully grows suddenly narrower and then comes to an abrupt end. Four small, dark tunnels,the largest of which is 10 feet wide, puncture the livingrock.A faintchittering canbe heard." 

"The corridor opens into a large,deadendcanyoThe sheer gully wall encloses this area's entireA large oasis, surrounded by a profusion of reedand rushes, lies placid in the middle of this areSix slick, black obelisks rise up out of thvegetation. A large opening yawns in the far wa

directly across from where the corridor exits inthecanyon." 

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Game MasterText:



Area1: Alcoves

Even at the height of Apep's power, the location ofthis temple remained a well-kept secret. Itslocation was known only to a select few of thehighest-ranking clerics within the Chaos Serpent'sorder, for it was at this site that some of the mostgruesome and unspeakable rites were performed.The temple was hewn from a series of naturalcaverns. Designed withsimplicityand functionality

in mind, it served no other purpose than forworship andsacrifice.

The desert tribes, distant descendants of Apep'sfollowers, know of the complex's existence only inlegend. They believe that the complex isdangerous to even speak of, let alone seek out,and they give that general area of the Thaz a wideberth in their travels acrossthe desert.

Except for Area 5, the entire temple complex isdark. The torches in Khertoosk's Burial Chamberare enchanted with Continual Flame. Sand coversthe floor of the main passage as well as Areas 1, 2& 3. Small scatteredpilesof sand have collectedinthese areas from theoccasionalgrains whichhavefiltered down through cracks in the complex's

ceilingsand remainedundisturbed for millennia.

Once one of the highest-rankingclerics in the church of Apep, Khertoosk wasimbued with the seed of unlife by powerfulnecromancers in the service of the church, in

preparation for the day when he could help brinabout the return of his foul god. The succubuTrillabeth, at the behest of her dark masterrecently awakened this undead cleric so that hcould help locate the Heart of Osiris. Now that thgem has been recovered, Khertoosk's onambition, his obsession, is to free Apep from hcrystalline prison. Currently, Khertoosk lacks th

meansto achieve this endand hasonly thewordthe succubus that such means will be madavailableto themshortly.

Note:Due toApep's imprisonmentwithin theHeaof Osiris, all of his clerics cast divine spells at hatheir level (a 6th level cleric of Apep casts and haaccess to spells as a 3rd level cleric normalwould). Strong, lawful, divine magic seals Apepessence within the gem and restrains his chaotpowers from touching the Prime Material planChallenge ratings for clerics with this restrictioare assigned as 3/4 of the clerics' experienclevel: an 8th level cleric casts as a 4th level cleraveraging these two levels gives an effectivchallenge rating of 6.

The succubus-wizard Trillabeth habeen bound by mysterious powers to bring theApep's prison, the Heart of Osiris. With access a myriad of Abyssal secrets, Trillabeth knew thif she could locate Khertoosk, she could wakhim and manipulate his religious fervor and zeto suit her own schemes. Like all of her kinTrillabeth is a coward through and through, bshe is a meticulous planner and rarely findherself having to join in battle thanks to hnefarious plots and manipulations. EveTrillabeth is uncertain of the identities of thosshe serves, but she knows enough to fear theand obey them without thought of double cross.

"Six alcoves, three to a wall, are recessed at regulintervals. Each contains a large skeleton clad black scale mail. Every skeleton has a scabbagreatswordat itship." 

Cast Of Characters:• Flame Snake (Villain)• Parotep (Villain)• Khertoosk (Villain)• Trillobeth (Villain)

Multimedia Reference:• Spoken Riddle• Lightning

Encounter #3:The Temple Complex

complex's primary defense against any would beintruders. Any character of a lawful or goodalignment approaching to within 30 feet of anobelisk automatically triggers its arcane power.The obelisk discharges a blinding, searing beamof energy at theoffendingcharacter.

Range: 30feet;Attack:+5 rangedtouchattack; Damage: 4d8no save; Special: any character hit by one of the

obelisks' energy beams also runs the risk ofcatching fire (see DMGp. 86).

Any PC conducting an extensive Search (DC 2around theoasis will find thescorched skeletonthe wizard mentioned in Area A, his belongingburnedbeyond useor repair.

The oasis slopes steeply toa depth of 15 feet aticenter. Thewateris freshanddrinkable.

PCs inspecting the opening on the far wall finsteps carved into the living rock descending inthe darkness. These steps lead to Area 1 of th

Temple Complex.

Guardian Obelisk/ Searing Light:


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These skeletons were the last of an elite squad ofOgre guards who stood vigil whenever the templewas in use. At the time of their deaths, they wereplaced in these alcoves to keep an eternal watch.No magic animates these skeletons: their presenceis merely ceremonial. However, thereis another sortof threat present here. PCs who tamper with theskeletons fall victim to 1d4 Burrowing Grubs (seeMonster appendix) ona rollof 1 or2 on1d6.

The armor and great swords are all

masterwork items,untarnished in thedry desertair.However, one of the weapons (DMs choice) is acursed item (Opposite effect curse [-2 to hit, -2 todamage]).

