Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1857-06-20 [p ]...Goods, Beached Cotton, \c, Parasols. Silk Umbrel...

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I"and I>4 cent. per yard.J'*o'**'0'**' and Children'. and Infant',ien6,'* i LADIF,r BA7.AA v,\u25a0'* n_6t No. Broad .'reel

P*Mr Hwmd.-I hnvctnkrnovor the .tore of Me»tr» Parker. Mm--£J. iu° a K:*U No I<3 Main .tre.t,*here 1 h.re advan'age. for conttnolng my Urea,

it H ,n*" mnr,> ?* t »n»i'e!y*R

j ' f>r the very liberal patronage formerlyreceived. and hoping »o merit a oontlnoanee rf theeame I nioet retpeetfully eolteit my coai'mere. aidtbowm want n Ore.. Making. done in the m.ti« «

* ,ts'* *nd ahort notlee, tocall at No143 Main afreet, on f.»gl» Bioek

je IS-U Ma* C. PECORKemovnl - Wesdlintrr. .ll*rrhniii?*<,«*» rem.ived t» Hi, mAIN STREET. oppo

?lie th# i)ry Goo<*« Houta rf P«ln9 \ Co , tod11 ? <*04>rt btlow tha Fiehanc* Bnnk. **Uere hpwl i be pleated to «ee bit old fnendi and customers}? 11?lm

_ w Anlhrnrltf (>ni: 4 ntlirnrltr I'onl ?

The ro>«3riber hs»in» fi'tfd op a i*r»« « n d aoniino<fn»u y» r( j on poca b'iw»«n 17 h and 18th?' r e<U. with one of P*lrbtnk'« pateut halanee*. forthe poipi**ef weijhln* C.ial a d wtil furnith hitpatrcnt with S2to to the ten | (eieh load wr'«hed andPot foet»-d at > at the very lowett market nr'ce?r it preferred he wiil *eli hi. Coal at an advanceo H> per cent on con and charjee. ?t the tame timebe k.ep on h»nd tne be»t qualit* andinvi'ea th» rarneular attention of hi.friend., and thepublic generally, to *ive him a call before purebn.i««_ at i"'o 74 Main .tieet, or at ki» Coal yardTerroi c*»h.

>?'*? u P C LARUt.?

1 '- Atj.hrKrlte nml chp bentwoutn »iae Lump (.cal, a! uayion hand, for «al« aiI tia# lowest each price hj, ~ .

P C I.ARTS,?^e '"-t* No 74 Main .t0""HlNh I'rirra ol IM llhiln. Tobncrovale's by *.apt H m y Pit .yi?ania cootty,J»r.d «oid by bee & *te*e>, Birhmooi**!"!? *'4i ®- ; * 4i *r-i *\u25a0?(>. #ssj. #'.Tj

f:i! ; s *4>i t »4I'J. *n. av reg nj *.M» i6'>74 per huujo i» ai.oit

of Knnry n»d DryOoodt at Ihe LADIBtM BAZ*A««, No. 2!'t Broad «t.abova "".h?We have jn.t receiv«d a treat variety ofarticle, in onr line of trade, which we are cff--ringa? o'-pierectn'ed low price., with a view to elo.eout out voekef Sorjsmer Good.

°ir .'ock ol CRINGES. B*AIDB, FRINGEDRIBBON*. BL'TTONC, GAISE acd other DRK.BB\u25bcKIMM I NGei,\c 1. very de.ir&hle In Millinerywe have a tine a».ortment, and our Fiowei.are mo.t beantiful.

e have also added to ourstock of KMBROIDF,.RI h H. COLLARS and BLICEVKB is setts of finerRENCH NKRDLE WORK, at «2 0< worth «5.f0

e have a Sine of lower priced Goods from I2J to 50cents. Ladies' Caps. Flouncing Laces, Linen,Handkerchiefs, Gloves of all kitris Mits, Hoserles.4c.. A;c.. Lawns. Beiagts Craped" Paris. WhiteGoods, Beached Cotton, \c, Parasols. Silk Umbrel\u25a0'S t>gethsr with a great variety of articles too cuwerous to mention, and selling at lower pries thancan be purchased in the city js 16 6t.

HF Dr. D. \V Thomas hn« removed toClay st. ks'wetn First and second stieets.« 11? 7t*

IF Wperlnl >#ilre-- (Jrern «V Allen. Bnll-fder*. rorner ol <Jriice and Seventh MirerInrespectfully solicit of their friends and the publicgenerally a continuance of their patronage so generally bestowed onthem the past year. Ttiey are bet-ter prepared to do ml kinds of CARPENTERWORK, and will undertake whole buildings if de?ired. or Carpenters' work only, onas favorab e termsas thsv can afford. and prompt to all their engage,ments as to time, ic. Those that contemplate buil-ding this year may find it to their advantage to givent a call?those particularly that want to build in theshert««t possible time Plans and estimates furnish-ed at the shortest notice

ANDREW GREEN,my 11-3 m CHARLES W. ALLEN.fF Cpwlng itlnrhli e»Hunt Sc Web-

ster's "Improved Family Sewin* Machines," a btsutiful pario' i rnament. warranted per ect in every resped?will hem, stitch fell and gather, and withpropercare will 'as' a life time without getting outcf order. Ins. ructions given gratis

N. B 1 will alu.w five dollars in exchange forWatson's "ten collar mscbi e "

P HOKTON KEACH,je 9-- ts 91 Main streetty*l»erlnl Notice.--An 1 expert to lenve

home in a few davs fjr some two or th'ee months,tbts is to request all persons who may have accounts«att)»t me to present, them fjr payment, as 1 wish to

ptf themall off before 1 laavemy 22?ts ALEX. HILL.

tr Snnniel K \V. Heritor, Aftorner ntLi*', is prepared to undertake any business pertain-ing to his profession, is this, or any of the adjoin-ing couatles May be c jnnulted in any of the mod ?

era European languages, and gives prompt attentionto the Collection cf Claims

S3F* Office l ich street, between Bank and Mala,ap 4?d3m*

iy Dr. ('ooon, lute of Mt liouls, Mo -

Office and residence on 3d street, w»st side, betwaesMarshal and Clay streets mh IS?d6m

tW Flower* Jii»t recrlve«l n nicnl beau'tlful assortment of tine FHtNCII KLOvVfcKS, to*#hich we invite the attention of our custome s

Aiso, on hand, a nice supply of Riboons Kringes,Triramingi and Fancy Dresi Buttons suitable forthe season, at low prices

We are closing out the balance of onr stock ofParasols at cost LAOIC'S' BAZAAR,

my 27? 6w* No. 204 Br»ed straet.

orAt Coh! I nt (!o»t :-(jßr(Ptind vnlun-BLt Stock ok Dry Goods at Cost ?The subscri-bers having muds arrangements to enlarge and other-wise improve th»ir store duri"g this summer, inorder to resume business by early fall, will have tovaoatetho premises by the first of July next. Pre-ferring to dispose of the!>- stoc* of goods to removingthem, they will commence

SELLING OFF AT COST,Aad continue until the tirtt of July next. Theiritoek contain! many rare bargains, the majority ofgoods being all bought a* auction

AT LOW PRICES,Compritini full steak of t)re»s *ilks 811k Robes, Ba-rege Robes Jiconetts Lawns, all of

THIS SEASON'S PURCHABE.ALSO?An endless variety of White Goods and

French and Scotch embroideries remarkablycheapIt will be to the interest of everybody who has tobuy goods in their line to call before purchasing else-where. J. MILLHIWKK & 38.0,

my b?dtlstJy 193 Broad street.

I XT ''Woodbind Crenm"«-A ponmde forbeautifying the Hair?highly perfumed. eriorto any French article imported, and for half thepriae For dressing Ladies' Hair it his no equal,jriving it a brigfctglossy aopeaiance ItcausesGen-tlemen't Hair te curl in the roost natural manner.?It removes dandruff, always giving the Hair the ap-pearance of being f.eshshampooed. Price only fifty-tents. None genuine unless signed

Fstridge Co, Proprietors of the"Balm of a Thousand Flowers."

For tale by all DrutgistJ.BENNETT, BEERS k FI'HER,

mhll ?eodfitn Agent for Richmond.rar Special Nolloe -Hfniovol -Mm C. J

ALLEN hai removed her OREaS M *K!Nii ROOMfrom No. 1 Ifi Main street, 4 doors below GovernorStreet, over *rfr f H Kiseh's Trimming Store, nextto ~;«*\u25a0!# T R. Pncj k Co. Zs.ng fa receipt of thelatest Fashions the i« now prepared to execute allwork in the »hort"«t possible M'ne and in the most

fashionable manner. All orders from the counu-ywill be promptlyattended to. A call it respeetfurlysolicited. xny 11?3 m C. J. ALLEN.

