DANISH MASQUERADEarchives.mvfolkdancers.com/0_Other Items of Interest/0...Waltz: Four Tyrolean Waltz...

Post on 09-Mar-2021

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FORMATION: A double circle, girls on the right of boys, couples are in arm facing counter clockwise.

ACTION: : March: All walk 16 steps in line of march, turn towards each other and walk 16 steps clockwise.

Waltz: Four Tyrolean Waltz steps, inside hands joined. Place right foot . to right, swing left foot across right leg, hop on right leg, do the same on left foot, etc. Four regular waltz steps in closed dance position. Repeat all waltz part.

Polka: In open waltz position, with inside hands joined, do the step as described above for the waltz in fast polka time, four times, then take dance position and take four polka steps with a pivot . Repeat .

TOTING (Danish)

FORMATION: Partners stand in double circle facing counter clockwise. Boys on inside and girls on outside, with insiae hands joined and outside hands on hips.

ACTION. A. Couples start on outside foot with open waltz step. After four open waltz steps, couples dance four closed waltz steps in regular dance pesition. Repeat above.

B. Couples take open dance position and starting with outside foot, take four brisk steps forward, one step for every beat of the measure. Then pivot four steps in regular dance position. This movement is repeated.


Oglebay Institute Spring Folk Dance Camp 1971