DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D. - DSU College of Business...DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D. 3 TERP 10 (SAP...

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DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph. D.

Department of Business Administration

College of Business, Delaware State University

1200 N. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901

Work: (302) 857-6946, Cell : (302) 747-8007, Fax: (302) 857-6927

E-mail: dkim@desu.edu


Ph. D., The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), Oxford, MS

Major: Management Information Systems

Minors: Computer & Information Sciences / Production & Operation Management

M.S., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

Major: Management/Management Information Systems

B.A., Yeungnam University, Kyungsan, S. Korea

Major: Management


Teaching: Master Data Configuration with SAP ERP, Business Processes with ERP,

Management Information Systems, Web Design & Development, Database

Management Systems, System Analysis and Design, E-Commerce, Strategic

Information Systems, and E-Business.

Research: Big Data, Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing, Human Computer

Interface, Technology Acceptance on IT, E-Commerce & E-Business, and

Group Support Systems (Group Systems)


Undergraduate: Strategic Information Systems, Database Management Systems,

Business Processes with SAP ERP (GBI), Management Information

Systems, Electronic Business, Web Design and Implementation, System

Analysis & Design, and Visual Basic.

Graduate: MBA Program: Strategic Information Systems, Management

Information Systems, Information and Technology Management,

Special Topics in IS, and Supply Chain Management.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Doctoral Program: Telecommunications, Web DB with ASP.NET, and

Special topics in IT.


Delaware State University, Professor, 2007 – Present

I taught undergraduate Management Information Systems concentration courses

including System Analysis & Design, Database Management Systems,

Management Information Systems, and Strategic Information Systems. I also

taught MBA courses such as Information & Technology Management, Topics in

Information Systems, and Supply Chain Management. I taught a few pure on-line

courses during summer sessions.

Yeungnam University, Visiting Professor, Spring 2009

I taught two sections of undergraduate courses (Electronic Business) during the

sabbatical leave. I utilized the university's proprietary electronic course assistant

system to enhance the teaching of the courses.

Delaware State University, Associate Professor, 2001 – 2007

I taught undergraduate Management Information Systems concentration courses

including Management Information Systems, Visual Basic, Web Design and

Implementation, and Database Management Systems. I also taught MBA courses

such as Management Information Systems, Information & Technology

Management, and Supply Chain Management.

The University of Ulsan, Assistant Professor of MIS, 1996 – 2001

I taught undergraduate Management Information Systems major courses including

Introduction to Computers and Telecommunications, Management Information

Systems, System Analysis & Design, Database Management Systems, and Web

Development. I also taught MBA and doctoral courses including Electronic

Commerce, Internet & Telecommunications, and Special topics in IT – Web-based

DB with ASP.

The University of Mississippi, Instructor, 1993 - 1995

I taught introductory MIS courses for undergraduate students including

Introduction to Information Systems, Microcomputer Applications, and

Computer Labs.


DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


TERP 10 (SAP Global) Certification – SAP Certified Associate-Business Process Integration

with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP6, January 2016


Department Chair (2017~): Chairperson of the Department of Business Administration at

Delaware State University

Interim Director (2014~2017): Interim Director of MBA Program, College of Business, at

Delaware State University

Director (2011~2014): Director of CITS (Center for Information Technology Services) at

Delaware State University

Department Chair (2005~2009): Chairperson of the Department of Management at Delaware

State University

Associate Dean (2000~2001): Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Business at the

University of Ulsan

Department Chair (1998~2000): Chairperson of the Department of Management Information

Systems at the University of Ulsan


Chair (2013~): College Curriculum Committee; Reviewing new curriculum change

applications and leading alignment of curriculum with the goals of the college and standards

for the various programs in the College, College of Business

Chair (2013~): AACSB Curriculum Taskforce; Leading alignment of curriculum with the

goals of the college, standards for the various programs in the college, and reporting to

AACSB, College of Business

Chair (2011~2014): Department Personnel Committee; Chair of the departmental promotion

and tenure committee, College of Business

Member (2012-2014), Excellence Award Committee; Reviewed and graded applications for

excellent awards (in Research, Teaching, Service, Advising), Delaware State University

Member (2009-2013), AACSB Faculty Committee; Part of discussion and deciding faculty

requirement, qualification, standards of evaluation, College of Business

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Member (2005-2009, 2013~), AACSB Steering Committee; Aligned and organized the

activities of committees in AACSB, College of Business

Member (2009-2011, 2014~), Department Personnel Committee; Part of reviewing

promotion, tenure, and hiring in the department, College of Business


Chair (2018~), Chair of the Board of the church (DKUMC)

Lay Leader (2016~17), Representative for the Annual Conference of the United Methodist

Church, Attending the UMC annual conference and reporting the discussions and resolutions

of the conference to my church.

