Dap podcast-p.williams

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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DAP PodcastBy: Pamela Williams

Student Info:

Student: TrippEthnicity: African American/WhiteGrade: 2nd

School: Andrews ElementaryTeacher: Mrs. BungalowCity: Charlotte, NC

Need…Tripp has an IEP and a reading disability. He wants to succeed and he wants to be able to read although, it does not come easily to him. When reading he tends to come upon many words he doesn’t know. He uses good strategies such as looking to the pictures but then instead of sounding the word out and putting it to the pictures he just guesses

“Struggling readers are often asked to read text that is far more difficult for them to read than the texts their better reading peers are assigned (Allington, 2013).” Tripp is well under grade level but he is not the only one in the class that is. Therefore, there are many resources to find “just right books.” He has many options write at his fingertips and is encouraged to “abandon” a book if he feels like it gets to hard.

Teacher Interview…

1. What do you think are Tripp's interests?Tripp loves airplanes, jets, etc. If it flies, he is all over it

2. How may his home life affect his work at school?Tripp was recently put into his grandmother's care by the state. She is the legal guardian to him and his 3 brothers. Before her, his life was very unstable, but the past year has been great for him. His basic needs are being met consistently and he has an adult helping him with schoolwork.

3. What motivates him?Tripp wants to do well. He is very aware of his struggles, but he tries to do what is asked of him. He is motivated by praise and other positive reinforcement- clipping up, earning privileges like computer time.

Teacher Interview continued…

4. How do you think I can help this student? He needs to feel successful. I think doing things on his level that interest him will make him really love learning. (He does seem to enjoy school, but is very self-conscious of his ability.)

5. Do you think my gender and different culture will be an issue or strength while working with him? I think it will be strength. He is used to females and trusts them.

6. What modifications are made for this student? His IEP calls for read aloud in all subjects other than reading itself. He gets separate location and multiple sessions (breaks) if needed.  

 7. What is his learning style?Tripp is a visual learner.

Academic Goals…Student should be able to identify 21 of 26 letter sounds.

Student will be able to identify 24 out of 30 site words on flash cards.

Student will be able to create 5 sentences from a word bank and identify site words in the sentences.

Student will be able to be able to identify site words in text using computer Ipad picking out books he is interested in to keep him engaged.

Student will be able to read 20 words per minute increasing from 4 words per minute.

Cultural Goals…Understand Tripp’s home life and whether or not it affects his schoolwork.

Understand his emotional connection to reading.

Receive more parent involvement such as having them sign off that they read with him or practiced part of his action plan with him.

Supporting CRT…The goals support Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) since they are concerned with Tripp’s emotional reaction connected to reading. They will strive to find where these frustrations and outbursts come from. Culturally responsive teachers strive to learn about their students’ lives in order to understand how they construct their knowledge (Cushner, McClelland, & Safford, 2012).

Global Learning…The goals support Global Learning because they use technology to give the option of having the electronic book read to the student while he follows along. He will also use electronic books to pick site words out of text and search for interesting books stated in goal number four. Cushner, McClelland, & Safford (2012) states that teaching toward a global perspective through the use of technology increases intercultural competence.

Systematic Plan of ActionMade for Tripp

PRE/POST AssessmentStep 1 – Tripp will identify each level of the alphabet and say what sound the

letter makes.

Step 2 – Tripp will be shown site word flash cards and

identify as many as he can.

Step 3 – Trip will use words from a word bank to create

5 sentences, read them, and point out site words.

Days 1, 4, 7, and 10

Tripp with work with an adult going over the alphabet using

alphabet flash cards. There is one card per letter in the alphabet

along with a multiple pictures of things and the name above it that starts with the letter and shows what it sounds like. Tripp will go through the entire stack of cards and each day come up with his

own new word that goes with each letter which, he will write down in his daybook. These flash cards will

be sent home to work with the guardian for day 7 because it will be over the weekend. Parent note

is required stating how he did while practicing flash cards.

Days 2 and 5 Tripp will work with site word

flash cards, identifying them as an adult flips through the flash

cards with him. As he goes through them if he gets one wrong it will go in a different pile and after he has gotten through the stack he will go

back through the ones he missed. He will do this for 30 minutes getting through as

much as he can. The site word flash cards will be sent home with him to work on with his


Days 8 and 11

Trip will be given the book “The Little Airplane” by Lois Lenski and he is to go thorough the book and pick out the site words and write

them in his daybook. After his picks out the site words he will read aloud

to an adult. This book was chosen because it is at his reading level and

he has a love for airplanes. This book will also be sent home with

him to practice reading and picking out site words for day 8 because it will be over the weekend. Parent signature is required showing he read the book. (The book can also

be pulled up on an Ipad and give the option to read the book to Tripp)

Days 3, 6, 9, and 12

Tripp will make his own sentences picking from

a cut out word bank. He will make 5

sentences each day and then read them

aloud as well as write them in his daybook while underlining the

site words

Day 13 and 14

Tripp will go to the public library with an adult and pick 2 two “just right book” for

himself and read them aloud to an adult for 30 minutes. Parent

note required stating he read the book and

his progress.

Assessment…The Pre and Post assessment for the DAP are the same. The teacher will show the student each letter of the alphabet and the student will give the sound that the letter makes. This is the first stage of the pre/post-assessment: letter sounds identification. The second stage is sight word identification. The teacher will show site word flash cards to the students putting the cards in two different piles as they go through them. One pile for the site words the student knows and one pile for the site words he doesn’t know. The final stage of the assessment the teacher will give he student a word bank and have him make five sentences and pointing out the site words in each sentence. The assessment for the DAP can be found in appendix a.  

