Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact ......ICR_Locks 266 ICR_Node 267 ICR_View 268...

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Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact CenterEnterprise, Release 12.5(1)First Published: 2020-02-04

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Preface xvP R E F A C E

Change History xv

About This Guide xx

Audience xx

Related Documents xxi

Communications, Services, and Additional Information xxi

Field Notice xxii

Documentation Feedback xxii

Conventions xxii

Introduction 1C H A P T E R 1

The Unified ICM and Unified CC Enterprise Databases 1

General Concepts 2

Tables Columns and Rows 2

Table Relationships 2

Key Fields 3

Reserved Fields 4

Field Applicability 4

Data Types 4

Real-Time and Historical Data 6

Call Detail Data 6

Historical data replication 7

All Tables 9C H A P T E R 2

Admin_Script_Schedule_Map 14

Agent 17

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)iii

Agent_Attribute 20

Agent_Desk_Settings 21

Agent_Distribution 26

Agent_Event_Detail 27

Agent_Interval 33

Agent_Logout 38

Agent_Real_Time 39

Agent_Skill_Group_Interval 45

Agent_Skill_Group_Logout 61

Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time 62

Agent_State_Trace 65

Agent_Service_Enabled 69

Agent_Targeting_Rule 69

Agent_Targeting_Rule_Member 72

Agent_Targeting_Rule_Range 73

Agent_Team 73

Agent_Team_Member 75

Agent_Team_Supervisor 76

Announcement 76

Application_Event 77

Application_Gateway 80

Application_Gateway_Connection 81

Application_Gateway_Globals 83

Application_Gateway_Half_Hour 85

Application_Instance 87

Application_Path 88

Application_Path_Member 90

Application_Path_Real_Time 90

Attribute 92

Attribute_Set 94

Attribute_Set_Member 95

AWControl 95

Blended_Agent_Options 96

Bucket_Intervals 100

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)iv


Bulk_Job 101

Business_Entity 103

Business_Hours 104

Business_Hours_Real_Time 106

Business_Hours_Reason 107

Call_Event_Detail 108

Call_Type 110

Call_Type_Interval 112

Call_Type_Map 129

Call_Type_SG_Interval 130

Call_Type_Real_Time 142

Campaign 156

Campaign_Half_Hour 165

Campaign_Query_Rule 166

Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour 169

Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval 172

Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time 175

Campaign_Skill_Group 184

Campaign_Target_Sequence 186

Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State 187

Cfg_Mngr_Globals 188

Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap 189

Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu 191

Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings 192

Cfg_Mngr_View 193

Class_Access_Xref 194

Class_List 194

Class_Security 195

ClassID_To_ObjectType 196

Configuration_Limit 197

Config_Message_Log 199

Congestion Control 200

Contact_Share_Group 203

Contact_Share_Group_Member 204

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)v


Contact_Share_Queue 205

Contact_Share_Rule 206

Controller_Time 206

Customer_Definition 207

Customer_Options 208

Default_Call_Type 209

Department 210

Department _Member 211

Device_Target 212

Dialed_Number 214

Dialed_Number_Label 216

Dialed_Number_Map 216

Dial_Number_Plan 218

Dialer 219

Dialer_Detail 224

Dialer_Half_Hour 230

Dialer_Interval 233

Dialer_Port_Map 236

Dialer_Port_Real_Time 237

Dialer_Real_Time 239

Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour 242

Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time 246

ECC_Payload 248

ECC_Payload_Member 249

Enterprise_Route 250

Enterprise_Route_Member 251

Enterprise_Service 251

Enterprise_Service_Member 252

Enterprise_Skill_Group 253

Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member 254

Event 255

Expanded_Call_Variable 257

Feature_Control_Set 259

ICR_Globals 260

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)vi


ICR_Instance 264

ICR_Locks 266

ICR_Node 267

ICR_View 268

Ids 269

Import_Log 270

Import_Rule 271

Import_Rule_Clause 275

Import_Rule_History 277

Import_Rule_Real_Time 278

Import_Schedule 280

Label 280

Logger_Admin 282

Logger_Meters 283

Logger_Type 285

Logical_Interface_Controller 285

Location 287

Location_Member 288

Machine_Address 289

Machine_Connection_Profile 289

Machine_Host 289

Machine_Service 294

Master_Script 298

Media_Class 300

Media_Routing_Domain 301

Network_Event_Detail 304

Network_Target 306

Network_Trunk_Group 307

Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour 308

Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time 310

Network_Vru 312

Network_Vru_Bank 313

Network_Vru_Script 314

Next_Available_Number 316

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)vii


Object_Access_Xref 316

Object_List 317

Object_Security 318

Person 319

Peripheral 321

Peripheral_Default_Route 325

Peripheral_Interval 326

Peripheral_Monitor 328

Peripheral_Real_Time 330

Peripheral_Set 334

Peripheral_Set_Controller 335

Peripheral_Set_Host 335

Peripheral_Target 336

Persistent_Variable 338

Physical_Controller_Half_Hour 339

Physical_Interface_Controller 340

Precision_Queue 341

Precision_Q_Real_Time Table 343

Precision_Queue_Step 354

Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time 355

Precision_Queue_Term 356

Query_Rule 358

Query_Rule_Clause 360

Reason_Code 361

Recovery 362

Recurring_Schedule_Map 363

Region 365

Region_Info 366

Region_Member 367

Region_Prefix 368

Region_View 369

Region_View_Member 373

Rename 374

Route 374

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Route_Call_Detail 376

Route_Call_Variable 383

Route_Five_Minute 384

Route_Half_Hour 388

Route_Real_Time 393

Router_Queue_Interval 398

Routing_Client 407

Routing_Client_Five_Minute 411

Routing_Pattern 418

Schedule 419

Schedule_Import 421

Schedule_Import_Real_Time 423

Schedule_Map 425

Schedule_Report 426

Schedule_Report_Input 428

Schedule_Source 429

Scheduled_Target 430

Scheduled_Target_Real_Time 431

Script 432

Script_Cross_Reference 434

Script_Data 435

Script_Five_Minute 435

Script_Print_Control 437

Script_Queue_Real_Time 437

Script_Real_Time 438

Script_Table 439

Script_Table_Column 440

Sec_Group 441

Sec_User 442

Service 443

Service_Array 446

Service_Array_Member 448

Service_Five_Minute 449

Service_Interval 454

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)ix


Service_Level_Threshold 463

Service_Member 464

Service_Real_Time 465

Shift 481

SIP_Server_Group 482

SIP_Server_Group_Elements 483

Skill_Group 484

Skill_Group_Five_Minute 488

Skill_Group_Interval 492

Skill_Group_Member 520

Skill_Group_Real_Time 521

Skill_Target 537

Smart_License_Entitlements 538

Smart_License_Info 541

Smart_License_Product 543

Smart_License_Server 545

Special_Day_Schedule 547

Survey (For Future Use) 550

Survey_Question (For Future Use) 551

Survey_Result (For Future Use) 552

System_Capacity_Interval 555

System_Capacity_Real_Time 558

Termination_Call_Detail 560

Termination_Call_Variable 577

Time_Zone_Location 578

Translation_Route 579

Translation_Route_Half_Hour 580

Trunk 582

Trunk_Group 583

Trunk_Group_Five_Minute 585

Trunk_Group_Half_Hour 586

Trunk_Group_Real_Time 587

User_Formula 589

User_Formula_Equation 590

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)x


User_Group 591

User_Group_Member 593

User_Security_Control 594

User_Supervisor_Map 595

User_Variable 596

Version 597

View_Column 598

Vru_Currency 599

Vru_Defaults 600

Vru_Locale 602

Vru_Port_Map 603

Week_Day_Schedule 604

Tables by Group 607C H A P T E R 3

Overview 607

Blended Agent (Outbound Option) 608

Business Hours 609

Contact Sharing 610

Survey (For Future Use) 611

Device 612

Peripheral Detail 614

Trunk Group Detail 614

Enterprise 615

Media Routing 617

Precision Queue 618

Precision Queue Detail 619

Route 619

Schedule 622

Script 623

Call Type Detail 625

Region Detail 625

Script Detail 626

Security 627

Skill Target 629

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xi


Agent Detail 631

Service Detail 632

Skill Group Detail 632

Smart License 633

Smart_License_Info 633

Smart_License_Server 636

Smart_License_Entitlements 638

Smart_License_Product 641

System 642

User Preferences 644

VRU Micro-application 645

Tables Reserved for Future Use 645

Field Values 647C H A P T E R 4

Access Levels 648

AgentState 648

Application Gateway: Fault Tolerance 649

Client Type 650

Customer Options Type 652

Days 652

Dialed Number Map: ANIWildCardType 653

Dialer Detail: CallResult 654

Dialer Detail: CallStatusZone 655

Dialer Detail: DialingMode 656

Event Fields 657

ICR Locks Fields 657

LabelType Fields 658

Logical Interface Controller Fields 658

Network Vru Type 660

Port Status 661

Route Call Detail Fields 661

Router Error Codes 663

Object Types: Security 666

Object Types: User Variable 667

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xii


Peripheral Real Time Status Field 669

Reason Codes 670

Service Fields 672

Service Real Time: Service Mode Indicator Field 673

Survey Question (For Future Use) 673

Target Types: Script Cross Reference and Scheduled Report Input 674

Termination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields 677

Termination Call Detail: Peripheral Call Type 685

Trunk Type 688

Database Rules 691C H A P T E R 5

Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option) 691

Business Hours Tables 693

Contact Sharing Tables 693

CX Survey_Table (For Future Use) 693

Device Tables 694

Enterprise Tables 695

Media Routing Tables 695

Route Tables 696

Schedule Tables 696

Script Tables 697

Security Tables 698

Skill Target Tables 698

System Tables 699

User Preferences Tables 700

VRU Micro-applications Tables 700

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xiii


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• Change History, on page xv• About This Guide, on page xx• Audience, on page xx• Related Documents, on page xxi• Communications, Services, and Additional Information, on page xxi• Field Notice, on page xxii• Documentation Feedback, on page xxii• Conventions, on page xxii

Change HistoryThis table lists changes made to this guide. Most recent changes appear at the top.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xv


February 2020Initial Release of Document for Release 12.5(1)

Machine_Service, on page 294Added a new ServiceType for PrincipalVVB

• Smart_License_Server

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Entitlements

• Smart_License_Product

Added the following new tables:

• Smart_License_Server

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Entitlements

• Smart_License_Product

• Config_Message_Log

• Event

• Application_Event

• Feature_Control_Set

• Route_Call_Detail

• Machine_Connection_Profile

• Machine_Service

• Script_Real_Time

• Script_Data

• System_Capacity_Interval

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xvi



Updated datatypes of these fields in thefollowing tables:

• Config_Message_Log

• Changed the datatype ofConfigMessage tovarbinary(max).

• Event

• Changed the datatype of BinDatato varbinary(max).

• Application_Event

• Changed the datatype of BinDatato varbinary(max).

• Feature_Control_Set

• Changed the datatype ofFeatureSetData tovarbinary(max).

• Route_Call_Detail

• Changed the datatype ofCallTrace to varbinary(max).

• Machine_Connection_Profile

• Changed the datatype ofPassword to varbinary(max).

• Machine_Service

• Changed the datatype ofEnablePassword tovarbinary(max)

• Changed the datatype ofPassword to varbinary(max)

• Script_Real_Time

• Changed the datatyype ofScriptMeters to varbinary(max).

• Script_Data

• Changed the datatype ofScriptData to varbinary(max).

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xvii




• Changed the datatype ofDbDateTime toDBDATETIMENULL.

Added new fileds to these tables:

ICR_GlobalsUpdated the ICR_Globals table, added thefollowing fields:

• AnalyzerIntegrated

• CVPCxSurveyAppName

System_Capacity_IntervalUpdated the System_Capacity_Intervaltable, added the following fields:

• MaxVoiceAgentsLoggedIn

• MaxNonVoiceAgentsLoggedIn

• MaxAgentsHandledPrevOB

• MaxAgentsHandledPredProgOB

• MaxPerpetualPremiumAgentsLoggedIn

• MaxFlexStdAgentsLoggedIn

• MaxFlexPremiumAgentsLoggedIn

• CustomerDefinitionId

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xviii



System_Capacity_Real_TimeUpdated the System_Capacity_Real_Timetable:

• MaxVoiceAgentsLoggedIn

• MaxNonVoiceAgentsLoggedIn

• MaxAgentsHandledPrevOB

• MaxAgentsHandledPredProgOB

• MaxPerpetualPremiumAgentsLoggedInNow

• MaxStdAgentsLoggedInNow

• MaxCVPCallControlPorts

• MaxVRUPorts

• CustomerDefinitionId

• FutureUseInt3

• FutureUseInt4

• MaxPremiumAgentsLoggedInNow

Agent_Event_DetailUpdated the Agent_Event_Detail table:

• RouterCallKey

• RouterCallKeyDay

• PeripheralCallKey

• AgentDialedNumber

• EventDateTimeUTC

• DialedNumber

• TaskIndex

• AgentSessionId

• AgentState

• RouterCallKeySequenceNumber

• Direction

• PrecisionQueueID

• SkillGroupID

• WrapupData

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xix



Route_Call_DetailUpdated the Route_Call_Detail tables:

• CallStartDateTimeUTC

Termination_Call_DetailUpdated the Termination_Call_Detailtable:

• AnsweredDateTimeUTC

• WrapUpStartDateTimeUTC

• ConsultStartDateTimeUTC

• ConsultEndDateTimeUTC

• ConferenceStartDateTimeUTC

• ConferenceEndDateTimeUTC

• TransferredDateTimeUTC

• CallTerminatedDateTimeUTC

• AgentSessionId

User_GroupUpdated the User_Group table:

• EmailAddress

About This GuideTheDatabase Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise describes the database schemaused by Unified Contact Center Enterprise (Unified CCE), including the types of data stored in the databaseand the relationships among those data. This guide documents each table, major categories of tables, codedvalues used, and the dependencies and constraints.

AudienceThis manual is intended for Unified ICM and Unified CCE software system managers and supervisors.Understanding the database schema helps you to create your ownmonitoring screens and reports. It also helpsyou to understand how the Unified ICM and Unified CCE software works.

You can navigate the PDF file using the Contents, the Index, and the links.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xx

PrefaceAbout This Guide

Related DocumentsDocumentation for contact center enterprise solutions is accessible from at: Click Voice and Unified Communications, then click Cisco Unified ContactCenter Products or Cisco Unified Voice Self-Service Products, then click the product or option you want.

• For the Unified CCE Documentation guide, go to

• Related documentation includes the documentation sets for Cisco Unified Contact Center ManagementPortal (Unified CCMP), Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (Unified CVP), and Cisco Unified IP IVR.

• Documentation for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) is accessible from

• Technical Support documentation and tools are accessible from

• For information on the Cisco software support methodology, see Software Release and SupportMethodology: ICM/Unified CCE available at (sign-in required)

• For a detailed list of language localizations, see the Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Product andSystem Localization Matrix available at the bottom of

Communications, Services, and Additional Information• To receive timely, relevant information from Cisco, sign up at Cisco Profile Manager.

• To get the business impact you’re looking for with the technologies that matter, visit Cisco Services.

• To submit a service request, visit Cisco Support.

• To discover and browse secure, validated enterprise-class apps, products, solutions and services, visitCisco Marketplace.

• To obtain general networking, training, and certification titles, visit Cisco Press.

• To find warranty information for a specific product or product family, access Cisco Warranty Finder.

Cisco Bug Search Tool

Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST) is a web-based tool that acts as a gateway to the Cisco bug tracking systemthat maintains a comprehensive list of defects and vulnerabilities in Cisco products and software. BST providesyou with detailed defect information about your products and software.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xxi

PrefaceRelated Documents

Field NoticeCisco publishes Field Notices to notify customers and partners about significant issues in Cisco products thattypically require an upgrade, workaround, or other user action. For more information, see Product Field NoticeSummary at

You can create custom subscriptions for Cisco products, series, or software to receive email alerts or consumeRSS feeds when new announcements are released for the following notices:

• Cisco Security Advisories

• Field Notices

• End-of-Sale or Support Announcements

• Software Updates

• Updates to Known Bugs

For more information on creating custom subscriptions, see My Notifications at

Documentation FeedbackTo provide comments about this document, send an email message to the following

We appreciate your comments.

ConventionsThis document uses the following conventions:


Boldface font is used to indicate commands, such as user entries, keys, buttons,folder names, and submenu names.

For example:

• Choose Edit > Find.

• Click Finish.

boldface font

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xxii

PrefaceField Notice


Italic font is used to indicate the following:

• To introduce a new term. Example: A skill group is a collection of agentswho share similar skills.

• A syntax value that the user must replace. Example: IF (condition, true-value,false-value)

• A book title. Example: See the Cisco Unified Contact Center EnterpriseInstallation and Upgrade Guide.

italic font

Window font, such as Courier, is used for the following:

• Text as it appears in code or that the window displays. Example:<html><title>Cisco Systems, Inc. </title></html>

window font

Angle brackets are used to indicate the following:

• For arguments where the context does not allow italic, such as ASCII output.

• A character string that the user enters but that does not appear on the windowsuch as a password.

< >

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xxiii


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)xxiv


C H A P T E R 1Introduction

• The Unified ICM and Unified CC Enterprise Databases, on page 1• General Concepts, on page 2• Real-Time and Historical Data, on page 6• Historical data replication, on page 7

The Unified ICM and Unified CC Enterprise DatabasesUnified ICM and Unified CC Enterprise software uses the following types of databases:

• The central database that is part of the Central Controller.

• The local database on each distributor Administration & Data Server.

• The Historical Data Server (HDS) database on a distributor Administration & Data Server.

The following table lists the databases and respective customer instance names.

Database NameDatabase

<customer>_sideA or <customer>_sideBCentral


<customer>_hdsHistorical Data Server

Unified ICM and Unified CC Enterprise software uses information in the central database to determine howto route each call. This includes information about your telephone system configuration and routing scripts.The local database contains copy of the configuration data and scripts from the central database.

The local database also contains tables of real-time information that describe activity at the call centers. (TheCentral Controller keeps the real-time information in memory but does not store it in the central database.)This information allows you to monitor current activity within the system.

The central database stores historical information describing past activities at the call centers and withinUnified ICM and Unified CC Enterprise systems. A special HDS database on a distributor Administration &Data Server at each site also stores the same historical information. Therefore, either the central database oran HDS database is the historical database for an Administration&Data Server user. You can access historicalinformation that is stored in the historical database to produce reports and screens.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)1

General ConceptsThis section gives a brief overview of relational database concepts and details about how data is generatedby the system software.

Tables Columns and RowsA database contains tables of data. A table defines a series of columns or fields. The actual data is stored asrows or records within each table. Each row contains one value for each column of the table. For example,Figure 1 shows a table with five columns. It contains three rows of data.

The data in tables changes for each system, but the definition of tables and columns does not. This manualdescribes the columns of each table; it does not describe the actual data in table rows.

Table RelationshipsRelated tables in a database share one or more common fields or columns. For example, both the Agent andPeripheral tables include the PeripheralID field. This defines a relationship: each row in the Agent table isrelated to the row in the Peripheral table that shares the same PeripheralID value.

Relationships between tables can be one-to-one or one-to-many. For example, because one peripheral can beassociated with many agents, the relationship between the Peripheral and Agent tables is one-to-many. Onthe other hand, each peripheral has a single peripheral default route and each peripheral default route belongsto only one peripheral. Therefore, the relationship between the Peripheral and Peripheral Default Route tablesis one-to-one.

Sometimes a single row might not be associated with any rows in a related table. For example, it is possibleto define a peripheral with no associated agents. Normally, this would only be a temporary condition. In somecases, however, the condition might be permanent. For example, you can define a trunk group but not definethe associated trunks.

Sometimes the natural relationship between two tables appears to be many-to-many. For example, each agentcan be a member of many skill groups and each skill group can contain many agents. Therefore, the Agentand Skill Group tables appear to have a many-to-many relationship. However, in this case, a third table, calleda cross-reference table, actually links the tables so the relationship is actually one-to-many. For example,Figure 2 shows how the Skill Group Member table acts as a cross-reference table for the Agent and SkillGroup tables.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)2

IntroductionGeneral Concepts

The Skill Group Member table contains one record for each member of each skill group. It has one-to-manyrelationships with both the Agent table and the Skill Group table. This avoids a direct many-to-many relationshipbetween the Agent and Skill Group tables.

Key FieldsOne or more fields within a table can form a key. Keys are the fields that you commonly use to locate specificrecords. Usually the fields that make up a key are defined as NOTNULL (meaning they cannot take the NULLvalue), but there are many exceptions.

Most tables have a primary key. For example, the PeripheralID field is the primary key for the Peripheraltable.

An example of a foreign key is the PeripheralID field in the Agent table. You can use this key to find allagents that are associated with a specific peripheral.

The Agent table contains two alternate keys: the EnterpriseName field, and the combination of the PeripheralIDand PeripheralNumber fields. A value for either of these keys uniquely identifies an agent.

The combination of FirstName and LastName is an inversion key for the Agent table. While this key valueis not necessarily unique, it is a convenient way to locate specific agents. This table lists the types of keys andthe codes that are used for them in the system database.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)3

IntroductionKey Fields

DescriptionCodeKey Type

Consists of one or more fields that have a unique value for eachrecord in the table.

By default, the primary key is the clustered key for the table.

PKPrimary key

A unique key, other than the primary key, that you can use tolocate a specific record.

AKAlternate key

A primary key from one table that appears in a second table. Aforeign key that establishes a one-to-one relationship is alwaysunique. A foreign key that establishes a one-to-many relationshipis not unique.

FKForeign key

A key that does not necessarily have a unique value, but can beused to locate a group of records within the table.

IEInversion key

By default, all keys are on the PRIMARY file group for the database. Microsoft SQL Server always createsthe PRIMARY file group as the default file group.


The codes from this table are used to identify key fields in each table. If a table has more than one key of thesame type, then numbers are attached to the codes. For example, if a table has two alternate keys, then thefields in the first are "AK1" and the fields in the second are "AK2."

Each field is marked as either NULL (meaning that NULL is a valid value) or NOT NULL (meaning thatNULL is not valid).

Reserved FieldsSome fields in the database are marked as reserved. This means that system software or the database managermight use the field, but it has no external meaning. You must not modify any field marked as reserved.

Field ApplicabilityUnless specifically indicated otherwise, table fields apply to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE.

Data TypesThis table describes the data types used for fields in the Unified ICM and Unified CCE database.

DescriptionNull OptionDefault

MS SQL ServerData Type

Unified ICM andUnified CCEDefined DataType

Consists of one or more fields that have a uniquevalue for each record in the table.


Up to 1 character. The value 1 is the storage size.NOT NULLchar(1)DBCHAR

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)4

IntroductionReserved Fields

DescriptionNull OptionDefault

MS SQL ServerData Type

Unified ICM andUnified CCEDefined DataType

A date and time accurate to the second. Stored astwo four-byte integers (eight bytes total): daysbefore or since January 1, 1900 and seconds sincemidnight.


A four-byte floating-point value (7-digit precision).NULLrealDBFLT4

An eight-byte floating-point value (15-digitprecision).


A date and time accurate to the minute. Stored astwo unsigned two-byte integers (four bytes total):number of days since January 1, 1900 andminutessince midnight.


A four-byte integer value between -2,147,483,648and 2,147,483,647.


A two-byte integer value between -32,768 and32,767.


Up to 255 characters. The value 255 is the storagesize.


A one-byte integer value between 0 and 255.NOT NULLtinyintDBTINYINT

Up to 10 characters. The value 10 is the storagesize.

NULLchar (10)TELNO

Up to 32 characters. The value 32 is the storagesize.


Up to 10 characters. The value 10 is the storagesize.


Up to 20 characters. The value 20 is the storagesize.


Up to n characters. The value n is the storage size.NULLchar(n)char(n)

Up to n characters. The value n is the storage size.NULLvarchar(n)varchar(n)

Up to 2,147,483,647 bytes of binary data. Thestorage size is determined by the length of the data.


A date and time accurate to the second. Stored astwo four-byte integers (eight bytes total): daysbefore or since January 1, 1900 and seconds sincemidnight.


A date and time accurate to the minute. Stored astwo unsigned two-byte integers (four bytes total):number of days since January 1, 1900 andminutessince midnight.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)5

IntroductionData Types

Real-Time and Historical DataUnified ICM and Unified CCE software maintains real-time and historical status information about certainobjects in the system such as service, skill groups, routes, and scripts.

For example, the Route Real Time table contains real-time information about each route. The Route FiveMinute and Route Half Hour tables contain historical information about each route. The Route Real Timetable contains one row for each route. (It has a one-to-one relationship with the Route table.) The Route HalfHour table contains many rows for each route--Unified ICM and Unified CCE software adds an additionalrow for each route every half hour. (It has a one-to-many relationship with the Route table.)

The Half Hour database tables available in the database are not populated because these tables are not supported.These tables are replaced by the Interval database tables.


The system software updates the real-time tables in the database every ten seconds. Real-time informationincludes information about what is happening right now (for example, CallsQNow and ExpectedDelay). Italso includes summary information about what has happened during the last five minutes (for example,CallsIncomingTo5 andAvgTalkTimeTo5), since the last half-hour historical data (for example, CallsRoutedHalfand CallsAbandQHalf), and since midnight (for example, CallsOfferedToday and CallsHandledToday).

Unified ICM and Unified CCE software generates historical information on five- and 30-minute intervals,with the first interval beginning at midnight. For example, Unified ICM and Unified CCE software adds anew row for each Route to the Route Five Minute table every five minutes. Unified ICM and Unified CCEsoftware adds a new row for each Route to the Route Half Hour table every 30minutes. Some of the informationfor the historical tables is derived from accumulation fields in the real-time tables. For example, at the end ofeach five-minute interval, the value from the CallsOfferedTo5 field in the Route Real Time table is copied tothe CallsOfferedTo5 field of the Route Five Minute table.

Each five- and 30-minute row contains a field for the date-time. The time stored in this field is the time at thestart of the interval. For example, a Service Five Minute row for the interval from 10:00 a.m. to 10:05 a.m.contains the time 10:00 a.m. However, some fields within the table contain a snapshot of data from the endof the interval. For example, the CallsQNow field of the Service Five Minute table contains the number ofcalls queued at the end of the five-minute period. Therefore, the Service Five Minute row with the time of10:00 a.m. tells you the number of calls queued at 10:05 a.m. To find the number of calls queued at 10:00a.m., look at the Service Five Minute record for 9:55 a.m.

Call Detail DataEach time Unified ICM and Unified CCE software processes a routing request, it generates a Route Call Detailrow that contains information about the request and routing decision it made. Each row includes the day onwhich the request was handled and a key value generated by Unified ICM and Unified CCE software that isunique among all requests handled that day. These two values together comprise a unique identifier for thecall.

When Unified ICM and Unified CCE software receives information that a call is completely done (that is, forexample, it has been routed to a peripheral, handled by an agent, and disconnected), then a row about the callis written to the Termination Call Detail table. The Termination Call Detail row indicates the agent, skillgroup, and service that handled the call. It also contains information such as how long the caller was on hold,and whether the call was transferred to another agent after the initial routing.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)6

IntroductionReal-Time and Historical Data

If the call was sent to a translation route, the Termination Call Detail row contains the same day and routerkey values as the Route Call Detail row for the same call. You can use these fields to link the tables and findall the call detail information for a single call. This process is called cradle-to-grave call tracking.

Historical data replicationAll tables are replicated in AW-HDS-DDS and HDS-DDS modes.

For AW-HDS, all tables except the following gets replicated:

• Route_Call_Detail

• Route_Call_Variable

• Termination_Call_Detail

• Termination_Call_Variable

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)7

IntroductionHistorical data replication

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)8

IntroductionHistorical data replication

C H A P T E R 2All Tables

• Admin_Script_Schedule_Map, on page 14• Agent, on page 17• Agent_Attribute, on page 20• Agent_Desk_Settings, on page 21• Agent_Distribution, on page 26• Agent_Event_Detail, on page 27• Agent_Interval, on page 33• Agent_Logout, on page 38• Agent_Real_Time, on page 39• Agent_Skill_Group_Interval, on page 45• Agent_Skill_Group_Logout, on page 61• Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 62• Agent_State_Trace, on page 65• Agent_Service_Enabled, on page 69• Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69• Agent_Targeting_Rule_Member, on page 72• Agent_Targeting_Rule_Range, on page 73• Agent_Team, on page 73• Agent_Team_Member, on page 75• Agent_Team_Supervisor, on page 76• Announcement, on page 76• Application_Event, on page 77• Application_Gateway, on page 80• Application_Gateway_Connection, on page 81• Application_Gateway_Globals, on page 83• Application_Gateway_Half_Hour, on page 85• Application_Instance, on page 87• Application_Path, on page 88• Application_Path_Member, on page 90• Application_Path_Real_Time, on page 90• Attribute, on page 92• Attribute_Set, on page 94• Attribute_Set_Member, on page 95

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)9

• AWControl, on page 95• Blended_Agent_Options, on page 96• Bucket_Intervals, on page 100• Bulk_Job, on page 101• Business_Entity, on page 103• Business_Hours, on page 104• Business_Hours_Real_Time, on page 106• Business_Hours_Reason, on page 107• Call_Event_Detail, on page 108• Call_Type, on page 110• Call_Type_Interval, on page 112• Call_Type_Map, on page 129• Call_Type_SG_Interval, on page 130• Call_Type_Real_Time, on page 142• Campaign, on page 156• Campaign_Half_Hour, on page 165• Campaign_Query_Rule, on page 166• Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour, on page 169• Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval, on page 172• Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time, on page 175• Campaign_Skill_Group, on page 184• Campaign_Target_Sequence, on page 186• Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State, on page 187• Cfg_Mngr_Globals, on page 188• Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap, on page 189• Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu, on page 191• Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings, on page 192• Cfg_Mngr_View, on page 193• Class_Access_Xref, on page 194• Class_List, on page 194• Class_Security, on page 195• ClassID_To_ObjectType, on page 196• Configuration_Limit, on page 197• Config_Message_Log, on page 199• Congestion Control, on page 200• Contact_Share_Group, on page 203• Contact_Share_Group_Member, on page 204• Contact_Share_Queue, on page 205• Contact_Share_Rule, on page 206• Controller_Time, on page 206• Customer_Definition, on page 207• Customer_Options, on page 208• Default_Call_Type, on page 209• Department, on page 210• Department _Member , on page 211• Device_Target, on page 212

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All Tables

• Dialed_Number, on page 214• Dialed_Number_Label, on page 216• Dialed_Number_Map, on page 216• Dial_Number_Plan, on page 218• Dialer, on page 219• Dialer_Detail, on page 224• Dialer_Half_Hour, on page 230• Dialer_Interval, on page 233• Dialer_Port_Map, on page 236• Dialer_Port_Real_Time, on page 237• Dialer_Real_Time, on page 239• Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour, on page 242• Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 246• ECC_Payload, on page 248• ECC_Payload_Member, on page 249• Enterprise_Route, on page 250• Enterprise_Route_Member, on page 251• Enterprise_Service, on page 251• Enterprise_Service_Member, on page 252• Enterprise_Skill_Group, on page 253• Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member, on page 254• Event, on page 255• Expanded_Call_Variable, on page 257• Feature_Control_Set, on page 259• ICR_Globals, on page 260• ICR_Instance, on page 264• ICR_Locks, on page 266• ICR_Node, on page 267• ICR_View, on page 268• Ids, on page 269• Import_Log, on page 270• Import_Rule, on page 271• Import_Rule_Clause, on page 275• Import_Rule_History, on page 277• Import_Rule_Real_Time, on page 278• Import_Schedule, on page 280• Label, on page 280• Logger_Admin, on page 282• Logger_Meters, on page 283• Logger_Type, on page 285• Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285• Location, on page 287• Location_Member, on page 288• Machine_Address, on page 289• Machine_Connection_Profile, on page 289• Machine_Host, on page 289

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All Tables

• Machine_Service, on page 294• Master_Script, on page 298• Media_Class, on page 300• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301• Network_Event_Detail, on page 304• Network_Target, on page 306• Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307• Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour, on page 308• Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time, on page 310• Network_Vru, on page 312• Network_Vru_Bank, on page 313• Network_Vru_Script, on page 314• Next_Available_Number, on page 316• Object_Access_Xref, on page 316• Object_List, on page 317• Object_Security, on page 318• Person, on page 319• Peripheral, on page 321• Peripheral_Default_Route, on page 325• Peripheral_Interval, on page 326• Peripheral_Monitor, on page 328• Peripheral_Real_Time, on page 330• Peripheral_Set, on page 334• Peripheral_Set_Controller , on page 335• Peripheral_Set_Host, on page 335• Peripheral_Target, on page 336• Persistent_Variable, on page 338• Physical_Controller_Half_Hour, on page 339• Physical_Interface_Controller, on page 340• Precision_Queue, on page 341• Precision_Q_Real_Time Table, on page 343• Precision_Queue_Step, on page 354• Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time, on page 355• Precision_Queue_Term, on page 356• Query_Rule, on page 358• Query_Rule_Clause, on page 360• Reason_Code, on page 361• Recovery, on page 362• Recurring_Schedule_Map, on page 363• Region, on page 365• Region_Info, on page 366• Region_Member, on page 367• Region_Prefix, on page 368• Region_View, on page 369• Region_View_Member, on page 373• Rename, on page 374

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All Tables

• Route, on page 374• Route_Call_Detail, on page 376• Route_Call_Variable, on page 383• Route_Five_Minute, on page 384• Route_Half_Hour, on page 388• Route_Real_Time, on page 393• Router_Queue_Interval, on page 398• Routing_Client, on page 407• Routing_Client_Five_Minute, on page 411• Routing_Pattern, on page 418• Schedule, on page 419• Schedule_Import, on page 421• Schedule_Import_Real_Time, on page 423• Schedule_Map, on page 425• Schedule_Report, on page 426• Schedule_Report_Input, on page 428• Schedule_Source, on page 429• Scheduled_Target, on page 430• Scheduled_Target_Real_Time, on page 431• Script, on page 432• Script_Cross_Reference, on page 434• Script_Data, on page 435• Script_Five_Minute, on page 435• Script_Print_Control, on page 437• Script_Queue_Real_Time, on page 437• Script_Real_Time, on page 438• Script_Table, on page 439• Script_Table_Column, on page 440• Sec_Group, on page 441• Sec_User, on page 442• Service, on page 443• Service_Array, on page 446• Service_Array_Member, on page 448• Service_Five_Minute, on page 449• Service_Interval, on page 454• Service_Level_Threshold, on page 463• Service_Member, on page 464• Service_Real_Time, on page 465• Shift, on page 481• SIP_Server_Group, on page 482• SIP_Server_Group_Elements, on page 483• Skill_Group, on page 484• Skill_Group_Five_Minute, on page 488• Skill_Group_Interval, on page 492• Skill_Group_Member, on page 520• Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 521

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All Tables

• Skill_Target, on page 537• Smart_License_Entitlements , on page 538• Smart_License_Info, on page 541• Smart_License_Product, on page 543• Smart_License_Server, on page 545• Special_Day_Schedule, on page 547• Survey (For Future Use), on page 550• Survey_Question (For Future Use), on page 551• Survey_Result (For Future Use), on page 552• System_Capacity_Interval, on page 555• System_Capacity_Real_Time, on page 558• Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560• Termination_Call_Variable, on page 577• Time_Zone_Location, on page 578• Translation_Route, on page 579• Translation_Route_Half_Hour, on page 580• Trunk, on page 582• Trunk_Group, on page 583• Trunk_Group_Five_Minute, on page 585• Trunk_Group_Half_Hour, on page 586• Trunk_Group_Real_Time, on page 587• User_Formula, on page 589• User_Formula_Equation, on page 590• User_Group, on page 591• User_Group_Member, on page 593• User_Security_Control, on page 594• User_Supervisor_Map, on page 595• User_Variable, on page 596• Version, on page 597• View_Column, on page 598• Vru_Currency, on page 599• Vru_Defaults, on page 600• Vru_Locale, on page 602• Vru_Port_Map, on page 603• Week_Day_Schedule, on page 604

Admin_Script_Schedule_MapThis table is in the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, on page697.

Each row describes the schedule associated with an administrative script.

Use the Administrative Manager facility of the Script Editor to add, update, and deleteAdmin_Script_Schedule_Map records.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)14

All TablesAdmin_Script_Schedule_Map

Related tables

• Master_Script, on page 298 (through MasterScriptID)

Table 1: Indexes for Admin_Script_Schedule_Map Table


MasterScriptID, SequenceNumberPrimary keyXPKAdmin_Script_Schedule_Map

Table 2: Fields in Admin_Script_Schedule_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA bitmask specifying the days on which the scriptis executed.

To see values, see Days, on page 652.



DBSMALLINTIndicates to which day of month the scheduleapplies.

To see values, see Days, on page 652.



DBSMALLINTIn conjunction with DayType, the position of a daywithin a month.

To see values, see Days, on page 652.



DBSMALLINTIndicates to which day the schedule applies.

To see values, see Days, on page 652.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the schedule.Description


DBSMALLINTThe day of the month on which the schedule expires.The value is 0 if the schedule has no end date.



DBSMALLINTThe hour of the day at which the schedule expires.The value is 0 if the schedule has no end time.



DBSMALLINTThe minute of the hour at which the scheduleexpires. The value is 0 if the schedule has no endtime.



DBSMALLINTThemonth in which the schedule expires. The valueis 0 if the schedule has no end date.



DBSMALLINTThe second of the minute at which the scheduleexpires. The value is 0 if the schedule has no endtime.


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All TablesAdmin_Script_Schedule_Map

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe year in which the schedule expires. The valueis 0 if the schedule has no end date.




DBINTThe scheduled administrative script.MasterScriptID


DBSMALLINTIndicates to which month the schedule applies:

• 0 = Applies to every month

• 1-12 = Specifies the month of year



DBSMALLINTThe granularity of the script frequency interval:

• 0 = hours

• 1 = minutes

• 2 = seconds



DBINTSpecifies how many recurrence intervals occurbetween successive executions.




DBINTIndex for schedules associated with a specific masterscript.



DBSMALLINTThe day of the month on which the schedule goesinto effect (1 through 31).



DBSMALLINTThe hour of the day at which the schedule goes intoeffect.



DBSMALLINTThe minute of the hour at which the schedule goesinto effect.



DBSMALLINTThe month in which the schedule goes into effect (1through 12).



DBSMALLINTThe second of the minute at which the schedule goesinto effect.



DBINTThe year in which the schedule goes into effectStartYear


DBSMALLINTThe type of schedule.Type

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)16

All TablesAdmin_Script_Schedule_Map

AgentThis table is one of the Agent Detail tables in the Skill Target category. For more information, see Skill Target,on page 629. To see database rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

It contains one record for each agent (a person capable of answering calls). Each agent is associated with aspecific peripheral (ACD) and can be a member of one or more skill groups.

Use Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Agent records.

Related Tables

• Agent_Attribute, on page 20 (through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_Desk_Settings, on page 21 (through AgentDeskSettingsID)

• Agent_Event_Detail, on page 27 (through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_Logout, on page 38 (through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_Real_Time, on page 39 (through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_State_Trace, on page 65 (through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_Service_Enabled, on page 69(through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_Team_Member, on page 75 (through SkillTargetID)

• Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (through PeripheralNumber)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through PeripheralID)

• Person, on page 319 (through PersonID)

• Schedule, on page 419 (through ScheduleID)

• Skill_Group_Member, on page 520 (through SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Target, on page 537 (through SkillTargetID)

• Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560 (AgentSkillTargetID maps to Agent.SkillTargetID.SourceAgentSkillTargetID maps to Agent.SkillTargetID)

Table 3: Indexes for Agent Table


SkillTargetIDPrimary keyXPKAgent

PeripheralID, PersonIDUnique keyXAK1Agent_Map

PeripheralID, PeripheralNumberUnique keyXAK2Agent

AgentDeskSettingsIDInversion keyXIE2Agent

ScheduleIDInversion keyXIE3Agent

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All TablesAgent


EnterpriseNameInversion keyXIE4Agent

DateTimeStampInversion keyXIE6Agent

Table 4: Fields in Agent Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

FK, IE-2


DBINTIdentifies the agent desk settings associated with theagent.



DBCHARIndicates whether the software collects agent statetrace data for the agent:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(255)A string of parameters the software sends to theperipheral to initialize the agent.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded/updated.


NULLDBINTProvides different agents on the same peripheral theability to have calls reported against a unique defaultskill group. For all calls where the peripheral defaultskill group would normally be used (agent-initiatedoutbound calls, or inbound calls queued to an agentwhen a skill group is not provided), theDefaultSkillGroup would be used instead.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the agent.Description

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)18

All TablesAgent

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



VNAME32An enterprise name for the agent that is uniquewithin the enterprise. You might form the name bycombining the agent's first and last name with thename of the peripheral.

In a Unified CCE deployment, this is the value thatappears in the Cisco Unified Intelligence CenterAgent Report Value List.

For custom reporting, you may want to use the agentperson LoginName (as is used for Packaged CCE),or agent last name/first name as a friendlier userrepresentation.


AK-1,AK-2, FK


DBSMALLINTForeign key from the Peripheral table.PeripheralID

NULLVNAME32The name of the agent as known to the peripheral.PeripheralName



varchar(32)The agent's login ID assigned at the switch.PeripheralNumber

AK-1, FK


DBINTForeign key from the Person table.PersonID

FK, IE-3


DBINTIdentifies an imported schedule associated with theagent.




DBINTAn identifier that is unique among all skill targetsin the enterprise.



DBCHARIndicates whether an agent is a supervisor.

• Y = Yes, agent is a supervisor

• N = No, agent is not a supervisor



DBCHARIndicates whether the agent is a temporary agentcreated by the CallRouter:

• Y = Yes, created by the CallRouter

• N = No, not created by the CallRouter


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)19

All TablesAgent

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates if the record can by deleted by a user.Default is Y.


Agent_AttributeThis table defines the attributes that belong to an agent. For change stamp purposes, the parent table is Agent.

• You can add or delete individual agents, or delete all agents from this table.

• Attributes do not require a value. Queue memberships are solely based on the attributes that belong toan agent.


Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through SkillTargetID)

• Attribute, on page 92 (through AttributeID)

Table 5: Indexes for Agent_Attribute Table


SkillTargetID, AttributeIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Attribute

AttributeID, AttributeValueInversion keyXIE1Agent_Attribute

Table 6: Fields in Agent_Attribute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

PK, IE-1


DBINTForeign key to the Attribute table, and part of theprimary key.




varchar(255)Value of this attribute.AttributeValue


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)20

All TablesAgent_Attribute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTForeign key to the Agent table, and part of theprimary key.


Agent_Desk_SettingsThis table is part of the Skill Traget category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for thesetables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Each row defines the features available to an enterprise agent and state changes for the agent. Use UnifiedICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Agent_Desk_Settings records.

Related tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through AgentDeskSettingsID)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through AgentDeskSettingsID)

Table 7: Indexes for Agent_Desk_Settings Table


AgentDeskSettingsIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Desk_Settings

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Agent_Desk_Settings

Table 8: Fields in Agent_Desk_Settings Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates if the agent can select which groups theyare logged on to.




DBINTA unique identifier for the agent desk settings.AgentDeskSettingsID


DBCHARIndicates if calls to other agents are allowed:

• Y = Yes, calls to other agents are allowed.

• N = No, calls to other agents are not allowed.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)21

All TablesAgent_Desk_Settings

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates if calls to the agent are automaticallyanswered:

• Y = Yes, calls automatically answered.

• N = No, calls are not automatically answered.


NULLDBINTSpecifies whether to automatically record or notrecord when an emergency call request started:

• 0 = Do not automatically record

• 1 = Automatically record



DBCHARIndicates whether to automatically consider the agentavailable or not available after handling an incomingcall.

This field is not configurable.



DBCHARIndicates whether to automatically consider the agentavailable or not available after handling an outboundcall.

This field is not configurable.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time at which the record wasadded / updated.


NULLVNAME32Optional value to override the default port addressfor the agent telephony device.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the desk settings.Description

NULLDBINTIndicates whether Unified CCE creates a consultativecall or a blind conference call for an emergency callrequest:

• 0 = Consultative call

• 1 = Blind conference call




VNAME32An enterprise name for the agent desk settings thatis unique within the enterprise.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)22

All TablesAgent_Desk_Settings

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates if the agent must enter a reason beforeentering the Idle state:

• Y = Yes, agent must enter a reason.

• N = No, agent does not need to enter a reason.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds on non-activity at the desktopafter which the software automatically logs out theagent.



DBCHARIndicates if the agent must enter a reason beforelogging out:

• Y = Yes, agent must enter a reason.

• N = No, agent does not need to enter a reason.



DBINTReserved for future use.

Default value is 0.



DBINTReserved for future use.

Default value is 0.



DBCHARReserved for future use.NonACDCallsAllowed


DBCHARIndicates if the agent can initiate international calls:

• Y = Yes, agent can initiate calls.

• N = No, agent cannot initiate calls.



DBCHARIndicates if the agent can initiate operator assistedcalls:

• Y = Yes, agent can initiate calls.

• N = No, agent cannot initiate calls.



DBCHARIndicates if the agent can initiate outbound PBXcalls:

• Y = Yes, agent can initiate calls.

• N = No, agent cannot initiate calls.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)23

All TablesAgent_Desk_Settings

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates if the agent can initiate calls through theprivate network:

• Y = Yes, agent can initiate calls.

• N = No, agent cannot initiate calls.



DBCHARIndicates if the agent can initiate calls through thepublic network:

• Y = Yes, agent can initiate calls.

• N = No, agent cannot initiate calls.


NULLDBINTIndicates how frequently calls to the agent arerecorded.


NULLDBINT(For future use.) Specifies if the call requests arerouted through the Cisco Communication ManagerPIM. The default is 0, which means that callrequests do not get routed through the CiscoCommunication Manager PIM.



DBSMALLINTDetermines how mobile agents who use this dialplan are handled.

Values are:

0 = local agent, no remote access allowed. This isthe default

1 = use call by call mobile agent routing.

2 = use nailed connection for mobile agent routing

3 = agent chooses call by call or nailed connectionat login.




If Y, mobile agent is permitted to login without adesktop.


NULLDBINTProvides the dialed number identifier for the newre-route destination in case of a ring-no-answer.


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All TablesAgent_Desk_Settings

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds a call may ring at the agentstation before being redirected.

For Unified CCE deployments with CVP,configure Ring No Answer (RNA)timeout in CVP only. This removes therequirement to manually align therelevant CVP and Unified CCE timerconfiguration. If you configure Ring NoAnswer timeout on CVP, you need notconfigure RNA timeout in Unified CCE.To configure RNA time in CVP, see thePatterns for RNA timeout on outboundSIP calls section in the CVP OAMPconsole. After a CVP requery due to theRNA condition, once the call is revoked,the agent is transitioned to the not readystate. For non-CVP based Unified CCEdeployments, you must configure RNAtimeout in Unified CCE (using the AgentDesk Settings List Tool on the CCEAdministration Workstation).



NULLDBINTSpecifies whether an audio click sounds when silentmonitoring is started:

• 1 = An audible click sounds.

• 0 = An audible click does not sound.


NULLDBINTSpecifies whether a warning message box appearson the agent's desktop when silent monitoring isstarted:

• 1 = A warning message box appears.

• 0 = A warning message box does not appear.


NULLDBINTIndicates whether Unified CCE Enterprise createsa consultative call or a blind conference call for thesupervisor assistance request:

• 0 = Consultative call

• 1 = Blind conference


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)25

All TablesAgent_Desk_Settings

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates if the agent can initiate supervisor assistedcalls:

• Y = Yes, agent can initiate calls.

• N = No, agent cannot initiate calls.


NULLDBINTSpecifies the auto wrap-up time out. The defaultvalue is 0 (auto wrap-up is disabled).



DBINTIndicates if the agent is allowed or required to enterwrap-up data after an inbound call:

• 0= Required

• 1 = Optional

• 2= Not allowed

• 3= Required with wrap-up data



DBINTIndicates if the agent is allowed or required to enterwrap-up data after an outbound call:

• 0= Required

• 1 = Optional

• 2= Not allowed


Agent_DistributionThis is one of the Peripheral Detail tables in the Device category. For more information, see Device, on page612. For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Each row indicates whether to send real-time and historical agent data from a specific peripheral to a specificAdministration & Data Server.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Agent_Distribution records.

Related tables

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through PeripheralID)

Table 9: Indexes for Admin_Distribution Table


AgentDistributionIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Distribution

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)26

All TablesAgent_Distribution


PeripheralID, DistributorSiteNameUnique keyXAK1Agent_Distribution

Table 10: Fields in Agent_Distribution Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for the agent distribution.AgentDistributionID


DBCHARThe flag that indicates to send Agent historical toHDS server filtered by peripheral. Default: Y



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time at which the record wasadded / updated.




VNAME32The name of the Distributor site to which agent datais sent.



DBCHARIndicates whether to send agent data or not:

• Y = Yes, an agent can send data.

• N = No, an agent cannot send data.


AK-1, FK


DBSMALLINTThe peripheral from which agent data is sent.PeripheralID

Agent_Event_DetailThis table is one of the Agent Detail tables in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

This table can become large. Running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS can degradeperformance. To optimize performance, extract the data from the HDS into your own custom database on aseparate server (one that is not used for other Unified ICM and Unified CCE components). Use onlyDBDateTime (date and time of the record that was written to the HDS database) to perform the extraction.The table on the custom database can be indexed according to the custom reporting needs.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)27

All TablesAgent_Event_Detail

Related tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through SkillTargetID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

Table 11: Indexes for Agent_Event_Detail Table


DateTime, SkillTargetID, MRDomainID,TimeZone

Primary keyXPKAgent_Event_Detail

RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Agent_Event_Detail

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIEIAgent_Event_Detail

Table 12: Fields in Agent_Event_Detail Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVNAME32The Extension or the instrument number to whichthe Agent is logged into.


NULLVARCHAR(64)A unique identified for the agent login session. Thesession will be same for Agent login across multipleMRDs


NULLDBINTReports the agent state field. The state will be sameAgent Real Time fields. See Agent_State_Trace, onpage 65




DBDATETIMEThe date and time (in Central Controller local time)that the transition for the event occurred. For theNOT_READY event, the date and time (in CentralController local time) that the transition for the eventoccurred or the interval boundary occurred.




DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)28

All TablesAgent_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDirection of call on which the agent is currentlyworking:

• NULL= None

• 0 = None

• 1 = In (non-voice tasks are always inbound)

• 2 =Out

• 3 = Other In

• 4 = Other Out/Direct Preview

• 5 = Outbound Reserve

• 6 = Outbound Preview

• 7 = Outbound Predictive/Progressive


NULLVNAME32The Dialed Number of the incoming call.DialedNumber

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)29

All TablesAgent_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDuration in seconds associated with the EVENT:

LOGIN: Typically set to zero

LOGOUT: Number of seconds the agent was loggedinto the Media Routing Domain.

NOT_READY: Number of seconds the agent wasin the NotReady State with respect to the MediaRouting Domain, from the last state change, inNOT_READY state with reason code change, orfrom the last interval boundary.

For example:

Time=12:10:00 Agent NotReady state transition

Time=12:11:00 Agent Ready state transition,AgentEventDetail.Duration=60

Time=12:25:00 Agent NotReady state transition

Time=12:30:00 Interval boundary change,AgentEventDetail.Duration=300

Time=13:00:00 Interval boundary change,AgentEventDetail.Duration=1800


Number of seconds the agent was in thecorresponding State with respect to the MediaRouting Domain from the last state change.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)30

All TablesAgent_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTEvent transition that occurred. This value representsthe event that is triggered and does not correlate withAgent State values.

• 1= LOGIN

• 2 = LOGOUT







• 9 = HOLD

• 10 = ACTIVE

• 11 = PAUSED









• 20 = CALL_HELD

• 21 = TASK_END





NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time of occurrence of the event,presented in UTC format.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)31

All TablesAgent_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2


DBDATETIMEDateTime (in Central Controller local time) whenthe agent initially logged into the Media RoutingDomain.




DBINTThe ID of the Media Routing Domain with whichthe event is associated.


NULLAn identifier assigned to the call by the peripheral(ACD, IVR). The range and type of value used inthis field vary depending on the type of peripheral.For example:

• ACD 1 views an original call, a transfer, and aconsultative call as three separate calls (CallIDs 1001, 1002, 1003 respectively).

• ACD 2 views all three calls as a continuationof the same call (Call IDs 1001, 1001, 1001respectively).

• ACD 3 views the original and transfer as thesame call, but the consultative call as a secondcall (Call IDs 1001,1002, 1001 respectively).

• ACD 4 views the original call as one call andthe original and transfer as another call (CallIDs 1001, 1002, 1002 respectively).

In addition, the identifier used may not beunique depending on the peripheral'simplementation. For example, the AspectCallCenter and the DEFINITY ECS ACDsreuse identifiers in this field (For non-voice thevalue would be NULL).


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.PrecisionQueueID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)32

All TablesAgent_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe ReasonCode associated with the event. SeeReason Codes, on page 670.




DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTA call key counter that is created and set as a valuethat is the unique portion of the 64-bit key for thecall. The system software resets this counter atmidnight. Applicable only if the agent is active call.


NULLDBINTIndicates the day that the call was received and theRoute_Call_Detail record was created. Applicableonly if the agent is active call.



DBINTA sequence number used for ordering rows forcradle-to-grave call tracking. This number definesthe order in which the route requests were created.This is not the order in which the Route_Call_Detailrecords were created.


NULLDBINTSkill Group ID used for Router Skill Group the call.SkillGroupID



DBINTThe SkillTargetID of the agent.SkillTargetID



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



DBINTIndicates index of call or task when handlingmultiple concurrent tasks like email or chat. Thiswill be unique in a login session.


NULLVARCHAR(40)Wrapup Data for Call/Task.WrapupData

Agent_IntervalThis table describes the Agent Details under the 15 Minute Reporting category.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)33

All TablesAgent_Interval

Table 13: Indexes for Agent_Interval Table


DateTime, SkillTargetID, Timezone,MRDomainID

Primary keyXPKAgent_Interval

Recovery KeyUnique keyXAK1Agent_Interval

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE1Agent_Interval

Table 14: Fields in Agent_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, the agent was in the NOT ACTIVE stateduring the reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of seconds in the reporting interval that this agentwas available for this Media Routing Domain.

An agent is available, or eligible to be assigned a task in thisMRD, if the agent meets all these conditions:

1. The agent is in any state other than Not Ready state for thisMRD.

2. The agent is not working on a non-interruptible task inanother MRD.

3. Only email tasks are interruptible, meaning that systemsoftware can assign agents another task while they areworking on an email. Voice calls, and chat sessions cannotbe interrupted.

4. The agent has not reached the maximum task limit for thisMRD. For voice calls, the task limit is always one task. Foremail and chat, the maximum task limit is configurable andcan be more than one task. The agent is considered eligibleto be assigned emails or chat until the maximum task limitis reached for that MRD.




DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the start of the interval.DateTime



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the records are written tothe HDS database. The logger database has NULL for thiscolumn.


NULLvarchar(32)The last extension the agent was logged in to during this interval.Extension

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)34

All TablesAgent_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, the agent was logged in to this MediaRouting Domain during the reporting interval.




DBINTIdentifies the Media Routing Domain.MRDomainID

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, the agent was in the Not Ready state withrespect to this Media Routing Domain during the reportinginterval. (In the Not Ready state, agents are logged on, but arenot involved in any call handling activity, or available to handlea call.)


NULLDBINTIndicates how many non-ACD calls the agent answered on oneof the non-ACD lines. Only populated when Multiline feature isenabled.


NULLDBINTIndicates how many non-ACD calls the agent initiated on one ofthe non-ACD lines. Only populated when Multiline feature isenabled.


NULLDBINTIndicates how much time the agent spent on non-ACD calls thatthe agent answered on the non-ACD lines. This time includesthe time from answered until the call ended. Only populated whenMultiline feature is enabled. Only applies to Unified CCE.


NULLDBINTIndicates how much time the agent spent on non-ACD calls thatthe agent initiated on the non-ACD lines. This time includes thetime fromwhen the call was initiated until the call ended whetherthe call was answered. Only populated when Multiline featureis enabled. Only applies to Unified CCE.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pick requests picked by this agent in thereporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pull requests picked by this agent in thereporting interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of pick requests resulting in an error either due to routingfailure or those that abandon/ terminate before being deliveredto Agent's inbox.


NULLDBINTNumber of pull requests resulting in an error either due to routingfailure or those that abandon / terminate before being deliveredto Agent's inbox.




DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and used internally by theUnified ICM and Unified CCE Enterprise software to track therecord.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)35

All TablesAgent_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe value indicates half-hour boundary interval (0 to 47). Two15-minute interval records have unique half hour boundaryvalues.


NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, over which the routercalculates the Call Type and Call Type Skill Group data. Thevalid values are 30 (default) or 15.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

NULLDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5

NULLDBINTThe number of seconds in the reporting interval that this agentwas routable for this MRD.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls queued to the agent by the CallRouter that wereabandoned during the reporting interval. This field is valid onlyif calls are routed directly to an agent, by either theQueue-to-Agent node or the Send-to-Agent node in the routingscript.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls queued to the agent by the CallRouter duringthe reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe count of calls routed or queued to the agent in the reportinginterval. This field is valid only if calls are routed directly to anagent, by either the Queue-to-Agent node or the Send-to-Agentnode in the routing script.


NULLDBINTThe count of calls abandoned after they have been routed to anagent, during the reporting interval. This field is valid only ifcalls are routed directly to an agent, by either the Queue-to-Agentnode or the Send-to-Agent node in the routing script. This fieldis applicable to Unified CCE.


NULLDBINTThis value is incremented when a call is dequeued from an agentand routed to another agent in the reporting interval. This fieldis valid only if calls are routed directly to an agent, by either theQueue-to-Agent node or the Send-to-Agent node in the routingscript.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)36

All TablesAgent_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTFor systems that use the Router Requery feature, this is the countof requery events for the call in the reporting interval. For systemsusing Ring on No Answer (RONA), this is the count of TCDswith call disposition of DBCDF_REDIRECTED. If a system hasboth configurations, both events increment this field. This fieldis valid only if calls are routed directly to an agent, by either theQueue-to-Agent node or the Send-to-Agent node in the routingscript. This field is applicable to Unified CCE.