Director (2014~2016), Service Committee, Delaware Korean United Methodist Church

(DKUMC), Leading and overseeing the church’s activities on most of the operational


Director (2011~2013), Mission Committee, DKUMC, Leading and overseeing the church’s

activities on missionary work including short mission trip, sending mission fund, and

missionary service on neighbors.

Director (2008~2010), Education Committee, DKUMC, Leading and overseeing the

church’s activities on young adult, youth, and children education.


Editorial Board (2004~Present), International Journal of Applied Management and

Technology, serving on the Editorial Board of the refereed journal.

Editorial Board (2002~Present), Logos Management Review, Serving on the Editorial Board

of the refereed journal.

Reviewer (2002~2016): Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, A Reviewer of the

refereed journal.

Board Member (2003~Present), INFORMS Korea Chapter, A Board Member of Directors

and Standing Committee (Program, Publicity, Education and Public Relations)

Section Editorial Board (2001~2009), Yeungsang Academy Journal, MIS Section Editorial

Board of the refereed journal.

Board of Directors (2000~2010), Korean Internet & Electronic Commerce Association, A

Board Member of Directors of the Association.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Consultant (2000~2001): A Consultant of the Electronic Commerce Resource Center (ECRC)

in Ulsan, S. Korea.

Managing Director (2000~2001): A Member of Managing Directors of the Korean

Association of Industrial Business Administration.

REVIEWER (Refereed Journals & Refereed Proceedings):

2016b, International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM); Reviewed

a manuscript: “Measurement of service satisfaction of Mobile (Cellular)Services of India,”

for the refereed journal publications, Jul. 2016.

2016a, International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM); Reviewed

a manuscript: “Measuring e-Service Quality: A Review of Literature,” for the refereed

journal publications, Jul. 2016.

2015e, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “The Effect of Product

Innovativeness on Brand Relationship Quality and Purchase Intention: Moderating Effect

of the Competence Dimension of Consumer Personality,” for the refereed journal

publications, Sept. 2015.

2015d, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “Motivation as a factor of

growth of effective work in commercial banks of Uzbekistan,” for the refereed journal

publications, Sept. 2015.

2015c, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “Factors Affecting Intention

to Use App Taxi,” for the refereed journal publications, Aug. 2015.

2015b, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “A Study on the Impact of

Win-Win Cooperation Factors of Large Conglomerates and SMEs on Knowledge

Sharing*,” for the refereed journal publications, Sept. 2015.

2015a, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “An Empirical Study on

Cross Hedging Performance of KOSPI200 Stock Index Futures against NYSE Market

Portfolio*,” for the refereed journal publications, Sept. 2015.

2014d, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “Interaction Effects between

Ownership Concentration and Leverage on Firm Performance,” for the refereed journal

publications, Sep. 2014.

2014c, International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM-90124);

Reviewed a manuscript: “Measurement of Service Satisfaction of Mobile (Cellular)

Services of India,” for the refereed journal publications, Aug. 2014.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


2014b, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “On the Disappearance of

Religion in American Economics: A Peculiar Transformation of an Academic Discipline,”

for the refereed journal publications, Aug. 2014.

2014a, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “Examining the Start-up

Entrepreneurship from the Christian Perspectives,” for the refereed journal publications.

2013a, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2013; Reviewed two

manuscripts: (1) “Harnessing Anomalous Preferences of Anonymous Users for Lean

Information Systems Development," and (2) “Analyzing attitudes of online viewers: a

methodological approach,” for AMCIS 2013.

2013b, Logos Management Review; Reviewed two manuscripts: “(1) Application Cases of

Key Principles for Christian Management in SMEs with Successful CSR Practices,” and “(2)

A Study Exploring the Preference for Different Smart Work Types and the Significance of

Smart Work Attributes,” for the refereed journal publications.

2012a, Issues in Information Systems; Reviewed a manuscript: “New Platforms for Health

Hypermedia,” for the refereed journal publications, May 2012.

2012b, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “Smart-Integrated U-Health

System Development for Aging Society,” for the refereed journal publications.

2012c, International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) 2013;

Reviewed a manuscript: “X3D 3.3, Web3D/ISO Web Technology.”

2011a, Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research; Reviewed a manuscript: “Measuring and

Managing the Performance of Information Technology Investments,” for the refereed journal


2011b, Logos Management Review; Reviewed a manuscript: “Influence Factors that Non-

profit Organization Donors’ Donation Intentions” for the refereed journal publications.

