Data Protector 9.07 what is new

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What’s New in HPE Data Protector 9.07

Data Protector Product Management and Pre-Sales

June 2016


HPE Data Protector 9.07 -> What‘s new?

Quick overview:

• VMware Full/incremental and differental cached GRE, “Power On“ & Live Migration from StoreOnce Catalyst

• 3PAR Remote copy ZDB with VMware VEPA

• StoreOnce Multiprotocol access (cross-over CoIP & CoFC) and Service Set selection

• Microsoft Hyper-V individual VHD/VHDX restore

• NetApp NDMP Cluster Aware Backup & NDMP 3-Way Backup

• Openstack Cinder volumes with VMware

• Debug Log and Telemetry Data gathering

• PostgreSQL Online Integration

• REST API for Restore

• Improved reporting and security for client certifications

• EADR support extended to RHEL 7.x and Oracle Linux 7.x


VMware GRE, Power On & Live Migration from StoreOnce Catalyst


Integration with StoreOnce Catalyst repositories for advanced restore capabilities.


Customers who have implemented Full, Incremental or Differential VMware VM backups want to make use of granular recovery from any version of data that was backed up. The HPE SmartCache device used so far offers granular recovery but did not provide deduplication functionality. As a result, the use case was limited to relatively small amounts of data.

Another desirable feature available on HPE SmartCache is the ability to Power On or Live Migrate VM’s, this feature is now also available for backup to a StoreOnce Catalyst Store without any caching activity.

With DP 9.07: • It is now possible to perform Cached recovery from Full, Incremental and Differential backups to

StoreOnce Catalyst.• Similarly it’s also now possible to perform Power On and Live Migrate from Full, Incremental and

Differential backups to StoreOnce Catalyst.• DP integration with Catalyst 7 version also enhances overall deduplication rates.

Incremental and Full backup

to StoreOnce Catalyst are

shown as “Cached”.

Incremental to SmartCache

device is shown as “Non-

Cached”, Full is shown as


GREOnly Advanced GRE Web GUI supports Cached GRE Operation from StoreOnce Catalyst

© Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Enterprises, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Incremental backups performedwith prior versions of DP will stillShow “Non-Cached Incremental”

Note: Backups performed pre-9.07 can be copied (Object Copy) to StoreOnce Catalyst and used to perform Cached GRE, Power On and Live Migrate.

DP shows a VM to be restored withthe Power On or Live Migration option with StoreOnce Catalyst. Similar to what is available with the SmartCache device and 3PAR snapshots

Power On & Live Migration from StoreOnce Catalyst

In this example Power On or LiveMigration is available from a CataystStore on a StoreOnce 4500 via IP

Be aware of the rehydration load on StoreOnce Calayst when powering on or live migrating a VM.


Power On & Live Migration from StoreOnce Catalyst

Power On and Live Migration aresupported with SLES 11.3, 12 and RHEL 7.0 used as backup hosts.Make sure they are selectedin the restore destination context

[Normal] From: "" Time: 2016-05-18 11:23:56

Restore session 2016/05/18-2 started.

[Normal] From: VEPALIB_VMware@imsuse3 "" Time: 05/18/16 11:24:26

Mounting datastores to host '' ...

[Normal] From: VEPALIB_VMware@imsuse3 "" Time: 05/18/16 11:24:27

Creating folder /var/opt/omni/tmp/dc88ea43-5e38-46d3-b731-a3bb6cd8441a ...

[Normal] From: VEPALIB_VMware@imsuse3 "" Time: 05/18/16 11:24:30

Virtual Machine 'rmcdemo-1_DP_2016_05_18_0001': Register VM ...

[Normal] From: VEPALIB_VMware@imsuse3 "" Time: 05/18/16 11:24:31

Virtual Machine 'rmcdemo-1_DP_2016_05_18_0001': Creating snapshot ...

[Normal] From: VEPALIB_VMware@imsuse3 "" Time: 05/18/16 11:24:33

Virtual Machine 'rmcdemo-1_DP_2016_05_18_0001': Power on ...