NULLDBINTThe count of calls that the agent answers in this Skill Group inthe reporting interval. This field is valid only if calls are routeddirectly to an agent, by either the Queue-to-Agent node or theSend-to-Agent node in the routing script. This field is applicableto Unified CCE.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls this agent handles during the reportinginterval. This reflects the number of calls that were sent to thisagent that have the Handled type of Call Disposition Flag value1. For systems that use the Router Requery feature, this is thecount of requery events for the call in the reporting interval. Thisfield is valid only if calls are routed directly to an agent, by eitherthe Queue-to-Agent node or the Send-to-Agent node in therouting script. This field is applicable to Unified CCE.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that result in an error condition in thereporting interval. This field is valid only if calls are routeddirectly to an agent, by either the Queue-to-Agent node or theSend-to-Agent node in the routing script.

See Router Error Codes, on page 663 for the complete list ofRouterError codes.




DBINTIdentifies the agent.SkillTargetID



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date and time. Thevalue is the offset in minutes from UTC(formerly GMT).Thevalue is negative for time zones to the east of UTC and positivefor time zones to the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, the agent spent talking on internal callsduring the reporting interval. Only defined for voice media. Fornon-voice media, this is set to zero.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)37

All TablesAgent_Interval

Agent_LogoutThis table is one of the Agent Detail tables in the Skill Target categor (see Skill Target, on page 629). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Central database only. Each row provides statistics for an agent's session. A session begins when an agentfirst logs in to the system and ends when the agent logs out.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through SkillTargetID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

Table 15: Indexes for Agent_Logout Table


LogoutDateTime, SkillTargetID, TimeZone,MRDomainID

Primary keyXPKAgent_Logout

RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Agent_Logout

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIEAgent_Logout

Table 16: Fields in Agent_Logout Table

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the records are written tothe HDS database. The logger database has NULL for this column


NULLvarchar (32)Extension the Agent was logged inExtension

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the agent was logged in.LoginDuration



DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time when the agent logged out.LogoutDateTime



DBINTThe identifier for the Media Routing Domain associated with theagent logout.


NULLDBINTThe device target the agent was logged on to. This applies toUnified CCE agents only.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)38

All TablesAgent_Logout

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBSMALLINTThe type of phone being used:

0 = normal ACD/Unified CCE phone, or non-voice task

1 = remote phone, call by call

2 = remote phone, nailed connection

All new agent logout data has a NOT NULL value by default.

During upgrade or migration, the value for this column is NULL.


NULLDBINTReason code returned by the peripheral for the agent logout. SeeReason Codes, on page 670.




DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and used internally by theUnified ICM and Unified CCE Enterprise software to track therecord.


NULLvarchar(32)For a mobile agent working remotely, the current phone number.RemotePhoneNumber



DBINTIdentifies the agent.SkillTargetID



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date and time. Thevalue is the offset in minutes from UTC(formerly GMT).Thevalue is negative for time zones to the east of UTC and positivefor time zones to the west of UTC.


Agent_Real_TimeThis table is one of the Agent Detail tables in the Skill Target category. For more information, see Skill Target,on page 629. To see database rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Local database only. Each row in the table is for an agent and MRD pair currently logged in. For example, ifthe agent was logged into three MRDs, then the agent has three rows in the table.

Related tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through SkillTargetID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

• Precision_Queue, on page 341 (through PrecisionQueueID)

• Service, on page 443 (ServiceSkillTargetID maps to Service.SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Group, on page 484 (SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps to SkillGroup.SkillTargetID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)39

All TablesAgent_Real_Time

Table 17: Index - Agent_Real_Time Table


SkillTargetID, MRDomainIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Real_Time

Table 18: Fields in Agent_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.AgentStatus

NULLDBINTThe current real time state of the agent with respectto this MRD.

To see Agent State values, see AgentState, on page648.


NULLDBINTThe agent's availability status with respect to theMRD:

• 0 = Not Available

• 1 = ICM Available

• 2 = Application Available


NULLDBINTThe number of tasks associated with this MRD onwhich this agent is currently working.


NULLDBINTThe campaign ID for the campaign associated withthis call. This field is populated when the call isanswered by an agent.

This field is applicable to OutboundOption only



NULLvarchar(30)The account number of the caller with whom theagent is speaking. This field is populated when thecall is answered by an agent.

This field is applicable to OutboundOption only.



NULLVTELNO20The phone number of the caller with whom the agentis speaking. This field is populated when the call isanswered by an agent.

This field is applicable to OutboundOption only.




DBDATETIMEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)40

All TablesAgent_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time of the agent last mode change inthis MRD.

An agent has a mode with respect to each MediaRouting Domain the agent is logged in to. Thesemodes are either routable or not routable.

If the mode is routable, the Unified ICM controlsthe agent and assigns tasks to the agent. When anagent is routable for anMRD, an application instance(for example, Email and Web Manager) will notallow the agent to work on a task unless UnifiedICM assigns the task.

If the mode is not routable, the application instance(for example: Email and Web Manager) will notallow the agent to work on a task unless UnifiedICM assigns the task.

For Email and Web Manager, an agent mode neverchanges. Each agent is always routable.

An agent mode is always routable with respect tothe voice MRD.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time of the agent's last state change in thisMRD.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time the agent logged on to this MRD.

Date and time of the agent's last state change in thisMRD.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time of the agent's last task levelchange in this MRD.

Chat agents have a maximum number of open slots.The task level changes when the number of openslots changes as a result of the number of calls inprogress changing (the number of open slots = themaximum number of tasks - calls in progress).

This applies to all other agents as well, however, thetask level is always 0 or 1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)41

All TablesAgent_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDestination type of outbound call on which the agentis currently working:

• 0 = None

• 1 = ACD

• 2 = Direct

• 3 = For predictive and progressive mode OBcalls

• 4 = For outbound reservation call

• 5 = For Preview and Direct Preview mode OBcalls


NULLDBINTDirection of call on which the agent is currentlyworking:

• NULL= None

• 0 = None

• 1 = In (non-voice tasks are always inbound)

• 2 =Out

• 3 = Other In

• 4 = Other Out/Direct Preview

• 5 = Outbound Reserve

• 6 = Outbound Preview

• 7 = Outbound Predictive/Progressive


NULLvarchar(32)Extension on which the agent is currently working.Extension

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of tasks associated with thisMedia Routing Domain on which this agent canwork simultaneously.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)42

All TablesAgent_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe identifier for the Media Routing Domainassociated with this peripheral.




DBINTUnique identifier for the target.

This applies for Unified CCE agents only.Note


NULLDBINTOnHold status of the agent:

• 0 = Call not on hold

• 1 = Call on hold



DBSMALLINTThe kind of phone being used:

• 0 = normal ACD/IP phone, or non voice task

• 1 = remote phone, call by call

• 2 = remote phone, nailed connection


NULLDBINTIdentifies the Precision Queue for the call on whichthe Agent is currently working otherwise the valuewill be 0.


NULLDBINTThis field is applicable to OutboundOption only.


NULLDBINTCode received from the peripheral indicating thereason for the agent's last state change. See ReasonCodes, on page 670.

ReasonCode is supported for the NotReady and Logged Off agent states only.



NULLvarchar(32)For a mobile agent who is working remotely, currentphone number.


NULLDBINTIndicates whether the agent has requested supervisorassistance:

• 1= Yes, the agent requested assistance.

• 0= No, the agent did not request assistance.

This field is applicable to Unified CCE.Note


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)43

All TablesAgent_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIndicates whether calls from the agent are routablewith respect to this Media Routing Domain:

• 1 = the agent is routable.

• 0 = the agent is not routable.

An agent has a mode with respect to each MediaRouting Domain the agent is logged in to. Thesemodes are either routable or not routable.

If calls in this mode are routable, the Unified ICMcontrols the agent and assigns tasks to the agent.When a call from an agent is routable for an MRD,an application instance (for example: Email andWebManager) will not allow the agent to work on a taskunless Unified ICM assigns the task.

If a call from the mode is not routable, theapplication instance (for example: Email and WebManager) controls the agent and assigns tasks to theagent. The system software tracks the agent's taskactivity by monitoring Offer Task, Start Task, andother messages from the application that describethe task on which the agent is working.

For Email and Web Manager, an agent mode neverchanges. Each agent is always routable.

Calls from an agent's mode are always routable withrespect to the voice MRD.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls currently queued for the agent atthe CallRouter.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe time when the longest call in queue was queuedfor the agent.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)44

All TablesAgent_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIdentifies the service for the call on which the agentis currently working.

If this agent is not working on a task in this MRD,this field is zero.

If the agent is working on only one task in thisMRD,this field is the ID of the service associated with thattask.

If the agent is working on more than one task in thisMRD, and at least one of these tasks is ACTIVE,this field is the ID of the service associated with oneof those active tasks.

Otherwise, this field is the ID of the serviceassociated with one of the tasks on which the agentis working.


NULLDBINTIdentifies the skill group for the call on which theagent is currently working.

If this agent is not working on a task in this MRD,this field is zero.

If the agent is working on only one task in thisMRD,this field is the ID of the skill group associated withthat task.

If the agent is working on more than one task in thisMRD, and at least one of these tasks is ACTIVE,this field is the ID of the skill group associated withone of those active tasks.

Otherwise, this field is the ID of the skill groupassociated with one of the tasks on which the agentis working.




DBINTIdentifies the agent.SkillTargetID

Agent_Skill_Group_IntervalThis table describes the Agent Details under the 15 Minute Reporting category.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)45

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

For blind conferences in Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field is updated when the call thatwas blind conferenced to an IVR is subsequently answered by another agent. For this call scenario this fieldis not updated in Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG.


Table 19: Indexes for Agent_Skill_Group_Interval Table


DateTime, SkillTargetID,SkillGroupSkillTargetID, PrecisionQueueID,Timezone

Primary keyXPKAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE1Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

Table 20: Fields in Agent_Skill_Group_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofOutgoing calls that were abandoned while on hold.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofACD calls that abandoned while ringing at an agentposition. The value is incremented at the time thecall disconnects.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total ring timeassociated with ACD calls that were abandonedwhile alerting an agent's position. RingTime occursafter any DelayTime and LocalQTime. The value iscounted at the time the call disconnects, and thedatabase is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofACD calls that were abandoned while being held atan agent position. This value is counted at the timethe call disconnects, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)46

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total handle time, in seconds, for outboundACDcalls handled by an agent associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval.Handle time includes WorkTime, TalkTime, andHoldTime. The AgentOutCallsTime value includesthe time spent from the call being initiated by theagent to the time the agent completes after-call worktime for the call. The value is counted when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)is completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound ACD callshandled by an agent associated with this skill groupthat ended during the reporting interval. The valueincludes the time spent from the call being initiatedby the agent to the time the agent begins after-callwork. The value is counted when the after-call-worktime associated with the call (if any) is completed,and the database is updated every reporting.

This field does not include the hold time;it is recorded in theAgentOutCallsOnHoldTime field.



NULLDBINTThe total number of outbound ACD calls made byan agent associated with this skill group that endedduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen any after-call work time associated with thecall is completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofoutbound ACD calls an agent associated with thisskill group ended and that were placed on hold atleast once during the life of the call. The value iscounted when the after-call work associated withthe call (if any) is completed, and the database isupdated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofseconds outbound ACD calls were placed on holdby an agent associated with this skill group. Thisvalue updated in the database when after-call workassociated with the call (if any) is completed.


NULLDBINTNot currently supported.AgentTerminatedCalls

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)47

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe sum of the answer wait times of all callsassociated to an agent in this skill group or precisionqueue answered during the reporting interval.AnswerWaitTime is updated at the time the call isanswered, and the database is updated at everyreporting interval.

In Unified ICM,AnswerWaitTime is calculated fromthe following fields in the Termination_Call_Detailtable:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

In Unified CCE, AnswerWaitTime is calculatedfrom the following fields in theTermination_Call_Detail table:

• DelayTime

• RingTime

• NetworkSkillGroupQTime


NULLDBINTAttribute 1 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID1

NULLDBINTAttribute 2 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID2

NULLDBINTAttribute 3 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID3

NULLDBINTAttribute 4 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID4

NULLDBINTAttribute 5 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID5

NULLDBINTAttribute 6 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID6

NULLDBINTAttribute 7 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID7

NULLDBINTAttribute 8 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID8

NULLDBINTAttribute 9 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID9

NULLDBINTAttribute 10 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID10

NULLDBINTTotal time in seconds an agent associated with thisskill group was in the Not_Active state with respectto this skill group during the reporting interval.AvailTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)48

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total number of AutoOut (predictive) calls madeby an agent associated with this skill group thatended during the reporting interval. The value iscounted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTThe total handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by an agent associatedwith this skill group that ended during the reportinginterval. Handle time includesWorkTime, TalkTime,and HoldTime. The AutoOutCallsTime valueincludes the time spent from the call being initiatedto the time the agent completes after-call work time.The value is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive)calls handled by an agent associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval. Thisvalue includes the time spent from the call beinginitiated to the time the agent begins after-call work.It includes the HoldTime associated with the call.AutoOutCallsTalkTime is counted when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)has completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofended AutoOut (predictive) calls that an agentassociated with this skill group have placed on holdat least once. The value is counted when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)has completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds that AutoOut(predictive) calls were placed on hold by an agentassociated with this skill group during the reportinginterval. The value is counted when the after-callwork associated with the call (if any) has completed,and the database is updated every reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)49

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of callsassociated with an agent associated with the skillgroup barged in on either by the supervisor or bythe agent This field is applicable for Unified CCEonly.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds an agent spent in the BusyOtherstate with respect to this skill group during thereporting interval. BusyOtherTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the agent spent processingcallbackmessages during the reporting interval. Thisfield applicable only to the Aspect ACD.


NULLDBINTNumber of callbackmessages processed by the agentduring the reporting interval. This field applicableonly to the Aspect ACD.


NULLDBINTNumber of routed calls answered by an agentassociated with this skill group during the giveninterval. CallsAnswered is incremented in theinterval where the call is answered, as opposed toCallsHandled which is incremented in the intervalwhere the call ends.

With the existence of a network VRU, ina Unified CCE deployment with aUnified CCE System PG, this value doesnot include time spent in the networkVRU.



NULLDBINTThe number of inbound ACD calls that have beenanswered and have completed wrap-up by agents inthe skill group during the reporting interval.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

This field is applicable for Unified CCE,Unified ICM, and Outbound Option.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)50

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of consultative calls an agent associatedwith this skill group that ended in the reportinginterval. The count is counted when the after-callwork time associated with the consultative call (ifany) is completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of secondsagents spent handling consultative calls with at leastone ACD call on hold. The value is counted whenthe after-call work time associated with theconsultative call (if any) has completed, and thedatabase is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTThe number of agent initiated consult calls for thisinterval that were external from the switch.


NULLDBINTThe time the agent spent on consult outbound calls.ConsultOutCallsTime

NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofincoming calls into which the agent was conferenced.Incoming calls include ACD and non-ACD calls.The value is counted when the agent drops off thecall or the call becomes a simple two-party call, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of secondsthat an agent spent on conference calls that the agentinitiated. This includes time spent on both ACD andnon-ACD conference calls initiated by the agent.The value is counted when the agent drops off thecall or the call becomes a simple two-party call, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofconference calls the agent initiated. The conferencedout calls includeACD and non-ACD calls. The countof ConferencedOutCalls is counted when the agentdrops off the call or the call becomes a simpletwo-party call, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of secondsthat an agent spent on conference calls that the agentinitiated. This includes time spent on both ACD andnon-ACD conference calls initiated by the agent.The value is counted when the agent drops off thecall or the call becomes a simple two-party call, andthe database is updated every reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)51

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBSMALLDATEThe date and time at the start of the reportinginterval.




DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the Historical Data Server (HDS)database. The logger database has NULL for thiscolumn.


NULLDBINTThe number of emergency assist requests either bythe agent or by the supervisor.

This field is applicable for Unified CCEonly.



NULLDBINTThe number of seconds that an agent spent inTalkTime for the handled calls that are associatedwith a skill group and that ended in this 15-minuteor half-hour interval.

This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE and Outbound Option.



NULLDBINTThis field only applies to configured skill groups.The number of seconds an agent spent answeringthe call (including the time the call was on hold) tothe time the agent completed the after-call workassociated with the call.

HandledCallsTime = HandledCallsTalkTime +HoldTime +(WorkNotReadyTime/WorkReadyTime)

The value in this field for the incoming routed callsincludes:

1. Talk time

2. Total Held time

3. Work Ready and Work Not Ready time

Database is updated with the cumulativetime only after the call completion of boththe talk time and the wrap-up time.


This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE, and Outbound Option.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)52

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds where all calls to the agent areon hold during the reporting interval. HoldTime iscounted only while the agent is doing no othercall-related activity. HoldTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds that inbound ACD callsthat an agent associated with this skill group placedon hold that ended during the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) is completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTThe total number of inboundACD calls that an agentassociated with this skill group placed on hold atleast once during the reporting interval. The valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds an agent spent on holdin an internal call associated with this skill groupthat ended during the reporting interval. The valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total number ofinternal calls that an agent associated with this skillgroup ended in this reporting that were placed onhold. The value is counted when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) is completed,and the database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds spent on internal callsassociated with this skill group that were receivedby an agent that ended in the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) is completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTNumber of internal calls associated with this skillgroup that were received by an agent and that endedduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)53

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds an agent associated withthis skill group spent on internal calls that endedduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


NULLDBINTNumber of internal calls an agent associated withthis skill group ended during the reporting interval.The value is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) is completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTThe number of seconds during which all calls to theagent are in interrupted state during the reportinginterval.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of callsintercepted either by the supervisor or by the agent.This field is applicable for Unified CCE only.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)54

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, an agent associated with thisskill group was logged on during the reportinginterval.

This value is based on the sum of the following:

1. HoldTime

2. TalkInTime

3. TalkOutTime

4. TalkOtherTime

5. AvailTime

6. NotReadyTime

7. WorkReadyTime

8. WorkNotReadyTime

9. BusyOtherTime

10. ReservedStateTime

11. TalkAutoOutTime

12. TalkPreviewTime

13. TalkReservedTime

14. InterruptedTime

This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE, and Outbound Option.



NULLDBINTThe number of calls that the supervisor silentlymonitored.

This field is applicable for Unified CCEonly.



NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of Networkconsultative calls completed by agents with at leastone call on hold. The count is counted when theafter-call work time associated with the consultativecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)55

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of secondsagents spent handling a Network consultative callwith at least one call on hold. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with theconsultative call (if any) is completed, and thedatabase is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of Networkconference calls the agent initiated. The count ofNetConferencedOutCalls is counted when the agentdrops off the call or the call becomes a simpletwo-party call, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of secondsthe agent spent on Network conference calls thatthey initiated. This only includes time spent onNetwork conference calls initiated by the agent. Thevalue includes any HoldTime for the call. Thisdatabase element uses ConferenceTime from theTermination_Call_Detail table. The value is countedwhen the agent drops off the call or the call becomesa simple two-party call, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls Network (Blind and Consultative)transferred out by the agent during the reportinginterval. The value is updated at the time the agentcompletes the transfer of the call.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds an agent was in the Not Ready statewith respect to this skill group during the reportinginterval. NotReadyTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.




DBINTTogether with SkillTargetID of the Agent identifiesthe Precision Queue Member. For Skill Group onlyAgents, the value is NULL.


NULLDBINTTotal number of outbound Preview calls made byan agent associated with this skill group that endedduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed, and the database isupdated every reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)56

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for Outbound Previewcalls handled by an agent associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval.Handle time includes WorkTime, TalkTime, andHoldTime. The PreviewCallsTime value includesthe time spent from the call being initiated to thetime the agent completes after-call work time. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by an agent associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval. Thisvalue includes the time spent from the call beinginitiated to the time the agent begins after-call work.It therefore includes the HoldTime associated withthe call. PreviewCallsTalkTime is counted when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)has completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTThe total number of ended outbound Preview callsthat an agent associated with this skill group haveplaced on hold at least once during the reportinginterval. The value is counted when the after-callwork time associated with the call (if any) hascompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds outbound Preview callsthat were placed on hold by agents associated withthis skill group during the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work associatedwith the call (if any) has completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.




DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM or Unified CCEsoftware to track the record.


NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0- 47). Two 15-minute interval records have a uniquehalf hour boundary value.


NULLDBINTContains the Reporting interval, in minutes, forHistorical reporting. Valid values are 15 and 30(default).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)57

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of ACDcalls to the skill group that rang at an agent's terminaland redirected on failure to answer. The value iscounted at the time the call is diverted to anotherdevice, and the database is updated every reporting.


NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of secondsACD calls to the skill group rang at an agent'sterminal before being redirected on failure to answer.The value is counted at the time the call is divertedto another device, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTHow long an agent is in Reserved state. This iscounted using Agent State.


NULLDBINTFor Outbound Option, the number of reservationcalls received by an agent in this skill group duringthe reporting interval.


NULLDBINTFor Outbound Option, the time during the reportinginterval that an outbound agent in this skill groupspent on reservation calls waiting for the Campaigncustomer call to be delivered. This includes previewtime for Preview, Direct Preview, and PersonalCallback calls.


NULLDBINTFor Outbound Option, the talk time for an agent inthis skill group on reservation calls during thereporting interval. This is calculated using Call State.


NULLDBINTFor Outbound Option, the number of reservationcalls for an agent in this skill group placed on holdduring the reporting interval.


NULLDBINTFor Outbound Option, the time that reservation callsfor an agent in this skill group are on hold duringthe reporting interval.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

NULLDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)58

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of callsanswered by an agent associated with this skill groupwhere the duration of the calls falls short of theAnsweredShortCalls threshold. You might chooseto factor these calls out of handle time statistics.Inbound ACD short calls are counted as Handled.AGENT_INSIDE short calls are counted asInternalCallsRcvd.




DBINTTogether with SkillTargetID identifies the skillgroup member.




DBINTThe SkillTargetID of the agent. Together withSkillGroupSkillTargetID identifies the skill groupmember.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents associated with this skillgroup spent on supervisor-assisted calls during thereporting interval. The value is counted when thesupervisor-assisted call completes, and the databaseis updated every reporting.

This field is applicable for Unified CCEonly.



NULLDBINTNumber of calls for which an agent receivedsupervisor assistance during the reporting interval.The value is counted when the supervisor-assistedcall completes, and the database is updated everyreporting.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds an agent associated with thisskill group spent talking on inbound ACD calls(neither internal nor outbound) during the reportinginterval. TalkInTime is included in the calculationof TalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds that an agent in the skill groupspent talking on other calls (neither inbound oroutbound) during the reporting interval. Examples:agent-to-agent transfers and supervisor calls.TalkOtherTime is included in the calculation ofTalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)59

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds an agent associated with thisskill group spent talking on external outbound orconsultive transfer calls during the reporting interval.TalkOutTime is included in the calculation ofTalkTime and LoggedOnTime.




DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds an agent associated with thisskill group spent handling transferred in calls thatended during the reporting interval. The value iscounted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.

Calls may include voice calls andnon-voice tasks from ECE or third-partymultichannel applications that use theTask Routing APIs.



NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the skill groupduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.

Calls may include voice calls andnon-voice tasks from ECE or third-partymultichannel applications that use theTask Routing APIs.



NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred out by the agent duringthe reporting interval. The value is updated at thetime the agent completes the transfer of the call.

Calls may include voice calls andnon-voice tasks from ECE or third-partymultichannel applications that use theTask Routing APIs.



NULLDBINTThe number of seconds the agent spent talking onAutoOut (predictive) calls during the reportinginterval. TalkAutoOutTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)60

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of seconds the agent spent talking onoutbound Preview calls during the reporting interval.TalkPreviewTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThis is how long an agent is in Talking state sincethe reservation call is connected to the agent. Thisis counted using Agent State.


NULLDBINTTotal time in seconds an agent associated with thisskill group was in the Work Not Ready state duringthe reporting interval. WorkNotReadyTime isincluded as in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.

It calculates for all the calls within thatduration and not just the incoming calls.



NULLDBINTTotal seconds an agent in the skill group was in theWork Ready state for tasks associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval.WorkReadyTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.

It calculates for all the calls within thatduration, and not just the incoming calls.



NULLDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of callscoached either by the supervisor or by the agent.


Agent_Skill_Group_LogoutThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Each row provides information about a single login session for a member of a skill group. If an individualagent is a member of multiple skill groups, multiple Agent Skill Group Logout rows are created for that agent.

The software generates an Agent_Skill_Group_Logout record for each skill group member.

Related tables

• Skill_Group_Member, on page 520 (SkillTargetID + SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps toSkill_Group_Member.AgentSkillTargetID + Skill_Group_Member.SkillGroupSkillTargetID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)61

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Logout

Table 21: Indexes for Agent_Skill_Group_Logout Table


LogoutDateTime, SkillTargetID,SkillGroupSkillTargetID, TimeZone

Primary keyXPKAgent_Skill_Group_Logout

RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Agent_Skill_Group_Logout

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE1Agent_Skill_Group_Logout

Table 22: Fields in Agent_Skill_Group_Logout Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the records are written tothe HDS database. The logger database has NULL for this column


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the agent was logged in to the skill group.LoginDuration



DBDATETIMEDate and time when the agent logged out of the skill group.LogoutDateTime

NULLDBINTReason code returned by the peripheral for the agent logout. SeeReason Codes, on page 670.




DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and used internally by theUnified ICM or Unified CCE software to track the record.




DBINTTogether with SkillTargetID identifies the skill group member.SkillGroupSkillTargetID



DBINTThe SkillTargetID of the agent. Together withSkillGroupSkillTargetID identifies the skill group member.




DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date and time. Thevalue is the offset in minutes from UTC(formerly GMT).Thevalue is negative for time zones to the east of UTC and positivefor time zones to the west of UTC.


Agent_Skill_Group_Real_TimeThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Local database only.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)62

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Each row provides real-time statistics for a member of a skill group. If an individual agent is a member ofmultiple skill groups, multiple Agent Skill Group Real Time rows are created for that agent.

The software generates an Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time record for each skill group member.

Related tables

• Skill_Group_Member, on page 520 (SkillTargetID + SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps toSkill_Group_Member.AgentSkillTargetID + Skill_Group_Member.SkillGroupSkillTargetID)

• Precision_Queue, on page 341 (through PrecisionQueueID)

Table 23: Index for Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time Table


SkillTargetID, SkillGroupSkillTargetIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Table 24: Fields in Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe current real time state of the agent. To see thelist of Agent States, see AgentState, on page 648.


NULLDBINTAttributeID1 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID2 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID3 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID4 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID5 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID6 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID7 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID8 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTAttributeID9 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)63

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAttributeID10 of the agent associated with thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTThe number of tasks currently associated with thisskill group.



DBDATETIMEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe interval.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time of the agent's last state change.DateTimeLastStateChange

NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time the agent logged into the skill group.DateTimeLogin

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTThe precision queue ID of which the agent is amember. For skill group only agents, the value isNULL.


NULLDBINTThe priority of the agent in the skill group.Priority

NULLDBINTCode received from the peripheral indicating thereason for the agent's last state change. See ReasonCodes, on page 670.

ReasonCode is supported for the NotReady and Logged Off agent states only.





DBINTTogether with SkillTargetID identifies the skillgroup member. For precision queue only agents, thevalue is the SkillTargetID for internal PQ skill group.




DBINTThe SkillTargetID of the agent. Together withSkillGroupSkillTargetID identifies the skill groupmember.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)64

All TablesAgent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Agent_State_TraceThis table is one of the Agent Detail tables in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Each row describes a change of state for an agent. By examining Agent State Trace rows you can trace all thestate changes that have occurred for an agent.

The system software generates an Agent_State_Trace records for each agent for which tracing is enabled.

This table can become very large. Running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract the data from the HDS into your own custom databaseon a separate server (one that is not used for other Unified ICM or Unified CCE components). Use onlyDBDateTime (date and time of the record that was written to the HDS database) to perform the extraction.The table on the custom database can be indexed according to the custom reporting needs.

Related tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through SkillTargetID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

Table 25: Indexes for Agent_State_Trace Table


DateTime, SkillTargetID, TimeZone,MRDomainID

Primary keyXPKAgent_State_Trace

RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Agent_State_Trace

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE1Agent_State_Trace

Table 26: Fields in Agent_State_Trace Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe new agent state. To see the list of Agent States,see AgentState, on page 648.




DBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the state changeoccurred.




DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column


NULLDBINTThe direction for talking states.Direction

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)65

All TablesAgent_State_Trace

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)66

All TablesAgent_State_Trace

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

A code indicating the event that has occurred.
































Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)67

All TablesAgent_State_Trace

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


NULLDBINTA unique number generated at the PeripheralGateway. Values are reused after about 250 millioncalls.




DBINTThe date and time at which the state changeoccurred.


NULLDBINTKey assigned by the peripheral to the call associatedwith the event.


NULLDBINTCode received from the peripheral indicating thereason for the state change. See Reason Codes, onpage 670.




DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM or Unified CCEsoftware to track the record.


NULLDBINTThis field is not set for calls.

For non-voice tasks, the combination ofRouterCallKey, RouterCallKeyDay, andRouterCallKeySequenceNumber identifies the task(if any) that caused the agent's state to change.


NULLDBINTThis field is not set for calls.

For non-voice tasks, the combination ofRouterCallKey, RouterCallKeyDay, andRouterCallKeySequenceNumber identifies the task(if any) that caused the agent's state to change.


NULLDBINTThis field is not set for calls.

For non-voice tasks, the combination ofRouterCallKey, RouterCallKeyDay, andRouterCallKeySequenceNumber identifies the task(if any) that caused the agent's state to change.


NULLDBINTIdentifies the skill group the event is associated with.

For EventName 2 (NOT_READY), and3 (READY), value will be NULL.





DBINTIdentifies the agent.SkillTargetID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)68

All TablesAgent_State_Trace

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Agent_Service_EnabledAgent Service Enabled is a configuration table, it stores the mapping of Contact Center AI services enabledfor an agent. If there is an entry present for a service in this table, it means that the service is enabled for theagent.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17(through SkillTargetID)

Table 27: Indexes for the Agent_Service_Enabled Table




Primary keyXPKAgent_Service_Enabled

Table 28: Fields in the Agent_Service_Enabled Table

Keys and NULLOption



NOT NULLDBINTIdentifies the agent.SkillTargetID

NOT NULLDBINTType of theservices:

1. AgentAnswers

2. Transcript


Agent_Targeting_RuleThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see database rules for these tables, seeDevice Tables, on page 694.

The table decribes the basic rules for routing calls to agents

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)69

All TablesAgent_Service_Enabled

Related tables

• Agent_Targeting_Rule_Member, on page 72 (through AgentTargetingRuleID)

• Agent_Targeting_Rule_Range, on page 73 (through AgentTargetingRuleID)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through EnterpriseName)

Table 29: Indexes for Agent_Targeting_Rule Table


AgentTargetingRuleIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Targeting_Rule

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Agent_Targeting_Rule

Table 30: Fields in Agent_Targeting_Rule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe ID for a specific Agent Targeting Rule.AgentTargetingRuleID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time at which the record wasadded / updated.



DESCRIPTIONUse to note information about the Agent TargetingRule.




VNAME32A logical name you enter to assist you in identifyingthe Agent Targeting Rule.



VARCHARExpression string for use if needed by an AgentTargeting Rule.

Applicable for type 2 Agent Targeting Rules only.



DBINTThe peripheral to whose agents the Agent TargetingRule applies.

This is applicable only for an Unified CCE PG or aCisco Communication Manager PG.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)70

All TablesAgent_Targeting_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTDefines the Agent Targeting Rule type to be used.

Agent Targeting Rule Types

• Type 1 - Agent ID

Each agent is identified by an ID which is inthe PreCall and Connect messages. No label isneeded, but the agent's extension is included asthe label. (This rule is already in use fornon-voice routing.)

This rule is implicit for System PG integrations(ARS, Unified CCE) when the requestingrouting client is associated with the sameperipheral on which the targeted agent resides.

• Type 2 - Simple Substitution Label

An expressionmust be supplied which containsa series of exclamation points, such as978497!!!!. The exclamation points are replacedwith the agent's extension. If necessary, leadingzeroes are supplied, or leading digits deleted,so that length of the extension matches thenumber of exclamation points.

• Type 3 - Translation Route

A translation route is used to move the call.This is potentially a very powerful feature, asit allows pre-routing of calls directly to an agentwithout requiring Direct Inward Dialing (DID)to all agents. Translation routes require thegeneration of a second label, used to target theagent from the peripheral local routing client.

The rule mechanism is applied recursively togenerate this label. This means the CallRoutergenerates a label that allows the call to betranslation routed to the PG. The CallRouteralso generates a label for the PG to target theagent.

If a rule is not found, or if the rule involves atranslation route, Rule Type 1 is used.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)71

All TablesAgent_Targeting_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULL forAgentTargetingRule types1 and 2.

NOTNULL(Required)for AgentTargetingRule type 3.

DBINTThe TranslationRouteID must reference aTranslation_Route entry where theLogicalInterfaceControllerID is the same as thePeripheralID.


Agent_Targeting_Rule_MemberThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see database rules for these tables, seeDevice Tables, on page 694.

The table decribes the routing clients to which an Agent_Targeting_Rule applies.

Related tables

• Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69 (through AgentTargetingRuleID)

• Routing_Client, on page 407 (through RoutingClientID)

Table 31: Indexes for Agent_Targeting_Rule_Member


AgentTargetingRuleID, RoutingClientIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Targeting_Rule_Member

Table 32: Fields in Agent_Targeting_Rule_Member

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe ID of a specific Agent Targeting Rule.AgentTargetingRuleID



DBSMALLINTThe ID of any routing client associated with theAgent Targeting Rule.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)72

All TablesAgent_Targeting_Rule_Member

Agent_Targeting_Rule_RangeThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see database rules for these tables, seeDevice Tables, on page 694.

The table holds the agent extension ranges for an Agent Targeting Rule.

While the Low and the High Extensions must be the same length, not all extensions ranges for an AgentTargeting Rule need to be the same length.


Related tables

• Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69 (through AgentTargetingRuleID)

Table 33: Indexes for Agent_Targeting_Rule_Range



Primary keyXPKAgent_Targeting_Rule_Range

Table 34: Fields in Agent_Targeting_Rule_Range

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe ID for a specific Agent Targeting Rule.AgentTargetingRuleID



DBINTThe ID for an extension range associated with aspecific Agent Targeting Rule.


NULLVARCHARDefines the high extension to which the AgentTargeting Rule applies.


NULLVARCHARDefines the low extension to which the AgentTargeting Rule applies.


Agent_TeamThis table is in the Skill Target category. For more information, see Skill Target, on page 629 category. Forthe database rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)73

All TablesAgent_Targeting_Rule_Range

An agent team is a group of agents who report to the same supervisors and are associated with a singleperipheral. The software does not route to agent teams and agents within a team do not necessarily share thesame skills. Agent teams are used for administrative and monitoring purposes only.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Agent_Team records.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through PriSupervisorSkillTargetID)

• Agent_Team_Member, on page 75 (through AgentTeamID)

Table 35: Indexes for Admin_Script_Schedule_Map Table


AgentTeamIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Team

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Agent_Team

PriSupervisorSkillTargetIDInversion keyXIF112Agent_Team

Table 36: Fields in Admin_Script_Schedule_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for the agent team.AgentTeamID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time at which the record wasadded / updated.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the agent team.Description

NULLDBINTThe dialed number identifier for the agent team.DialedNumberID



VNAME32An enterprise name for the agent team that is uniqueamong all agent teams in the enterprise.



DBSMALLINTIdentifies the peripheral with which the team isassociated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)74

All TablesAgent_Team

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

IE-1, FK


DBINTThe agent who is the primary supervisor for theteam.


Agent_Team_MemberThis table is one of the Agent Detail tables in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

This table specifies the mapping of agents to agent teams.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add or delete Agent_Team_Member records.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17 (through SkillTargetID)

• Agent_Team, on page 73 (through AgentTeamID)

Table 37: Indexes for Agent_Team_Member Table


AgentTeamID, SkillTargetIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Team_Member

SkillTargetIDUnique keyXAK1Agent_Team_Member

AgentTeamIDInversion keyXIE1Agent_Team_Member

Table 38: Fields in Agent_Team_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTIdentifies the agent team.AgentTeamID

FK, AK-1


DBINTIdentifies the agent.SkillTargetID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)75

All TablesAgent_Team_Member

Agent_Team_SupervisorThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

This table specifies the mapping of supervisors and agent teams.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add or delete Agent_Team_Supervisor records.

Table 39: Indexes for Agent_Team_Supervisor Table


AgentTeamID, SupervisorSkillTargetIDPrimary keyXPKAgent_Team_Supervisor

Table 40: Fields in Agent_Team_Supervisor Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTIdentifies the agent team.AgentTeamID



DBINTIdentifies the SkillTargetID of the supervisor.SupervisorSkillTargetID

AnnouncementThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row corresponds to a voice announcement. The system software can route a call to an announcement.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Announcement records.

Related Tables

• Network_Target, on page 306 (through NetworkTargetID)

Table 41: Indexes for Announcement Table


NetworkTargetIDPrimary keyXPKAnnouncement

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Announcement

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)76

All TablesAgent_Team_Supervisor

Table 42: Fields in Announcement Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTAn integer value indicating the type of theannouncement.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time at which the record wasadded / updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the announcement.Description



VNAME32An enterprise name for this announcement. Thisname must be unique among all announcements inthe enterprise.




DBINTForeign key from the Network Target table.NetworkTargetID

Application_EventThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Central database only.

Contains information about events in the Unified ICM application. This is a subset of the events reported inthe Event table.

Table 43: Indexes for Application_Event Table


RecoveryKeyPrimary keyXPKApplication_Event

CentralControllerFileTimeInversion keyXIE1Application_Event

MessageIdInversion keyXIE2Application_Event

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)77

All TablesApplication_Event

Table 44: Fields in Application_Event Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarbinary(max)Optional event binary data.BinData

NULLVNAME32The type of message.Category


DBDATETIMEFile Time event was processed at the CentralController.



DBINTTime zone at the Central Controller. The value isthe offset in minutes from UTC (formerly calledGMT).



DBINTVirtual Time event was processed at the CentralController.



DBINTThe customer ID.CustomerId

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword1

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword2

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword3

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword4

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword5


DBINTMessage ID from message compiler.MessageId

NULLDESCRIPTIONContents of message.MessageString


VNAME32Name of the process that originated the event.ProcName


DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM or Unified CCEsoftware to track the record.


NULLvarchar(16)The level of the message.Severity


DBCHARSide of event originator:

A or B = paired processes


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)78

All TablesApplication_Event

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEFile time event was generated (originator's time).SourceFileTime

NULLVNAME32Name of the node that generated the event.SourceSystemName


DBINTVirtual time event was generated (originator's time).SourceVirtualTime


DBINTStatus code value.StatusCode

NULLDESCRIPTIONString associated with the status code.StatusCodeString


DBSMALLINTClassification of the value in StatusCode field.StatusCodeType

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String1

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String2

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String3

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String4

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String5


DBSMALLINTDMP system ID of the event originator. For aCallRouter or Logger, this value is always 0.



DBSMALLINTThe type of system that generated the event:

0 = Unknown

1 = CallRouter

2 = Peripheral Gateway

3 = Network Interface Controller

4 = Administration & Data Server

5 = Logger

6 = Listener

7 = CTI Gateway



DBSMALLINTEMS version number.VersionNum

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)79

All TablesApplication_Event

Application_GatewayThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row describes an external application (custom gateway) or another Unified ICM platform that you caninvoke from a routing script or administrative script.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Application_Gateway records.

Related Tables

• Application_Gateway_Connection, on page 81 (through ApplicationGatewayID)

• ICR_Instance, on page 264 (through ICRInstanceID)

Table 45: Indexes for Application_Gateway Table


ApplicationGatewayIDPrimary keyXPKApplication_Gateway

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Application_Gateway

ICRInstanceIDInversion keyXIE1Application_Gateway

Table 46: Fields in Application_Gateway Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for the application gateway.ApplicationGatewayID


DBINTThe type of gateway:

0 = custom gateway

1 = remote ICM

2 = contact share node



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time at which the record wasadded / updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the applicationgateway.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)80

All TablesApplication_Gateway

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe encryption method used by the applicationgateway:

0 = none

1 = private key

2 = TLS



VNAME32An enterprise name for the application gateway. Thisnamemust be unique among all application gatewaysin the enterprise.



DBINTThe fault-tolerance strategy used by the applicationgateway. To see values for this field, see ApplicationGateway: Fault Tolerance, on page 649.


FK, IE-1


DBINTIdentifies the instance associatedwith the applicationgateway.


NULLchar(1)Indicates which side of the Gateway the softwareshould use when both are available: A or B. Thisapplies only when ApplicationGatewayType is 0(custom gateway).


Application_Gateway_ConnectionThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row describes the connection of one side of the CallRouter (side A or side B) to an Application Gatewayhost.

Use Unified ICMConfigurationManager to add, update, and delete Application_Gateway_Connection records.

Related Tables

• Application_Gateway, on page 80 (through ApplicationGatewayID)

Table 47: Indexes for Application_Gateway_Connection Table


ApplicationGatewayID, SidePrimary keyXPKApplication_Gateway_Connect

ApplicationGatewayIDInversion keyXIF134Application_Gateway_Conn

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)81

All TablesApplication_Gateway_Connection

Table 48: Fields in Application_Gateway_Connection Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAn internal timeout used by the CallRouter todetermine a failure in the application gatewayinterface process. The default value is 5000.


NULLvarchar(255)A string that describes the connection to the host.The format depends on the protocol. For TCP, theformat is hostname:port or IPAddress:port.




DBINTIdentifies the Application Gateway associated withthe connection.


NULLDBINTA command the software sends to the applicationgateway when the row is created or updated by theUpdate Central Controller operation. You can usethis field to send one-time commands to theapplication gateway host.


NULLDBINTA parameter to be sent with the command.CommandParam

NULLvarchar(255)A string the software passes to the host duringinitialization. The software does not use or validatethe value.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the connection.Description

NULLDBINTNumber of consecutive errors that cause the softwareto declare the host unavailable. The software theninitiates a reconnect.


NULLDBINTNumber of consecutive unanswered heartbeats afterwhich the CallRouter closes the connection. Thedefault is 10. (For purposes of this count, a query iscounted as a heartbeat.)


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds to wait before retrying amissed heartbeat. The default is 200. The total timebetween heartbeat tries is HeartbeatTimeout +HeartbeatRetry.


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for ahost to respond to a heartbeat request. The defaultis 300.


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds between heartbeats. Theidle timeout for each host is 4 times this value.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)82

All TablesApplication_Gateway_Connection

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates whether the connection is currentlyavailable: 'Y' (yes) or 'N' (no).


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for aresponse before considering it late. This does notaffect CallRouter processing. It is for statistical useonly.


NULLDBINTCurrently not used.LinkTestThreshold

NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for aresponse to an open or close connection request. Thedefault is 15000.



DBINTThe communications protocol used for theconnection. 1 = TCP (the only value currentlysupported).


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for aresponse before timing out a request. The defaultvalue is 300.


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits beforetrying to reconnect after a connection terminates ora connection attempt fails. The default value is30000.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of times the CallRouterattempts to connect or reconnect a session. (Userintervention is then required to restart theconnection.) If the value is 0, then no limit applies.




char(1)Indicates which side of the CallRouter uses theconnection. Valid values are 'A' and 'B'.


Application_Gateway_GlobalsThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

The table contains two rows that define default values for the Application_Gateway_Connection tables. Onerow defines defaults for external applications (custom gateways) and the other defines defaults for remotesystem software platforms.

Use the Application Gateway list tool to modify the Application_Gateway_Globals records.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)83

All TablesApplication_Gateway_Globals

Table 49: Indexes for Application_Gateway_Globals Table


IDPrimary keyXPKApplication_Gateway_Globals

Table 50: Fields in Application_Gateway_Globals Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTAn internal timeout used by the CallRouter todetermine a failure in the application gatewayinterface process. The default is 5000.



DBINTThe type of gateway:

0 = custom gateway

1 = remote ICM

2 = contact share node

You can define a separate set of defaultsfor each type.



NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record was added/ updated.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTNumber of consecutive errors that cause the softwareto declare the host unavailable. The software theninitiates a reconnect.



DBINTNumber of consecutive unanswered heartbeats afterwhich the CallRouter closes the connection. Thedefault is 10. (For purposes of this count, a query iscounted as a heartbeat.)



DBINTNumber of milliseconds to wait before retrying amissed heartbeat. The default is 200. The total timebetween heartbeat tries is HeartbeatTimeout +HeartbeatRetry.



DBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for ahost to respond to a heartbeat request. The defaultis 300.



DBINTNumber of milliseconds between heartbeats. Theidle timeout for each host is 4 times this value.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)84

All TablesApplication_Gateway_Globals

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for the row.ID


DBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for aresponse before considering it late. This does notaffect CallRouter processing. It is for statistical useonly.



DBINTCurrently not used.LinkTestThreshold


DBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for aresponse to an open or close connection request. Thedefault is 15000.



DBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits for aresponse before timing out a request. The defaultvalue is 300.



DBINTNumber of milliseconds the CallRouter waits beforetrying to reconnect after a connection terminates ora connection attempt fails. The default is 30000.



DBINTThe maximum number of times the CallRouterattempts to connect or reconnect a session. (Userintervention is then required to restart theconnection.) If the value is 0, then no limit applies.


Application_Gateway_Half_HourThis table is part of the Script category. For more information, see Script, on page 623. For database rules, seeScript Tables, on page 697.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases and provides statistics on each Application Gateway.

The software updates these statistics every 30minutes and generates Application_Gateway_Half_Hour recordsfor each Application Gateway.

Related Tables

• Application_Gateway, on page 80 (through ApplicationGatewayID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)85

All TablesApplication_Gateway_Half_Hour

Table 51: Indexes for Application_Gateway_Half_Hour Table


ApplicationGatewayID, DateTime, TimeZonePrimary keyXPKApplication_Gateway_Half_Ho

RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Application_Gateway_Half_H

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE1Application_Gateway_Half_H

Table 52: Fields in Application_Gateway_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTIdentifies the Application Gateway.ApplicationGatewayID

NULLDBINTThe average response time, in milliseconds, for allrequests to the Application Gateway during thehalf-hour interval.




DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe interval.




DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLDBINTNumber of errors that occurred for ApplicationGateway requests during the half-hour interval.Consult EMS logs for specific error information.


NULLDBINTNumber of responses that exceeded the LateTimeoutvalue for the connection during the half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTThe longest response time, in milliseconds, for anyrequest to the Application Gateway during thehalf-hour interval.




DBFLT8Unique identity that is assigned to each record andused internally by the Unified ICM or Unified CCEnterprise software to track records.


NULLDBINTThe number of requests rejected by the ApplicationGateway during the half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)86

All TablesApplication_Gateway_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of requests that are sent to theApplication Gateway during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of requests sent to the ApplicationGateway that timed out during the half-hour interval.




DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTNumber of requests attempted while no ApplicationGatewaywas available during the half-hour interval.


Application_InstanceThis table is part of the Media Routing category (see Media Routing, on page 617). For database rules, seeMedia Routing Tables, on page 695.

The table contains configuration data about external application instances. The data in this table enables thesoftware to identify application instances and grant them access to the Configuration Management Service(CMS). This table is populated initially with default Application Instances as listed in the ApplicationInstanceIDfield, below.

Related Table

• Application_Path, on page 88 (through ApplicationInstanceID)

Table 53: Indexes for Application_Instance Table


ApplicationInstanceIDPrimary keyXPKApplication_Instance

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Application_Instance

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)87

All TablesApplication_Instance

Table 54: FIelds for Application_Instance Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTIdentifies the Application Instance.

Default Application Instance:

• 4 = UQ.Desktop



varchar(32)A key supplied by the application which allows theapplication instance entry to CMS services.


NULLDBINTProvides a key to the characteristics of certainapplications.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about this applicationinstance.




VNAME32The unique name of the application instance.EnterpriseName


DBINTDetermines the permissions given to the application:

0 = Full read and write permission to allconfiguration tables.

1 = Read-only permission to all configuration tables(the application may not change any data).

2 = Authentication only (only the ConAPIauthentication API's will function).

3 = None


Application_PathThis table is part of the Media Routing category. For more information, see Media Routing, on page 617. Fordatabase rules, see Media Routing Tables, on page 695.

The table defines a path from a registered application instance to a CTI Server. Applications need an interfaceto CTI Server in order to report logins, agent states, and task messages to the system software.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)88

All TablesApplication_Path

Related Tables

• Application_Instance, on page 87 (through ApplicationInstanceID)

• Application_Path_Member, on page 90 (through ApplicationPathID)

• Application_Path_Real_Time, on page 90 (through ApplicationPathID)

• Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285 (through LogicalControllerID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

Table 55: Indexes for Application_Path Table


ApplicationPathIDPrimary keyXPKApplication_Path

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Application_Path

Table 56: Fields in Application_Path Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTDefines the application instance that uses thisapplication path.




DBINTA unique identifier for the application path.ApplicationPathID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about this application path.Description



VNAME32The unique name of the application instance.EnterpriseName



DBSMALLINTForeign key to the Logical_Interface_Controllertable.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)89

All TablesApplication_Path

Application_Path_MemberThis table is part of the Media Trouting category. For more information, see Media Routing, on page 617. Fordatabase rules, see Media Routing Tables, on page 695.

The table defines the Media Routing Domains (MRDs) that use a particular application path.

Related Tables

• Application_Path, on page 88 (through ApplicationPathID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through PeripheralID)

Table 57: Indexes for Application_Path_MemberTable


PeripheralID, MRDomainIDPrimary keyXPKApplication_Path_Member

ApplicationPathIDInversion keyXIE1Application_Path_Member

Table 58: Fields in Application_Path_MemberTable

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

FK, IE-1


DBINTThe application path identifier for this applicationpath member.




DBINTThe MRD identifier for this application pathmember.




DBSMALLINTLink to the Peripheral table.PeripheralID

Application_Path_Real_TimeThis table is part of the Media Routing category (see Media Routing, on page 617 ). For database rules, seeMedia Routing Tables, on page 695.

The table provides real-time status and connection data for application paths.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)90

All TablesApplication_Path_Member

Related Table

• Application_Path, on page 88 (through ApplicationInstanceID)

Table 59: Indexes for Application_Path_Real_Time Table


ApplicationPathIDPrimary keyXPKApplication_Path_Real_Time

Table 60: Fields in Application_Path_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe application path identifier for this applicationpath member.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the data in this table waslast updated.


NULLDBCHARIndicates whether or not the application path iscurrently on-line:

1 = yes, on-line

0 = no, not on-line.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the application instanceassociated with this application path establishedconnection to the CTI Server.


NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text1

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text2

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text3

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text4

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text5

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text6

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text7

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text8

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text9

NULLvarchar(40)Application-specific strings.Text10

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)91

All TablesApplication_Path_Real_Time

AttributeThis table defines attributes that agents may have and that calls may request.

A skill is a special form attribute used to identify which attributes are used in the most skilled agent and leastskilled agent queue ordering.

An attribute which is considered a skill must have the following:

1. DataType = Proficient

2. MinimumValue = 1

3. MaximumValue = 100


You cannot modify the DataType of an existing attribute.Note

Related Tables

• Agent_Attribute (through AttributeID)

• Agent_Skill_Group_Interval (through AttributeID)

• Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time (through AttributeID)

• Call_type_SG_Interval (through AttributeID)

• Precision_Q_Real_Time (through AttributeID)

• Precision_Queue_Term (through AttributeID)

• Router_Queue_Interval (through AttributeID)

Table 61: Indexes for Attribute Table


AttributeIDPrimary keyXPKAttribute

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Attribute

DateTimeStampInversion keyXIE1Attribute

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)92

All TablesAttribute

Table 62: Fields in Attribute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTData type for this attribute. Valid values are:

• 0 = Unknown

• 1 = Integer

• 2 = String

• 3 = Boolean

• 4 = Skill (special form of integer)




DBINTID and primary key.AttributeID


DBCHARY or N. Default is N. If Y, this attribute appears onthe agent desktop. This flag is only advisory for thedesktop software.



CHANGESTAMPChange stamp.ChangeStamp

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


NULLvarchar255Must be convertable to the datatype specified.DefaultValue


DBCHARDeleted Flag stored as a character. Valid values are:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONDescription of the attribute.Description


VNMAE32Name of this attribute.EnterpriseName

NULLvarchar255Must be convertable to the datatype specified.MaximumValue

NULLvarchar255Must be convertable to the datatype specified.MinimumValue


DBCHARY or N (Default). If Y, the agent can set this attributefor the desktop. This flag is only advisory for thedesktop software.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)93

All TablesAttribute


This table is defined for future use.Note

This table defines the attribute set that agents may have and that calls may request.

This table supports individual adds and deletes, as well as delete.

Table 63: Indexes for Attribute_Set Table


AttributeSetIDPrimary keyXPKAttribute_Set

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Attribute_Set

Table 64: Fields in Attribute_Set Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTData type for this attribute set. The values are:

The value are:

• 1 = Integer

• 2 = String

• 3 = Boolean

• 4 = Proficient (special form of integer)



DBINTUnique ID and the primary key.AttributeSetID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONDescription of the Attribute Set table.Description


VNAME32Name of the Attribute Set.EnterpriseName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)94

All TablesAttribute_Set


This table is defined for future use.Note

This table defines the set of attributes belong to the same attribute set data type.

This table supports individual adds and deletes, as well as delete. The Attribute table is the parent.

Table 65: Indexes for Agent Table


AttributeSetID, AttributeIDPrimary keyXPKAttribute_Set_Member

Table 66: Fields in Attribute_Set_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign Key from Attribute Set table and part of theprimary key.



DBINTForeign Key from Attribute Set table and part of theprimary key.


AWControlThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Local database only.

Contains one record of control information about the Administration & Data Server. This information is usedinternally by the system.

This table has no indexes because it has only one row.Note

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)95

All TablesAttribute_Set_Member

Table 67: Fields in AWControl Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe AW type:

• 0 = Standard

• 1 = NAM

• 2 = CICM

• 3 = Limited Administration & Data Server.


NULLVNAME32The name of the workstation that last uploadedconfiguration or script information to the centraldatabase. This field is maintained by the real-timefeed.


NULLvarchar(64)The name of the user that last uploaded configurationor script information to the central database. Thisfield is maintained by the real-time feed.



DBFLT8The recovery key value from the Config MessageLog table when the configuration or scriptinformation in the central database was last updated.This field is maintained by the real-time feed.


NULLdatetimeThe time that the configuration or script informationin the central database was last updated. This fieldis maintained by the real-time feed.



DBCHARIndicates whether the Historical Data Server propertyis enabled:

• Y = Yes (enabled)

• N = No (not enabled)



DBFLT8The recovery key value copied from the ConfigMessage Log table when the local database was lastupdated from the central database.


NULLDATETIMEThe time that the local Administration&Data Serverdatabase was last updated from the central database.


Blended_Agent_OptionsThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)96

All TablesBlended_Agent_Options

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.

This table has no indexes because it has only one row.


Contains all options that are global to a Outbound Option deployment. There is only one row in this table.

Use the Outbound Option Configuration option within Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modify theOutbound Option Options records.

Table 68: Fields in Blended_Agent_Options Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



Number of milliseconds the dialer will spendanalyzing. Advanced configuration item.



Used for fine tuning call progress analysis.Advanced configuration item.



Maximum milliseconds the dialer will analyze ananswering machine voice message looking for atermination tone. Advanced configuration item.



Maximum time allowed for analysis in milliseconds.Advanced configuration item.



Minimum number of milliseconds of voice requiredto qualify a call as voice detected. Advancedconfiguration item.



Minimum silence period required to classify as acall voice detected. Advanced configuration item.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)97

All TablesBlended_Agent_Options

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.



DBINTThe latest valid hour to call a contact (in 24-hourformat). The hour value is based on the contact'slocal time.



DBINTThe latest valid minute to call a contact. The minutesvalue is based on the contact's local time.



DBINTThe earliest valid hour to call a contact (in 24-hourformat). The hour value is based on the contact'slocal time.



DBINTThe earliest valid minute to call a contact. Theminutes value is based on the contact's local time.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBCHARA Boolean value that indicates that all preview andpersonal callbackmodes should be direct dialed fromthe agent desktop rather than transferred from thedialer.

A Y indicates enabled, N indicates disabled. Thedefault is N.




Allow dialing of personal callbacks on Saturday.The default is N.




Allow dialing of personal callbacks on Sunday. Thedefault is N.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)98

All TablesBlended_Agent_Options

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


Personal callbacks.Minimum time inminutes beforeretrying a busy.



Frequency (in minutes) to check for records in thedatabase.



Maximum attempts to retry.



Indicates the personal callback mode to use if thispersonal callback was not associated with acampaign. The three mode choices are useVDN,Reschedule, or Abandon.



Minimum time in minutes before retrying a noanswer.



Number of rings to wait before considering this calla no answer call.



Days to wait before purging old records.



Indicates which personal callback records to purgebased on the call status. It is a string of dialing liststatus characters.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)99

All TablesBlended_Agent_Options

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


Number of personal callback records to cache in thedialer.



Minimum time before retrying a failed reservation.




Indicates whether callbacks should be rescheduledor not. The default is Y.


Bucket_IntervalsThis configuration table holds the definition for Bucket Intervals that are used for Call type reporting. TheIntervals are in sequentially increasing order, with the unused intervals having a NULL value.

Use the Unified ICM Configuration Manager Bucket Interval List Tool to modify Bucket intervals.

