D47 Sunshiner - April, 2011

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The Sunshiner

www.toastmastersd47.org April 2011

Inside this Issue

Rick Furbush, District Governor 2

Pamela Rolle, LGET

Matt Kinsey, LG Marketing

Governor Rick Scott’s Letter

2011 Spring Conference

Conference Schedule

Proxy Form

Nomination Committee Report

Area Governor Opportunities

District 47 Calendar

Compassionate Communicator

Toastmaster in the News—Rich Otten

Toastmaster in the News—John Schneyer

My Life as a Toastmaster—Sirisha Modukuru

Popcorn Helps Grow Club—Anthony Longley

150 People at Area Contest–Cynthia Beckles

Advanced Toastmasters’ Club—Joan Dalie

Bilingual Club—Steven Harwood

Belle Glades Toastmasters Club–L.J. Margolis

District Contests

February & March Education Achievements

Bonus Page






















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District Conference … “Here We Come”

I have had the best experience this month attending the Division Contests. I have at-tended 5 of the 6 contests so far with 3 more to go. The quality of the speeches and TableTopics is some of the best I have ever heard. If this is any indication of how we are doing …“We’re Number One”.

The Spring District Conference will be held in Tampa on April 29 – May 1st. It is our pre-mier event held over 3 days. If you have never attended one, it is a MUST, for your Toastmas-ter experience.

David Henderson, the Reigning 2010 World Champion of Public Speaking will be at-tending, giving not only a Keynote Speech Friday night, but two workshops over the week-end. We have 12 Educational Workshops slated for Saturday morning as well as our Two Dis-trict Contests. If you joined Toastmasters to be the best speaker you can be, or at least gainconfidence and certainty in life, the District conference is made for YOU!

Have you heard about the DTM Walk? A very poignant ceremony capping off years ofhard work for the very few that make it all the way in Toastmasters. Those who haveachieved our highest Designation will be honored Saturday night with the induction of theclass of 2010.

Who’s Running? A district is only as good as its leaders. It is a very important responsi-bility of all District Council Members (District Officers and all Club Presidents and VPEs) topick the future leaders of our District. We will hold our District Council Meeting on Saturdayafternoon to vote on not only what officers will lead us into the future, but the split of ourDistrict.

Communication and Leadership Award Luncheon will be honoring our very popularoutgoing Tampa Mayor, Pam Iorio. It is an award given to a non-toastmaster in our commu-nity who exemplifies those qualities.

Highlight your Toastmaster year by coming to our District 47 Spring Conference. Seeyou there!

Rick Furbush

District 47 Governor

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Update from Rick Furbush, District Governor

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Spring is in the air! It’s the season of rebirth, renewal and re-growth. It’s also time for this most glamor-

ous event in the world; our District 47 “Viva Las Vegas” 2011 Spring Conference at the Tampa Airport Mar-

riott. You won’t want to miss out on the most exciting event in town!

Our members participated in the Table Topics and International Speech Contests within their respective

Clubs, Areas and Divisions. Division contest winners will advance to the District contest to compete for the

top prize and the District 47 International Speech Contest winner will represent the District at the semi finals

in Las Vegas, Nevada. Come and give them your full support!

We welcome our First Timers to the Conference! There are already over 100 First Timers registered and

we have something very special planned for you! Come prepared to enjoy an experience of a lifetime.

This year, we are pleased to present the 2011 Communication & Leadership Award to Tampa Mayor, Pam

Iorio. We are thrilled she accepted this honor and invite those who have not registered to come and be a

part of this historic event. Workshop presenters will share a wealth of knowledge during the education ses-

sions and we encourage you to take advantage of the ultimate networking experience during this weekend of

learning and fun.

All members who earned their Distinguished Toastmaster Award (DTM) designation will be recognized at

the DTM walk on Saturday evening after the International Speech Contest. Come celebrate their achieve-

ments with us. Our keynote speaker and special guest for the weekend is David Henderson, the 2010 World

Champion of Public Speaking. He is very excited to present in three separate sessions; Friday evening at the

opening ceremony, Saturday afternoon in a general session and on Sunday morning in a live coaching session.

Please plan to attend all three sessions.

On Friday night, we will recognize all members who earned education awards since the last conference.

On Saturday at the luncheon, all members who achieved three or more education awards will be recognized

and will receive the “Triple Crown Award”; a beautifully designed pin you can proudly display.

If you have not had the opportunity to do so, I encourage you to take advantage of purchasing an ad in our

keepsake conference book using the link:


By purchasing an ad, you can advertise your Club, business, or send good wishes to someone special like a

Toastmaster who mentored you and helped in your development. The keepsake program will be distributed

to each conference attendee.

Our Division Governors and their teams are working behind the scenes to make this conference a special

event for you. Special thanks to our Spring Conference Chair, Jane Strong, DTM and Co-Chair, Glennette

Reckley, DTM who worked diligently during the past few months to plan, implement

and execute this weekend of learning and fun. Thank you all for your support and

commitment to making this Conference a grand affair.

Special thanks to you the members of District 47 for making our Conference a success.

We look forward for seeing you and sharing with you during this very special and

glamorous occasion.

Best Regards, Pamela

Update from Pamela Rolle, Lt. Governor Education & Training

Pamela D. Rolle, DTM

Lt. Governor Education & Training

prolle@toastmastersd47.org Page 3

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Marketing Toastmasters to the “Connected Generations”

According to current data, the median age for Toastmasters in the United States is over 50. How-

ever, as of last year, there are now more Generation Y (those born between 1975 and 2000) employ-

ees in the workforce than any other generation. Becoming attractive to younger members is essen-

tial to many of our Toastmasters clubs. So, what drives Generation Y?