This pool is filled with a crystal clear liquid. If aDetect Magic spell is used in the room it will reveal amoderate aura on the east and west portion of thechamber's wall. An Illusory Wall spell is in effect at

each of these locations to disguise tunnels, whichlead to other areas of the complex. If PCs, includingElves,activelysearch forhidden orsecretdoors, theDM should roll Will Saves (DC 19 [disbelief])instead.

Long before his imprisonment in the Heart ofOsiris, Apep imbued this pool with a tiny portion ofhis own essence. The nature of this trap means thatDetect Magic will not reveal anything about it, butDetect Evil will reveal a powerful aura. Anyindividuals drinking or tasting even the smallestamount must make successful Will Saves (DC 20)or be corrupted by this essence and have theiralignments instantly changed to chaotic evil.Furthermore, any good or lawful character suffers1d4 points of Wisdom damage regardless ofwhether or not their alignment is changed, althoughanother successful Will Save (DC 20) means thatthe damage is not permanent. Nothing short of aWish spell canreverseeitherof these twofates.

Any chaotic evil character who drinks fromthe pool ishealed as per the spell Cure Moderate Wounds(2d8+15 hp restored), butthis powerwill only work fora givenindividualonceevery1d6days.

Any PC entering this room triggers a Wall of Stonetrap. The trap has a 5 round delay and whenactivated, bars the entryway to the chamber. The

trap's creator included the delay in the hope that hwould capture more trespassers inside the riddroom. The riddle itself was included to make certathat the searing wind construct would neither wasitself on some wandering animal nor accidentaattack some loyal follower of Apep. It wconsidered far too difficult to be answered correctwithout foreknowledge of the answer. Five dayafter it is triggered, the Wall of Stone trap will reson its own and the entrance to the chamber w

reappear. Anyone inspecting the pile of weaponwill note that there are six scimitars and sfalchions. These weapons constitute the entirety the searing wind construct's attacks whematerialized.

CR5, Search(DC 35Disable Device (DC30), 3 inches thick,Hardnesshp 45, Break DC 26. A Dispel Magic spell (DC 2candispel thewall.

Once this trap is sprung (5 rounds after the first Penters the chamber) PCs are effectively trapped this room, although they are unlikely to know at thpoint that the door in the north wall is a false onOne round after the trap activates, a stone mouappears andanimateson thesurface of that portioof the wall that used to be the way out. The mouspeaks the riddle below and disappeaimmediately after. Note: DMs may allow playetime to get pen and paper ready, they may evewant to encourage it, but they should only read thriddleto theplayersone time.

Brymwyle favors the heavy lance in th  joust and the bastard sword in the meleLyandragad favors the short spear in the joust anthe flail in the melee.D'Phar favors the long spearthejoust andthe long sword in themelee.

If a character gives any answer other than thcorrect one, or speaks anything in the commo

tongue for that matter, they will be attacked by Searing Wind Construct (hp 91, see Monstappendix). If they answer the riddle correctly manage to defeat the searing wind construct, thentryway reappears and the trap will reset once a


Area2:Pool Chamber


Area 3:RiddleRoom

DelayedWall of Stone trap:


"A small,round, shallow pool is setinto theflagstone floor in themiddle of this circular chamber.The walls and high ceiling are lined with stone masonry. An arched opening opposite the one you entered throughbeckons." 

"The hewn tunnel empties into a rectangular chamber, it's ceiling some 25 feet high. Set in the north wall is a closed iron door. In the middle of the room, a jumbled pile of scimitarsand falchions lieon 

the floor." 

"Three champions enter the Duke's tourney melee and joust; D'Phar, a knight of HextoLyandragad, a paladin in the service Heironeous; and Sir Brymwyle, the Duke's owchampion.Each favors one particular weapon feach of the day's two events. Sir Brymwydislikes spears long and short in the joust, anprefers the bastard sword in the meleLyandragad dislikes the longsword in the meleand the Duke's man is the heavy lance in th

 joust, preferring to ride with a short spear in hhand. D'Phar, unlike clerics of his faith, does nuse his god's favored weapon in the melee aftseeing it in the hands of his opposite. Thosspoken included, which weapons does each mafavorfor joustand melee." 


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characters have left thechamber. TheWall of Stonetrap, the mouth and the searing wind construct alloperate in concert. Dispelling or otherwisedestroying the stone wall either before the mouthappears orbeforeit completesthe riddlewill preventthe searing wind construct from materializing.Dispelling the wall after the riddle is complete butbefore it is answered means that the PCs can leavethe room, but any words spoken in the commontonguewithin theconfines of the room before giving

the correct answer or before 5 days have elapsedand the trap resets will cause the searing windconstruct to appear and attack. The construct willpursue any intruders as it is charged with killing anywhoanswer theriddle incorrectly.

The iron door in the north wall is a locked andtrapped false door. Anyone opening the door willtrigger a Poison spell trap. There is a PermanentImage spell cast upon the back of the shallow (6inch) alcove behind the door that displays a hewntunnel leading intodarkness.