Wf" Notice --The Hair UrenkinK, Mhnvlng,Shtmpooing and Bathing ealoon (under the B»l'aiaHouse,) has been handsomelyfitted up, and is nowopen, and we invite the citizen! aca ttrangert togive ut a call

N B ?Hot Cold and Shower Baths oan b# baddaily, from 6 o'ciotk A. M . to 10 P.M.

ap 28-d3tn HOBSON 4r MORTON.

0(r Dr. John B. Woltbnll ((lomiropntb-lit 1 ttfoTK bit profettional tervleea to the citizeni ofRieiimoEd and its vicinity. Office on Main ttreet,oppoaite the Exchange Bank Retidence (at pre-fect) Mr. O R Peake't, on Ron meet, a few dooraabove the Richmond Home. jo I?Cm

or (JEO H. HTBKIi, l»enti«t, Office nn.lretidenee. No. 231, on Main, between Bth and 9matreeta, Richmond, Va my 3<i?Jy

AT Board «f Tr««!f> of Klrhmond.--Ho*acb L. Kr .tr, Pr-a't. E. B BtNTi.av, Treat'r

William B. Isaacs, Secretary.Committee of Arbitration.

WILLIAM H PON NAN, Cbalrmaa.Lakum W,Onrtnr«, Jame* *. DorwT,DiTioCviliii L. D. C»«»»Haw.

my Z7-U _

egrKrnah Leei-he*? 1 hare Jnat rprflt*ed by Ad»fi > Egprest. a f'et h lot of SweedialiLEECHKB. which will be applied npcn the moatreaetp"ble terrnf.

f m ? tappingand L«»elnng promptlyattended to.Can be fonn ' at ail lionit of the day, at the HairDreaaic? Room under the Arrerleao Hotel, and atnifht. on *"th alreet o"fd"n Ml'l


IfCard.-ThomHi \V. H«mm, Aartt**Mr. (Offlee with George J Sumner, No. 20 Pearl *t.,)«rlli attend In peraon to the tale of Real Kftate,Hoaaeboid Farallore, btoaka of Merehaadlae. Horaea,<L«.Alio?To Reattag oat liotLMf aai Hlrteg oat f(a--srrj?If Tritrnnn A. Fnriarr, nucreesor la K

aad O. Whitfield, whilraala aad retail dealer iaSblngUt. Mahogany end Lumber of every detec-tion Offic* aud yard ooroar sf Cary aad 1r 'rb atreeta,JUthmuad. Va. mi 1# -Mm*


»V-.L.S" ALT*b»TE BPRINGB-ThUIt fr. °, <m °®" for the reception of rt-t\?r,roin!« "" Hnt *** «'» full ri*r ofMid OrDot tin Omli'k i-Vpol floaao*, f a , at which!h« Wi" »>? f°u«4 waitingaVrln". h# to to tE,J,T^B

nt " nprOT#mM,U h"e »>«?\u25a0 made .lie*.np.

nr'lorCh^uL tf h» r-*«>nger. bolder, end a«u4reel,Wn.i.J, 8 *prlß * l?*r* h"«° <>lieoTered«otb« th. - f d line* the lut icmod -

»«w V^rV7 ,L' tt,.r* T*'u« of mineral water,orW-i »t <he p'ar.,, are unequalled bfuio' »h. W hi,"0" i*k"" to th" » oM|e Tbs ?imiferitj

Mm,he j ,,,uJ f" '*med

.SuJ fl"' r '« »o itrfklng, ti to he atwraierVC °* n 'Z9rt *" who tißva n,ed both of tbe

fA h' te *Dd Bi *ok Sulpbnr water, have ef

? Bnm*roo§ ourei ?

..Tth ' ly *", .s <''r>i»r, a**r«v*ted cate. of dy.pep.ia.erioa. aHectio*. af ihe iiver. kidney, and bladder,feneral debility, and e.p-cially ci.eec. of the nermA

U | ,*s* Btem' l^loa* di§ea«e§ peculiar to rt-

Til' Black Su'rhur, all kind, of di.ea.e. of theft l" ,r,lvat"" oa.e. of tetter and other eruption,

of the .kin ?on great rnmhera, and of long f.aodiog,,# *e' fy having be»n entirely eurtdThe acc"mmodstion« er< equal to any tobefjnndin ihemi tinraic. of Virginia, and the table and attendance of themoit .»ti. ract«ry ehaiacter- a. toallwhich we beg to re fer to 'hi large number of pcr.)n>who have h-retcfjre vi.itedthe placeBllllaid Tab'e. Boa lint Alley, ani a fine B.nd ofMu.ic, will be fonnd ef the place, and every ,r t.in every way, will ceuitantly he made toaffjid com-fort and amutementto vi»itor.


(r Btsre., of fir.t cl«>. leave Bon.eck'. Depotdaily, on the arrival of the car. for the GreenbrierWhite, Sweet, Rod Sweat, and other Sprite.,la 16 dt IB

BU KN K K W WUITK «? i; I. I* ti I itXPRINGH, OR TtiK FOUNTAINS.?*.Th . popular *nd picture.que Watering Place i.no« «pen, for the reception of vi.ifor.ej,.- , !a»« ' ur hor.e wi!! copaeot daily

w.th tilo «»aa».i. Gap oailruad, at Wood.loc*, 8mile., and Bnck'on .tation 12 ttile.

For Chemical aoa yii. of the Spring., or room, inprivatn college., eddre*. the Proprietor., Burner'.Bpri' g« P. 0., ghenaedoah ooonty, Vaje 3 In- O ANNKV.g h CO. Proori-tor.,imminokk «<HI> -LI.I'HI It,11 .' delightful VNat'nng Piace, althousb openedfor tbeti (i tlrra in 1R56 has already attracted a fair"hare of public attention and patronaie It is situatedimmediat-lyon the Turnpikeroad from Salem »o theSweet Spr'.rgs and a splendid line of Stage Coach-es wl:l convey Pasieng-rs on the Virgin's and Tennsssee Railroa*'. without any detention, from PaiernDepot by the Red Su'phur to thefeweet Springs aodGreenbrier White Sulphur. heing the shoitest andbe«t route between those points.

Since th» last Bea«on the accommodations havebeen greatly enlarged by the addition of severalhandsome and spacious Cottages. The proprietorsf*el sute that all who vi»it their Springs, will bemade entirely comfortbie and satisfi-d To seekersof health, tbey offer a Mineral Water, the beneficial»fl«ct» of which, have been fully tes'ed, particularlyindiseasesof ths f ing« and Stomach To seekersof pleasure, th-y ? fl>r a Table prov d d wi'h all thesubstantial* and maay of the luxuriesof life, besidesall those of atcu'eui*at fonnd at otherwittering places To all who desire a shady and plea-sant retreat f.om the hea; a=d riu»t of theeittrs th?yoffer just such a retreat, besides a hearty welcomeand the btsl tieatment. O. W SHANKS,


je 16 - d2m A. HUPP

A NTHKAtJITK i:(tAL. -SOTJCK.-l um+ receiving otders for the best quality of An'hiacite Coal to be «hipt>ed and detiv-red during thepresent month and July Persons ordering their coa.through me. will receive 22411 lbs to the too, (theyallcwing mj a communion of 10 per cent) Thosewh> wish to lay in their winter supply, will find itereat'y to their Interest to purch' se at this season ofthe jear.when coal and freights a e low All ordersenclosed to me through the Post Cftije or left at theDrug Store of Messrs. Laidley * Ro linaen, corner of4th and franklin streets, or at the inw office of Powhatan Roberts corner of 12th and Main streets,(whe.e my offiie is kept,) will be promptlv attendedto I.elO 3-nj WIRT KOBSORT3

J) KK » h>T S L Fl* Ij V.~

2 (Vtfl tons RED ASH, "Eg* Sizs" ) AN.,B . nn.500 do WlflTß do ' N*!tR .^ITESOU do FOUNDRY r,U MP $ COAI,!''old by weight Fairbanks Platform Scales used

Orders mayhe sent to my office owhen mor9 con-venient. if left w.th Mr. w Kord corner 9thstreet and Bi.sin, will receive prompt attention.

SAM'L P HiWRg,je 12 -dim 18th street. South side of Doek.

/ 1 LOV * K ill LI. COALi -SJ.SO A l^lAllV./ IN JUNK AND JULY ?I am preparct to re-neiveorderi for 'he bett Grate Clover Hill Coal, tob« at 22 coct per bo»hcl, in Juue end July,and at 23 cent# af.er tnßt tiai©.