2010a, 11th Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) World

Conference; Reviewed three (3) manuscripts for the refereed proceedings publications in the

annual conference held in Washington, DC.

2010b, Logos Management Review; Reviewed two (2) manuscripts for the refereed journal


2010c, Journal of Global Electronic Commerce; Reviewed three manuscripts: (1) “The

Importance of Web Design,” and (2) “The Predictive Ability of Peer Endorsement Systems.”

for the refereed journal publications.

2010d, Global IT Management World Conference 2010; Reviewed manuscripts: “E-business

Payment and Security Models: A Global Management Perspective.”

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


2009a; Reviewed two (2) manuscripts for the refereed conference publications in the Annual

Conference of IT at UNCG.

2009b, International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM); Reviewed

a manuscript ("A Quantitative Model for Understanding Multiple Vendor IT Outsourcing")

for the refereed journal publications.

2007a, Decision Science Institute (DIS); Reviewed two (2) manuscripts for the refereed

proceeding publications in the annual conference.

2007b, 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS); Reviewed a manuscript

for the refereed proceeding publications in the annual conference.

2006a, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR); Reviewed two (2) manuscripts

for the refereed journal publications.

2006b, International Journal of Electronic Business Management (IJEBM); Reviewed a

manuscript for the refereed journal publications.

2006c, European Computer Information Systems (ECIS); Reviewed a manuscript for the

refereed proceeding publications in the annual conference.

2006d, The International Journal of Applied Management and Technology (iJAMT);

Reviewed two (2) manuscripts for the refereed journal publications.

2005a, International Association of Computer Information Systems (IACIS); Reviewed two

(2) manuscripts for the refereed proceeding publications in the annual conference.

2005b, The International Journal of Applied Management and Technology (iJAMT);

Reviewed a manuscript for the refereed journal publications.

2004a, Western Decision Science Institute (WDIS), Reviewed two (2) manuscripts for the

refereed proceeding publications in the annual conference.

2004b, International Association of Computer Information Systems (IACIS); Reviewed

two (2) manuscripts for the refereed proceeding publications in the annual conference.

2003a, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications; Reviewed a manuscript

for the refereed journal publication.

2003b; Reviewer, HCI studies in MIS track of Americas Conference on Information

Systems (AMCIS) Annual Conferences, 2003.

2003c, International Association of Computer Information Systems (IACIS); Reviewed two

(2) manuscripts for the refereed proceeding publications in the annual conference.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


2002; Reviewer, HCI studies in MIS track of Americas Conference on Information Systems

(AMCIS) Annual Conferences.


Refereed Journal Publications

Sunghyun Yun, Keunho Lee, Heuiseok Lim, Daeryong Kim, and Jung-hoon Kim, “The

Method of Digital Copyright Authentication for Contents of Collective Intelligence,”

Journal of the Korea Convergence Society (JKCS), Vol. 6, No. 6, 2015, pp. 185-194.

Kyungil Khoe and Daeryong Kim “The Impact of Government Sponsored Loan

Programs for SMEs in IT: With a Focus on Case Studies in Korea,” Indian Journal of

Science and Technology (IJST), Vol. 8, No. 27, 2015, pp. 1-13.

DaeRyong Kim, “The Study on Factors Affecting Mobile Multimedia Training” Journal

of Management Information and Decision Sciences (JMIDS), Vol. 18, No. 1, 2015, pp.


Kim, Won Kyum and Kim, Dae-Ryong, “Relationship among Store’s Physical

Environment, Emotional Response and Behavior Intention: Comparison between Korea

and China,” Journal of Korea Contents Association (JKCA), Vol. 12, No. 12, 2012, pp.


Kim, Dae Ryong, and Kim, Chan Mok, “A Model Development to Predict Customer’s

Defection in a Bank,” Logos Management Review, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2011, pp. 119-134.

Kim, Chan-Mok and Kim, DaeRyong, “A Study of the Secularism in Church

Management,” Logos Management Review, Vol.9, No.2, 2011, pp. 174-193.

Kim, Young A., Shin, Ho K., and Kim, Dae R., “The Comparison of Diversity of

Management Information Systems Research in the United States, S. Korea, and China,”

Logos Management Review, Vol.8, No.3, 2010, pp. 269-284.

Shin, H.K., Dae R. Kim, P.S. Kim & C.W. Lee, "Business Design and Paradigm Shift on

the Digital Business World: IT/IS Megatrend," Logos Management Review, Vol.7, No.3,

2009, pp. 131-140.