Generation Y represents the youngest age group of talent in the work force. Generation Yers are

said to desire attention in the forms of feedback and guidance and wish to be kept in the broader

communication loop. More so than any other age group, Generation Y has grown up being plugged-in

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is the most technologically savvy of these age groups.

Lisa Johnson in her book Mind Your X's and Y's: Satisfying the 10 Cravings of a New Generation of

Consumers, categorizes the combined Generation X and Generation Y as the "Connected Genera-

tion." She examines the buying behaviors of 18- to 40-year-olds and depicts these "multitasking, con-

stantly upgrading customers who grew up in the Internet era" to base their decisions upon ten

"consumer cravings."

Those ten cravings are identified by terms such as:

1. "Extreme personalization"

2. "Adventure"

3. "Loose connections" by way of social networks

4. “Intuitive design"

5. Helping to "sift through the clutter" by way of interpersonal editors and filters

6. "The rejection of push advertising and the rising influence of peer-to-peer networks"

7. “Connected citizens explore their creative power and influence change”

8. Delivering "a dramatic sense of theater"

9. Finding common ground through "Spiritual hunger and modern media"

10. And finally, by giving back through "volunteerism and the meaning of contribution"

Your action step in your club is to identify how your club’s marketing messages are adapted to

these 10 cravings. Toastmasters communication skills seem to apply very easily to

points 1, 7, 8 and 10. As Toastmasters, we have an understanding of the impor-

tance and power of the spoken word. Leadership skills apply across nearly all of

these market forces. Are you conveying this value to potential Generation Y

members in language that makes sense to them? Are you conveying the exist-

ing Toastmasters messages of communication and leadership via media that is

more engaging to both Generation X and particularly Y: The Internet, and more

specifically, by way of channels that facilitate user engagement, such as blogs,

Facebook, YouTube, and many other types of Social Media.

Does your club embrace these technologies or do you try to ignore

them?Matt Kinsey, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketingmkinsey@toastmastersd47.org

Matt Kinsey, Lt. Governor Marketing

Page 4Content contributed by Roberta Perry

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District 47 Toastmasters’Spring Conference

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Make sure that your Club is aware of what is going on in the District. The District Council Meeting is for all

members to attend and for Club Officers to cast the Club’s 2 votes.

At the Spring Council meeting, we will vote on the incoming District leaders. Since we will be splitting into2 Districts, we will be electing 1 District Governor, 2 Lt. Governor Education & Training, 2 Lt. GovernorMarketing and the Division Governors. Realignment for all Areas and Divisions will also be voted on. Newmotions will be made that we all discuss and vote on. Information will be shared so we are all in tune with

updates that pertain to all members of District 47.

This form must be presented to the Credentials Committee if the Club President or Vice President

Education designates another Club member as a voting delegate for the District Council Meeting.

Club Name: __________________________________________ Club Number: ____________________

I hereby appoint: ___________________________________________, as an active member in good standing

of the Club, to vote as Club Proxy at the Conference stated above.

Signed: _______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Club President or Vice President Education



A voting member (delegate) MUST be an active member of the Club. No member can carry more

than two votes, unless otherwise entitled to a third vote as a District Officer (see references



Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education or their proxies: Either Officer or their proxy can

cast both Club votes. The voting member must be an active member of the Club. One-third of

these votes is the minimum required for a Quorum.

District Officers: Each District Officer is entitled to one vote. District Officer votes do not count

towards a quorum. If otherwise entitled, District Officers may also cast the votes for one Club.


1. QUORUM: One-third of the Club votes of the District. Without a quorum, business is conducted

exactly the same as if there was a quorum. Each Club casts two votes.


1. PROXIES: Per Club Standard Constitution (Cat. No. 210-C) Article VII Sec. 9 and District

Administrative Bylaws (Cat. No. 210-D) Article X (d):

2. QUORUM: Per District Administrative Bylaws (Cat. No. 210-D) Article X, Par. (c).

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Nomination Committee Report

Please find below the Nomination Committee Report based on a meetingheld March 12, 2011 in Fort Lauderdale, FL and by telephone interview heldMarch 16.The committee interviewed 15 candidates interested in serving District 47during the 2011-2012 Toastmasters year. Below you will find the namesthat will appear on the ballots for each position for the upcoming elections.

District Governor Pamela D. RolleLt. Governor Education & Training EAST Matt KinseyLt. Governor Education & Training WEST Kathy FurbushLt. Governor Marketing EAST Myrna S. BrooksLt. Governor Marketing WEST Ron Rice

Division A OPENDivision B Jeanine KinseyDivision C Bett CorreaDivision D Kristin DeLucaDivision E Mitch McInnisDivision F Lori StephensDivision G Cathy NaabeDivision H Sparkie LovejoyDivision I Rachel A. Ferguson

Any member in good standing can run for any of the above roles from thefloor. Come prepared with a campaign speech and any campaign materialand when asked “are there any more candidates for xxx”, announce thename of additional candidates and the role will be decided by vote of theCouncil.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristina Kihlberg, DTMNomination Committee Chairman 2010-2011

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Toastmasters offers us many opportunities to hone our leadership abilities.Starting in our Club, we take on roles that put us in a position to lead differ-ent segments of the meeting. Tasks like General Evaluator, Topics Masterand Toastmaster help us build confidence and management skills one step ata time as we check off the tasks in our CL manual.

Then we stretch a little more by signing on as a Club Officer. Each of theClub Officer roles provides us with the invaluable leadership experience. Theseven Club Officers team up and work to lead the membership to success forthemselves and the Club.

What comes next? Once you’ve mastered the Club leadership opportunitiesit’s time to take the next step, and it’s a big one: District Officer.

The District is always looking for dedicated, enthusiastic Toastmasters to be-come Area Governors. The role requires a 1-year commitment to assist 4-7Clubs achieve the Club Mission.

For a list of TI’s qualifications go to this weblink:


or ask your current Area or Division Governor for more information.