CH \S J. MACMURDO, Jr.j® '3 ~1 m i rficM rjf»«r fr)*»pot.i * HATTAN'*RKPOKTP, VML l.i -Ju»t? * puhli«hed t)i«s 13th volu ve of Orattan'g Ke-Dorls of tne decisions of th« Court of Appeal* ofVirginia from October Ist, 1055, to April l t YHS7 For?ale ?he Wt^te

Ai«o G mer'i HeportiRcadnlph Ho 6 volumesL*nh do 12 do.K( b n en d > 2 do.Gratian d> IS do

Coca of Virginia of 1849lienine's and % h*pher,i*« at Large,Acts of Asten biy and Journals

. ?Ap Ply to the Secretary

js 12 ? lm of the Commonwealth

WHITEWASH BKUBIIK*; ilimtinff* * Brushet; faint. Vr arnl*h and Graining Brushes;

Brandire. Hhoe srd G'ue Brushes; flash Tools; KloorScrubs; Plasterers' and Pt»«:e Brushes, in varie-ty for sale by WM. SATTLER Ai CO ,

je 17 142 Main st.

jVOHI .11 BUM -Corn*cured entirely with--1 ' out Ill's aid of "Knife or » rugs " for cents orthe m(w»y will be returned. Think not, kind reader,that 1 wish «omethln« for notbin*; but rest assuredthat all san be done that I have b tid Nothing can belost, butmueh will be gained. Address

C F EO WARDS.Charlottesville, Virginia.N. B ?Wiite plainlyyour name, Post o>tiee, coun-

ty and "tote ie 10? s*'I ('K CKKAHI, ICE CKKAdI, AND Mil KK-I BKT ?The subscriber is prepared to furnish ICE

CRKAM ard fcHERSET, of Lemon Vanilla andUtrawberiy flavors, at 50 cents per quart, ®1 75pargallon, or S>l 5 by larger quantities Families orothers supplied by the olate or larger qu»ntlty, dayor night, at 'O N J RICHARDSON'S,

Corner 13th and Cary streets.N. B ?Wedding, Pic-ntc. or other Party

mide to order, and ornameated in the highest styleol the "it je 19 --1m

o|W| |||)(| 01>li» Bttll'li.HF'tltSALKOWw.UUH I am authorized to offer, tt privatetile, the old BRICKS, formerly the Catholic College, near the Mechanicsville Turnpike gate, onemile from the eity, consisting of about 300, Oun TheBricks are in very good order, and snitable for largebuilalne or other uses. ALEX. ItOTT

my j6 --tt

rnT("itS dn IJKNDIS'K V»M.KEE BACCE, it acknowledged unequalled eith-

er in ih s country or by the many excellent andcelebrated B»uces of European reputation Id im-parts the most aer*>eable rich and d?.H«ate fl»vor sndrel sb to allkilldsof Boest iiotied,and Bsked Mean,GiUie, Fried and Boitai Fish, Chops Steaks, Cut-left. Cold M»-att Stews Oystert, Cnrriet rt<up» lie,end for Lobttert and Saladt it it narticu'ail» adapt-ed For tale by PURCELL, LADD i CO.

ja 17 No. IS Peiri street

ITi.MHKUIOhtaI tiM.- I nave ii: More a lullJ ana complete a»tort'nent of theabove.

French Worked Mut'in?eUFreuoh Worked Cambric Set*.H andscme Worked Collars.Mourning Beit, blaok atd white.Black »nd Whi'e Crap" Collar*.Infants' Embroidered BodiesInfants' Embroidered RobesRich Embroidered Handkeichief!.Ltciei Embroidered Caps.Rich Embroidered ttktrts.Selling cheap at C. HART WELL'S,

je 19 ITS, Broad street

A<iKKAT ofOral* Cleth, for kadl-t' Skirta, ja<t to h.>nd at

only fifty cen'a the Bki-t, the cheapest thing e?«rheard of at the noted Bargain Htare of

ALKRfcl* MOSFB.je 19 63 Mf >n atieet-.


«2,U00 Tvorlh l>on«hr nf nJSANKRUPT'S HALE. ,Mait be fold out tniteeaarn at hair» ie ori(ln*l

COSTLadlea' call and puroheae the cheapest MANTTLLAin 'he Bt«te. at


) e ]j 63 Mainttreet.

iVAIIONAL IIOTKL,il itlnln «»rr«'i, Mtannion, VlrglDlit,


Omnibuaaea free of eharge, renin connection withtbe Hotel and the Railroad Depot.

fW" Bvery attention ia given to pataangerawhowlah to depart by either of the linea cf travel,

rnv 30 ? 6m!MANftJCV>« KKAfKK ANU inoWltWIt| ?OR SALE.?One aeooad hand Reaper aidMower (Manae)'a Patent ) for Reaping ani Mow-Ina Wheat. 0«t. and Clover. for tale. The aboveReaper and Mower baa oaly fcten need aaaa<">.and la tn perfect order. A baigala may be had by

.ppll-tto. t. £ f CQ

Nrmmsii kitkkatk.

Thif Watering riM« will be o»«a far tbe r.a«D---"o« of virfton. n , h, loth d.y of J..V.«k *

-ill *'' E" ter° ,l0» of th« All.gh.mm, la Montgomery oouoty. Virginia. .eventv-eisht ratlaa from Lyncbborg, and two hundred milesweit ofRichmond aod Fetersbarg, within one aada half »,1m of 'he Vlr.lnl. aos' Tta££V3froad, from wbleh tbara f. a brw.h railroad to thedoor of tho Reception Hoove

The*e Water* have been raaortad t« for mis?year*bjr the people of tha s.rreundlng country; and"naa the nlaoa baa been improved, by a vervlanenumberof visitor. from many sections of tbe Unioa,moat of whom can testify to their efficacy In aaimoer ofdieeeeei.The improvmeat. are of tbe firrt order: the room,.re larie aod airy, mod many of them arranged withpartleu »r regard to the aomfort aad aonvenience offamiiiea.

h" h*en enl *r» ,d «i°ee last aea-aon. aod will be under the management of Chari.ic<T ',OMMO ". Esq. of Richmond, whoae capacityaa caterer lannanrpaaaed. }

..Tfl eker,, of ho«'»a or plewure thla place pre--. j

IC ldon ' 10 1,8 met w'th »' » wateringplace aod aecond to none io the Union10 the railroad faeilitiaa by wbieh visi-

.i. 1? <'01100* of thecountry can be broughtj rof th® deception House, there will be'"?''J "oe of aueeilor foorborae coachea. by wayofth.Mew River White Sulphur Springs, .ad the eel-?vr k*'e a I*l' Lak ®' J° the Red ' «»lt. OreenbtierW hlte Sulphur, and Sweet Bpr.nn.Tbe Lynchburg and Abio.don Telegraph Companyhave eoost-ueted a braaeh of their line to these-Springsand opened an effiee in the Receotlon HonaeAmple provision has been made for the comforta-ble aecommodation of one thonaand persona, .nd noeffort will b*» spared to render their lojonrn pleaeantand agreeable.

ROBERT H. MOBBY, Pret't. Montgomery White Sulphur Sprlcgi Co.je3 ? n»m


There la no waterlag place in the 'and preaentin*more variedand ; tr-'actir>n» than this.Iu urwid view 01 Hampton fljads and the Chesapea*e Bay. it is fanned bv the constant sea breeze<ts location iaa: the .ite of the fi.-at military postin the country.The lu*urioussalt-weter hath and all the luxuriesof thesalt-water regions are at its dior*.The finest ball room in America, a spacioua and

m->s- p'easant Billiard Saloon, Pistol Gailenes, de-lighiful beach aad country jaunt*, the v,est facilitiesfor hshin* and a good readicg room are among theattraction!Music ia discoursed, not only hy band appurte-nant to the sstablsbment, but the Band of the2d Regiment of U. U. Artillery, said to be the beat in

the army.And for health it ianot surpassed by the moat se-

?loded mountain retreat The varioua army surgeonsof the post, and all the physicians reaident in thevicinity have certified that "they have ne\er knowna case of ague and fever, or hi!h<r ua fever to orieicateat Old Point Comfort and that it la, throughout they ear, as healthy a locality aa any on the face of theearth " | See theircertificates in the Farmerand DeSow'a R. v<ew |

A l"t of the vary beat BRANDIES, direct from theLondon occks? a special importation of the Meaara.& urruaa of Norfolk?will be found tnthe cellar of theHotel, end thebeat. LIQUORS of all kind* to be hadin tbe country. I ahail tolerate nothisg in'erior inany department, resoived, aa I am, to make the Hy-

very first establishment of the kind in theUnionmy d6w JOS. BEQAR. Proprietor.