1 inch thick,Hardness 10, hp 30, Break DC 28; Mundane Lock:Open Lock DC 25; Poison Spell Trap: CR 5, 1d10Con/1d10 Con, Fortitude Save negates (DC 18),SearchDC 29,DisableDeviceDC29

Any PC making a successful Decipher Script check(DC 30) can interpret the hieroglyphs. The writingsdescribe in intricate and gory detail the horrificpunishments, which await anyone who dares totrespassbefore theunholy altar ofApep.

2 inches thick, Hardness 6,hp 20, Break DC 18, Amazing lock: Open Locks DC40

This chamber is constructed of superior onyxmasonry. Empty triangular alcoves are recessedinto all four corners. A semicircular alcove isrecessed into the west wall, within which stands astone altar so black it appears to soak up the verylightofyour torches.

Any lawful or good aligned character crossing thethreshold of this chamber triggers a SummonMonster VI spell trap: CR 6, Save (none), duration11 rounds, Search DC 31, Disable Device DC 31.1d4 rounds after the spell is triggered (which time isnot deducted from the spell's duration), four FlameSnakes (hp 22, 20, 23, 20; see Monster appendix)are summoned from the Abyss - one in eachtriangular alcove - and they attack any characters

withinthe chamber. TheFlame Snakeswill fightuntilthey or thePCsaredestroyed,buttheywill notleavethechamber to pursue.

Any PCs who make successful Search checks (DC

35)around thesemicircular alcovefind a removabsecret compartment in the back of the stone altaThis compartment is lined with a thin layer of leaWithin it, the PCs will find an inverted ankh onheavily linked ironchain.

This magical device was created the depthsoftheAbyssatthe behest ofApep. It wnormally used only by the highest-ranking clerwithin his order for the most heinous of rituals ansacrifices. Forged from the screams of damne

soulsbeing torturedwith their deepest fears,the dblack object writhes and throbs in the grip of anwho pick it up, and it requires both a Strength cheand a Dexterity check (both DC 15) to hold it. Ipresence on the Prime Material plane wasmeantcounter the presence of the now lost True Ankhcarried by the long since departed gods who weveneratedby the inhabitants of theancient kingdoofThaz.

The Inverted Ankh will slay any being of lawful good alignment that touches it. Every time character handles the object, treat as per the spelike ability Death Touch cast by a 20th level cler(20d6 hp damage, if thetotalexceeds thedefendinPCs total hp she dies, no save, and she takes thdamage regardless). Furthermore, the artifact hathe following powers, all activated by commanwords (Knowledge [Arcana] or Bardic KnowledgDCs 35 foreachword);

grantsthe wielder theability tousethe spellCloakChaos once per day as though cast by a 20th levcleric with the command word RIXANDER granthe wielder the ability to use the spells CreaUndead andCreate Greater Undeadonce per weand once per month respectively as though cast ba 20th level cleric with the command woAXOMANDER grants the wielder the ability to usthespellDisintegrate once perweek,Fortitude sav(DC 30) partial (10d6 hp damage instead of deathwiththe commandword FEROZANDER

Any character with an alignment other than chaotevil that activates any of these powers, is subject the same death touch ward described above flawfulor goodcharacters.

Anyone opening this secrdoor without first disabling the Silent Alarm spealerts Trillabeth if she is in the chamber. DoSearch DC 30, Silent Alarm: CR 1, Search DC 3DisableDevice DC38.

If the party manages to bypass the alarm, they magain the opportunity to surprise Trillabeth anKhertoosk. If however, the alarm is triggered, th

succubus and themummy will be able to prepare aunpleasant greetingfor theadventurers.

The chamber is lit by torches enchanted wContinual Flame so some measure of light spills ointo the tunnel, and PCs should be made aware

Locked andTrappedFalse IronDoor:

Area 4:The Altarof theChaosSerpent

Locked Ebony Doors:

Inverted Ankh:

Area5: Khertoosk’s Burial Chamber

Alarmed Secret Door:

"Two locked ebony doors, each inlaid in jet with hieroglyphs and inverted ankhs, bar the entrance to this chamber." 


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"The pungent aroma of incense wafts along thecorridor from a hexagonal chamber constructed ofstone masonry, its floor covered with intricatelywoven rugs. Four large, smoking braziers surrounda mound of thick cushions and pillows in thenorthern corner of the room. More than a dozendesiccated corpses lie strewn about the room. Anopen stone sarcophagus stands against the eastwall. Before it lies a small marble pedestal on top of

which rests a fist sized oval sapphire, bound in finegold and silver latticework with a multitude of tinydiamondsand rubies."

The corpses are all victims of Trillabeth's, havingbeen lured into acts of passion with the comelydemon andhaving paid for theexperience with theirlives and their souls. If PCs enter the chamber byday there is only a 15% chance that the succubus ispresent, reclining on the mound of pillows andcushions. If they enter by night, however, there is a100%chance thatshewillbe present, "entertaining"a new victim (treat as a commoner of any desiredlevel,a youngmalewith a high Charisma).

