Dante’s inferno

Post on 08-Dec-2014

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Dante’s InfernoCantos 6-7

Upper Hell

Sins of Incontinence

“those who sinned less by dliberate choice of evil than by failure to make resolute choice of the good” (101)

Canto VI Circle III-The Gluttonous

“I am now in the Third Circle: that of rain-One ceaseless, heavy, cold, accursed quench…” (line 7-8)


Seen in stories of Homer and Virigil as the guardian of Hell

The Gluttonous-Ciacco

“These all lay groveling flat upon the sod;/ Only, as we went by, a single shade/ Sat suddenly up, seeing us pass that road.”(Line 37)

Ciacco-Florence Predictions Predicts that strife will be in the future of

Florence There will be major battles and bloodshed The Wood Party will fight and drive the others

outLast Judgment “Though true perfection never can been/In

these damned souls, they’ll be more near complete/After the judgment…”(line 109)

Canto VII Circle IV-Hoarders and Spendthrifts

“More than elsewhere, I saw them thronged and pressed/This side and that that, yelling with all their might/And shoving

each a great weight with his chest” (Line 28)

Circle V-The Wrathful “And I, staring about with eyes intent,/Saw

mud-stained figures in the mire beneath,/Naked, with looks of savage discontent..”(Line 109)

Two Types of Wrath Active & Ferocious

Inflicting pain and destruction on others Passive & Sullen

No joy in anything