A .tl i£ M A SPRI M o H -The aboveam. tSprings will bo open for the reception of visit-or on tbe Ist of July. Th>y are situated 2J milesfrom letersvllle Depot, on tne Richmond aLd Dan-ville Railroad, where there will be in readiness anOMiiIBUS, to take passengers to the SpringsBoard, per month $30 00Do. per week 10 Of

Do per day 2 00Children under 12 years ef age, and servants, halfpriceje 1 l-2m* THOS C WILgQN k SONS.

\\~ AH>I 9PKINU9 lIA I'll OOlifl t'i, Vu.»? Tois deiebrated Watering Place, which is nowopen for the reception aad accommodation cf visi-tors, is situated in Bath county, Virginia, one hun-dred and seventy miles west of Richmond and onthe direct Turnpike Road to the White SulphurSprings, and Uuyardotte. on the Ohio River, fivemiles from the Bath Alum and Hot Springs, respec-tively. and eigbtmiles from the Healing

These witers have b;en long and justly famed fortheircurativequaiit.es ir various diseases, as wellas for the luxury of bathing Their propertiec aregentiy aperient, riuretic diaphoretic and alterative,and are especially "pplicable to the treatment of thefollowing diseased conditions, vl* :

Chronic Rheumatism and Huvt, and diseases resulting frutn their latent existeno*. Affections of theSpinal Marrow, and their aon»eqneo«e«; Paralyiit;Httmapgia, following suppreased evacuat'ona Iromfciapiiorrooid or Uterine deransemants, or MrtrttUucsof Gout or Rhcumatinm; JJfec.ticns of the Joints; l.um-bayo: Sciatica; Contractions ani morbi 1 coedi ions ? f.hi hones. The whole clans of the Cutaneous affec-tions; Dyspepsia: Torpidand otherwise deranged con-ditions if the Lircr.

THE IMPROVEMENTSConsist of a large and ?r mmodious Hotel, a largenuiiiberof handsome and conveniently arranged Cot-tages a spac ous dining nod ball room, billiard room,bowling allay, oath-houses, be 4tc

THir BATHS,Which are of the temn. 9'i-98 deg. Fahr't, are fourIn number. A largo OctagGua' b*TH k r Gp.nti.embn,4S feet in diameter and o feet in depth. TheLadies' Bath, of nfa-'y equal dimension*.Spout Baths, and apriv ite Hai 11 fob Invalids ?

All of which art comfortably and conven'ently fur-nished and constructed,and are connected with coldPlu.vgingBaths, abundantly supplied with springwater of the temp 60-67 deg Kahr't

QF The locality of these Springs is rema'kable forheaUhine**?the surrounding coon'.ry of romanticbeauty- the atmosphsio salubrious and invigora

\u25a0 ingTheTABLE ACCOM MODATIONSwill be of the

very best character, and every effort trade to contri-bute to the coi fort and convenience of visitors

A fine BAND OK MUSIC has been engaged forthe leafid

As these Springs a-e located but 14 miles distantfrom the Virginia Cential Railroad the following facilities will be afforded for reaching niem :

A train of cars will leave Richmond daily at 7 o'-clock. A. M.. will connect with the Orange and Al-exandria cars at Oordonsvi!l«, will arrive at Staun-ton at 24 o'clock, P M., where time will he allowedfor passepge-t to oine, asd reach MUlboro1 , (the pre-sent terminus of the Central Railroad.) at 4 o'clock,P M , where an ample cumber of tine coaches willbe In readiness toconvey pusseajers the same eve-ning to the Batb Alum. Warm, Hot aid HealingSprings, as they may wish to go.

Ample and satisfactory arrangements have beenmade with Messrs Harman Brown It Co., the pre-sent popular and obliging proprietors of the stage lineon this route, to convey visitors to and from theseSprings to the White Sulphur, at their convenienceand ditoretion.


MORTON BLEDSOE. Manager. j* 10-3ms»Ftti>Gs.?

This MountainRetreat in August*county, V* , 13miles from Staunton,arid 21 miles from liarr'sou-ourg willbe under th ; management of Mr Pt,TERH. WOODWARD, feraeriy at Jactson's River, andfor the last three seasons at the Hetiing Springs

The proprietor respectfully announces to inva-lids and a pleasure seeking public, that by erectingright more double cottages and by the general impiovement of ihe premis js since last season, that af-ter the 10*h cf June, he will be prepared with en-tirely new furniture, and sufficient numi er of utl»ndants,to oitar visitors aiost fleatmii accommoda-tion} .c ihj Virginia mountains

The waters of thi» plaoe ire urfj'-piued: ia factthe visitor at these Spilngs has the advantage of *11the various waters beiuDging to the entire mineralregion of Virginia

The Sulphur Water excelled by none except thatof Greenbrier.

The Alum Springs inferior to none, as testeii forthe last five years, with the Calybeateand Free StoneWaters, all at hand, in abundance render this place,properly, the Mi*P-*al Springs of Viiginia

For pleasure seeker*, there will b« Music in at-tendance. and the amuaement* and (ports afforded bymountain resorts.

Anexperiencedphyiictan willreside at the Springs.Terms - tfclU per week; #30 for a nronth of four

weeks, and * reduction for an ®utire seaaon;for "ess than a we»k $15' per da 7 will be ch*rged.

X3TA line of SUPERIOR FOUR HORSE MAILCOACHES will leave B'nunton da.ly, for thi* place,after the arrival of the Ea?torc rar*.

wy A line of STAGES is **p"ote<? to «a*« theSprings, en route from Per nburg to Bath Alumipring. CPE3J.LY KINNEY,

my 26?d2m4.3tawlrn Froprietor.

ALLKGHANV mFKINW**.~ThI» water-ing place, to favorably ttacw» to the public,

will be opened for the reception of viiiton on thefint day of Jrne. The preient proprietor! are hap-py to announce that they lecured theiervice,aa general manager, of Mr J NO. P LtE, (of theAmerican Hotel, Richmond. V ? ,1 wt-oie Jong expe-rience In the hotel bne'enn, end v e'l establubed

\u25a0 epatation aa a gentleman and caterer, ereguarantee! thatevety effort vvlll he iiftds to five en-tire aat afaction to oar g 'ettl.

T!ie po»eiful our-.tive propertiei of thU water,and iti efficaoy in all diieai"! of the itomaeh, liver,bowell, nervoaa ayatem. kc. ii well atteit'd by themany curei, iilmoit mirnr'lo'tv, which have been

effected by iti u»e. We refer with confidence to alt

the patrom of the former proprietor! A completebathing eitabliihment hu beer added t our arraogementi for the oomfort of oar viiitonainee Iaitteaaon ? \u2713. a

, _.

For further particular!, we refer to the carol to befound in hotel!, eari, iteamboati, kc

A aplendid line of four-home coachei will conveyviiitonfrom Bhawavilld to thii p ace. Ity mi'ea,overa good road, with only one hill between the twoprint! BRIDGES k HOLT.

my*7?dket2sA. Proprietor!

\ nnn halik may. i« fkimk or-JI.UUU Dih /or tale by

1 BJki JOrORD k CO..j4 it Oa the Deck.


N7ol fe,"? 111 *?«?!* paklii- mmr-da.ofJnl. r .*dy ,?°"» *OND AT. the 27tbBrowa it i i" 12 0 " theofiaa of Jam. a/r.k *?*?!? '* Realty of Bkhmond. MlRa*roedfv>m 1f A*. *'«J«"ond lad Danville

? ,d , JMrM 0( ??"Ok bavtagj V b* who have notJaSS^idblIth*'d . mon*T *»? "Pon tbe aame, aa

Compaoyr"»«?«' » nd Director* of the aaid

'??Hrtoftt.aaJd Bt.ckboider.Mid of«ow . t^<rof, ,h4J M tor by each andof the C^irii',T*xr "O «h, hooka

,««»»*». sha.eshlt n.c . Andrew...? Theodore Morria a

Wm W EM' 1 J "»~«*UThy Id 1 0 Nunnelly.7? ® orton 1 J *be»K. Parker 1Cha! r n?'k WD 1 *Mhi»«<onPat>oo 1CUM. Cumberson l Oeorge Roberuon. 3ik'.J c «rrln»ton 3 Wm. H Bmith ITheodore Carr ngt0n....3 Geo W « m j,h 2

a» u* timber.akt...a F. L. Hiinr .» n 1Stephen Coleman 2 H. D. T.Kaferro 1J " 1Pr Coek®? ' A W C Terry 3® 1 Harry Thimpaon i5. T I Daniol Verao 2i o £ D' x 1 Wm. R.Wood 15° P. Daniel 1 Ricba-d Varbrongh 3feterF. Uiltard 2 ->m U Pres.... 1J«e Dearman 1 R R Hndnall 1