Succubus/Wizard5; hp 55; seeMonster

AppendixKhertoosk is always found in this chamber. Hespends every moment in the gem's presence,offering prayers to his imprisoned god. Being insuch close proximity to theHeartof Osirisallowsthemummy to feel Apep's presence, indeed hisimpotent rage at being trapped. But Khertoosk is asyet unable to free his deity's essence or provide itwith an appropriate corporeal form. If the PCsmanage to liberate the gem without slayingKhertoosk, themummycan intuit thegem's locationwithin 30 miles by sensing Apep's presence.Khertoosk's sarcophagus sits atop a large stonedais, which he uses to accommodatehis body whenusing his Meld Into Stone spell (see Tactics for

Khertooskbelow).Mummy/Cleric 14 (casts as Cleric 7);

hp 116;seeMonsterAppendix

If alerted to the PCs presence at the secretdoor, Trillabeth will cast Unholy Blight on the PCsfrom her position at the doorway. If given enoughtime, she will also cast a Lightning Bolt down thetunnel at the approaching PCs. If attacked,Trillabeth will tryto obtainthe Heart ofOsirisand useher Teleport Without Error ability to flee. A coward,she avoids combat wherever possible, preferring toassault enemies from a distance with her offensivespells before fleeing.

Khertoosk's method of fighting is the same,

regardlessof whosurpriseswhom. (Remember thatif Trillabeth is not present, she can not warnKhertoosk if the Alarm spell is triggered). Themummy focuses his efforts on the party's spellcaster or cleric, using his Death Touch and Inflict

Moderate Wounds. Once any spell casters aeliminated, he fights on using his +1 Frosting sicksword. If Khertoosk is reduced to 30 or fewer hp, huses his Meld Into Stone spell and merges with thstone daisunder hissarcophagus.

Inside the stone sarcophagus is thfollowing: the key to the doors at Area 4 (which wnot disable the trap on the room), 2 potions of CuSerious Wounds and a Ring of Protection +1 an835 GPs. Furthermore, if the party manages to sla

Khertoosk, they may recover his +1 Frosting sicksword and his +2 breastplate. If the PCs asomehow able to slay Trillabeth, they will find upoher body a Bag of Holding (Bag I) containing hspell book (in Abyssal) and a scabbard of KeeEdges.

If Trillabeth was not present or was slain, or if thPCs were extremelyquickon their feet, they will nopossess the Heart of Osiris containing the essencof the great chaos serpent, Apep. However, themust decide what to do with it:Arcanphilus is surewant it back, for one thing. Treat the heart of Osiras a major artifact. Its properties, powers anmethods of destruction shall be presented in future adventure.

The open sarcophagus belongs to Parotep thVampire.During thezenith ofApep'spower,Parotewas a champion of unequaled skill and savagewithin the Chaos Serpent’s church. When he diehe was given the gift of vampirism by the clerics Apep using the Inverted Ankh. Parotep accepte

this gift willingly to serve Apep beyond the mortconstraints ofhisbody.

see MonstAppendix

There is a 5% cumulative base chance of Parotebeing present in this cavern or in any of the othecave areas (Areas 7-15) when they are explored.Parotep is not in the Burial Chamber when the parenters, the chance of his being encountered in thnext cave area increases to 10%, and so on in eacsubsequent cave area. I f Parotep is nencountered in any of the cave areas, he may bassumed to be out hunting in the Underdark whehe isgreatly fearedand wherehe findsgreat sport

theexpenseofDrow, Duergar, Derroand Illithids.Parotep is unaware that Khertoosk has beeawakened, as the vampire does not enter thtemple complex very often. Should he for areason meet up with Khertoosk, Parotep w





Area6: Burial Chamber

Parotep:Vampire/Fighter12;hp 123;

"Although the rocky ground of this cavern has beehewn smooth, the walls and roof retain their naturfeatures. Six stone sarcophagi, covered hieroglyphs, are placed haphazardly in the northeportion of the cavern. All are sealed save one, istone lid lying smashed on the ground beside thopen tomb." 


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immediately offer his loyaltiesandservices.

Parotep relishes hand to hand combat.After using his Domination supernatural ability onthe first notable spell caster, he will close in and usehisbastard swordto full effect.

Within each of the five sealed sarcophagi is themummified, but quite dead, remains of Apep'shighest-ranking cleric of five dynasties of theancient kingdom of Thaz. Each of these five burial

devices has a powerful divine spell trap in place toprevent the remains within from being disturbed.These t raps were p laced before Apep 'simprisonment and the magic that powers each trapis still fully active. Lifting a lid off of any of thesarcophagi (Strength check DC 20) without firstdisablingthe traptriggersthespell.

Destruction spell trap;CR 7; Target/Range: Individual lifting lid or failingDisable Device check; Death, Fortitude save (DC20) partial (10d6 hp damage instead of death);SearchDC 34,DisableDeviceDC34.

Within this sarcophagus PCs findmummified remains, a large emerald (903 GP), 297GP, a divine scroll containing the 5th level spell

FlameStrike,anda potionof Flying.Harm spell trap; CR6;

Target/Range: as 1st trapped sarcophagus; all but1d4 hp lost, no save, Search DC33, Disable DeviceDC34.

Mummified remains, 430 GP, 4400 SP,anda ring ofClimbing.