Table 69: Indexes for Bucket_Intervals Table


BucketIntervalIDPrimary keyXPKBucket_Intervals

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Bucket_Intervals

Table 70: Fields in Bucket_Intervals Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe primary key for this table.BucketIntervalID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)100

All TablesBucket_Intervals

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARThe default is N.Deleted

NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.




VNAME32The enterprise name for this table.EnterpriseName

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 1IntervalUpperBound1

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 2IntervalUpperBound2

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 3IntervalUpperBound3

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 4IntervalUpperBound4

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 5IntervalUpperBound5

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 6IntervalUpperBound6

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 7IntervalUpperBound7

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 8IntervalUpperBound8

NULLDBINTUpper bound in seconds of interval 9IntervalUpperBound9

Bulk_JobThis table supports operations from the Packaged CCE Bulk Operations tool.

Table 71: Indexes for Bulk_Job Table


BulkJobIDPrimary keyXPKBulk_Job

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)101

All TablesBulk_Job

Table 72: Fields in Bulk_Job Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTAuto-assigned Unique ID and Primary Key.BulkJobID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thedatabase


NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time when the job was createdCreateDateTime

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONDescribes this jobDescription

NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time when the job was finishedEndDateTime

NULLvarchar(64)The AW on which the job will runJobHostName

NULLDBSMALLINTThe state of the job. The options are:

• 1 = Queued

• 2 = Processing

• 3 = Completed successfully

• 4 = Failed

• 5 = Cancelled



DBSMALLINTIndicates the type of bulk job. The options are:

• 1 = Dialed Number

• 2 = Agent

• 3 = Call Type

• 4 = Skill Group

• 5 = SSO Migration

• 102 = Inventory

The operation types (create, update,delete) are specified in the CSV file witheach record.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)102

All TablesBulk_Job

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time when the job was startedStartDateTime

Business_EntityThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

It lists the business entities within the enterprise.

Related Tables

• Enterprise_Route, on page 250 (through Enterprise Route ID)

• Enterprise_Service, on page 251 (through EntityID)

• Enterprise_Skill_Group, on page 253 (through EntityID)

• Master_Script, on page 298 (through Entity ID)

• Schedule, on page 419 (through EntityID)

Table 73: Indexes for Business_Entity Table


EntityIDPrimary keyXPKBusiness_Entity

EntityNameUnique keyXAK1Business_Entity

Table 74: Fields in Business_Entity Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the business entity.Description



DBINTA unique identifier for the business entity.EntityID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)103

All TablesBusiness_Entity

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



varchar(30)The name of the business entity.EntityName

Business_HoursThis table is in the Business Hours category. To see database rules for these tables, see Business Hours, onpage 609.

It contains a description of all the business hours that a enterprise may use. There is a single row for everyconfigured business hour.

You can use the Call Tracer utility from within Script Editor to view the Business Hour evaluvation status inthe tracer logs.

Related Tables

• Business_Hours_Real_Time, on page 106 (through BusinessHoursID)

• Business_Hours_Reason, on page 107 (through BusinessHourReasonID)

• Department, on page 210 (through DepartmentID)

• Special_Day_Schedule, on page 547 (through BusinessHoursID)

• Time_Zone_Location, on page 578 (through TimeZoneLocationID)

• Week_Day_Schedule, on page 604 (through BusinessHoursID)

Table 75: Indexes for Business_Hours Table


BusinessHoursIDPrimary keyXPKBusiness_Hours

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Business_Hours

DepartmentIDInversion keyXIE1Business_Hours

TimeZoneLocationIDInversion keyXIE2Business_Hours

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)104

All TablesBusiness_Hours

Table 76: Fields in Business_Hours Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField



DBINTUnique ID of the business schedule objectBusinessHoursID



VNAME32An enterprise name for this business hour. The namemust be unique among all the business hours withinthe business entity.




DBINTDisplays the foreign key from the Department table.NULL for global department.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about this business hour.Description


DBTINYINTIf this field is 0, the system uses the business hourconfigured for that department and time zone. Youcan override the default business hour with thefollowing:

• 1=force closes the current business hour.

• 2=force opens a business hour.




DBINTForeign key from the Business Hours Reason table.BusinessHourReasonID


DBTINYINTDefines the type of the business hour.

• 0 indicates that the business hour is open for24 hours on all seven days of the week.

• 1 indicates that the business hour will fallwithin a custom time period you define. Todefine the time period, select the Customoption under Business Hours > RegularHours in the Unified CCE Administrationconsole.

Default value is 0.




DBINTThe timezone that the schedule will be based on.Displays the foreign key from the Time ZoneLocation table.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is addedor updated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)105

All TablesBusiness_Hours

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar2

Business_Hours_Real_TimeThis table provides the current status of the business hour and the reason code as a real time report.

Related Tables

• Business_Hours, on page 104 (through BusinessHoursID)

• Business_Hours_Reason, on page 107 (through ReasonCode)

Table 77: Indexes for Business_Hours_Real_Time Table


BusinessHoursIDPrimary keyXPKBusiness_Hours_Real_Time

Table 78: Fields in Business_Hours_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField



DBINTForeign key from Business Hours table.BusinessHoursID


DBDATETIMEDate and time when this data was last updated. Itrepresents the updated time stamp.


NULLDBINTIndicates whether the business hour is open orclosed.

• 0 indicates that the business hour is closed.

• 1 indicates that the business hour is open.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)106

All TablesBusiness_Hours_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField

NULLDBINTReason code of the active schedule.ReasonCode

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt5

Business_Hours_ReasonThis table contains the reason for the business hour's state.

Related Tables

• Business_Hours, on page 104 (through BusinessHourReasonID)

• Business_Hours_Real_Time, on page 106 (through ReasonCode)

Table 79: Indexes for Business_Hours_Reason Table


BusinessHourReasonIDPrimary keyXPKBusiness_Hours_Reason

ReasonCodeUnique keyXAK1Business_Hours_Reason

Table 80: Fields in Business_Hours_Reason Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTUnique ID of the business reason.BusinessHourReasonID



DBINTA unique key assigned to each reason.ReasonCode

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)107

All TablesBusiness_Hours_Reason

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)Description of the business hour reason in textformat.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is addedor updated.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(128)Future UseFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar1

Call_Event_DetailThis table contains the call event information and the records will be created by the Unified CCE Router inthe following scenarios.

1. When the call is Connected to VRU for Self service.

2. When the call is Queued to Precision Queue, Skill Group, or Agent.

This report will be used only for the Analyzer Integration.

Table 81: Indexes for Call_Event_Detail Table


RecoveryKeyUnique keyXAK1Call_Event_Detail

RouterCallKey, RouterCallKeyDayInversion keyXIE1Call_Event_Detail

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE2Call_Event_Detail

Table 82: Fields in Call_Event_Detail Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(512)This field will be updated only when the Call queuedto agent directly use QueueToAgent node.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)108

All TablesCall_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEDate and Time of the event in Central ControllerTime.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL in this column.


NULLDBINTCall event type


• 1 = NEWCALL (Reserved for future use )


• 3 = VRU-DONE

• 4 = QUEUED


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLVARCHAR(512)Precision Queue ID if the the call is queued toPrecision Queue.



DBINTA call key counter created and set by the systemsoftware. This value forms the unique portion of the64-bit key for the call. The system software resetsthis counter at midnight.

Applicable only if the agent is in an active call.



DBINTA value indicating the day that the call was receivedand the Route_Call_Detail record was created.Applicable only if the agent is in an active call.



DBINTThe RouterCallKeySequenceNumber of the call legfor which these events are triggered.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)109

All TablesCall_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLVARCHAR(512)Skill Group ID to which the Call is queued.SkillGroupIDs


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



DBINTIndicates if the Queue IDs are new Queue IDs orupdated to existing list of Queues.

• 0 = Unknown

• 1 = Indicates the call in unqueued.

• 2 - Indicates the Queue IDs are new to thecall.

• 3 = Indicates that Queue IDs are added tothe existing queues.

This field is not valid for IVR-Connected andIVR_done by default will be 0.


Call_TypeThis table is part of the Script category. For database rules, see the "Script Tables" section.

Each row describes a category of calls that the software can handle. The Dialed NumberMap table determineswhich calls are assigned to each category. The Call Type Map table determines which scripts are executedfor each call type.

Use the Call Type list tool to add, update, and delete Call_Type records. This tool can be launched throughthe Configuration Manager.

Related Tables

Call_Type_Map (by CallTypeID)

Call_Type_Real_Time (by CallTypeID)

Customer_Defintion (by CustomerDefinitionID)

Default_Call_Type (by CallTypeID)

Dialed_Number_Map (by CallTypeID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)110

All TablesCall_Type

ICR_Globals (Call_Type.CallTypeID maps to ICR_Globals.DefaultCallType)

Route_Call_Detail (by CallTypeID)

Termination_Call_Detail (by CallTypeID)

Table 83: Indexes for Call_Type Table


EnterpriseNameNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


CustomerDefinitionIDNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Call_Type

DateTimeStampNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Call_Type

CallTypeIDClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 84: Fields in Call_Type Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

FK NULLDBINTThe ID for the entry in the Bucket_Interval Tableused for this CallType. The default value is NULL.

NULL means that the bucket interval fromICR_Globals is used for this calltype.



DBINTA unique identifier for this call type.CallTypeID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


IE-1 NULLDBINTIdentifies the customer definition, if any, associatedwith the call type.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is addedor updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the call type.Description

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)111

All TablesCall_Type

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32An enterprise name for this call type. This namemust be unique among all call types in the enterprise.


IE3, NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, overwhich the router calculates the Call Type and CallType Skill Group data. The valid values are 30(default) or 15.

This field is the Call Type ReportingInterval. It is not the PG reportingInterval with which the skill group isassociated.



NULLDBINTThe time in seconds to be used as the service levelthreshold.


NULLDBSMALLINTDefault value that indicates how the softwarecalculates the service level (that is, how it handlesabandoned calls in calculating the service level).You can override this default for individual services.


FK,NULLDBINTSurvey application associated with the call type.SurveyID (For Future Use)

Call_Type_IntervalThis section describes the Call Type Interval table.

• In a Cisco Contact Center Gateway deployment, a Unified ICM (parent) connected with a Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG (child) or Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (child) through UnifiedCCE Gateway PG, network queuing data is not available in the child or in the child agent and supervisordesktops. The time spent in the network queue is not included in the reporting metrics in the child. Acall center manager, who would normally only look at the Unified CCE child reports, needs to also lookat the parent Unified ICM reports for network queuing data.

• With the existence of a network VRU, for Unified CCE and for Unified ICM systems in which calls aretranslation-routed, the measurement of Answer Wait Time for a call begins when the call is queued. Themeasurement of Service Level begins when the call arrives at the routing script, or when its call type ischanged. This means that, if self-service is performed on a call before queueing to an agent, the routingscript must change the call type of the call when self-service is completed. Otherwise, the time spent inself-service negatively impacts the Service Level.

• In the Call Type Interval table, the Hold time is calculated based on the call event.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)112

All TablesCall_Type_Interval

Table 85: Fields in Call_Type_Interval Table

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls abandoned within Interval1. For Call Type Interval, AbandInterval iscalculated from when the call is queued to askill group or a precision queue, to when thecall is abandoned. This includes any requerytime.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCEwith the following exception:the field is not incremented if an agent answersthe call on a standard ACD, unless the call wastranslation routed.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 2.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 3.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 4.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 5.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 6.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 7.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 8.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 9.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 10.See AbandInterval1.


YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, calls thatencounter an error when the call is at the agentdesktop. These are calls that receive a TCDwithCallDispositionFlag value 4. Agent errors arecounted in AgentErrorCount, and routing errorsare counted in ErrorCount. Total Error count =ErrorCount + AgentErrorCountTo Half.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)113

All TablesCall_Type_Interval

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls answered within Interval1. For Call Type Interval, AnsInterval iscalculated from when the call is queued to askill group or a precision queue, to when thecall is answered. This includes any requerytime.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCEwith the following exception:the field is not incremented if an agent answersthe call on a standard ACD, unless the call wastranslation routed.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 2. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 3. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 4. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 5. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 6. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 7. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 8. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 9. SeeAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 10.See AnsInterval1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)114

All TablesCall_Type_Interval

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe sum of answer wait time in seconds for allcalls that were answered for the call type duringthe reporting interval.

The AnswerWaitTime for a single call againstthe call type is an approximate sum of thefollowing fields in the Termination_Call_Detailtable:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

• NetQTime

This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCEwith the following exception:

The field is not incremented if an agent answersthe call on a standard ACD, unless the call wastranslation routed.


YESDBINTAverage delay in queue (in seconds) for callsremoved from the Router queue during thehalf-hour interval. RouterQueueDelayQ /RouterQueueCalls


YESDBINTThe ID of Bucket Intervals from theBucket_Interval table used to generate thefollowing AnsInterval and AbandInterval fieldsin this record.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call typeanswered or work accepted by agents in thereporting interval. This field is applicable toboth Unified ICM and Unified CCE with thefollowing exception: the field is notincremented if an agent answers the call on astandard ACD, unless the call was translationrouted.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)115

All TablesCall_Type_Interval

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total time spent by calls of this call typethat abandoned in the reporting interval. Thistime begins when the call reaches the Routerand ends when the call disconnects. Does notinclude short calls.

This time is not reset if the CallTypechanges. To determine the time thatabandoned calls spend in the scriptbefore abandoning, subtractDelayQAbandTimeHalf andDelayAgentAbandTime fromCallDelayAbandTime.



YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call typehandled in the reporting interval.Termination_Call_Detail records generated byagent PG with a CallDispositionFlag of 1 arecounted as CallHandled.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answeredby an agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent startedworking on then completed.

A handled call or task is completed when theagent associated with the call or task finishesthe wrap-up work associated with the call ortask. This field is applicable to both UnifiedICM and Unified CCE with the followingexception: the field is not incremented if anagent answers the call on a standard ACD,unless the call was translation routed.

This field is also incremented for aself-serviced call (call answered bythe IVR and not by agent).



YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call typeoffered during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTThe number of calls placed on hold at least oncefor the call type during the reporting interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)116

All TablesCall_Type_Interval

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 1.This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCEwith the following exception:the field is not incremented if an agent answersthe call on a standard ACD, unless the call wastranslation routed.


YESDBINTNumber of calls of this type that have beenrouted during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofrouter requery events for this calltype. A callmay be requeried several times and counted assuch. For example, if there are 10 calls offeredand each is requeried twice, Calls Requeried is20.


YESDBINTFor Unified CCE, the number of calls thatexecuted a Label node or a Divert Label nodein their routing script in the reporting interval.

For Unified ICM, the number of calls thatexecuted a Label node or a Divert Label nodein their routing script; or that were routed to astandard ACDwithout using a translation routein the reporting interval.


YESDBINTNumber of calls that have been Redirected OnNo Answer in the reporting interval. This doesnot include calls that are rerouted using therouter requery feature. This is for calls with acall disposition of 5. This field is applicable toboth Unified ICM and Unified CCE with thefollowing exception: the field is notincremented if an agent answers the call on astandard ACD, unless the call was translationrouted.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls andnonvoice tasks from third-party multichannelapplications that use the Task Routing APIs.



DBINTIdentifies the call type.CallTypeID

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Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total time spent by calls of this call typethat abandoned calls within the reportinginterval. This time begins when the call reachesthe Router or when the call changes CallTypesand ends when the call disconnects. This timeis reset if the CallType changes. Does notinclude short calls.


YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the total time thatall the calls spent at the VRU in the current calltype.

In a NAM/CICMdeployment (VRUat NAM), this value is updated forcalls that the CICM sends to theVRU. Calls that the NAM itselfsends to the VRU update the calltype metrics in the NAM.


In a NAM/CICM deployment(VRU1 at NAM and VRU2 atCICM), this value is updated forcalls that the CICM sends to VRU1.Calls that the NAM Router itselfsends to VRU1 update the call typemetrics in the NAM. Service datafor VRU2 is stored in the CICMdatabase.




DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the startof the interval when the row was generated.


IE1, YESDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when therecords are written to the HDS database. Thelogger database has NULL for this column.


YESDBINTThe total time spend by all calls for this calltype that abandoned while in the queue, for thisreporting interval. This field changed in Release7.0 from Abandon Time in Queue + AbandonTime At Agent + Abandon Time in VRU toAbandon Time in Queue only.

Customers who migrate fromRelease 6.0 please note that the datastored in DelayQAbandTime ismoved to CallDelayAbandTime.Does not include short calls. Thistime is not reset if the CallTypechanges.



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Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTFor the reporting interval, the total time spentby all calls for this call type that abandoned atthe agent's desktop before being answered. Thistime is not reset if the CallType changes. Doesnot include short calls.


YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofcalls that resulted in an error condition.

A few examples of error condition are:

• CCE Script execution is unable to find atarget for the call due to any scripting orconfiguration error.

• The system is unable to route the call tothe identified Agent for any error in thenetwork or device.

• Calls with mis-configured labels do notuse default routing; for example, when aroute has not been defined.

Translation-routed calls are abandoned whileen route to destination target. Calls withmis-configured labels do not use defaultrouting; for example, when a route has not beendefined.

See Router Error Codes, on page 663 for thecomplete list of RouterError codes.


YESDBINTThe total handle time in seconds for handledcalls of this call type ending during thereporting interval. HandleTime is the sum ofthe fields TalkTime, HoldTime, andWorkTimefrom the Termination_Call_Detail record. Thisfield is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCE with the following exception: itdoes not include the delay time for a call thatwas abandoned after it was routed to a standardACD, unless the call was translation routed.


YESDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls of thiscall type ending during the reporting interval.This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCEwith the following exception:it does not include the delay time for a call thatwas abandoned after it was routed to a standardACD, unless the call was translation routed.


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Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routedto the default label during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofIncompleteCalls; which are calls that wererouted to an agent but failed to arrive. AnIncompleteCall can also be identified in theTermination_Call_Detail record, as can any callwith a CallDisposition of 7.

This can occur under several conditions:

1. Just as the CallRouter is about to send theagent a call, the agent, while in theAVAILABLE state, pushes the head setbutton to enable it.

2. Just as the CallRouter is about to send theagent a call, the agent otherwise attemptsto make a call from the desk phone.

3. Just as the CallRouter is about to send theagent a call, the agent, while in theAVAILABLE state, is direct dialed.

4. Network issues (congestion, glitches, andso on).

5. A caller disconnects in route to the agent.

As IP transfers are so quick, thisis an unlikely condition.


This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCEwith the following exception:it does not include the delay time for a call thatwas abandoned after it was routed to a standardACD, unless the call was translation routed.


YESDBINTThe max hold time in seconds for calls of thiscall type during the reporting interval


NULLDBINTThemaximum number of calls in queue for thiscall type during this interval.


NULLDBINTThe longest time a call had to wait before it wasdispositioned (abandoned, answered, and so on)in this interval.


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Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of times the Dialer reserved anagent for an agent campaign during this interval.This is a part of the equation for calls completedto balance with CallsOffered.


YESDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routedto a Termination node that specifies "usenetwork default" during the reporting interval.This node returns a label to the network thattells it to apply its default treatment to the call.


YESDBINTNumber of calls routed with an announcementnode during the reporting period. This nodereturns a label to the network that specifies theannouncement to be played.


YESDBINTThe number of calls overflowed to another calltype during the reporting interval. This fieldincrements when a requalify or call type nodeis executed in the script.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pick requests successfullyrouted by this call type in the reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pull requests successfullyrouted by this call type in the reporting interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of pick requests resulting in an error.PickErrors

NULLDBINTNumber of pull requests resulting in an error.PullErrors


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM / UnifiedCCEsoftware to track the record.


IE2, NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval(0 to 47). Two 15 minute interval records havea unique half hour boundary value.


IE3, NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, overwhich the router calculates the Call Type andCall Type Skill Group data. The valid valuesare 30 (default) or 15.


YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

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Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5

YESDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routedto the Busy target during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routedto the Ring target during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTCount of calls that executed a Release node intheir routing script in the reporting interval.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds calls of this type spent inthe Call Router queue during the reportinginterval.

This count includes only calls that exited thequeue during the interval. Calls still in the queueat the end of the interval are not counted.


YESDBINTThe number of tasks of the call type assignedfrom the queue to be routed in the reportinginterval.


YESDBINTThe number of calls to the call type thatabandoned in the Router queue during theinterval. Does not include short calls. Thedefinition of this field changed in Release 7.0(0)from "Calls Abandon in Queue + CallsAbandoned At Agent + Calls Abandoned inVRU" to "Calls Abandoned in Queue only".For customers who are migrating from Release6.0 to Release 7.0, the data stored inRouterCallsAbandQ is moved toTotalCallsAband.

RouterCallsAbandQdoes not includecalls that were abandoned in theVRU. This value can be derivedfrom TotalCallsAband -RouterCallsAbandQ -RouterCallsAbandToAgent.



YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofRouter queue attempts that failed because thelimit for the call type was reached.


YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number ofRouter queue attempts that failed because theglobal system limit was reached.


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Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls that abandoned at the agentdesktop before being answered in the reportinginterval. Does not include short calls.Termination_Call_Detail records generated byagent PG with a CallDispositionFlag of 2 arecounted as RouterCallsAbandToAgent.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type areabandoned within the service level thresholdduring the reporting interval.

This is valid for both Unified CCE and standardACD targets that use translation routes.

For Call Type Interval, ServiceLevelAband iscalculated from the time the call type changesuntil the time the call is abandoned.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call typeanswered within the service level thresholdduring the reporting interval. This field isincremented when the PG sends the answeredevent to the router within the service levelthreshold.

This is valid for both Unified CCE and standardACD targets that use translation routes.

The timer for Service Levelsstatistics starts when the call arrivesat that given CallType. ServiceLevels statistics reset when CallTypechanges for a given call.



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Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName


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Data TypeDescriptionName

The number of calls of this call type that hadservice level events during the reportinginterval. Calls are counted for service levelpurposes when it is determined how the callcontributes to the service level calculation. Thisdetermination is made when either the servicelevel timer passes, the call is answered, or thecaller abandons - whichever occurs first. Validfor both Unified CCE and standard ACD targetsthat use translation routes.

A service level event occurs when one of thefollowing happens to the call:

1. An agent answers the call before the servicelevel threshold expires. In this case, theServiceLevelCalls andServiceLevelsCallsOffered database fieldsare incremented.

2. The call abandons before the service levelthreshold expires. In this case, theServiceLevelAband andServiceLevelCallsOffered database fieldsare incremented.

3. The call is Redirected on No Answer(RONAs) before the service level thresholdexpires. In this case, only theServiceLevelCallsOffered database field isincremented.

4. The call reaches the service level thresholdwithout being answered by an agent orbeing abandoned. In this case, theServiceLevelCallsOffered database field isincremented. Tasks that abandon before theshort calls timer (as defined in the UnifiedICM configuration) do not count towardthe ServiceLevelCallsOffered orServiceLevelAband call counters.

In the ServicelevelCallsOfferedfield, calls sent to the labels or


calls that encountered an errorare counted, irrespective of howthe calls ended (within orbeyond the threshold). You canuse theErrorCount+AgentErrorCountfields to exclude all the

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Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

erroneous calls and useServiceLevelError field toexclude erroneous calls beforethreshold. For calls sent tolabels, you can use thelabel-related fields (for instanceCallsRoutedNonAgent,ReturnBusy, ReturnRing) toexclude all calls which arereturned to the labels.

YESDBFLT4Service level for the call type during thereporting interval. Service Level Type isconfigured in the Unified ICM ConfigurationManager using the Call Type list tool and theSystem Information tool.

ServiceLevel is calculated as follows dependingon the service level type:

1. Ignore Abandoned Calls:ServiceLevelCalls/(ServiceLevelCallsOffered- ServiceLevelAband).

2. Abandoned Calls have Negative Impact:ServiceLevelCalls/ServiceLevelCallsOffered.

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive Impact:(ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelAband)/ServiceLevelCallsOffered.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICMand Unified CCE with the followingexception: the field is not incremented if anagent answers the call on a standard ACD,unless the call was translation routed.


YESDBINTService Level Type used to calculate Servicelevel for the reporting interval.


YESDBINTCalls that ended in Error state within SLthreshold within the reporting interval.


YESDBINTCalls that redirected on no answer within SLthreshold within the reporting interval.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls andnonvoice tasks from third-party multichannelapplications that use the Task Routing APIs.


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Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of calls to the route that weretoo short to be considered abandoned duringthe reporting interval. A call is determined tobe a short call if it is abandoned before theAbandoned CallWait Time expired. Short callsare not considered abandoned, nor are theyaccounted for in any of the Unified ICMabandoned calls calculations. This field isapplicable to Unified ICM, Unified CCE, andOutbound Option.


YESDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls of thiscall type that were handled during the reportinginterval. This field is applicable to both UnifiedICM and Unified CCEwith the followingexception: the field is not incremented if anagent answers the call on a standard ACD,unless the call was translation routed.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the dateand time. The value is the offset in minutesfrom UTC(formerly GMT).The value isnegative for time zones to the east of UTC andpositive for time zones to the west of UTC.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls abandoned while inVRU (that is, while undergoing prompting orlistening to voice menus options), callsabandoned while queued to skill group, andcalls abandoned at agent desktop. This fieldalso includes abandoned calls that are not in thequeue; for example, when the caller hangs upwhile listening to a VRU prompt. Therefore,the number of calls abandoned at a VRU beforebeing queued is TotalCallsAband minusRouterCallsAbandToAgent andRouterCallsAbandQ. Does not include shortcalls.


YESDBINTCount of calls marked as Offered to VRU butnot handled in the reporting interval. This fieldis incremented only if the call's routing scriptsets the VRUProgress script variable to a certainvalue.


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Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTCount of the VRU calls marked as handled atVRU in the reporting interval. This field isincremented only if the call's routing script setsthe VRUProgress script variable to a certainvalue.


YESDBINTCount of the VRU handled calls marked asrouted to agents in the reporting interval. Thisfield is incremented only if the calls routingscript sets the VRUProgress script variable toa certain value.


YESDBINTCount of the VRU unhandled calls that weremarked as routed to agents by caller request inthe reporting interval. This field is incrementedonly if the call's routing script sets theVRUProgress script variable to a certain value.


YESDBINTCount of the VRU calls marked as routed toagents because of normal script procedure inthe reporting period. This field is incrementedonly if the call's routing script sets theVRUProgress script variable to a certain value.


YESDBINTCount of the VRU calls marked as routed toagents because of caller difficulties in thereporting period. This field is incremented onlyif the call's routing script sets the VRUProgressscript variable to a certain value.


YESDBINTCount of VRU calls marked with anyVRUProgress value other than the reportingperiod. This field is incremented only if thecall's routing script sets the VRUProgress scriptvariable to a certain value.


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Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total time that all calls spent at the VRU inthe reporting interval. This is the total VRUtime, whether the call was queued or not.

In a NAM/CICMdeployment (VRUat NAM), this value is updated forcalls that the CICM sends to theVRU. Calls that the NAM itselfsends to the VRU update the calltype metrics in the NAM.


In a NAM/CICM deployment(VRU1 at NAM and VRU2 atCICM), this value is updated forcalls that the CICM sends to VRU1.Calls that the NAM Router itselfsends to VRU1 update the call typemetrics in the NAM. Service datafor VRU2 is stored in the CICMdatabase.



Call_Type_MapThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

It maps call types to scheduled scripts. Use the Script Schedule facility of the Script Editor to add, update,and delete Call_Type_Map records.

Related Tables

Call_Type, on page 110 (via CallTypeID)

Master_Script, on page 298 (via MasterScriptID)

Table 86: Indexes for Call_Type_Map Table


MasterScriptIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Call_Type_Map

CallTypeID, Itemclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


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Table 87: Fields in Call_Type_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the Call Type table. CallTypeIDand Item together form a unique key.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the association of thisscript to this call type.



DBINTThe position of this schedule entry within the list ofentries for this call type.



DBINTForeign key from the Master Script table.MasterScriptID


varchar(64)A script schedule entry in an internal format usedby the Script Editor.


Call_Type_SG_IntervalThis section describes the Call Type Skill Group Interval table.

• In the Call Type Skill Group Interval table, the Hold time is calculated based on the call event.

• In a Cisco Contact Center Gateway deployment, a Unified ICM (parent) connected with a Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG (child) or Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (child) through a UnifiedCCE Gateway PG, network queuing data is not available in the child or in the child agent or supervisordesktop. The time spent in the network queue is not included in the reporting metrics in the child. A callcenter manager, who would normally only look at the Unified CCE child reports, must also look at theparent Unified ICM reports for network queuing data.

• With the existence of a network VRU, for Unified CCE and for Unified ICM systems in which calls aretranslation-routed, the measurement of Service Level begins when the call arrives at the routing script,or when its call type is changed. This means that if self-service is performed on a call before the call isqueued to an agent, the routing script must change the call type of the call when self-service is completed.Otherwise, the time spent in self-service negatively impacts the Service Level.


When creating the Agent name, you must remove spaces or hyphens from both the first and last name of theperson in the child's person record. If the parent is set for auto-configuration on the agent names and a childagent is created with a space or a hyphen in the first or last name, the parent does not create the agent name.


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Table 88: Fields in Call_Type_SG_Interval Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls abandoned within Interval 1. For Call Type SGInterval, AbandInterval is calculated from when the call is queuedto a skill group or a precision queue, to when the call is abandoned.This includes any requery time.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE withthe following exception: the field is not incremented if an agent ona standard ACD answers the call, unless the call was translationrouted.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 2. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval2

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 3. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval3

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 4. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval4

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 5. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval5

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 6. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval6

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 7. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval7

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 8. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval8

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 9. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval9

YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 10. See AbandInterval1.AbandInterval10

YESDBINTThe number of calls answered within Interval 1. For Call Type SGInterval, AnsInterval is calculated from when the call is queued toa skill group or a precision queue, to when the call is answered. Thisincludes any requery time.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE withthe following exception: the field is not incremented if an agent ona standard ACD answers the call, unless the call was translationrouted.


YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 2. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval2

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 3. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval3

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 4. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval4

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 5. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval5

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 6. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval6

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 7. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval7

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 8. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval8

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Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 9. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval9

YESDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 10. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval10

NULLDBINTAttribute 1 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID1

NULLDBINTAttribute 2 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID2

NULLDBINTAttribute 3 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID3

NULLDBINTAttribute 4 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID4

NULLDBINTAttribute 5 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID5

NULLDBINTAttribute 6 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID6

NULLDBINTAttribute 7 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID7

NULLDBINTAttribute 8 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID8

NULLDBINTAttribute 9 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID9

NULLDBINTAttribute 10 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID10

YESDBINTThe sum of answer wait time in seconds for all calls that wereanswered for the call type associated with this skill group during thereporting interval.

The AnswerWaitTime for a single call against the call type is anapproximate sum of the following fields in theTermination_Call_Detail table:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

• NetQTime

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE withthe following exception: the field is not incremented if an agent ona standard ACD answers the call, unless the call was translationrouted.

With the existence of a network VRU, for Unified ICMand Unified CCE systems in which calls aretranslation-routed, themeasurement of AnswerWait Timefor a call begins when the call is queued.



YESDBINTAverage delay in queue (in seconds) for calls removed from theRouter queue during the reporting interval. RouterQueueWaitTime/ RouterQueueCalls


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Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, calls associated with this skill groupthat encounter an error when the call is at the agent desktop. Theseare calls that receive a TCDwith CallDispositionFlag value 4. Agenterrors are counted in AgentErrorCount, and routing errors are countedin ErrorCount. Total Error count = ErrorCount + AgentErrorCoun.


YESDBINTThe ID of Bucket Intervals from the Bucket_Interval table used togenerate the following AnsInterval and AbandInterval fields in thisrecord. The Bucket Intervals ID is taken from the correspondingCall Type configuration.


PK2, NOT nullDBINTIdentifies the call type.CallTypeID

YESDBINTThe total time spent by calls of this call type associated with thisskill group that abandoned in the reporting interval. This time beginswhen the call reaches the Router and ends when the call disconnects.Does not include short calls.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes. Todetermine the time that abandoned calls spend in the scriptbefore abandoning, subtract DelayQAbandTime andDelayAgentAbandTime from CallDelayAbandTime.



YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type associated with this skillgroup that was answered or work accepted by agents in the reportinginterval. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and UnifiedCCE with the following exception: the field is not incremented ifan agent on a standard ACD answers the call, unless the call wastranslation routed.

With the existence of a network VRU, for Unified CCEand for Unified ICM systems in which calls aretranslation-routed, themeasurement of AnswerWait Timefor a call begins when the call is queued.



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Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type associated with this skillgroup that was handled in the reporting interval.

Termination_Call_Detail records generated by agent PG with aCallDispositionFlag of 1 are counted as CallHandled.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered by an agent, andthen completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started working on thencompleted.

A handled call or task is completed when the agent associated withthe call or task finishes the wrap-up work associated with the callor task. This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and UnifiedCCE with the following exception: the field is not incremented ifan agent on a standard ACD answers the call, unless the call wastranslation routed.


YESDBINTCalls that were counted as CallsOfferedRouted but reported againstanother skill group.

The call is counted in the Skill Group where it is reporteddepending on the call disposition flag. For example, ifthe call disposition flag is 1, the fieldCallsHandledNotRouted is incremented in the actual skillgroup that the call was handled.


In some other scenarios, this field can be incremented where theSkillGroupSkillTargetID is not provided and none of the calldispositions are used to categorize where the call is going.


YESDBINTNumber of calls associated with this skill group that was handled inthe reporting interval that were queued in the Router at any timeduring the life of the call. This field is applicable to both UnifiedICM and Unified CCE with the following exception: the field is notincremented if an agent on a standard ACD answers the call, unlessthe call was translation routed.


YESDBINTNumber of calls associated with this skill group that was that havebeen Redirected On No Answer in the reporting interval. This doesnot include calls that are rerouted using the router requery feature.This is for calls with CallDispositionFlag of 5 in TCD. This field isapplicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the followingexception: the field is not incremented if an agent on a standard ACDanswers the call, unless the call was translation routed.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoice tasks fromthird-party multichannel applications that use the Task Routing APIs.


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Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of router requery eventsfor this call type associated with this skill group. A call may berequeried several times and counted as such. For example, if thereare 10 calls offered and each is requeried twice, CallsRequeried is20.


YESDBINTNumber of Calls associated with this skill group that was routed inthe reporting interval without translation route in TDM environment.The TCD that the peripheral creates does not have any call typeassociated to it.


YESDBINTCalls associated with this skill group that were handled but is notthe skill group that was originally routed. Note: The fieldCallsReportAgainstOther is incremented in the skill group that thecall was routed.


YESDBINTThe number of calls associated with this skill group that the CentralController routed. This field is incremented for calls sent to skillgroup or service and it is incremented in the following ways:

Skill Group: The Router increments this field when the call is routedor queued to a skill group.

Service: The Router increments this field using the agent real timedata when the call is answered, or using TCD when the agentabandons the call.


YESDBINTCalls offered to a skill group that the Router did not route. It happensin TDM and PG Gateway deployments where the ACD routes thecall to a Skill Group different from the original routed Skill Group.


YESDBINTThe number of calls placed on hold at least once for the call typeassociated with the skill group during the reporting interval.



DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the start of the interval whenthe row was generated.


IE1, YESDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the records are written to theHDS database. The logger database has NULL for this column.


YESDBINTFor the reporting interval, the total time spent by all calls for thiscall type associated with this skill group that abandoned at the agent'sdesktop before being answered. This time is not reset if the CallTypechanges. Does not include short calls.


YESDBINTThe total time spend by all calls associated with this skill group forthis call type that abandoned while in the queue, for this reportinginterval.


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Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of calls associated withthis skill group that resulted in an error condition.

A few examples of error condition are:

• CCE Script execution is unable to find a target for the call dueto any scripting or configuration error.

• The system is unable to route the call to the identified Agentfor any error in the network or device.

• Calls with mis-configured labels do not use default routing; forexample, when a route has not been defined.

Translation-routed calls are abandoned while en route to destinationtarget. Calls with mis-configured labels do not use default routing;for example, when a route has not been defined.

See Router Error Codes, on page 663 for the complete list ofRouterError codes.


YESDBINTThe total handle time in seconds for handled calls of this call typeassociated with this skill group ending during the reporting interval.HandleTime is the sum of the fields TalkTime, HoldTime, andWorkTime from the Termination_Call_Detail record. This field isapplicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the followingexception: it does not include the delay time for a call that wasabandoned after it was routed to a standard ACD, unless the call wastranslation routed.


YESDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls of this call type associatedwith this skill group ending during the reporting interval. This fieldis applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE with thefollowing exception: it does not include the delay time for a call thatwas abandoned after it was routed to a standard ACD, unless thecall was translation routed.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)136

All TablesCall_Type_SG_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTDuring the reporting interval, the number of IncompleteCalls; whichare calls associated with this skill group that were routed to an agentbut failed to arrive. An IncompleteCall can also be identified in theTermination_Call_Detail record, as can any call with aCallDispositionFlag of 7 in TCD. Network issues (congestion,glitches, and so on).

This can occur under several conditions:

1. Just as the CallRouter is about to send the agent a call, the agent,while in the AVAILABLE state, pushes the head set button toenable it.

2. Just as the CallRouter is about to send the agent a call, the agentotherwise attempts to make a call from the desk phone.

3. Just as the CallRouter is about to send the agent a call, the agent,while in the AVAILABLE state, is direct dialed.

4. A caller disconnects in route to the agent.

As IP transfers are so quick, this is an unlikelycondition.


This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE withthe following exception: it does not include the delay time for a callthat was abandoned after it was routed to a standard ACD, unlessthe call was translation routed.


YESDBINTThe max hold time in seconds for calls of the call type associatedwith the skill group during the reporting interval


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of calls in queue for this call type during thisinterval.


NULLDBINTThe longest time a call has to wait before it is dispositioned(abandoned, answered, and so on) in this interval.


YESDBINTThe number of calls overflowed to another call type during thereporting interval. This field increments when a requalify or calltype node is executed in the script.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pick requests successfully routed with this skillgroup by this call type in the reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pull requests successfully routed with this skillgroup by this call type in the reporting interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of pick requests resulting in an error.PickErrors

NULLDBINTNumber of pull requests resulting in an error.PullErrors

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)137

All TablesCall_Type_SG_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

PK4, NULLDBINTWith CallTypeID, it identifies call type association with PrecisionQueue. For Skill Group only call types, the value is NULL.



DBFLT8Unique ID assigned to each record and used internally by the UnifiedICM/Unified CCE software to track the record.


IE2, NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0 to 47). Two 15minute interval records have a unique half hour boundary value.

This field uses the CentralController UTC time and notthe local time to calculate the Half Hour index. Therefore,based on the time zone, the Half Hour boundary interval(0 to 47) may vary.



IE3, NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, over which the routercalculates the Call Type and Call Type Skill Group data. The validvalues are 30 (default) or 15.


NULLDBINTThe number of times the Dialer reserved an agent for an agentcampaign during this interval. This is a part of the equation for callscompleted to balance with CallsOffered.


YESDBINTThe number of calls to the call type associated with this skill groupthat abandoned in the Router queue during the reporting interval.Does not include short calls.

RouterCallsAbandQ does not include calls that wereabandoned in the VRU. This value can be derived fromTotalCallsAband - RouterCallsAbandQ -RouterCallsAbandToAgent.



YESDBINTThe number of calls associated with this skill group that abandonedat the agent desktop before being answered in the reporting interval.Does not include short calls. Termination_Call_Detail recordsgenerated by agent PG with a CallDispositionFlag of 2 are countedas RouterCallsAbandToAgent.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds calls of this calltype associated with this skillgroup spent in the Call Router queue during the reporting interval.

This count includes only calls that exited the queue during theinterval. Calls still in the queue at the end of the interval are notcounted.


YESDBINTThe number of tasks of the call type associated with this skill groupassigned from the queue to be routed in the reporting interval.


YESDBINTIt is incremented when the call is removed from the queue.RouterCallsDequeued

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

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All TablesCall_Type_SG_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

YESDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5

YESDBINTThe number of calls associated with the skill group that wereabandoned and de-queued from this skill group. When a call isqueued to multiple skill groups and abandoned, theRouterCallsAbandQ field is incremented for one skill group andRouterCallsAbandDequeued is incremented for all the other skillgroups. The group that is charged with the abandon is the group towhich the call had been continuously queued to the longest at thetime of the abandon. Normally, this would be the first group thescript queued the call to, unless a more complicated dequeue, queue,or requeue scenario changes the order.

The term "continuously queued" means that if a call is queued to agroup, later dequeued, and still later requeued, the earlier time inqueue is not used in determining which group the abandon is chargedagainst.

This field is applicable to Unified CCE environments and to UnifiedICM environments where calls are translation-routed to Skill Groups.



DBINTTogether with CallTypeID identifies call type association with skillgroup in this table.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls associated with this skill group to the routethat were too short to be considered abandoned during the reportinginterval. A call is determined to be a short call if it is abandonedbefore the Abandoned Call Wait Time expired. Short calls are notconsidered abandoned, nor are they accounted for in any of theUnified ICM abandoned calls calculations. This field is applicableto Unified ICM, Unified CCE, and Outbound Option.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type associated with this skillgroup abandoned within the service level threshold during thereporting interval. Valid for both Unified CCE and standardACDtargets that use translation routes.

For Call Type SG Interval, ServiceLevelAband is calculated fromwhen the call type changes to when the call is abandoned.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)139

All TablesCall_Type_SG_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type associated with this skillgroup answered within the service level threshold during thereporting interval. This field is incremented when the PG sends theanswered event to the router within the service level threshold. Validfor both Unified CCE and standard ACDtargets that use translationroutes.

For Call Type SG Interval, ServiceLevelCalls is calculated fromwhen the call type changes to when the call is answered.


YESDBINTThe number of calls of this call type associated with this skill groupthat had service level events during the reporting interval. Calls arecounted for service level purposes when it is determined how thecall contributes to the service level calculation. This determinationis made when either the service level timer passes, the call isanswered, or the caller abandons - whichever occurs first. Valid forboth Unified CCE and standard ACD targets that use translationroutes.

A service level event occurs when one of the following happens tothe call:

1. An agent answers the call before the service level thresholdexpires. In this case, the ServiceLevelCalls andServiceLevelsCallsOffered database fields are incremented.

2. The call abandons before the service level threshold expires. Inthis case, the ServiceLevelAband and ServiceLevelCallsOffereddatabase fields are incremented.

3. The call is Redirected onNoAnswer (RONAs) before the servicelevel threshold expires. In this case, ServiceLevelRONA andServiceLevelCallsOffered database fields are incremented.

4. The call reaches the service level threshold without beinganswered by an agent or being abandoned. In this case, theServiceLevelCallsOffered database field is incremented. Tasksthat abandon before the short calls timer (as defined in theUnified ICM configuration) do not count toward theServiceLevelCallsOffered or ServiceLevelAband call counters.

In the ServicelevelCallsOffered field, calls thatencountered an error are counted, irrespective of howthe calls ended (within or beyond the threshold). Youcan use the ErrorCount+AgentErrorCount field toexclude all the erroneous calls and useServiceLevelError field to exclude erroneous callsbefore threshold.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)140

All TablesCall_Type_SG_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBFLT4The service level for the call type associated with this skill groupduring the reporting interval. Service Level Type is configured inthe Unified ICM Configuration Manager using the Skill Groupexplorer and PG explorer.

The router uses the Call Type ServiceLevel and ServiceLevelTypeto calculate the Service level of the reporting interval.

ServiceLevel is calculated as follows depending on the service leveltype:

1. IgnoreAbandCall: ServiceLevelCalls/(ServiceLevelCallsOffered-RouterCallsDequeued - RouterCallsAbandDequeued-ServiceLevelAband).

2. Abandoned Calls has Negative Impact:ServiceLevelCalls/(ServiceLevelCallsOffered-RouterCallsDequeued - RouterCallsAbandDequeued).

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive Impact: ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelAband/(ServiceLevelCallsOffered-RouterCallsDequeued - RouterCallsAbandDequeued).

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE withthe following exception: the field is not incremented if an agent ona standard ACD answers the call, unless the call was translationrouted.


YESDBINTCalls associated with this skill group that ended in Error state withinSL threshold within the reporting interval.


YESDBINTCalls associated with this skill group that redirected on no answerwithin SL threshold within the reporting interval.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoice tasks fromthird-party multichannel applications that use the Task Routing APIs.


YESDBINTThe router uses the Call Type ServiceLevel and ServiceLevelTypeto calculate the Service level of the reporting interval.


YESDBINTThe number of queued calls associated with this skill group that wasde-queued within the skill Service Level threshold in the reportinginterval. Calls may be de-queued by Cancel Queue node or de-queuedfrom this Skill Group to be routed to a different Skill Group.

This field is relevant to the Unified CCE environmentonly. Note: With the existence of a network VRU, thisvalue includes time in the network queue.




DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date and time. The valueis the offset in minutes from UTC(formerly GMT).The value isnegative for time zones to the east of UTC and positive for timezones to the west of UTC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)141

All TablesCall_Type_SG_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls of this call type associatedwith this skill group that were handled during the reporting interval.This field is applicable to both Unified ICM and Unified CCE withthe following exception: the field is not incremented if an agent ona standard ACD answers the call, unless the call was translationrouted.


Call_Type_Real_TimeThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Local database only.

• With the existence of a network VRU, for Unified CCE and for Unified ICM systems in which calls aretranslation-routed, the measurement of Service Level begins when the call arrives at the routing script,or when its call type is changed. This means that if self-service is performed on a call before the call isqueued to an agent, the routing script must be set up to change the call type of the call when self-serviceis completed. Otherwise, the time spent in self-service will negatively impact the Service Level.

• In a Cisco Contact Center Gateway deployment, when the Unified ICM (parent) is connected with aUnified CCE, or a Unified CCE System PG (child), or a Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (child)through the Unified CCE Gateway PG, the network queuing data is not available in the child or in thechild agent/supervisor desktop. The time spent in the network queue is not included in the reportingmetrics in the child. A call center manager would need to look at the parent Unified ICM reports fornetwork queuing data.


Provides real-time statistics for each call type defined in the software. The software generates aCall_Type_Real_Time record for each call type.

Related Tables

Call_Type, on page 110 (via CallTypeID)

Master_Script, on page 298 (via MasterScriptID)

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 89: Indexes for Call_Type_Real_Time Table


CallTypeIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)142

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Table 90: Fields in Call_Type_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTWithin the current half-hour interval, the number ofcalls that encountered an error when the call is atthe agent desktop.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that encounter an error whenthe call is at the agent desktop since midnight.


NULLDBINTThe sum of answer wait time in seconds for all callsof this call type that were answered during thecurrent half-hour interval.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe sum of answer wait time in seconds for all callsanswered for this call type during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe sum of answer wait time in seconds for all callsof this call type answered since midnight.


NULLDBINTAverage number of seconds spent in the CallRouterqueue for calls of this type that have been removedfrom the queue so far during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTAverage number of seconds spent in the CallRouterqueue for calls of this type that are currently inqueue.


NULLDBINTAverage number of seconds spent in the CallRouterqueue for calls of this type that were removed fromthe queue during the rolling five- minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage number of seconds spent in the CallRouterqueue for calls of this type that were removed fromthe queue since midnight.


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All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe time spent by all calls for this call type thatabandoned before being answered during the currenthalf-hour interval.

To determine the time that abandoned calls spendin the script before abandoning, subtractDelayQAbandTimeHalf andDelayAgentAbandTimeHalf fromCallDelayAbandTimeHalf.


NULLDBINTThe time spent by all calls for this call type thatabandoned before being answered within the rolling5 minutes

To determine the time that abandoned calls spendin the script before abandoning, subtractDelayQAbandTimeTo5 andDelayAgentAbandTimeTo5 fromCallDelayAbandTimeTo5.


NULLDBINTThe time spent by all calls for this call type thatabandoned before being answered since midnight.

To determine the time that abandoned calls spendin the script before abandoning, subtractDelayQAbandTimeToday andDelayAgentAbandTimeToday fromCallDelayAbandTimeToday.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls answered by an agent in thecurrent half-hour interval.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls answered by an agent duringthe rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls answered by an agent sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTThe number calls that Unified CCE agents arecurrently working on.

An agent is considered to be working on a call/taskuntil the agent finishes the wrap-up work associatedwith the call/task, if any.

This field is not applicable to ICM.Note


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)144

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number calls that are currently at the VRU. Thisincludes calls that are in prompting at the VRU(non-queued calls) and those in the queue.

In a NAM/CICM deployment (VRU atNAM), this value is updated for calls thatthe CICM sends to the VRU. Calls thatthe NAM itself sends to the VRU updatethe call type metrics in the NAM.


In a NAM/CICM deployment (VRU1 atNAM and VRU2 at CICM), this value isupdated for calls that the CICM sends toVRU1. Calls that the NAM Router itselfsends to VRU1 update the call typemetrics in the NAM. Service data forVRU2 is stored in the CICM data base.



NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type handledin the current half-hour interval.

Termination_Call_Detail records generated by agentPG with a CallDispositionFlag of 1 are counted asCallHandled.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type handledduring the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type handledsince midnight.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type that leftthe CallRouter queue during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)145

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type offeredduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type offered duringthe rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type offered tothis call type since midnight.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that have been Redirected OnNo Answer in the current half-hour interval. Thisdoes not include calls rerouted using the routerrequery feature.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that have been Redirected OnNoAnswer in this in the rolling five-minute interval.This does not include calls rerouted using the routerrequery feature.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that have been Redirected OnNo Answer since midnight. This does not includecalls rerouted using the router requery feature.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTFor Cisco Unified Contact Center Express , thenumber of calls that executed a Label node or aDivert Label node in their routing script in thecurrent half-hour interval.

ForUnified ICM, the number of calls that executeda Label node or a Divert Label node in their routingscript; or were routed to a standard ACD withoutusing a translation route in the half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)146

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTFor Cisco Unified Contact Center Express , thenumber of calls that executed a Label node or aDivert Label node in their routing script in the rollingfive-minute interval.

ForUnified ICM, the number of calls that executeda Label node or a Divert Label node in their routingscript; or were routed to a standard ACD withoutusing a translation route in this five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTFor Cisco Unified Contact Center Express , thenumber of calls that executed a Label node or aDivert Label node in their routing script sincemidnight.

ForUnified ICM, the number of calls that executeda Label node or a Divert Label node in their routingscript; or were routed to a standard ACD withoutusing a translation route since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that have been routedsince midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that have been routedduring the current half-hour interval.



DBINTIdentifies the call type.CallTypeID

NULLDBINTThe total time spent by calls of this call type thatabandoned calls within the current half-hour interval.

This time begins when the call reaches the Routeror when the call changes CallTypes and ends whenthe call disconnects.

This time is reset if the CallType changes.


NULLDBINTThe total time spent by calls of this call type thatabandoned calls within the rolling five-minuteinterval.

This time begins when the call reaches the Routeror when the call changes CallTypes and ends whenthe call disconnects.

This time is reset if the CallType changes.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)147

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total time spent by calls of this call type thatabandoned calls since midnight.

This time begins when the call reaches the Routeror when the call changes CallTypes and ends whenthe call disconnects.

This time is reset if the CallType changes.



DBDATETIMEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe interval when the row was generated.


NULLDBINTFor the current half-hour interval, the total time spentby all calls for this call type that abandoned at theagent's desktop before being answered.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes.


NULLDBINTFor the rolling five-minute interval, the total timespent by all calls for this call type that abandoned atthe agent's desktop before being answered.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes.


NULLDBINTFor the half-hour interval, the total time spent by allcalls for this call type that abandoned at the agent'sdesktop before being answered.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes.


NULLDBINTThe total time spend by all calls for this call typethat abandonedwhile in the queue, during the currenthalf-hour interval.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes.


NULLDBINTThe total time spend by all calls for this call typethat abandoned while in the queue, for this rollingfive-minute interval.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes.


NULLDBINTThe total time spend by all calls for this call typethat abandoned while in the queue, since midnight.

This time is not reset if the CallType changes.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)148

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls since midnight that resulted an errorcondition , such as when a routing scriptfailed tofind a target and there are no default routes defined.This field increments when:

• Translation-routed calls are abandoned whileon route to destination target.

• Calls with misconfigured labels use defaultrouting. (In this case, theICRDefaultRoutedToHalf field alsoincrements.)

• Calls with misconfigured labels do not usedefault routing (for instance, when a defaultroute has not been defined).


NULLDBINTIn the current half-hour interval, the number of callsthat resulted in an error condition, such as when arouting script fails to find a target and there is nodefault route defined. This field increments when:

• Translation-routed calls are abandoned whileon route to destination target.

• Calls with misconfigured labels use defaultrouting. (In this case, theICRDefaultRoutedToHalf field alsoincrements.)

• Calls with misconfigured labels do not usedefault routing (for instance, when a defaultroute has not been defined).


NULLDBINTThe total handle time in seconds for all calls of thiscall type ending during the current half-hour interval.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe total handle time in seconds for all calls of thiscall type ending during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTThe total handle time in seconds for all calls of thiscall type ending since midnight.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)149

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls of this calltype ending during the current half-hour interval.

This field is applicable to bothUnified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls of this calltype ending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls of this calltype ending since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that were routed to the default labelsince midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that were routed to the default labelduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe master script currently scheduled for the calltype.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed with an announcementnode since midnight. This node returns a label to thenetwork that specifies the announcement to beplayed.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed with an announcementnode during the current half-hour period. This nodereturns a label to the network that specifies theannouncement to be played.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that were routed to a Terminationnode that specifies "Use network default" sincemidnight. This node returns a label to the networktelling it to apply its default treatment to the call.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type for which the IXC useddefault routing during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that overflowed to another calltype during the current half-hour interval. This fieldincrements when a requalify or call type node isexecuted in the script.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)150

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that overflowed to another calltype during the rolling five-minute interval. Thisfield increments when a requalify or call type nodeis executed in the script.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that overflowed to another calltype since midnight.This field increments when arequalify or call type node is executed in the script.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routed to theBusy target since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routed to theBusy target during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTCount of calls that executed a Release node in theirrouting script in the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTCount of calls that executed a Release node in theirrouting script since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that were routed to theRing target since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that the software routedto the Ring target during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type abandoned in the Routerqueue during the current half-hour interval.

This field is applicable to bothUnified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type abandoned in the Routerqueue during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type abandoned in the Routerqueue since midnight.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that abandoned at the agentdesktop before being answered in the currenthalf-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that abandoned at the agentdesktop before being answered within the rollingfive-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)151

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that abandoned at the agentdesktop before being answered since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type currently in theCallRouter queue. This metric does not show callsin queue at the local ACD.


NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds spent in queue for all callsof this type currently in the CallRouter queue. Thismetric does not show calls in queue at the localACD.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe time that the longest currently queued call forthis call type entered the CallRouter queue.

This field is applicable to bothUnified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that left the CallRouterqueue to be routed during the current half- hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that left the CallRouterqueue to be routed during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls of this type that left the CallRouterqueue to be routed since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds calls of this type spent in theCallRouter queue during the current half-hourinterval.

This count includes only calls that exitedthe queue during the interval. Calls stillin the queue at the end of the interval arenot counted.



NULLDBINTNumber of seconds calls of this type spent in theCallRouter queue during the rolling five-minuteinterval.

This count includes only calls that exitedthe queue during the interval. Calls stillin the queue at the end of the interval arenot counted.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)152

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds calls of this type spent in theCallRouter queue since midnight.

This count includes only calls that exitedthe queue during the interval. Calls stillin the queue at the end of the interval arenot counted.



NULLDBINTThe script currently scheduled for the call type.ScriptID

NULLDBINTThe total number of calls to the route that weretooshort to be considered abandoned during theShortCallsHalfhalf-hour interval. A call isdetermined to be a shortcall if it is abandoned beforethe Abandoned CallWait Time expired. Short callsare not consideredabandoned, nor are they accountedfor in any ofthe Unified ICM abandoned callscalculations.

This field is applicable to Unified ICM,UnifiedCCE,and Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls to the route that were tooshort to be considered abandoned after mid-night.A call is determined to be a shortcall if it isabandoned before the Abandoned CallWait Timeexpired. Short calls are not considered abandoned,nor are they accounted for in any of the Unified ICMabandoned calls calculations.

This field is applicable to Unified ICM,UnifiedCCE,and Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type abandonedwithin the service level threshold during the currenthalf-hour interval.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type abandonedwithin the service level during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type abandonedwithin the service level since midnight.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)153

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of this call type answeredwithin the service level threshold during thehalf-hour interval.

This field is incremented when the PG sends theanswered event to the router within the service levelthreshold.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type that had aservice level event during the current half-hourinterval.

Calls are counted for service level purposes as soonas it is determined how the call contributes to theservice level calculation. This determination is madewhen either the service level timer passes, the callis answered, or the caller abandons - whicheveroccurs first.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type that had servicelevel events during the rolling five-minute interval.

Calls are counted for service level purposes as soonas it is determined how the call contributes to theservice level calculation. This determination is madewhen either the service level timer passes, the callis answered, or the caller abandons - whicheveroccurs first.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type that had servicelevel events since midnight.

Calls are counted for service level purposes as soonas it is determined how the call contributes to theservice level calculation. This determination is madewhen either the service level timer passes, the callis answered, or the caller abandons - whicheveroccurs first.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)154

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls of this call type that had beenin queue longer than the service level threshold sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of the call type handledwithin the service level during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls of the call type handledwithin the service level since midnight.


NULLDBINTCalls that ended in Error state within SL thresholdwithin the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTCalls that ended in Error state within SL thresholdsince midnight.


NULLDBFLT4The service level for this call type during the currenthalf-hour interval.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBFLT4The service level for this call type during the rollingfive-minute interval. This is derived fromServiceLevelCallsTo5 andServiceLevelCallsOfferedTo5.


NULLDBFLT4The service level for this call type since midnight.This is derived from ServiceLevelCallsToday andServiceLevelCallsOfferedToday.