Dae Ryong Kim, Byung-Gon. Kim, Milam W. Aiken, and Soon Chang Park, “The

Influence of Individual, Task, Organizational Support, and Subject Norm Factors on the

Adoption of Groupware,” Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal

(AIMSJ), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2006, pp. 93-110.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Dae R. Kim, Brian J. Reithel, and Carlos M, Rodriguez, “The Impact of Hyper-Components

Designs on Web Usefulness and Ease of Use,” International Journal of Electronic Business

Management (IJEBM), Vol. 4, No. 1, 2006, pp. 77-85.

Constant D. Beugre and Dae R. Kim, “Cyberloafing: Vice or Virtue?” Emerging Trends and

Challenges in Information Technology Management, Vol. 1 & 2, Edited by Mehdi Khosrow-

Pour. 2006.

S. Yoo, J. Jin, and Dae R. Kim, “Self Conflict Resolving Interactive Web-Based Class

Scheduling Systems,” Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal

(AIMSJ), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2005, pp. 69-78.

Dae R. Kim, Myun J. Cheon, and Milam Aiken, “Towards an Understanding of the

Relationship Between IS Outsourcing Vendors’ Service Quality and Outsourcing Effects,”

International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM), Vol. 4, No. 1,

2005, pp. 12-24.

Dae R. Kim, Hoe K. Shin, Jong C. Kim, Sehwan Yoo, and Jongdae Jin, “Associations

Between E-Business Models and Their Business Performances,” Journal of Strategic E-

Commerce (JSEC), Vol. 2, No. 1, 2004, pp. 31-48.

Dae Ryong Kim, H. K. Shin, and C. W. Lee, “The Status and Advancement of Mobile

Industry in the United States,” Logos Management Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004, pp. 3-26.

Dae R. Kim, Myun J. Cheon, Constant D. Beugre, and Tonjia Kenner Coverdale,

“Information Systems Outsourcing: Exploration on the Impact of Outsourcing Service

Providers’ Service Quality,” Issues in Information Systems (IIS), Vol. 4, No. 2, 2003, pp.


Dae Ryong Kim and Namho Kim, “An Experimental Exploration of the Users’

Perceptions on Hyperlink Types in the Web Based Training,” Journal of Business and

Information Technology (JBIT), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2003, pp. 11-19.

Daeryong Kim, “The Study on Hyperlink and Node that Affect Users' Perceived

Usefulness and Ease of Use on Multimedia Material,” Journal of Management, Korea Vol.

7, No. 2, 2000, pp. 85-103.

Daeryong Kim, “Future Developments of Group Decision Support Systems,” Journal of

Management, Korea Vol. 5, No. 2, Dec. 1998, pp. 87-108.

Daeryong Kim, “An Interactive Hypermedia Technology for Training: An Experience

with HyperCard,” Journal of Management, Korea Vol. 4, No. 1, June 1997, pp. 37-58.

Daeryong Kim, “The History and Biological Prototype of Artificial Neural Networks:

Fundamentals for Applications,” Journal of Management, Korea, Vol. 4, No. 2, December

1997, pp. 157-170.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


L.C. Lu, W.H. Chen, Daeryong Kim, and C.P. Hwang, “Artificial Neural Systems

Improve Franchising Decision Making,” International Journal of Management, Vol. 13,

No. 1, March 1996, pp. 25-32.

M. Aiken, Y.K. Suk, and Daeryong Kim, “Using Group Decision Support Systems to

Improve Meetings: Lessons for Korean Management,” International Journal of

Management, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 1995, pp. 271-275.

M. Aiken, Daeryong Kim, and C. Hwang, L.C. Lu, “A Korean Group Decision Support

System,” Information & Management, Vol. 28, No. 5, May 1995, pp. 303-310.

M. Aiken, C. Hwang, and Daeryong Kim, “A Chinese Group Decision Support System,”

International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring,

1995, pp. 65-73.

M. Aiken, C. Hwang, J. Paolillo, Daeryong Kim, “A Group Decision Support System for

the Asian Pacific Rim,” and L.C. Lu, Journal of International Information Management, Fall

1994, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1-13.

Refereed Proceeding Publications

Dae Ryong Kim, Wonk Kyum Kim, & Qing-Ji Fan, “Does SNS Service Quality Affect

Differently on Usage Intention in Different Countries?” 2018 Annual KLM International

Conference. Ulaanbaatar, July 3-6, 2018, Mongolia, pp. 9-11.

Wonk-Kyum Kim, Qing-Ji Fan, & Dae-Ryong Kim, “The Relationship among SNS

Contents Elements, Satisfaction and Usage Intention,” 3rd International Conference on

Digital Policy & Management, January 19-21, 2016, Vietnam, pp. 29-30.