Greater Glyph ofWarding (BlastGlyph [fire]) spell trap; CR 6; Range:70 square feet; 10d6 hp damage, Reflex save (DC19)halves, SearchDC 33,DisableDevice DC34.

Mummified remains, 91 PP, and a wandcontaining the 2nd level clerical spell CureModerateWoundswith 20 charges

Slay Living spell trap;CR 5; Target/Range: as 1st trapped sarcophagus;Death, Fortitude save (DC 17) partial (3d6+14 hpdamage instead of death); Search DC 32, DisableDeviceDC 34.

Mummified remains, 430 GP, 1700 SP,anda periapt ofWisdom(+2).

Disintegrate spell trap;CR 7; Target/Range; as 1st trapped sarcophagus,range 10 feet, +10 ranged touch attack; Death,Fortitude save (DC 20) partial (5d6 hp damageinstead ofdeath); SearchDC 34,DisableDeviceDC34

Mummifiedremainsand 4 fire opals (300GPeach).

This cave is thesite of an extensivegeysernetworwhich pipes scalding hot water up from the hsprings farbelow. PCswho make a successful Spcheck (DC15) noticedozensof small, smoothholethatpuncturethe cavern floor.

There is a cumulative 1% chance per round PCspend in this area that an eruption occurs. If th

happens, PCs take 3d6 hp damage (Reflex sav[DC 20] halves) each round from the scalding watexiting the shafts under high pressure. An eruptiolasts1d6+4rounds.

There is a 30% base chance for each cavern thsome sort of underground wildlife will also bencountered. Listed below is a table for generatinencounters, but DMs should first determine Parotep will be encountered in a given cavern (seArea6) and only check for an encounter below if thvampire is not present. Each creature or group creatures below should only be encountered onctreat a second encounter of the same type as nencounter. Also, each cavern should only have onencounter regardless of how often PCs pathrough it.

Areas 8-15 only, BaseChance 30%, roll 1d121: 1d6+4 Darkmantles (MM p 39)2: Umberhulk (MM p.p. 180 - 181)3: 1d8+5 Stirges (MM p.p 173 - 174)4: Basilisk (MM p.p. 23 - 24)5: 2 Rust Monsters (MM p 157)6: Troll (MM p 180)

7: Otyugh (MM p.p. 147 - 148)8: 1d6+5 Shocker Lizards (MM p 164)9: Roper (MM p.p. 156 - 157)10: 1d3+1 Violet Fungi & 1d2+3 Shriekers (MMp.p. 93 - 94)11: Destrachan (MM p 47)12: Shambling Mound (MM p.p. 162 - 163)

This tunneldescends steeply for many miles befoit eventually enters the realms and kingdoms of thUnderdark. It is here that Parotep does most of hhunting amongst the various races that dwell withthese hidden domains. Information on thUnderdark is not included here, as it would exceethescope of this adventure. DMs arefree to offerth

players the opportunity to explore these regions,deadlychallengein theirown right.


1st Trapped Sarcophagus:


2ndTrapped Sarcophagus:


3rd Trapped Sarcophagus:


4th Trapped Sarcophagus:


5thTrapped Sarcophagus:



Areas8 - 15:Caverns

Cavern EncounterTable:

Area16: UnderdarkAccess

"The walls and roof of this cavern are worn smooth.

No stalagmites or stalactites are present. Aunnatural quiet blankets theentire area." 

"These caverns are overflowing with various typeof subterranean flora (puffballs, lichen, fungi, mosetc.). Stalactites and stalagmites are also to bfound in abundance" 


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Item Encounters

1 2 3

Cast of Characters

Achaierai ●

Arcanphilus ●

Flame Snake ●

Giant Scorpion ●

Khertoosk ●

Parotep ●

Trillobeth ●


Map of Complex ●

Map of Gully ●

Media Files

Arcanphilus ●

Scorpions ●

Spoken Riddle, Lightning ●


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Description: A large, blue, reptilian head bearing a single massive horn upon its snout, Themajority of its bulk is covered in iridescent azure scales, polished to a glossy finish.History: More than can be written in this tomeTemperament: Arcanphilus is vain and arrogant to the extreme.Religious Beliefs: Arcanphilus sees the gods as a threat to his reignFollowers: None

Skills: Bluff (Expert)Concentration (Expert)Diplomacy (Expert)Knowledge-Arcana (Expert)Knowledge-History (Expert)Knowledge-Religion (Expert)Listen (Expert)Search (Expert)

Spellcraft (Expert)Spot (Expert)

Special Skills: Dragon Awe- suffer the effects of terror if willpower save is failed


Dragon (Male adult)noneLevel: 13HP: 130AC: 20 (equivilent to

highly enchantedplate)


STRENGTH 3 26 145%

AGILITY 1.1 11 60%

FITNESS 2.3 20 114%

KNOWLEDGE 1.8 17 91%

PERCEPTION 1.9 17 96%

PERSONALITY 1.8 17 91%


No. Attacks: 4

SKILLSFlyby Attack (Master)Lightning Breath-equivilent to a severelectric shock

SPELLSVarious Combatspells at Expert level


Armor Class: 20 (equivilent to highlyenchanted plate)