NULLDBINTCalls that redirected on no answer within SLthreshold within the current half-hour interval.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTCalls that redirected on no answer within SLthreshold within the rolling five-minute interval.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)155

All TablesCall_Type_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTCalls that redirected on no answer within SLthreshold sicne midnight.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls of this calltype ending during the current half-hour interval.

This field is applicable to both Unified ICM andUnified CCEwith the following exception: the fieldis not incremented if the call is answered by an agenton a standard ACD unless the call was translationrouted.


NULLDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls of this calltype ending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTA total of talk time in seconds for calls of this calltype ending since midnight.


NULLDBINTThe total number of queued calls, non-queued calls,and calls that abandoned at the agent desktop in thecurrent half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of queued calls, non-queued calls,and calls that abandoned at the agent desktop in therolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of queued calls, non-queued calls,and calls that abandoned at the agent desktop sincemidnight.


CampaignThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It contains a description of all the configured campaigns that a Outbound Option implementation may use.There is a single row for every configured Outbound campaign.

Use the Outbound Option Configuration option within Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modifyCampaign table records.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)156

All TablesCampaign

Related Tables

Campaign_Skill_Group, on page 184 (via CampaignID)

Campaign_Target_Sequence, on page 186 (via CampaignID)

Campaign_Query_Rule, on page 166 (via CampaignID)

Campaign_Half_Hour, on page 165 (via CampaignID)

Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour, on page 169

Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time, on page 175 (via CampaignID)

Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (via CampaignID)

Dialer_Port_Real_Time, on page 237 (via CampaignID)

Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 246 (via CampaignID)

Table 91: Indexes for Campaign Table


CampaignNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


CampaignIDclustered, unique primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 92: Fields in Campaign Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTWhen AMD is enabled for "agent" campaigns:

1. Abandon Call

2. Transfer to Agent

3. Transfer to IVR Route Point



DBCHARIdentifies whether this campaign was created usingthe Outbound API:

• Y = campaign created using the API

• N = campaign created using the OutboundOption Campaign tool in the ICMConfiguration Manager


NULLDBINTThe number of minutes to wait before calling backa customer who abandoned the call.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)157

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates whether the predictive algorithm shoulduse AbandonPercent:

• Y = Use abandon percent algorithm.

• N = Do not take abandoned calls intoconsideration while calculating the predictivealgorithm.



DBFLT8Used in the predictive algorithm to identify the upperlimit of abandon percentage allowed.


NULLDBINTThe number of minutes to wait before calling backa customer who was abandoned by the dialer.



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Answering machine detection is enabled.

• N = Answering machine detection is disabled


NULLDBINTThe number of minutes to wait before calling backa previously dialed number that was answered byan answering machine.



DBINTThe number of minutes to wait before attempting acallback to a number that was busy.



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = A busy number should be retried.

• N = The next number in the list should be tried.


NULLDBINTNumber of milliseconds dialer will spend analyzing.Advanced configuration item.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Maximum milliseconds the dialer will analyze ananswering machine voice message looking for atermination tone. Advanced configuration item.



DBINTMax time allowed for analysis in milliseconds beforeidentifying a problem analysis as dead air/ lowvolume. Default: 3000 .



DBINTMinimum silence period required to classify a callas voice detected. Default: 375.


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All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTMinimum number of milliseconds of voice requiredto qualify a call as voice detected. Default: 112.



DBSMALLINTMaximum amount of time, in minutes, after ascheduled callback before giving up the callbackattempt.



DBINTA unique identifier for this campaign. This is theprimary key for this table.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.



VNAME32A customer-entered name for this campaign.CampaignName


DBINTValue can be set to:

• 1—Agent Campaign.

• 2—Xfer to IVR Campaign.

• 3— Single agent campaign.



DBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Identifies behavior dialer takes for cancelling ringingcalls. Default is 0, which means do not cancelringing calls.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of minutes to wait to retry a cancelled call.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBCHAR(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Indicates whether abandoned calls sent to IVRshould be considered closed or not.


NULLvarchar(255)Additional configuration parameters.ConfigParam

NULLDBINTThe number of minutes to wait before calling acustomer back when the call was answered by thewrong person.


NULLDBINTStarting daily saving time. Default:1DSTLocation


VARCHAR(32)Name of the location of the starting daily savingtime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)159

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONA description of the campaign.Description


DBCHARY=Disable IP Call Progress Analysis. (as in Release5.0).

N = IP Call Progress Analysis enabled.

Default = N




DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y= Voice detection should be done at thebeginning of the initial greeting sound.

• N= Enables a faster but less accuratevoice/answering machine detection.



DBCHARIndicates the dialer will terminate media streams forconnected outbound calls in this campaign. Defaultis 'N' (disabled).



DBCHARIndicates whether the debug setting for Recordingwave files should be enabled for connected outboundcalls in this campaign. (Default 'N'). Will getinformation from BA Options Table if notconfigured here. Default is 'N' (disabled).



DBCHARIndicates whether a campaign is currently active (Y)or not (N).


NULLDBDATETIMEScheduled end of the campaign. Date to stopcampaign based on date.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)160

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Allow resetting the records that havereached the maximum number of attemp

• N =Do not allow the resetting of these records.


NULLDBFLT8Reserved for future useFutureUseFloat1

NULLDBFLT8Reserved for future useFutureUseFloat2

NULLDBFLT8Reserved for future useFutureUseFloat3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBCHARValid options are:

• Y= Allow dialing to home numbers.

• N = Do not allow dialing to home numbers.



DBINTHome telephone numbers will not be dialed laterthan HomeEndHours:HomeEndMinutes. Hours arein 24-hour format.



DBINTHome telephone numbers will not be dialed laterthan HomeEndHours:HomeEndMinutes.



DBINTHome telephone numbers will be dialed no earlierthan HomeStartHours:HomeStartMinutes. Hoursare in 24-hour format.



DBINTHome telephone numbers will be dialed no earlierthan HomeStartHours:HomeStartMinutes.



DBCHARBoolean to indicate that AMD is enabled on IPDialers. A Y indicates enabled, an N is disabled.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)161

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARBoolean to indicate that Terminating Tone Detectionis enabled on IP Dialers. Can be used for Transferto IVR campaigns as well as Agent campaigns.

A Y indicates enabled, an N indicates disabled. Thedefault value is N.



DBCHARIndicates whether the Unified ICM should leaveautomated messages on answering machines:

• Y = Yes, leave automated messages onanswering machines.

• N = No, do not leave automated messages onanswering machines.



DBFLT8The fixed number of lines to use per agent. Note thatthis number need not be an integer.



DBINTThe maximum number of attempts permitted percontact within the current campaign.



DBSMALLINTThe maximum number of times to retry a busynumber before trying the next number in the list.



DBFLT8The maximum number of lines dialed per agent.Note that this number need not be an integer.



DBSMALLINTThe number of seconds that a customer conversationmust last before a call is considered complete. If theminimum call duration is not reached, the call willbe classified as busy and retried.



DBINTThe number of minutes to wait before attempting acallback to a number that was not answered.



DBINTThe number of rings before considering a call as notanswered.



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Personalized callback is enabled.

• N = Personalized callback is not enabled.


NULLDBINTA correction is applied to the Lines per Agent whenthe attempted calls exceeds"PredictiveConnectionPace" calls. If Null, the Dialervalue takes precedence. Otherwise, this value takesprecedence. The default is NULL.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)162

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT8The PredictiveGain term controls the overall rate ofcorrective adjustment for the Lines per Agent. Thisis the multiplier for the Proportional corrective termin the algorithm. If Null, the Dialer value takesprecedence. Otherwise, this value takes precedence.The default is NULL.


NULLDBFLT8(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The Historic Gain term calculates an additionalcorrection based on the last 5 measurement sets. Asa default, it should be set to half the PredictiveGain.It attempts to correct for systematic undershootingor overshooting over several correction cycles. IfNull, the Dialer value takes precedence. Otherwise,this value takes precedence. The default is NULL.


NULLDBFLT8(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Multiplier for the Proportional term when themeasured Abandoned Call Rate is less than the targetrate. This compensates for the fact that the upsidedifference between the target and measuredAbandoned Call Rate can be much larger than thedownside difference. If Null, the Dialer value takesprecedence. Otherwise, this value takes precedence.The default is NULL.


Nullvarchar(15)Digits that should be prefixed to each customernumber dialed from this campaign.

This feature is used to create a unique prefix thatcan be used by Cisco Communication Manager'sTranslation Pattern function to change the ANI thatcustomers see.



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y =Voice/answeringmachine detection shouldbe done quickly rather than accurately.

• N = Voice/answering should be doneaccurately, but not as quickly as with the quickdetect feature.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)163

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = A personalized callback should be sent toanother agent if the original agent is notavailable.

• N =A personalized callbach should not be sentto another agent.



DBSMALLINTValid options include:

• 1 = If a callback should be rescheduled for thesame time period the next day.

• 2 = If the callback will be rescheduled for tthenext valid dialing period.

• 3 = If the callback will be abandoned (notattempted again).



DBSMALLINTThe number of customer close record requests toqueue before calling a stored procedure forthird-party processing.



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Indicates that a stored procedure should becalled after a customer record has been closed.This stored procedure resides in the OutboundOption private database.

• N = This stored procedure should not be called.


NULLDBDATETIMEScheduled start of the campaign. Date to startcampaign based on date.



DBCHARBoolean to indicate that customer GMT should beobtained from the Region Prefix table. Replaces theImportAreaProcDisable registry setting. The defaultis Y.



DBCHARY=When a busy number has been reached wait untilthe busy retry timeout and call the busy numberagain instead of calling the next phone number inthe customers list. Note: if the Busy retry interval isgreater than 5 minutes the system will not wait.

N = Do not wait to retry a busy number, try the nextnumber in the list.

Default = N


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)164

All TablesCampaign

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Allow dialing to work numbers.

• N = Do not allow dialing to work numbers.



DBINTWork telephone numbers will not be dialed laterthan WorkEndHours:WorkEndMinutes. Hours arein 24-hour format.



DBINTWork telephone numbers will not be dialed laterthan WorkEndHours:WorkEndMinutes.



DBINTWork telephone numbers will be dialed no earlierthanWorkStartHours:WorkStartMinutes. Hours arein 24-hour format.



DBINTWork telephone numbers will be dialed no earlierthan WorkStartHours:WorkStartMinutes.


NULLvarchar (128)Displays the campaign time zoneTZDisplayName



This table is in the Blended Agent category (seeBlended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). Forinformation about database rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases and provides historical reporting for campaign attributes.

Related Tables

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Table 93: Indexes for Campaign_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Campaign_Half_Hour

CampaignID, DateTime, TimeZoneClustered, unique primary key located onPRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)165

All TablesCampaign_Half_Hour

Table 94: Fields in Campaign_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

AK1NULLDBINTIndicates how long in seconds the campaign hasbeen configured to be active during the current halfhour.



DBINTThe unique identifier of the Campaign.CampaignID


DBSMALLDATEThe central controller date and time at the beginningof the interval.



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the database.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5


DBFLT8Unique record identifier.RecoveryKey


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Campaign_Query_RuleThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It contains a set of associations between query rules and campaigns.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Use the Outbound Option Configuration option within Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modifyCampaign_Query_Rule records.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)166

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule

Related Tables

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Query_Rule, on page 358 (via QueryRuleID)

Table 95: Indexes for Campaign_Query_Rule Table


CampaignID, QueryRuleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 96: Fields in Campaign_Query_Rule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe campaign to which this query rule belongs. Thisfield is a foreign key from the Campaign table.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.



DBINTThe amount of time (in minutes) to use the currentquery rule before going on to the next.



DBCHARIndicates whether or not to use duration rate to movebetween query rules within this campaign:

• Y = Use duration (time spent within a queryrule)

• N = Do not use duration



DBINTThe contact will not be dialed past theEndHours:EndMinutes. Hours are in 24-hour formatand are based on the Unified ICMCentral Controllertime.



DBINTThe contact will not be dialed past theEndHours:EndMinutes. Time is based on theUnifiedICM Central Controller time.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)167

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTThe percentage of hits (completed/attempted) percampaign considered as a threshold by the predictivealgorithm. The percentage value is a whole numberbetween 0 and 100.



DBCHARIndicates whether or not to use hit rate to movebetween query rules within this campaign:

• Y = Use hit rate

• N = Do not use hit rate



DBINTThe order in which the query rules are to be used.ListOrder


DBINTThe percentage of this query rule to be attemptedbefore shifting to the next query rule within thecurrent campaign. The percentage value is a wholenumber between 0 and 100.



DBCHARIndicates whether or not to use penetration rate tomove between query rules within this campaign:

• Y = Use penetration rate

• N = Do not use penetration rate



DBCHARIndicates whether the query rule is enabled ordisabled within this campaign:

• Y = Enabled

• N = Disabled



DBINTThe query rule belonging to the campaign identifiedby the CampaignID. This field is a foreign key fromthe Query Rule table.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.



DBINTTThe contact will not be dialed earlier than theStartHours:StartMinutes. Hours are in 24-hourformat and are based on the Unified ICM CentralController time.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)168

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTTThe contact will not be dialed earlier than theStartHours:StartMinutes. Time is based on theUnified ICM Central Controller time.


Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_HourThis table is in the Blended Agent category (seeBlended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. Each row in this table provides half-hour statistics on aparticular Campaign-Query Rule combination. The statistics reflect counters that are used in the OutboundOption predictive dialing algorithm.

Related Tables

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Query_Rule, on page 358 (via QueryRuleID)

Table 97: Indexes for Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour

DateTime, CampaignID, QueryRuleID,TimeZone

Clustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


The Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval Table populates with 30/15 minute reporting data, depending on theHistorical Reporting Interval setting for the peripheral gateway. However, theCampaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour Table does not populate this data.


Table 98: Fields in Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period where thedialer abandoned a customer call.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)169

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe abandoned number of calls in a half-hour period.However, instead of hanging-up on a customer, thecall was transferred to an IVR which played amessage to the customer.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that the agent closes (these customers willnot be dialed).


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that the agent rejects.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected an answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected busy signal.


NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for a callback.CallbackCountToHalf


DBINTThe campaign to which this query rule belongs.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Indicates the number of times an active query rulewas used to retrieve numbers but failed to find anyvalid ones for this timeframe in its dialing list.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period where thedialer cancelled a ringing customer call.


NULLDBINTThe number of attested calls within a half-hourperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that wereabandoned by the customer after they picked up thetelephone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were answered by thewrong party; the customer was not home.



DBSMALLDATEThe Unified ICM Central Controller date and timeat the start of the interval.


IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)170

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a FAX machine.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls where the voice energy was notsignificant enough to count.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network answering machine. Networkanswering machine can be network-based IVR, ornetwork-based answering service.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that werenot answered.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that didnot receive a dial tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current half hour periodthat:

• Did not receive ringback tone.

• Were disconnected by the carrier or the networkwhile ringing.

• Were flagged with a data error or a no-valuecall.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal callback.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Indicates how long the campaign was active duringthis half hour.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)171

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe query rule belonging to the campaign identifiedby the CampaignID.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.



DBFLT8Unique identity that is assigned to each record andused internally by Unified CC Enterprise to trackthe record.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network SIT tone.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds agents spent talking onthe phone during the last half-hour.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls ending in an agentanswering the call during the last half-hour.

Outbound Option: The number of calls in ahalf-hour period that detected a live person.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds agents spent in wrap-upmode during the last half-hour.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer's phonenumber was incorrect (the customer does not livethere).


Campaign_Query_Rule_IntervalThis section describes the Campaign Query Rule Interval table.

Table 99: Fields in Campaign_Query_Rule_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodwhere the dialer abandoned a customer call.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)172

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat had to be abandoned. However, instead ofhanging-up on a customer, the call was transferredto an IVR which played a message to the customer.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a reportinginterval period that the agent closed. (Thesecustomers are not dialed.)


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a reportinginterval period that the agent rejected.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected an answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected a busy signal.


NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for a callback.CallbackCount


DBINTThe campaign to which this query rule belongs.CampaignID

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Indicates how much time an active query rule wasasked to retrieve numbers but could not find anyvalid ones for this timeframe in its dialing list.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodwhere the dialer cancelled a ringing customer call.


NULLDBINTThe number of attempted calls within the reportinginterval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat the customer abandoned after they picked upthe phone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that wrong parties answered;the customer was not home.



DBSMALLDATEThe Unified ICM Central Controller date and timeat the start of the interval.


IE1, NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected a FAX machine.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)173

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls where the voice energy was notsignificant enough to count.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected a network answering machine. Anetwork answeringmachine can be a network-basedIVR, or a network-based answering service.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat were not answered.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat did not receive a dial tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current reporting intervalperiod that did not receive a ringback tone, that thecarrier or network did not disconnect while ringing,or that were flagged with a data error or a no-valuecall.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal callback.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Indicates how long the campaign was active duringthis reporting interval.



DBINTThe query rule belonging to the campaign identifiedby the CampaignID.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


IE2, NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0to 47). Two 15minute interval records have a uniquehalf hour boundary value.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)174

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

IE3, NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, overwhich the router calculates the Call Type and CallType Skill Group data. The only valid value is 30(default).


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected a network SIT tone.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds agents spent talking onthe phone during the last reporting interval.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls ending in an agentanswering the call during the last reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds agents spent in wrap-upmode during the last reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer's phonenumber was incorrect. (The customer did not livethere.)


Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_TimeThis table is in the Blended Agent category (seeBlended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Local database only.

Each row provides real-time statistics on a particular Campaign-Query Rule combination. The statistics reflectcounters used in the Outbound Option predictive dialing algorithm.

The data in this table is reset nightly.

Exception: The following cumulative fields are not reset nightly:

• Closed Count

• TotalCount

• TotalVoiceCount

Related Tables

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)175

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Query_Rule, on page 358 (via QueryRuleID)

Table 100: Indexes for Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time Table


CampaignID, QueryRuleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 101: Fields in Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls abandoned by the dialer.AbandonDetectCount

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period wherethe dialer abandoned a customer call.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period where thedialer abandoned a customer call.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that detected an answeringmachine.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period that hadto be abandoned. However, instead of hanging-upon a customer, the call was transferred to an IVRwhich played a message to the customer.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period that hadto be abandoned. However, instead of hanging-upon a customer, the call was transferred to an IVRwhich played a message to the customer.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls that wereclosed by the agent (these customers will not bedialed).


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of preview/callback calls in a fiveminute period that were closeded by the agent (thesecustomers will not be dialed).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)176

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that were closeded by the agent (thesecustomers will not be dialed).


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls that wererejected by the agent.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of preview/callback calls in a fiveminute period that were rejected by the agent.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that were rejected by the agent.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were abandoned by thedialer. However, instead of hanging-up on thecustomer, the call was transferred to an IVR whichplayed a message to the customer.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period thatdetected an answering machine.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected an answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of attempted calls so far today.(CallBackCount + VoiceCount + BusyCount +NoAnswerDetectCount +NoRingBackDetectCount+ NoDialToneDetectCount + FaxDetectCount +NetworkAnsMachineDetectCount +AnsweringMachineCount + SITToneDetectCount+ CancelledDetectCount + WrongNumberCount +CustomerNotHomeCount + PersonalCallbackCount+ AbandonDetectCount + AbandonToIVRCount +CustomerAbandonDetectCount)


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that detected a busy signal.BusyCount

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)177

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period thatdetected a busy signal.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a busy signal.


NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for a callbacktoday.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total number of records scheduled for a callbackin a five minute period.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total number of records scheduled for a callbackin a half-hour period.



DBINTThe campaign to which this query rule belongs.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the dialer cancelled aringing customer call.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period wherethe dialer cancelled a ringing customer call.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period where thedialer cancelled a ringing customer call.


NULLDBINTRecords customer calls closed for any reason otherthan reaching a live customer since the last overwriteimport.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of attempted calls within a five minuteperiod.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)178

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of attempted calls within a half-hourperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer hung-upimmediately after picking up the telephone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period that wereabandoned by the customer after they picked up thetelephone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period that wereabandoned by the customer after they picked up thetelephone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were answered by thewrong party because the customer was not home.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period that wereanswered by the wrong party because the customerwas not home.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period that wereanswered by the wrong party because the customerwas not home.



DBDATETIMEThe Unified ICM Central Controller date and timewhen this data was last updated.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that detected a FAX.FaxDetectCount

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period thatdetected a FAX machine.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a FAX machine.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)179

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls in a one day period where the voiceenergy was not significant enough to count.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls in a five minute period where thevoice energy was not significant enough to count.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls in a half-hour period where thevoice energy was not significant enough to count.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that detected a networkanswering machine. A network answering machinecan be a network based IVR, or a network basedanswering service.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period thatdetected a network answering machine. A networkanswering machine can be a network based IVR, ora network based answering service.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network answering machine. A networkanswering machine can be a network based IVR, ora network based answering service.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were not answered.NoAnswerDetectCount

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period that werenot answered.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)180

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period that werenot answered.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that did not detect a dial tone.NoDialToneDetectCount

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period that didnot receive a dial tone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period that didnot receive a dial tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current half hour periodthat did not receive a ring-back tone, that weredisconnected by the carrier or the network whileringing, or that were flagged with a data error or ano-value call.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period that didnot receive a ring back tone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period that didnot receive a ring back tone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of pending records which are eligible fordialing now in zone 1.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of pending records which are eligible fordialing now in zone 2.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of campaign records that are pending retryin Zone 1 that are dialable now. This is significantsince retries get higher priority and can reduce hitrate and agent efficiency.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)181

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of campaign records that are pending retryin Zone 2 that are dialable now. This is significantsince retries get higher priority and can reduce hitrate and agent efficiency.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal call-back.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period wherethe customer requested a personal callback.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period where thecustomer requested a personal callback.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Indicates whether the current campaign is active ornot.



DBINTThe query rule belonging to the campaign identifiedby the CampaignID.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that detected a SpecialInformation Tone (SIT).


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period thatdetected a network SIT tone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network SIT tone.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds agents spent talking onthe telephone since midnight.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total number of seconds agents spent talking onthe phone during the last half-hour.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)182

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total number of records available to dial for thecurrent campaign query rule since the last overwriteimport.


NULLDBINTThe number of live customers that have been reachedsince the last overwrite import.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls for the day that ended insuccessful customer contact.

Outbound Option: The number of calls thatdetected a live person.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total number of calls ending in an agentanswering the call during the last five minutes.

Outbound Option: The number of calls in a fiveminute period that detected a live person.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTUREUSE.)The total number of calls ending in an agentanswering the call during the last half-hour.

Outbound Option: The number of calls in ahalf-hour period that detected a live person.


NULLDBINTThe number of seconds agents spent in wrap-upmode since midnight.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total number of seconds agents spent in wrap-upmode during the last half-hour.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer phonenumber was incorrect (the customer did not livethere).


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a five minute period wherethe customer's phone number was incorrect (thecustomer did not live there).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)183

All TablesCampaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period where thecustomer's phone number was incorrect (thecustomer did not live there).


Campaign_Skill_GroupThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It contains the associations between campaigns and skill groups within the software.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Use the Outbound Option Configuration option within Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modifyCampaign_Skill_Group records.

Related Tables

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (SkillGroupID maps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

Table 102: Indexes for Campaign_Skill_Group Table


CampaignID, SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 103: Fields in Campaign_Skill_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(50)Abandoned Contacts are transferred to this routepoint, which points to an IVR.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)184

All TablesCampaign_Skill_Group

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThis variable controls whether the dialer will useCTI Server to answer the reservation call and thetransfer call sent to the agent or allow the agent'sphone to answer the call on its own.

Possible values: 1: Auto answer on; 2: Auto-answeroff



DBINTThe campaign to which this target group belongs.Foreign key from the Campaign table.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.


NULLvarchar(255)Additional configuration parameters.ConfigParam

NULLVNAME32For Unified CCE, indicates the DN that should beused when sending a new call request via the MRPIM. This DN will be used to run a routing scriptwhere an agent should be reserved from the sameskill that has been assigned to the campaign.

Note that each skill group should have a unique DNassociated with it.


NULLDBSMALLINTDialing mode for this campaign:

• 0 = eOutboundModeInbound

• 1 = eOutboundModePredictiveOnly

• 3 = eOutboundModePreviewOnly

• 5 = eOutboundModeProgressiveOnly

• 7 = eOutboundModePreviewDirectOnly


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)185

All TablesCampaign_Skill_Group

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTNumber of ports supported by the IVR for thecurrent skill group (3 digits).


NULLvarchar(50)Contacts are transferred to this route point, whichpoints to an IVR.



DBINTThe number of agents per skill group to ignoreduring predictive dialer calculations.



DBINTThe number of records that should be cached by thedialer for a specific campaign-skill groupcombination.


NULLDBINTThe percentage of agents to reserve within this skillgroup. The variable is only relevant in previewmode. For all other modes, 100 percent of agentsare reserved.



DBINTA unique key indicating the skill group with whichthis target group is associated. Foreign key to theSkill Group table.


Campaign_Target_SequenceThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It contains the target type (home or work) and the sequence with which numbers are dialed within a campaign.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Related Tables

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (via Phone Index)

Table 104: Indexes for Campaign_Target_Sequence Table


CampaignID, SequenceNumberclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)186

All TablesCampaign_Target_Sequence

Table 105: Fields in Campaign_Target_Sequence Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe campaign to which this target sequence belongs.Foreign key from the Campaign table.

This field is applicable to Outbound Option only.


NULLvarchar(255)Additional configuration parameters.ConfigParam

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTIndicates the phone number that should be usedwithin the zone.

This value can range from 0 through 9.

An index value of 0 represents the Phone1 in theconfiguration tool.



DBINTPart of the primary key. Indicates the sequence ofthe number to dial within a campaign.



DBINTIndicates the zone to which the configured phonenumber belongs:

0 = Zone 1

1 = Zone 2


Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_StateThis table is part of the User Preferences group (see User Preferences, on page 644). To see database rules forthis table, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

This table defines a specific state of the Unified ICM Configuration Manager user interface that a user hassaved. Information from this table is used to reconstruct the state of the Unified ICM Configuration Managerwhen the Administration & Data Server is restarted.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)187

All TablesCfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State

Related Table

Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap, on page 189 (via DesktopSnapShotID)

Table 106: Indexes for Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State Table


DesktopSnapShotID, ApplicationIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 107: Fields in Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies the applicationApplicationID


DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = Indicates that the application was openwhen Configuration Manager was closed.

• N = The application was not open whenConfiguration Manager was closed.



DBINTA unique identifier for the desktop snapshot.DesktopSnapShotID

NULLDBINTID for the first filter key of the application.Filter1

NULLDBINTID for the second filter key of the application.Filter2

NULLVNAME32A field name used for the third filter criteria.Filter3FieldName

NULLDBSMALLINTA field type identifier used for text/numeric lookup.Filter3FieldType

NULLDBSMALLINTThe selection type.Filter3OptionSelection

NULLvarchar(255)The selection value.Filter3Selection

NULLDBSMALLINTThe application's X position on the desktop.POSX

NULLDBSMALLINTThe application's Y position on the desktop.POSY

Cfg_Mngr_GlobalsThis table is part of the User Preferences group (see User Preferences, on page 644). To see database rules forthis table, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)188

All TablesCfg_Mngr_Globals

This table contains a single record that stores version information about the menu system that Unified ICMConfiguration Manager is currently using.

Table 108: Indexes for Cfg_Mngr_Globals Table


VersionIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 109: Fields in Cfg_Mngr_Globals Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.



DBINTStores version information about the menu systemthe Unified ICMConfigurationManager is currenltyusing.



DBINTA unique identifier for the version.VersionID

Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_SnapThis table is part of the User Preferences group (see User Preferences, on page 644). To see database rules forthis table, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

This table retains information on current Unified ICM Configuration Manager state for a particular user.

Related Table

Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State, on page 187 (via DesktopSnapShotID)

Table 110: Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap Table


DesktopSnapShotIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)189

All TablesCfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap

Table 111: Fields in Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARDetermines whether multiple executing instances ofa tool should be allowed:

• Y = (Default) Yes, allow multiple instances torun at once.

• N = No, do not allow multiple instances.



DBCHARIndicates whether or not the tools shouldautomatically retrieve data when they start:

• Y = Yes, automatically retrieve data at startup.

• N = (Default) No, do not automatically retrievedata.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.



DBINTA unique identifier for the desktop snapshot.DesktopSnapShotID


varchar(128)A name for the desktop snapshot.DesktopSnapShotName

FK NULLDBINTA unique identifier for the menu.MenuID


DBCHARDetermines whether tools should be reopened whena snapshot is loaded:

• Y = Yes, reopen tool when snapshot is loaded.

• N = (Default) No, do not reopen tool.



DBCHARIndicates whether or not the application should startin the screen position it was in when it was last runby the user:

• Y = Yes, start application is same position.

• N = (Default) No, start it in application's defaultposition.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)190

All TablesCfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARDeternimes whether or not filter settings should besaved for all tools:

• Y = (Default) Yes, save filter settings.

• N = No, do not save filter settings.



DBINTA foreign key to the Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings table.UserSettingsID

Cfg_Mngr_User_MenuThis table is part of the User Preferences group (see User Preferences, on page 644). To see database rules forthis table, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

This table holds information that describes the default and custom menus in use for each user of Unified CCEConfiguration Manager.

Related Table

Cfg_Mngr_View, on page 193 (via MenuID)

Table 112: Indexes for Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu Table


MenuIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 113: Fields in Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTIdentifies the last desktop snapshot.DesktopSnapShotID


DBINTA unique identifier for the menu.MenuID


VNAME32A name for the menu.MenuName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)191

All TablesCfg_Mngr_User_Menu

Cfg_Mngr_User_SettingsThis table is part of the User Preferences group (see User Preferences, on page 644). To see database rules forthis table, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

This table holds specific Unified CCEConfigurationManager settings for each user Unified CCEConfigurationManager.

Related Tables

Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap, on page 189 (via UserSettingsID)

Table 114: Indexes for Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings Table


LoginNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


UserSettingsIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 115: Fields in Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTIdentifier for the last desktop snapshot that the userhad opened before closing the Unified ICMConfiguration Manager.



varchar(128)The unique login name of the user who owns thesesettings.



DBCHARIndicates whether or not to save the current desktopsnapshot settings when the Unified ICMConfiguration Manager is closed:

• Y = Yes, save settings on exit (the default).

• N = No, do not save settings on exit.



DBINTA unique identifier for the user settings.UserSettingsID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)192

All TablesCfg_Mngr_User_Settings

Cfg_Mngr_ViewThis table is part of the User Preferences group (see User Preferences, on page 644). To see database rules forthis table, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

This table holds the information necessary to produce the tree view structure for multiple default and custommenus within the Unified ICM Configuration Manager. The Primary Key (PK) is nonclustered.

Related Tables

Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu, on page 191 (via MenuID)

Table 116: Indexes for Cfg_Mngr_View Table


PeerNodeIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Cfg_Mngr_View

ChildNodeIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Cfg_Mngr_View

NodeID, MenuIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 117: Fields in Cfg_Mngr_View Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIdentifies the application.ApplicationID


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


IE-2 NULLDBINTIdentifies the child node in the tree view.ChildNodeID

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBINTA unique identifier for the menu.MenuID


DBINTA unique identifier for the node in the tree view.NodeID

IE-1 NULLDBINTIdentifies the peer node in the tree view.PeerNodeID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)193

All TablesCfg_Mngr_View

Class_Access_XrefThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

It lists the access levels available for each class. The Primary Key (PK) is nonclustered.

Related Tables

Class_List, on page 194 (via ClassID)

Table 118: Indexes for Class_Access_Xref Table


AccessLevel, ClassIDclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


ClassAccessXrefIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 119: Fields in Class_Access_Xref Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA supported access level for the class. To see values.see Access Levels, on page 648.



DBINTA unique identifier for the record.ClassAccessXrefID


DBINTIdentifies the class from the Class_List table.ClassID

Class_ListThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

It lists the available classes. The contents of this table are set up when the software is installed and neverchange.

Related Tables

Class_Security, on page 195 (via ClassID)

ClassID_To_ObjectType, on page 196 (via ClassID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)194

All TablesClass_Access_Xref

Table 120: Indexes for Class_List Table


Nameclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


ClassIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 121: Fields in Class_List Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA unique identifier for the class.ClassID

NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the class.Description


varchar(30)The name of the class.Name

Class_SecurityThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

It lists the level of security each user or group has for a class.

Related Tables

Class_List, on page 194 (via ClassID)

User_Group, on page 591 (via UserGroupName)

Table 122: Indexes for Class_Security Table


ClassSecurityIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 123: Fields in Class_Security Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe access level the user group has for the class. Tosee values. see Access Levels, on page 648.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)195

All TablesClass_Security

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTIdentifies the class from the Class_List table.ClassID


DBINTA unique identifier for the record.ClassSecurityID

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.



varchar(64)Identifies the user group.UserGroupName

ClassID_To_ObjectTypeThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Maps each class to its component object types

Related Tables

Class_List, on page 194 (via ClassID)

Object_List, on page 317 (via ObjectType + ObjectID)

Table 124: Indexes for ClassID_To_ObjectType Table


ObjectTypenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1ClassID_To_ObjectType

ClassID, ObjectTypeclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 125: Fields in ClassID_To_ObjectType Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies the class from the Class_List table.ClassID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)196

All TablesClassID_To_ObjectType

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTFor Logical Interface Controller objects:

• 2 = PG

• 3 = NIC

For all other object types, this field is 0.Note



DBINTIdentifies the type of the object.ObjectType

Configuration_LimitThis table defines safe outer boundaries for Unified ICM Configuration parameters. The default values setfor Configuration Limits are the maximum values that have been tested and confirmed by Cisco. Your systemdeployment may require lower limits.

However, if you configure beyond the ConfigLimitID values and experience difficulties, we might requireyou to change values to correspond to the defined limits before we can troubleshoot.

Table 126: Indexes for Configuration_Limit Table


ConfigLimitIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 127: Fields in Configuration_Limit Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThis is created by the schema.ConfigLimitID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)197

All TablesConfiguration_Limit

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The configuration limit rule name.

The valid values are:

1. Skill_Groups_Per_Agent










11. (Reserved)

















DBINTThe default limitation valueConfigLimitDefaultValue

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)198

All TablesConfiguration_Limit

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe current limitation valueConfigLimitCurrentValue

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.




ChangeStampChange StampChangeStamp

Config_Message_LogThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

It gets populated on central and local databases. The database system table is used to store configurationmessages.

Table 128: Indexes for Config_Message_Log Table


RecoveryKeyClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 129: Fields in Config_Message_Log Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarbinary(max)All configuration messages in a transaction.ConfigMessage


DBDATETIMEThe date and time when a set of messages waslogged.


NULLVNAME32The type of configuration change. Examples include"Add" and "Update".



DBFLT8A value used internally by the software to trackvirtual time.


NULLVNAME32The name of the table affected by the configurationchange.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)199

All TablesConfig_Message_Log

Congestion ControlThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642).

This table stores configuration information for congestion control.

Table 130: Indexes for Congestion Control Table


DeploymentIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 131: Fields in Congestion Control Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


ChangeStampIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTFor system use only.CongestionCheckInterval


DBCHARCongestion control flag. It is enabled when the userfirst sets the congestion control limits. Default = Yes(For Packaged CCE deployments)


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)200

All TablesCongestion Control

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThis field is to set the rejection treatment mode.

Values for this field include the following:

• 0 - Use System Congestion Control: The calltreatment will be applied based on SystemCongestion Control settings.

• 1 - Treat call with Dialed Number DefaultLabel: The calls to be rejected due tocongestion are treated with the default label ofthe dialed number on which the new callarrived.

• 2 - Treat call with Routing Client DefaultLabel: The calls to be rejected due tocongestion are treated with the default label ofthe routing client which of the new call arrived.

• 3 -Treat call with System Default Label: Thecalls to be rejected due to congestion are treatedwith the system default label set in CongestionControl settings.

• 4 - Terminate call with a Dialog Fail orRouteEnd: Terminates the new call dialogwitha dialog failure.

• 5 - Treat call with a Release Message to theRouting Client: Terminates the new call dialogwith a release message.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.



DBINTPrimary KeyDeploymentID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)201

All TablesCongestion Control

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe ICM/CCE deployment type.

Values for this field include the following:

• 0 - Not Specified

• 1 - NAM (Deprecated)

• 2 - Contact Director

• 3 - NAM Rogger (Deprecated)

• 4 - ICM Router/Logger

• 5 - UCCE: 8000 Agents Router/Logger

• 6 - UCCE: 12000 Agents Router/Logger

• 7 - Packaged CCE: 2000 Agents

• 8 - ICM Rogger

• 9 - UCCE: 4000 Agents Rogger

• 10 - Packaged CCE: Lab Mode

• 11 - HCS-CC: 2000 Agents

• 12 - HCS-CC: 500 Agents (Not Supported)

• 13 - UCCE: Progger (Lab Only)

• 14 - HCS-CC: 4000 Agents

• 15 - HCS-CC: 12000 Agents

• 16 - UCCE: 2000 Agents

• 17 - Packaged CCE: 4000 Agents

• 18 - Packaged CCE: 12000 Agents

• 19 - UCCE: 24000 Agents Router/Logger

• 20 - HCS-CC: 24000 Agents


NULLVNAME32Label string to treat the calls subjected to congestioncontrol. This label will be responded whencongestion treatment is set to Treat call withSystem Default Label (3).The label will be sentonly to the calls to be rejected.



DBINTLevel 1 abatementLevel1Abate


DBINTLevel 2 abatementLevel2Abate

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)202

All TablesCongestion Control

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTLevel 3 abatementLevel3Abate


DBINTLevel 1 onsetLevel1Onset


DBINTLevel 2 onsetLevel2Onset


DBINTLevel 3 onsetLevel3Onset


DBINTLevel 1 call rate reductionLevel1Reduction


DBINTLevel 2 call rate reductionLevel2Reduction


DBINTLevel 3 call rate reductionLevel3Reduction


DBSMALLINTIf yes, user defined CPS is used for congestioncontrol. The user can enter the CPS limit. The limitwill be the same in the Configuration Limits table.



DBSMALLINTWeight used for moving average algorithm tocalculate CPS.


Contact_Share_GroupThis table defines contact share groups that apply to all contact share precision queues or skill groups.

Table 132: Indexes for Contact_Share_Group Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key located on PRIMARYAK1Contact_Share_Group

GroupIDclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARYPKContact_Share_Group

Table 133: Contact_Share_Group Table

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName

PK NOT NULLDBINTAn identifier that has a uniqueID among all the contact sharequeues.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)203

All TablesContact_Share_Group

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLDBINTForeign key from contact sharerule table.


AK NOT NULLVNAME32The unique name of this contactshare group.


NULLvarchar(512)The contact share queue will beaccepted IF the expressionevaluates to true.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information aboutthe group.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the data and time whenthe record was added orupdated.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record inthe database is changed.


Contact_Share_Group_MemberThis table maps contact share groups to contact share queues. Each contact share group contains one or morecontact share queues. Each contact share queue can be a member of one or more contact share groups.

Table 134: Indexes for Contact_Share_Group_Member Table


Group IDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Contact_Share_Group_Member

GroupID, QueueIDclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 135: Contact_Share_Group_Member Table

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLDBINTForeign key fromContact_Share_Group.


PK NOT NULLDBINTForeign key fromContact_Share_Queue.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)204

All TablesContact_Share_Group_Member

Contact_Share_QueueThis table defines the queue that references a target queue (either precision queue or skill group). These existon the Unified CCE target systems.

Table 136: Indexes for Contact_Share_Queue Table


QueueIDclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 137: Contact_Share_Queue Table

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName

PK NOT NULLDBINTAn identifier that has a uniqueID among all the contact sharequeues.


NOT NULLVNAME32Name of the Queue that isconfigured on the target UnitedCCE systems. The same asEnterpriseName of the precisionqueue or skill group.


NOT NULLDBINTThe unique ID (eitherPrecisionQueueID orSkillGroupID) from the targetUnited CCE systems.


NOT NULLchar(1)Identifies the target queue as P- Precision Queue, or S - SkillGroup.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information aboutthe group.


NULLDBINTTarget instance identifier.TargetInstanceID

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the data and time whenthe record was added orupdated.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record inthe database is changed.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)205

All TablesContact_Share_Queue

Contact_Share_RuleThis table defines rules to apply for all contact share precision queues or skill groups within a contact sharegroup.

Table 138: Indexes for Contact_Share_Rule Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


RuleIDclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 139: Contact_Share_Rule Table

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName

PK NOT NULLDBINTAn identifier that has a uniqueID among all the contact sharerules.


AK NOT NULLVNAME32Name of the rule.EnterpriseName

NULLvarchar(512)This is the rule expression thatis used for all contact shareprecision queue or skill groupswithin a contact share group.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information aboutthe group.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the data and time whenthe record was added orupdated.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record inthe database is changed.


Controller_TimeThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

A database system table that stores the current time at the Unified ICM platform.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)206

All TablesContact_Share_Rule

Table 140: Fields in Controller_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEThe most recently reported time from the CentralController.


NULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDESCRIPTIONThe name of the time zone.TimeZoneName

Customer_DefinitionThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row defines a customer associated with an Unified ICM instance. Use the Customer list tool to create,update, or delete a customer definition.

Related Tables

Call_Type, on page 110 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Customer_Options, on page 208 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Feature_Control_Set, on page 259 (via via FeatureSetID)

ICR_Instance, on page 264 (via ICRInstanceID)

Label, on page 280 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Master_Script, on page 298 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Network_Vru, on page 312 (via NetworkTargetID)

Scheduled_Target, on page 430 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

User_Group, on page 591 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Table 141: Indexes for Customer_Definition Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ICRInstanceIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Customer_Definition

CustomerDefinitionIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)207

All TablesCustomer_Definition

Table 142: Fields in Customer_Definition Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTA unique identifier for the customer definition.CustomerDefinitionID

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added /updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the customerdefinition.



VNAME32An enterprise name for the customer. This namemust be unique among all customer definitions inthe enterprise.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies a feature set from the Feature_Control_SetTable.



DBINTIdentifies the instance associated with the customer.ICRInstanceID

FK, NULLDBINTIdentifies the Network VRU, if any, associated withthe customer.


Customer_OptionsThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row identifies options installed for a specific customer.

Related Table

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Table 143: Indexes for Customer_Options Table


CustomerDefinitionID, Typeclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)208

All TablesCustomer_Options

Table 144: Fields in Customer_Options Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies the customer definition associated withthe row.


NULLvarchar(255)The option value.OptionValue


DBINTThe customer option defined by the row. To seevalues, see Customer Options Type, on page 652.


Default_Call_TypeThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row specifies the default call type. You can associate a default call type with each routing client.

You can also create a general default call type in the ICR_Globals table.Note

To add, update, and delete Default_Call_Type records, use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modifythe Routing Client configuration.

Related Tables

Call_Type, on page 110 (via CallTypeID)

Routing_Client, on page 407 (via RoutingClientID)

Table 145: Indexes for Default_Call_Type Table


RoutingClientIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 146: Fields in Default_Call_Type Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe call type.CallTypeID


DBSMALLINTThe routing client.RoutingClientID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)209

All TablesDefault_Call_Type

DepartmentThis table defines a Department that is used for departmental data hosting.

Each row specifies a user-configured Department. The following tables contain a department ID and can bedivided into departments.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17

• Agent_Desk_Settings, on page 21

• Admin_Script_Schedule_Map, on page 14

• Attribute, on page 92

• Bucket_Intervals, on page 100

• Bulk_Job, on page 101

• Call_Type, on page 110

• Campaign, on page 156

• Department _Member , on page 211

• Dialed_Number, on page 214

• Enterprise_Service, on page 251

• Enterprise_Skill_Group, on page 253

• Import_Rule, on page 271

• Master_Script, on page 298

• Network_Vru_Script, on page 314

• Person, on page 319

• Precision_Queue, on page 341

• Query_Rule, on page 358

• Route, on page 374

• Service, on page 443

• Skill_Group, on page 484

• User_Formula, on page 589

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)210

All TablesDepartment

Table 147: Indexes in Department Table


DepartmentIDClustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 148: Fields in Department Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPChangestamp for the table.ChangeStamp

NULLDBINTMaps Customer to Department in a CCMP/CCDMdeployment.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



DBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONDescription for the Department.Description


VARCHAR(32)Enterprise name of the Department.EnterpriseName

Department _MemberThis table associates the User Group ID with a Department.

Related Tables

• User_Group, on page 591

• Department, on page 210

Table 149: Indexes for Department_Member Table


UserGroupID, DepartmentIDPRIMARY KeyXPKUser_Group_Department

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)211

All TablesDepartment _Member

Table 150: Fields in Department_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign Key from the Department table.DepartmentID


DBINTForeign key from User_Group. The User_Grouptable is the parent table for changestamp purposes.



Device_Target is deprecated. Use Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69 instead.Note

This table is in the Route, on page 619 category. To see database rules for these tables, see Route Tables, onpage 696.

Each row represents one or more enterprise agents. When an enterprise agents logs on, the system softwaredynamically assigns him or her to a device target. To route calls to an enterprise agent, you must have defineda label associated with the device target. Use Unified ICMConfigurationManager to create, delete, and modifydevice targets.

To configure Unified CCE, use Agent Targeting Rules versus Device Targets. Based on configured agenttargeting rules, if an agent attempts to log into an extension to which the router cannot target a call, theperipheral gateway rejects the login request and returns an error that includes why the log in request failed.For call routing in system PGdeployments, configure the extension range in the Agent Targeting Rules inUnified CCE. For table details, see Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69.


Related Tables

Agent_Logout, on page 38 (via NetworkTargetID)

Agent_Real_Time, on page 39 (via NetworkTargetID)

Network_Target, on page 306 (via NetworkTargetID)

Table 151: Indexes for Device_Target Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DeviceAddressType, GlobalAddressnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)212

All TablesDevice_Target


NetworkTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 152: Fields in Device_Target Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(255)An optional string to be sent to the device duringinitialization.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the device target.Description


DBINTType of address defined in the GlobalAddressfield:1 = Internet Protocol (IP).



DBINTThe type of the target.

Currently only Voice is supported.Note

• 1 = Voice

• 2 = FAX

• 3 = E- mail



VNAME32An enterprise name for the target. This name mustbe unique among all device targets in the enterprise.



varchar(64)A unique identifier. This field is used to enforcevalidation that the agent desktop and the agent phoneare at the same IP address for media terminated agentdesktops, including Enterprise Agent. The decimalformat for an IP address is Forexample, If validating the IP addressof an agent desktop and agent phone is not the case,then the global address can be set to any uniquestring.



DBINTUnique identifier for the target.NetworkTargetID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)213

All TablesDevice_Target

Dialed_NumberThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row describes a dialed number serviced by the system software. Use Unified ICMConfigurationManagerto add, update, and delete Dialed_Number records.

Related Tables

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Dialed_Number_Label, on page 216 (via DialedNumberID)

Dialed_Number_Map, on page 216 (via DialedNumberID)

Dial_Number_Plan, on page 218 (via DialedNumberID)

Label, on page 280 (via LabelID)

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (via MRDomainID)

Route_Call_Detail, on page 376(via DialedNumberID)

Routing_Client, on page 407 (via RoutingClientID)

Table 153: Indexes for Dialed_Number Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


RoutingClientID, DialedNumberStringnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


LabelIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Dialed_Number

CustomerDefinitionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Dialed_Number

DateTimeStampnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE3Dialed_Number

DialedNumberIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 154: Dialed_Number Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionFields


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTIdentifies the customer definition associated withthe dialed number.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)214

All TablesDialed_Number

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionFields

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y= Yes

• N =No


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the dialed number.Description


DBINTA unique identifier for this dialed number.DialedNumberID


VNAME32The string the routing client passes to the systemsoftware to represent this dialed number.



VNAME32An enterprise name for the number. This namemustbe unique among all dialed numbers in the database.



DBINTReferences the default label for this dialed number.LabelID


DBINTThe Media Routing Domain associated with thisdialed number.



varchar(512)The Post Call Survey Dialed Number (DN) Pattern.This field may contain wildcard characters such as(!), (*), (>), and single digit matches like periods (.)or X.

This field is not applicable for UnifiedCCE.




DBCHARUsed to indicate if remote routing by a CTI client(ACMI) is permitted on this dialed number.

Default = 'N'.



DBCHARUsed for queuing on the Simplified Unified CCEPG only.

Stored as 'Y' or 'N'. Default = 'N'.



varchar(256)The custom ringtone media file name.

This field is not applicable for UnifiedCCE.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)215

All TablesDialed_Number

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionFields


DBSMALLINTReferences the routing client that services this dialednumber.


Dialed_Number_LabelThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

It indicates which Label values are valid for each Dialed_Number value. Use Unified ICM ConfigurationManager to add, update, and delete Dialed_Number_Label records.

Related Tables

Dialed_Number, on page 214 (via DialedNumberID)

Label, on page 280 (via LabelID)

Table 155: Indexes for Dialed_Number_Label Table


LabelIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Dialed_Number_Label

DialedNumberID, LabelIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 156: Fields in Dialed_Number_Label Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the Dialed Number table.DialedNumberID


DBINTForeign key from the Label table.LabelID

Dialed_Number_MapThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623) category. For database rules, see Script Tables,on page 697.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)216

All TablesDialed_Number_Label

Describes the call qualifier values (dialed number, calling line ID, and caller-entered digits) associated witheach call type. Use the Call Type Directory dialog of the Script Editor to add, update, and deleteDialed_Number_Map records.

Related Tables

Call_Type, on page 110 (via CallTypeID)

Dialed_Number, on page 214 (via DialedNumberID)

Region, on page 365 (via RegionID)

Table 157: Indexes for Dialed_Number_Map Table


CallTypeID, RegionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Dialed_Number_Map

DialedNumberID, Itemclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 158: Fields in Dialed_Number_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(30)ANI value or region name. An ANI value can be aprefix of any length (the leading digits of thetelephone number) or a complete telephone number.



DBSMALLINTIndicates what type the ANIWildCard is. To see thelist of values, see Dialed Number Map:ANIWildCardType, on page 653.



DBINTForeign key from Call Type table.CallTypeID

NULLvarchar(30)Value to match against CED:

• '_A' = All

• '_NR'= None Required

• '_NE' = None Entered

• '_N' = None Required or Entered


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the mapping of thesecall qualifiers to this call type.



DBINTForeign key from the Dialed Number table.DialedNumberID and Item together form an alternatekey that is used by the system software to determinethe order in which to match the wildcards.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)217

All TablesDialed_Number_Map

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe order in which the rows for a dialed number aretested against the call qualifiers.


FK NULLDBINTIf ANIWildCardType is 4 (Region), this is theforeign key of the region from the Region table.


Dial_Number_PlanThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Defines special dialing codes that allow enterprise agents to use the system software to place calls to services,other agents, skill groups, enterprise skill groups, supervisors, the local public network, a long-distancenetwork, or to specific trunks. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and deleteDial_Number_Plan records.

Related Tables

Dialed_Number, on page 214 (via DialedNumberID)

Routing_Client, on page 407 (via RoutingClientID)

Table 159: Indexes for Dial_Number_Plan Table


RoutingClientID, WildcardPatternnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DialNumberPlanIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 160: Fields in Dial_Number_Plan Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the dial number plan.Description

FK NULLDBINTIdentifies the dialed number associated with the dialnumber plan if PostRoute is Y, the dialed numberis used to determine a call type.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)218

All TablesDial_Number_Plan

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA unique identifier for the plan.DialNumberPlanID

NULLDBINTThe type of the plan.DialNumberPlanType

NULLVNAME32The dial string if PostRoute setting is N.DialString


DBCHARIndicates whether to issue a Post-Routing request ifthe dialed number supplied by the agent matches theWildcardPattern:

• Y = Yes, issue a Post-Routing request.

• N = No, do not issue a Post-Routing request.



DBSMALLINTIdentifies the routing client associated with the dialnumber plan.



VNAME32A string the system software compares to the dialednumber or dial string. The string can contain letters,digits, asterisks (*), and number signs (#). It can alsoinclude the wildcard characters ? and !. The ?character represents any single letter. The ! characterrepresents any string of characters and can appearonly at the end of the pattern.


DialerThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Contains configuration information for each dialer. Use the Blended Agent Configuration option withinUnified ICM Configuration Manager to modify Dialer records.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Related Tables

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (via DialerID)

Dialer_Half_Hour, on page 230 (via DialerID)

Dialer_Port_Map, on page 236 (via DialerID)

Dialer_Port_Real_Time, on page 237 (via DialerID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)219

All TablesDialer

Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour, on page 242 (via DialerID)

Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 246 (via DialerID)

Table 161: Indexes for Dialer Table


DialerNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ComputerNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DialerIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 162: Fields in Dialer Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBINTIndicate what type of protocol that the Dialer uses.The default value is 3.

Other values

1. 1: Not used

2. 2: SCCP

3. 3: SIP



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



varchar(64)The network name of the computer hosting the dialercomponent.


NULLDBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Number of milliseconds that the dialer will spendanalyzing. Advanced configuration item.




Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)220

All TablesDialer

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Maximum milliseconds the dialer will analyze ananswering machine voice message looking for atermination tone. Advanced configuration item.


NULLDBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Maximum time allowed for analysis in milliseconds.Advanced configuration item.


NULLDBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Minimum number of milliseconds of voice requiredto qualify a call as voice detected. Advancedconfiguration item.


NULLDBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Minimum silence period required to classify a callas voice detected.



DBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Indicates whether the debug setting for recordingwave files should be enabled for the dialer.


NULLvarchar(255)Additional configuration parameters.ConfigParam


DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the dialer, such as itslocation.



DBINTA unique identifier for this dialer.DialerID


VNAME32A name give to a particular dialer duringconfiguration.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)221

All TablesDialer

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Attempt dial tone detection before callinga contact. (This will ensure that the ACD hasallocated a resource to allow access to theoutside world.)

• N = Do not attempt dial tone detection beforecalling a contact.



DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = The dialer is available for calling contacts.

• N = The dialer is not available for callingcontacts.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTThe number of seconds to wait after hanging-up aport on a dialer card before attempting to use theport again. (This option is designed to give thetelephone system enough time to sense a hang-upand release the line.)



DBCHARReserved for future use.

Default = 'N'.


NULLvarchar(100)The local area code for this dialer. (This value iscompared to numbers being dialed to determinewhether '1' and the area code should be prefixed tothe dialed number.)


NULLvarchar(32)Long distance prefix - previously set in the Dialerregistry.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)222

All TablesDialer

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe peripheral ID for the ACD.PeripheralID

NULLDBFLT8THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Calls per second allowed in any one second for anyone dialer. Calls will be distributed evenly over thetime interval.



DBINTTHIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.A correction is applied to the Lines per Agent whenthe voice calls exceeds "PredictiveConnectionPace"calls. The default is 100.



DBFLT8THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.The PredictiveGain term controls the overall rate ofcorrective adjustment for the Lines per Agent. Thisis the multiplier for the Proportional corrective termin the algorithm. The default is 14.



DBFLT8THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.The Historic Gain term calculates an additionalcorrection based on the last 5 measurement sets. Asa default, it should be set to half the PredictiveGain.It attempts to correct for systematic undershootingor overshooting over several correction cycles. Thedefault is 7.



DBFLT8THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.Multiplier for the Proportional term when themeasured Abandoned Call Rate is less than the targetrate. This compensates for the fact that the upsidedifference between the target and measuredAbandoned Call Rate can be much larger than thedownside difference. The default is 1.5.


NULLvarchar(32)Dial a prefix string before the regular phone number.(This would be used, for example, to dial a '9' toreach an external line.)



DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Aways dial the area code instead ofstripping it out for local numbers.

• N = Strip out the area code for local numbers.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)223

All TablesDialer

Dialer_DetailThis table is in the Blended Agent category. (See Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608.) To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Because this table grows larger in size, running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract the data from the HDS into your own custom databaseon a separate server (that other Unified ICM/Unified CCE components do not use). Use only DBDateTime(date and time of the record that was written to the HDS database) to extract the data. You can index the tableon the custom database according to the custom reporting needs.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table contains no data.Note

This historical table tracks data on all outbound attempts, including personal callback attempts and previewcalls that an agent skips.

Unified CCE and G3 Support: The Dialer_Detail table is supported for Unified CCE only. Dialer Detailrecords are not supported for theG3 dialer. Some records might be written to the Dialer_Detail table for olderG3 dialers, but do not use the records.


Related Tables

• Campaign, on page 156(through CampaignID)

• Campaign_Skill_Group, on page 184 (through CampaignID)

• Dialer, on page 219 (through DialerID)

• Dialer_Real_Time, on page 239 (through DialerID)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through PeripheralID)

• Query_Rule, on page 358 (through QueryRuleID)

Table 163: Indexes for Dialer_Detail Table


RecoveryKeyPrimary keyXPKDialer_Detail

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE1Dialer_Detail

CampaignReportingDateTimeInversion keyXIE2Dialer_Detail

RouterCallKey, RouterCallKeyDayInversion keyXIE3Dialer_Detail

CallGUIDInversion keyXIE4Dialer_Detail

DateTimeInversion keyXIE5Dialer_Detail

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)224

All TablesDialer_Detail

Table 164: Fields in Dialer_Detail Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(128)Customer account number.AccountNumber

NULLDBINTThe calculated active threshold during the periodfor computing the noise floor.


NULLVARCHAR(32)PeripheralNumber / AgentID of the Agent thathandled the call.


NULLVARCHAR(20)The phone number at which the customer requestedto be called back. This field remains populated withcustomer-requested callback numbers for all personalcallback calls or regular callback calls.


NULLDBSMALLDATEThe date and time when to retry the call. This is thelocal time for the person receiving the call.


NULLDBINTOnly used for the SIP Dialer. For all other dialers,this field is reserved for future use.

The call duration of the outbound call inmilliseconds starting when the Dialer initiates thecall to the customer. It is the time difference betweenwhen the Call Setup Time starts and the outboundcall ends.

(Time the agent is in Call Setup Time + AgentTalktime + Agent Wrap-up Time(if configured))

CallDuration does not include AgentWrap-up Time if the call is transferredbefore entering wrap-up. The CallDisposition for transfer is 28 or 29.





