Database Management Systems - Computer Science |...

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Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Database Management SystemsCS 542 --- Spring 2017

Instructor: Elke Rundensteiner

Office: FL 135


Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner2

Course Information

• Who should attend?

Interested in working with data, database internals, and database related research

• Scope

Database application design and development

Fundamental concepts in database theory

Internals of database management systems

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner3

Course Information

• External View: over the hood (cs3431)

– How to utilize a database

– How to configure a database

• Internal View: under the hood (cs4432)

– What is inside

– How it works

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner4

Data Courses at WPI

• Undergraduate : CS3431 and CS4432

• Beginning graduate: CS542

• Advanced graduate: CS561

• Big data management: CS585

• Big data analytics: CS586

• Special topics courses: data streaming, information retrieval, distributed data management.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Why are database systems important?

• Traditional database systems managed :

─ Employee records

─ Bank records

• Now we talk about

─ Web data stores

─ Social media

─ Management of tweets/electornic records

─ Scientific discovery

─ Medical records data integration

─ Big data

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Databases are a strategic asset: “New gold”

• The value of a company is defined by its data, for example:

─ Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, eBay, Amazon, ++

─ They who have the data have the power: “data is the new gold”

• The power of the database systems comes from:

─ Its ease of retrieval

─ Its quality

─ Its consistency

─ What else?

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

DBMS and Applications

• database server ( SQL or noSQL )

• applications communicate with the database server

• applications can be in any programming language (java, C++, python )

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DBMS System and Its Layers

• DBMS presents a “controlled” (declarative) interface to the applications:

─ Typically SQL

─ Or

─ programming interfaces for NoSQL databases

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner9

Course Information

• Class Meetings─ Mo/Wed.: 12-1:20 pm at Salisbury Labs 402

• Office Hours for Instructor─ after class 1:20 to 2:00pm

─ Location: here and then FL135

• Teaching assistant Wen Liu ( )

─ Office hours to be posted on myWPI

─ Location: Atwater Kent 013

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Contact and Communication

• You will be registered in mailing list:

CS542 ….. I’ll say …..

Automatically, once enrolled in course.

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Course Material


+ lecture overheads

+ homework assignments

+ project guidelines

+ due dates

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner12

MyWPI (Canvas)

• Will be used for:

+ communication/discussion board

+ team formation

+ submission of some assignments

+ grading center

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner13


• R. Ramakrishnan & J. GehrkeDATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS McGraw-Hill Publisher, Third Edition

• Used & paperback copies are available

• Book site


─ Useful on-line solutions on some problems.

─ Useful project sample code

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner14

Other Reading

•Database Systems: The Complete Book

•Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer D. Widom

•Prentice Hall. 2nd Edition.

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner15

Optional Readings

• Understanding the New SQL: A Complete Guide J. Melton and A. R. Simon, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1993.

• A Guide to the SQL Standard (third edition) C. J. Date and H. Darwen, Addison-Wesley, 1994.

• Database Systems Impl. by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom, (Prentice-Hall)

• A First Course in Database Systems, by Ullman and Widom, (Prentice-Hall, 1999)

• Fundamentals of Database Systems R. Elmasri, and S. Navathe, Benjamin Cummings, any edition.

• Database System Concepts, 2nd Edition H.F. Korth, and A. Silberschatz, McGraw-Hill, any edition.

• Principles of Data and Knowledge Base Systems, Volume 1, J.D. Ullman, Computer Science Press,

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner16

Grading Policy

• Final grades based on 100 points:

─20 points: Assignments and Quizzes

─30 points: Course Project (Report, Presentations, and Demonstrations)

─20 points: Midterm

─20 points: Final

─10 points: Course Participation & MyWPI Interactions

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Course Project

─ Team with 3 to 4 members

─ Form groups in about 2 weeks (once class enrollment settles)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Project Types

• The design, implementation and evaluation of a database management application for a customer ( bonus for real one ! )

• Implementation of some data component from “simpleDB” to some advanced stand-alone service

• Benchmarking and comparison of big data tools

• A research project

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Project Schedule

• Four Deliverables:

Each accompanied by a write-up submitted beforehand

a (brief) presentation in class (and if needed, separate in front of instructor)

Each are a milestone on progress towards the full project

• Time table (announced as we go along):

1. Form teams with project intent (~in 2 weeks) [ 0 % ]

2. Project Proposal. [ 10 % ]

3. Project Progress. [ 30 % ]

4. Final Project Hand-over. [ 60 % ]

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner20

Project Grading

• the difficulty of the project you have chosen

• solution approach, design & implementation

• oral project presentations

• written documentation of your project

• successful completion of your project goals

• the demonstration of your system

• the understanding of each team member of his or her part of the project

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Computing Platforms

• Oracle Account at WPI ( all )

• On your laptop (optional)─MySQL─Microsoft SQL Server─PostgreSQL

• Access to cloud computing for project (optional)

Worcester Polytechnic InstituteCS542 @ Elke Rundensteiner22

Honesty, Late Policy, and Disability

• Academic Honesty ─All work is to be done on an individual basis; unless

otherwise indicated.

─No violation of WPI's guidelines for academic integrity.

• Late Submission Policy

─One day: 20%

─Two days: 40%

• Disability Policy