SPELLSvarious defensive spells at Expertlevel


Walk: 40Run: n/aFly: 150

Swim: 20








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Description: A crumbling shell of a man held together by dried linen and powerful magicTemperament: Nasty

Skills: Concentration (Expert)

Listen (Skilled)Observe (Expert)

Special Skills: Tough Hide (see armor)


MummyPriestLevel: 13HP: 90AC: Equivelent tosubstanciallyenchanted platearmor


STRENGTH 1.8 17 91%

AGILITY 1 11 55%

FITNESS 0 3 10%

KNOWLEDGE 1.1 11 60%

PERCEPTION 2.2 20 109%

PERSONALITY 1.6 15 82%


No. Attacks: 3

SKILLSCombat Casting(Skilled)Death touch -Save againstFitness or die

SPELLSSpellcraft-Death andDestruction Prayers(Expert)


Armor Class: Equivelent to substanciallyenchanted plate armor

SKILLSHide (Skilled)Sneak (Skilled)



Walk: 20Run: n/aFly: n/a

Swim: n/a


Breast Plate (small bonus)




Unholy Symbol, Obsidian(inverted ankh)Sickle of Frost (minor cold



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Description: Desicated and dry, it's been a long time since he fed well.History: See adventure pageTemperament: Confident in his dark abilitiesReligious Beliefs: Fanatical follower of Apep

Skills: Bluff (Skilled)Listen (Skilled)

Observe (Skilled)Human Perception (Skilled)


VampireWarriorLevel: 12HP: 111AC: Equivelent tolargely enchantedplate armor


STRENGTH 2.7 23 132%

AGILITY 1.9 17 96%

FITNESS 0 3 10%

KNOWLEDGE 1.3 13 69%

PERCEPTION 1.5 14 78%

PERSONALITY 1.3 13 69%


No. Attacks: 3

SKILLSParotep is a (Master) SwordsmanHe possess all of the typical abilitiesof an ancient vampire




Armor Class: Equivelent to largely enchantedplate armor

SKILLSHide (Skilled)Sneak (Skilled)



Walk: 20Run: n/a

Fly: n/aSwim: n/a






Full Plate armor (small bonus)Bastard sword (moderate bonus)



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Ride (Expert)Observe (Expert)


SuccubusSorceressLevel: 14HP: 45

AC: She wears noarmor but issupernaturally agile(ch


STRENGTH 1.4 14 73%

AGILITY 1.4 14 73%

FITNESS 1.4 14 73%

KNOWLEDGE 2.3 20 114%

PERCEPTION 1.5 14 78%

PERSONALITY 2.2 20 109%


No. Attacks: 1

SKILLSSee MM, pp 43 & 44 for specialracial abilities




Armor Class: She wears no armor but issupernaturally agile (ch

SKILLSSee MM, pp 43 & 44 for specialracial abilities



Walk: 30Run: n/aFly: 50

Swim: n/a






Bag of HoldingSpellbook and spell componentsScabbard of Keen Edges (minorbonus)


Description: Whatever she desiresHistory: See adventure pageTemperament: A coward through and through, but she is a meticulReligious Beliefs: Follower of powers darker and more powerful than s

Skills: Bluff (Skilled)Concentration (Skilled)Disguise (Skilled or Master when shapeshifting)

Escape Artist (Moderate)Hide (Moderate)Knowledge-Religion (Skilled)Listen (Expert)Move Silently (Moderate)


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Map #1


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Map #2


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Handout #1


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This document has been designed to

 provide Gamemasters with the statistics for anyall Characters, and Enchanted Items presentedin the Grinning Goblin Adventure,“A Touch Of Chaos”.

“A Touch Of Chaos” is intended for a

group of 4 to 6 characters of high (10 to 13)level.

Gamemasters should feel free to modify thedifficulty level of the adventure to suit hisstyle of play and the experience of theadventuring party.

Limits on the availability of race and classshould be decided on by the Gamemaster.

This document was written under version 1.0 of the Open Gaming License and the draft version of the D20System Trademark License, D20 System Trademark Logo Guide and System Reference Document by permission from Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent printings of this document will incorporate final versions othe License, guide and document.

All information presented within the shaded boxes in this document are protected under the Open GamingLicense found at the end of this document. Parts of these portions of this document originate from the D20System Reference Document and are ©2000 Wizards of the Coast. The remainder of these portions of thisdocument are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “A

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A Touch of Chaos D20 Conversion Supplement

 by Mark Butcher 

& Colin Haslett

Monster Appendix

Arcanphilus CR Size HDhp Init Spd AC Atk  

Face Reach SA

SQSR Al Sv Fort Ref Will

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha





Spells PrepaSorcerer 5

Burrowing Grubs

Sword and Sorcery Studios Necromancer Games




: Skills and Feats listed for the named monsters which follow are only the most essential and relevant entries needed run encounters efficiently. DMs should feel free to make additions and alterations to better suit their campaigns, and are referred tothe core rule books to make such changes. Also, only special attacks or qualities unique to the monsters listed below have beenincluded. In most cases these particular special attacks/qualities are a result of common monsters having levels in PC classes. For regular special attacks/qualities possessed by these monsters refer to their entries in the Monster Manual (page numbers are listed).