VARCHAR(32)An identifier assigned to the call by the SIP Dialer.CallGUID

NULLDBINTTelephony call result (busy, no answer, and so on)or agent reservation attempt result (Agent RejectedCall, Unable to reserve, and so on). For the fieldvalues that can populate CallResult, see DialerDetail: CallResult, on page 654.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useCallResultDetail

NULLCHAR(1)Status of the customer record for Zone1. For thevalues that can populate this field, see Dialer Detail:CallStatusZone, on page 655.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)225

All TablesDialer_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLCHAR(1)Status of the customer record for Zone2. For thevalues that can populate this field, see Dialer Detail:CallStatusZone, on page 655.




DBDATETIMEThis value indicates interval date time that Routerused TCD record to calculate Call Type relatedhistorical data.




DBINTThe campaign that the call was placed for.CampaignID

NULLDBINTThe value is the offset in minutes that the customeris from UTC (formerly GMT).

CustomerTimeZone for PCB calls inDialer_Detail is always NULL.





DBDATETIMEDateTime (in Central Controller local time) at thestart of the interval when the row was generated.




DBDATETIMEDateTime (in Central Controller local time) whenthe records are written to the HDS database. Thelogger database has NULL for this column.




DBINTDialerID of the dialer where the outbound call wasinitiated.


NULLDBINTUnique identifier from the dialing list(DL_<CampaignID>_<QueryRuleID>) table in theoutbound database.

If the attempt is a Personal Callback, then this uniqueidentifier refers to the PersonalCallbackListID fieldin the Personal_Callback_List table in the outbounddatabase.


NULLDBINTCampaignmode the call was called. For field values,see Dialer Detail: DialingMode, on page 656.


NULLVARCHAR(50)First name of the contactFirstName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)226

All TablesDialer_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTFor SIP Dialer only.

The internal reference ID used to identify failureoccurring at the Dialer.

The possible values are:






50105 = TRANSFER TIMEOUT for AnsweringMachine Call




NULLDBINTFor SIP Dialer only.

The value is the ISDNQ931Disconnect Cause Codethe SIP Dialer receives from gateway.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3 - FutureUseInt8

NULLVARCHAR(64)For SIP Dialer only.

The IP address for a gateway that makes an outboundcall. In the deployment where the SIP Dialerconnects to the SIP Proxy, the IP address is gatewaythat is selected to make the outbound call.


NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2-4

NULLDBINTAmount of time a record is stored at a dialer.IdleTime

NULLDBDATETIMEThe Unified ICM Central Controller date and timewhen the record was imported.


NULLDBINTDo not use these fields.InternalUse1 - InternalUse11

NULLVARCHAR(50)Last name of the contactLastName

NULLDBINTMaximum amount of time that signal is detected asactive glitch (in mS).


NULLDBINTMaximum amount of time that signal is detected aspost speech silence glitch (in mS).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)227

All TablesDialer_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTMaximum ZCR standard deviation during the tonedetermination.


NULLDBINTThe calculated noise threshold during the period forcomputing the noise floor.


NULLDBINTThe total numbers of active glitches before a speechenergy is detected, or during theCPAMaxTermToneAnalysis period.


NULLDBINTThe total numbers of post speech silence glitches.NumOfPostSpeechSilenceGlitches

NULLDBINTAn identifier for the call that is provided by UnifiedCM and is unique to the Unified CM cluster.




DBINTPeripheral ID for the peripheral that the Agent isassociated with.


NULLVARCHAR(20)Phone number that was called.Phone

NULLVARCHAR(8)Phone extension that was imported.PhoneExt

NULLDBINTThe identifier of the phone that was dialed. This canbe any of phones 1 to 10. This field should be NULLfor both Personal Callback calls and RegularCallback calls.


NULLDBINTPhone index in the campaign target sequence. Thisfield should be NULL for both Personal Callbackcalls and Regular Callback calls.


NULLDBINTThe time period the first active voice energy isdetected after the customer answered the call inmilliseconds.


NULLDBINTReserved for future usePortNumber

NULLDBINTThe time that the Agent took to Accept, Skip, orReject a customer call when the skill group is inpreview mode and direct preview mode.


NULLDBINTInternal reference ID used to identify the componentclass (PBX/VRU/ACD).

The possible values are:

• NULL for all DialerDetail records prior to 8.0.

• 1 = SCCP

• 2 = SIP


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)228

All TablesDialer_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe query rule that the call was placed for.QueryRuleID

ClusteredIndex, NotNull

DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTThe call duration (in milliseconds) that agent wasreserved. In preview mode, this includes the time ofthe last preview and the time for dialing, performingCPA, and transferring the customer call to the agent.

In predictive mode, if reserved agent getsdisconnected even before connecting toa customer, this value will be NULL asthe agent is not yet associated with thecustomer.

In such cases, HoldTime ofcorresponding Termination Call Detailrecord will refer to agent reservation time.





DBINTA call key counter created and set by the systemsoftware. This value forms the unique portion of the64-bit key for the call. The system software resetsthis counter at midnight.




DBINTThe day that the call was taken and the Dialer_Detailrecord was created. This field contains a value onlyfor calls that were translation-routed or post-routedto or from an ACD.

Together with RouterCallKey, the Day value formsa unique 64-bit key for the call. The Dialer mightnot have this information for all calls. If it does, youcan track all states of a call between theRoute_Call_Detail and the Dialer_Detail tables byusing the cradle-to-grave call tracking facility. (Forcalls that span a day, the day may not correspond tothe day specified in the DateTime field.)


NULLDBINTAmount of time that the signal is silent after speechdetection to declare a live speech (in mS).


NULLDBINTSkill Group ID of the agent who handled the call.SkillGroupSkillTargetID

NULLDBINTAmount of time that the answering machineterminating tone is detected after declaringanswering machine detection (in mS).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)229

All TablesDialer_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTValidSpeechTime: Amount of time that energy isactive for declaring speech energy.


NULLVARCHAR(40)Wrap up data that the outbound agent entered.WrapupData

NULLDBSMALLINTThe zone that was active at the time that the attemptwas made. This can be 0 or 1. This field should beNULL for both Personal Callback calls and RegularCallback calls.


Dialer_Half_HourThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains statistics produced by Blended Agentwhen a dialing list is executed. Each row provides half-hour statistics for a particular dialer.

Related Table

Dialer, on page 219 (via DialerID)

Table 165: Indexes for Dialer_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Dialer_Half_Hour

DateTime, DialerID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


The Dialer_Interval Table will be populate with 30/15 minute reporting data, depending on the HistoricalReporting Interval setting for the PG. The Dialer_Half_Hour Table will not be populated with this data.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)230

All TablesDialer_Half_Hour

Table 166: Fields in Dialer_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the half hourinterval that were abandoned.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that hadto be abandoned. However, instead of hanging-upon a customer, the call was transferred to an IVRwhich played a message to the customer.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that were rejected by the agent (thesecustomers will not be dialed).


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that were rejected by the agent.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.AllPortsBusyCountToHalf

NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the half hourinterval in which an answering machines wasdetected.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the half-hour period thatdetected a busy signal.


NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for a callback.CallbackCountToHalf

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that weredropped while ringing the customer's telephone.


NULLDBINTThe number of contacts dialed during the half hourinterval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that wereabandoned by the customer after they picked up thetelephone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were answered by thewrong party; the customer was not home.



DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe half-hour interval.


IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.



DBINTThe dialer to which these statistics refer.DialerID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)231

All TablesDialer_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total time all ports configured on the dialer spentdialing contacts during this half hour interval. Thisincludes time spent in transfer and call progressdetection.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a FAX machine.


NULLDBINTThis field is temporarily being used to report thenumber of reservation calls that this Dialer attemptedduring this half hour.


NULLDBINTThis field is temporarily being used to record theamount of time all dialer ports were busy during thishalf hour. The time is recorded in seconds.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTThe total time all ports configured on the dialer spentidle during a 30 minute interval.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls where the voice energy was notsignificant enough to count.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the half hourinterval which were not answered.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period notreceiving dial tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current half hour periodthat did not receive a ring-back tone, that weredisconnected by the carrier or the network whileringing, or that were flagged with a data error or ano-value call.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal callback.



DBFLT8A value used internally by the system software totrack virtual time.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)232

All TablesDialer_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total time all ports configured on the dialer spentreserving agents during the 30 minute interval. Thismay also include time in queue if the reservationscript is using a queue node.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the half-hourinterval in which SIT tones were detected.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the half-hourinterval in which a voice was detected.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer phonenumber was incorrect (the customer did not livethere).


Dialer_IntervalThis section describes the Dialer Interval table.

Table 167: Fields in Dialer_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the reportinginterval that were abandoned.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat had to be abandoned. However, instead ofhanging-up on a customer, the call was transferredto an IVR which played a message to the customer.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a reportinginterval period that the agent rejected. (Thesecustomers are not dialed.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a reportinginterval period that the agent rejected.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.AllPortsBusyCount

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)233

All TablesDialer_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTime (in seconds) when all ports were utilized, andsome dialer operations were not attempted becauseof a lack of port resources.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the reportinginterval in which an answering machine wasdetected.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the reporting interval periodthat detected a busy signal.


NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for a callback.CallbackCount

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat were dropped while ringing the customer'sphone.


NULLDBINTThe number of contacts dialed during the reportinginterval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat the customer abandonded after they picked upthe phone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that the wrong party answered;the customer was not home.



DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe reporting interval.


IE1, NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.



DBINTThe dialer to which these statistics refer.DialerID

NULLDBINTThe total time all ports configured on the dialer spentdialing contacts during this reporting interval. Thisincludes time spent in transfer and call progressdetection.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected a FAX machine.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)234

All TablesDialer_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total time all ports configured on the dialer spentidle during a 30-minute interval.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Number of calls where the voice energy was notsignificant enough to count.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of dialer ports used duringa 30-minute interval on the dialer.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodthat detected a network answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the reportinginterval which were not answered.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a reporting interval periodnot receiving dial tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current reporting intervalperiod that did not receive a ringback tone, that thecarrier or the network disconnected while ringing,or that were flagged with a data error or a no-valuecall.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal callback.



DBFLT8A value used internally by the system software totrack virtual time.


NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0to 47). Two 15minute interval records have a uniquehalf hour boundary value.


NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, overwhich the router calculates the Call Type and CallType Skill Group data. The only valid value is 30(default).


NULLDBINTThe number of times the dialer attempted to reserveagents during this interval.


NULLDBINTThe total time all ports configured on the dialer spentreserving agents during the 30-minute interval. Thismay also include time in queue if the reservationscript is using a queue node.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)235

All TablesDialer_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the reportinginterval in which SIT tones were detected.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls made during the reportinginterval in which a voice was detected.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer phonenumber was incorrect. (The customer did not livethere.)


Dialer_Port_MapThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Maps port numbers on the dialer to the ports on the ACD, and identifies the ACD stations and their mappingto dialer ports. Use the Blended Agent Configuration option within Unified ICM Configuration Manager tomodify Dialer_Port_Map records. The Primary Key (PK) is nonclustered.

Related Table

Dialer, on page 219 (via DialerID)

Table 168: Indexes for Dialer_Port_Map Table


DialerID, PortNumberclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)236

All TablesDialer_Port_Map

Table 169: Fields in Dialer_Port_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe dialer to which these statistics refer.DialerID

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTIdentifies the particular dialer port on this dialer thatmatches the ACD port.


NULLvarchar(32)Identifies the ACD station and its mapping to a dialerport.


Dialer_Port_Real_TimeThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Local database only.

Contains the current status of every telephone line for every dialer in Blended Agent. The Primary Key (PK)is nonclustered.

Related Tables

Dialer, on page 219 (via DialerID)

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Query_Rule, on page 358 (via QueryRuleID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)237

All TablesDialer_Port_Real_Time

Table 170: Indexes for Dialer_Port_Real_Time Table


DialerID, PortNumberclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 171: Fields in Dialer_Port_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVNAME32If the port is dialing, this value is the account number(if available) being dialed.


FK NULLDBINTIf the port is dialing, this value indicates thecampaign from which the contact being dialed wasretrieved.



DBDATETIMEThe Central Controller date and time at which eachrow was saved.



DBINTThe dialer to which these statistics refer.DialerID

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(32)If the port is dialing, this value is the phone numberbeing dialed.



DBINTThe dialer port (line) number within the currentdialer.



DBINTThe current line status (for example, dialing,on-hook, off-hook). To see the list of values, seePort Status, on page 661



FK NULLDBINTIf the port is dialing, this value identifies the queryrule from which the contact being dialed wasretrieved.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)238

All TablesDialer_Port_Real_Time

Dialer_Real_TimeThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Local database only.

Contains statistics produced by Blended Agent when a dialing list is executed. Each row provides real-timestatistics for a particular dialer.

The data in this table is reset nightly.

Related table

Dialer, on page 219 (via DialerID)

Table 172: Indexes for Dialer_Real_Time Table


DialerIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 173: Fields in Dialer_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls abandoned by customers sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current 30 minute periodthat had to be abandoned.

However, there was not a hang-up. Instead, the callwas transferred to an IVR that played a message tothe customer.


NULLDBINTNumber or preview/call-back calls that were rejectedby the agent in the current 30 minute period. (Thesecustomers will not be dialed.)


NULLDBINTNumber or preview/call-back calls that were rejectedby the agent in the current 30 minute period.






Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)239

All TablesDialer_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of times all ports were busy during thelast 30 minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of answering machines detected sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTThe number of busy signals detected since midnight.BusyDetectToday

NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for acall-back.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current 30 minute periodthat were dropped while ringing the customer phone.


NULLDBINTThe number of attempted calls since midnight.ContactsDialedToday

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of attempted calls within a half-hourperiod.




NULLDBINTIn the current half-hour period, the number of callsthat were abandoned by the customer after theypicked up the phone


NULLDBINTNumber of calls in a 30 minute period that wereabandoned by the customer after they picked up thephone.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total time all ports configured on the dialer spentdialing contacts today. This includes time spent intransfer and call progress detection.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total time all ports configured on the dialer spentdialing contacts during the last 30 minutes. Thisincludes time spent in transfer and call progressdetection.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time this record was saved.DateTime

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)240

All TablesDialer_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe dialer to which these statistics refer.DialerID

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)Status of the dialer as observed and reported by theCampaign Manager.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current 30 minute periodthat detected a fax machine.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of ports used at the currenttime on the dialer.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total time all ports configured on the dialer spentidle today.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total time all ports configured on this dialerspend idle during the last half hour.




NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current 30 minute periodthat detected a network answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of call attempts that were not answeredsince midnight.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current 30 minute periodthat did not receive dial tone.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)241

All TablesDialer_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in the current 30 minute periodthat did not receive a ring-back tone, that weredisconnected by the carrier or the network whileringing, or that were flagged with a data error or ano-value call.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal call-back.


NULLDBINTThe number of ports that are in a working state,meaning that they are fully registered.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total time all ports configured on the dialer spentreserving agents today.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total time all ports configured on this dialerspent reserving agents during the last half hour.


NULLDBINTSIT tones detected since midnight.SITToneDetectToday

NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network SIT tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls answered by people sincemidnight.


NULLDBINT(THIS FIELD IS NOT CURRENTLY BEINGUSED. IT IS RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.)The total number of calls ending in an agentanswering the call during the last half-hour.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the phone number wasincorrect (the customer did not live there).




Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)242

All TablesDialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour

This table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases and provides historical reporting for campaigns running on adialer. Each skill group maps to a campaign. This is similar to the dump alloc provided in the dialer traces.

Related Tables

Dialer, on page 219 (via DialerID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via SkillGroupSkillTargetID)

Table 174: Indexes for Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour

DialerID, DateTime,SkillGroupSkillTargetID, TimeZone

Clustered, unique primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 175: Fields in Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period where thedialer abandoned a customer call.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that hadto be abandoned. However, instead of hanging-upon a customer, the call was transferred to an IVRwhich played a message to the customer.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that were closeded by the agent (thesecustomers will not be dialed).


NULLDBFLT4Configured by the script editor, this is the percentof agents within the skill group that the dialer isallowed to reserve.


NULLDBINTThe number of preview/callback calls in a half-hourperiod that were rejected by the agent.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected an answering machine.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a busy signal.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)243

All TablesDialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total number of records scheduled for a callback.CallbackCountToHalf

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period where thedialer cancelled a ringing customer call.


NULLDBINTThe number of attempted calls within a half-hourperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that wereabandoned by the customer after they picked up thetelephone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were answered by thewrong party; the customer was not home.



DBSMALLDATEThe central controller date and time at the start ofthe interval.



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the database.



DBINTThe unique identifier of the Dialer.DialerID

NULLChar(1)Indicates whether all of the necessary factors are inplace to be dialing right now. (Y or N) This includes,but is not limited to, campaign activation and havingavailable agents.


NULLChar(1)Mode of the campaign for this dialer as set in scripteditor for this skill group. (N=None, P=Preview,R=Predictive/Progressive, A=Callback)


NULLChar(1)Type or direction of the campaign as set in the scripteditor for this skill group (N=None, I=Inbound,O=Outbound, B=Blended)


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a FAX machine.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)244

All TablesDialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Number of lines being dialed per agent right now.LinesPerAgentToHalf

NULLDBINTNumber of calls where the voice energy was notsignificant enough to count.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network answering machine. A networkanswering machine can be a network based IVR, ora network based answering service.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that werenot answered.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that didnot receive a dial tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period that didnot receive a ring back tone.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer requesteda personal callback.



DBFLT8The unique record identifier.RecoveryKey

NULLDBINTThe number of calls in a half-hour period thatdetected a network SIT tone.



DBINTThe unique identifier of the skill group.SkillGroupSkillTargetID


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls ending in an agentanswering the call during the last half-hour.

Outbound Option: The number of calls in ahalf-hour period that detected a live person.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls where the customer's phonenumber was incorrect (the customer did not livethere).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)245

All TablesDialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour



This table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Local database only.

Real time reporting for how campaigns are running on a dialer. Each skill group maps to a campaign. This issimilar to the dump alloc provided in the dialer traces.

Related Tables

Dialer, on page 219 (via DialerID)

Campaign, on page 156 (via CampaignID)

Skill Group (via SkillGroupSkillTargetID)

Table 176: Indexes for Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time Table


DialerID, SkillGroupSkillTargetIDclustered, unique primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 177: Fields in Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Configured by the script editor, this is the percentof agents within this skill group that the dialer isallowed to reserve.


NULLDBINTCount of calls that were answered today. Thisincludes calls where agent marked the calls as aWrong Number or Not Home.


NULLDBINTCount of calls that were answered to five. Thisincludes calls where agent marked the calls as aWrong Number or Not Home.


NULLDBINTCount of calls that were answered to half. Thisincludes calls where agent marked the calls as aWrong Number or Not Home.


NULLDBINTCalls abandoned during this time period.CallsAbandonedToday

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)246

All TablesDialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTCalls abandoned during this time period.CallsAbandonedTo5

NULLDBINTCalls abandoned during this time period.CallsAbandonedToHalf

NULLDBINTCalls attempted during this time period.CallsAttemptedToday

NULLDBINTCalls attempted during this time period.CallsAttemptedTo5

NULLDBINTCalls attempted during this time period.CallsAttemptedToHalf

NULLDBINTCalls cancelled during this time period.CallsCancelledToday

NULLDBINTCalls cancelled during this time period.CallsCancelledTo5

NULLDBINTCalls cancelled during this time period.CallsCancelledToHalf

FK NULLDBINTThe unique identifier for the Campaign.CampaignID


DBDATETIMEThe central controller date and time at the start ofthe interval.



DBINTThe unique identifier of the Dialer.DialerID

NULLChar(1)Indicates whether all of the necessary factors are inplace to be dialing right now (Y or N). This includes,but is not limited to, campaign activation and havingavailable agents.


NULLChar(1)Mode of the campaign for this dialer as set in scripteditor for this skill group. (N=None, P=Preview,R=Predictive/Progressive, A=Callback)


NULLChar(1)Type or direction of the campaign as set in the scripteditor for this skill group (N=None, I=Inbound,O=Outbound, B=Blended)


NULLDBINTErrors detected during this time period including noringback, reorder, no dialer tone.


NULLDBINTErrors detected during this time period including noringback, reorder, no dialer tone.


NULLDBINTErrors detected during this time period including noringback, reorder, no dialer tone.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)247

All TablesDialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTNumber of available records in the cache to dial rightnow.


NULLDBFLT4Number of lines being dialed per agent right now.LinesPerAgent


DBINTThe unique identifier of the Skill Group.SkillGroupSkillTargetID

NULLDBINTNumber of records being used for dialing right now.UsedRecords

NULLDBINTCustomers contacted during this time period.VoiceCountToday

NULLDBINTCustomers contacted during this time period.VoiceCountTo5

NULLDBINTCustomers contacted during this time period.VoiceCountToHalf

ECC_PayloadEach row contains information about the ECC_Payload. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add,update, and delete ECC_Payload records.

Related Tables

• ECC_Payload_Member, on page 249 (through ECCPayloadID)

Table 178: Indexes for ECC_Payload Table


ECCPayloadIDPrimary keyXPKECC_Payload

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1ECC_Payload

Table 179: Fields in ECC_Payload Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for this ECC payloadECCPayloadID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)248

All TablesECC_Payload

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



VNAME32An enterprise name for the payload. This namemustbe unique among all enterprise routes within thebusiness entity.



DESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the ECC payloadDescription

NULLDBCHARFor future useSystemDefined


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is addedor updated.


NULLDBINTFor future useDepartmentID

ECC_Payload_MemberEach row contains information regarding the ECC_Payload_Member.

Related Tables

• ECC_Payload, on page 248 (through ECCPayloadID)

Table 180: Indexes for ECC_Payload_Member Table



Primary keyXPKECC_Payload_Member

Table 181: Fields in ECC_Payload _Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for this ECC payloadECCPayloadID



DBSMALLINTA unique identifier for the call variable.ExpandedCallVariableID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)249

All TablesECC_Payload_Member

Enterprise_RouteThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

Each row defines an enterprise-wide route composed of routes from different peripherals. Use Unified ICMConfiguration Manager to add, update, and delete Enterprise_Route records. The Primary Key (PK) isnonclustered. The AlternateKey (AK) is clustered.

Related Tables

Business_Entity, on page 103 (via EntityID)

Enterprise_Route_Member, on page 251 (via EnterpriseRouteID)

Table 182: Indexes for Enterprise_Route Table


EnterpriseName, EntityIDclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


EnterpriseRouteIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 183: Fields in Enterprise_Route Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the enterprise route.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for this enterprise route. Thisname must be unique among all enterprise routeswithin the business entity.



DBINTUnique identifier for this enterprise route.EnterpriseRouteID


DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which this enterprise route belongs.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)250

All TablesEnterprise_Route

Enterprise_Route_MemberThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

It maps routes to enterprise routes. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and deleteEnterprise_Route_Member records.

Related Table

Enterprise_Route, on page 250 (via EnterpriseRouteID)

Table 184: Indexes for Enterprise_Route_Member Table


EnterpriseRouteID, RouteIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 185: Fields in Enterprise_Route_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the Enterprise_Route table.EnterpriseRouteID


DBINTForeign key from the Route table.RouteID

Enterprise_ServiceThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

Each row defines an enterprise-wide service composed of services from different peripherals. Use UnifiedICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Enterprise_Service records.

Related Tables

Business_Entity, on page 103 (via EntityID)

Enterprise_Service_Member, on page 252 (via EnterpriseServiceID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)251

All TablesEnterprise_Route_Member

Table 186: Indexes for Enterprise_Service Table


EntityID, EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


EnterpriseServiceIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 187: Fields in Enterprise_Service Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the enterprise service.Description

NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.



VNAME32An enterprise name for this enterprise service. Thisname must be unique among all enterprise serviceswithin the business entity.



DBINTUnique identifier for this enterprise service.EnterpriseServiceID


DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which the enterprise service belongs.


Enterprise_Service_MemberThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

It maps services to enterprise services. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add or deleteEnterprise_Service_Member records.

Related tables

Enterprise_Service, on page 251 (via EnterpriseServiceID)

Service, on page 443 (via SkillTargetID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)252

All TablesEnterprise_Service_Member

Table 188: Indexes for Enterprise_Service_Member Table


SkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Enterprise_Service_Member

EnterpriseServiceID, SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 189: Fields in Enterprise_Service_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the Enterprise Service table.EnterpriseServiceID


DBINTForeign Key from the Service table.SkillTargetID

Enterprise_Skill_GroupThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

Each row defines an enterprise-wide skill group composed of skill groups from different peripherals. UseUnified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Enterprise_Skill_Group records.

Related Tables

Business_Entity, on page 103 (via EntityID)

Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member, on page 254 (via EnterpriseSkillGroupID)

Table 190: Indexes for Enterprise_Skill_Group Table


EntityID, EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


EnterpriseSkillGroupIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)253

All TablesEnterprise_Skill_Group

Table 191: Fields in Enterprise_Skill_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the enterprise skillgroup.


NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.



VNAME32An enterprise name for this enterprise skill group.This namemust be unique among all enterprise skillgroups within the business entity.



DBINTUnique identifier for this enterprise skill group.EnterpriseSkillGroupID


DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which the enterprise skill group belongs.


Enterprise_Skill_Group_MemberThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

It maps skill groups to enterprise skill groups. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add or deleteEnterprise_Skill_Group_Member records

Related Tables

Enterprise_Skill_Group, on page 253 (via EnterpriseSkillGroupID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via SkillTargetID)

Table 192: Indexes for Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member Table


SkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Enterprise_Skill_Group_Mem

EnterpriseSkillGroupID, SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)254

All TablesEnterprise_Skill_Group_Member

Table 193: Fields in Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign Key from the Enterprise Skill Group table.EnterpriseSkillGroupID


DBINTForeign Key from the Skill Group table.SkillTargetID

EventThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Central database only.

Contains system events generated by the system software.

Table 194: Indexes for Event Table


CentralControllerFileTimenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Event

MessageIdnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Event

RecoveryKeyclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 195: Fields in Event Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarbinary(max)Optional event binary data.BinData

NULLVNAME32The type of message.Category


DBDATETIMEFile Time event was processed at the CentralController.



DBINTTime zone at the Central Controller. The value isthe offset in minutes from UTC (formerly calledGMT).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)255

All TablesEvent

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTVirtual Time event was processed at the CentralController.



DBINTThe customer ID.CustomerId

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword1

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORDDword2

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword3

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword4

NULLDBINTOptional event DWORD.Dword5


DBINTMessage ID from message compiler.MessageId

NULLDESCRIPTIONContents of message.MessageString


VNAME32Name of the process that originated the event.ProcName


DBINTA value used internally by the system software totrack virtual time.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLvarchar(16)The level of the message.Severity


DBCHARSide of event originator:

• A orB = Paired processes

• \0 = A non-paired process



DBDATETIMEFile time event was generated (originator's time).SourceFileTime

NULLVNAME32Name of the node that generated the event.SourceSystemName


DBINTVirtual time event was generated (originator's time).SourceVirtualTime


DBINTStatus code value.StatusCode

NULLDESCRIPTIONString associated with the status code.StatusCodeString

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)256

All TablesEvent

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTClassification of the value in StatusCode field.StatusCodeType

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String1

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String2

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String3

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String4

NULLvarchar(240)Optional event string.String5


DBSMALLINTDMP system ID of the event originator. For aCallRouter or Logger, this value is always 0.



DBSMALLINTThe type of system that generated the event. To seethe list of values, see Event Fields, on page 657.



DBSMALLINTEMS version number.VersionNum

Expanded_Call_VariableThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row describes an expanded call variable. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, anddelete Expanded_Call_Variable records.

Related tables

Route_Call_Variable, on page 383 (via ExpandedCallVariableID)

Termination_Call_Variable, on page 577 (via ExpandedCallVariableID)

Table 196: Indexes forExpanded_Call_Variable Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ExpandedCallVariableIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)257

All TablesExpanded_Call_Variable

Table 197: Fields in Expanded_Call_Variable Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y= Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the call variable.Description


DBCHARIndicates whether the call variable is an array:

• Y= Yes

• N = No



DBCHARIndicates whether the call variable is currentlyenabled:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



VNAME32An enterprise name for this call variable. This namemust be unique among all expanded call variableswithin the business entity.



DBSMALLINTA unique identifier for the call variable.ExpandedCallVariableID


DBCHARIndicates whether the call variable is provided byCisco:

• Y= Yes

• N= No


NULLDBINTIf the call variable is an array, the maximum numberof elements in the array: 1 to 255.



DBINTThe maximum length of the call variable value: 1 to210.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)258

All TablesExpanded_Call_Variable

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARY or N. Default is N.

Specifies whether or not each individual ECCvariable is persistent (is written to the historicaldatabase with the TCD or RCD record).

The 'Persistent' value is configurable using theExpanded Call Context Variable list tool.

For newly-added ECC variables, the checkbox forthe Peristent value is unchecked; that is, the defaultvalue is 'N'. To change the value to 'Y', check thisbox in the configuration tool.

In an upgrade, pre-existing ECC variables, whichwere previously persistent by default, are notchanged; they remain 'Y'. Youmay reconfigure themto 'N'

Only persistent ECC variables (those setto 'Y' ) are written to the database.Non-persistent ECC variables (those setto 'N' ) are not written to the database, butthey can be used in routing scripts.



Feature_Control_SetThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

It contains information about the different feature sets that may be used by different users.

The Feature Control Set List tool is not available on a limited AW.Note

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Feature_Control_Set records.

Related tables

User_Group, on page 591 (via FeatureSetID)

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via FeatureSetID)

Table 198: Indexes for Feature_Control_Set Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)259

All TablesFeature_Control_Set


FeatureSetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 199: Fields in Feature_Control_Set Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPThis value is incremented when the record ischanged in the central database.


NULLDateTimeStampRecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONA description of the feature set.Description


VNAME32A unique name among all feature sets in theenterprise.


NULLvarbinary(max)Contains all the information about the feature set.FeatureSetData


DBINTA unique identifier for this feature set.FeatureSetID

ICR_GlobalsThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Contains a single record containing general information about the Unified ICM configuration. You can useUnified ICM Configuration Manager to modify some fields of the ICR_Globals records.

Related Tables

Call_Type, on page 110(DefaultCallTypeID maps to Call_Type.CallTypeID)

Network_Vru, on page 312 (DefaultNetworkTargetID maps to Network_VRU.NetworkTargetID)

Table 200: Fields in ICR_Globals Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBCHARReserved for future use.AnalyzerIntegrated


DBINTThe ID for the entry in the Bucket_Interval Tableused for all CallTypes as the default BucketIntervals. The default value is 1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)260

All TablesICR_Globals

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VARCHAR(190)The name of the NT domain that contains the CentralController.


NULLDBINTThe number of digits of CLID to mask.CLIDMaskingDigitsToMask


DBCHARValid options are:

• Y = CLID masking is enabled.

• N = CLID masking is not enabled.


NULLvarchar(1)The character to use when masking digits.CLIDMaskingMaskCharacter

NULLDBCHARValid options are:

• Y = Remove digits.

• N = Mask digits.


NULLDBSMALLINTTheminimum time in seconds an incoming call mustbe in process (in queue, listening to announcements,answering prompts) before being considered anabandoned call if the caller hangs up. The defaultvalue is 5.


NULLDBINTThe time in seconds to be used as the service levelthreshold. The default value is 20.


NULLDBSMALLINTDefault value that indicates how the system softwarecalculates the service level (that is, how it handlesabandoned calls in CallTypeServiceLevelTypecalculating the service level). The default value is1 - Ignoreabandoned calls.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(32)Name of the customer.CompanyName


DBCHARReserved for future use.CompatibleECCPayloadRules

NULLVarchar(32)Default CVP Survey App NameCVPCxSurveyAppName (For FutureUse).

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)261

All TablesICR_Globals

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

FK NULLDBINTIdentifies a general default call type. This default isused if a call does not map to a specific call type andno default call type is defined for the associatedrouting client.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies the default network VRU to use for acustomer that has no network VRU defined or for adialed number that is not associated with a customer.



DBCHARIndicates whether expanded call context is enabledfor the Unified ICM. Valid options are:

• Y = ECC is enabled

• N= (Default) ECC is not enabled.



DBCHAREnable/Disable PG to CCHHThrottling. The defaultvalue is Y.



DBCHAREnables the use of an external authenticator with theConfiguration Management Service (CMS) for theLoginName in the Person table. Valid options are:

• Y = External authenticator enabled.

• N= External authenticator not enabled.


NULLVarchar (255)Name of external DLL to be used for scriptvalidation.



DBINTThe value indicates router to calculate Call Typeand Call Type Skill Group data for that interval.Default: 30.



DBINTValid options include:

• 1 = Standard

• 2 = CICM

• 3 = NAM


NULLDBINTWhich of the allowed Unified CCE "simplified"deployment options the user has selected in theweb-based config "Deployment Wizard".


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)262

All TablesICR_Globals

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe state of the Unified CCE deployment as knownby the web-based config "Deployment Wizard."


• 0 - Not Done.

Value 0 inserted at database create-time.

• 1 - Aborted.

• 2 - Done.



DBSMALLINTMaximum number of script versions to retain foreach master script. If the value is 0, all versions areretained.



DBCHARSpecifies whether or not LoginNames in the Persontable are case-sensitive. Valid options are:

• Y = Indicates that LoginNames in the Persontable are case sensitive.

• N = Indicates that the case of LoginNames inthe Person table does not matter.

(1) Changing this property will causeALL person login names in the databaseto be changed appropriately. (2) It ispossible that not all person records canbe converted from case sensitive to notcase sensitive or the reverse. This canhappen if changing the case causes aname conflict with other login names inthe system.



NULLDBINTThemaximum value to be used as a correlation valuefor calls sent to a network VRU.



DBINTThe maximum number of partitions that can beconfigured for the system if partitioning is enabled.


NULLDBINTTheminimum value to be used as a correlation valuefor calls sent to a network VRU.



DBINTSpecifies a minimum password length for a Person.MinPasswordLength


DBINTThe shortest interval, in seconds, at which anadministrative script can be scheduled.


NULLDBINTFor future use.PQAgentOrdering

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)263

All TablesICR_Globals

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTFor future use.PQServiceLevelThreshold

NULLDBSMALLINTFor future use.PQServiceLevelType

NULLDBCHARIndicates whether or not partitioning is enabled.Valid options are:

• Y = Partitioning is enabled.

• N = Partitioning is not enabled.

Partitioning was obsoleted in UnifiedCCE Release 9.0(1). Databasepartitioning, if enabled, prevents upgradeto Unified CCE Release 11.5(1). Youmust remove database partitioning beforerunning Unified CCE Release 11.5(1)installer.




DBSMALLINTIndicates if every component on the system canhandle encoded passwords (PGs, 3rd Partyapplications, and so forth)

• 1 = MD5

• 2 = SHA-2

The default is 1.



DBSMALLINTIndicates whether SSO is enabled:

• 0 = SSO not enabled (default)

• 1 = SSO enabled

• 2 = Hybrid, SSO and non-SSO logins are bothin use


ICR_InstanceThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row defines an Unified ICM instance. For a Network ApplicationsManager (NAM), you should configurean instance for each associated Customer ICM. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create, update,or delete an Unified ICM instance.

Related Tables

Application_Gateway, on page 80 (via ICRInstanceID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)264

All TablesICR_Instance

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via ICRInstanceID)

ICR_Node, on page 267 (via ICRInstanceID)

Table 201: Indexes for ICR_Instance Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


NetworkICRInstanceIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1ICR_Instance

ICRInstanceIDclustered, unique,primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 202: Fields in ICR_Instance Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAny additional information about the instance.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the instance. This namemustbe unique for all Unified ICM instances in theenterprise.



DBINTA unique identifier for the instance.ICRInstanceID

NULLDBBIGINTKey value this instance received from the NAMwiththe last configuration update.



DBINTThe Network Unified ICM instance, if any,associated with the instance.



DBINTThe number the identifies the instance inWeb Setup.Number


DBSMALLINTIndicates whether the instance is Network ICM ora Customer ICM.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)265

All TablesICR_Instance

ICR_LocksThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Contains information about system locks currently held by users.

Table 203: Indexes for ICR_Locks Table


LockType, LockIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 204: Fields in ICR_Locks Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLvarchar(255)Additional information the system softwaremaintains for the lock.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the lock was obtained.DateTime


DBINTIdentifies the object that is locked. For example, fora Script lock, LockID holds the ScriptID value.



DESCRIPTIONThe name of the object that is locked. For example,for a Script lock, LockName holds the name of thescript.



DBINTThe type of the lock. To see values, see ICR LocksFields, on page 657.



DBINTIndicates whether the system software shouldautomatically release the lock when the associateddata are saved to the system database.



VNAME32The system from which the user obtained the lock.SystemName


varchar(64)The name of the user who holds the lock.UserName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)266

All TablesICR_Locks

ICR_NodeThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row represents a real- time distributor associated with an Unified ICM instance. On a Network ICM,you must configure the distributors associated with each Customer ICM. The Network ICM needs thisinformation to forward certain configuration changes. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create,modify, or delete an Unified ICM node.

Related Table

ICR_Instance, on page 264(via ICRInstanceID)

Table 205: Indexes for ICR_Node Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


ICRInstanceIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1ICR_Node

ICRNodeIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 206: Fields in ICR_Node Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(255)Parameters to be passed to the node at initialization.ConfigParam

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the node.Description


varchar(64)The name of the NT domain that contains the node.DomainName


VNAME32An enterprise name for the node. This name mustbe unique for all nodes in the enterprise.



DBINTThe Unified ICM instance associated with the node.ICRInstanceID


DBINTA unique identifier for the node.ICRNodeID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)267

All TablesICR_Node

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The host name of the machine on which the noderuns.



DBSMALLINTThe type of node:

• 1 = Primary Distributor

• 2 = Backup Distributor


ICR_ViewThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Each ICR_View describes how the system software interprets the data imported for a schedule. The individualcolumns within the view are described in associated View_Column rows.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (via ICRViewID)

View_Column, on page 598 (via ICRViewID)

Table 207: Indexes for ICR_View Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


ICRViewIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 208: Fields in ICR_View Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The name of the table in the system from which itis imported.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)268

All TablesICR_View

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the view.Description


VNAME32A unique name for the view.EnterpriseName


DBINTA unique identifier for the view.ICRViewID


DBCHARIndicates whether fields in the Schedule Import tablecan be read directly rather than through a view. Validoptions are:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



VNAME32The name of the view.ViewName


DBINTThe type of view.ViewType

IdsThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Indicates whether a specific object type supports row-level security. For those object types that do supportrow-level security, the Ids table contains one row for each object of that type.

Related Tables

Object_List, on page 317 (via ObjectType)

Object_Security, on page 318 (via ObjectType + ObjectID)

User_Security_Control, on page 594 (via ObjectType + ObjectID)

Table 209: Indexes for IDs Table


ObjectType, ObjectIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)269

All TablesIds

Table 210: Fields in Ids Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies a specific object for which row-levelsecurity is supported. If the object type does notsupport row-level security, this value is 0.



DBINTIdentifies the object type.ObjectType


DBINTIdentifies the object's parent. A value of 0 indicatesthat the object has no parent.



DBINTIdentifies the object type of the object's parent. Forexample, a peripheral is a parent to its trunk groups.A value of 0 indicates that the object has no parent.


Import_LogThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains information about schedule importoperations that have been performed. The system software automatically creates an Import_Log row eachtime it imports schedule information. The Primary Key (PK) is nonclustered.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Table 211: Indexes for Import_Log Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DateTime, ScheduleID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 212: Fields in Import_Log Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the row was generated.DateTime

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)270

All TablesImport_Log

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The operation that was logged; for example Importor Edit.



DESCRIPTIONIndicates 'Success' or describes an error.Message


DBFLT8A value used internally by the system software totrack virtual time.



DBINTThe number of rows imported or modified.RowsCopied


DBINTIdentifies the schedule affected.ScheduleID


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



VNAME32The workstation from which data was imported.WorkstationName

Import_RuleThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Contains a list of all the import rules and their associated import lists. Use the Blended Agent Configurationoption within Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modify Import_Rule records.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Related Tables

Query_Rule, on page 358 (via ImportRuleID)

Import_Rule_Clause, on page 275 (via ImportRuleID)

Import_Rule_History, on page 277 (via ImportRuleID)

Import_Rule_Real_Time, on page 278 (via ImportRuleID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)271

All TablesImport_Rule

Table 213: Indexes for Import_Rule Table


ImportRuleNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


ImportRuleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 214: Fields in Import_Rule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIdentifies whether this import rule was created usingthe Outbound API:

• Y = campaign created using the API

• N = campaign created using the OutboundOption Import Rule tool in the ICMConfiguration Manager



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



varchar(64)The name of the contact table into which this file isto be imported.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTThe day of the month to run this import. Only usedwhen MonthlyEnabled is set to Y.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



DBCHARIndicates whether file is fixed format, commadelimited, or pipe delimited.

• F = Fixed format

• C = Comma delimited

• P = Pipe delimited


NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)272

All TablesImport_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARA flag that indicates whether this import should berun at the scheduled time:

• Y = Run at scheduled time.

• N = Do not run at scheduled time.


NULLvarchar(255)The directory where the file to be imported is stored.UNC naming convention.



DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = Import files are imported as soon as theyare created. After the import is complete, theimport file is renamed or deleted.

• N = Import files are not imported as soon asthey are created.



DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Friday:

• Y = Perform import every Friday.

• N = Do not perform import every Friday.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTA unique identifier for this import rule.ImportRuleID


VNAME32The customer-entered name for this import rule.ImportRuleName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)273

All TablesImport_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIndicates if this is a Contact Import or a Do-Not-Callimport:

• Y = The import type is Contact Import.

• N = = The import type is Do-Not-Call.



DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Monday:

• Y = Perform import every Monday.

• N = Do not perform import every Monday.



DBCHARIf enabled, this import schedule will run based onthe day of the month instead of the current weekday:

• Y = Import will occur one day per month.

• N = Import will occur on a daily/weekly basis.



DBCHARIndicates whether a contact table that already existsshould be overwritten:

• Y = Yes, overwrite

• N = = No, append to.



DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = The import file must be renamed after itis imported; otherwise, it will be deleted.

• N = The import file need not be renamed.



DBSMALLINTThe number of import tile versions that aremaintained. After an import file is imported, its namecan be appended with a .001 through .nnn.


Not in use.SPPostImportEnabled

Not in use.SPPreImportEnabled


DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Saturday:

• Y = Perform import every Saturday.

• N = Do not perform import every Saturday.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)274

All TablesImport_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe hour at which the import should start. Hours arein 24-hour format and are based on CentralController time.



DBINTThe minute at which the import should start, basedon Central Controller time.



DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Sunday:

• Y = Perform import every Sunday.

• N = Do not perform import every Sunday.



DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Thursday:

• Y = Perform import every Thursday.

• N = Do not perform import every Thursday.



DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Tuesday:

• Y = Perform import every Tuesday.

• N = Do not perform import every Tuesday.



DBCHARFlag that indicates if this import should be performedevery Wednesday:

• Y = Perform import every Wednesday.

• N = Do not perform import every Wednesday.


Import_Rule_ClauseThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Defines the portions of an import list to be imported by the Blended Agent Import Rule process. Use theBlendedAgent Configuration optionwithinUnified ICMConfigurationManager tomodify Import_Rule_Clauserecords.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)275

All TablesImport_Rule_Clause

Related Table

Import_Rule, on page 271 (via ImportRuleID)

Table 215: Indexes for Import_Rule_Clause Table


ImportRuleID, SequenceNumberclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 216: Fields in Import_Rule_Clause Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIndicates how many positions after the decimalpoint.



varchar(64)The name of the columnwithin the contact table intowhich the corresponding field within the import filewill be inserted.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTThe import rule to which this clause belongs.ImportRuleID


DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = Index will be created on this column.

• N = Index will not be created on this column.



DBINTThe length of the column.Length

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)276

All TablesImport_Rule_Clause

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = Column allows a NULL entry.

• N = Column does not allow NULL values.



DBINTThe index for clauses within a given import rule.SequenceNumber

NULLDBINTThe name of a Blended Agent standard column towhich this field will default.



DBINTThe data type of the column.Type

Import_Rule_HistoryThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains the history of every Blended Agent importand shows how many records have succeeded and failed.

Related Table

Import_Rule, on page 271 (via ImportRuleID)

Table 217: Indexes for Import_Rule_History Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


StartDateTime, ImportRuleID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 218: Fields in Import_Rule_History Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe number of records that had errors whileimporting.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the import was finished.EndDateTime

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)277

All TablesImport_Rule_History

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe number of records successfully imported so far.GoodRecords

NULLDBINT0 = Append, 1 = OverwriteListImportType

NULLDBINT1 = Contact List, 2 = Do Not Call ListImportType

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTNumber of records which were imported toDialingLists. This number may be larger than thenumber of records in the import if this import list isassociated with more than one campaign query rule.



DBINTThe current active import.ImportRuleID


DBFLT8A value used internally by the system software totrack virtual time.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the import was started.StartDateTime


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



DBINTThe total number of records contained in the importfile.


NULLDBINTNumber of records which did not match any of theexisting region prefixes, thus getting the defaultcampaign time zone.


Import_Rule_Real_TimeThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Local database only.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)278

All TablesImport_Rule_Real_Time

Contains the name and current status of the import list that is currently being generated by the Blended AgentImport Rule process.

Related Table

Import_Rule, on page 271 (via ImportRuleID)

Table 219: Indexes for Import_Rule_Real_Time Table


ImportRuleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 220: Fields in Import_Rule_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of records that had errors while beingimported. (Note: A new-line character with a spacecharacter can result in a bad record. For example, ifyou enter 10 customer records into a text file andthen press the Enter key after the 10th record, an11th "bad record" is created by this process.)



DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the import was changed.DateTime

NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time at which this import was started.DateTimeStart

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTThe number of records successfully imported so far.GoodRecords


DBINTThe current active import.ImportRuleID

NULLDBINTThe real-time import status: 380, Import Begin; 385,Import Update; 420, Import End; 430, DNC Begin;450 DNC End.


NULLDBINTA count of all records within an import file.TotalRecords

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)279

All TablesImport_Rule_Real_Time

Import_ScheduleThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Defines a command that the system software executes periodically to import data into a schedule. Use theWorkforce Management Integration System to schedule import operations.

Related Tables

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Table 221: Indexes for Import_Schedule Table


ScheduleIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Import_Schedule

ImportScheduleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 222: Fields in Import_Schedule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


varchar(255)The command the system software executes toimport the data.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the schedule import.Description


DBINTA unique identifier for the Import Schedule record.ImportScheduleID


DBINTIdentifies the Schedule for which the data isimported.



VNAME32The host name of the workstation from which thesystem software imports schedule data.


LabelThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see Device,on page 612.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)280

All TablesImport_Schedule

Defines the label that is sent to the routing client for each Network Target value. Use the Unified ICMConfiguration Manager to add, update, and delete Label records.

Related Tables

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Dialed_Number, on page 214 (via LabelID)

Dialed_Number_Label, on page 216(via LabelID)

Network_Target, on page 306(via NetworkTargetID)

Network_Vru, on page 312 (via LabelID)

Routing_Client, on page 407 (via RoutingClientID)

Table 223: Indexes for Label Table


RoutingClientID, Labelnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


CustomerDefinitionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Label

LabelIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 224: Fields in Label Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTIdentifies the customer associated with the label.CustomerDefinitionID

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the label.Description

FK NULLDBINTFor network VRU labels with multiple NAMs, thisfield contains a foreign key to identify the NetworkApplications Manager (NAM) instance for whichthe label is valid.



VNAME32The label to be returned to the routing client.Label


DBINTUnique identifier for this label.LabelID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)281

All TablesLabel

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe type of the label. For the list of values, seeLabelType Fields, on page 658.


FK NULLDBINTForeign key from the Network Target table. Eachlabel maps to one and only one network target.



DBSMALLINTIdentifies the routing client that can receive thislabel.


Logger_AdminThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains one record of information for eachadministrative task the system software applies to the central database. Specifically, this table tracks Purgesand Update Statistics operations. These operations are run automatically as scheduled jobs.

Table 225: Indexes for Logger_Admin Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


TableName, ScheduledAt, FunctionNameNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Logger_Admin

DateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Logger_Admin

RecoveryKeyClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 226: Fields in Logger_Admin Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the scheduled job wassubmitted.


NULLDBDATETIMETime at which the operation completed.EndTime

NULLDBFLT8For a Purge operation, the recovery key of theearliest record purged.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)282

All TablesLogger_Admin

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The operation performed; for example, Purge.FunctionName


DBFLT8A value used internally by the system software totrack the time that the record is created.


NULLDBINTFor a Purge operation, the number of days recordsare retained. Records older than this are deleted inthe Purge.


NULLDBINTFor a purge operation, the number of rows purged.RowsPurged


DBDATETIMEDate and time the scheduled job was executed.ScheduledAt

NULLDBDATETIMETime at which the operation started.StartTime


VNAME32The name of the database table on which theoperation was performed.


NULLDBFLT8For a Purge operation, the recovery key of the mostrecent record purged.


Logger_MetersThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Central database only.

Contains performance information about the Logger process. The Logger process on the Central Controllercreates a new Logger Meters row in the central database every five minutes.

Table 227: Indexes for Logger_Meters Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DateTime, TimeZoneclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)283

All TablesLogger_Meters

Table 228: Fields in Logger_Meters Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe number of configuration changes written duringthe five-minute interval.



DBINTNumber of datamessages received in the five-minuteinterval.



DBFLT8Number of data pages allocated.DataPagesAllocated


DBFLT8Number of data pages used.DataPagesUsed


DBSMALLDATERecord timestamp (unique).DateTime


DBINTNumber of EMS messages received in thefive-minute interval.



DBINTTotal number of five-minute records written duringthe five-minute interval.



DBINTTotal number of half-hour records written duringthe five-minute interval.



DBFLT8Number of log pages allocated.LogPagesAllocated

NULLDBFLT8Number of log pages used.LogPagesUsed


DBINTNumber of MDS messages received in thefive-minute interval.



DBINTTime spent processing messages in the five-minuteinterval, in milliseconds.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTNumber of Route Call Detail rows written duringthe five-minute interval.



DBINTNumber of Termination Call Detail rows writtenduring the five-minute interval.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)284

All TablesLogger_Meters

Logger_TypeThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Identifies the Logger type (that is, standard, Customer ICM (CICM), or Network Applications Manager(NAM)).

Table 229: Fields in Logger_Type Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe type of Logger:

• 1 =Standard

• 2 = CICM

• 3= NAM


Logical_Interface_ControllerThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page694.

Each row corresponds to a (possibly duplexed) Network Interface Controller (NIC) or Peripheral Gateway(PG). A duplexed NIC has two entries in the Physical Interface Controller table and a single entry in theLogical Interface Controller table. Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and deleteLogical_Interface_Controller records.

Related Tables

Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307 (via LogicalControllerID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via LogicalControllerID)

Physical_Interface_Controller, on page 340 (via LogicalControllerID)

Routing_Client, on page 407(via LogicalControllerID)

Service_Array, on page 446 (via LogicalControllerID)

Translation_Route, on page 579 (via LogicalControllerID)

Table 230: Indexes for Logical_Interface_Controller Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)285

All TablesLogger_Type


LogicalControllerIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 231: Fields in Logical_Interface_Controller Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicate pg to generate all peripheral relatedhistorical data based on the ACD time. Default: 'N'



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBSMALLINTThe type of client the controller provides theinterface for.


NULLvarchar(255)String containing information, such as logoninformation, specific to the interface controllerdevice. For example: -rtuser UserName -rtpswdPassword


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the controller.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the controller. This namemust be unique for all logical controllers in theenterprise.


YESDBINTThe value indicates PG to calculate historical dataat that interval. Default: 30



DBSMALLINTUnique identifier for this logical controller.LogicalControllerID


DBSMALLINTThe Interface Controller type:

• 2 = PG

• 3 = NIC


NULLvarchar(32)The address for CTI Server as IP:port (either indotted-numeric or name format).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)286

All TablesLogical_Interface_Controller

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(32)The address for the backup CTI Server as IP:port(either in dotted-numeric or name format)



This section is applicable only for Packaged CCE feature.Note

Each record in this table represents a location.

Related Tables

• Location_Member, on page 288 (through LocationID)

Table 232: Indexes for Location Table


LocationIDPrimary keyXPKLocation

Table 233: Fields in Location Table

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName



DBINTUnique identifier of this location.LocationID

NOT NULLVARCHAR(64)Name of the location. This value need not be unique since locationinformation are fetched frommultiple Unified CM clusters and locationnames can be duplicated across clusters.


NULLDESCRIPTIONExtra information about the location.Description

NOT NULLVARCHAR(128)Primary Key ID of the location that is fetched from the Unified CM.UCMPrimaryKey

NULLVARCHAR(16)Location code which can be used as (prefix or suffix) for RoutingPattern.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in the central database.ChangeStamp

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added/updated.DateTimeStamp

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)287

All TablesLocation


This section is applicable only for Packaged CCE feature.Note

This table contains a set of associations between machine hosts and locations. Depending on the context themachine host may refer to a remote site or it may refer to a peripheral/device (gateway) that is a part of theperipheral set.

Related Tables

• Location, on page 287 (through LocationID)

• Machine_Host, on page 289 (through MachineHostID)

Table 234: Indexes for Location_Member Table


LocationID, SequenceNumberPrimary keyXPKLocation_Member

Table 235: Fields in Location_Member Table

Keys and NULL OptionDataType




DBINTLocation to which the Machine_Host record is associated.LocationID



DBINTIncremented for every unique Location and Machine Host.SequenceNumber



DBINTDepending on the MachineType value, MachineHostID may refer to one of thefollowing:


Remote site (datacenter)



NOT NULLDBINTType to indicate whether MachineHostID refers to a remote site or device.MachineType

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)288

All TablesLocation_Member

Machine_AddressThis table contains network addresses of the hosts. It is a separate table because a host may have multiplenetwork address (for example, public, private). The parent is the Machine_Host table.

Table 236: Fields in Machine_Address Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


varchar(256)The connection address (either the IP address or thehostname).



DBINITThe type of address.

Valid values are:

• 1 = Public

• 2 = Private



DBINTThe database ID of the row. This is needed for theMachine_Service table.



DBINTThe foreign key to the Machine_Host table.MachineHostID

Machine_Connection_ProfileThis table is reserved for future use.

Machine_HostThis table contains information about the host. The table stores both VMHost and VirtualMachine information.Login information is stored in the Machine_Services table as a machine may support more than one service,each with different authentication credentials.

Table 237: Fields in Machine_Host Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOTNULLDBCHARWhether the record was autogenerated by the system.Once a user modifies a record, the value is set to False('N').


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)289

All TablesMachine_Address

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOTNULLCHANGESTAMPThe change stamp, which is updated every time theMachine_Host or related Machine_Service rows arecreated or modified.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONThe descriptionDescription

NULLvarchar(256)The host nameHostName

NOTNULLDBINTThe database ID of the row.MachineHostID

NOTNULLvarchar(256)The external name of the machine. If the machine isa VM, this would be the VM name.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)290

All TablesMachine_Host

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)291

All TablesMachine_Host

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

The type of the host machine; for example, VM Host,CVP, CVP Reporting Server, Gateway, etc.

Valid values are:

• 1 = VM Host (ESXi Server)

• 2 = Unified CCE Data Server

• 3 = Unified CCE Call Server

• 4 = Unified CVP

• 5 = Unified CM (unknown type)

• 6 = Unified CM Publisher

• 7 = Unified CM Subscriber

• 8 = Unified CVP Reporting Server

• 9 = Coresident Unified IC, Live Data, and IdentityService Publisher

• 10 = Coresident Unified IC, Live Data, andIdentity Service Subscriber

• 11 = Unified CVP Operations Console Server

• 12 = Finesse

• 13 = Gateway

• 14 = External Customer Collaboration Platform

• 15 = External Unified CM Publisher

• 16 = External Unified CM Subscriber

• 17 = External CVP Reporting Server

• 18 = External CCE HDS

• 20 = External Enterprise Chat and Email

• 21 = External Third Party Multichannel

• 22 = Unified CCE Router

• 23 = Unified CCE Peripheral Gateway

• 24 = Unified CCE LiveData Server

• 25 = Unified CCE Primary AW

• 26 = Unified CCE Secondary AW

• 27 = Unified CCE Progger

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)292

All TablesMachine_Host

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

• 28 = Unified CCE AW

• 29 = Unified CCE Rogger

• 30 = Enterprise Chat and Email

• 31 = Identity Server Publisher

• 32 = Identity Server Subscriber

• 33 = Finesse Primary

• 34 = Finesse Secondary

• 35 = Standalone Unified IC Publisher1

• 36 = Standalone Unified IC Subscriber

• 37 = Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser

• 38 = Data Center

• 39 = Unified CCE Peripheral Gateway for theremote Data Center

• 40 = Unified CVP for the remote Data Center

• 41 = Finesse Primary for the remote Data Center

• 42 = Finesse Secondary for the remote DataCenter

• 43 = External Unified CVP Reporting server forremote Data Center

• 44 = External Customer Collaboration Platformfor remote Data Center

• 45 = External ECE for remote Data Center

• 46 = External third-party multichannel for remoteData Center

• 47 = External CUSP

• 48 = External CUSP for remote Data Center

• 49 = External Cisco Virtualized Voice Browserfor remote Data Center

• 50 = External gateway for remote Data Center

• 51 = ECE Web Server

• 52 = ECE Web Server for remote Data Center

• 53 = CCE Logger (For PCCE deployments)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)293

All TablesMachine_Host

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

• 54 = Data Connector

• 55 = External Media Server (For PCCEdeployments)

• 56 = DC_External_Media Server (For PCCEdeployments)

NULLDBINTIf the machine is a VM, this is a pointer to the VMhost.


NULLvarchar(64)If the machine is a VM, this is the instance UUID. Ifthe machine is not a VM, this is set to null.