Is it hard work? You bet! But isn’t anything that’s worthwhile?

Here in District 47 we work hard and play hard! Become a part of the fun and fel-lowship. Become a District 47 Leader!

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We are adding our District 47 Calendar to the Sunshiner.

Each month we will show you what’s happening in your District 47 at

several levels:

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Toastmasters Who Will Be Missed

Americo (Rick) Finizio, 84 ofFort Lauderdale Beach, FLpassed away on November 14,2010. He was the son of a poorItalian immigrant family fromPhiladelphia, PA. He moved hisfamily to Fort Lauderdale, FLwhere he served the BrowardSheriff's Office. He touched thelives of hundreds of children andadults through his Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) motiva-tion and encouragement. He dedicated himself to com-munity work with Dale Carnegie courses, Toastmasters,(encouraging his 4 children to become Toastmasters);the juvenile justice program and various other not forprofit organizations. His light will continue to shine for-ever for all of those whom he knew. His motto will live on"What good have I done today to make someone else'slife better? If I have not, then I have wasted a day." Ateacher to the end, Rick never wasted a day on this Earthaccepting every day as a blessing and knowing that eachcould be his last. He is the reason for so many others'


It is with great sadness that we announce the

passing of Toastmaster Jianhong (Jane)Gu of Freddy’s Forum, Club 5173, in WestPalm Beach, FL. Jane is survived by her hus-band Quinlong (Gary) Wu, and their two chil-dren, Beverley and George. Jane joinedFreddy’s Forum on March 1, 2008, and imme-diately volunteered to be club Secretary. Shewas serving as the VP of Membership and hadrecruited 12 new members since July 1, 2010.Jane’s love of family and math, and zest for

life were apparent to all who knew her.

Jane inspired by example and encouraged others to step outside theircomfort zone. The text of one of her inspirational speeches is on theFreddy’s Forum web site at http://freddysforum.freetoasthost.net/

page5.html Jane’s presence in our lives will be greatly missed.

Joseph Miller, DTM, 66,passed on to heaven on Feb 2,2011. He was an active mem-ber of the community andserved as District 47 New ClubChair. Joseph loved the idea oftouching lives and encouragingothers to be their best and todo their best with what theyhad. He did this with his wifeKathleen, and with his children,son Jonas and daughtersSands and Nikki.Joseph’s email signature was a quote from Aristotle, aquote that he lived by: “We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence then is not an act, but a habit”. His habits havemade lasting marks on his family, friends and the peoplehe tried to serve. These are the things we should rememberhim by. His love for his family, his friends, his belief in thepower of one person to make a difference, his devotion tobeing his best self, and helping others to do so.Though we are sad that he has returned to the Lord, let uscelebrate his life, his lessons, triumphs and even his fail-ures through our actions. Most importantly, let’s keep smil-ing, for it makes our hearts happy.

Amy Gordon passed away onDecember 22, 2010. Amy was atenacious soul and hung onto thislife as long as she could in spiteof the pain and suffering broughton by cancer. She leaves behindtwo sons, Jason and Con-ner. Amy, a member of Renais-sance Speakers, Clearwater, wasthe Vice President Education,Treasurer, and President at vari-ous times. She researched theToastmasters Website andlearned all kinds of interestingthings that helped her club mem-bers to excel. She made hatpacks for the officers and kepttrack of each member’s progressthrough the Speakers manualsand the Leadership manuals.Amy loved contests and when sheentered our speech contests, she always won at the club level andusually got 2nd place at the area level. Amy has left a void in ourlives, but we remember her with fondness for the lessons shetaught and the talents she shared with us. She will be greatlymissed. Rest in peace, dear Amy.

Janice Cleare, ACB, ALB was an extraordinary individual who touched the lives of many. The mother of fourbiological children; she extended her arms of love and nurtured and molded the lives of many others. A teacher byprofession who taught for more than three decades and lived what she taught. TM Cleare; the essence of a strongBahamian woman used her talents and abilities to enrich the lives of those around her and as a result she wasable to smell her roses while she sojourned on this earth. She was The Bahamas Telecommunications CompanyLtd. (BTC) “Mother of the Year” for 2009; Calvary Deliverance Church “Mother of the Year for 2010; and in thesame year the Primary Principals Association honored her for long and dedicated service to the teaching profes-sion. TM Cleare excelled in Toastmasters winning the 2010 Table Topics Contest for Area 81 and capturing firstand second place in the Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest respectively of Area 87 in 2010. We remem-ber her for the warmth, positive energy, encouragement and sense of humor; this wonderful mentor, master moti-

vator whose sincerity, excellent and humble spirit drew people to her. May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

Page 16

Rich Otten, Area 40 Governor, had

the opportunity to promote Toast-

masters and the work he does with

three Prison Gavel Clubs in a re-

cent interview with Joe Crankshaw

of the Stuart News.

Rich was also recently nomi-

nated by the Boy Scouts of

America, Sail Fish District for

the Distinguished Citizen

Award. There were seven

nominees for the first annual

Judge David Harper Distin-

guished Citizen Award. Each

nominee represents the high

ideals and community dedica-

tion of Judge Harper and have

been year ‘round residents of

Martin County for at least five


Rich certainly deserves the


Rich is a member of Hobe

Sound Toasters and Gold Coast


7 Nominees (arrow pointing to Rich)

In the past few years, Rich has started 3 Gavel Clubs in

the area prisons. If you have extra Toastmasters’ maga-

zines, consider donating them to your local Gavel Clubs.

Rich will be providing the music at the April Conference,

so if you have no gavel clubs in your area and you have

extra magazines, send them Rich’s way.

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John Schneyer was honored as Person of the Yearby the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce.

