Dan Hocking - Hyperconnectivity and the Community: A Devil's Advocate View

Post on 20-Oct-2014

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Hyperconnectivity and the Community:

A Devil's Advocate View

Dan HockingTwitter: @D_Hock


A Disclaimer


The Basics of Hyperconnectivity(you all know this already)

(...I hope)

How Hyperconnectivity has Helped Build Our Community(aka the We're All Awesome slide)

Not Just Flowery Success Stories Either

This is All Great and All...(and I think it is, believe me)

But What Are We Actually Doing?Warning: Pop Culture Reference Ahead

So why must we create an “us vs. them” attitude?Technology is King Right Now...

An Example of New versus OldIs he right?

Hyperconnected Communities Lead to Lots of Support

But Not Every Idea Is a Good One!

Do You Really Know Who These People Are?

Source: http://buzzcanuck.typepad.com

But Dan, Aren't You a Big Hypocrite?

Photo by @casiestewart

But, Like Praise Does, Criticism Should Come From Within

Let me have my cake and eat it too, okay?

So What Should We Do?(because there's no value in just complaining...)

Remember, We're a Community, Not a Crowd or a Mob

Contribute and DO things, don't just talk about them.

Integrate “Outsiders” and Their Feedback into What We Do, And

Connect Old SchoolBecause Oprah just brought in 1.5 million Twitter users, even if she doesn't know how to use Caps Lock

Take the Lead and Challenge Each OtherCriticism helps us learn and grow, and criticism isn't just

someone saying “your idea sucks.”(Unless it actually does.)

Well, There Is One OTHER Option...We just take over things, a la Doctorow's Down and Out

in the Magic Kingdom(H/T @etothez for the link on the weekend)

A Quote to Leave You On...

“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one

thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others...for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a

bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give

in return as much as I have received.”- Albert Einstein