1 PCCE deployments support Coresident Unified IC Publisher and Coresident Unified IC Subscriber only.

Machine_ServiceThis table stores connection information for each service running on a host. The parent is Machine_Host.

Table 238: Fields in Machine_Service Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARWhether the recordwas autogenerated by the system.Once a user modifies a record, the value is set toFalse ('N').


NULLDESCRIPTIONThe description.Description

NULLvarbinary(max)An optional encrypted password required for someGateway operations.



DBINTThe Service IP Address (foreign key to theMachine_Address table).


NULLDBINTThe foreign key to theMachine_Connection_Profiletable.



DBINTThe parent of the table (foreign key to theMachine_Host table).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)294

All TablesMachine_Service

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe database ID of the row.MachineServiceID

Optional(NULL)DBDATETIMEIndicates whether the service is configured correctlyor not. If the column contains any timestamp, itindicates that the service is currently out-of-sync'and it requires retrial for configuration sync.

The timestamp can optionally be used to notify theexact time when the service went 'out-of-sync'.

This table is not applicable for UnifiedCCE.



NULLvarchar(128)Used to match services paired with one or morepeers. ServiceType entries with the same Pairingvalues are associated with each other and identifyalternate service paths for various failure conditions.


NULLvarbinary(max)An optional encrypted password required to connectto a service.


NULLDBINTThe service port (inull means use default).ServicePort

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)295

All TablesMachine_Service

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)296

All TablesMachine_Service

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

The machine service type.

Valid values are:

• 1 = Peripheral Gateway TIP

• 2 = Router TIP

• 3 = LiveData Active MQ

• 4 = Peripheral Gateway TIP TOS

• 5 = Router TIP TOS

• 6 = LiveData Storm DRPC

• 7 = LiveData Socket.IO

• 8 = LiveData Web Service Rest API

• 9 = LiveData Cassandra

• 10 = Administration & Data Server (AW) RestAPI

• 11 = Media Routing Peripheral GatewayConnection

• 12 = Voice Response Unit Connection

• 13 = Unified Communications ManagerConnection

• 1000 = ESXi

• 1002 = AXL

• 1003 = Diagnostic Portal

• 1004 = ISE Authentication

• 1005 = Gateway

• 1006 = Management Link

• 1007 = Administration

• 1008 =Customer Collaboration PlatformRESTAPI

• 1009 = Media Routing Peripheral Gateway A

• 1010 = Media Routing Peripheral Gateway B

• 1011 = Principal AW

•• 1013 = Identity Server

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)297

All TablesMachine_Service

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

1014 = Publisher/PrimaryMachine IP Address•

• 1015 = Identity Server Primary Machine IPAddress

• 1016 = Identity Server Secondary Machine IPAddress

• 1017 = Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser IPAddress

• 1018 = Data Center IP Address

• 1019 = Either Side A or Side B of a Machine.

• 1020 = CVP Machine side A or Side B.

• 1021= CVP Message Bus information.

• 1022= CVP Backup Server

• 1023=FTP_Credential (For PCCEdeployments)

• 1024 = Principal VVB (For PCCEdeployments)

NULLvarchar(255)The uri to service for Web-based services.ServiceUri

NULLvarchar(255)An optional user name required to connect to aservice.


Master_ScriptThis table is in the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, on page697.

Each row identifies a routing script or an administrative script. Each master script might have several versions.Information about each version is stored in the Script table. A new Master_Script record is created wheneveryou save a script with a new name in the Script Editor.

Related Tables

Admin_Script_Schedule_Map, on page 14 (via MasterScriptID)

Customer_Definition, on page 207(via CustomerDefinitionID)

Business_Entity, on page 103 (via EntityID)

Call_Type_Map, on page 129 (via MasterScriptID)

Call_Type_Real_Time, on page 142 (via MasterScriptID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)298

All TablesMaster_Script

Script, on page 432 (via MasterScriptID)

Table 239: Indexes for Master_Script Table


DateTimeStampNonclustered index located onPRIMARY


CustomerIdShadow, EntityID, EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


MasterScriptIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 240: Fields in Master_Script Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTSpecifies the version of the script that is currentlyavailable for use.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies the customer definition associated withthe script.



DBINTA "shadow" CustomerDefinitionID that allowsmultiple scripts with the same EnterpriseName anddifferent customer numbers.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the script.Description


varchar(64)An enterprise name for the master script. The namemust be unique among all master scripts within thebusiness entity.



DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which the master script belongs.



DBINTUnique identifier for this master script.MasterScriptID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)299

All TablesMaster_Script

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe next version number available for the script.NextAvailableVersion


DBSMALLINTIndicates whether the script is a routing script or anadministrative script.


Media_ClassThis table is part of the Media Routing category (see Media Routing, on page 617). For database rules, seeMedia Routing Tables, on page 695.

Information in this table defines a type of media class. This table is populated initially with default mediaclasses.

Related Table

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 table via the MediaClassID field.

Table 241: Indexes for Media_Class Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


MediaClassIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 242: Fields in Media_Class Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about this media class.Description


VNAME32A unique name for this media class.EnterpriseName


DBINTThemaximum time a task can be active for an agent.Default: 28800


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)300

All TablesMedia_Class

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA unique identifier for a media class.MediaClassID


DBINTIf the connection between the Agent PG and theApplication Instance drops for more than theTaskLife timeout period, the task is terminated.Default: 1: 1200; 2: 1200; 3: 1200; 4: 300; 5: 300



DBINTAfter a task is routed to an agent, the ApplicationInstance must send either an Offer Task or Start Taskmessage within the specified TaskStartTimeout. Ifthe TaskStartTimeout expires, the task is marked asabandoned before offered. Default: 30



DBINTMedia types:

0 – Unknown

1- Telephony

2 - Chat

3 - Email



DBINTMedia types:

1 - Telephony

2 - Chat

3 - Email

4 - RSS

5 - Facebook

6 - Twitter

7- Push

8 - Task


Media_Routing_DomainThis table is part of the Media Routing category (see Media Routing, on page 617). For database rules, seeMedia Routing Tables, on page 695.

It describes a single implementation of a media class. For example, a media class such as Cisco single-sessionchat might have one or more Media Routing Domains (MRDs) defined. These MRDs would all be of thesame media class. However, they might be on different servers or handle slightly different types of requests(for example, English single-session chat and Spanish single-session chat).

Related Tables

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)301

All TablesMedia_Routing_Domain

Media_Class, on page 300 (via MediaClassID)

Application_Path_Member, on page 90(via MRDomainID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via MRDomainID)

Agent_State_Trace, on page 65 (via MRDomainID)

Agent_Event_Detail, on page 27 (via MRDomainID)

Service, on page 443 (via MRDomainID)

Agent_Real_Time, on page 39 (via MRDomainID)

Agent_Logout, on page 38 (via MRDomainID)

Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560 (via MRDomainID)

Peripheral_Real_Time, on page 330(via MRDomainID)

Peripheral_Default_Route, on page 325 (via MRDomainID)

Dialed_Number, on page 214 (via MRDomainID)

Service_Level_Threshold, on page 463 (via MRDomainID)

• Media Routing Domain and Device Data: Each Media Routing Domain maps to zero one or morePeripheral Half Hour and Peripheral Real Time rows, Peripheral Default Routes, and Dialed Numbers.Each Peripheral Half Hour and Real Time row, each Peripheral Default Route, and each Dialed Numbermaps to exactly one Media Routing Domain.

• Media Routing Domain and Skill Target Data: Each Media Routing Domain maps to zero one or moreSkill Groups, Agent State Trace rows, Agent Half Hour rows, Services, Agent Real Time rows, AgentLogout rows, and Termination Call Detail rows. Each Skill Group, Agent State Trace row, Agent HalfHour row, Service, Agent Real Time row, Agent Logout row, and Termination Call Detail row maps toexactly one Media Routing Domain.


Table 243: Indexes for Media_Routing_Domain Table


EnterpriseNameclustered, unique, unique key located onPRIMARY


MRDomainIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 244: Fields in Media_Routing_Domain Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)302

All TablesMedia_Routing_Domain

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about this media routingdomain.



VNAME32A unique name for this media class. Initially, theEnterpriseName is set to Cisco_Voice.



DBCHARSpecifies whether or not a task can be interruptedby another task:

• Y = Task can be interrupted.

• N = Task cannot be interrupted.

If you change theMRD from interruptibleto non-interruptible or vice versa, thechange takes effect once the agent logsout and then logs back in on that mediarouting domain.



NULLDBINTThe maximum number of calls allowed to be inqueue for the selected MRDomainID. Default isNULL.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of calls allowed to be inqueue for a call type of the selected MRDomainID.Default is NULL.


NULLDBINTThe maximum time a task can be associated with anagent.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of seconds a call is allowedto be in a queue for the selected MRDomainID.Default is NULL.



DBINTA unique identifier for a media class.MediaClassID


DBINTUnique identifier for this media routing domain.Initially, the MRDomainID is set to 1.



DBINTThe default value of the ServiceLevelThreshold fieldfor services associated with this MRD.



DBSMALLINTThe default value for the ServiceLevelType field foreach service associated with this MRD. Thisindicates how the system software calculates theservice level.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)303

All TablesMedia_Routing_Domain

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIf the connection between the Agent PG and theApplication Instance drops for more than theTaskLife timeout period, the task is terminated. Thedefault value is 300 seconds.


NULLDBINTAfter a task is routed to an agent, the ApplicationInstance must send either an Offer Task or Start Taskmessage within the specified TaskStartTimeout. Ifthe TaskStartTimeout expires, the task is marked asabandoned before offered.


Network_Event_DetailThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see Device,on page 612.

Provides carrier network events associated with calls processed by a Network Applications Manager (NAM).The data in this table includes events related to all call legs that happen under the control of the NIC. Thisincludes the incoming call leg, any temporary call legs (IVR sessions under NIC control), and all outgoingcall legs.

This table can become very large. Running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract the data from the HDS into your own custom databaseon a separate server (one that is not used for other Unified ICM/Unified CCE components). Use onlyDBDateTime (date and time of the record that was written to the HDS database) to perform the extraction.The table on the custom database can be indexed according to the custom reporting needs.

Table 245: Indexes for Network_Event_Detail Table


RecoveryKeyclustered, unique, unique key located onPRIMARY


DateTimenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Network_Event_Detail

Table 246: Fields in Network_Event_Detail Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe LegID identifies the calling party the eventpertains to. LegIDs are typically numbered startingwith 1 (for example: LegID1 = Calling Party) andincremented for the next party (agents are typicallyLegID2).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)304

All TablesNetwork_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMETimestamp of receipt of event at the NIC (in UTC)..DateTime

NULLDBINTThe duration is written forDISCONNECT/UNKNOWNevents.Unless an erroroccurs, the Disconnect event will be written withthe duration. If the call ends for a reason other thanDisconnect event (e.g. - network aborts call), anUnknown event will be written with the duration.


NULLDBSMALLINTValid values are:

• 1 = RouteSelectFailure

• 2 = CallPartyBusy

• 3= NoAnswer

• 4 = Answer

• 5 = Abandon

• 6 = Disconnect

• 7 = Unknown



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTUsed with RouterCallKeyDay andRouterCallKeySequenceNumber to identify theRoute_Call_Detail record. This value forms theunique portion of the 64-bit key for the call. Thesystem software resets this counter at midnight.



DBINTUsed with the RouterCallKey andRouterCallKeySequenceNumber to identify therelated Route_Call_Detail record. Together withRouterCallKey, the RouterCallKeyDay value formsa unique 64-bit key for the call. This field alsoprovide a link to the CustomerID via theDialedNumberID in the Route_Call_Detail record.This link can only be used if CustomerID and DialedNumbers are implemented on the NAM.


NULLDBINTCurrently set to zero (0).RouterCallKeySequenceNumber

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)305

All TablesNetwork_Event_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTA value dependent upon the event and interface thatprovides additional reporting information. Thismight contain a network-provided releaseCause (forDISCONNECT), failureCause(ROUTE_SELECT_FAILURE), etc.


NULLvarchar(128)Reserved for future use.Value2

Network_TargetThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row identifies an announcement, a peripheral target, or a scheduled target.

The system software automatically maintains the Network_Target table when add or delete an announcement,peripheral target, or scheduled target through Unified ICM Configuration Manager.

Related Tables

Announcement, on page 76 (via NetworkTargetID)

Label, on page 280 (via NetworkTargetID)

Network_Vru, on page 312(via NetworkTargetID)

Peripheral_Target, on page 336 (via NetworkTargetID)

Route_Call_Detail, on page 376 (via NetworkTargetID)

Scheduled_Target, on page 430 (via NetworkTargetID)

Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560 (via NetworkTargetID)

Table 247: Indexes for Network_Target Table


NetworkTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)306

All TablesNetwork_Target

Table 248: Fields in Network_Target Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTUnique identifier for this target.NetworkTargetID


DBSMALLINTType of target:

• 1 = Announcement

• 2 = Peripheral target

• 3 = Device target (deprecated)

• 4 = Network VRU Bank (Simplified UnifiedCCE)

• 5 = Scheduled target


Network_Trunk_GroupThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Lists the trunk groups understood by the telephone network. A network trunk group may be the same as atrunk group defined at a peripheral or it may be a combination of peripheral trunk groups.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete network trunk groups.

Related Tables

Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285(via LogicalControllerID)

Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour, on page 308 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time, on page 310 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Peripheral_Target, on page 336 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Trunk_Group, on page 583 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Table 249: Indexes for Network_Trunk_Group Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


LogicalControllerIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIF126Network_Trunk_Group

NetworkTrunkGroupIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)307

All TablesNetwork_Trunk_Group

Table 250: Fields in Network_Trunk_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the network trunkgroup.



VNAME32An enterprise name for the network trunk group.This name must be unique among all network trunkgroups in the enterprise.



DBSMALLINTIdentifies the PG associated with the network trunkgroup.



DBINTA unique identifier for the network trunk group.NetworkTrunkGroupID

Network_Trunk_Group_Half_HourThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases and provides statistics for each network trunk group definedin the system. These statistics are updated every 30 minutes.

The system software generates Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour records for each network trunk group.

Related Table

Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Table 251: Indexes for Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Network_Trunk_Group_Half_H

NetworkTrunkGroupID, DateTime, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)308

All TablesNetwork_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour

Table 252: Fields in Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds for which all trunks in thenetwork trunk group were busy simultaneouslyduring the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the network trunk group that wereabandoned during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls offered to the networktrunk group during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls sent on the network trunkgroup during the half-hour interval.



DBSMALLDATEThe date and time at the start of the half-hourinterval.


IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the groupwere in service during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the groupwere in use for inbound calls during the half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the groupwere in use for outbound calls during the half-hourinterval.



DBINTIdentifies the network trunk group.NetworkTrunkGroupID


DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTNumber of idle trunks in the network trunk groupat the end of the half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)309

All TablesNetwork_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of in-service trunks in the network trunkgroup at the end of the half-hour interval.


Network_Trunk_Group_Real_TimeThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Local database only.

Provides real-time statistics for each network trunk group in the system.

The system software generates a Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time record for each network trunk group.

Related Table

Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Table 253: Indexes for Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time Table


NetworkTrunkGroupIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 254: Fields in Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds that all trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been simultaneously busyduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds that all trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been simultaneously busysince midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the network trunk group that wereabandoned during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the network trunk group that wereabandoned since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls that have been received onthe network trunk group during the current half-hourinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)310

All TablesNetwork_Trunk_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls currently in progress onthe network trunk group.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls that have been received onthe network trunk group since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls that have been sent onthe network trunk group during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls currently in progress onthe network trunk group.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls that have been sent onthe network trunk group since midnight.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the row was generated.DateTime

NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds that trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been in service during thecurrent half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds that trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been in service sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds that trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been used for inboundcalls during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds that trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been used for inboundcalls since midnight.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds that trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been used for outboundcalls during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds that trunks in thenetwork trunk group have been used for outboundcalls since midnight.



DBINTIdentifies the network trunk group.NetworkTrunkGroupID

NULLDBINTNumber of trunks currently idle for the networktrunk group.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)311

All TablesNetwork_Trunk_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of trunks currently in service for thenetwork trunk group.


Network_VruThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Contains one row for each network VRU. The system software can send a customer call to a network VRU.Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create, modify, and delete Network VRU rows.

Related Tables

• Customer_Definition, on page 207 (through NetworkTargetID)

• ICR_Globals, on page 260

• Label, on page 280 (through LabelID)

• Network_Target, on page 306 (through NetworkTargetID)

• Network_Vru_Script, on page 314 (through NetworkTargetID)

Table 255: Indexes for Network_Vru Table


NetworkTargetIDPrimary keyXPKNetwork_Vru

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Network_Vru

Table 256: Fields in Network_Vru Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the network VRU.Description

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)312

All TablesNetwork_Vru

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe unique ID of the ECC payload that is used forall messages to this Network VRU. If no value isgiven, the Network VRU uses the Default ECCpayload.




VNAME32A name that is unique among all network VRUs inthe enterprise.




DBINTForeign key from the Network Target table.NetworkTargetID


DBINTThe type of network VRU. Valid options are: 2, 3,5, 6, 7, and 8. (Types 1 and 4 are not implemented.)

To see more on these values, see Network Vru Type,on page 660.


Network_Vru_BankThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

This table is mainly used for load-balancing calls across multiple IVRs. The trunk group capacity will be thekey to the selection of an IVR for queuing.

Related Tables

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Network_Vru, on page 312 (via NetworkTargetID)

Table 257: Indexes for Network_Vru_Bank Table


TrunkGroupIDnonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


NetworkTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)313

All TablesNetwork_Vru_Bank

Table 258: Fields in Network_Vru_Bank Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBINTUnique identifier for the Network VRU member.NetworkTargetID


DBINTForeign key from the Network Target table. This ispointing at the type-9 Network VRU.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Translation Route.TranslationRouteSkillTargetID


DBINTForeign key from the Trunk Group table. Indicatesthe Trunk Group associated with this Network VRUmember.


Network_Vru_ScriptThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row identifies a script used by a network VRU to handle a call. A VRU script is managed by the VRUitself. It is not stored in the system database or directly managed by the system software. The system softwarecan only direct the VRU to run the script. You can configure a VRU script in the Unified ICM ConfigurationManager. You can then reference it in a routing script.

Related Tables

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Network_Vru, on page 312 (via NetworkTargetID)

Table 259: Indexes for Network_Vru_Script Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


VruScriptName, NetworkTargetIDnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


NetworkVruScriptIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)314

All TablesNetwork_Vru_Script

Table 260: Fields in Network_Vru_Script Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(255)An optional string that is sent to the VRU toinitialize the script.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies the customer definition associated withthe script.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the script.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the VRU script. This namemust be unique among all VRU scripts in theenterprise.



DBCHARIndicates whether the script can be interrupted (forexample, if an agent becomes available to handlethe call):

• Y = Interruptible

• N = Not interruptible



DBINTIdentifies the network VRU associated with thescript.



DBINTA unique identifier the system software uses for thescript.



DBCHARIndicates whether the VRU script itself can overrideits Interruptible flag:

• Y = Yes, VRU script can override

• N= No, VRU script cannot override



DBINTNumber of seconds for the system software to waitfor a response from the routing client after directingit to run the script.



varchar(40)The name of the script on the VRU.VruScriptName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)315

All TablesNetwork_Vru_Script

Next_Available_NumberThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Each row identifies the next available unique integer ID value for a specific database table. The system softwareautomatically maintains the Next_Available_Number table.

Table 261: Indexes for Next_Available_Number Table


TableNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 262: Fields in Next_Available_Number Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe next available unique ID value for the table.NextAvailableNumber


varchar(30)The name of the table associated with the row.TableName

Object_Access_XrefThis table is in the Decurity category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Lists the access levels available for each object type.

Related Table

Object_List, on page 317 (via ObjectType)

Table 263: Indexes for Object_Access_Xref Table


AccessLevel, ObjectTypenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ObjectAccessXrefIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)316

All TablesNext_Available_Number

Table 264: Fields in Object_Access_Xref Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIndicates an access level supported by the objecttype. To see values. see Access Levels, on page 648.



DBINTA unique identifier for the record.ObjectAccessXrefID


DBINTIdentifies the object type.ObjectType

Object_ListThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Lists the objects that are available.

Related Tables

ClassID_To_ObjectType, on page 196 (via ObjectType)

Ids, on page 269 (via ObjectType)

Object_Access_Xref, on page 316 (via ObjectType)

Table 265: Indexes for Object_List Table


Namenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ObjectTypeclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 266: Fields in Object_List Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the object.Description


varchar(30)The name of the object.Name


DBINTA unique identifier for the object type.ObjectType

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)317

All TablesObject_List

Object_SecurityThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Specifies the access level each user or group has to individual objects. The Primary Key (PK) is nonclustered.The AlternateKey (AK) is clustered.

Related Tables

Ids, on page 269 (via ObjectType)

User_Group, on page 591 (via UserGroupName)

Table 267: Indexes for Object_Security Table


UserGroupName, ObjectID, ObjectTypeclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


UserGroupNamenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Object_Security

ObjectSecurityIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 268: Fields in Object_Security Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTSpecifies the access level the group has to the object.To see values. see Access Levels, on page 648.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBINTIdentifies the specific object.ObjectID


DBINTA unique identifier for the row.ObjectSecurityID


DBINTIdentifies the type of object.ObjectType


varchar(64)Identifies the user group.UserGroupName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)318

All TablesObject_Security

PersonThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Provides primary identification and authentication for all system users, including both agents and administrators.

Related Table

Agent, on page 17 (via PersonID)

Table 269: Indexes for Person Table


LoginNameShadownonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


FirstName, LastNamenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Person

PersonIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 270: Fields in Person Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No

Incremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about this person.Description


VNAME32The person's first name.FirstName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)319

All TablesPerson

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The person's last name.LastName


DBCHARSpecifies whether login is allowed for this person:Y: yes, N: no.



VARCHAR(255)The person's login or user name.

In a Packaged CCE deployment, the FirstName,LastName, and LoginName appear as the value inthe Agent Report Value List.



VARCHAR(255)A login name in uppercase or lowercase, as indicatedin ICR Globals.


NULLvarcharAn optional encrypted password.Password


DBSMALLINTReserved for future use.PasswordChangeRequired

NULLDBDATETIMEThe time when the password was changed last. If itis a new password, the time when it was created.



DBINTA unique identifier.PersonID


DBSMALLINTA flag that indicates if the agent is enabled for SSOLogin when the system is configured in hybrid SSOmode.

• 0 = Disabled

• 1 = Enabled


NULLCHAR(1)The verification status of the person's login:

• N = Not Verified (the default)

• V = Verified

• S = Synchronized (loaded from an externalsource)



DBCHARIndicates if the person is configured in ECE or not.

Stored as Y or N. Default = N.


NULLVNAME32Screen name of the person configured in ECE.ScreenName*

NULLVARCHAR(50)Email address of the person configured in ECE.EmailAddress*

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)320

All TablesPerson

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(128)List of languages associated with the personconfigured in ECE separated by comma.


* Indicates the ECE-related attributes for a given Person record. The ECE agent configuration is integratedin Packaged CCE from Release 12.0.

PeripheralThis table is one of the Peripheral tables in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see databaserules for these tables, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Each row corresponds to an ACD or PBX at a call center. Use the PG Explorer to add, update, and deletePeripheral records.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17 (via PeripheralID)

• Agent_Desk_Settings, on page 21 (via AgentDeskSettingsID)

• Agent_Distribution, on page 26 (via PeripheralID)

• Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69 (via EnterpriseName)

• Application_Path_Member, on page 90 (via PeripheralID)

• Dialer, on page 219 (via PeripheralID)

• Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (via PeripheralID)

• Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285 (via LogicalControllerID)

• Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307 (via PeripheralID) Network VRU (via NetworkTargetID)

• Peripheral_Default_Route, on page 325 (via PeripheralID)

• Peripheral_Monitor, on page 328 (via PeripheralID)

• Peripheral_Real_Time, on page 330 (via PeripheralID)

• Routing_Client, on page 407 (via PeripheralID)

• Service, on page 443 (via PeripheralID)

• Service_Level_Threshold, on page 463 (via PeripheralID)

• Skill_Group, on page 484 (via PeripheralID)

• Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560 (via PeripheralID)

• Trunk_Group, on page 583 (via PeripheralID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)321

All TablesPeripheral

Table 271: Indexes for Peripheral Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


PeripheralNamenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Peripheral

LogicalControllerIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Peripheral

AgentDeskSettingsIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE3Peripheral

PeripheralIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 272: Fields in Peripheral Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTMinimum time in seconds an incoming call must bequeued before being considered an abandoned callif the caller hangs up.



DBCHARSpecifies whether agent auto- configuration isenabled for the peripheral. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



DBINTOptionally, indicates an Agent Desk Settings recordassociated with the peripheral.



DBCHARSpecifies whether or not Agent Event Detailreporting is enabled for a peripheral. Default valueis:

• Y for an Unified CCE peripherals

• N for non-Unified CCE peripherals



DBCHARSpecifies whether agent reporting is enabled for theperipheral. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No



DBINTDetermines if the Router will target agents based onRules.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)322

All TablesPeripheral

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTMaximum duration, in seconds, for a short call. Anycalls with a duration below the threshold areconsidered short. You might then choose to factorout short calls from handle times you calculate.



DBSMALLINTDefault value of the AvailableHoldoffDelay fieldfor Skill Groups associated with this peripheral. Youcan override the default for individual skill groups.


NULLvarchar(128)String containing the mapping between theperipheral's call control variables and systemsoftware variables.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBSMALLINTThe type of the peripheral. To see Client Typevalues, see Client Type, on page 650.


NULLvarchar(255)Configuration parameters to be passed to theperipheral.


NULLDBINTMaps Customer to Peripheral in CCMP/CCDMdeployments.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the peripheral.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for this peripheral. The namemust be unique among all peripherals in theenterprise.



DBCHARIndicates whether this is an 'Unified ICM picks theagent' (IPTA) peripheral.

Either 'Y' or 'N'. Default = 'N'.


NULLVNAME32Peripheral's location.Location


DBSMALLINTForeign key of the Logical Interface Controller(Peripheral Gateway) that is attached to the switch.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)323

All TablesPeripheral

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName




DBINTThis setting indicates whether this agent peripheralsupports multi-line control for all agents with morethan one line configured on the phone.


• 0 = Single line monitoring and reporting(default)

• 1 = Multi line monitoring and reporting



DBINTIndicates how many non-ACD calls the agentinitiated on one of the non-ACD line. Only populatedwhen Multi-line feature is enabled.


• 0 = Agent State is unchanged when agent is ona call on a secondary line

• 1 = Agent State is set to NOT READY with asystem reason code when agent answers orplaces a call on a secondary line while in theAVAILABLE or NOT READY state


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies the network VRU, if any, associated withthe peripheral.



DBCHARUsed to indicate that the peripheral usesauto-configuration.

Default = 'N'.



DBSMALLINTA unique identifier for this peripheral.PeripheralID


VNAME32The name of the peripheral as it is known at the site.PeripheralName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)324

All TablesPeripheral

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTDefault value for the PeripheralServiceLevelTypefor each service associated with the peripheral. Youcan override this default for individual services.Valid options for Aspect types are:

• 1 = Service Level 1

• 2= Service Level 2

• 3= Service Level 3

• 4= Service Level as Calculated by Call Center.

If this field is 0 for a service, the systemsoftware assumes the default specified for theassociated peripheral.

If the peripheral is not an Aspect ACD, the typemust be 4 (calculated by the peripheral).


NULLvarchar(64)A series of characters (Y and N) indicating whichsub-skill groups to create for each skill groupassociated with the peripheral.


Peripheral_Default_RouteThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see database rules for these tables, seeDevice Tables, on page 694.

Each row specifies the default route to be used for accounting calls at the peripheral that are otherwise notaccounted for.

The system software automatically generates a Peripheral_Default_Route record for each Peripheral. Youcan modify the record through the PG Explorer tool.

Related Tables

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (via MRDomainID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Route, on page 374 (via RouteID)

Table 273: Indexes for Peripheral_Default_Route Table


RouteIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Peripheral_Default_Route

PeripheralID, MRDomainIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)325

All TablesPeripheral_Default_Route

Table 274: Fields in Peripheral_Default_Route Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe Media Routing Domain associated with thisperipheral default route.



DBSMALLINTLink to the Peripheral table.PeripheralID


DBINTForeign key from the Route table.RouteID

Peripheral_IntervalThis section describes the Peripheral Interval table.

Table 275: Indexes for Peripheral_Interval Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Peripheral_Interval

ReportingHalfHourNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Peripheral_Interval

ReportingIntervalNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE3Peripheral_Interval

DateTime, PeripheralID, TimeZone,MRDomainID

Clustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 276: Fields in Peripheral_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the associated Peripheral Gateway wasable to provide peripheral data services to the CallRouterduring the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the associated Peripheral Gateway wasable to provide routing client support to the CallRouter duringthe half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)326

All TablesPeripheral_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the associated Peripheral Gatewaysconnections to the peripheral were in the Active state duringthe half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the associated CTI Server was activeduring the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTTotal number of incoming ACD calls and internal ACD callsoffered to the peripheral during the reporting interval.

In Unified CCE, if a call goes through Redirection on NoAnswer (RONA) to a VRU and an agent answers later, thisfield is incremented as follows:

1. When the call RONAs to the VRU

2. When the call is sent from the VRU to the agent.

3. When the agent completes the call.

In Unified CCE with a Unified CCE System PG, if a callRONAs to a VRU and an agent answers later, this field isincremented only when the agent completes the call.


IE1, NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the records are writtento the HDS database. The logger database has NULL for thiscolumn.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of the half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of CVP Call control ports in use forthe interval.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of concurrent agents logged on in thehalf hour interval.


NULLDBINTThemaximum number of calls in progress at any sample pointduring the reporting period. This is implemented as the highestvalue of PeripheralRealTime.CallsInProgress encounteredduring the above sampling.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of VRU ports in use for the interval.MaxVRUPorts


DBINTThe ID for the Media Routing Domain associated with thisperipheral.


YESDBINTThe number of calls-in-progress sample periods.NumberOfSamples


DBSMALLINTIdentifier for the peripheral.PeripheralID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)327

All TablesPeripheral_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and used internally bythe Unified ICM/Unified CCE software to track the record.


IE2 NULLDBINTThe value indicates half hour boundary interval (0 to 47). Two15 minute interval records have a unique half hour boundaryvalue.


IE3 NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, over which therouter calculates the Call Type and Call Type Skill Groupdata. The valid values are 30 (default) or 15.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the peripheral that had a service level eventduring the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the peripheral answered within the servicelevel threshold during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the peripheral abandoned within the servicelevel threshold during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBFLT4The system software service level for the peripheral duringthe half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTService Level Type used to calculate Service level for thisinterval.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date and time. Thevalue is the offset in minutes from UTC(formerly GMT).Thevalue is negative for time zones to the east of UTC and positivefor time zones to the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThe total of PeripheralRealTime. CallsInProgress at all samplepoints during the reporting period. For example, if there are3 samples, and the number of calls in progress at those pointsin time are 20, 25 and 15, then TotalCallsInProgressSamplesis 60.



This table is one of the Peripheral tables in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see databaserules for these tables, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Each row describes an entity to be monitored on a peripheral. Currently this table applies only to the NortelDMS-100, Meridian ACD in enhanced CTI mode, and to the Avaya DEFINITY ECS with station monitoringenabled.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)328

All TablesPeripheral_Monitor

Use the PG Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Peripheral_Monitor records.

DMS-100 is no longer supported.Note

Related Table

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Table 277: Indexes for Peripheral_Monitor Table


PeripheralIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Peripheral_Monitor

Table 278: Fields in Peripheral_Monitor Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(10)For a DMS-100, the Primary ACD DN, SecondaryDN, or non-digit character.


NULLvarchar(32)A string passed along with the extension number tostart event reporting on the entity.

For a DMS-100, this value can indicate that theextension is a CDN, can specify a CompuCALLsession number, or can specify the mapping of anagent DN to an agent position ID.

For a Meridian ACD, this value indicates theposition number and, optionally, the associatedIndividual Directory Number (IDN).



DBSMALLINTIdentifies the peripheral associated with the row.PeripheralID


DBINTA unique identifier for the row.PeripheralMonitorID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)329

All TablesPeripheral_Monitor

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe type of entity to monitor:

• 1 = RCG

• 2 = VDN

• 3 = ACD DN

• 4 = Meridian Position

• 5 = Station


Peripheral_Real_TimeThis table is one of the Peripheral tables in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see databaserules for these tables, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Local database only. Each row describes the current state of a specific peripheral. The real- time client createsa Peripheral Real Time row for each peripheral in the system and updates that row every 10 seconds.

Related Table

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (via MRDomainID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Table 279: Indexes for Peripheral_Real_Time Table


PeripheralID, MRDomainIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


The ServiceLevel fields do not include the data updates for VRU peripheral devices.Note

Table 280: Fields in Peripheral_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of agents currently logged on to theperipheral.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls currently in progress at theperipheral.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)330

All TablesPeripheral_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the peripheral during thecurrent half-hour interval.

In Unified CCE, if a call Redirection on No Answer(RONAs) to an IVR and is answered later by anagent, this field is incremented as follows:

• When the call RONAs to the IVR

• When the call is sent from the IVR to the agent

• When the agent completes the call

In Unified CCE with an Unified CCE System PG,if a call RONAs to an IVR and is answered later byan agent, this field is incremented when the agentcompletes the call only.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the peripheral sincemidnight..

In Unified CCE, if a call Redirection on No Answer(RONAs) to an IVR and is answered later by anagent, this field is incremented as follows:

• When the call RONAs to the IVR

• When the call is sent from the IVR to the agent

• When the agent completes the call

In Unified CCE with an Unified CCE System PG,if a call RONAs to an IVR and is answered later byan agent, this field is incremented when the agentcompletes the call only.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls routed to the peripheral during thecurrent half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls routed to the peripheral sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTIndicates the state of the CTI Server, if any,associated with the peripheral:

• 0 = Off-line

• 1 = On-line


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time at the start of the current half-hourinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)331

All TablesPeripheral_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEThe date and time that this data was last updated.DateTime

NULLDBINTCurrent mode of the peripheral as reported by thePG:

• 0 = Off-line

• 1 = Primary

• 2 = Backup



DBINTThe identifier for the Media Routing Domainassociated with this peripheral.



DBINTCurrent on-line state of the peripheral as determinedby the Central Controller:

• 0 = Off-line

• 1 = On-line



DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData1


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData2


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData3


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData4


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData5


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData6


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData7


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData8


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData9


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData10

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)332

All TablesPeripheral_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData11


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData12


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData13


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData14


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData15


DBINTPeripheral-specific data.PeripheralData16


DBSMALLINTIdentifier for the peripheral.PeripheralID


DBINTDifference in seconds between the peripheral's timeand the Central Controller's time.


NULLDBINTThe time zone at the peripheral. The value is theoffset in minutes fromUTC (formerly called GMT).


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls to the peripheral abandonedwithin the service level threshold during the currenthalf-hour interval.


NULLDBINTCumulative total of calls to the peripheral abandonedwithin the service level threshold since midnight.


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls to the peripheral answeredwithin the service level threshold during the currenthalf-hour interval. Total number of calls to theperipheral answered within the service levelthreshold during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls to the peripheral that had aservice level event during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls to the peripheral that had aservice level event since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to this service handled within theperipheral service level since midnight.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)333

All TablesPeripheral_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Service level for the peripheral for the currenthalf-hour interval.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the peripheral since midnight.ServiceLevelToday

NULLDBINTIndicates the current failure state of the peripheral.To see the list of status codes, see Peripheral RealTime Status Field, on page 669.




This table is introduced for Packaged CCE 12K support.Note

This table represents a PG and its associated peripherals in Packaged CCE 12K. Each record in this tablerepresents a peripheral set, which is a logical grouping of a peripheral gateway and its associated peripherals.

Related Tables

• Peripheral_Set_Controller , on page 335 (through PeripheralSetID)

• Peripheral_Set_Host, on page 335 (through PeripheralSetID)

Table 281: Indexes for Peripheral_Set Table


PeripheralSetIDPrimary keyXPKPeripheral_Set

Table 282: Fields in Peripheral_Set Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique identifier for this peripheral set.PeripheralSetID

NOT NULLVNAME32An enterprise name for this peripheral set.

PeripheralSetName may be duplicated across sites.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the peripheral set.Description

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)334

All TablesPeripheral_Set

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when a record is changed in the central database.ChangeStamp

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record is added/updated.DateTimeStamp


This table is introduced for Packaged CCE 12K support.Note

This table has information of those peripheral gateways (Logical Interface Controllers) that are associatedwith a given peripheral set.

Related Tables

• Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285 (through LogicalControllerID)

• Peripheral_Set, on page 334 (through PeripheralSetID)

Table 283: Indexes for Peripheral_Set_Controller Table


PeripheralSetID, LogicalControllerIDPrimary keyXPKPeripheral_Set_Controller

Table 284: Fields in Peripheral_Set_Controller Table

Keys and NULL OptionData TypeDescriptionName



DBINTID of the peripheral set.PeripheralSetID



DBSMALLINTID of the peripheral gateway that is being associated to the peripheralSet.



This table is introduced for Packaged CCE 12K support.Note

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)335

All TablesPeripheral_Set_Controller

This table contains a set of associations between the machine hosts and the peripheral sets. Depending on thecontext, the machine host may refer to a remote site that the peripheral Set is a part of, or it may refer to aperipheral/device (gateway) that is a part of the peripheral set.

Related Tables

• Machine_Host, on page 289 (through MachineHostID)

• Peripheral_Set, on page 334 (through PeripheralSetID)

Table 285: Indexes for Peripheral_Set_Host Table


PeripheralSetID, SequenceNumberPrimary keyXPKPeripheral_Set_Host

Table 286: Fields in Peripheral_Set_Host Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTPeripheral set to which the Machine_Host record is associated.PeripheralSetID



DBINTIncremented for every unique peripheral set and host combination.SequenceNumber



DBINTDepending on the MachineType value this field may contain oneof the following information:

• ID of the Remote Site (or datacenter) to which the peripheralset is associated.

• ID of the device that is associated with this peripheral set.


NOT NULLDBINTIncremented when the record is changed in the central database.MachineType


This table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row specifies the peripheral address (network trunk group and DNIS) associated with a route.

Use the PG Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Peripheral_Target records.

Related Tables

Route, on page 374 (via RouteID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)336

All TablesPeripheral_Target

Network_Target, on page 306 (via NetworkTargetID)

Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Table 287: Indexes for Peripheral_Target Table


NetworkTrunkGroupID, DNISnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


RouteIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Peripheral_Target

NetworkTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 288: Fields in Peripheral_Target Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBSMALLINTThe number of seconds the peripheral waits beforequeuing an incoming call to an agent. This timemight be used, for example, to play a forcedannouncement.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the target.Description


VNAME32DNIS digits the routing client sends when addressingthis target.



DBINTForeign key from the Network Target table.NetworkTargetID


DBINTIndicates the Network Trunk Group associated withthis peripheral target.



DBINTIndicates the Route associated with this peripheraltarget.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)337

All TablesPeripheral_Target

Persistent_VariableThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Central database only.

Stores the current value of persistent user variables. User variables are defined in the User_Variable table.

The CallRouter automatically maintains the Persistent_Variable table.

Related Table

User_Variable, on page 596 (via UserVariableID)

Table 289: Indexes for Persistent_Variable Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


UserVariableID, ForeignKey1clustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 290: Fields in Persistent_Variable Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIf the variable is associated with an object type, thekey value of the specific object.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTForeign key from the User_Variable table.UserVariableID

NULLDESCRIPTIONThe value of the variable, if it is a character string.ValueChar

NULLDBDATETIMEThe value of the variable, if it is a date-time.ValueDateTime

NULLDBFLT8The value of the variable, if it is a floating pointnumber.


NULLDBINTThe value of the variable, if it is an integer..ValueInt

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)338

All TablesPersistent_Variable

To add the persistent user variable data to the Persistent_Variable table, set the following registry key mustbe set to 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems,Inc.\ICM\[Instance_name]\LoggerA\Logger\CurrentVersion\HistoricalData\Persistent\Variable.


Physical_Controller_Half_HourThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see database rules for these tables, seeDevice Tables, on page 694.

Each row provides statistics for a single Network Interface Controller (NIC) or Peripheral Gateway (PG).

The system software automatically generates Physical_Interface_Controller records.

Related Table

Physical_Interface_Controller, on page 340 (via PhysicalControllerID)

Table 291: Indexes for Physical_Controller_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DbDateTimenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Physical_Controller_Half_H

DateTime, PhysicalControllerID, TimeZoneclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 292: Fields in Physical_Controller_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the Peripheral Gateway's Agentprocess maintained an active connection to the SideA CallRouter.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the Peripheral Gateway's Agentprocess maintained an active connection to the SideB CallRouter.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of thehalf- hour interval.


IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)339

All TablesPhysical_Controller_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the Peripheral Gateway's DeviceManagement Protocol connection to the CallRouterwas in service.



DBSMALLINTUnique identifier for this physical controller.PhysicalControllerID


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Physical_Interface_ControllerThis table is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). To see database rules for these tables, seeDevice Tables, on page 694.

Describes a single Network Interface Controller (NIC) or Peripheral Gateway (PG). A duplexed NIC has twoentries in the Physical Interface Controller table and a single entry in the Logical Interface Controller table.A pair of duplexed PGs share a single entry in the Physical Interface Controller table.

Use the PG or NIC Explorer tools to add, update, and delete Physical_Interface_Controller records.

Related Tables

Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285 (via LogicalControllerID)

Routing_Client_Five_Minute, on page 411 (via PhysicalControllerID)

Physical_Controller_Half_Hour, on page 339 (via PhysicalControllerID)

Table 293: Indexes for Physical_Interface_Controller Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


LogicalControllerIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Physical_Interface_Control

PhysicalControllerIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)340

All TablesPhysical_Interface_Controller

Table 294: Fields in Physical_Interface_Controller Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the controller.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the controller. This namemust be unique for all physical controllers in theenterprise.



DBSMALLINTForeign key from Logical Interface Controller table.LogicalControllerID


DBSMALLINTUnique identifier for this physical controller.PhysicalControllerID

Precision_QueueThe Precision_Queue table defines a queue used for precision routing.

Related Tables

• Agent_Real_Time (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Agent_Skill_Group_Interval (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Call_Type_SG_Interval (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Precision_Q_Real_Time (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Precision_Queue_Step (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Precision_Queue_Term (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Router_Queue_Interval (via PrecisionQueueID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)341

All TablesPrecision_Queue

• Skill_Group (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Skill_Group_Interval (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Termination_Call_Detail (via PrecisionQueueID)

Table 295: Fields in Precision_Queue Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe ordering used for agents in this queue.


• 1 = LAA (agent availability time). This is thedefault value.

• 2 = Most proficient agent

• 3 = Least proficient agent



DBINTID and primary key.PrecisionQueueID


DBINTForeign key from Bucket_Interval table.BucketIntervalID


DBINTThe ordering used for calls in this queue.


• 1 = Priority, then time in queue. This is thedefault value.



CHANGESTAMPChange stampChangeStamp

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.




VNAME32Name of the queue.EnterpriseName


DBCHARForces the step configuration for the PrecisionQueueto always increase the configured agent count. Thedefault setting is Y.

For future use. Not currently used.Note


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)342

All TablesPrecision_Queue

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key to the Media_Routing_Domain table.The ID of the Media Routing Domain with whichthis precision queue is associated. The default is 1,for Voice.



DBINTThe service level threshold, in seconds, for theservice level.



DBSMALLINTIndicates how the system software calculates theservice level for the Precision Queue:

• 1 = Ignore Abandoned Calls. (Remove theabandoned calls from the calculation.)

• 2 = Abandoned Calls have Negative Impact.(Treat the abandoned calls as though theyexceeded the service level threshold.)

• 3 = Abandoned Calls have Positive Impact.(Treat the abandoned calls as though they wereanswered within the service level threshold.)

Note: For each calculation, the systemsoftware separately tracks the number ofcalls abandoned before the thresholdexpires.




DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character. Y = Yes, N =No.


Precision_Q_Real_Time TableThis table is in the Precision Queue category.

The system software generates a Precision_Q_Real_Time record for each Precision Queue.

Related Table

Precision_Queue, on page 341

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)343

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Table 296: Fields in Precision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIn Unified CCE, the number of seconds calls spentbetween first queued being queued to the skill groupthrough Select (LAA) or Queue to skill group nodesto when they were answered by an agent.


AnswerWaitTime is calculated from the following:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

• NetworkQTime


NULLDBINTThe number of agents belonging to this skill groupwho are currently ApplicationAvailable with respectto the MRD to which the skill group belongs. Anagent is Application available if the agent is NotRoutable and Available for the MRD.


NULLDBINTAttribute 1 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID1

NULLDBINTAttribute 2 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID2

NULLDBINTAttribute 3 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID3

NULLDBINTAttribute 4 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID4

NULLDBINTAttribute 5 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID5

NULLDBINTAttribute 6 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID6

NULLDBINTAttribute 7 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID7

NULLDBINTAttribute 8 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID8

NULLDBINTAttribute 9 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID9

NULLDBINTAttribute 10 associated with the Precision Queue.AttributeID10

NULLDBINTNumber of agents for the Precision Queue inNot_Active state with respect to this PrecisionQueue.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents in the Precision Queue havebeen in the Not_Active state during the currentfive-minute interval. AvailTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)344

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls counted ashandled by the Precision Queue during the rollingfive-minute interval. This value is calculated asfollows: HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 /CallHandledTo5 AvgHandledCallsTalkTime iscalculated only for calls counted as handled. Thisfield is updated in the database when any after-callwork associated with the call is completed.


NULLDBINTAverage handle time in seconds for calls counted ashandled by the Precision Queue during the rollingfive-minute interval. The value is calculated asfollows: HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 /CallHandledTo5 The AvgHandledCallsTime valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call is completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents currently in the BusyOther statewith respect to this Precision Queue.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents have spent in theBusyOther state during the rolling five-minuteinterval. BusyOtherTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that abandoned while queuedin the router to this agent, in the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTIn the rolling five-minute interval, the number ofcalls abandoned after they have been routed to theagent desktop and before they have been answered(for example, Abandon Ringing).. This field isapplicable for Unified CCE systems and for systemswhere calls are translation-routed to PrecisionQueues.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were de-queued from thisPrecision Queue, and had to be routed to anotherPrecision Queue or Skill Group in the rollingfive-minute interval. This field is incremented whena call is de-queued through the Cancel Queue node.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were answered by thePrecision Queue during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)345

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were de-queued from thisPrecision Queue to be routed to another PrecisionQueue in the rolling five-minute interval. This fieldis also incremented when a call is de-queued viaCancel Queue node.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were handled by thePrecision Queue during the rolling five-minuteinterval.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTThe total number of ongoing non-voice tasksassociated with this Precision Queue. This fieldpopulates for non-voice tasks only.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the Precision Queueduring the rolling five-minute interval. A call iscounted only when it is answered. This fieldrepresents local queue counts at the ACD. It isincremented only in the event of local queueing. Inthe event of Network Queueing, the fieldincremented in RouterCallsOfferedTo5.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls received by this PrecisionQueue in the rolling five-minute interval. This valueis set by the Call Router. A call is counted as offeredas soon at it is sent to a Precision Queue.

This value is incremented by: CallType short calls,which are counted as abandoned for PrecisionQueues. (There is no short call count in theSkill_Group_Real_Time table.) Calls that arecancelled by Cancel Queue node and re-queued tothe same Precision Queue Calls that are routed to aPrecision Queue, re-queried, and re-queued to thesame Precision Queue.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls currently queued for the PrecisionQueue at the CallRouter.



DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)346

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for calls counted ashandled by the Precision Queue during the rollingfive-minute interval. It is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTThis field only applies to configured skill groups.Total handle time, in seconds, for calls counted ashandled by the Precision Queue during the rollingfive-minute interval.

Handle time is number of seconds an agent spentanswering the call (including the time the call wason hold) to the time the agent completed theafter-call work associated with the call.

HandledCallsTime = HandledCallsTalkTime +HoldTime +(WorkNotReadyTime/WorkReadyTime)

The value in this field for the incoming routed callsincludes:

1. Talk time

2. Total Held time

3. Work Ready and Work Not Ready time

Database is updated with the cumulativetime only after the call completion of boththe talk time and the wrap-up time.


This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE, and Outbound Option.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)347

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of agents that have all active calls onhold. The agent is not in the Hold state with one callon hold and talking on another call (for example, aconsultative call). The agent must have all activecalls on hold.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds where all calls to the agent areon hold during the rolling five-minute interval.HoldTime is counted only while the agent is doingno other call related activity. HoldTime is includedin the calculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe number of agents belonging to this PrecisionQueue who are currently ICMAvailable with respectto the MRD to which the Precision Queue belongs.An agent is ICM available if s/he is Routable andAvailable for the MRD. This means that the agentcan be routed a task by system software.


NULLDBINTThe number of seconds during which all calls to theagent are in interrupted state during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents that are currently logged on to thePrecision Queue. This count is updated each timean agent logs on and each time an agent logs off.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)348

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, agents were logged on to thePrecision Queue during the current (rolling)five-minute interval. This field is applicable forUnified CCE.

This value is based on the following:

• HoldTimeTo5

• TalkInTimeTo5

• TalkOutTimeTo5

• TalkOtherTimeTo5

• AvailTimeTo5

• NotReadyTimeTo5

• WorkReadyTimeTo5

• WorkNotReadyTimeTo5

• BusyOtherTimeTo5

• ReservedStateTimeTo5

• TalkAutoOutTimeTo5

• TalkPreviewTimeTo5

• TalkReservedTimeTo5

This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE and Outbound Option.



NULLDBDATETIMEThe time when the longest call in queue was queuedfor this Precision Queue.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Not Ready state for thePrecision Queue.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents in the Precision Queue havebeen in the Not Ready state during the rollingfive-minute interval. NotReadyTime is included inthe calculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe number of agents whose state with respect tothis Precision Queue is currently Interrupted.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)349

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Percentage of Ready time that agents in the PrecisionQueue spent talking or doing call work during therolling five-minute interval. This is the percentageof time agents spend working on calls versus thetime agents were ready.



DBINTForeign key from Precision Queue table.PrecisionQueueID

NULLDBINTThe number of agents who are Routable with respectto the MRD associated with this Precision Queue,and whose state with respect to this Precision Queueis currently something other than NOT_READY orWORK_NOT_READY.


NULLDBINTIn the rolling five-minute interval, the number ofACD calls to the Precision Queue that rang at anagent's terminal and redirected on failure to answer.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTThe count of calls that abandon within the PrecisionQueue SL threshold in rolling five-minute interval.Calls may abandon while in the Precision Queuequeue, or they may abandon after they have beenrouted to a Precision Queue. Calls that abandon afterthey are routed to a Precision Queue are identifiedby TCD records with abandoned call disposition. Ifthe call is queued and abandons before it is routedto any Precision Queues (within the ServiceLevelthreshold), the Router will increment this value forALL the Precision Queues this call was queued for.If the call abandons after it was routed to a PrecisionQueue, that Precision Queue will haveServiceLevelCallsAband incremented. Dequeuingthe call via Cancel Node has no impact onServiceLevelCallsAband. Calls may be de-queuedvia Cancel Queue node or de-queued from thisPrecision Queue to be routed to a different PrecisionQueue.

With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)350

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls de-queued from a PrecisionQueue, within the Precision Queue Service Levelthreshold, in rolling five-minute interval.

With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



NULLDBINTThe number of calls that are routed to a PrecisionQueue or queued for a the Precision Queue in therolling five-minute interval.

It includes the following call categories:

• Calls that are answered within the ServiceLevelthreshold.

• Calls that are abandoned within theServiceLevel threshold.

• Calls that are redirectedwithin the ServiceLevelthreshold (this is consistent with Call TypeServiceLevel).

• Calls that are not complete after theServiceLevel threshold has passed (that is, callsqueued longer than the Service Levelthreshold).

Calls that end in error state within SLthreshold are not counted asServiceLevelCallsOffered.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



NULLDBINTThe number of calls that are answered by thePrecision Queue within the Service Level thresholdin the rolling five-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)351

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Service Level for the Precision Queue in rollingfive-minute interval.

There are three types of service level calculations,and they are determined by the Service Level typechosen in configuration.

They are:

1. Ignore Abandoned Calls ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered- ServiceLevelCallsAband - CallsDequeued)

2. Abandoned Calls have Negative ImpactServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls /ServiceLevelCallsoffered - CallsDequeued)

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive ImpactServiceLevel = (ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelCallsAband) /(ServiceLevelCallsoffered - CallsDequeued)

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



NULLDBINTThe calls that redirected on no answer within ServiceLevel threshold within the rolling five-minuteinterval. These calls are part of theServiceLevelCallsOffered.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Precision Queue currentlytalking on inbound calls.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Precision Queue currentlytalking on internal (neither inbound nor outbound)calls. Examples of other calls include agent-to-agenttransfers and supervisor calls.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents spent talking on inbound callsfor the Precision Queue during the rollingfive-minute interval. TalkInTime is included in thecalculation of TalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)352

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents spent talking on other calls(neither inbound nor outbound) for the PrecisionQueue during the rolling five-minute interval.TalkOtherTime is included in the calculation ofTalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents in the Precision Queue havebeen in the Talking state during the rollingfive-minute interval. This value is calculated asfollows: TalkInTimeTo5 + TalkOutTimeTo5 +TalkOtherTimeTo5.


NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds agents spent on callstransferred into the Precision Queue that endedduring the rolling five-minute interval. The value isupdated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) is completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the Precision Queuethat ended during the current five-minute interval.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)is completed. For blind transfers in Unified CCE,the value is updated in the database when an agentblind transfers the call to an IVR. For blind transfersin Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG, thevalue is not updated in the database until the callthat was blind transferred to an IVR is subsequentlytransferred to another agent.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE witha Unified CCE System PG, this field isupdated when the call that was blindtransferred to an IVR is subsequentlytransferred to another agent and the agentanswers the call. For this call scenariothis field is not updated in Unified CCEwithout a Unified CCE System PG.



NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the PrecisionQueue that ended during the rolling five-minuteinterval. The value is updated in the database whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) is completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Precision Queue in theWork Not Ready state.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)353

All TablesPrecision_Q_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents have been in the Work NotReady state during the rolling five-minute interval.WorkNotReadyTime is included in the calculationof LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Precision Queue in theWork Ready state.


DBINTNULLTotal seconds agents have been in the Work Readystate during the rolling five-minute interval.WorkReadyTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


Precision_Queue_StepThe Precision_Queue_Step table defines a set of ordered steps that apply to a Precision Queue. Each orderedstep then contains a set of attributes terms that defines what attributes an agent must have to be a member ofa Precision Queue step. Basically, it defines a formula that is a list of Attribute tests.

Related Table

Precision_Queue_Term, on page 356 (via PrecisionQueueStepID)

Table 297: Fields in Precision_Queue_Step

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)Consider If expression which must be met in orderto execute a particular step.




DBCHARBoolean which indicates whether the next stepshould be evaluated if the Consider If test fails.Default is Y. A value of N indicates that the nodeshould exit following a False Consider If test.



DBINTForeign key to Precision_Queue table.PrecisionQueueID


DBINTInteger that defines the unique row for a PrecisionQueue step. It is the primary key.



DBINTInteger that defines the order of rows for a PrecisionQueue step. StepOrder begins with 1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)354

All TablesPrecision_Queue_Step

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTAn optional Wait time to apply before proceedingto the next step (in seconds). Default is 0.


Precision_Q_Step_Real_TimeThis table is in the Precision Queue category.

The system software generates a Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time record for each Precision Queue.

Related Tables

• Precision_Queue, on page 341

• Precision_Queue_Step, on page 354

Table 298: Fields in Precision_Q_Step_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of Agents eligible and available for thisPrecision Queue Step.


NULLDBINTNumber of Agents logged in for this PrecisionQueueStep.



DBINTPrimary key (together with PrecisionQueueStepID).Foreign key from Precision_Queue table.



DBINTPrimary key (together with PrecisionQueueID).Foreign key from Precision_Queue_Step table.


NULLDBINTAverage length of queue time for this PrecisionQueue Step.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls in queue for this Precision QueueStep


NULLDBINTTotal time of calls in queue for this Precision QueueStep.



DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)355

All TablesPrecision_Q_Step_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLDBDATETIMEThe time stamp of the longest call in queue for thisPrecision Queue Step.


NULLDBINTThe next Agent to be selected based on the agentordering criteria of the Precision Queue.


Precision_Queue_TermThe Precision_Queue_Term table defines a set of attribute condition terms that apply to a Precision QueueStep. Each set of terms determine what attributes an agent must have to be a member of the Precision Queuestep.

Related Tables

Tables that hold Precision_Queue_Term data are listed below:

• Attribute, on page 92

• Precision_Queue_Step, on page 354

Table 299: Fields in Precision_Queue_Term

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTInteger that defines the unique row for a PrecisionQueue Term. It is the primary key.



DBINTForeign key to Precision_Queue table.PrecisionQueueID


DBINTForeign key to Precision_Queue_Step table.PrecisionQueueStepID


DBINTInteger that defines the order of rows for a PrecisionQueue Step. It is part of the primary key. TermOrderbegins with 1.



DBINTForeign Key from Attribute_Set table. Controlswhich attribute set is tested. Null=Yes to allow forrules which do not test an Attribute Set.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)356

All TablesPrecision_Queue_Term

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign Key from Attribute table. Controls whichattribute set is tested. Null=Yes to allow for ruleswhich do not test an Attribute.



DBINTNumber of parentheses around this term. A positivenumber indicates open parenthesis before the term;a negative number indicates closed parenthesis afterthe term.



DBINTIndicates the relationship of this term to thepreceding term. Default is 0 for first item, 1 forothers.

Values are:

• 0 = none (only legal on first item for queue,since there is no preceding term)

• 1 = AND

• 2 = OR

• 3 = AND NOT

• 4 = OR NOT



DBINTIndicates what kind of comparison is done on theattribute. Default is 1.