John was honored for outstanding service to thechamber, its members, and the community at

large. John’s Chamber work includes 2010 Boca Festival Days Chair, Ambassador, LeadsGroup Chair, Leadership Boca graduate, and chair of several chamber sub-committees. Oneof John’s favorite activities was being the Clues Master for Mission Possible, an indoor scav-enger hunt at the Boca Raton Town Center Mall, benefiting local not-for-profits.

John was on 5 fund raising committees at West Boca Raton Community High School while hischildren were students there and worked on the Project Graduation Experience for graduat-ing seniors.

John is an Advanced Communicator Gold, Advanced Leader Bronze and Area 44 Governor.While helping District 47 break the Guinness World Record for longest speech marathon,John gave 25 speeches during the event which lasted for 80 hours, 1 minute and 3 seconds.John is a member of the Boca Raton Toastmasters club , was a founding member of the PalmBeach Advanced Toastmasters and is launching the new Boca Raton Advanced Toastmas-ters’ Club.

John is President of Boca Consultants, a management consulting firm providing focused per-formance improvement to companies ranging in size from single practitioner to Fortune 100firms. A certified Problem Solving & Decision Making consultant and trainer, John hasworked with companies in Germany, England and the United States making them more ef-fective and efficient. Industries John has worked with include chemicals, pharmaceuticals,insurance, education, banking and healthcare.

Greater Boca RatonGreater Boca RatonGreater Boca Raton

Chamber of Commerce’sChamber of Commerce’sChamber of Commerce’s

Person of the YearPerson of the YearPerson of the Year

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My Life as a Toastmaster

By Sirisha Modukuru

A new branch shot forth in my life when I joined Toastmasters on the recommendation of my boss.

Caught in the web of diverse cultures as well as being faced with an amalgam of interaction dilemmas, often I

found myself tongue-tied in many. Hailing from a very traditional and conservative culture in India, coming to

America was like being able to see ultra-violet colors from the seven colors of the rainbow. Even if it is as confus-

ing as it is fascinating, one does need some time to catalogue and organize new information.

I joined my company’s Toastmasters club as a development milestone with the goal to speak more asser-

tively and frequently. But the idea of Toastmasters wasn’t just for mere conversational skills, rather speaking to

an audience of any size. I felt I planned to learn how to fly before I learned how to walk.

I longed for days back in India when I knew the rights and wrongs in speaking. Here, I was faced with a

new set of dilemmas—too strange to describe in clear words or in coherent sentences. My new branch began as

a huge thorn!

The Ice-Breaker speech was spine-chilling and I couldn’t wait to run away from the stage. I tried to add

zest and feel my speech; somehow I was able to sprint through. It was no ordinary feat because my heart made

home in my throat! No amount of gulping helped! I received encouraging reviews from everyone, except from

my evaluator. I couldn’t help but reminisce about those school-hood days when I would jubilantly await my re-

sults only to receive my teacher’s admonishment of making a silly mistake. I just thanked God that it was over

with. I didn’t present another speech until a year later.

I did my next speech on a topic close to my heart then my heart will stop pounding in my brain. My Topic

was 30 Million Gods of India. Halfway through working my topic, I realized that without visuals, it would be very

difficult for people to grasp my meaning. So, I created a PowerPoint presentation. On the morning of the

speech, I nearly cancelled it because some friends, who read my topic, had a huge objection to it. For them it

seemed a bit inappropriate to talk about one’s religious culture to a vast and diverse audience. But, when I

showed my speech to my club president, she dismissed all those objections and recommended that I present it

as Speech Project # 8, not Speech Project #2. And so I did.

This time, I got rave reviews from my fellow Toastmasters as well as my evaluator, who happened to be

my club president. That speech was very special to me because I was about five weeks pregnant then. I tried to

calm myself since over-excitement was not an option at that stage in my pregnancy. Like I listened to myself?

As the pregnancy progressed, I was too tired and couldn’t attend meetings and thus, I discontinued my

membership…temporarily. Becoming a mom strengthened my core; by the time I rejoined my club, I really

aimed to get over my fear of giving speeches. My club developed a mentor/mentee program and I was able to

get a very capable mentor. On my mentor’s suggestion, I practiced my next speech with a test audience (just my

mentor) two days before our meeting to see how my speech actually worked and

if it stayed within the timing parameters. That was a huge help. I stood on the

stage with a purpose and spoke with the goal of reaching my audience. It

worked! I got reviews and evaluations that both touched and exhilarated me. I

am now inspired to do more speeches.

After my time in Toastmasters a new thought had formed in me—why

fear? Do my best and leave the rest! There will always be people who won’t like

what I say, but many more who will treasure the words I speak. All I have to do is

speak with a purpose, where every word is uttered with the goal of making it

meaningful for each individual in the audience who graciously took a moment out

of their lives to simply listen to ME! After all, the speech is for them—the audi-

ence.Page 18

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Popcorn Anyone?

By Anthony Longley, DTM

A unique partnership spanning almost three decades, trades popcorn for newmembers. The club behind this innovative idea is The First Bahamas Branch of Toast-masters Club 1600. Every year in March, the Bahamas Red Cross holds its annualfair, a major fund raising event for the organization.

Here is how it works; The Bahamas Red Cross provides the machinery and sup-plies. Club 1600 members provide the staffing for the popcorn booth. A few mem-

bers scout the perimeter to greet parents walking withchildren and direct them toward the popcorn booth.The sales team sells them popcorn while seizing the op-portunity to sell Toastmasters and present brochures.Customers are invited to attend either a Club 1600meeting or another Toastmasters club meeting.

The popcorn for mem-bers concept hasworked well, not onlyfor Club 1600, but alsofor other clubs whosemeeting times may

prove more convenient for the prospective mem-ber. Is your club thinking out of the box? Thinkof creative ways to promote your club and seeyour membership base multiply like popcorn.