KyungIl Khoe and DaeRyong Kim, “The Impact of Government Sponsored Loan Programs

for SMEs in IT: A Case Study,” 13th International Conference of KALM, Los Angeles, CA,

June 30-July 4, 2015.

DaeRyong Kim, Sangjae Lee, ByungGon Kim, “Findings from Survey on Mobile

Multimedia Training,” Allied Academies Fall 2014 International Conference, Las Vegas,

October 15-17, 2014. pp. 5-8.

Dae Ryong Kim and Byung Gon Kim, “User Acceptance of Mobile Ubiquitous

Computing,” Academy of Business Research Conference, Las Vegas, November 14-16,

2011, pp. 19-20.

Chan. Mok Kim and Dae Ryong Kim, “A Case Study on the Development of a Model to

Predict Customer’s Defection in a Commercial Bank,” The 9th International Conference

among KALM, CU, and NNU, Cambodia, and Vietnam, July 10-16, 2011, pp. 191-198.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Hoe K. Shin and Dae R. Kim, “The Current Trend of Information Systems Research in

different countries – S. Korea, China, and United States,” The 7th International Joint

Conference among the Countries along the Silk Roads, Almaty, Kazakhstan, July 2-5,

2009, and Bishkek, Kyrgyz, July 6-9, 2009.

Constant D. Beugre, and Dae R. Kim, “Cyberloafing: Vice or Virtue?” 2006 IRMA

(Information Resources Management Association) International Conference, Washington,

D.C., May 21-24, 2006, pp. 834-835.

Dae R. Kim, Byung G. Kim, Milam W. Aiken, and Soon C. Park, “Factors Influencing the

Usage of Groupware,” Proceedings of Academy of Information and Management Sciences

International Conference, New Orleans, April 12-15, 2006, pp. 3-4.

Dae R. Kim, Soon C. Park, Byung G. Kim, and Milam W. Aiken, “Towards an

Understanding of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Groupware: A Study of Influence of

Individual factor, Task-Related factors, Organizational Support, and Subject Norm,”

Proceeding of the Western DSI 2005 Annual Conference, British Columbia, Canada, March

22-26, 2005, p. 349.

S. Yoo, J. Jin, and Dae R. Kim, “Automatic Conflict Resolving Web-Based Class

Scheduling Systems,” Proceedings of Academy of Information and Management Sciences

International Conference, Maui, October 13-17, 2004, pp. 61-64.

Dae R. Kim, Hoe-Kyun Shin, and Chang Won Lee, “The Impact of the Internet on Supply

Chain Management,” Proceedings of The 2nd Int’l Joint Conference of Korean Association

of Logos Management, The Social Institute of Yeungnam University, and Istedod

Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2004, Daegu, Korea, June 2-

4, 2004, pp. 284-288.

Hoe K. Shin, Dae R. Kim, and Chang W. Lee, “Supply Chain Strategy for Built-To-Order

(BTO) System in Automobile Industry,” Proceedings of The 2nd Int’l Joint Conference of

Korean Association of Logos Management, The Social Institute of Yeungnam University,

and Istedod Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2004, Daegu,

Korea, June 2-4, 2004, pp. 123-134.

Sehwan Yoo, Dae R. Kim, Jongdae Jin, Fozia Mahrnood, and Daniel Okunbor,

“Interactive Web-Based Class Scheduling System: Built-In Conflict Resolution Function,”

Proceedings of The Symposium on Computing at Minority Institutions, Orlando, Florida,

May 20-22, 2004, pp. 116-123.

Dae R. Kim, Hoe-Kyun Shin, Jong-Chun Kim, Sehwan Yoo, and Jongdae Jin,

“Development of E-Business Models with Different Strategic Positions and Comparison

of Business Performances with the Models,” Proceedings of Academy of Information and

Management Sciences International Conference, New Orleans, April 7-10, 2004, pp. 43-


DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Daeryong Kim, Brian Reithel, John Johnson, “The Impact of Two Essential Web Site

Building Components: The Experimental Study on the Hyperlink and Node,” Proceedings

of Eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2002, Dallas, Texas,

August 9-11, 2002, pp. 285-293.

Hoe K. Shin, Chang W. Lee, Daeryong Kim, “Web-Based Multimedia Contents

Development in the E-Learning Business,” INFORMS International 2001 Hawaii,

Maui, Hawaii, June 17-20, 2001, pp. td124i-td124vii.

C.D. Ha & Daeryong Kim, “The Effectiveness of Multimedia Training: The Effect of Link

and Node,” Proceedings of Pan-Pacific Conference XVIII, Vina del Mar, Chile, May 28-

30, 2001, pp. 174-176.