! R E-Bouldin 1Mathew Citzgerald t Dr 8 Angle 1T.V 1 R B Dfj«nette 5liham W. Fry t C. H Fountaine IM Fentreaa 1 W. A. Cocke I»* u j 5 John R Gu-rrant......2Riabard B. Q e,h 2 Ihoa S Haiip In-o. H. Ga'laber . ..1 Cyrui Price 2u,ll,harfor w Robert A. Read .1~® 8 ; Sam! S Bryant 1io' Jaa. M Cordsr 1Tboa Gmnn 1 Geo. 'owikea 2y.A Jaa B Htr.-ia 2?John Keeling 1 J obo P Pr.ce Ii00?*!, .',' 1 ?ViliUnsfou W. fr.ee.. Iiau.l. P Hill 2i lae J. Rainy !rt-o ti H-ir«<ua !U| vV G Miic. 1fhi.a. k linr.left < i Don Pedro Ttylor*l.'.V. 1Thot. baskloa 3j ; ,bn C. F. ater 1Neiaon S Hill 1 i J j;n g Oaborne.... ...!Ou.tavu. Jarvia I | J hn F B-uWocdaon Johnson 2| tz P J.,n-« .... 1.ha ,

Jeter 1 To <" E »ift» 1ioil= a Jick .on 5 | McAiiater ± VVatklna .17°, O- \u25a0 J'nmnga 1 Thr.a G Watkina 1Judab Myers ] John Freeman 2Kicdard Maione.. 5 1Joel A. Motley 1 |By order of tbe Board June 10, 1857.THUS W. BROCKfcNttROUGH,

je 2»-td» Secretary acd Treasurerpapera pies«>» copy till dat> of >ale.f 'ROllKKlKf*. ANU llOlMhllOIJ) A> UVI KITCHEN »URNITUR". FOR SALE ?Thesubscriber, interding to remove. will cffar for sale,on MONDAY, Juae i2i, commeneing at 4 o'clock'P. M? on Venable treet, Union Hill. oppin'teWmCuUingswarth'g, bis entire stork of FAMILY ORO-C» RiES Also, his HOUSEHOLD and KITCHENFURNITURE

Terms made knownon day of s;l*.je2o -2t* JAMES W. TUCKER.

«y Alex. NoliCO( UA jjattim; DKSKN,tic.? Will be so d at auction, at my store onTU* SO AY morning nut, 23d inst , commencing at

10o'clock, 8 Carpets,large lot Cocoa Mattings, D-sks4te . a Map of the State of VirginiaAI.'X NOTT. A?t

mtNe9 V 9 1 I«a 9.kM iVhmo°nT' 1U

t. ,NATH't CARUSI,IT I«?dYwly Hole A seal

\u25a0PI MIPOKTANT NOTIIIK T« mJii If AT. BOOT AND GAITER WEAR- flf- -ERS ?From 15 to 20 per cent, saved by jmbuying from J H ANTHONY,Hotel. Best quality mo'eskin Hats $3 50; secondiU J^y.? 3: ~lk " su fin » caifskin sewed BootsContrast Boofi, be§t quality French patentleather. $3 75; English kid $3 75; buckskin «3 50 ;lasting ioO; calfskin 3 25; patent (either Pumps 3 00;eaifskin do 2.75; ealtskin Oxford Ties 225 They areall made to orderjand warranted to wear well.Terms, cash on delivery ; one price and no abate-ment- ap 10

+ I UfwKTANT NOTICK? I aniHn|CT my house, cn Tuesday Hst, a Co'ored (J;ri

caliins herself REBECCA She is of a dartW7 1 brown color, sppa-ently 1,5 or 16 yeats o! dShe states that she is free, and (Tame to myhpnse for the purpose of renting a portii n of tbe

kiteh-n This notice is published, in order that, ifshe is no* free, (as she has no papers ) herowner maycome forward aed get her.je 19?3t JAMES H. LOVK.

<T\?"THA VBO Irom my ntiible l.<nts small Bay MARE; she is in (uie condiilon, and hai several win galls oa an of herlegs. 1 will pa* a liberal reward for her return toJOHN F JACfcSON'S Drug Store,jeHI-3t No 17 Main street.TTKOK BALiTIiHOKK?TIte regulnrPacket sehr. Willia'ti Colquitt, Phill ps, inns

ter. havinsmost of her eniagedandgoing on beard, will have dispatoh. For remainderof freight apply to

jel!»-4t W D CniUUITT .U CO.i fcL'PI'S OFFICE a. u. n a,,

June '8, 1857. <NOTI('K- (»ri «r.»l nfti-r Ihp

above date, this Company will cease to iu n eh baasfor the transpoit*ti< n of produce on tha Rlshmondand Oanvllle Railroad.

hersors having bags in their possession belongingto lliis Company will please return them to the depots from which they were received, otherwise theywill be cb«r<ed with them

PUBLIC SALE OF BAGSWill be *oH. at public auction, on the Ist of July

next, at the office of the Comoany, in the eity ofRicho.ond, at 12 o'clock M., thousand Bags, suit-able for the deltverv of wheat, corn &c

By order of the Board of Directors.je iB-<ltls*Jy C CAMPBELL, Suptrr Danville papers please copv.


TAYLOR & CO.Have now on hand, a fine anortment of WATERCOOLERS, of ail sizes; ICE PITCHERS, SEAL-ING CANS, and everyva;iety of article usually keptin a China and Crockery Store.

They will sell on as fiir te*ins as any house in thecity, and only ask a call from their friends and thepnblic to theexamination of their stock.

je 10-dItn/ X KKTi KHir I'IIVSItIAN. iThosr/ il sands of life have nearly runout, discovered/while in theEast Indies a certain cure for ConI sumption Asthma, B onchitis, Coughs Colds andI General Debility The remedy was discovered byI bim when bis onlychild, adaughter, was given upI to die. He had h-ard much of the wonderful re-storative and healing qua ities of preparations rn -d efrom the East India Himp.and the thought oc:urtedto him th»t he might mike a remedy for his child ?

He studied hard and succeeded inrealizing bis wishes.His child was cured, and is now alive end well. Hehas since alm'nistered the wonderful remedy totbctiiinds of suffeierg in ail partsof the world, aodhe nas never failed in making them completely heal-thy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as pr»-sible, he will send to soch of his affiiotcd fellow-fce-incs as request it. this reoipe, w.th foil and espl'eitdirections for making it up ana successfully using it.He requires each applicant t* icclcie niui one shil-ling?three cents to be retu-ued as p., stage on the re-cipe, and the rein'ind-r to De app'iev to the p-y. ?sat %j( thi« advertisement it tires*

lIK H. JAMES, No lyOrandst., IJe'sey Cltv. N. J I

N. B?Dr H. James has neither office nor Iagent in New York as tome have pretenoo and au- Ivirti«ed. The recipe is sen* from no place but/No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N J. /

je 8 -dicif 3m /

.. Jrt. SEH K..K MALb'.The subicribers having male ar-''lrangement* to put onan entire new

line of Omnibuses, they ate d*siroi«of selling eightsecond hand one*, which they have been running onthe street heretofore Person* in want, would dowell >o call on the subscriber* as early as possible,

je 17 t* B4RNKBT it RUSKELL.2 MKLLIKUOtTAT COMl'.? For tbe

Ctfpiirpme of c'oiim n> in; Drug and ApothecaryXM bnaineaa, I ofier fir (ale, at coit. for oaah, myitook of Drngi, Medicine! and Fancy Goodi,

eoti.prijing a genetal aaiortment of artioleanauallykept id an Aoo'hecary itore

A'io,the Fixtrrei, Caiea and Furniture belongingto the itcre. J. F. JACKSON, No 17 Matnet..

mvV6-t! Old Market Bridge.W) CoTTS HA TKK.- WAT K K

COLERBof nil aim from two to twentygallon! full »nd anoply yourie veiat

KEE9EE PARK'S Pottery,ji 16 Corner of >2'h and Carv itreeti.

~~'ZZ KIVK UOLI.AKH KtIVAKU-ffIT Ban away on Thuriday lai:, my negro h"y

CORNELII'S; »'ijnt 10year* of is jj rs'herJA dark complexion: "9ry !>ow legged. He iaJJo -jppoied to be lurkiof about the elty

)? ifi..-»i WM BEERS~ a rUVBIVIANS I'KKstKiPTiONHICLk neatly ind acurately enmpouDded at allTV ho 'ri of the day and night, by experiencedIjL nerion*, and from the moat lelest medicinei.