A Toddler Enjoying Her Popcorn

President of Club 1600TM Ernesto Gongora serves up a

bag of delicious, 'gourmet' popcorn

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Curt Fonger and Dawnna St. Louis Headline Area 42 Speech Contests

By Cynthia Beckles, Area 42 Governor

Area 42 Toastmasters proudly presented their Table Topics and International Speech Contests on

Friday, February 25th, 7:00PM at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center, 151 Civic Center Way - Royal Palm

Beach, FL 33411. Over 150 people attended the event featuring: Curt Fonger, Channel 12 Anchorman and

Dawnna St. Louis, District 47 Humorous Speech Champion. Area 42 Governor, Cindy Beckles, and her clubs

were proud to bring this event to the community.

Curt Fonger’s speech highlighted his 36 years in broadcasting with a special message about the im-

portance of audience knowledge and awareness. Fonger discussed how a colleague would always tell him

that he had “fooled them again” at the end of his broadcast. “Fooled Them Again” meaning that he had

again exceeded the audience’s expectations, and he encouraged the Toastmasters, family and friends to

also do the same.

Dawnna St. Louis, District 47 Humorous Speech Champion presented her 2010 award winning

speech. She made the audience laugh and ponder their Toastmasters experience. Area 42 was honored to

have Dawnna St. Louis as one of their special guest speakers. The honorable Mayor Matty Mattioli and

Vice Mayor Martha Webster of Royal Palm Beach were also in attendance.

The event showcased wonderful speakers, food and door prizes. The sponsors included: Applebee’s

Restaurant – Royal Palm Beach, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Boston Market –Corporate, Celebration Cruise Line,

Costco’s, Domino's Pizza - Wellington & Royal Palm Beach, Chick-Fil-A, Inc., DanceNSound, Duffy's Sports

Grill, Everything Bagels - Royal Palm Beach, Florida Marlins, Florida Panthers, Golden Corral Restaurant -

Royal Palm Beach, Grand Bohemian Hotel Orlando, Hilton Downtown Miami Hotel, John Di Lemme-

www.lifestylefreedomclub.com, Johnson's Custom Cakes, Jungle Queen Riverboat, Kravis Center, Miami

Dolphins, Miami Heat, Office Depot, Okeechobee Steakhouse, Publix Supermarkets, Tree's Wings Restau-

rant, Walgreen’s, Whole Foods and Women's Prosperity Network- womensproperitynetwork.com.

Group Photo courtesy of Denise Fleischman, The Town Crier Newspaper

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Why You Should Visit an Advanced Toastmasters’ ClubWhy You Should Visit an Advanced Toastmasters’ ClubWhy You Should Visit an Advanced Toastmasters’ Club

By Joan Dalie, ACS/CL

Palm Beach Advanced Toastmasters (PBAT) is my

favorite place to be on Thursday nights! Two hours of

show-stopping entertainment, combined with conquer-

ing personal challenges, and stepping outside my com-

fort zone in front of a comfortable and welcoming audi-


Palm Beach Advanced Toastmasters is the perfect

compliment to my home club experience. In my home

club, I give shorter speeches because we have a shorter meeting. We have

the traditional roles and I love to serve in them. Twice a month, I get to fur-

ther challenge myself by giving longer speeches, often from advanced

manuals, at PBAT. There is also an opportunity for more roles, such as being

the Educator during the Educational Interlude. My favorite part, though, is

that we focus on evaluations. At PBAT every prepared speaker has a 2-3

minute evaluation like in my home club. Then as many other members as

wish to can give 1 minute of feedback to the speaker. So by giving one

speech, you can receive three, five, even seven separate evaluations. We

are practiced in only sharing insights that the prior evaluators have not

shared yet, so the speaker benefits from lots of fresh, constructive feed-

back. Despite being heavy on the evaluation, the feedback is also always

generous with positive reinforcement and inspiration for the next speech.

Sometimes it is easy to satisfy our minds' need for new challenges by

making one simple change. I suggest driving to Palm Beach Gardens any 1st

or 3rd Thursday of the month, and checking out PBAT. You will enjoy the

format, the members, and the energy. You may even wish to join! All you

need is a home club, and your CC designation.

Joan has been a Project Coordinator for Rendina Companies for the

past 14 years and has been involved with Toastmasters for 12 years. She

has served as Past Area 41 Governor, Past Pres., Past VP Education, VP

Membership Talk of the Town and current VP of Membership of Palm Beach

Advanced Toastmasters

(PBAT meets at Strayer University on RCA off of PGA Blvd., just east of I-95

on the 1st and 3rd Thursday. The meetings start at 7pm and finish at 9pm)

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The Broward Bilingual Toastmaster Club

A Truly Bilingual ClubBy Steven Harwood, President BBTC

In July 1998 I moved to Deerfield Beach from New York City where I had been a member of the

Zhong-Ying Chinese-English Bilingual Toastmasters Club, a Club modeled after NYC´s Nichibei, a Japanese-

English Club.

Having just started a new regional job responsible for Latin America, I was interested in locating a

local bilingual Spanish-English Club. However despite now residing in one of the most Spanish-speaking

counties in the US, much to my surprise, I found none. Fast forward 11 years later. After joining the

Good Morning Gelfand Toastmasters Club in Hollywood, I met then Division B Governor, David Jess, who

mentioned straightaway that a Spanish-speaking member of the Ft. Lauderdale 2004 Club, Jairo Aragon,

also shared this vision for creation of a Bilingual Club.

Under David Jess’ direction, Jairo and I initiated the planning for the Broward Bilingual Club (BBTC)

and though it took some time to get things moving, beginning last year with the support of both Carmen

Bauman and Walter Bernuy also Gelfand members, the Broward Bilingual Toastmasters Club began to

take shape.