Values are:

• 0 = Unknown

• 1 = equal

• 2 = not equal

• 3 = less than

• 4 = less than or equal

• 5 = greater than

• 6 = greater than or equal

• 7 = between (inclusive)

• 8 = member

• 9 = agent has attribute, regardless of value

• 10 = agent does not have attribute

• 11 = not member


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)357

All TablesPrecision_Queue_Term

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)The value that the attribute is tested against. IfAttributeRelation is member or not member, thenthis is a JSON compatible string listing the values.Must be convertible to the datatype specified in theAttribute table.


NULLVARCHAR(255)A second value, used only as the upper bound whenthe AttributeRelation is between. It also can containadditional values for member if Value1 is notenough. Must be convertible to the datatypespecified in the Attribute table.


Query_RuleThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

Specifies the association between a query rule clause and an import rule. A query rule works on a particularimport rule to select a group of contacts from an overall import list. For example, from a particular import listyou might want to select and call all customers that have account numbers greater than 10,000.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Use the Outbound Option Configuration option within Unified ICM Configuration Manager to modifyQuery_Rule records.

Related Tables

Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time, on page 175 (via QueryRuleID)

Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour, on page 169 (via QueryRuleID)

Campaign_Query_Rule, on page 166 (via QueryRuleID)

Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (via QueryRuleID)

Import_Rule, on page 271 (via ImportRuleID)

Table 300: Indexes for Query_Rule Table


QueryRuleNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


QueryRuleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)358

All TablesQuery_Rule

Table 301: Fields in Query_Rule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIdentifies whether this campaign was created usingthe Outbound API:

• Y = campaign created using the API

• N = campaign created using the OutboundOption Query Rule tool in the ICMConfiguration Manager



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONDescription of what the query rule contains or howit is being used.


NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.



DBCHARSetting of query rule within this campaign:

• Y = The query rule is enabled.

• N = the query rule is not enabled.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)359

All TablesQuery_Rule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies (indirectly) the contact list to which thisquery rule refers. Foreign key from the Import Ruletable.



DBINTA unique identifier for this Query rule.QueryRuleID


VNAME32The customer-entered name for this query rule.QueryRuleName

Query_Rule_ClauseThis table is in the Blended Agent category (see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608). To seedatabase rules for these tables, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691.

If Outbound Option was not selected during setup, this table will contain no data.Note

Contains the SQL rules associated with each query rule. There is a single row for each configured query rule.

Related Table

Query_Rule, on page 358 (via QueryRuleID)

Table 302: Indexes for Query_Rule_Clause Table


QueryRuleID, SequenceNumberclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 303: Fields in Query_Rule_Clause Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)360

All TablesQuery_Rule_Clause

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLvarchar(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar3


DBINTThe query rule to which this clause belongs. Foreignkey from the Query Rule table.



varchar(255)The rule definition to be used to process each queryrule.



DBINTAn index for query rule clauses within a given queryrule.


Reason_CodeThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Configuration table containing the reason code text to reason code mapping information.

Table 304: Indexes for Reason_Code Table


ReasonCodenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ReasonCodeIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 305: Fields in Reason_Code Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDefault value is N.Deleted

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)361

All TablesReason_Code

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDESCRIPTIONThe description of the reason code.Description


DBINTReason code used by agents (configurable). [Inaddition to reason codes that you have defined,Unified CCE uses some predefined reason codes.See Reason Codes, on page 670.]



DBINTA unique identifier created by the schema.ReasonCodeID


varchar(40)Text associated with the reason code numeric value.ReasonText


DBSMALLINTIndicates the type of reason code like: Not Ready,Wrap up, and Sign Out.

Allowed values are 1,2,3.

Reason Type


DBCHARDenotes that the reason code is global(applicablefor all the teams by default/team specific).

Allowed values are Y/N(Yes/No)


RecoveryThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains internal status information for each tablein the database.

Table 306: Indexes for Recovery Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Recovery

RecoveryKeyClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)362

All TablesRecovery

Table 307: Fields in Recovery Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEDate and time of the checkpoint.DateTime


NULLDBFLT8Starting recovery key value.FromRecoveryKey


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTNumber of rows copied.RowsCopied

NULLDBDATETIMEStarting time.StartTime


VNAME32Name of the table that caused a checkpoint.TableName


DBFLT8Ending recovery key value.ToRecoveryKey


VNAME32Type of record.Type

Recurring_Schedule_MapThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row describes a periodic schedule used, for example, by a scheduled target. Use the WorkforceManagement Integration System to create, update, and delete recurring schedules.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Table 308: Indexes for Recurring_Schedule_Map Table


ScheduleID, SequenceNumberclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)363

All TablesRecurring_Schedule_Map

Table 309: Fields in Recurring_Schedule_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARReserved for future use.Bool1


DBCHARReserved for future use.Bool2


DBINTA bit mask specifying the days on which theschedule is active. To see values, see Days, on page652.



DBSMALLINTIndicates to which day of month the scheduleapplies. To see values, see Days, on page 652.



DBSMALLINTIn conjunction with DayType, indicates the positionof a day within a month. To see values, see Days,on page 652.



DBSMALLINTIndicates to which day the schedule applies. To seevalues, see Days, on page 652.



DBSMALLINTThe day of the month on which the schedule expires.The value is 0 if the schedule has no end date.



DBSMALLINTThe hour of the day at which the schedule expires.The value is 0 if the schedule has no end time.



DBSMALLINTThe minute of the hour at which the scheduleexpires. The value is 0 if the schedule has no endtime.



DBSMALLINTThemonth in which the schedule expires. The valueis 0 if the schedule has no end date.



DBSMALLINTThe second of the minute at which the scheduleexpires. The value is 0 if the schedule has no endtime.



DBINTThe year in which the schedule expires. The valueis 0 if the schedule has no end date.


NULLDBINTFor scheduled targets, the maximum number ofsimultaneous calls the target can handle during theschedule period.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Long2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Long3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Long4

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)364

All TablesRecurring_Schedule_Map

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTIndicates to which month the schedule applies:

• 0 = Applies to every month.

• 1- 12= Specifies the month of year.



DBINTIdentifies the schedule that recurs.ScheduleID


DBINTIndex for schedules associated with a specificservice.



DBSMALLINTThe day of the month on which the schedule goesinto effect (1 through 31).



DBSMALLINTThe hour of the day at which the schedule goes intoeffect.



DBSMALLINTThe minute of the hour at which the schedule goesinto effect.



DBSMALLINTThe month in which the schedule goes into effect (1through 12).



DBSMALLINTThe second of the minute at which the schedule goesinto effect.



DBINTThe year in which the schedule goes into effect.StartYear


DBSMALLINTThe type of schedule.Type

RegionThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697 .

Each row defines a region composed of calling line ID prefixes or of other regions.

Use Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete Region rows.

Related Tables

Dialed_Number_Map, on page 216 (via RegionID)

Region_Member, on page 367 (via RegionID)

Region_Prefix, on page 368 (via RegionID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)365

All TablesRegion

Region_View_Member, on page 373 (via RegionID)

Table 310: Indexes for Region Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


RegionIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 311: Fields in Region Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the region.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the region. This name mustbe unique for all regions in the enterprise.



DBINTA unique identifier for the region.RegionID


DBINTThe type of the region.RegionType

Region_InfoThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Specifies which prefixes and regions are predefined by the system software.

Use Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete Region rows.

Table 312: Fields in Region_Info Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDESCRIPTIONAny additional information about the pre-definedregions.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)366

All TablesRegion_Info

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32Identifies the types of prefixes and regionspre-defined by the system software.



DBINTThemajor version number of the predefined regions.MajorVersion


DBINTTheminor version number of the predefined regions.MinorVersion

Region_MemberThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623 category. For database rules, see Script Tables,on page 697.

Each row defines the relationship between two regions. A region is composed of calling line ID prefixes orof other regions. Each Region_Member row associates a region with a parent region.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete Region Member rows.

Related Table

Region, on page 365 (via RegionID and ParentRegionID)

Table 313: Indexes for Region_Member Table


ParentRegionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Region_Member

RegionID, ParentRegionIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 314: Fields in Region_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe larger region.ParentRegionID


DBINTThe region that is a member of a larger region.RegionID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)367

All TablesRegion_Member

Region_PrefixThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row defines the initial part of a calling line ID and maps it to a region. Any calling line IDs that matchthe prefix string are assumed to be members of the region.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete Region Prefix rows.

Related Table

Region, on page 365 (via RegionID)

Table 315: Indexes for Region_Prefix Table


RegionID, RegionPrefixnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


RegionPrefixIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 316: Fields in Region_Prefix Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARIndicates whether daylight savings time is observed.

Values are 'N' and 'Y'.

The default is 'N' - daylight savings time is notobserved.


NULLDBINTIndicates the time zone, the delta is in hours.GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)


DBINTIdentifies the associated region.RegionID


varchar(32)An initial string to match against calling line IDs.RegionPrefix


DBINTA unique identifier for the record.RegionPrefixID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)368

All TablesRegion_Prefix

Region_ViewThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row defines a graphical display of regions.

Use Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete Region Prefix rows.

Related Table

Region_View_Member, on page 373 (via RegionViewID)

Table 317: Indexes for Region_View Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


RegionViewIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 318: Fields in Region_View Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the view.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the region view. This namemust be unique for all region views in the enterprise.

84 regions are supported. Some of theexamples are New_Jersey, Connecticut,Manitoba, Wyoming, Missouri,Nova_Scotia, Alaska, Jamaica and so on.Regions like CNMI, West Virginia wereadded later. See the Table 319: SupportedRegions table.

Unsupported region that were manuallyadded by the customer need to be deleted.




DBINTA unique identifier for the record.RegionViewID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)369

All TablesRegion_View

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe type of the view:

• 1 = Unified ICM-defined

• 2 = Custom


Table 319: Supported Regions

Short nameEnterpriseName












NYNew York










Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)370

All TablesRegion_View

Short nameEnterpriseName

















WVWest Virginia












Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)371

All TablesRegion_View

Short nameEnterpriseName





























Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)372

All TablesRegion_View

Short nameEnterpriseName









This table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row associates a specific region with a region view.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete Region Prefix rows.

Related Tables

Region, on page 365 (via RegionID)

Region_View, on page 369 (via RegionViewID)

Table 320: Indexes for Region_View_Member Table


RegionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Region_View_Member

RegionViewID, RegionIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 321: Fields in Region_View_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies the color in which to display the region inthe view.



DBINTIdentifies the region.RegionID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)373

All TablesRegion_View_Member

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA unique identifier for the record.RegionViewID

RenameThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

Table 322: Indexes for Rename Table


TableNameclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 323: Fields in Rename Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The name of the historical table.TableName

NULLVNAME32The name of the buffer table for swapping.Buf

NULLVNAME32The name of the first temporary historical table.Msg

NULLVNAME32The name of the second temporary historical table.Tmp

RouteThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row represents a possible destination for a call. Use Unified ICMConfigurationManager to add, update,and delete Route records.

Related Tables

Peripheral_Default_Route, on page 325 (via RouteID)

Peripheral_Target, on page 336 (via RouteID)

Route_Call_Detail, on page 376 (via RouteID)

Route_Five_Minute, on page 384 (via RouteID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)374

All TablesRename

Route_Half_Hour, on page 388 (via RouteID)

Route_Real_Time, on page 393 (via RouteID)

Service, on page 443 (ServiceSkillTargetID maps to Service.SkillTargetID)

Skill_Target, on page 537 (via SkillTargetID)

Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560 (via RouteID

Table 324: Indexes for Route Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


SkillTargetID, ServiceSkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Route

DateTimeStampNonclustered index located onPRIMARY


RouteIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 325: Fields in Route Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the route.Description

NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.



VNAME32An enterprise name for the route. This must beunique among all routes in the enterprise.



DBINTUnique identifier for the route.RouteID


DBINTAssociated Service.SkillTargetID. Every route thatterminates at a peripheral should have a service.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)375

All TablesRoute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the Skill Target table thatrepresents the destination of the route. Thedestination is a Service, Skill Group, Agent, orTranslation Route.


Route_Call_DetailThis table is one of the tables in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). For more information aboutdatabase rules of these tables, see Route Tables, on page 696.

It gets populated on the central database.When Detailed Data Server (DDS) role is enabled on Administrationand Data Server, this table gets populated on HDS database also.

Whenever the system software receives a routing request, each row in this table records information aboutthe routing request and the route the system software chooses for it. Therefore, the system generates aRoute_Call_Detail record for every routing request it processes.

Because this table grows larger in size, running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract data from the HDS into your custom database. Thecustom database must be on a separate server and ensure that other Unified ICM or Unified CC Enterprisecomponents do not use it. Use only DBDateTime (date and time of the record when written to the HDSdatabase) to perform the extraction. You can index the table on the custom database according to the customreporting needs.

Related Tables

• Call_Type, on page 110 (through CallTypeID)

• Dialed_Number, on page 214 (through DialedNumberID)

• Network_Target, on page 306 (through NetworkTargetID)

• Route, on page 374 (through RouteID)

• Route_Call_Variable, on page 383 (RecoveryKey maps to Route_Call_Variable.RCDRecoveryKey)

• Routing_Client, on page 407 (through RoutingClientID)

• Script, on page 432 (through ScriptID)

• Script_Cross_Reference, on page 434 (through FinalObjectID)

• Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560 (through Day + RouterCallKey)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)376

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Table 326: Indexes for Route_Call_Detail Table


RecoveryKeyPrimary key

Unlike the default, this primarykey is nonclustered.



DateTimeInversion keyXIE1Route_Call_Detail

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE2Route_Call_Detail

DateTime, RouterCallKey,RouterCallKeySequenceNumber

Inversion keyXIE3Route_Call_Detail

Table 327: Fields in Route_Call_Detail Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVNAME32Automatic Number Identification, identifies thecalling party.


NULLDBINTForeign key to the Application_Gateway table andrepresents the instance that is selected by the Contactsharing node for this route.


NULLDBDATETIMEA new time stamp that indicates when the callentered the current CallType.


NULLDBDATETIMEA new time stamp that indicates when the first routerequest was received for this call.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe time at which the Central Controller startedrouting the call. It is reported in the UTC format.


NULLDBINTTime in seconds that the system took to segment aprivate network call. For example, if the systemsoftware handed off the caller to a menu of choices,CallSegmentTime reflects the length of time thecaller spent in the menu.


NULLvarbinary(max)The system software does not populate this field. Itis reserved for future use.




DBINTForeign key fromCall Type table. If a script changedthe call type, this is the final call type for the call.This unique identifier is generated automatically bythe system software.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)377

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(30)Customer Database Provided Digits. Used to tracka call from the public network to the peripheral.ISDN is required to carry the information to theswitch.


NULLVARCHAR(30)Caller-Entered Digits.CED

NULLDBINTContact Share Error code returned by the contactshare node.

• 0 - No error


No connection to the Contact Share process.


Request to the Contact Share process failed.


Contact Share process encountered aconfiguration related error.


Contact Share process encountered anexpression execution related error.


Unable to lookup application gateway with thecode that the Contact Share process returned.


Contact Sharing encountered an unknown error.


NULLDBINTForeign key to the Contact_Share_Group table andrepresents the Contact Share Group ID for this route.


NULLDBINTForeign key to the Contact_Share_Queue table andrepresents the Contact Share Queue ID selected bythe Contact Sharing node for this route.


NULLDBFLT4Result of the Contact Share Calculation as definedby the Rule Expression.


NULLDBINTForeign key to the Contact_Share_Rule table andrepresents the Contact Share Rule in effect at thetime of this route.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)378

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the call was routed.DateTime



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.




DBINTForeign key from the Dialed Number table.DialedNumberID

NULLVNAME32The dialed number for the call. If the dialed numberfor the call is configured, this is the same as theDialedNumberString of the dialed number specifiedby DialedNumberID. If the dialed number for thecall is not configured, this is the dialed number stringand DialedNumberID is NULL.


NULLDBINTA unique identifier for this ECC payloadECCPayloadID

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLDBINTIdentifies the node ID of the last script node that wasexecuted to route the call.


NULLVNAME32Identifies the label that was passed to the routingclient. For a translation routed call, this is the labelfor translation route, not the ultimate destination. Ifthe label passed to the routing client for the call isconfigured, this will be the same as the Label fieldof the label specified by LabelID. If the label for thecall is not configured, this is the label passed backto the routing client and the LabelID will be NULL.




DBINTIdentifies the label that was passed to the routingclient. For a translation routed call, this is the labelfor the translation route, not the ultimate destination.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)379

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAn identifier for the Media Routing Domain in theUnified ICM system configuration


NULLDBSMALLINTThe originator of the request:

• - 1 = Unspecified

• 1 = Switch

• 2= CallSim

• 3 = TestCall


NULLDBINTTime in seconds the call spent in a network routerqueue.

For Unified CCEor translation routed calls,NetQTime is included in the computation of answerwait time.

For legacy ACDS, OPC does nothing with theNetQTime other than put it in theTermination_Call_Detail record.




DBINTIdentifies the scheduled target or peripheral targetthat was chosen by the system software.


NULLVARCHAR(8)The origin of the route request.Originator

NULLDBSMALLINTType of originator for a private network routerequest. A private network route request is sent fromthe ACD to the system software through thePeripheral Gateway. For a list of valid options, seeRoute Call Detail Fields, on page 661.


NULLDBSMALLINTThe priority that a private network routing clientgives to the call. Supported by Lucent ASAI.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.

Unlike the default, this primary key isnonclustered.



NULLDBINTThe reason for the last Requery operation.RequeryResult

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)380

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTType of request. For the list of values, see RouteCall Detail Fields, on page 661.




DBINTForeign key from the Route table. This systemsoftware identifier specifies the route where the callwas sent. A route is a value that is returned by arouting script that maps to a target at a peripheral.This target can be a service, skill group, agent, ortranslation route. The value (for example, 5000), isunique among all routes in the enterprise. It is takenfrom the Route table in the Unified ICM centraldatabase. Route IDs are generated automaticallywhen a route is configured in the RouteConfiguration window of Unified ICMConfiguration Manager.



DBINTA call key counter created and set by the systemsoftware. This value forms the unique portion of the64-bit key for the call. The system software resetsthis counter at midnight.



DBINTA value indicating the day that the call was receivedand the Route_Call_Detail record was created.


NULLDBINTA sequence number used for ordering rows forcradle-to-grave call tracking. This number definesthe order in which the route requests were created.This is not the order in which the Route_Call_Detailrecords were created. For PG routing clients, thisfield defines the Termination_Call_Detail instancethat initiated the route request.


NULLDBSMALLINTError code from the CallRouter process.

SeeRouter Error Codes, on page 663 for the completelist of RouterError codes.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the call was held in theCallRouter queue.


NULLDBINTCall counter generated by the routing client in aprivate network. The counter occasionally resets, soduplicate values do occur.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)381

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBSMALLINTForeign key from the Routing Client table. This isa unique identifier for this routing client. The routingclient ID is generated automatically when the routingclient is configured in the Routing ClientConfiguration window of Unified ICMConfiguration Manager.




DBINTForeign key from Script table. Indicates the scriptused to route the call. This unique identifier isgenerated automatically by the system software.


NULLVNAME32The label associated with the ultimate target at theswitch. For a translation routed call, this is the labelof the final destination, not of the translation routeitself. If the label for the call is configured, this willbe the same as the Label field of the label specifiedby TargetLabelID. If the label for the call is notconfigured, this is the final label for the call andTargetLabelID will be NULL.


NULLDBINTThe label associated with the ultimate target at theswitch. For a translation routed call, this is the labelof the final destination, not of the translation routeitself.


NULLDBINTA numeric value representing the execution resultof the routing script. To see the list of values, seeRoute Call Detail Fields, on page 661.


NULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLCHAR(4)This field is reserved.Unused

NULLVARCHAR(131)ISDN private network User to User information.UserToUser

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable1

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable2

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable3

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable4

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable5

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable6

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)382

All TablesRoute_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable7

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable8

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable9

NULLVARCHAR(40)User-defined call variable.Variable10

NULLDBINTThe VRUProgress call variable value.VruProgress

NULLDBINTNumber of VRU Script nodes encountered by thecall.


Route_Call_VariableThis table is one of the tables in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). For more information aboutdatabase rules of these tables, see Route Tables, on page 696.

It gets populated on the central database.When Detailed Data Server (DDS) role is enabled on Administrationand Data Server, this table gets populated on HDS database also.

Each row records the value of an expanded call variable for a call routed by the system software. If theexpanded call variable is an array, one Route_Call_Variable row is generated for each element of the array.Therefore, the system software generates a Route_Call_Variable record for each enabled persistent expandedcall variable for every routing request it processes.

Because this table grows larger in size, running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract data from the HDS into your custom database. Thecustom database must be on a separate server and ensure that other Unified ICM or Unified CC Enterprisecomponents do not use it. Use only DBDateTime (date and time of the record when written to the HDSdatabase) to perform the extraction. You can index the table on the custom database according to the customreporting needs.

Related Tables

Expanded_Call_Variable, on page 257 (via ExpandedCallVariableID)

Route_Call_Detail, on page 376 (RCDRecoveryKey maps to Route_Call_Detail.RecoveryKey)

Table 328: Indexes for Route_Call_Variable Table


RCDRecoveryKey, ExpandedCallVariableID,ArrayIndex

Clustered, unique, unique key located onPRIMARY


DateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Route_Call_Variable

DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Route_Call_Variable

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)383

All TablesRoute_Call_Variable


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 329: Fields in Route_Call_Variable Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIf the expanded call variable is an array, thisidentifies the array element: 0 to N-1, where N isthe size of the array.



DBSMALLDATEThe date and time when the call was routed.DateTime

IE-2 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLVARCHAR(255)The value of the call variable or array element.ECCValue


DBSMALLINTIdentifies the expanded call variable.ExpandedCallVariableID


DBFLT8The RecoveryKey value from the associatedRoute_Call_Detail row.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


Route_Five_MinuteThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. Each row contains statistics about a route during the mostrecent five-minute interval. The system software generates Route_Five_Minute records for each route.

Related Table

Route, on page 374 (via RouteID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)384

All TablesRoute_Five_Minute

Table 330: Indexes for Route_Five_Minute Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DateTime, RouteID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 331: Fields in Route_Five_Minute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Talking state for the routeat the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage delay time of abandoned calls in queue forthe route during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage delay in queue for the route at the end ofthe five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage handle time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the five-minute interval. This includesany HoldTime, TalkTime, andWorkTime associatedwith the call. The HandleTime and AvgHandleTimevalues are updated in the database when the after-callwork time associated with the call (if any) iscompleted.


NULLDBINTAverage answer wait time for all incoming calls tothe route during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the five-minute interval. Talk time ispopulated with the TalkTime and HoldTimeassociated with call to the route.


NULLDBINTRunning total of calls to the route abandoned inqueue since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered during thefive-minute DBINTerval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered sincemidnight.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)385

All TablesRoute_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route handled during thefive-minute DBINTerval. A call is counted ashandled when the call is finished (that is, when anyafter-call work associatedwith the call is completed).

Handled Call

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTRunning total of calls to the route handled at theperipheral since midnight. CallsHandled includesall calls handled by any answering resource for theroute (for example, an IVR, agent, or voice mailport).


NULLDBINTRunning total of incoming calls to this route sincemidnight. Incoming calls include only InboundACDcalls arriving on trunks (that is, calls that are notinternally generated).


NULLDBINTThe total number of inbound and outbound calls thathad previously been offered (for example, calls beingplayed an announcement, queued calls, or connectedcalls) and are currently being handled for the routeat the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that were removed fromthe queue during the five-minute interval (includesabandoned calls).


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route offered in thefive-minute interval. The CallsOffered countincludes calls that are overflowed and transferredinto the service or route. A call is counted as offeredas soon as it is associated with a route.


NULLDBINTRunning total of incoming calls plus internal callsoffered to the route since midnight.


NULLDBINTCalls in queue for the route at the peripheral at theend of the interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)386

All TablesRoute_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTRunning total of calls the system software sent tothe route since midnight.



DBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at the start ofthe five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTLength of time that the longest call in the queue forthe route had been there at the end of the five-minuteinterval.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTForeign key from the Route table.RouteID

NULLDBINTTotal of calls to the route abandoned within theservice level threshold during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTCumulative total of calls to the route abandonedwithin the service level threshold since midnight.


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls to the route that had a servicelevel event during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls to the route that had a servicelevel event since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that had been in queuelonger than the service level threshold as of the endof the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal of calls to the route answered within theservice level threshold during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTCumulative total of calls to the route answeredwithin the service level since midnight.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the route for the five-minuteinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)387

All TablesRoute_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Cumulative service level for this route sincemidnight. The system software uses the same typeof calculation as specified for the service associatedwith the route.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBFLT4This field is not used.Unused1

Route_Half_HourThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Central database only. Each row contains statistics for each route during the most recent 30-minute interval.The system software generates Route_Half_Hour records for each route.

Related Table

Route, on page 374 (via RouteID)

Table 332: Indexes for Route_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DbDateTimenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Route_Half_Hour

DateTime, RouteID, TimeZoneclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 333: Fields in Route_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all incomingcalls to the route during the half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)388

All TablesRoute_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAverage delay time of calls to the route that wereabandoned in queue during the half-hour interval.This value is calculated as follows:DelayQAbandTimeToHalf / CallsAbandQToHalf


NULLDBINTAverage delay in seconds for calls queued for theroute during the half-hour interval. The value iscalculated as follows: DelayQTimeToHalf /CallsQToHalf


NULLDBINTThe average handled calls time in seconds for callscounted as handled for the route during the half-hourinterval. HandleTime is tracked only for inboundACD calls that are counted as handled for theservice. HandleTime is the time spent from the callbeing answered by the agent to the time the agentcompleted after-call work time for the call. Thisincludes any TalkTime, HoldTime, and WorkTimeassociated with the call. This value is calculated asfollows: HandleTimeToHalf /CallsHandledToHalf. The AvgHandleTime valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call is completed, and the database isupdated every half hour.


NULLDBINTAverage answer wait time for all incoming calls tothe route in the half-hour interval. This value iscalculated as follows: AnswerWaitTimeToHalf /CallsAnsweredToHalf


NULLDBINTThe average talk time in seconds for calls to theroute. Talk time includes the time that calls were ina talking or hold state. It is populated with theTalkTime and HoldTime associated with call to theroute (from Termination_Call_Detail). This valueis calculated as follows: TalkTimeToHalf /CallsHandledToHalf .The field is counted whenall after-call work associated with the call iscompleted, and the database is updated every halfhour.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were blind transferred outfor this route during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in queue on this routeduring the half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)389

All TablesRoute_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total number of calls answered by agents, IVRs,or voice-mail ports for the route during the half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTTotal number of calls handled on this route duringthe half-hour interval. CallsHandled includes allcalls handled by any answering resource for the route(for example, an IVR, agent, or voice mail port).

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTTotal of incoming calls on this route during thehalf-hour interval. Incoming calls include onlyInbound ACD calls arriving on trunks (that is, callsthat are not internally generated).


NULLDBINTTotal of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredon this route during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route in queue during thehalf-hour interval. A call that queues multiple timesis counted as queued once for the route.


NULLDBINTTotal calls the system software sent to this routeduring the half-hour interval.



DBSMALLDATEThe date and time at the start of the half-hourinterval.


IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLDBINTThe total number of seconds that calls to the routethat were abandoned in queue waited during theinterval. These are calls that existed in the queue butwere abandoned before being handled by an agentor trunk device.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)390

All TablesRoute_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTSum of delay time of all calls in queue for the routeduring the half-hour interval. This field is populatedwith the LocalQTime from theTermination_Call_Detail record.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls to the route that weredetermined to be closed following an interruptionin data during the half-hour interval.ForcedClosedCalls are calls that terminated becauseof errors tracking the call's state transition. Callsmay become forced closed if there is lack of eventsfrom the ACD's CTI interfaces (for example, a lackof a Disconnect event, or failure on the switch's CTIconnection).


NULLDBINTThe total time in seconds that calls were handled forthe route during the half-hour interval. Handle timeis tracked only for inbound ACD calls that arecounted as handled for the route. HandleTime is thetime spent from the call being answered by the agentto the time the agent completed after-call work timefor the call. This includes any HoldTime, TalkTime,and WorkTime associated with the call. TheHandleTime andAvgHandleTime values are updatedin the database when the after-call work timeassociated with the call is completed.


NULLDBINTTotal hold time in seconds for calls to the route thatended during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe longest time in seconds a call was in queue forthe route before being abandoned during thehalf-hour interval. This includes the LocalQTime,DelayTime, and RingTime.


NULLDBINTThe longest time in seconds a call was in queue forthe route before being answered during the half-hourinterval. This includes the LocalQTime for the call.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that the peripheral retargeted, oroverflowed, into the route during the half-hourinterval. The system software keeps counts of thenumber of calls moved out of each service or route(overflowed out) and moved into each service orroute (overflowed in).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)391

All TablesRoute_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls the peripheral retargeted, oroverflowed, out of the route during the half-hourinterval. The system software keeps counts of thenumber of calls moved our of each service or route(overflowed out) and moved into each service orroute (overflowed in).



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service duringthe current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

NULLDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5


DBINTForeign key from the Route table.RouteID

NULLDBINTCumulative total of calls to the route abandonedwithin the service level during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that have had a servicelevel event during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTCumulative total of calls to the route answeredwithin the service level during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBFLT4Cumulative service level for the route during thehalf-hour interval. The system software uses thesame type of service level calculation as specifiedfor the service associated with the route.


NULLDBINTService Level Type used to calculate Service levelfor this interval


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)392

All TablesRoute_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe time, in seconds, accumulated by calls that weretoo short to be counted as abandoned during thehalf-hour interval. These calls were abandonedbefore the abandoned call wait time expired.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls to the route that were tooshort to be considered abandoned during thehalf-hour interval. A call is determined to be a shortcall if it is abandoned before the Abandoned CallWait Time expired. Short calls are not consideredabandoned, nor are they accounted for in any of theUnified ICM abandoned calls calculations.


NULLDBINTThe number of seconds the call was talking plus thenumber of seconds the call was on hold. TalkTimefor routes and services is taken from the TalkTimeand HoldTime. It is counted when any after-callwork associated with the call is completed, and thedatabase is updated every half hour.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



This table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Local database only.

Each row contains real time information about a route. The system software generates a Route_Real_Timerecord for each route.

Related Table

Route, on page 374 (via RouteID)

Table 334: Indexes for Route_Real_Time Table


RouteIDclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)393

All TablesRoute_Real_Time

Table 335: Fields in Route_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of agents for the route currently in thetalking state


NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all callsoffered to the route during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all callsoffered to the route during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all callsoffered to the route since midnight.


NULLDBINTAverage delay time of abandoned calls in queue forthe route during the rolling five-minute interval:DelayQAbandTimeTo5 / CallsAbandQTo5.


NULLDBINTAverage delay for calls to the route currently inqueue.


NULLDBINTAverage handle time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the rolling five-minute interval:HandleTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5.


NULLDBINTAverage answer wait time for all calls offered to theroute during the rolling five-minute interval:AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / CallsAnsweredTo5.


NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the rolling five-minute interval:TalkTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to this route abandoned while inqueue or ringing during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route abandoned while inqueue or ringing during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to this route abandoned while inqueue or ringing since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered by agentsduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered by agentsduring the rolling five-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)394

All TablesRoute_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered by agentssince midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled on the route during thecurrent half-hour interval.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled for the route during therolling five-minute interval.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled on the route sincemidnight.CallsHandledToday

NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls on this route during thecurrent half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls on this route sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls in queue or being handled on thisroute now.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that were removed fromthe queue during the rolling five-minute interval(includes abandoned calls).


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredon this route during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the route during therolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredon this route since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route in queue now at theperipheral.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)395

All TablesRoute_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal queue time in seconds for all calls to the routecurrently in queue.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls sent on this route during the currenthalf-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls the system software sent to thisroute since midnight.



DBDATETIMEDate and time that this data was last updated.DateTime

NULLDBINTSum of delay time of all calls to route abandoned inqueue during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time in seconds for calls to the routeending since midnight.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls to the routeending since midnight.


NULLDBDATETIMETTime that the longest call in the queue for the routewas put there.


NULLDBINTNumber of overflowed in calls now in queue or inprogress for the route.


NULLDBINTNumber of overflowed out calls for the route nowin queue or in progress elsewhere.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service duringthe current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service duringthe rolling five-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)396

All TablesRoute_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service sincemidnight.



DBINTForeign key from the Route table.RouteID

NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route abandoned within theservice level threshold during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within the service levelthreshold during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route abandoned within theservice level threshold since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered within theservice level threshold during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that have had a servicelevel event during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that have been eitheranswered or abandoned during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route that have had a servicelevel event since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route currently in queue forlonger than the service level threshold.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered within theservice level threshold during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the route answered within theservice level threshold since midnight.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the route during the currenthalf-hour interval.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the route during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the route since midnight. Thesystem software uses the same type of calculationas specified for the service associated with the route.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)397

All TablesRoute_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls to the routeending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total talk time in seconds for calls to the routeending since midnight.


Router_Queue_IntervalThis table defines the statistics about each Precision Queue during the last 15 or 30 minute interval.

Table 336: Indexes for Router_Queue_Interval Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DbDateTimenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Router_Queue_Interva

DateTime, PrecisionQueueID, TimeZoneClustered unique primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 337: Fields in Router_Queue_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls abandoned within Interval 1. For RouterQueue Interval, AbandInterval is calculated from the time thecall is queued to a skill group or a precision queue, to the timethe call is abandoned. This includes any requery time.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 2. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 3. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 4. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 5. SeeAbandInterval1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)398

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 6. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 7. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 8. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 9. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 10. SeeAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 1.AbandStep1

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 2.AbandStep2

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 3.AbandStep3

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 4.AbandStep4

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 5.AbandStep5

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 6.AbandStep6

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 7.AbandStep7

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 8.AbandStep8

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 9.AbandStep9

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in step 10.AbandStep10

NULLDBINTThe number of calls answered within Interval 1. For RouterQueue Interval, AnsInterval is calculated from the time thecall is queued to a skill group or a precision queue, to the timethe call is answered. This includes any requery time.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 2. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval2

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 3. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval3

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 4. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval4

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 5. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval5

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 6. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval6

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 7. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval7

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)399

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 8. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval8

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 9. See AnsInterval1.AnsInterval9

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 10. SeeAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 1.AnsStep1

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 2.AnsStep2

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 3.AnsStep3

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 4.AnsStep4

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 5.AnsStep5

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 6.AnsStep6

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 7.AnsStep7

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 8.AnsStep8

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 9.AnsStep9

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered in step 10.AnsStep10

NULLDBINTAttribute 1 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID1

NULLDBINTAttribute 2 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID2

NULLDBINTAttribute 3 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID3

NULLDBINTAttribute 4 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID4

NULLDBINTAttribute 5 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID5

NULLDBINTAttribute 6 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID6

NULLDBINTAttribute 7 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID7

NULLDBINTAttribute 8 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID8

NULLDBINTAttribute 9 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID9

NULLDBINTAttribute 10 associated with the precision queue.AttributeID10

NULLDBINTForeign Key to the BucketInterval table.BucketIntervalID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)400

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were abandoned and de-queued fromthis Precision Queue. When a call is queued to multiple SkillGroups or Precision Queues and abandoned, the CallsAbandQfield is incremented for one Skill Group or Precision Queueand CallsAbandDequeued is incremented for all of the otherskill groups and or Precision Queues. The Skill Group orPrecision Queue that is charged with the abandon is the oneto which the call had been continuously queued to the longestat the time of the abandon. Normally, this would be the firstSkill Group or Precision Queue the script queued the call to,unless a more complicated dequeue, queue, or requeuescenario changes the order. The term "continuously queued"means that if a call is queued to a group, later dequeued, andstill later requeued, the earlier time in queue is not used indetermining which group the abandon is charged against. Thisfield is applicable to Unified CCE environments and toUnified ICM environments where calls are translation-routedto Skill Groups. This value is set by the Call Router.


NULLDBINTIn the reporting interval, the number of calls abandoned afterthey have been routed to the agent desktop and before theyhave been answered (for example, Abandon Ringing). Thisfield is applicable for Unified CCE systems and for systemswhere calls are translation-routed to Skill Groups.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls queued to the group by the CallRouter thatwere abandoned during the half- hour interval. This field isset by the CallRouter.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered by this precision queue across allperipherals.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were de-queued from this skill groupto be routed to another Skill Group or Precision Queue in thereporting interval. This field is also incremented when a callis de-queued via Cancel Queue node. This field is applicableto Unified CCE environments and to Unified ICMenvironments where calls are translation-routed to SkillGroups.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)401

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed or queued for the Skill Group inthe reporting interval. This value is set by the Call Router.This fields does not include local ACD calls, not routed byUnified ICM. Such calls are counted in the CallsOffered fieldof Skill_Group tables.

CallsOffered = CallsAbandToAgent +CallsHandled + CallsDequeued +RedirectNoAnsCalls +RouterError +CallsAbandQ+ CallsAbandDequeued.


This field is applicable to Unified CCE environments and toUnified ICM environments where calls are translation-routedto Skill Groups. This value is incremented by:

• CallType short calls that are counted as abandoned forSkill Groups. (There is no short call count in theSkill_Group_Real_Time table.)

• Calls that are cancelled bis Cancel Queue node andre-queued to the same Skill Group.

• Calls that are routed to a Skill Group, re-queried, andre-queued to the same Skill Group


NOTNULLDBSMALLDATEThe date and time at the start of the reporting interval.DateTime

NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the records are writtento the HDS database. The logger database has NULL for thiscolumn.


NULLDBINTThe summation of time spent waiting in queue with this skillgroup by callers that abandon before being routed to an agent.


NULLDBINTThe value represents the number of calls that reached anagent's terminal and been redirected on failure to answer inthis Precision Queue during the current reporting interval.


NULLDBINTThe value represents the number of inbound routed callsanswered and wrap-up completed by agents associated withthis Precision Queue during the reporting interval. This fieldis applicable for Unified CCE.

A handled call is either:

• An incoming routed call that was answered by an agentand then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started working on thencompleted. A handled call or task is completed when theagent associated with the call or task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call or task.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)402

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of calls queued for this skill groupduring this interval. Calls queued against multiple skill groupsare included in the count for each skill group to which thecalls are queued.


NULLDBINTThe longest a call had to wait before being answered,abandoned, or otherwise ended. This includes time in thenetwork queue, local queue, and ringing at the agent ifapplicable.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 1.OfferedStep1

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 2.OfferedStep2

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 3.OfferedStep3

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 4.OfferedStep4

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 5.OfferedStep5

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 6.OfferedStep6

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 7.OfferedStep7

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 8.OfferedStep8

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 9.OfferedStep9

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered in step 10.OfferedStep10

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.PrecisionQueueID

NULLDBINTThe total number of pick requests successfully routed by theprecision queue.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pull requests successfully routed by theprecision queue.


NULLDBINTNumber of pick requests resulting in an error.PickErrors

NULLDBINTNumber of pull requests resulting in an error.PullErrors

NULLDBINTNumber of calls queued to the group by the CallRouter duringthe reporting interval. This field is set by the CallRouter.


NOTNULLDBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)403

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOTNULLDBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and used internally bythe Unified ICM/Unified CCE software to track the record.


NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0 - 47). Two15 minute interval records will have a unique half hourboundary value.


NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, over which therouter calculates the Call Type and Call Type Skill Groupdata. The valid values are 30 (default) or 15.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls sent to an agent using this precision queue.RoutedToAgent

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that resulted in an error condition in thereporting interval. This field is applicable to Unified CCEenvironments and to Unified ICM environments where callsare translation-routed to Skill Groups.


NULLDBFLT4Service Level for the skill group during the reporting interval.This value is computed based on the ServiceLevelCalls,ServiceLevelCallsoffered, ServiceLevelCallsAband andCallsDequeued. There are three types of service levelcalculations, and they are determined by the Service Leveltype chosen in configuration. They are:

• Ignore Abandoned Calls ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered -ServiceLevelCallsAband - CallsDequeued)

• Abandoned Calls have Negative Impact ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / ServiceLevelCallsoffered -CallsDequeued)

• Abandoned Calls have Positive Impact ServiceLevel =(ServiceLevelCalls + ServiceLevelCallsAband) /(ServiceLevelCallsoffered - CallsDequeued)

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)404

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTFor Router Queue Interval, ServiceLevelCalls is calculatedfrom the time the call type changes to the time the call isanswered.

Calls may abandon while in the Skill Group queue, or theymay abandon after they have been routed to a Skill Group.Calls that abandon after they are routed to a Skill Group areidentified by TCD records with abandoned call dispositionflag. If the call is queued and abandons before it is routed toany Skill Groups (within the ServiceLevel threshold), theRouter will increment this value for ALL the Skill Groupsthis call was queued for. If the call abandons after it wasrouted to a Skill Group, that Skill Group will haveServiceLevelCallsAband incremented.

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



NULLDBINTFor Router Queue Interval, ServiceLevelAband is calculatedfrom the time the call type changes to the time the call isabandoned.

The number of calls that abandoned within the skill groupServiceLevel threshold in the reporting interval. Calls mayabandon while in the Skill Group queue, or they may abandonafter they have been routed to a Skill Group. Calls thatabandon after they are routed to a Skill Group are identifiedby TCD records with abandoned call disposition. If the callis queued and abandons before it is routed to any Skill Groups(within the ServiceLevel threshold), the Router will incrementthis value for ALL the Skill Groups this call was queued for.If the call abandons after it was routed to a Skill Group, thatSkill Group will have ServiceLevelCallsAband incremented.Other Skill Groups will have ServiceLevelCallsDequeuedincremented. Dequeuing the call via Cancel Node has noimpact on ServiceLevelCallsAband.

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.


With the existence of a network VRU, this valueincludes time in the network queue.



NULLDBINTThe number of queued calls de-queued from a skill groupwithin the skill ServiceLevel threshold in the reportinginterval. Calls may be de-queued via Cancel Queue node orde-queued from this Skill Group to be routed to a differentSkill Group. Note: This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only. Note: With the existence of a networkVRU, this value includes time in the network queue.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)405

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed to a skill group or queued for askill group in the reporting interval. Includes the followingcategories of calls:

• Calls that are answeredwithin the ServiceLevel threshold

• Calls that are abandoned within the ServiceLevelthreshold

• Calls that are redirected within the ServiceLevelthreshold (this is consistent with Call Type ServiceLevel)

• Calls that are not complete after the ServiceLevelthreshold has passed (that is, calls queued longer thanthe Service Level threshold).

ServicelevelCallsOffered field, calls thatencountered an error are counted, irrespective ofhow the calls ended (within or beyond thethreshold). You can use the RouterError field toexclude all the erroneous calls andServiceLevelError field to exclude erroneous callsbefore threshold.Note: This field is relevant to theUnified CCE environment only.


With the existence of a network VRU, this valueincludes time in the network queue.



NULLDBINTThe calls that ended in Error state within the skill groupService Level threshold during the reporting interval

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.


With the existence of a network VRU, this valueincludes time in the network queue.



NULLDBINTThe calls that redirected on no answer within the Service Levelthreshold during the reporting interval. These calls are partof the ServiceLevelCallsOffered.

Note: This field is relevant to the Unified CCE environmentonly.

Note: With the existence of a network VRU, this valueincludes time in the network queue.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoice tasksfrom third-party multichannel applications that use the TaskRouting APIs.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 1.SkipStep1

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)406

All TablesRouter_Queue_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 2.SkipStep2

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 3.SkipStep3

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 4.SkipStep4

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 5.SkipStep5

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 6.SkipStep6

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 7.SkipStep7

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 8.SkipStep8

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 9.SkipStep9

NULLDBINTNumber of calls skipped due to Consider If in step 10.SkipStep10

NOTNULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date and time. Thevalue is the offset in minutes from UTC(formerly GMT).Thevalue is negative for time zones to the east of UTC andpositive for time zones to the west of UTC.


Routing_ClientThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Each row corresponds to a routing client; that is, an entity that can submit routing requests to the systemsoftware. A routing client can be either a Network Interface Controller (NIC) or a Peripheral Gateway (PG).

Use the NIC Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Routing_Client records.

Related Tables

Default_Call_Type, on page 209 (via RoutingClientID)

Dialed_Number, on page 214 (via RoutingClientID)

Label, on page 280 (via RoutingClientID)

Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285(via LogicalControllerID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Route_Call_Detail, on page 376 (via RoutingClientID)

Routing_Client_Five_Minute, on page 411 (via RoutingClientID)

Translation_Route_Half_Hour, on page 580 (via RoutingClientID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)407

All TablesRouting_Client

Table 338: Indexes for Routing_Client Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


PeripheralIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Routing_Client

LogicalControllerIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Routing_Client

RoutingClientIDclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 339: Fields in Routing_Client Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBSMALLINTThe type of client. For an ICRP NIC, this is the typeof the ultimate client on the Network ICM. In allother cases, it is the same as the Logical InterfaceController's ClientType. To see Client Type values,see Client Type, on page 650.


NULLvarchar(255)String containing information specific to a routingclient device (for example, a subsystem number). Anull value indicates no configuration parameters areprovided.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)408

All TablesRouting_Client

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTCongestion treatment mode for routing clients.

Values for this field include the following:

• 0 - Use System Congestion Control: The calltreatment will be applied based on SystemCongestion Control settings.

• 1 - Treat call with Dialed Number DefaultLabel: The calls to be rejected due tocongestion are treated with the default label ofthe dialed number on which the new callarrived.

• 2 - Treat call with Routing Client DefaultLabel: The calls to be rejected due tocongestion are treated with the default label ofthe routing client which of the new call arrived.

• 3 -Treat call with System Default Label: Thecalls to be rejected due to congestion are treatedwith the system default label set in CongestionControl settings.

• 4 - Terminate call with a Dialog Fail orRouteEnd: Terminates the new call dialogwitha dialog failure.

• 5 - Treat call with a Release Message to theRouting Client: Terminates the new call dialogwith a release message.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLVNAME32Default label for the routing client to treat the call.This label will respond when congestion treatmentis set to Treat call with System Default Label (3).The label will be sent only to the calls to be rejected.


NULLDBINTThe default Media Routing Domain associated withthis routing client.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N= No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the routing client.Description

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)409

All TablesRouting_Client

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINT• 0 =Not to use DN/Label map

• 1 =Use DN/Label map for labels, excludingtranslation route labels

• 2=Use DN/Label map for all labels, includingtranslation route labels



VNAME32An enterprise name for this routing client. The namemust be unique among all routing clients in theenterprise.



DBSMALLINTThreshold value, in milliseconds, for classifyingresponses as late. Any response that exceeds thisthreshold is considered late even if it does not exceedthe TimeoutThreshold.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the logical interface controller (PG or NIC)that services the routing client.


NULLVNAME32A name used to associate routing clients acrossinstances.



DBCHARWhen the target of a call transfer is reachable byboth a label defined for the requesting routing clientand by another label defined for the network routingclient that pre-routed the call, this column indicateswhich choice is preferred. Stored as a character:

• Y = Network Transfer is preferred

• N = Network Transfer is not preferred.



DBSMALLINTIndicates which peripheral is acting as the interfaceto the system software within a private network.



DBSMALLINTUnique identifier for this routing client.RoutingClientID

NULLDBINTType of routing for MR client type. The value isNONE by default, or Multichannel whenimplemented with Social Media.



DBSMALLINTMaximum time, in seconds, for which the routingclient waits for a response. If the routing clientreceives no responses from the system softwarewithin this limit, it terminates routing operation.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)410

All TablesRouting_Client

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTMaximum time, in milliseconds, the routing clientcan wait for a response to a routing request. The NICsends a default response slightly before thisthreshold.


Routing_Client_Five_MinuteThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains statistics for each routing client duringthe five-minute interval.

The system software generates Routing_Client_Five_Minute records for each routing client.

Related Tables

Physical_Interface_Controller, on page 340(via PhysicalControllerID)

Routing_Client, on page 407 (via RoutingClientID)

Table 340: Indexes for Routing_Client_Five_Minute Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DateTime, RoutingClientID,PhysicalControllerID, TimeZone

clustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 341: Fields in Routing_Client_Five_Minute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of Abandoned messages the routing clientsent to the system software during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Activity Test messages sent during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of announcement labels the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)411

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of Answered messages the routing clientsent to the system software during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Called Party Busy messages the routingclient sent to the system software during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Call Event Report messages the routingclient sent to the system software during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Call Gap messages the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of CallRouter queue messages the systemsoftware sent to the routing client during thefive-minute interval.



DBINTThe number of responses to the routing client duringthe five-minute interval in which the destination isthe same as the source.


NULLDBINTCongestion duration in number of seconds duringthe five minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Connect messages the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of thefive-minute interval.


IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column


NULLDBINTNumber of destination labels the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Dialog Fail Confirmmessages the routingclient sent to the system software during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Dialog Fail messages the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)412

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTDuring the five-minute, the number of requests fromthe routing client discarded because of an internalconstraint, such as buffering.


NULLDBINTNumber of Disconnect messages the routing clientsent to the system software during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTHighest congestion level in a five-minute interval.HighestCongestionLevelTo5

NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)413

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls routed in a 100-millisecondperiod.


NULLDBINTNumber of responses to the routing client thatexceeded the late threshold but did not timeout.



DBINTTotal number of calls during the five-minute intervalthat were responded to after the late threshold.



DBINTMaximum delay, in milliseconds, of responses tothe routing client during the five-minute interval.



DBINTMean time, in milliseconds, for the responses to therouting client during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Busy labels the system software sent tothe routing client during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Network Default responses the systemsoftware sent to the routing client during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Post-Query labels the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Network Resource labels the systemsoftware sent to the routing client during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Ring labels the system software sent tothe routing client during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of New Call messages the routing clientsent to the system software during the five-minuteinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)414

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of No Answer messages the routing clientsent to the system software during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Alternate Confirmations sent (NIC) orreceived (PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Alternate Requests sent (PG) or received(NIC) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTThe number of blind transfer confirmationmessagesthe routing client sent during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Established Events sent (NIC) or received(PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTThe number of call failure event messages therouting client sent during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Held Events sent (NIC) or received (PG)in the five-minute window..


NULLDBINTNumber of Originated Events sent (NIC) or received(PG) in the five-minute window..


NULLDBINTThe number of cancel indications the VRU routingclient sent to the VRU during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Conference Confirmations sent (NIC) orreceived (PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Conference Requests sent (PG) orreceived (NIC) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Conferenced Events sent (NIC) orreceived (PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Connection Cleared Events sent (NIC)or received (PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Network Consult Confirmations(responses to Connect with operation code Consult)sent (NIC) or received (PG) in the five-minutewindow..


NULLDBINTNumber of Consultative Transfer Confirmations sent(NIC) or received (PG) in the five-minute window.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)415

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of Consultative Transfer Requests sent (PG)or received (NIC) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Drop Connection Confirmations sent(NIC) or received (PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Drop Connection Requests sent (PG) orreceived (NIC) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Reconnect Confirmations sent (NIC) orreceived (PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Reconnect Requests sent (PG) orreceived (NIC)in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTNumber of Retrieved Events sent (NIC) or received(PG) in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTThe number of release indications the VRU routingclient sent to the VRU in the five-minute window.


NULLDBINTThe number of transfer event messages the routingclient sent during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of peripheral queue messages the systemsoftware sent to the routing client during the rolllingfive-minute interval.



DBSMALLINTForeign key from Physical Interface Controller table.PhysicalControllerID


DBINTNumber of requests from the routing client thatproduced errors during the five-minute interval.

This field will increment only when:

- A pre-routed (that is, translation-routed)call terminates before reaching itsdestination target for reasons other thanexceeding the late threshold, timing-out,or being discarded.

- A post-routed call terminates for reasonsother than timing-out, being rejected forcarrying duplicate invocation, due to aninactive Routing Client service, or beingassociated with Network Transfer.




DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)416

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTThe total number of calls rejected due to congestionin the five-minute interval


NULLDBINTNumber of Request Instructionmessages the routingclient sent to the system software during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of ReRoute Request messages the routingclient sent to the system software during thefive-minute interval.



DBINTNumber of route responses to the routing clientduring the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Route Select Failuremessages the routingclient sent to the system software during thefive-minute interval.



DBSMALLINTForeign key from Routing Client table.RoutingClientID

NULLDBINTNumber of Run Script messages the system softwaresent to the routing client during the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of Script Response messages the routingclient sent to the system software during the fiveminute interval.



DBINTTotal number of calls during the five-minute intervalthat were responded to after the timeout threshold.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTNumber of translation route requests initiated by therouting client that were aborted during thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of translation route requests received by therouting client that exceeded the timeout thresholdduring the rollingfive-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)417

All TablesRouting_Client_Five_Minute

Routing_PatternThis table helps Unified CVP to maintain the routing pattern and decide the destination of the calls

This table is not applicable for Unified CCE.Note

Related Tables

• Machine_Host, on page 289 (through MachineHostID)

Table 342: Indexes for Routing_Pattern Table


PatternIDPrimary keyXPKRouting_Pattern

PatternUnique keyXAK1Routing_Pattern

Table 343: Fields in Routing_Pattern Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA primary key that identifies the pattern.PatternID



varchar(24)The pattern for routing the call.Pattern



DBINTThe MachineHostID for the site name the pattern is associated to.

In case of main site, the value is NULL.


NULLDESCRIPTIONThe description of the pattern.Description

NOT NULLDBINTThe type of the pattern.

Valid routing pattern types and their values are as follows:

• VRU = 1

• Agent = 2

• External = 3


NOT NULLvarchar(255)The destination where the pattern will route the call to.

The destination is either SIP server group or Fully Qualified DomainName (FQDN).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)418

All TablesRouting_Pattern

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBCHAREnables 'Send Call to Originator'.

This feature is supported only for VXML Gateway. Itroutes the VXML invite to the same gateway fromwherethe call came.


If the feature is not selected, the value is NULL.

This field has only three possible values: 'Y', 'N', and NULL.


NULLDBSMALLINTEnables 'RNA Timeout for Outbound Calls'.

If the feature is not selected, the value is NULL.


NULLvarchar(512)Reserved for future use.ConfigParam

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPA value that increments when the record changes theCHANGESTAMP in the central controller database.


ScheduleThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Each row describes a schedule to be imported from an external system. Imported data are stored in theSchedule_Import and Schedule_Import_Real_Time tables.

Use the Workforce Management System Import tool to create, delete, or modify Schedule rows.

Related Tables

Agent, on page 17 (via ScheduleID)

Business_Entity, on page 103 (via EntityID)

ICR_View, on page 268 (via ICRViewID)

Import_Log, on page 270 (via ScheduleID)

Import_Schedule, on page 280 (via ScheduleID)

Schedule_Import, on page 421(via ScheduleID)

Schedule_Import_Real_Time, on page 423 (via ScheduleID)

Schedule_Map, on page 425 (via ScheduleID)

Schedule_Report, on page 426 (via ScheduleReportID)

Schedule_Source, on page 429(via ScheduleSourceID)

Scheduled_Target, on page 430 (via ScheduleID)

Service, on page 443 (via ScheduleID)

Service_Array, on page 446 (via ScheduleID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)419

All TablesSchedule

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via ScheduleID)

Table 344: Indexes for Schedule Table


EntityID, EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScheduleReportIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Schedule

ScheduleSourceIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Schedule

ICRViewIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE3Schedule

ScheduleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 345: Fields in Schedule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N=No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the schedule.Description


VNAME32A unique name for the schedule.EnterpriseName


DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which the schedule belongs.



DBINTForeign key to a description of how the systemsoftware interprets the Schedule_Import data for theschedule.



DBINTA unique identifier for the schedule.ScheduleID


DBINTThe number of minutes in each scheduling interval.A schedule can contain different data for eachinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)420

All TablesSchedule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key to the schedule report.ScheduleReportID


DBINTForeign key to a description of the source fromwhich the schedule is imported.



DBINTThe type of the schedule:

• 1 = TCS

• 2 = Custom

• 5 = Report Export

• 6 = Periodic


Schedule_ImportThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Contains the schedule data imported from a source system. Only specific fields within this table are meaningfulfor any schedule type. The meaning of the imported data is described by the ICR_View and View_Columntables.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Table 346: Indexes for Schedule_Import Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DateTime, ScheduleID, TimeZoneclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 347: Fields in Schedule_Import Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARAn imported value.Bool1

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)421

All TablesSchedule_Import

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARAn imported value.Bool2


DBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the schedule data in therecord becomes effective.


NULLDBDATETIMEAn imported value.DateTime1

NULLDBDATETIMEAn imported value.DateTime2

NULLDBDATETIMEAn imported value.DateTime3

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double1

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double2

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double3

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double4

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double5

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double6

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double7

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double8

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double9

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double10

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long1

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long2

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long3

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long4

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long5

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long6

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long7

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long8

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long9

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long10

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long11

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)422

All TablesSchedule_Import

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long12

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long13

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long14

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long15


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTForeign key to the Schedule for which the data areimported.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String1

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String2

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String3

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String4

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String5


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Schedule_Import_Real_TimeThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Local database only. The scheduling data for the current time period as imported from an external source.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (viaScheduleID)

Table 348: Indexes for Schedule_Import_Real_Time Table


DateTime, ScheduleID, TimeZoneclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)423

All TablesSchedule_Import_Real_Time

Table 349: Fields in Schedule_Import_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBCHARAn imported value.Bool1

NULLDBCHARAn imported value.Bool2


DBDATETIMEThe date and time at which the schedule data in therecord becomes effective.