JNO W. GARLICK.Diugglat and Apothecvy,

ie 15?2 m Market Place. Frank 10 itr«etA HKWAHI) OK KlVIt IIUIiLAKH

l*»Vacd expenaei oaid for th» recovery of a'BIiACK MULE Said Mule itrayed from

Richmond iome ten dayaago; haicropped mane andtail, galded ah< ulderi, and n thin of fl«ih i nqutriat the itore of WM GRAY, on the canal, near tLe4 je 11 - tl

bKAIiK UOBK ti.~ We kitve j »t re-ceived a few pew Betige Fobei Alao, afew

new and haadiome Beragei by the yud, pretty Or-gandie JacooeU, CHENERYi

j« jl Mew Itore, 173 Stoat ttntt


rtrrvßt days.

By R.ddla Of A pperaM.Of 353 A. Min OP VAL.UABr If jA. E 9 BIVFR, 8 MILK* ABOVERICHMOND. ruR BALE AT AUCTION-Attberequest of the owner, (Mr. Pe}ton.)we will tell atpabltc*a:ti"n on ihe premise. on TUESDAY, tbe

3"th Jane, 1857. at tbe haurof 12o'clock, M ,if f«lr,if not, thenext fair day, the npper portion of tbeWeatham esute, (adjoining Capt W A Deftiick )a. J.me* River, about 2to 9 mile. above Blebmod.The tract csotalne «5 acrea, of which about ISOacres are low groonds; SSO acres cleared high landaod 150 acrra in wood and timber. TheJamea FiverCanal run. tbroogb the tract farabout 1 mil- Thereare on the place aever.l fine water f«l a, snffieieot todrive any kind of machinery. It is believed thatthefertility of tbi« traet la equal to any of i: a on tberiver, ta the app-aracre of tbe grcwing erots willindicate Full possession given ao aoonaa the pre-test cropa are gathered.

Terms- One-fcnrth caib; balance at !, 2aod S yearafor nncotiable note*, or bone\u25a0 beano* inter-st, »ecured by a trnat deed. Perron. atteudie. the'sslewill please meet at tbe residence of Mr. Tbi. J. fey-ton. on the sdjolnini placeja17- td. QoDolS V APf F.B.SON, Aneta.

OF vALr-V, ABLK LAND ABOUT SIX MILKS ABOVERICHMOND A* AUCTION.?By virtue of a decreeof the Circuit Court for the Ceanty cf Henrico, intbe >,J, t cf OorHnn v« Gordon, pronouncedon the sthff?v u i357 ' hd wili m1), on MON-UA i, the 6th day of Jniy, 1857. at Heniico Countyr^?ioll#eJ^hat be<lD * Court dav. atanout the h.ar

' R . Trait of Land in Henrteo county about?ix m.;e« ahjve Richmord. cue mile fr»ns thenus of the Weethaxn Plank Ro&«. aontainic? aboutForty-Six Acref, onwhich Uaimili DwellingHcu*«.aod a few Fruit Tree#. twenty acrra of i-kidtract ii cleared and very preduc.ive, the balar.ee invv'ooa landTbi» little Jam i* in a few hundred ya:d« of theThree Chepp'd E.oed aojoi.inf .he lend* of tJ WGr»en Dr. Hopkins, aad Thomas J rd' a.Teems of Sale:?One third Caah, the balance inequal meats, on a credit of six aa.3 ,welve

months The DUfhiser exe'-nting nesoti»h!» notes.vjth iavbi-est and llt'e

retained until purchase LuOLey is fully paid, and acocveyanca direfed by the Court, or secured by adeed eft, ust if the purchaser prefeis.?OHN N CAVIS, Special Com'rGoDDifi k AppEßson, Au.tioaeeis.je i 7 -rds

v VAL'IaIJ »v OWiII.LING ONGRJ\£ SlKtfcT. SYDNtY, FOR SALE ATAUCTION-At the requestof Mr Chas Y. Morriss,(who «oDtemplßt«i bat ding on a coottguc ua lot,) wewt'l fell, at public Auoticm. on the premises, onMONDAY, the 29th June. 1857, at 5* o'clock, P. M.,the large aud admirably w»ll built b..usa located ssabove, now in the oecugancy of said Morriss. withabout one acre of landattached thereto The househas 11 roonn, besides large Kitchen, » "ahle, Carrtaiehouse. Stc., all in first rate repair. The garden isbeautifully tet in flowers. fruit trees. &e Th« neigh-borhood and location ia fir«t-rn»e Persons disposedto porchasa, are requested to examine the promisesbefore the day of saie

Teims : -One fi'lh cash balance at6. 12 18 and 21mcn'ha. for negotiable notea int-rest added. s;curedby a trust dsed. The taxa» for 1857 to he paid t>y thepurchaser. 4 APPEA-ON,

js 19 Aucts\r A I, IAB I,t it nA i, tvHTATH. ONgrack, franklin and2th streets,FOR SALE AT AUCTION ?Vvill be sold, onMONDAY afternoon, the 29tb June. 1857, on thepremises, commencing at 4} o'clock, the very desirab y Tested residence, at ihe comarof Grace ardJeff itson streets now in the occupancj of Mr Jn8 Wa ker. The lot fronts 68 feet, runs baak 105feet to an alley The dwelling contains U rocmi.besides large kitchen, carriage house, stable, gteenhouse, Xc., all well built, and in excellent repair.The neighborhood aad location is among the mostdesirable inthe city And tbe fellingafterno.n,viz: TL EBDA Y. the 3Hh June, 1857. on the premi-ses. commencing at 4$ o'clock, will be sold. the threeBuck Tenerosi» st nthe Norlhside of Frankiin be-twaen 19th and 20 s'reets, occupied by Mrs. Tyrer,Mr. Wells and other, each of which has 8 rooms be-sides ki'cben &lc . and rents for an average cf $250er annum. After which, will be sold. a vacant

Lot in rear of the above, fronting 25 feet, on theWest line of 20th street, runnirg back 132 feet.Ts»MS-.One-fonrlh cash; balance at 6 12 and 18months, for negotiable notes, interest ai dad, securedby a trust deed, or title reta ned. The laxes and in-?uianne for 1857, to b» paid t>y tha oorahiser.je 10 G' '1)1)1N k APPERSON, Auctsr | ,KUNTE l 'f* - OK VbIKV VAIU-I ABL»; RKAL f.STATE IN THE C!»Y OKRICHMOND, AT THE CORNER t.F CARY AND17f H STREET ?Aa trastee in a certain d ed. tnnueby A. A. Hughe's, £aq dated loch April, 1854, duly

recorded in Richmond Hustiogs Court 1 shall attherequest of the benefic'ary ia the said deed proceedto sell, at public Auction, t.n tha premises, cn MON-DAY, day of Jure, 1857, a*. 4J o'clock, P.M , if fair, if not, the next fair day, the followingvery desirable R#al Ee'ate. v'z all that certain lot,located as above, fronting 66 feet on the porth 3ideof Cary street, runningtack 150 feet, more or less,on the east line cf I7;h street, to an alley, and havingthereon s-veral small framed Tenements, now rent-ingat about $1000 par annum.

The above lot i» in tha heart t.f the business partcf the city, near the Old Market and Dock an*l isjustly regarded as most valuable fera large wholesale?crarehcute ** ha titla is bef ieved to be perfect, butthe tiustee willcoavey with thespecial wa ranty ?

1 he deed requires a cash sale, but the creditor wiMaccept in lieuof cash the following payments, vie :One fifth cash; balanceat fi, 12, 18 and ilmenths, fornegotiable notes, interest added, secured by a trustdeed. The taxes for 1857 the purchase-a to pay.

W. GODDIN, TtusteatySale conducted by Godoin it Apperjon.

e 10


WEST OK RICHM' ND, NEAR TO CANAL ANDRESERVOIR.?B* virtue of three of trost,executed by Jo« K Weisiger, trustee C. D Mclndoe «cd Mary R. Molrd 'e, thefirst !o the trustee* ofthe Marshall Company dated Keb !6, 18.*i<5; the oc ind to tb» trustees of the Henry Company datedKeb 16, 18.%; and the third to the trns'eesof theMarshall Company, dated April 21. 1856-all dulyrecorded in th* clerk's cffi;e of the County CourtTofHenrico, ws shall, by orlerof the Boards of Direc-tors of the said Companies, on the 27th day of June,13,57, if fair, (aid if not, on the n*xt fair day thereatter ) proceed to sell at auction, on the premises, at5 o'clock K M., the property conveyed in svid deeds,desc'ibed as a tract of Land, with the buildings andimrrovernents thereon, containing eight acres, lyingsndbein* inthe county of H'.nrlco, about two mileswest of '-he cits of Richmond. adjoining th» lands ofMessrs Chas R Allen. JohnN. Shields and other*.