: Male Adult Blue Dragon; 13; Huge; 23d12 + 115 (note that Arcanphilus has maximum hit dicfor a dragon his age); 299; +4; 40 ft, fly 150 ft (poor), burrow 20 ft; 28 (-2 size, +20 natural); +28 melee (2d8

  bite), +22 melee (2d6+4, 2 claws), +22 melee (1d8+4, 2 wings), +22 melee (2d6+12, tail slap); 10 ft x 20 ft; 10 ft;

  breath weapon, crush, spells, create/destroy water, spell-like abilities; frightful presence, immunities (paralysis, sleep, electricitsound imitation, damage reduction 5/+1, blindsight 180 ft, darkvision 600 ft; 21; Lawful Evil; +17, +12, +

27, 10, 21, 16, 17, 16

: Bluff +26, Concentration + 28, Diplomacy +26, Knowledge (Arcana) +26, Knowledge (History) +26, Knowledge(Religion) +26, Listen +26, Search +26, Spellcraft +26, Spot +26

: Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Snatch, Weapon Focus (Bite)

(see also MM p.p. 61 - 62 & 66) Breath Weapon (Su) line of lightning; 100 ft long; 12d8 hp damage, Reflex save (DC halves

Frightful Presence, Will save (DC 24) negates; note that Arcanphilus’ frightful presence save DC is higher than normadue to his HD advancement

: Arcanphilus casts clerical spells, including spells from the domains Air, Evil & Law, as arcane spells.6/5/3, Save DC 13 + spell level, cast as

Arcane Mark, Daze, Detect Magic, Flare, Read Magic, Resistance

Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Good

Endurance, Mirror Image, Web

: CR 4 (per group)

When first encountered, a Spot check (DC 15) can be made to avoid these grubs entirely. If this check fails thegrubs have come in contact with the victim and penetrated his skin. Once this occurs the victim can make a Wisdomcheck (DC 15). If successful he notices strange bumps moving about underneath his skin. Each turn after contact aFortitude save (DC 17) must be made. If failed, the victim sustains 2d6 Constitution damage. When the victim’sConstitution drops to 0 he dies. The grubs then look for a new host. During the first two rounds after contact the grubcan be killed by applying flame to or cutting open the skin of the affected area, but this cure also does 2d6 hp damage tthe victim. A successful Heal check (DC 15) reduced damage by cutting to 1d6. After the second round only a CureDisease spell will save the victim.

: The above encounter is presented as created by and .

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: Magical Beast (Abyssal Viper); 5; Huge; 4d8+4; 23; +4 (Dex +4); 20 ftclimb 20 ft, swim 20 ft; 15 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural); +5 melee (1d4 bite + poison), 15 ft x 15 ft(coiled); 10 ft; breath weapon, poison, smite good; darkvision 60 ft, cold and fire resistance10, damagereduction 5/+1, scent; SR 8; Chaotic Evil; +5, +8, +2; 10, 19, 13, 3, 12,

: Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +3, Listen +9, Spot +9

: Weapon Finesse (bite)

: Breath Weapon (Su); cone of fire; 20 ft long, 3d6 hp damage, Reflex save (DC 17) halves, useable every 1d4


Poison (Ex); 1d6/1d6 Constitution damage, Fort save (DC 15); poison is delivered on any successful bite attack 

Smite Good (Su); Once per day the flame snake can make a bite attack to deal additional damage equal to its HDtotal against any good aligned character or creature.

: Scent (see MM p 10)

: When appearing on the Prime Material plane, these creatures of the Abyss take the form of largevipers, their eyes glowing with orange flame.

: Mummy/Cleric 14 (Undead); 13; Medium; 6d12+3+14d8; 116; +3 (-1 Dex, +4Improved Initiative); 20 ft; 24 (-1 Dex, +7 armor [+2 breastplate], +8 natural); +16/+11/+6 melee(1d6+4+1d8, 18-20 x3 [+1 frosting sickle sword]); Death Touch, Despair, Mummy Rot, Smite Good, Spells;Resistance to Blows, Undead Immunities, Vulnerable to Fire; Chaotic Evil; +11, +5, +19; 17,

8, -, 10, 20, 15

: Concentration +17, Hide +8, Listen +12, Move Silently +8, Spellcraft +17, Spot +12

: Alertness; Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Toughness

: (See also MM p 138) Death Touch (Su); Once per day Khertoosk can make a single melee touch attack thatsuccessful, deals 7d6 points of damage. If the damage total exceeds the victim’s hit points the victim dies, no save (if damage total does not exceed the victim’s hit points the victim suffers the damage regardless).

Smite Good (Su); Once per day Khertoosk can make a single melee attack against any good creature with additio bonuses of +4 to hit and +14 to damage.