Unlike the Miami-based Spanish Language Toastmasters Club, BBTC is truly a “bilingual” initiative;

speeches and Table Topics are done both in Spanish and English. As all Toastmasters are acutely aware, a

large part of public speaking is about self-confidence. It’s a daunting challenge for everyone at first, and

beginning to speak publicly in a foreign language is many times over more difficult.

As such, one of the BBTC’s key aims is to provide members the opportunity to give a speech first in

their native language (e.g. Spanish) and then do the same speech in English (or vice-versa). What is abun-

dantly clear is that once you get used to speaking publicly in general it becomes far easier in a foreign

language as well.

The Broward Bilingual Toastmaster Club has three fundamental objectives:

To provide native Spanish-Speakers with minimal public-speaking experience the opportunity to be-

gin speaking publicly in Spanish with the ultimate aim of making the transition to public-speaking in


To give native Spanish-Speakers who are existing Toastmasters (from English-speaking clubs) and/or

experienced public-speakers, the opportunity to hone their public-speaking skills in Spanish; and

To provide non-native Spanish-Speakers (both foreigners and individuals who have spoken Spanish

primarily at home) the opportunity to hone their public-speaking skills in Spanish while at the same

time taking their formal Spanish-speaking skills to the next level.

BBTC was chartered as a new Club in June 2010 with Toastmasters International. BBTC recom-

mends that prospective members possess a working knowledge -- or at least some degree of familiarity --

of both Spanish and English however all are welcome to visit the club and experience its truly “bilingual

atmosphere”. The club meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7pm at Denny’s at 3151

Powerline Road in Oakland Park, Florida 33309.

For more information about this club, contact club President Steven Harwood at 954-695-7418, or email

him at sharwood@latinnexus.com or contact VP of Membership Walter Bernuy at 954-469-0540 or

email him at wbernuy@tupropositoenlavida.com .

Page 23Page 23

Belle Glade Toastmasters—Making a Difference

By Cynthia Beckles, Area 42 Governor andL.J. Margolis, President, Belle Glade Toastmasters

On a stormy night six months ago, the dream of Toastmaster Brian Stanton be-came a reality when the first meeting of the Glades Toastmasters Club was held. Theinaugural meeting was the culmination of two years of hard work on the part ofStanton. The local Toastmasters’ Leadership Team supported the effort and was inattendance at that first meeting. Since then the group has grown and needs only twomore members to become chartered. Once they reach this pinnacle they will be ableto make more of an impact on their community. Despite being in its infancy, the clubis already making a difference in the lives of its members and the community at large.

Belle Glade City Commissioner William Grear, Jr. credits Toastmasters with givinghim more confidence and awareness of how best to present his ideas and platforms tothe community, and to the state legislature. He says he is grateful that the communi-cation and presentation skills honed through Toastmasters have helped him makepersuasive and effective presentations to the U.S. House of Representatives and theBelle Glade City Commission.

Belle Glade attorney Donia Roberts says, “Toastmasters participation helps mepresent my court cases more effectively.” She has committed this personal time todevelop her public speaking skills. Roberts believes that Toastmasters will make her amore effective advocate for the community. She wants to inspire young people andhopes to do a Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program in the near future.

This year’s Glades Toastmasters president is L.J. Margolis, a columnist for ThePalm Beach Post. Several columns have been published in The Palm Beach Post to pro-mote the club.

The Glades Toastmasters Club has come a long way since the September 28,2010 Kick-Off meeting. This is an “open” community club where everyone is wel-come. The group meets every Tuesday at Lakeside Medical Center, 39200 HookerHighway in Belle Glade, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. If you are looking for a fun club to de-velop your public speaking skills, please feel free to visit any Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Toconfirm meetings, call L.J. Margolis at 561-261-9532 or email her atljsouthbay@aol.com. You may also contact Cindy Beckles, Area 42 Governor, at cind-yebeckles@yahoo.com, if you have any questions.

Page 24


Page 24

Page 25


•Ribbon for Club Banner “District 47 Club of the Year”

•Pins for members of the Club

•Certificate of Recognition for the Club

•Recognition at the Fall Conference

•Advanced Manual Set

•Darren LaCroix Package

•Lance Miller Club Series


•Lance Miller Club Series

•The Successful Club Series (11 manuals)

•The Better Speaker Series (10 manuals)


•Lance Miller Club Series

•The Successful Club Series (11 manuals)

For more details visit


How to win?

Earn points for each item.

For example, if your Club

earns 20 CCs during the year

(July 1, 2010 through June

30, 2011), you would have

15,000 points!

A District 47 contest


CCs 750

ACS 600


DTM 500

Deliver a Success Leadership 150

Deliver a Youth Leadership 150

Deliver a Speechcraft 250

New Members 200

District Officers Member of Club 100

Officer Training - Fall 300

Officer Training - Spring 300

Total Members (100 per member) 100

Octobert Renewal 200

April Renewal 200

Officer List Submitted on time 300

Proxies 50

#1 Club in the District

Page 26

The Triple Crown Award is recognition for District 47 Toastmasters

who earn three or more Toastmaster awards within one TM year

(Jul 1 - Jun 30).

For example, if you earn a CC, CL and ACB (paperwork sent in and

approved by TI) before June 30, 2011, you will be awarded the Tri-

ple Crown Award.

The Triple

Crown Award

Have you earned….

