DA Issue 6coxcomics.com/issues/six/six.pdf · Title: DA Issue 6 Author: Ra. Created Date:...

Post on 21-Oct-2020

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  • story, art & layup: @Ra.Editor: @StormpsychReading editor: @sailor Mau

    well, it is definately a hat. i'm not

    sure what else i can tell you

    about it.

    what do you think


  • it is demonic in origin but i can't tell more than

    that... was a name


    they called him hatter or Mister


    He said his name was

    Mister Hex, his driver called him Lucifer.

    Lucifer hex? i've heard that name. I think has some

    pull in the seventh circle, lord or prince.

    seventh circle... of hell? What

    does he want from us?

    He's a demon roy, he sure didn't come from the seventh

    circle of candyland...

  • sorry, I didn't mean to snap at

    you. I'm a little tired. If

    it's lucifer hex, he's

    conume animus, a soul eater. you can bet he's hungry.

    it's okay corrine, i understand. new born

    twins can't be easy. you've

    told us more than we knew


    I have to get back to allison and the twins... There isn't a demon that could get through the academy's wards. as soon as the twins are asleep, I'll ask

    around and see what I can find out for you. just hang tight, i should know

    more by morning.

  • she doesn't believe me she thinks I'm crazy.

    no alice, corrine is just under a lot of

    pressure is all.

    hey guys... whoa, I had a dream with a hat just like


    a dream? exactly

    what dream did you have?

  • jay descibes the events in *perez park...

    *Issue Two -

    ... then I woke up, really

    weird stuff. What the big deal?

    Do you remember when it happened Jay?

    it was the end of

    july, 26th maybe why?

    let's go. this has to be stopped


    but corrine said we're safe here. the wards?

    we each saw hex the day before, of or after the full moon. He is

    working on a lunar schedule around those three days.

    Maybe. So far it just appears to be one of us a month, he may not strike again until the next full moon. But we won't know

    where. we at least know he's in paragon city now.

    last night was the full moon. so he's still


  • Paragon junior supers academy. mike carter reviews a students records after speaking with elizabeth Shirako of dawn academy.

    au set, literally translated "of set".

    dob, lob, both unknown. referred by meta-adolescent outreach program.

    found in perez park... police report, 7

    members of the skull gang found around her terrified and in shock. 6 recovered

    with no recollection. the

    other didn't recover, committed to

    murkwood asy,um.

  • Alpha's report... subject appears to be 16 to 19 years of age physically. social and polite, no remarkable negative interations with other students. has a very literal understanding of language. Based on her description, she was not corporeal before arriving on earth. possibily from another dimension.

    subject exeriences intense pain when touched by others. Cause unknown. Warnings have been issued to instructors and student union. tests indicate subject has an extremely slow metabolism.

    Update notes: Kheprera from paragon gris gris confirmed the girl is au set. Au set's initial fear of Horus and au heru diminished after meeting with kheprera.. contact with horus is to be avoided pending review of the prophecy au set claims her father made.

    she claims set predicted she would be lost

    and horus would find her.

    when that happens he

    would return.

    it seems we have a would be

    goddess as a student. let's hope daddy

    doesn't come to open house.

  • uhm... father? we've been by this spot three times...

    ... i mean it was a good idea, but

    maybe he's gone...

    no. he's in this


    what? why have we been wandering in circles?

    i've told you before jay. know

    all the exits. you might need them, they might use them. it'll save your life. count

    on it.

    both of you stay close. i mean it this time jay.

  • slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!slam!!


    jay, it won't open...


  • so much for the element of

    surprise - it's dark as midnight in here. Hex could

    be anywhere...


  • Oh please... that's such a

    corny line. Just come quietly


    no, no, no, your supposed to say 'polo'. if your not

    going to play fair...

  • ...neither will i!

    ha! ha! ha! ha!


    your soul? Quite right. it'll return

    once I've left no worse for


    having your soul yanked out hurts

    just a litte huh?

    gah! you... can't..

    have.. my...

  • Mmmmgh.. why...

    why? the boy? He's stupid. pity he's so loyal. the girl, insane, but

    a bit too insane... as for you? you just piss me off...

    ...but i'm hungry and you're

    useless, so if you'll excuse


    what's the matter hex?

    afraid to face me like a man?

    afraid? of you?

    Puh-lease! take your soul back...

    ...and i will face

    you fool...

  • but i am no pitiful


  • the sound of metal cutting air is barely audible. Roy doesn't hear it, he just opens and closes his hand without thought grabbing the gun falling from the darkness above.

    i've taken your little guns. i've taken away your


    ...i can take it all away from you, including your life!

    you've forgotten one thing hex...

    don't tell, your fingers loaded. ha! ha! ha!

    what? no! NOt fair!!

  • no!no!no!no!no!no!no!no!no!no! aaaaaaaaaa






    ...there's one thing you can

    never take from

    someone...... their faith.

  • ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!ka-thwoomm!!!

  • it's... opening... urrrrgh...

    got it!


    i'm fine, not counting

    the headache.

    *phew* what an amazingly bad

    smell you discovered.

    trust me, what made the smell

    was worse.

  • aaaaaaaaaa iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!

    Epilogue: hell. It's not even a nice place to visit.

    who dares disturb lucifer hex?!

  • your name is lux lucis

    addo vomica and your tricks

    will not work on me.

  • you dare invade my realm and

    speak my name?

    spare me your indignity. you

    were the invader...

    ...and it will be the last time. you will not

    bring your 'deals' to the students of

    dawn academy.

    you dare threaten me? i will do as i please! each has free will to

    decide for themselves! get out of my kingdom and never dare return.

    i won't be back and it isn't a threat hex, i have told you what you will not do. if

    someone has to return, it won't be me. it will be mari.

  • endendendendendendendendendend

    *gulp* marisel


    As I said hex. this

    won't happen again.