On this landtheir is an execelleatdwe 1 eg recent-ly built together withkitchen, atable, Ve ' The laudis very ferti e and sf excellent soil 7he titie is he--1 eved tobo perfect, but the trustees will convey withthe usual special warranty. The tsrirs, whien willbe accommodating will be mad-t known at tee hourof sale. 8 Y LANDHIJM. fM. L hTRATTON,! L' u',?*

P. V. DANIEL, Jr., j Marshall CoO A STRIKER, I TrulteelofJOHN GIBSON, i7«?\ ? r .

je 15 JHr MAYO. | Henry Co

OO 30.100 AllivhiOF » AhIABLKlAND KOK SALi^.?Alter the foregoing sale

wiil bis jld, 22 30 l(Xi acrts of land adjoining theabove, rcfatred to in a eontiact of sn:e betw'en theparties executing the foregiing deed and H B L'ic*-inscc ? the pu c*iase money of wb eh tin ssiii pattle*lave fiiled to pay. 7h*. terms will be, one-fith ca*h;baiance at 3 6, 9 and 12 months, for negotiable notes,ifittrs*- adde*. secared by a Crrst deel or title re-tained. Tiie *oi'ofthe faidtacdi* eqja! to ary inthe neighborhood of this city

je 16 GODDI" L APPER^ONBj Tit j lor «.V Wl !ia:c».

Most v A«.t a h"»Ttv "i'KD-.NCFI AND \4CA-.r lj< >T ON THE

.<>? UTH .SIDE OF MAIN BETWEEN FOUSHEE\N O 1.-T STREETS, AT AUCTION -Oa fUES-DaY, June, at 5» o'elock, P M.. upon thi pre-mises will be sold, the desirab'e Brick Residetae.situated as above stated, adjoining the property ofJ no. D Quarles, Esq I', hasitgood rooms, with*kitchen, stable and cerriage house attached. Thepremises are in excellentorder and every way idspt-ed f. r the cotnforthb'e neci nimodation of a seute'lfamily The lot fronu66feet 8 inche*,rur* back about165feet to alley in the rear. If d-sired, it will be

s jldas a whole, or a bnilding 'ot of 30 feet fiont Willbe laid ofl east of the dwelling and eold separate**

Terms?One fsurth cash; btlance at6. 12and 18months, with Interest, and *ecnred by atrust deed


tty Tliftman W. Keesee, AuctUitwr,| Office corner of Cary aud 12th streets |

HOI'MKIIOI.D AND K ITCHKN FUR-NITURE. FUR HAIK AT AUCTION-Willbe io>d on THURSDAY morning neit Jnna 2'rth,commencing at in o'clock, ai rhe res dence of Cap*.Geo. W.Clut'er, weataid) 2d h-tweeo Main andGary itreet! hia Houaehold and Kitchen ForollTe,cooii-ting of a variety of uieful and »eil kept aitlelea, toiethe' with the uaual aaeortment of K teherFurui'ure TH Jfl. W K' ESKf.,

I # o Aoc'toneer.By Thornna W Kreaee.

(Office corner of "» h and eery itreeu )

(lEIVTKKI, HOLoi.»u.<DANI) KIT<'II. |JF.N rUnNUURK FOR 8 ALE AT AUCTION,Will be lold, on TUESDAY morning nest, Jane 23c inmencing at 10 o'clock, at the reiidence of MriWMiam Gait, who U decl.n'nj h-uiakic-plng, onFranklin, between Jrffenon ana Mat lionttreeti, a lof her Houaehold ard Kitchen Furni'ure coniiatingin part of large * irrori; Sofia; large Ptaih ArmChaira; Mahogany Chalri; Matbie Top Tablea; Ca>-pet»; Book Caaea; Bideboarda; Dining Tah'ea; Red-steada; B«da; Wattranei; CottageCbamber Furni'.nre;Wardrobei; Bureau; Waihitandi; China Glrni »«<'Silverware; Oil Clotbi, Ste ; wtth a la'ge va-ietyofKitchen Furniture. THOS W. KKE'KK.

je 16 Ancioßl« r -_

E" NUI.I»H OttAMiK Vktt.Ullil'lUJ( "

l 150 Ibi very beit, for late by?WM BAFTLER k ?

ja 17 m 2 «»'0 it.

Ott IIIRK, lo no to the « n,?St?i^VhVSprlnga a fim- at; M\lDacd » tABiwhnwill give cium tioiabl* n«» iC, » l,t ' 0

to ehwict.r, k.. Apply to R MACor».1 j,i»._u Mitropoil'M S*ll '

....«Wif|i»«i nutiftn

THIS flir V''" LUl'"U "l^By K. B. ('Mk 4c t'», ImM.

H%?«.V D loW!t AT AITTHW-

THIS DAT, at It o'clock, we wi I Mil at theUrge !-t, B.e Ue Out at ft ail road Depot nrnHarneaa ud Saddle Horeea on. of whet to ? a.lea-dtd bia«k Horae. I# haaee high fi y.are o d. wo.*- lafinale or doable hsratat werran'ed jiaifaarljWiaail.anio <1 for bo fault, tbe owner b'.iag eboat io leaeethaetati.

* !ao?foor yoaag Cowa. fi rat rate rollkera. nlil<aearthe city. t. B. COOK k CO-J* *' Aacta

Hj Tkaman W. Krraer,(Office, eoraer of l?t h and Gary eu'eeta.)

TKIHTKItS' Ml<K OF STUCK OPLIQVOR«. VVlNfcs, TOTA. CIG4RB, BARRO'JM FIXTURE#, AC. AT AUCTION -Tar-?uin; ro >he pro viiion of a deed cf trut mad* aadrecorded b» H fc.C Timnermao oa the IHh dayof Jans, 1857. tbe aoderaigaod. who ara 'hereby ea-piicr-d tratteea. will proceed on WEDNESDAY,'be 17th lay of Jooe, 1(57 to aell at tbe atcre o> theand Ticcmrrman No :77 Broad Street, all b'aatcekin trade and p-raanal aaeeta whatsoever. Tbe aaldatoek coo«iata of an excellent aad extensive aaaort-ci»nt of Faney Gaoda of every description. Toya,?iqaora Cigara, Mnti-ai laatrameats, Bar Fixtarea,*6. Alao, a Horse and Wagoa.

?ta*a?All auma of ®.V> and aider etth. f,r allfTV lh«t »monat foar moo-ha credit, upon aego-liasie tolea aatiafactoriiy endorsed.» M /ACUBISSON, i Tw. W CRUMP, { Traiteeg.

Sve condnetcd byTwos. W Kent*. Anet,I n ? 0:T, ,aie wi''l b® contionsd thla mora.i"f, at jo clcck. at which time the Hciae, Wag-on. Cigaraand I/<iJors. will be old. T W K.je 20 -It

By Alrx -ctt Auct

FfFair^viiik' «»OD*A»D G*oCK ! 'K 3-"-yVill ao.o at a-ction a» my atore,cor. Mam aid .5Ui afreeta. on SATURDAY m;rrininext comm-ncin. at 10 o'o.oak, a, Ur?s ,B; <i Arablelottf well kept Farm'ore. f,cm t fau,ii 5 leaving theDRY Goons- 1 p'ea- fie- "lack Cloth, Cataimer,R-ra»e» -.'aicoa. DoTieet'ea. Hr>*a»-y fc e ?R.eaJ» m»d« C lotting fine B K Cltth Dr-M Coaia M!kar.<i Marseilles Vest* Cass m-re Pan-a lOdz linenlo*ta *c. Boo;a *h?ca. Hare and Bmue'.aGROCERIES?2Ohh'f. Old Rye Wbiigey, 5 j pBi«nriv. 2 pipaa Ex Krenoh Brandy. Ido HollandUln, .5 hbla Old "ort ".Vine 2 do. Maderia, do.. *0bax<»# Clwtft rfo. *0 batketc Chimo*cn«, 10 bhit No1 Herringa, 10 000 Segtra ALfc X. NOTT,j* 19 A act.

By l.arDH «V .""hidp.