Page 27

Club # 22 Club # 8370

Club # 1600 Club # 8664

Club # 1600 Desmangles, McDonald Club # 8720

Club # 1667 Miles, Donna C. Club # 8956

Club # 1667 Sehgal, Suri Club # 8956

Club # 1958 Francis, Shari S. Club # 9086

Club # 1958 Lappin, Sharon A. Club # 9352

Club # 2004 Hobbs, John R Club # 587295

Club # 2096 Harris, Lydia Club # 590751

Club # 2284 Burney, Nicole J. Club # 603123

Club # 2437 Gourley, Marie Kaye Club # 603123

Club # 2445 Gourley, Marie Kaye Club # 603123

Club # 2449 Siewert, Maciej Matthew R. Club # 680990

Club # 2652 Price, Dustin L. Club # 763878

Club # 2652 Summers, Elizabeth Club # 868600

Club # 2903 Johnson, Carol Club # 965175

Club # 3087 McPhee, Oscar E. Club # 965175

Club # 3299 Magruder, Julie Club # 965328

Club # 3299 Tuller, Robert Club # 965328

Club # 3518 Ferrara, Michelle Club # 965328

Club # 3518 Goddard, Mary E. Club # 969012

Club # 3937 Knowles, Davina A Club # 969479

Club # 3937 Russell, Kristie Anessa Club # 969479

Club # 4207 Montgomery, Scott R Club # 1118683

Club # 4207 Rice, Ronald Club # 1169566

Club # 4272 Somerset, Alethia Veronica Club # 1187415

Club # 4392 Polanski, Kelli A Club # 1197988

Club # 4698 Babst, Mike W Club # 1249370

Club # 4698 Foose, Lisa Club # 1293723

Club # 5390 Nelson, Matthew Aaron Club # 1297618

Club # 5390 Meyer, Kathleen M Club # 1310937

Club # 5701 Kiziah, Matthew Ryan Club # 1314283

Club # 5758 Cooper, Marguerite M. Club # 1342880

Club # 5758 Godinez, Leticia Armadillo Club # 1346588

Club # 5758 Lang, Earl J Club # 1347294

Club # 5899 Veasley, KhijhannaShontaye

Club # 1373645

Club # 6261 Farmer, Alan Club # 1376226

Club # 6273 Rivera, Jonathan Club # 1383942

Club # 6745 Li, Chunfang Daisy Club # 1412303

Club # 6745 Martinez, Angeline Marie Club # 1412303

Club # 7082 Rymal, Ruth Club # 1427169

Club # 7362 Fondiler, Laurie Ann Club # 1484612

Club # 7362 Aragon, Jairo Club # 1498739

Club # 7719 Mackey, Karvol Karlos Club # 1504246

Club # 7719 Driscoll, Renda A. Club # 1505394

Club # 8181 Lightbourne, Akia S. Club # 1513325

Club # 8181 Dresen, Shane R. Club # 1538985

Club # 8181 Club # 1538985

Club # 8251

Burke, Denis J.

Bayere, Michael Omolayo

Peng, Margaret J

Gopalakrishnan, Leelakrishnan

O'Dell Warren, Gina

LoGalbo, Heather Diane

Mc Elrath, Natalie

Ciasca, Alexander D

Houck, Robert James

Fernandez, Meg B.

Mahajan, Pragya

Robey, Karen A.

Marks, Oneka A.

Ludes, Jeremy Alan

Muraki, Suresh Kumar

Venkatappa, Murali B

Akers, Vor V

Hall, Carrie

Marri, Suresh

Johnson, Jay W.

Abrams, Herschel G.

Childs, Grace N

Weiss, Gregg K.

Miller, Melissa A.

Suarez-Murias, Adiel

Marcolongo, Ellen M.

Pritchard, Christopher David

Ellis, James R.

Bowie, Kwame

Mercedes, Eloy Andres

Hollis, George J.

Swartz, Allen

Colmenares, Abraham

Schneyer, John J.

Schneyer, John J.

Cook, Kirsten M

Manning, Troy Y.

Pello, James E.

Fretz, Alicia A

Mohan, Carmen

Castro, Mariposa

Witecki, Mark

Ambrose, Allene Allesha

Carr, David F.

Bland, Rose

Kinsey, Dionndra R

Lattuga, Debbie

Jacobs, Paul Shervington

Ortiz, Victor Omar

Turnquest, Geneo

Sweeting, Joseph C.

Parra, Jennifer Olding

Congratulations to these Toastmasters who received Education awards during themonths of February and March!

Competent Communicator

Page 26

Page 28

Congratulations to these Toastmasters who received Education awards during themonths of February and March!