[Normal] From: "" Time: 2016-05-18 11:24:32

OB2BAR application on "" disconnected.

[Normal] From: "" Time: 2016-05-18 11:24:32

DP mounts a datastore directly fromStoreOnce Catalyst into vCenter byNFS. Runtime in this example is less than one minute.


The VM is properly presentedand can be used right away. Make sure that the network access is disabled on the recover VM if the original VM is still up and running to avoid address conflicts.

Power On & Live Migration from StoreOnce Catalyst

General statements:

• Both Power On and Live Migrate options are enabled for Full / Incremental and Differential backups.

• Object copy and replication sessions of Full / Incremental and Differential backups are supported.

• A VM can also be cleaned away by removing it from the vCenter inventory and unmounting the NFS



3PAR Remote Copy ZDB with VMware


3PAR remote copy support allow movement of VMware snapshots to a secondary site.Use Case: In a snapshot backup (ZDB) situation the primary disk array should be completely unloaded frombackup I/O providing all available 3PAR performance to applications and users. A remote copysetup has been done with a paired 3PAR array and backup from the target system ideallylocated in a DR-Site.

Solution: With Remote Copy handling for VMware snapshot backups, DP can create VMware-consistentsnapshots at both the primary or secondary 3PAR arrays enabling users to use array replicationcapabilities for disaster recovery



Remote Copy



DR Site



3PAR Remote Copy ZDB with VMware


The setup is the same as with previous ZDB for 3PAR but now lets you choose Remote Copy & replication options as shown here.

Additional 3PAR enhancements

Besides supporting Remote Copy the following 3PAR features are also supported:

- Host Sets- Port Sets- Volume Sets- Peer Persistence

Creating sets of Hosts, Ports and Volumes makes it easier to work with complex configurations and is more in-line with HPE StoreServ 3PAR best practices. Peer Persistence makes sure that if 3PAR resources change (pathes, ports, array controller ...) resource presentation towards server hosts is managed properly.

For Instant Recovery the option “3PAR Force restore volume set“ has been added.

These items help you staying in-line with HPE Storage best practices.


Additional 3PAR enhancements

DP shows additional detail regarding 3PAR Sets:

Volume Set

Host Set


StoreOnce usage improvements:- Multiprotocol access- Service Set resolution/selection


Protocol Flexibility when using StoreOnce Store

Use Case: Data can be written to a StoreOnce Catalyst Store either over IP (CoIP) or Catalyst over FC (CoFC). Ideal behaviour is to have the freedom of writing with either one of those protocols while reading with another protocol. For instance this happens if you write into a primary store using CoFC and then data is replicated to a remote location.

Today StoreOnce replicates via IP so the protocol used to write into the target store is CoIP. Until now this data couldn‘t be read with a CoFC Gateway, making it hard to perform fast tape offload or similar activity.

In addition, there could be existing StoreOnce stores which have been set up seperately using CoIP and CoFC to the same store..

Solution: With DPs support for Multiprotocol access to StoreOnce datastores, the above is now possible. In addition to StoreOnce Store, multiprotocol access is also available for DDBoost disk device.


StoreOnce multiprotocol access

The Backup to Disk device (StoreOnce/DDBoost) isaddressed by IP address. In the Advanced options you have the choice of using FC and fallback to IP if needed (default).

Unchecking the “Fallback to IP“ optionwill make it a pure FC device.

Unchecking “Use FC“ will make ita pure IP device.

With the CLI command:

“omnimm –merge_library ...“ you can merge existing IP/FC libraries using the same store into one commondevice.



If the Backup to disk device is addressed by FC address, the options "Use FC"

and "Fallback to IP" will not be applicable and not available. This means it is pure FC device.

StoreOnce central system scenario

Backup via CoFC Restore via CoIP

Gateway 1 Gateway 2

Store “A“

Backup via CoIP Restore via CoFC

Gateway 1 Gateway 2

Store “A“

B2D Device 1

B2D Device 2

StoreOnce replication scenario


Replication over IP

Gateway 1

Gateway 2


Store “A“

Store “B“

Site A

Site B

StoreOnce Access: Identifying service sets

If you setup a StoreOnce Multi-Node System like B6200or 6600 you can identify andselect Service Sets. This hasbeen a manual task so far andhas been improved for easeof use.