: 6/6+1/4+1/3+1/2+1, cast as a 7 level cleric, Save DC is 15+Spell level, Domains; Death & Destruction

: Unholy symbol, obsidian (inverted ankh), +2 breast plate, +1 frosting sickle sword

: Vampire/Fighter 12 (Undead); 14; Medium; 12d12; 123; +7 (+3 Dex, +4 ImprovInitiative); 20 ft; 27 (+1 Dex, +10 Armor [+2 Full Plate], +6 natural); +23/+18/+13 melee (1d10+12, 17-x 2 [+3 bastard sword]) or +19 melee (1d6+7 and energy drain, slam); Domination, Energy Drain, Blood Drain,Children of the Night, Create Spawn; Damage Reduction 15/+1, Resistance, Gaseous Form, Spider Climb, Alterna

Form, Fast Healing; Chaotic Evil; +8, +7, + 6; 24, 17, -, 12, 14, 12

: Bluff +9, Hide +11, Listen +10, Move Silently +11, Search +9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +10 ( : these skare a Vampire’s base racial skills only)

: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Critical,Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (bastard sword0, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)

& : see MM p.p. 221-222

: +2 full plate armor, +3 bastard sword

Flame Snake CR Size HD hp Init SpdAC Atk Face

Reach SA SQAl Sv Fort Ref Will Str Dex Con Int Wis Ch






Khertoosk CR Size HD hp InitSpd AC Atk  

SA SQAl Sv Fort Ref Will Str

Dex Con Int Wis Cha






Parotep CR Size HD hp InitSpd AC Atk  


Al Sv Fort Ref Will Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha







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: 9; Huge (12 ft tall); 14d10; 91; +3; fly 50 ft (good); 25;+19 melee (2d4+9, 18-20 x2 [x1d6 falchions]), (1d6+9, 18-20 x2 [x1d6 scimitars]); 10 ft x 10 ft; 10

Barbed Whirl; construct immunities, damage reduction 10/+1, darkvision 60 ft; Neutral; +4, ++4; 29, 9, -, 3, 10, 0

: Listen +12, Spot +12

: Improved Initiative

: Barbed Whirl (Su); Each round roll 2d6 to determine how many melee attacks the searing wind construct ca

make with its falchions and scimitars. Divide attacks evenly among all PCs within its reach.

: Construct Immunities; immune to mind influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, deatheffects and necromantic effects. Constructs are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability draor energy drain. They are immune to anything that requires a Fortitude save, unless that effect also works on objects.Constructs are not at risk of death from massive damage. When reduced to 0 hit points or less they are immediatelydestroyed. Having never been alive, constructs cannot be raised or resurrected.

: The searing wind construct takes the form of a 12 foot high, writhing, swirling mass of air and dustcollection of various melee weapons are used as the searing wind construct’s primary attack form. These weapons,normally the only clue to a dormant searing wind construct’s presence, are snatched up and driven on by the construct’strong winds upon materialization.

: The above Searing Wind Construct is a slightly altered version of the monster as created by


: Succubus/Wizard 5 (Outsider); 14; Medium; 6d8+6+5d4+5; 55; +5 (+1 Dex, +4Improved Initiative); 30 ft, fly 50 ft (average); 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural); +7 melee (1d3+1, 2 claws);spells, spell-like abilities, energy drain, summon Tanar’ri; damage reduction 20/+2, SR 12, Tanar’ri qualities,alternate form, tongues; Chaotic Evil; +7, +7, +11; 13, 13, 13, 21, 14,

: Bluff +11, Concentration +7, Disguise +11 (+21 when using Alternate Form ability), Escape Artist +7, Hid+7, Knowledge (religion) +11, Listen +16, Move Silently +7, Ride +17, Search +11, Spot +16

: Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved initiative, Mobility

& : See MM p.p. 43-44

4/4/3/2, cast as a 5 level Wizard, Save DC is 15+spell level

Detect magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance

Alarm, Enlarge, Mage Armor, Burning Hands

Blur, Cat’s Grace, Endurance

Fireball, Lightning Bolt

: Bag of Holding (type 1); spell book, material components, scabbard of keen edges

Searing Wind Construct CR Size HD hp Init Spd ACAtk Face ReachSA SQ Al Sv Fort RefWill Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha






Sword and

Sorcery Studios

Trillabeth CR Size HD hp InitSpd AC Atk SA

SQAl Sv Fort Ref Will Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha




Spells Prepared




5/14/2018 D20 - D&D 3rd - Adventure - Level 10-13 - A Touch of Chaos - Grinning Goblin Adventures - slidepdf.com

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/d20-dd-3rd-adventure-level-10-13-a-touch-of-chaos-grinning-goblin-adventures 35/35


THIS LICENSE IS APPROVED FOR GENERAL USE. Distribute.PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THIS LICENSE IS MADE BY 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any PrWIZARDS OF THE COAST! Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, exceOPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement wit

owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree nThe following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. andindicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademais Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). AllRegistered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Rights Reserved.Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, indepe

1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or  Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registrademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Co(b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Pro

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14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held  products or the associated products contributed to the Open Gameunenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the eLicense by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means tonecessary to make it enforceable.use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise

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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Contentthat contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content mayonly be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affixsuch a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No termsmay be added to or subtracted from this License except as described

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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to usethis License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this

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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of theCOPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You arecopying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, thecopyright date, and the copyright holder's name to theCOPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you