Data structure

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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● A data type is a collection of values and a set of operations that act on those values

● A data type refers to the type of values that variables in a programming language hold.

● Whether our program is dealing with predefined or user defined data types. The following two aspects must be considered.

○ Set of Values○ Set of operations

● for e.g. int data type consists of values {minint, ….., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ……., maxint}

● Primitive Data Type○ A data type that is predefined.○ Also known as built in data type.○ It may be different for different programming

languages.○ Inbuilt data type of ‘C’ – int, real(float,double), char

● Abstract Data Type○ It is a data type that is organized in such a way that

the specification of the values and the specification of the operation on those values are

■ Separated from the representation of the values ■ Implementation of the operations

● Boolean (True/False values)● char (char values)● Float (real number values)● Double ( a larger size of type float)● int (fixed-precision values)● String (for storing of chars)

● “Data Structure is a branch of computer science that unleashes the knowledge of how the data should be organized, how the flow of data should be controlled and how a data structure should be designed and implemented to reduce the complexity and increase the efficiency of the algorithm”

● boolean○ Also known as logical data type○ Having two values TRUE and FALSE

● char○ It is used to store character, letters, symbols or digits ○ Different codes available to store data in character

form such as BCD, EBCDIC, ASCII

● float○ It is used to represent real numbers in computers is

floating-point notation.● int

○ Basic data type which is commonly used for storing negative as well as non-negative integer numbers.

○ Different codes available to store data in character form such as BCD, EBCDIC, ASCII

● List is an abstract data type● A list is a collection of elements which can be

ordered or unordered.● The primitives operations on a list may include

○ Adding New Elements○ Deleting Elements○ Determining number of elements in the list○ Applying a particular process to each element in the

list● We are least concerned how the list is represented

and operations on it are implemented.

● Linear Data Structure● Non-Linear Data Structure

● Linear Data Structure○ The elements of linear structure form a sequence○ Example :

■ Arrays■ Linked lists■ Stacks ■ Queues

● Non-Linear Data Structure○ The elements of non-linear structure do not form

form a sequence○ Example :

■ Trees■ Graphs