Dae Ryong Kim and N. Kim, “The Study on the Efficiency of Internet Website: The Effect

of Link Types and Node Size (in Korean),” Proceedings of International Conference of the

Korea Society of Management Information Systems 2000, Seoul, Korea, November 2000,

pp. 359-368.

Dae Ryong Kim, “The Empirical Study on the Link Number & Node Size that affect the

effectiveness of Multimedia Training Material on Information Technology (in Korean),”

Proceedings of Korea Association of Information Systems Conference Fall 2000, Pusan,

Korea, November 2000, pp. iB29-1B35.

Daeryong Kim, “Artificial Neural Network Approach in Time-Series Forecasting:

Comparison the Accuracy with Box-Jenkins Method on Several Data Conditions,” 1994

Southern Management Information Systems Association, Gulfport, Mississippi, October


M. Aiken, Daeryong Kim, and T. Singleton, “Future Developments of Group Decision

Support Systems,” 1994 Southeast Decision Sciences Institute (SEDSI) Meeting,

Williamsburg, Virginia, March 1994.

Academic Conference Presentations

Dae Ryong Kim, Wonk Kyum Kim, & Qing-Ji Fan, “Does SNS Service Quality Affect

Differently on Usage Intention in Different Countries?” 2018 Annual KLM International

Conference. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 3-6, 2018.

Wonk-Kyum Kim, Qing-Ji Fan, & Dae-Ryong Kim, “The Relationship among SNS

Contents Elements, Satisfaction and Usage Intention,” 3rd International Conference on

Digital Policy & Management, Vietnam, January 19-21, 2016.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


KyungIl Khoe and DaeRyong Kim, “The Impact of Government Sponsored Loan Programs

for SMEs in IT: A Case Study,” 13th International Conference of KALM, Los Angeles, CA,

June 30-July 4, 2015.

DaeRyong Kim, ByungGon Kim, Sangjae Lee, “Findings from Survey on Mobile

Multimedia Training,” Allied Academies Fall 2014 International Conference, October 15-

17, 2014.

Dae Ryong Kim and Byung Gon Kim, “User Acceptance of Mobile Ubiquitous

Computing,” Academy of Business Research Conference, Winter 2011, Las Vegas, NV,

November 14-16, 2011.

Mi-Jin Noh, Dae R. Kim, & Byung G. Kim, “An Empirical Study on the Characteristics

Influencing the Use of Mobile Services,” DSI 2007 38th Annual Conference, Phoenix,

Arizona, November 17-20, 2007.

Dae R. Kim, Byung G. Kim, Milam W. Aiken, and Soon C. Park, “Factors Influencing the

Usage of Groupware,” Academy of Information and Management Sciences International

Conference, New Orleans, April 12-15, 2006.

Dae R. Kim, Soon C. Park, Byung G. Kim, and Milam W. Aiken, “Towards an

Understanding of Factors Influencing the Adoption of Groupware: A Study of Influence of

Individual factor, Task-Related factors, Organizational Support, and Subject Norm,”

Western DSI 2005 Annual Conference, British Columbia, Canada, March 22-26, 2005.

Dae R. Kim, Hoe-Kyun Shin, Jong-Chun Kim, Sehwan Yoo, and Jongdae Jin,

“Associations Between E-Business Models and Their Business Performances,” Academy

of Strategic E-Commerce International Conference, New Orleans, April 7-10, 2004.

Dae R. Kim, Byung G. Kim, and Soon C. Park, “An Empirical Exploration on Users’

Acceptance of Groupware,” DSI Annual Meeting (34rd), Washington D.C., November 22-

25, 2003.

Dae R. Kim, Myun J. Cheon, Constant D. Beugre, and Tonjia Kenner Coverdale,

“Information Systems Outsourcing: Exploration on the Impact of Outsourcing Service

Providers’ Service Quality,” Annual Conference of International Associations for

Computer Information Systems (IACIS), Las Vegas, Nevada, October 1-4, 2003.

DaeRyong Kim, Namho Kim, and Patrick R. Liverpool, “An Empirical Exploration of

Hyperlink Structure and Node Size for Building Effective Website,” DSI Annual

Conference (33rd), San Diego, CA, November 23-26, 2002.

DaeRyong Kim, ByungGon Kim, and SoonChang Park, “The Development of a Causal

Model on the Factors Affecting EDI Systems' Effectiveness,” INFORMS Annual

Conference, San Jose, CA, November 17-20, 2002.

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


DaeRyong Kim, “An “An Experimental Exploration of the User's Perceptions on

Hyperlink Types in the Web-Based Training,” Association of Business and Information

Technology (ABIT) 2002, Monroeville, PA, May 2-4, 2002.