Users can query the system to display IP or FC addresses if they are available

Always use logon credentials.


A service set is a collection of various services,

such as VTL, NAS, Replication and StoreOnce

Catalyst. There is one instance of each service

per service set.

The number of service set relates to the number of

couplets used in the StoreOnce setup. Couplets

are hardware groups (server-nodes+storage).


MS Hyper-V VHD/VHDX restore


Granular integration with Hyper-V

Use Case: VMs in Hyper-V are backed up at an individual VM level but admins may want to choose an individual virtual disk to be restored since they might want to restore only a given application on a given vhd or vhdx thus shortening the restore time and load on the system.

Solution: With 9.07 Data Protector enables selection of individual VHD/VHDX for restore. It also offers merging of snapshots for a cleaned situation after a restore.


Hyper-V individual virtual disk (VHD, VHDX) restore

Individual VHD and VHDX disks are grouped by controller type for restores.

No changes to backup process.

On the Options tab you canChoose “Merge Snapshots before restore“. This will removeunwanted snapshots from hanging around.


Hyper-V individual virtual disk (VHD, VHDX) restore workflow

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:07:50 PM

Initializing Hyper-V remote environment...

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:08:41 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1 (GUID: 817C5F09-D64A-4274-9080-DB0CB54717AF)':

Starting Restore of disk(s) :

'C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\HYPERV\VIRTUAL HARD DISKS\IMDPTEST1_4.vhdx'

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:08:43 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1 (GUID: 817C5F09-D64A-4274-9080-DB0CB54717AF)': Consolidating and Removing snapshots.

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:08:46 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1 (GUID: 817C5F09-D64A-4274-9080-DB0CB54717AF)': Shutting down ...

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:09:13 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1': Detaching disk 'IMDPTEST1_4.vhdx' ...

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:09:23 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1 (GUID: 817C5F09-D64A-4274-9080-DB0CB54717AF)': Starting Restore of Full Backup '2016/05/19-2'.

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:12:42 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1 (GUID: 817C5F09-D64A-4274-9080-DB0CB54717AF)': Merging disk 'IMDPTEST1_4.vhdx' ...

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:13:00 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1': Attaching disk 'IMDPTEST1_4.vhdx' ...

[Normal] From: "/HyperV" Time: 5/19/2016 2:13:05 PM

Virtual Machine 'IMDPTEST1 (GUID: 817C5F09-D64A-4274-9080-DB0CB54717AF)': Power on ...


NetApp NDMP Enhancements


Support for larger NDMP configurations with Netapp systems

Use Case: A large number of NetApp Systems are clustered and run in clustered mode which allows NDMP to fail over to another node or to make use of its resources.

Solution: A new DP agent integrating with NDMP Cluster Aware Backups (CAB)reduces the management overhead when backing up or restoring Netapp Systems.


NetApp Cluster Aware Backup (CAB) & 3-Way Backup

A new device interface type hasbeen implemented “NetApp CAB“

Another new feature is the abilityto chose robotic and drives froma drop-down.• First you pick the robotic/library• Then you pick an individual or

group of drives in that library.


NetApp Cluster Aware Backup (CAB) & 3-Way Backup


\\vol\shares\slidesA backup is configured for volumes\docs, \pictures and \slides.

Volumes are spread over both clusternodes in this example and the backupdevice is connected to the right host.

DP switches to 3-Way Backup mode reading the “\slides“ volume from the leftnode via the right node.

DP and CAB will also take care of changes (i.e. failover) of resources andact appropriately.


OpenStack Cinder Volumes / VM backup


Openstack basics for Data Protector backup/restore purposes

DP can make use of two major componentsin OpenStack:

1. SWIFT, which is used mainly as backup target. Supported with previous versionsof DP as backup device type.

2. CINDER, which can be a source devicefor backups. This is where Cloud VM‘sstore their data during runtime.

3. Nova is a compute Instance where CINDER volumes are mapped to. The Nova Instance is seen as VM in VMware, where as the cinder volume appears as Shadow VM under the Nova Instance VM.