A SPLKJiDID PAIKOFJUTCHBOR-AT AUCTION?WiII ho so;d At public*acticn on SATURDAY morning. oommeteu ( at111o clock, »t the Lot. * splendid pair of Matahrijriei, b.ack ycung and well broke to haineae, tbeybeing the property of a Naval tfficar. and be havingn further use for tbem-'ogeiher with a .pl-natdTop Buggy. sold on a credit of 90 days. Alio, severaltine Harness and Work Hors-s. and Mules Cow*. Wa-KOD. Carta, 4c. LA&Ud It SHINK,

J' J® AuetaADDITIONAL. ?Will be added to the ab>vea*le,! pair of No i Match Mulei, 4 years old, of fin© sue,andaold on a credit of 90 dajaA to?A No. 1 Milch Cow *nd Calf, of imported"tor* LAHU3 k SHINK. Aucta.

By lllchurrt t nuthoro.

HOKMKM. &«., AT AUCTION -Ob MA-, tt.e 2'>th i»at at lOo'slock. at tha lotnoar the Virginia Central Rai'road Depot, I will aellat «uctlon 4 work Horses; I * ule. and 1 CartBIJGOY.?AIso, a large top Burg>. suitable for ttraveling went R CAUfH >RN.

My Air* Nott, Anct.~~

HOKM KM, IIOKMKM..Will heantrfH ir»e l.ot. oppoaite the Central Depot,on SATURDAY morning next, the 20»h Inst.,curtmensing at 10o'cl >sk, four tine naddie and Har-ness Horert; two iiue young Mules;one Boggy. andone family Carriage ALP X NOT?.

j« 19 Auctioneer.Kill «OMMIABK»'m n LK. .Will boaold by oider of the Richmond HastingsCourt,

madethi 12th dsy of June, 1857, in the attachmentoses of r,hn. Htebbina and others vs John O'Neill,at the itor* on Bread street, adjoining the Br< adStreet Hotel, commencing on SATURDAY the 2i»thday c.f June, 1857. at 9 o'clock A M., a'l the Stock ofsaid O'Neill consisting of a U'gi and w>ll assortedc Election of Book*, such as Historical, Theological,Hrh <ol Books. Law Bi eks Poems and Novels toge-ther with a laiKJ \u25a0iasortineut o' Blbuk Bon's, Wri-ting Paper, it nvelr.pe", Ink, Patera, Portable Wrl-Mng Pes«» Ouiters V o.ins, Flutes. Clauoneta, Fla-geolets, Bugles, Kifrs. Drums Acoordeona, large lotof Music Port Monoaies, Pucket Knives Lithogra-phic Prints. Rtzois Ra/.or btrops, ?nap, nbevin*Sraniita, Hair Oil. Perfumery. Toilet Bo*ea, Wa cbCheiw. M-stal and China Inkstands Work Hoars,Shi i» Case, Playing Cards Backgammon Board*,Chessmen, Pens, Pen Holders. Seallog Wai, Pen-cils. Slates, Mujio Port Fo'ioa, Hair Br»a!iea Combs,China Toys Counterswith drawers, 2 Writing Desk*,Table Stoves, Cabinet, Mastresaes and Bedding,Cbalrs. Spi''oons, tea

Trim l or Sale?fur all sums under 020. cash;over that amount a credit of 60 days, fur negotiablenotes, satisfactorily endorsedF BUTLER, 11. C. C Rre- heabove tale will be continued from da? tod*j until *11 the Stock i« »old Je IS

II fc.r*FH/O 1.K.'11r DKAIaOOMM .

Jfjl\u25a0 ? Attend a meeting 'o mate arrangementaftp) for eel'br.Uing tbj 4ts of Ju y, sod forI *Tv trjn««wMii» important bu«in»aa, on MON-Dai evening next, 22d imt., at 8 o'clock, P. M., atWllbachei'i Saloon.

By order of the Captainj< 6 I' R .1 A SMITH, O. *.

»TItA I »IK»ri'..CA»I«»N I AMKOK BtLTIMOKK- Freightreceived to day KRIH'y. >n d up

to the bour of 2 o'clock, P M, SATURDAY, WinBit

Comigneea are requeatod toaend fjr their god« to-day

je 19 -2t LUDUM fc WATSON

THE "MAR HOUSE" jS|j^I Itav** just received aria* and ,re«h lot of haHO

AN!» ItorT CRABS ; Dt.VlbLfe.D CKABi; MJ-PKRIOR OYSTERS; PICKLED OYS-TERS ; PIGS' KEET, fcc , ard til the d l.cteleiofthe aeaaon

Having made the rec««ary arrangement*, I am en-ab'eri to »erve rnv friende and the public generallywuh fro'h Crati* and Oyatera daiiy, a< d gollcit a callat the ? AT (iR HOU3E." Locum A,ley <econd doorfrom Mi d it. THUS WHEfcliY, Agent.

je |H 3tnl'HAVttll From my home

. iffl on Grace atreet, near the Pair Oronndamy COW She la a iu.all red ana

<1 "ill white Cow, wi'b a bump on one' f herhind leg». and the tpaofher horn* sawed oft 1will give alifeerel reward it retained to me.

je iB-3t VVM RKAHY

IN !\u25a0» iiRA n l)b. r* *ft UtiiKY KINII?L'.'e Inamante ton white per«ona or alavea ) fire

le.«urance«on Dwellitg Ilcmet, Furniture. Storea,and Merchandise geue.aily Marine Inaurtncea onV-»«en, Cargo and Freight to all parte o' lhew>rld.Inland Icauiancei ct *ood« t>y Ri»era. Canaia andL,*sd Carriage, to al' p»'t9 0< the Union, can be ef-fected U!»oo the mutfavorable Irrmi. at the GeneralIn'arace Agenoy, on Peorl Streef c*xi io (. 11.

and eppoaite John N. d 'don'*.Agency of Aroej can Life Inaarance and Trnat

Company of Ph'ladelohia ch^rte'p-'re'ual?grant-tdl" 150 Caelts. ana Aaae a, * ?85,<»*>

The 4v»« of w 't<- n» a n«ured ovob thetou u>l a».d Joint ayateui Th ; uvea of aiavi#for ocr. month ont. year orfive yean

Ag. ncy of the Great VS el rn Kir® and MarineIr.»u anae Ccm-janv of pi.iladelpi.ia--chaitar per-petual? capital #54Ki,flt*0.

Loeeea of a i kinda. liberally and prompt y aijaat'din Richmond.

Ptmphl-te nnd Circalara givlDg fall partica'arefuro'.ihed auyooefreeof oharge

The undenignrd will rlite,tf detired. |«Ny part ofth» «ity or adioiniog coacttea to ettret tuanraneea ?

<>ffice hoora (torn HA M ,to 1 P M , and from 4 to

C j'clock, P M.C. R. BRICKEN.

Geneial Inaarance Ag't-acdj6 19-2t MagicalEaaroiner.

I/O it HIKk.-A aootl Nuri« «»d ' hf*" "

ber-maid Aiao a woman with two cnildtan,wholaagood Cook, Waiharand I'onar AfV Zi?

Ie lit?3* R CAI THoRN.VUul K ->1t wile11 t'.NShIP, having left my bed and board, with-

out eauae or pre.voc-.tton I hereby foraarn all per-root from harboring her, or trnating h'r on mytc_count aa I will nothe reapoanblefor or payanygrttthatahe may contract. BLANKr.Ng HIP.

Ci»»te'fi»'d 030B1V. J""" 17 xvn I* l "' 8t*

HAY, COHJI. I2 0" baiea Ho-thern HAY

s!" ° A"ii »««

F5552inthlfl miiuufactared ooiy mud for §4l®? ptl*m.Vloanna bot\y^fNO k prARCr, Diu.giata,

, ,q 4th aaH Broad «U , R'abmond.

rirKAVKITI.iSIJ 7nKUI i*r COM PA-I NION Anaa«ede*pr»a«lT for f.iuiiy oa.

tnvallda viaUlog the Sprio.a and .ate.lag p aoea, willfind the Medical Companion indi>p*D.abla lbeyare filled »ith the moit reliable and uae'ul roedie'eea,and a-every convenient ard portable. Ifor aele k/

e JOHiNSTON It BRO , Dregg «?

ie 19 »' S

UIiAVUKINti It X TKAt' IM, WJS«r jKit ved frr»h iuppll«. of th« f%»toati»4«or «' «

f JoaNSro}^ k BROTHERia 19 DrM«l«t«.Atl'AIIlK HKAL HBTA'i 1* !\u25a0 »?

iu>mediate meifbbjrhood of tbe Cubuii forill privately am *' Ma>ao4e«U| WW; A4«2»"A I- C Ml.