Daniel Sun - Super Sun Studios · 2019. 8. 18. · - Graphics Design - Games Design - Game Art -...

Post on 25-Mar-2021

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Daniel SunAnimator. Illustrator. Developer

SummAryI’m a professional graphic artist, animator and games developer. I make games for Steam, mobile and browser, having previously developed award winning IP as well as titles for popular Cartoon Network IP.

My extensive experience in animation includes cinematic game trailers, character animation sets, educational cartoons and complex frame by frame character animation.

I’m passionate about digital art and spend my spare time designing t-shirts and character concepts.


Melbourne, Australia



Software skills

skills - 2D Animation - Motion Graphics - Visual FX - Video Editing - Illustration - Vector Art - Graphics Design - Games Design - Game Art - Wordpress - HTML / CSS - AS3 - JSFL

2018 Fresh for Kids Cartoon NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

2D Animation & Video

2017 Hertz Animated Short Film STUDIO CONTRACT - Storyboard and animatic - Animation

- Frame by frame animation - Dynamic motion and perspective - Visual fx

- Sound design - Post production

2017 Rearmed Animated Trailer STUDIO PROJECT - Storyboards and animatic - Animation

- Frame by frame animation - Visual fx

- Sound and music composition - Post production

2017 Armed with Wings STUDIO PROJECT | STEAM / PC

- Project management, games design & software development - Art and animation - Brand identity, art and assets - Sound design and musical composing - Marking, community management and social media - Publishing to Steam, Humble and Itch.io - PAX Aus 2015 Index Showcase Award

- Storyboards and animatic - Character rigging - Animation

- Characters and lip sync - Motion graphics

- Post production

Games Development

2018 Emerging Sciences Victoria JOHN MONASH SCIENCE SCHOOL - Weekly live streaming video production - Post production

2016 Blockpocalypse DIME STUDIOS | STEAM / PC - Brand identity and game artstyle - Marketing art and graphic assets - Games design - Game assets and level development - 2D Animated Cinematic Trailer

EducationAdvanced Diploma of Professional Games Development (Game Art)Academy of Interactive Entertainment

Academy of Interactive Entertainment

2006 - 2007

2009 Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media

2018 Tabban Social Media TABBAN MUSCLE & BODYSHAPE GYM

Illustration & Graphics

2017 Samurai Punk T-Shirt Designs SAMURAI PUNK - Detailed vector art

- Graphics design and photo editing - Banners, poster and web graphics - Social media management and execution

2016 Blockpocalypse Brand DIME STUDIOS - Logo - Key art, graphics design and marketing assets - Feature character art sets

2018 tabban.com.au TABBAN MUSCLE & BODYSHAPE GYM

Website Development

2017 armedwithwings.com STUDIO PROJECT - Landing page development - Writing copy and content - Press / media kit page.

- Website rebuild - Wordpress, X Theme - Refactored copy and content. - Major increase in site activity and purchase rate.

2016 dimestudios.com DIME STUDIOS - Studio portfolio content - Banner illustration and graphics design

2015 Breakout Blurg DIME STUDIOS | ANDROID / IOS - Brand and graphics design - Game asset and UI development - Featured on the Australian Apple App Store

2014 Lego Ninjago: Ninja Code CARTOON NETWORK | DESKTOP BROWSER - Games vendor for Cartoon Network - Project management, games design & software development - Game art and graphics in alignment with existing IP style