Hoe K. Shin, Chang W. Lee, Dae R. Kim, and Byung G Kim, “Development of

Multimedia Contents in Cyber Distance Learning,” INFORMS International 2001 Hawaii,

Maui, Hawaii, June 17-20, 2001.

Daeryong Kim, & N. Kim, “The Study on the Efficiency of Internet Website: The Effect

of Link Types and Node Size,” International Conference of the Korea Society of

Management Information Systems, 2000, Seoul, Korea, November 2000.

Daeryong Kim, “The Empirical Study on the Link Number & Node Size that affect the

effectiveness of Multimedia Training Material on Information Technology,” Korea

Association of Information Systems Conference, Fall 2000, Pusan, Korea, November 2000.

Daeryong Kim, “Artificial Neural Network Approach in Time-Series Forecasting:

Comparison the Accuracy with Box-Jenkins Method on Several Data Conditions,”

1994 Southern Management Information Systems Association, Gulfport,

Mississippi, October 1994.

M. Aiken, Daeryong Kim, and T. Singleton, “Future Developments of Group Decision

Support Systems,” 1994 Southeast Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Meeting, Williamsburg,

Virginia, March 1994.

Papers Under Review

Dae R. Kim, S. Park, B. Kim, and Milam Aiken, “The Influence of Task Related Factors on

Mobile Computing Adoption,” Revising with other scholars’ review inputs.

Research in Progress

“A Study of the Success Factors in the Developmental Stages of e-Business,” working paper

with H. Shin.

“The Impact of the Characteristics of Products for B to B Electronic Commerce,” working

paper with J. Park.

“Factors Affecting the Usage of Intranet: A Confirmatory Study,” working paper with B.G.

Kim & Milam Aiken.

Book Chapters

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


“Cyberloafing Vice or Virtue?” Constant Beugre and Daeryong Kim, in “Emerging Trends

and Challenges in Information Technology Management,” by Editor Mehdi Khosrow-Pour,

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-019-6.ch228, 2006.

"The Complete Success II; The Christians Who Succeed at Their Home," Daeryong Kim &

12, CUP, Seoul, August 2000.

"Unemployment, Setting Out a New Life," Daeryong Kim & 10, Yeyoung

Communications, Seoul, March 2000.

Book Translation

“Computers, Communications, and Information,” Sarah E. Hutchinson and Stacey C.

Lawyer, McGraw-Hill, Daeryong Kim & 3, March 2001.

“Sogang Harvard Business Review,” Dae Ryong Kim & 11, Korea Economic News, Seoul,

March 2001.

Book Review

“Managing e-Business Transformation,” McGraw-Hill/Irwin, August 2002.


“Distinguished Research Award,” 2014 International Conference of 'Academy of

Information and Management Science,' Las Vegas, October 16, 2014.

“Distinguished Research Award,” 2006 Spring Conference of 'Allied Academies,' New

Orleans, April 15, 2006.

“Merit Pay Award,” Delaware State University, 2005.

“Distinguished Research Award,” School of Management, Delaware State University, April

26, 2004.

“Distinguished Research Award,” 'Academy of Strategic E-Commerce,' 2004 International

Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 9, 2004.

“Merit Pay Award,” Delaware State University, 2003.

“Who’s Who in America,” 68th (2014), 67th (2013), 66th (2012), 65th (2011), 64th (2010), 63rd

(2009), 62nd (2008), 61st (2007), 60th (2006), 58th (2004), 57th (2003), and 56th (2002) Editions;

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Has been included in the America’s leading biographical reference published by Marquis

since 1899.

“Who’s Who in Finance and Business,” 38th (2008), 37th (2007), 36th (2006), 34th (2004),

and 33rd (2003) Editions; Has been included in the leading biographical reference in the

Finance and Business.

“Who’s Who in American Education,” 11th (2008), 10th (2007), 9th (2006) and 6th Edition

(2003); Has been included in the America’s leading biographical reference for the educators

who pertain notable achievement.

“Who’s Who Among American Teachers,” (2006) Edition; Included in the America’s

leading biographical reference for the educators who pertain notable achievement and are

recognized by their students.


Received, “A Study of Social Pressure, Volitional Control, Direct Effect Issues Influencing

the Acceptance of Groupware Applications,” MBNA America Research Grant, School of

Management, June 2005, US$3,000.

Participated in “PACE (Persistence of African Americans in Computing Education) Grant”

of a collaborative effort with Virginia Tech, Radford, and Virginia Commonwealth

Universities as a liaison at Delaware State University in 2005.