This assessment is culturally responsive because it is meant for this particular student. It is based around his needs and recognizes that he learns in different ways.

The rubric for the pre/post-assessment is broken down into the 3 stages listed above: letter sound identification, sight word identification, and making sentences identifying site words.

Mastery Partial Mastery


Letter sound


21 out of 26 letter sounds

identified correctly

16 – 22 letter

sounds identified correctly

 0-15 letter

sounds identified correctly

Sight word identificatio


24 out of 30 site words


18-23 site words


0-17 site words


Making sentences from word bank and

identifying site words

in the sentences

4 out of 5 sentences

created and site words


2-3 sentences

created and site words


1 or less sentences

created and site words


Assessment Rubric….

Assessment Results…Based on the rubric and

observation the goal was met in letter sound identification. Tripp went from being able to identify 0-15 letter sounds to being able to identify 23 letter sounds. He met partial mastery in the sight word identification going from

identifying 5 site words to being able to identify 20. He also

received partial mastery making sentences and identifying site

words going from not being able to make a complete sentence to

being able to make 3 and identify the site words in the


Reflecting the goals…

1. Understand Tripp’s home life and whether or not it affects his schoolwork.

After discussing the student’s home life with the teacher and talking with the

student I learned that his home life has had an affect on his schoolwork. He never

used to get help with his homework. Now that he is in

the custody of his Grandmother, she works with

him daily on his homework as well as reading.

Reflecting the goals…2. Understand his emotional

connection to reading.After working with the student for s few days it was clear to

see that his emotional outbursts came from stress and frustration during independent reading time. He couldn’t read a book by himself so he sat at his desk bored and flustered. Working with him everyday

during this time stopped the emotional outbursts and

seemed to ease his stress, as he was now being productive

during this time.

Reflecting the goals…3. Receive more parent

involvement such as having them sign off that they read with him or practiced part of

his action plan with him. Sending work home, books to read, and encouraging

letters made his Grandmother aware of exactly what he was

supposed to be doing. I also required feedback from his

assignments such as reading or signatures stating that he

did the assignment.

My Reflections…Reflect on your culturally responsive teaching and describe the characteristics that supported your plan.

Since working with Tripp from the beginning of the school year I have been eager to find different ways to get him engaged in reading and writing. I was fast to find out what some of his interests and incorporate them. I also learned about his life by interviewing the cooperating teacher. He has had some rough up bringing but now is in the good care of his grandmother. Knowing more about the student’s life makes it much easier to see where their learning difficulties lie. This supported the plan by being very patient with him understanding the things he has been through and where his emotional surges spark from and incorporating his interests into his readings.

My Reflections… Which attributional bias did you have to navigate?

The attributional bias I had to navigate was his temper tantrums and emotional outbursts. It became obvious that these stemmed from his frustration and not being able to read. He felt lost with no help. He wants to succeed but gets nowhere sitting by himself staring at a book he can’t read on his own. His behavior and emotional outbursts were minimal during and since the DAP was implemented.

My Reflections…Which cultural bias did you have to overcome?

The cultural bias that was overcome was situational behavior. Tripp obviously gets his way at home or with other people by throwing a fit or bursting out in tears. Noticing in other observations that most other adults dealing with his crying out of frustration or being mad made it a big deal, I made sure to give it no attention and just continue working with him. When you feed into his crying and bad behavior reactions he feeds into that and keeps it going. He is trying to get attention whether it was negative or positive. Ignoring the emotional outbursts and just continuing on like everything was normal and letting him calm down on his own made the outbursts happening less.

My Reflections…How did your cultural competence impact the plan?

Cultural competence impacted the plan because I was aware of Tripp’s own culture and worldview; I am open and have a good attitude towards cultural differences. I don’t feel that anyone is smarter or better then anyone else based on culture or social status. I have cross-cultural skills since working with a multitude of students in different cultures. I understand, communicate, and effectively interact with people of all cultures even if I have to get to know the culture as I do it.

My Reflections…Locate yourself on the Acculturation Strategies Block and describe its impact on your perspective.

On the Acculturation Strategies Block I believe I am in integration. I maintain relationships with people of other cultures while maintaining my own culture identity. This was good for the DAP and everyday life as a teacher because you will always have many different cultures in a class no matter where you are.

My Reflections…How did the teacher interview impact your plan?

The teacher interview impacted the DAP because it help me get a better understanding of Tripp and how I could help him. The fact that I was a female was a positive because he has a certain trust in females that he doesn’t always have with males because of things that have happened in his past. I don’t think I would have gotten the most applicable information just from talking to the student so the teacher interview was key.


Fisher, D., & Ivey, G. (2006). Evaluating the interventions for struggling adolescent readers. Journal of adolescent & adult literacy, 50(3), 180-189. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org.librarylink.uncc.edu/stable/40013697 

Allington, R. (2013). What really matters when working with struggling readers. The Reading Teacher,66(7), 520-530. Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.librarylink.uncc.edu/doi/10.1002/TRTR.1154/full 

Cushner, K., McClelland, A., & Safford, P. (2012). Human diversity in education: An intercultural approach. (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Brown, Dave F. 2004 Urban Teachers' Professed Classroom Management Strategies: Reflections of Culturally Responsive Teaching. Urban Education 39(3):266-289.