DP supports VMware for OpenStack Cloud VM‘s. With DP 9.07, users can backup and restore VMs residing in NOVA and Shadow VMs providing improved integration with OpenStack environments


Backup and restore options

In a restore situation DP canbring back the VM on VMwareas well as the NOVA instanceand CINDER volumes attachedto it in the cloud.

DP also takes care of registeringthose resources into the Openstack dashboard.


PostgreSQL Online Integration


DP can now perform Online Backupand application consistent restore of PostgreSQL Enterprise DB 9.x

PostgreSQL online integration

New Online Integration addedto the family with dedicated agent.

General and Standby Server configuration options, connectionoptions, binary paths and settings for WAL (Write-Ahead-Logging)

Application specific options availableThe default option is to purge backed up archive log files.


Backup session

Here‘s an example of a PostgreSQL database that includes three components which could be backed up- WAL (Write-Ahead-Logging)- DB Data Global- DB Data Default


Restore options

1. Users can specify the Client and the instance of PostgreSQL they want to restore by specifying thecredentials

2. Users can choose to restore to a different target directory

3. Options to recover include recover from a "Point in Time" or “Backup Version“ or “ latest state“


PostgreSQL platforms

Supported PostgreSQL Versions: - 9.2 through 9.5

Suported Platforms:- RHEL 5.x / 6.x / 7.x- SLES 11.x / 12.x

Supported PostgreSQL types:- Basic Version- Enterprise Version


REST API for user self restore


REST API support for self-service restore

REST API‘s to browse restore objects, check session status and display cell information

• Cell Info – parsing cell info file• Browse restore objects – VMware, VCD, Hyper-V, MSSQL, Oracle, SAP and IDB objects• Display session status


Other enhancements


VMware Change Block Tracking (CBT) backup options are back!

1. Due to popular demand and to stay compatible with older VMware systems the Change Block Tracking options can be set manuallyper VM or a group of VM‘s.

2. Note VMware‘s Change Block Tracking allows Data Protector to determine what sectors are changed

3. There is a checkbox to fallback to non-CBTbackups in cases where CBT backup is unsuccessful


Improved reporting and security when handling client certificates

DP 9.07 has improved mechanismswhen dealing with client certificates.

1. All certificates are shown with validfrom/to dates.

2. Notification/broadcast/debugswill show clients when the certificate expired or weather itsinvalid.

3. Private keys are generated on theclient side. New Transport Layer (TLS) security version used(was 1.0 now updated to 1.1/1.2)


Data gathering using Telemetry for better diagnosis


"host":"1671867071","cc":"A.09.07","da":"A.09.07","ma":"A.09.07","os":"microsoft amd64 wNT-6.3-S","vepa":"A.09.07","vss":"A.09.07","cs":"A.09.07","docs":"A.09.07","pegasus":"A.09.07","ts_core":"A.09.07","ts_cs":"A.09.07","ts_as":"A.09.07","ts_jre":"A.09.07","ws":"A.09.07","gendev_user":"esc\\protector","ndmp":"A.09.07","platformid":100,"objecttype":6,"storeoncesoftware":"A.09.07","jce_dispatcher":"A.09.07","jce_serviceregistry":"A.09.07","VMwaregre_agent":"A.09.07"

},{"host":"4054054845","os":"NDMP Server","platformid":-1,"objecttype":2,"ndmp_info":{


} 41

Data Protector now gathers and collects high-level metrics from Telemetry including ---Host OS versions, devices, clients, schedules, capacity based licensing information, and lists the number of licenses available in Data Protector

Enhanced Automated Disaster Recovery (EADR) support for Red Hat 7.x and Oracle 7.x

– With DP 9.07 users running Red Hat 7.x and Oracle 7.x can now take advantage of the EADR functionality that was available with Windows and previous versions of Linux to enable a bare metal restore of a system from a single pass backup


Thank you