Received, “Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Intranet Groupware Technology,” MBNA

America Summer Research Grant, School of Management, Delaware State University, June

2003, US$2,500.

Received, “The Study of Using Multimedia Materials for Distance Learning & the

Development of Multimedia Contents for Management Information Systems,” Korea

Research Foundation Grant, Grant #: 2000 048 C00026, November 2000, US$34,000.

Received, “The Exploration of the Website Effectiveness by Fundamental Elements of

Hypermedia,” Munsu Research Grant, University of Ulsan, January 1998, US$2,500.


“SAP Summer Workshop: 2016 SAP ERP Configuration Using Global Bike Workshop,”

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, July 18-21, 2016

“SAP Academic Conference Americas 2016,” San Diego, CA, February 16-18, 2016

“TERP 10 Certification Training,” Salisbury University, MD, January 3-15, 2016

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


“Global Supply Chain Management Seminar 2014,” University of Memphis, TN, June 5-9,


“SAP Academic Conference Americas 2014 & SAP Summer Workshop: ERP Simulation

Game Workshop,” Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech.), GA, March 27-29,


“SAP Academic Conference Americas 2013: Influence Next-Gen Leaders,” University of

Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, February 21-23, 2013

“IBM Enterprise Systems Faculty Workshop,” MCEC (Mobile Collaborative Education

Consulting), Fairmont State University, Fairmont, WV, July 9-13, 2012

“SAP Summer Workshop: 2012 Summer ERP Business Process Workshop,” California

State University, Chico, CA, June 4-7, 2012

“Technology Management Education: Thriving in a World of Challenge and Change,” Howe

School of Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology, TMEDA Workshop

2006, June 5-6, 2006.

“Best Practices in Management Education: Understanding & Implementing Paradigms of

Active Learning,” School of Management, Delaware State University, Active Learning

Workshop, March 19-20, 2004.

“Supply Chain Management Workshop,” The Darden Graduate School of Business

Administration, University of Virginia, November 14-16, 2003.

“The Art & Craft of Discussion Leadership – Case Study Workshop,” Harvard Business

School, Harvard University, September 28-29, 2001.


“The Examination of Current Situation and Planning the Future Development of Information

Systems in Dae Kyung Machinery and Engineering Co., Ltd, (DKME)” Ulsan, Daeryong

Kim & 2, July 2000.

"The Competitiveness of Korean Economy & of 10 Largest Cities' Industries in Korea: The

Analysis of Industries in Ulsan Metropolitan Area,” Daeryong Kim & 4, April 1999.


DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.


Keynote Speaker (2018), “The 4th Industrial Revolution & Future Business Environment: What

should We Prepare?” Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 4, 2018.

Discussant (2009), Attended in the “Annual Spring Conference of Korean Association of

Logos Management” as a discussant in a discussion panel, Gumi, S. Korea, May 8, 2009.

Special Speaker (2009), Presented on a topic, “The Use of ICT to Enlarge Our Territory:

Virtual World,” Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, August 5, 2009.

Special Speaker (2009), Presented on a topic “IT Trends in the Near Future,” Executive

Business Program, College of Business, University of Ulsan, June 11, 2009.

Special Speaker (2009), Presented on a topic “MBAs and Beyond,” MBA Program, College

of Business, University of Ulsan, May 27, 2009.

Special Speaker (2009), Presented on a topic “You Can if You Think You Can,” Center for

Establishing and Supporting Small to Medium Size Enterprises, Yeungnam University, May

21, 2009.

Special Speaker (2009), Presented to the Undergraduate Students on a topic of “The Power

of Positive Thinking,” School of Management, Yeungnam University, May 20, 2009.


Member Associations for Information Systems (AIS)

Member Decision Science Institute (DSI)

Member Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences


Member International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS)

Member Academy of Information Management Sciences (AIMS)

DaeRyong David Kim, Ph.D.



Dr. Brian Reithel, Former Dean of the School

Professor of Management Information Systems

School of Business Administration

University of Mississippi

University, MS 38677

(662) 915-5469


Dr. Milam Aiken, Chair

Professor of Management Information Systems

Department of MIS/POM

School of Business Administration

University of Mississippi

University, MS 38677

(662) 915-5777


Dr. Myun J. Cheon, Former Dean of the College

Professor of Management Information Systems

College of Business Administration

University of Ulsan

Ulsan, S. Korea 680-749




Dr. Michael Casson, Dean

College of Business

Delaware State University

Dover, DE 19901

(302) 857-6902


Dr. Praveen Pinjani, Associate Dean

College of Business

Delaware State University

Dover, DE 19901

(302) 857-7805