Advanced Communicator Bronze

Advanced Communicator Silver

Advanced Communicator Gold

Competent Leader

Rivera, Patricia Club # 861

Willis-Gilmore, Tiffany Club # 1295

Romano, Rena F. Club # 1702

Sluss, Mollie A. Club # 2449

Ying, Joel O. Club # 2835

Young, David Andrew Club # 2903

Huynh, Hieu H. Club # 5173

Barto, Paula K. Club # 5390

Wicinski, Greg R Club # 6745

Goldick, Myra Club # 6818

Susskind, Willasue Club # 7619

Kevala, Russ J. Club # 619417

Doyle, Jeanette M. Club # 619417

Burrows, Leonardo Club # 658738

Paul, Earl E. Club # 831439

Ferrara, Michelle Club # 965328

Magruder, Julie Club # 965328

Tuller, Robert Club # 965328

Moss, Tamar V. Club # 969479

Kumar, Amit Club # 1187415

Clark, Karon E. Club # 1216688

Harac, Michael Club # 1261950

Perry, Lynn A Club # 1310937

Maher, Pat T. Club # 1376226

Drenberg, Emily Club # 1529878

Pritchard, Lori D. Club # 4698

Branagan, Brian Joseph Club # 7362

Karam, Cheryl A Club # 8248

Macmunn, Kathleen E. Club # 612315

Watson, Lavell Joel Club # 626837

Fisher, Harry Club # 969012

Burns, George A. Club # 1457364

Williams, Collette Wendy Club # 1425

Huynh, Hieu H. Club # 5390

Robinson, Brenda K. Club # 6818

Santarsieri, Anthony C. Club # 8248

Knowles, Glen R. Club # 8720

Schlossberg, Eric Club # 590751

Siegel, Kelly M. Club # 1051432

Phelps, Howard F. Club # 1307407

Willis-Gilmore, Tiffany Club # 1295

Knowles, Dion Club # 1600

Longley, Anthony J. Club # 1600

Schoenfelder, Marilyn Kay Club # 2166

Kaplan, Russell L Club # 2266

Stuart, Toaschena C. Club # 2437

Miller, Ingeria Helena Club # 2437

Ritchie, Cindy Club # 2449

Prindiville, Richard Logan Club # 2508

Schneyer, John J. Club # 3299

Kerr, Keisha M Club # 3596

Illsen, Ana Club # 3659

Wayne, Vicki Club # 4272

West, Kotone L Club # 5083

Stortz, Linda A Club # 5899

Tomlin, Dwayne Club # 5931

Naabe, Cathy Club # 6273

Jallad, Tashahara Club # 6544

Sundararajan, Venkatesh Club # 6568

Robey, Karen A. Club # 7719

Bayere, Michael Omolayo Club # 8251

Monchek, Lana T. Club # 8370

Wilson, Peggy Club # 8720

Francis, Shari S. Club # 9086

Stiles, Patricia J. Club # 9288

Hobbs, John R Club # 587295

Walker, Michaela L. Club # 603123

Page 29

Congratulations to these Toastmasters who received Education awards during themonths of February and March!

Competent Leader

Gourley, Marie Kaye Club # 603123

Frain, Laura A. Club # 612315

Hodges, William N. Club # 619417

Patel, Anand Club # 831439

Ferrara, Michelle Club # 965328

Magruder, Julie Club # 965328

Tuller, Robert Club # 965328

Wayne, Vicki Club # 1006065

Dominguez, Natalia I Club # 1118683

Eichenberger, Tonya A. Club # 1126118

Wolanin, Olga Club # 1197988

Kearney, Kevin L Club # 1216633

Clark, Karon E. Club # 1216688

Hamilton, Kristy N. Club # 1227605

Baetzel, Karen Lee Club # 1249370

Udall, Linda L. Club # 1269043

McIntosh, Desmond Club # 1305066

Cornish, Kenisha Dee Club # 1314025

Bonaby, Charmaine Club # 1314025

Campbell, Kahlil Club # 1314283

Garcia, Greg Club # 1314283

Deleveaux, Carolyn Club # 1342880

Knowles, Torri L. Club # 1342880

Dorsett, Daryl Willard Oliver Club # 1342880

Cooper, Marguerite M. Club # 1342880

Davis, Kertorra Club # 1342880

Bunner, Todd D. Club # 1373645

Rodriguez, Sasha R. Club # 1412303

Schneider, Paulo Club # 1450351

Cevallos, Ernie A. Club # 1457364

Stubbs, Anthony Samuel Club # 1504246

Bode, Peggy L. Club # 1521593

Mathias, Jessica Korizno Club # 1521593

Carey, Adrian R. Club # 1600

Saunders, Barry Shane Club # 2437

Yanatsis, Anthony A. Club # 4272

Singh, Brajesh Club # 5758

Naabe, Cathy Club # 6273

Watson, Lavell Joel Club # 626837

Hirschlein, Daniel J. Club # 831439

Drenberg, Emily Club # 965328

Newbold, Ria Christina Club # 1050379

Pfeffer, Valerie Anne Club # 1314283

Fort, Joanne Club # 1427169

Advanced Leader Bronze

Advanced Leader Silver

Moore, David E. Club # 8664

Wayne, Vicki Club # 1006065

Leadership Excellence

Schneyer, John J. Club # 3299

Moore, David E. Club # 8664

Wayne, Vicki Club # 1324943

Congratulations to our

Distinguished Toastmasters

Williams, Collette Wendy Club # 1425

Longley, Anthony J. Club # 1600

Wayne, Vicki Club # 4272

Santarsieri, Anthony C. Club # 8248

Moore, David E. Club # 8664

Schlossberg, Eric Club # 590751

Siegel, Kelly M. Club # 1400985

Page 30

The SunshinerThe Sunshiner—— April 2011April 2011

Publisher Rick Furbush, DTM

Editor Brooke Samples

District 47 Executive Officers

for 2010-2011

DG Rick Furbush

LGET Pamela Rolle

LGM Matt Kinsey

PRO Myrna Brooks

Secretary Lori Stephens

Treasurer Jim Ellis

IPDG Kristina Kihlberg

District 47 Leaders

District Org Officer Kathy Furbush


SAA Ron Rice

Webmaster Jeanine Kinsey

Division A Governor Robert Rizzo

Division B Governor Francis Molina

Division C Governor Tatanisha Bennett

Division D Governor Hieu Huynh

Division E Governor Mitch McInnis

Division F Governor Steve Zeris

Division G Governor Vicki Wayne

Division H Governor Jenelle Taylor

Division I Governor Demekas Foster

The Mission of the District is to enhance

the performance and extend the network

of clubs, thereby offering greater num-

bers of people the opportunity to benefit

from the Toastmasters educational pro-

gram by:

Focusing on the critical success factors

as specified by the district educational

and membership goals

Ensuring that each club effectively ful-

fills its responsibilities to its members

Providing effective training and leader-

ship development opportunities for club

and district officers

The Sunshiner is a publication of District

47 Toastmasters. Reproduction of arti-

cles is strictly prohibited without the

express permission of the District 47

Governor. Toastmasters International

and Toastmasters International emblems

are trademarks of Toastmasters Interna-

tional registered in the United States,

Canada and many other countries.

For a Great Time, put your money on

District 47’s Spring Conference!

Share your Stories and Pictures!

This page doesn’t have to be blank. If you have a Toast-masters’ story you want to share, please send it to Brooke Sam-ples at bsamples@toastmastersd47.org . Brooke Samples, Editor