NULLDBDATETIMEAn imported value.DateTime1

NULLDBDATETIMEAn imported value.DateTime2

NULLDBDATETIMEAn imported value.DateTime3

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double1

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double2

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double3

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double4

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double5

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double6

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double7

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double8

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double9

NULLDBFLT8An imported value.Double10

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long1

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long2

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long3

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long4

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long5

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long6

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long7

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long8

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long9

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)424

All TablesSchedule_Import_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long10

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long11

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long12

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long13

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long14

NULLDBINTAn imported value.Long15


DBINTAn imported value. Foreign key to the Schedule forwhich the data are imported.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String1

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String2

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String3

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String4

NULLDESCRIPTIONAn imported value.String5


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Schedule_MapThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Identifies the primary key values from a schedule in the external data source from which it is imported. Eachschedule has one Schedule_Map row for each component of the primary key. If the primary key is a compoundkey, the schedule has multiple Schedule_Map rows.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (viaScheduleID)

Table 350: Indexes for Schedule_Map Table


ScheduleIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Schedule_Map

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)425

All TablesSchedule_Map


ScheduleMapIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 351: Fields in Schedule_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONIAdditional information about the key field.Description


VNAME32The name of a primary key field.FieldName


DESCRIPTIONThe value of the primary key field for the schedule.FieldValue


DBINTForeign key that identifies the schedule.ScheduleID


DBINTA unique identifier for the record.ScheduleMapID

Schedule_ReportThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Each row describes a report used to export information from the ICM platform to a workforce managementsystem.

Related Tables

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleReportID)

Schedule_Report_Input, on page 428 (via ScheduleReportID)

Table 352: Indexes for Schedule_Report Table


EntityID, EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)426

All TablesSchedule_Report


ScheduleReportIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 353: Fields in Schedule_Report Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the report.Description


VNAME32A name that is unique among all schedule reportsdefined in the system database.



DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which the schedule belongs.


NULLvarchar(255)For a SQL report, the UNC name of the file.PathName


DBINTThe type of report:

• 8 = Based on a template.

• 9= Based on a SQL report.



DBINTA unique identifier for the report.ScheduleReportID

NULLVNAME32For a SQL report, the name of the system containingthe report.


NULLvarchar(255)For a template-based report, the time zone offset touse with the template.


NULLVNAME32For a template-based report, the category used tolocate the template.


NULLvarchar(255)For a template-based report, the name of the templateused to create the report.


NULLvarchar(255)For a template-based report, options used with thetemplate: /H to include the SQL header and columnname information; /A to append to the output file


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)427

All TablesSchedule_Report

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVNAME32For a template-based report, the scope used to locatethe template.


Schedule_Report_InputThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Specifies the targets that are used with a template to create a schedule report.

Related Tables

Schedule_Report, on page 426 (via ScheduleReportID)

Table 354: Indexes for Schedule_Report_Input Table


ScheduleReportIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Schedule_Report_Input

ScheduleReportInputIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 355: Fields in Schedule_Report_Input Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the target.Description


DBINTForeign key from a configuration table. This isalways an ID field.



DBINTIdentifies the associated schedule report.ScheduleReportID


DBINTA unique identifier for the report input row. To seethe possible values, see Target Types: Script CrossReference and Scheduled Report Input, on page 674.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)428

All TablesSchedule_Report_Input

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTType of table to which the ForeignKey applies. Tosee the list of values, see Target Types: Script CrossReference and Scheduled Report Input, on page 674.


Schedule_SourceThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Each row indicates the system and path from which the associated schedule data are imported.

Related Table

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleSourceID)

Table 356: Indexes for Schedule_Source Table


EntityIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Schedule_Source

ScheduleSourceIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 357: Fields in Schedule_Source Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the data source.Description


DBINTIf partitioning is enabled, indicates the businessentity to which the schedule belongs.


NULLDESCRIPTIONThe full file path from which data are retrieved.FilePath

NULLvarchar(64)The user name to use when logging into the system.LoginName


DBINTA unique identifier for the record.ScheduleSourceID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)429

All TablesSchedule_Source

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32The name of the system.SystemName

NULLvarchar(32)The password to use when logging into the system.SystemPassword

NULLvarchar(255)The time zone for the system. The value is the offsetin minutes from UTC (formerly called GMT).



DBINTThe type of system from which the data areimported.


Scheduled_TargetThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Each row represents a scheduled target. A scheduled target is not associated with a peripheral and the systemsoftware has only limited information about it: number of agents scheduled and number of calls in progress.You can route calls to scheduled targets using the Scheduled Select script node.

Use the Scheduled Target Explorer to create, delete, and update scheduled targets.

Related Tables

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Network_Target, on page 306 (via NetworkTargetID)

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Scheduled_Target_Real_Time, on page 431 (via NetworkTargetID)

Table 358: Indexes for Schedule_Target Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


CustomerDefinitionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Scheduled_Target

NetworkTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)430

All TablesScheduled_Target

Table 359: Fields in Scheduled_Target Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTIdentifies the customer definition associated withthe scheduled target.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the scheduled target.Description


VNAME32A name that is unique among all scheduled targetsdefined in the system database.



DBINTIdentifier that is unique among all announcements,peripheral targets, and scheduled targets in thesystem.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies the schedule associated with the scheduledtarget.


Scheduled_Target_Real_TimeThis table is in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). To see database rules for these tables, see RouteTables, on page 696.

Local database only.

Contains one row for each scheduled target. The system software updates the real-time data each time it sendsa call to the target or receives a notification from the routing client that a call has completed. The Administration& Data Server receives updated data every 15 seconds.

Related Table

Scheduled_Target, on page 430 (via NetworkTargetID)

Table 360: Indexes for Scheduled_Target_Real_Time Table


NetworkTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)431

All TablesScheduled_Target_Real_Time

Table 361: Fields in Scheduled_Target_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls currently in progress at thescheduled target.



DBDATETIMEThe date and time when the row was last updated.DateTime

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of simultaneous calls thetarget can handle for the current time period (basedon its schedule).



DBINTIdentifies the scheduled target.NetworkTargetID

NULLDBINTNumber of calls currently queued at the CallRouterfor this target.


ScriptThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row represents a version of a routing script or an administrative script. You can save multiple versionsof each script. The binary representation of the script version is stored in the Script_Data table. Generalinformation that applies to all versions of a script is stored in the Master Script table.

Use the Script Editor to create and modify scripts.

Related Tables

Call_Type_Real_Time, on page 142 (via ScriptID)

Master_Script, on page 298 (via MasterScriptID)

Route Call Data (via ScriptID)

Script_Cross_Reference, on page 434 (via ScriptID)

Script_Data, on page 435 (via ScriptID)

Script_Five_Minute, on page 435 (via ScriptID)

Script_Print_Control, on page 437(via ScriptID)

Script_Real_Time, on page 438 (via ScriptID)

Script_Queue_Real_Time, on page 437 (via ScriptID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)432

All TablesScript

Table 362: Indexes for Script Table


DateTimeStampNonclustered index located onPRIMARY


MasterScriptID, Versionnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScriptIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 363: Fields in Script Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVNAME32User name of person who last modified the scriptversion.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBDATETIMEThe date and timewhen the script version was saved.DateTime


DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONFurther information about the script.Description


DBINTNumber of bytes of data in the binary representationof the script.



DBINTForeign key from the Master Script table.MasterScriptID

NULLDBINTIf this version was created by using Quick Edit, thisfield indicates the previous script version. Themetering information from the base version can becarried over to the new version.



DBINTUnique identifier for a specific version of a script.ScriptID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)433

All TablesScript

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates whether the script was saved in an invalidstate.



DBINTThe active version of the master script. The systemsoftware uses only the active version.


Script_Cross_ReferenceThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

It contains information about which configuration objects each script version references. This information isused to determine whether a script version becomes invalid when configuration information changes.

The system software automatically maintains the Script_Cross_Reference table.

Related Tables

Route_Call_Detail, on page 376 (via LocalID)

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 364: Indexes for Script_Cross_Reference Table


ForeignKeynonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Script_Cross_Reference

ScriptID, LocalIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 365: Fields in Script_Cross_Reference Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from a configuration table. This isalways an ID field.



DBINTLocal ID in script that cross references a foreign keyfield in one of the other configuration tables.



DBINTForeign key from Script table.ScriptID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)434

All TablesScript_Cross_Reference

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTType of table to which the ForeignKey applies. Tosee the possible values, see Target Types: ScriptCross Reference and Scheduled Report Input, onpage 674.


Script_DataThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

It contains a binary version of a routing script or administrative script. A long script may require multipleScript_Data rows.

The Script Editor automatically maintains the Script_Data table.

Related Tables

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 366: Indexes for Script_Data Table


ScriptID, RowOrderclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 367: Fields in Script_Data Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTOrdinal number of the rows that apply to a specificscript.


NULLvarbinary(max)Internal script representation.ScriptData


DBINTForeign key from Script table.ScriptID

Script_Five_MinuteThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)435

All TablesScript_Data

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains statistics about each script version for themost recent five-minute interval. The system software generates Script_Five_Minute records for each script.

Related Tables

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 368: Indexes for Script_Five_Minute Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScriptID, DateTime, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 369: Fields in Script_Five_Minute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTNumber of calls that came into the script during thefive-minute interval.



varcharAn array indicating the number of calls that traversedeach node of the script during the five-minuteinterval. Each element in the array is a short integer.An array for a script with 40 nodes is stored in thedatabase as a varbinary(80) array.



DBINTNumber of calls that came into the script during thefive-minute interval.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at start offive-minute interval.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTForeign key from the Script table.ScriptID


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)436

All TablesScript_Five_Minute

Script_Print_ControlThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row contains default print settings for a specific script version. The Script Editor automatically maintainsthe Script_Print_Control table.

Related Tables

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 370: Indexes for Script_Print_Control Table


ScriptIDnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScriptPrintControlIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 371: Fields in Script_Print_Control Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLvarchar(255)A string specifying the print settings for the script.PrintControlSettings


DBINTForeign key from Script table.ScriptID


DBINTA unique identifier for the row.ScriptPrintControlID

Script_Queue_Real_TimeThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Local database only. Contains data on how tasks are processed in a script queue.

Related Tables

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)437

All TablesScript_Print_Control

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 372: Indexes for Script_Queue_Real_Time Table


ScriptID, QueueNodeclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 373: Fields in Script_Queue_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBDATETIMEThe data and time at which this data was lastupdated.



DBINTThe local script node identifier.QueueNode


DBINTThe system identifier of the application path withwhich this row is associated.


NULLDBINTThe number of tasks queued at this script node.TasksQueued

NULLDBDATETIMEThe time in queue for the longest task.TimeInQueue

Script_Real_TimeThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Local database only.

Contains real time information about each script. The system software updates the real-time data each timeit executes a script. The Administration & Data Server receives updated data every 15 seconds. The real-timedata for current script versions is updated at midnight.

Related Tables

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptID)

Table 374: Indexes for Script_Real_Time Table


ScriptIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)438

All TablesScript_Real_Time

Table 375: Fields in Script_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTNumber of times the script has executed sincemidnight. For a routing script, this is the number ofcalls processed.



DBINTCPU time spent processing the script.CpuTime


DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated.



DBINTElapsed time spent processing the script.ElapsedTime


DBINTForeign key from the Script Table.ScriptID

NULLvarbinary(max)Internal real time data for the script.ScriptMeters

Script_TableThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row describes a table from an external database that can be queried from within routing scripts oradministrative scripts using the optional Gateway SQL feature.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Script_Table records.

Related Tables

Script_Table_Column, on page 440 (via ScriptTableID)

Table 376: Indexes for Script_Table Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScriptTableIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)439

All TablesScript_Table

Table 377: Fields in Script_Table Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTIndicates how to query data from the table. Currentlyonly SQL (1) is supported.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONFurther information about the external table.Description


VNAME32A name that is unique among all script tables definedin the system database.



DBINTA unique identifier for the external table.ScriptTableID

NULLDESCRIPTIONThe path of the database table as reached by Side Aof the Central Controller.


NULLDESCRIPTIONThe path of the database table as reached by Side Bof the Central Controller.



DBINTIndicates the connection mode type to the externaldatabase.

0 - Non-Secured Mode

1 - Secured mode

The default values is 0.Note


NULLDBINTFuture useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTFuture useFutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar2

Script_Table_ColumnThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row describes a column in a table from an external database that can be queried from within routingscripts or administrative scripts.

Use Unified ICM Configuration Manager to add, update, and delete Script_Table_Column records.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)440

All TablesScript_Table_Column

Related Tables

Script, on page 432 (via ScriptTableID)

Table 378: Indexes for Script_Table_Column Table


ScriptTableID, ColumnNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScriptTableColumnIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 379: Fields in Script_Table_Column Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



VNAME32The name of the column in the external database.ColumnName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the column.Description


DBINTA unique identifier for this script table column.ScriptTableColumnID


DBINTForeign key from the Script_Table table.ScriptTableID

Sec_GroupThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Used internally to track the state of records in the User_Group table. The Sec_Group table contains one rowfor each User_Group row.

Related Table

User_Group, on page 591 (via UserGroupID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)441

All TablesSec_Group

Table 380: Indexes for Sec_Group Table


UserGroupIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 381: Fields in Sec_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the User_Group table.UserGroupID


varchar(64)The name of the group.UserGroupName

Sec_UserThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Used internally to track the state of users in the User_Group table. The Sec_User table contains one row foreach User_Group row that represents a user (rather than a group).

Related Table

User_Group, on page 591 (via UserGroupID)

Table 382: Indexes for Sec_User Table


UserGroupIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 383: Fields in Sec_User Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the User_Group table.UserGroupID


varchar(64)The name of the user.UserGroupName

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)442

All TablesSec_User

ServiceThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Each row describes a service available at a peripheral.

Use the Service Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Service records.

Related Tables

Enterprise_Service_Member, on page 252(via SkillTargetID)

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (via MRDomainID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Route, on page 374 (via SkillTargetID)

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Service_Array_Member, on page 448 (SkillTargetID maps to Service_Array_Member.ServiceSkillTargetID)

Service_Five_Minute, on page 449 (via SkillTargetID)

Service_Member, on page 464 (via SkillTargetID)

Service_Real_Time, on page 465 (via SkillTargetID)

Skill_Target, on page 537 (via SkillTargetID)

Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560(ServiceSkillTargetID maps to Service.SkillTargetID)

Table 384: Indexes for Service Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


PeripheralID, PeripheralNumbernonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScheduleIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Service

DateTimeStampNonclustered index located onPRIMARY


SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)443

All TablesService

Table 385: Fields in Service Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(255)Incremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the service.Description

NULLDBINTA unique identifier that identifies a department inCCDM/CCMP deployment.



VNAME32An enterprise name for the service. This name mustbe unique among all the services in the enterprise.


NULLVTELNO10The extension number for the skill group (used bythe Definity ECS ACD).



DBINTThe Media Routing Domain associated with thisservice.



DBSMALLINTForeign key from the Peripheral table.PeripheralID


VNAME32Service name as known at the peripheral.PeripheralName


DBINTService number as known at the peripheral. Thisfield together with PeripheralID form an alternateunique key.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)444

All TablesService

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTType of service level calculation to be used in thePeriphServiceLevel fields of Service Real Time andService Half Hour tables. Valid Aspect types are:

• 1 = Service Level 1

• 2 = Service Level 2

• 3 = Service Level 3

• 4 = Service Level as Calculated by Call Center.

If this field is 0 for a service, the system softwareassumes the default specified for the associatedperipheral.

If the peripheral is not an Aspect ACD, the typemustbe 4 (calculated by the peripheral)



DBINTIdentifies an imported schedule associated with theservice.



DBINTThe service level threshold, in seconds, for theservice level. If this field is negative, the value ofthe ServiceLevelThreshold field in the Peripheraltable is used.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)445

All TablesService

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTFor Non-Unified CCE, indicates how the systemsoftware calculates the service level for the service:

• 0 = Use the default specified for the associatedperipheral.

• 1 = Ignore Abandoned Calls. (Remove theabandoned calls from the calculation.)

• 2 = Abandoned Calls have Negative Impact.(Treat the abandoned calls as though theyexceeded the service level threshold.)

• 3 = Abandoned Calls have Positive Impact.(Treat the abandoned calls as through they wereanswered within the service level threshold.)

Regardless of which calculation youchoose, the system software always tracksseparately the number of calls abandonedbefore the threshold expired.


For Unified CCEthe value of this field is always 1(ignore abandoned calls) for services associated withUnified CM peripherals. This is because calls to aUnified CM peripheral have no service associatedwith themwhile they are queued, and therefore callsabandoned while queued cannot affect thecomputation of service level for a Unified CMservice.



DBINTAn identifier that is unique among all skill targetsin the enterprise.



DBCHARIndicates if the record can by deleted by a user.Default is Y.


Service_ArrayThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

A service array is a collection of service which might be associated with different peripherals, but are allassociated with the same Peripheral Gateway (PG). You can route calls to a service array and let the PG chooseamong the member services.

Use the Service Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Service_Array records.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)446

All TablesService_Array

Related Tables

Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285(via LogicalControllerID)

Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Service_Array_Member, on page 448 (via SkillTargetID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via SkillTargetID)

Skill_Target, on page 537 (via SkillTargetID)

Table 386: Indexes for Service_Array Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


SkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIF110Service_Array

LogicalControllerIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIF120Service_Array

ScheduleIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIF121Service_Array

SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 387: Fields in Service_Array Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the service array.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the service array. This namemust be unique among all service arrays in theenterprise.



DBSMALLINTIdentifies the Peripheral Gateway associated withthe service array.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies a schedule associated with the servicearray.



DBINTAn identifier that is unique among all skill targetsin the enterprise.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)447

All TablesService_Array

Service_Array_MemberThis table is one of the Enterprise tables (see Enterprise, on page 615). For database rules see Enterprise Tables,on page 695.

It maps individual services to a service array. The member services in a service array must all be associatedwith the same Peripheral Gateway (PG), but may be associated with different peripherals.

Use the Service Explorer tool to add and delete Service_Array_Member records.

Use the Service Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Service_Array records.

Related Tables

Service_Array, on page 446 (ServiceArraySkillTargetID maps to Service_Array.SkillTargetID)

Service, on page 443 (ServiceSkillTargetID maps to Service.SkillTargetID)

Table 388: Indexes for Service_Array_Member Table


ServiceArraySkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIF122Service_Array_Member

ServiceSkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIF123Service_Array_Member


clustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 389: Service_Array_Member Table Constraints

Field nameConstraint




Table 390: Fields in Service_Array_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIdentifies the service array.ServiceArraySkillTargetID


DBINTIdentifies a service that is a member of the servicearray.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)448

All TablesService_Array_Member

Service_Five_MinuteThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains statistics about each service during themost recent five-minute interval. The system software generates Service_Five_Minute records for each service.

Use the Service Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Service_Array records.

Related Table

Service, on page 443 (via SkillTargetID)

Table 391: Indexes for Service_Five_Minute Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DateTime, SkillTargetID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 392: Fields in Service_Five_Minute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of service agents in the talking state at theend of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage delay time of abandoned calls in queue forthe service during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTAverage delay for calls currently queued for theservice at the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe average handled calls time in seconds for callsto the service that ended during the five-minuteinterval. HandleTime is tracked only for inboundACD calls that are counted as handled for theservice. HandleTime is the time spent from the callbeing answered by the agent to the time the agentcompleted after-call work time for the call. Thisincludes any TalkTime, HoldTime, and WorkTimeassociated with the call. The AvgHandleTime valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call is completed.


NULLDBINTAverage answer wait time for all incoming calls tothe service during the five-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)449

All TablesService_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe average talk time in seconds for calls to theservice during the five-minute interval. Talk timeincludes the time that calls were in a talking or holdstate. It is populated with the TalkTime andHoldTime associatedwith call to the service or route.The field is updated in the database when allafter-call work associatedwith the calls is completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to this service abandoned sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered by agentsduring the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered by agentssince midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled for the service endingduring the five-minute interval. A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled to completion by theservice since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls to this service sincemidnight. Incoming calls include only InboundACDcalls arriving on trunks (that is, calls that are notinternally generated).


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound and outbound calls that hadpreviously been offered (for example, calls beingplayed an announcement, queued calls, or connectedcalls) and are currently being handled for the service.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service that were removedfrom queue during the five-minute interval (used tocalculate expected delay).


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the service during thefive-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)450

All TablesService_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredto this service since midnight.


NULLDBINTCalls in queue for the service at the peripheral at theend of the five-minute interval. A call that queuesmultiple times will be counted as queued once forthe service.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls the system software routed to thisservice since midnight.



DBSMALLDATEDate and time at the start of the five-minute interval.DateTime

NULLDBFLT4Predicted delay for any new call added to the servicequeue at the end of the five-minute interval. This isvalid only if no agents are available.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds the longest available agent forthe service had been available as of the end of thefive-minute interval. If no agent was available, thevalue is 0.


NULLDBINTLength of time that longest call in the queue for theservice had been there at the end of the five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls the peripheral re-targeted, oroverflowed, into the service during the five-minuteinterval. The system software keeps counts of thenumber of calls moved out of each service or route(overflowed out) and moved into each service orroute (overflowed in).


NULLDBINTNumber of calls the peripheral retargeted, oroverflowed, out of the service during the five-minuteinterval. The system software keeps counts of thenumber of calls moved out of each service or route(overflowed out) and moved into each service orroute (overflowed in).


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service during therollingfive-minute interval, as calculated by theperipheral.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service since midnight, ascalculated by the peripheral.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)451

All TablesService_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned within theservice level during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned within theservice level since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered orabandoned during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered orabandoned since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service that had been in queuelonger than the service level threshold at the end ofthe five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service handled within theservice level during the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service handled within theservice level today.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)452

All TablesService_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Service level during the five-minute interval. Thisis derived from ServiceLevelCallsTo5 andServiceLevelCallsOfferedTo5.

There are three types of service level calculations,and they are determined by the Service Level typechosen in configuration.

They are:

1. Ignore Abandoned Calls ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered- ServiceLevelCallsAband -RouterCallsDequeued)

2. Abandoned Calls have Negative ImpactServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls /ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued)

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive ImpactServiceLevel = (ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelCallsAband) /(ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued)

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



NULLDBFLT4Cumulative service level for the service sincemidnight. This is derived fromServiceLevelCallsToday andServiceLevelCallsOfferedToday.



DBINTForeign key from the Service table.SkillTargetID


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThis field is not currently used.Unused1

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)453

All TablesService_Five_Minute

Service_IntervalThis section describes the Service Interval table.

Table 393: Fields in Service_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of AutoOut (predictive) calls made by thisservice that ended during the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting. Notcurrently used for Outbound Option. Not valid forUnified CCE.


YESDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled this service that endedduring the reporting interval. Handle time includesWorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. TheAutoOutCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting. Not currently used forOutbound Option. Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive)calls handled by the service that ended during thereporting interval. This value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentbegins after-call work for the call. It is based onTalkTime. It therefore includes the HoldTimeassociated with the call. AutoOutCallsTalkTime iscounted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting. Not currently used forOutbound Option. Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of ended AutoOut (predictive) calls thatthis service has placed on hold at least once. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting. Notcurrently used for Outbound Option. Not valid forUnified CCE.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)454

All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of seconds that AutoOut (predictive) callswere placed on hold by this service during thereporting interval. This data element is based onHoldTime. The value is counted when the after-callwork associated with the call (if any) has completed,and the database is updated every reporting. Notcurrently used for Outbound Option. Not validforUnified CCE.


YESDBINTAverage delay in the queue for calls to the serviceduring the reporting interval: DelayQTime / CallsQ.Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid for non-voicetasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTAverage delay time of calls to the service abandonedin queue during the reporting interval. This value iscalculated as follows: DelayQAbandTime /CallsAbandQ Not valid forUnified CCE. Not validfor non-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.

When Unified ICM is connected withUnified CCE through a Unified CCEGateway PG, this value is incrementedby any condition on the child that causesthe call to terminate while in the queue.



YESDBINTThe average handled calls time in seconds for callscounted as handled by the service during thereporting interval. HandleTime is tracked only forinbound ACD calls that are counted as handled forthe service. HandleTime is the time spent from theangent answering the call to the time the agentcompleting after-call work time for the call. Thisincludes any TalkTime, HoldTime, and WorkTimeassociated with the call. The AvgHandleTime valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call is completed. The value is calculatedas follows: HandleTime / CallsHandled Valid forUnified CCE.


YESDBINTThe average answer wait time that all calls offeredto the service waited before being answered. Thisvalue is calculated as follows: AnswerWaitTime /CallsAnswered Valid for Unified CCE.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)455

All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe sum of AnswerWaitTime in seconds for all callsanswered for the service during the last reportinginterval. AnswerWaitTime is the elapsed time fromwhen the call is offered at the peripheral, to when itis answered. This includes all DelayTime,LocalQTime, and RingTime associated with the call.For multimedia, the sum of the answer wait timesof all tasks associated with this service that beganin this reporting interval.


YESDBINTThe average handled calls time in seconds for callscounted as handled by the service during thereporting interval. HandleTime is tracked only forinbound ACD calls that are counted as handled forthe service. HandleTime is the time spent from theagent answering the call to the agent completingafter-call work time for the call. This includes anyTalkTime, HoldTime, and WorkTime associatedwith the call. The AvgHandleTime value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall is completed. The value is calculated as follows:HandleTime / CallsHandled Valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of calls that were blind transferred out byagents in this service during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTThe number of calls handled for the service duringthe reporting interval. For multimedia, the numberof tasks associated with this service that were endedin this reporting interval. Valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of outbound calls placed by agents for theservice during the reporting interval. Not valid forUnified CCE. Not valid for non-voice tasks. Set tozero by OPC.


YESDBINTNumber of calls handled by the service but nototherwise accounted for during the reporting interval.These are calls that do not fit into the criteria forhandled, abandoned, or transferred calls. They wereterminated for other reasons, which may includedrop/no answer, forced busy, or timed out. Not validfor Unified CCE. Not valid for non-voice tasks. Setto zero by OPC.


YESDBINTNumber of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredto the service during the reporting interval. Validfor Unified CCE.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)456

All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of incoming calls to the service during thereporting interval. Incoming calls include onlyInbound ACD calls arriving on trunks (that is, callsthat are not internally generated). Valid for UnifiedICM and Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of tasks routed by the system software tothe service during the reporting interval. Formultimedia, the number of tasks routed to the serviceduring the reporting interval. Valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTThe number of tasks that became associated withthis service in this reporting interval. This isincremented when the Agent PG receives an OfferTask message, and when it receives a Start Taskmessage without having received an Offer Taskmessage.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call or task is completed when the agentassociated with the call or task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call or task. This field isapplicable for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of calls abandoned in queue for the serviceduring the reporting interval. Not valid for UnifiedCCE. Not valid for non-voice tasks. Set to zero byOPC.

When Unified ICM is connected withUnified CCE through a Unified CCEGateway PG, this value increments forany condition on the child that causes thecall to terminate while in the queue.



YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service in the queue duringthe reporting interval. A call that queues multipletimes is counted as queued once for the service. Thisfield is not valid for Unified CCE or for non-voicetasks. Set to zero by OPC.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of thereporting interval.


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Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

IE1, YESDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


YESDBINTSum of delay time of all calls to the service in queueduring the reporting interval. This field is populatedfrom the LocalQTime. This field is not valid forUnified CCE or for non-voice tasks. Set to zero byOPC.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds that calls for the service thatwere abandoned in queue waited during the interval.These are calls that existed in the queue but wereabandoned before being handled by an agent or trunkdevice. Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid fornon-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service that were determinedto be closed following an interruption in data duringthe reporting interval. ForcedClosedCalls are callsthat terminated because of errors tracking the callsstate transition. Calls may become forced closed ifthere is lack of events from the ACD CTI interfaces(for example, a lack of a Disconnect event, or failureon the switch CTI connection). Not valid for UnifiedCCE.


YESDBINTThe total time in seconds that calls were handled forthe service during the reporting interval. HandleTimeis tracked only for inbound ACD calls that arecounted as handled for the service. HandleTime isthe time spent from the agent answering the call tothe agent completing after-call work time for thecall. This includes any HoldTime, TalkTime, andWorkTime associated with the call (from theTermination_Call_Detail table). The HandleTimevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) is completed, andthe database is updated every reporting. Formultimedia, this is TalkTime + HoldTime +HandledWorkReadyTime. Valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTThe total time in seconds for calls to the service thatended during the reporting interval. For multimedia,the number of seconds that agents spent in thePAUSED state for tasks associated with this servicethat ended in this reporting interval. Valid forUnified CCE.


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All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTLongest time in seconds a call was in queue for theservice before being abandoned during the reportinginterval. Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid fornon-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTLongest time in seconds a call was in queue for theservice before being abandoned during the reportinginterval. Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid fornon-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTValid for multimedia only. The number of taskswhose Start Task Timeout Period expired in thisreporting interval.


YESDBINTNumber of calls that the peripheral re-targeted, oroverflowed, into this service during the reportinginterval. The system software keeps counts of thenumber of calls moved out of each service or route(overflowed out) and moved into each service orroute (overflowed in). Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of calls that the peripheral re-targeted, oroverflowed, out of this service during the reportinginterval. The system software keeps counts of thenumber of calls moved out of each service or route(overflowed out) and moved into each service orroute (overflowed in). Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of offered calls used in the peripheralservice level calculation for the reporting interval.Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid for non-voicetasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBFLT4Peripheral service level during the reporting interval.Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid for non-voicetasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered within theservice level, as counted by the peripheral, duringthe reporting interval. Not valid for Unified CCE.Not valid for non-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTNumber of outbound Preview calls made by thisservice that ended during the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting. Notcurrently used for Outbound Option. Not valid forUnified CCE.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)459

All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by this service that ended during thereporting interval. Handle time includesWorkTime,TalkTime, and HoldTime. The PreviewCallsTimevalue includes the time spent from the call beinginitiated to the time the agent completes after-callwork time for the call. The value is counted whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) has completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting. Not currently used for OutboundOption. Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by this service that ended during thereporting interval. This value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentbegins after-call work for the call. It is based onTalkTime fromTermination_Call_Detail. It thereforeincludes the HoldTime associated with the call.PreviewCallsTalkTime is counted when theafter-call-work time associated with the call (if any)has completed, and the database is updated everyreporting. Not currently used for Outbound Option.Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of ended outbound Preview calls that thisservice placed on hold at least once. The value iscounted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting. Not currently used forOutbound Option. Not valid forUnified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds outbound Preview calls wereplaced on hold this service during the reportinginterval. This data element is based on HoldTime.The value is counted when the after-call workassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting. Notcurrently used for Outbound Option. Not valid forUnified CCE.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)460

All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

IE2, NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0to 47). Two 15minute interval records have a uniquehalf hour boundary value.


IE3, NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, overwhich the router calculates the Call Type and CallType Skill Group data. The valid values are 30(default) or 15.


YESDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCalls

YESDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTime

YESDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTalkTime

YESDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHold

YESDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldTime

YESDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agents terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service duringthe current reporting interval.


YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

YESDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5


DBINTThe SkillTargetID of this service. Foreign key fromthe Service table.


YESDBFLT4Service level for the service during the reportinginterval. For non-voice tasks and for Unified CCEcalls, the ServiceLevelType is always set to ignoreabandoned calls.


YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered within theservice level threshold during the reporting interval.Not valid for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned within theservice level threshold during the reporting interval.Set to zero for Unified CCE voice tasks and fornon-voice tasks.


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All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service that had service levelevents during the reporting interval. Not valid forUnified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of calls to the service during the reportinginterval that were too short to be consideredabandoned. A call is determined to be a short call ifit is abandoned before the Abandoned Call WaitTime expired. Short calls are not consideredabandoned and they are not accounted for in any ofthe Unified ICM abandoned calls calculations. Notvalid for Unified CCE. Not valid for non-voice tasks.Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTTime, in seconds, accumulated by calls that weretoo short to be counted as abandoned during thereporting interval. These calls were abandonedbefore the abandoned call wait time expired. Notvalid for Unified CCE. Not valid for non-voice tasks.Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTService Level Type used to calculate Service levelfor this interval. Not currently used for OutboundOption. Not valid forUnified CCE.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


YESDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the service duringthe reporting interval. This count includesconsultative transfers and blind transfers to theservice. The count is populated in the database whenthe after-call work associated with the call (if any)is finished. Not valid for Unified CCE. Not valid fornon-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.


YESDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the service duringthe reporting interval. This count includesconsultative transfers and blind transfers made fromthe service. The count is populated in the databasewhen the after-call work associated with the call (ifany) is finished. Not valid for Unified CCE. Notvalid for non-voice tasks. Set to zero by OPC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)462

All TablesService_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of seconds that agents spent in theACTIVE state or the PAUSED state for tasksassociated with this service that ended in thisreporting interval.


Service_Level_ThresholdThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

The Service Level Threshold table specifies how the Unified ICM calculates service level for a particularperipheral. Each row in this table contains specific default values for a PeripheralID-Media Routing Domainpair.

Related Tables

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (via MRDomainID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Table 394: Indexes for Service_Level_Threshold Table


PeripheralID, MRDomainIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 395: Fields in Service_Level_Threshold Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from theMedia_Routing_Domain table.MRDomainID


DBSMALLINTThe ICM ID of the peripheral with which this rowis associated.



DBINTThe default value of the ServiceLevelThreshold fieldfor services associatedwith this peripheral andmediarouting domain.


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All TablesService_Level_Threshold

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe default value for the ServiceLevelType field foreach service associated with this peripheral andmedia routing domain. This value indicates how thesystem software calculates the service level.

For Unified CCE the value of this field is always1 (ignore abandoned calls) for Unified CMperipherals. This is because calls to a Unified CMperipheral have no service associated with themwhile they are queued, and therefore calls abandonedwhile queued cannot affect the computation ofservice level for a Unified CM service.


Service_MemberThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

The Service Member table maps skill groups to services. Each service contains one or more member skillgroups. Each skill group can be a member of one or more services.

Use the Service Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Service_Member records.

Related Tables

Service, on page 443 (ServiceSkillTargetID maps to Service.SkillTargetID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

Table 396: Indexes for Service_Member Table


SkillGroupSkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Service_Member

ServiceSkillTargetID, SkillGroupSkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)464

All TablesService_Member

Table 397: Fields in Service_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe priority level of the specified service for thespecified skill group:

• 1 = Primary

• 2= Secondary

Any number of skill entries can be of anypriority--not all need to be entered.



DBINTSkillTargetID of the service.ServiceSkillTargetID


DBINTSkillTargetID of the skill group that is associatedwith the service.


Service_Real_TimeThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

When Unified ICM is connected with Unified CCE through a Unified CCE Gateway PG, this value isincremented by any condition on the child that causes the call to terminate while in the queue.


Local database only. Contains real time information about each service.

The system software automatically generates a Service_Real_Time record for each service.

Related Table

Service, on page 443 (via SkillTargetID)

Table 398: Indexes for Service_Real_Time Table


SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)465

All TablesService_Real_Time

Table 399: Fields in Service_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of service agents currently in the talkingstate.


NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all incomingcalls to the service during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all incomingcalls to the service during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTSum of answer wait time in seconds for all incomingcalls to the service since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of AutoOut (predictive) calls made byagents for this service that ended during the currenthalf-hour interval. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents currently talking on AutoOut(predictive) calls for the service.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of ended AutoOut (predictive) calls thatagents in the service have placed on hold at leastonce during the current half-hour interval. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds that AutoOut (predictive) callswere placed on hold by agents in the skill groupduring the current half-hour interval. This dataelement is based on HoldTime. The value is updatedin the database when the after-call work associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)466

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by agents for this servicethat ended in the rolling five-minute window. Handletime includesWorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds AutoOut (predictive) calls wereplaced on hold by agents for this service sincemidnight. This data element is based on HoldTime.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work associated with the call (if any) hascompleted.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal number of AutoOut (predictive) calls madefor this service that ended in the rolling five-minutewindow. The value is updated in the database whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of ended AutoOut (predictive) calls thatagents for this service have placed on hold at leastsince midnight. The value is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive)calls handled by the service that ended during thecurrent half-hour interval. This value includes thetime spent from the call being initiated to the timethe agent begins after-call work for the call. It isbased on TalkTime. It therefore includes theHoldTime associated with the call.AutoOutCallsTalkTime is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed..

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)467

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for completeUnsupported for Outbound Option. AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by the service during therolling five-minute interval. This value includes thetime spent from the call being initiated to the timethe agent begins after-call work for the call. It isbased on TalkTime. It therefore includes theHoldTime associated with the call.AutoOutCallsTalkTime is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive)calls handled by agents for this service that endedsince midnight. This value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentbegins after-call work for the call. It is based onTalkTime fromTermination_Call_Detail. It thereforeincludes the HoldTime associated with the call.AutoOutCallsTalkTime is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by the service that endedduring the current half-hour interval. Handle timeincludes WorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. TheAutoOutCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by this service that endedduring the rolling five-minute window. Handle timeincludes WorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. TheAutoOutCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)468

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by agents for this servicethat ended since midnight. Handle time includesWorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime, all of whichare taken from the Termination_Call_Detail records.TheAutoOutCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of AutoOut (predictive) calls made byagents for the service that ended during the rollingfive-minute interval. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal number of AutoOut (predictive) calls madefor this service that ended since midnight. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTAverage delay time of abandoned calls in queueduring the rolling five-minute interval. This valueis calculated as follows:

DelayQAbandTimeTo5 / CallsAbandQTo5.


NULLDBINTAverage delay for calls currently in queue for theservice.


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All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAverage handle time in seconds for calls to theservice during the rolling five-minute interval. Thevalue is calculated as follows:

HandleTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5

HandleTime is tracked only for inbound ACD callsthat are counted as handled for the service.HandleTime is the time spent from the call beinganswered by the agent to the time the agentcompleted after-call work time for the call. Thisincludes any TalkTime, HoldTime, and WorkTimeassociated with the call. The AvgHandleTime valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call has completed.


NULLDBINTAverage answer wait time for all calls offered to theservice during the rolling five-minute interval:AnswerWaitTimeTo5 / CallsAnsweredTo5.


NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls to the serviceending during the rolling five-minute interval. Thevalue is calculated as follows:

TalkTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5

Talk time includes the time that calls were in atalking or hold state. It is populated with theTalkTime and HoldTime associated with call to theservice or route. The field is updated in the databasewhen all after-call work associated with the calls iscompleted.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned while inqueue or ringing during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned while inqueue or ringing during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned while inqueue or ringing since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered by agentsduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered by agentsduring the rolling five-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)470

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered by service agents sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled for this service during thecurrent half-hour interval.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A call associated with Outbound Option thatthe agent answered, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completedwhen the agentassociated with the call/task finishes thewrap-up work associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service handled during therolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls handled for this service sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls for this service during thecurrent half-hour interval. Incoming calls includeonly Inbound ACD calls arriving on trunks (that is,calls that are not internally generated).


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls to the service during therolling five-minute interval. Incoming calls includeonly Inbound ACD calls arriving on trunks (that is,calls that are not internally generated).


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls for this service sincemidnight. Incoming calls include only InboundACDcalls arriving on trunks (that is, calls that are notinternally generated).


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls for the service currentlyin progress.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound and outbound calls currentlythat had previously been offered (for example, callsbeing played an announcement, queued calls, orconnected calls) and are currently being handled forthe service.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)471

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service that were removedfrom queue during the rolling five-minute interval(used to calculate expected delay).


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredto this service during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the service during therolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls plus internal calls offeredto this service since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls made by agents for theservice during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls by agents for the servicethat are currently in progress.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls made by agents for theservice during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls made by agents for theservice since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls in queue for the service now at theperipheral.


NULLDBINTTotal time of all calls to the service currently inqueue.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls routed to this service by the systemsoftware for the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls routed to this service by the systemsoftware since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the service but nototherwise accounted for during the current half-hourinterval. These are calls that do not fit into thecriteria for handled, abandoned, or transferred calls.They were terminated for other reasons, which mayinclude drop/no answer, forced busy, or timed out.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)472

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the service but nototherwise accounted for during the rollingfive-minute interval. These are calls that do not fitinto the criteria for handled, abandoned, ortransferred calls. They were terminated for otherreasons, which may include drop/no answer, forcedbusy, or timed out.


NULLDBINTNumber of offered to the service but not otherwiseaccounted for since midnight. These are calls thatdo not fit into the criteria for handled, abandoned,or transferred calls. They were terminated for otherreasons, which may include drop/no answer, forcedbusy, or timed out.



DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated.


NULLDBINTSum of delay time of all calls to the serviceabandoned in queue during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBFLT4Predicted delay for any new call added to the servicequeue. This is valid only if no agents are available.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time in seconds for calls to the serviceending during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time in seconds for calls to the serviceending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time in seconds for calls to the servicesince midnight.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls to the servicethat ended during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls to the servicethat ended during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total hold time in seconds for calls to the servicethat ended since midnight.


NULLDBDATETIMETime that the longest available agent for the servicebecame available.


NULLDBDATETIMETime that the longest call in the queue for the servicewas put there.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)473

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls the peripheral overflowed into thisservice during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBTINYINTThe service accepts overflow in calls if the delay forthe longest delayed call is less then this value. If 0,the service always accepts overflow in calls; if 127,the service never accepts overflow in calls.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls overflowed into this service thatare currently queued or in progress.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls the peripheral overflowed into thisservice during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls overflowed into this service sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls overflowed out of this serviceduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBTINYINTThe service attempts to overflow out calls if thedelay for the longest delayed call is greater than thisvalue. If 0, the service attempts to overflow out allcalls; if 127, the service never attempts to overflowout calls.


NULLDBINTThe number of tasks that have overflowed out ofthis service to some other service (call it service X)and have not overflowed out of service X.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls overflowed out of this serviceduring the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls overflowed out of this service sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service handled within theperipheral service level during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to this service handled within theperipheral service level since midnight.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service calculated by theperipheral during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of offered calls used to calculate theperipheral service level for the current half-hourinterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)474

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of offered calls used to calculate theperipheral service level since midnight.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service calculated by theperipheral during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service calculated by theperipheral since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound Preview calls made by agentsfor this service that ended during the currenthalf-hour interval. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents currently talking on outboundPreview calls for the service.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTIn the current half-hour interval, the number of endedoutbound Preview calls that agents for the servicehave placed on hold at least once. The value isupdated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds outbound Preview calls wereplaced on hold by agents for this service during thecurrent half-hour interval. This data element is basedon HoldTime. The value is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work associated with the call (ifany) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds outbound Preview calls wereplaced on hold by agents for this service during therollingfive-minute interval. This data element isbased on HoldTime. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work associated withthe call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)475

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of seconds outbound Preview calls wereplaced on hold by agents for this service sincemidnight. This data element is based on HoldTime.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work associated with the call (if any) hascompleted.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound Preview calls that agents forthis service have placed on hold at least once duringthe rolling five-minute interval. The value is updatedin the database when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of Outbound Preview calls made by agentsin the skill group that ended during the half-hourinterval. The value is updated in the database whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by the service that ended during thecurrent half-hour interval. This value includes thetime spent from the call being initiated to the timethe agent begins after-call work for the call. It isbased on TalkTime. It therefore includes theHoldTime associated with the call.PreviewCallsTalkTime is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by the service that ended during therolling five-minute interval. This value includes thetime spent from the call being initiated to the timethe agent begins after-call work for the call. It isbased on TalkTime. It therefore includes theHoldTime associated with the call.PreviewCallsTalkTime is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)476

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by agents for this service that endedsince midnight. This value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentbegins after-call work for the call. It is based onTalkTime. It therefore includes the HoldTimeassociated with the call. PreviewCallsTalkTime isupdated in the database when the after-call worktime a DBINTssociated with the call (if any) hascompleted.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by this service that ended during thecurrent half-hour DBINTerval. Handle time includesWorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. ThePreviewCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by the service that ended during therolling five-minute DBINTerval. Handle timeincludes WorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime, allof which are taken from the Termination_Call_Detailrecords. The PreviewCallsTime value includes thetime spent from the call being initiated to the timethe agent completes after-call work time for the call.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by agents for this service that endedsince midnight. Handle time includes WorkTime,TalkTime, and HoldTime. The PreviewCallsTimevalue includes the time spent from the call beinginitiated to the time the agent completes after-callwork time for the call. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)477

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of outbound Preview calls made by agentsfor the service during the rolling five-minute interval.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound Preview calls made by agentsfor this service since midnight. The value is updatedin the database when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed.

Unsupported for Outbound Option.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service duringthe current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service duringthe rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls that rang at an agent's terminal andredirected on failure to answer in this service sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsHalf

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsNow

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldHalf

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldTimeHalf

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldTimeTo5

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldTimeToday

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldTo5

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsOnHoldToday

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTalkTimeHalf

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTalkTimeTo5

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTalkTimeToday

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTimeHalf

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTimeTo5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)478

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTimeToday

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsTo5

NULLDBINTNot currently used.ReserveCallsToday

NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned within theservice level threshold during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned within theservice level threshold during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service abandoned within theservice level threshold since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered within theservice level threshold during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service for which a servicelevel event occurred during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service for which a servicelevel event occurred during the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service for which a servicelevel event occurred since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service currently queued forlonger than the service level threshold.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service answered within theservice level during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the service that were answeredwithin the service level threshold since midnight.


NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service during the currenthalf-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)479

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Service level during the rolling five-minute interval.

There are three types of service level calculations,and they are determined by the Service Level typechosen in configuration.

They are:

1. Ignore Abandoned Calls ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered- ServiceLevelCallsAband -RouterCallsDequeued)

2. Abandoned Calls have Negative ImpactServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls /ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued)

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive ImpactServiceLevel = (ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelCallsAband) /(ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued)

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



NULLDBFLT4Service level for the service since midnight.ServiceLevelToday

NULLDBINTThe current mode of the service:

• 1 = Day service

• 2 = Night service

• 3 = Closed with answer

• 4= Closed, no answer

• 5 = Transition

• 6= Open

• 13 = Pilot Status Other.



DBINTForeign key from Service table.SkillTargetID

NULLDBINTTotal talk time in seconds for calls to the serviceending during the current half-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)480

All TablesService_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal talk time in seconds for calls to the serviceending during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time in seconds for calls to the serviceending since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the service duringthe current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the service duringthe rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the service sincemidnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the service duringthe current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the service duringthe rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the service sincemidnight.


ShiftProvides the name, start time, and end time of the current shift.

Table 400: Indexes for Shift Table


ShiftNamenonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 401: Fields in Shift Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


VNAME32Name of the Shift scheduled.ShiftName


SMALLDATETIMEShift start time.StartTime

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)481

All TablesShift

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


SMALLDATETIMEShift end time.StopTime

SIP_Server_GroupThis table contains logical grouping of destinations like Browsers and Call Managers.

Unified CVP does the load balancing to these elements in Server Group and provides High Availability ofSIP Component.

This table is not applicable for Unified CCE.Note

Related Tables

• Machine_Host, on page 289 (through MachineHostID)

• SIP_Server_Group_Elements, on page 483 (through SipServerGroupID)

Table 402: Indexes for SIP_Server_Group Table


SipServerGroupIDPrimary keyXPKSip_Server_Group

GroupNameUnique keyXAK1Sip_Server_Group

Table 403: Fields in SIP_Server_Group Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique primary key that identifies the SIP server group.SipServerGroupID

NOT NULLvarchar(255)The server group FQDN.GroupName

NULLDESCRIPTIONThe description of the SIP server group.Description



DBINTThe MachineHostID for the site name the pattern is associated to.In case of main site, the value is NULL.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)482

All TablesSIP_Server_Group

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLDBINTThe type of the SIP server group. The valid SIP Server types andtheir values are as follows:

• VRU = 0

• Agent = 1

• External = 2


NOT NULLDBCHARA value that indicates whether the SIP server group is a defaultgroup for all the route pattern. The default value is N.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPA value that increments when the record changes theCHANGESTAMP in the central controller database.


SIP_Server_Group_ElementsThis table contains the elements of the SIP Server Group.

This table is not applicable for Unified CCE.Note

Related Tables

• Machine_Host, on page 289 (through MachineHostID)

• SIP_Server_Group, on page 482 (through SipServerGroupID)

Table 404: Indexes for SIP_Server_Group_Elements Table


SipServerGroupElementIDPrimary keyXPKSip_Server_Group_Elements

Table 405: Fields in SIP_Server_Group_Elements Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTA unique primary key that identifies the SIP server group element.SipServerGroupElementID



DBINTA unique primary key that identifies the SIP server group.SipServerGroupID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)483

All TablesSIP_Server_Group_Elements

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTThe MachineHostID for the element present in the group.MachineHostID

NULLDBINTThe port on which the SIP server group sends the SIP Request.Port

NULLDBINTThe secure port on which the SIP server group sends the SIPrequest.


NOT NULLDBINTThe priority of the element in the group.Priority

NOT NULLDBINTThe weight of the element in the group.Weight

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPA value that increments when the record changes theCHANGESTAMP in the central controller database.


Skill_GroupThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Each row describes a skill group associated with a peripheral. A skill group is a collection of agents who havecommon skills.

Clarification Regarding the DefaultEntry field: If you look at the Skill_Group table for a skill group thatyou have created, the DefaultEntry field will have the value 0 (even if this skill group has sub-skill groups).If a default skill group has been created (for example, a default skill group is automatically created when youestablish Peripheral Gateways for an Unified CCE system), and you look at the Skill_Group table for thisskill group, then--provided that this skill group has no sub-skill groups--the DefaultEntry field will have thevalue 1. For additional information, see the description of the DefaultEntry field.


Use the Skill Group Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Skill_Group records.

Related Tables

• Dialer_Detail, on page 224 (via SkillTargetID)

• Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour, on page 242 (SkillGroupSkillTargetIDmaps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

• Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 246 (SkillGroupSkillTargetIDmaps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

• Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member, on page 254 (via SkillTargetID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (via MRDomainID)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

• Precision_Queue, on page 341 (via PrecisionQueueID)

• Schedule, on page 419 (via ScheduleID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)484

All TablesSkill_Group

• Service_Array, on page 446 (via SkillTargetID)

• Service_Member, on page 464 (via SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Group_Five_Minute, on page 488 (via SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Group_Member, on page 520 (via SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 521 (via SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Target, on page 537 (via SkillTargetID)

• Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560(SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

Table 406: Indexes for Skill_Group Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


PeripheralID, PeripheralNumber, Prioritynonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ScheduleIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Skill_Group

BaseSkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Skill_Group

DateTimeStampnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE3Skill_Group

SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 407: Fields in Skill_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTNumber of seconds before an agent becomesavailable after a call terminates. If this value is0xFFFF, then the default value from the Peripheralrecord is used.



DBINTIf Priority is not 0, indicates the base group for theskill. If this record is for the base group, Priority is0 and this field is NULL.


YESDBINTThe ID of bucket intervals from the Bucket_Intervaltable used to generate the AnsInterval andAbandInterval fields in this record. If NONE isselected for the bucket interval, thenDefault_Bucket_Intervals is used for calculation.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)485

All TablesSkill_Group

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarchar(255)A string of parameters the system software sends tothe peripheral to initialize the skill group.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBINTNormal entries are 0 (zero). Any records withDefaultEntry value > (greater than) 0 will beconsidered a default skill group for configurationpurposes. Records having a DefaultEntry value of1 are used by OPC as the default target skill group.Where only a base default skill group is created, ithas a DefaultEntry value of 1. If sub-skill grouprecords are created, the primary sub-group has aDefaultEntry value of 1, while the others have aDefaultEntry value of 2.

An automatic DefaultEntry is createdwith each possible combination ofPeripheral andMRDomain (PeripheralIDandMRDOmainID) in the system. Theseentries are visible to configurationapplications but cannot be directlymodified.




DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldepartment.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the group.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the skill group. This namemust be unique among all skill groups in theenterprise.


NULLVTELNO10The extension number for the service (used byLucent DEFINITY ECS).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)486

All TablesSkill_Group

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBCHARIndicates whether or not this is an 'Unified ICMpicks the agent (IPTA)' skill group:

• Y = Yes, this is an IPTA skill group.

• N = No, this is not an IPTA skill group.



DBINTThe Media Routing Domain with which this skillgroup is associated. The default value is 1.



DBSMALLINTForeign key from Peripheral table.PeripheralID


VNAME32Skill group name as known by the peripheral.PeripheralName


DBINTSkill group number as known by the peripheral.PeripheralNumber

FK, NULLDBINTForeign key to the Precision Queue table.PrecisionQueueID


DBSMALLINTThe routing priority of this group for the skill:

• 1 = primary

• 2 = secondary

• 3= tertiary; etc.

The value 0 indicates a base skillgroup.




DBINTIdentifies an imported schedule associated with theskill group.



DBINTThe service level threshold, in seconds, for theservice level.

If this field is negative, the value of theServiceLevelThreshold field in theService_Level_Threshold table (for thisPeripheral/MRD pair) is used.

The default value is -1 whichmeans SL computationis disabled for this SG.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)487

All TablesSkill_Group

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTIndicates how the system software calculates theservice level for the skillgroup.

If this field is 0, Unified ICM uses the defaultspecified for the associated Peripheral/MRD pair inthe Service_Level_Threshold table.

Possible values:

• 0 = Use Default

• 1 = Ignore Abandoned Calls

• 2 = Abandoned Call Has Negative Impact:

• 3 = Abandoned Call Has Positive Impact:



DBINTAn identifier that is unique among all skill targetsin the enterprise.



DBSMALLINTIndicates whether to use the SubSkillGroupMaskfield for the skill group or to use the peripheraldefault:

• 0 = Use peripheral default.

• 1 = Override the peripheral default.


NULLvarchar(64)A series of characters (Y and N) indicating whichsub-skill groups to create for the skill group. Ignoredif SubGroupMaskType is 0.



DBCHARIndicates if the record can be deleted by a user.Default is Y.


Skill_Group_Five_MinuteThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains statistics about each skill group duringthe five-minute interval.

The Unified ICM generates Skill_Group_Five_Minute records for each skill group.

Related table

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via SkillTargetID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)488

All TablesSkill_Group_Five_Minute

Table 408: Indexes for Skill_Group_Five_Minute Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DateTime, SkillTargetID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 409: Fields in Skill_Group_Five_Minute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of agents in group in the Available state atthe end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total time, in seconds, that agents in the skillgroup were in the Available state for any skill groupduring the five-minute interval. AvailTime isincluded in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls counted ashandled by the skill group during the five-minutewindow. This value is calculated as follows:HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5

AvgHandledCallsTalkTime is calculated only forhandled calls, which are calls that are finished (thatis, any after-call work associated with the call hasbeen completed). This field is updated in thedatabase when any after-call work associated withthe call is completed.


NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls counted ashandled by the skill group during the five-minutewindow. This value is calculated as follows:HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / CallsHandledTo5

The AvgHandledCallsTime value is updated in thedatabase when any after-call work time associatedwith the call is completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the BusyOther state at the endof the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents spent in the BusyOtherstate during the five-minute window.BusyOtherTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)489

All TablesSkill_Group_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered by agents in the skillgroup during the five-minute window. The countfor CallsAnswered is updated at the time the call isanswered.


NULLDBINTCalls that by been answered and have completedwrap-up by the skill group during the five-minutewindow.

A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of thefive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group logged on at theend of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTime in seconds that the longest available agent forthe skill group has been available.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group in the Not Readystate at the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe total time in seconds that agents in the skillgroup were in the Not Ready state for any skill groupduring the five-minute window. NotReadyTime isincluded in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBFLT4Percentage of Ready time that agents in the skillgroup spent talking or doing call work during thefive-minute window. This is the percentage of timeagents spend working on calls versus the time agentswere ready.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group in the Readystate at the end of the five-minute interval.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)490

All TablesSkill_Group_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


NULLDBINTTime agents in the skill group spent in the Reservedstate during the five-minute window.ReservedStateTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.



DBINTThe SkillTargetID of the agent. Together with theSkillGroupSkillTargetID, identifies the skill groupmember. Foreign key from skill group table.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group talking oninbound calls at the end of the five-minute interval.Inbound calls are ACD calls arriving on trunks (thatis, calls that are not internally generated).


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group talking oninternal calls (neither inbound nor outbound) at theend of the five-minute interval. Examples of "othercalls include agent-to-agent transfers and supervisorcalls.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group talking onoutbound calls at the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents in the skill group werein the Talking state during the five-minute window.

This field is applicable for Unified ICM, UnifiedCCE and Outbound Option.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBINTThis field is not used.Unused1

NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group in theWork NotReady state at the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents in the skill group werein the Work Not Ready state during the five-minutewindow. WorkNotReadyTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)491

All TablesSkill_Group_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group in the WorkReady state at the end of the five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents in the skill group werein the Work Ready state during the five-minuteinterval. WorkReadyTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


Skill_Group_IntervalThis section describes the Skill Group Interval table.

For any calls that are routed using a Precision Queue, only the RouterCallsOffered and RouterErrorCodefields in the corresponding Skill_Group_Interval table are updated. No other fields are updated for these calls.

In the Skill_Group_Interval table, the Hold time is calculated based on the agent state.Note

Table 410: Indexes for Skill_Group_Interval Table


DateTime, SkillTargetID, TimezonePRIMARY KEYXPKSkill_Group_Interval

Recovery KeyUNIQUEXAK1Skill_Group_Interval


Table 411: Fields in Skill_Group_Interval Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of outbound calls that abandon whileon hold. This is reported by OPC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)492

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for inbound callsassociated with the skill group that were handledduring the reporting interval. This value is calculatedas follows:HandledCallsTalkTime / CallHandled.AvgHandledCallsTalkTime is calculated only forhandled calls, which are calls that are finished (thatis, any after-call work associated with the call hasbeen completed). This field is counted when anyafter-call work associated with the call is completed,and the database is updated every reporting.

In a Unified CCE Enterprise Gatewaydeployment, a Unified ICM (parent)connected with a Unified CCE with aUnified CCE System PG (child) or CiscoUnified Contact Center Express (child)through Unified CCE Gateway PG,network queuing data is not available inthe child or in the child agent orsupervisor desktops. The time spent inthe network queue is not included in thereporting metrics in the child. A callcenter manager, who would normallyonly look at the Unified CCE childreports, must also look at the parentUnified ICM reports for network queuingdata.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)493

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe sum of the answer wait times of all callsassociated to an agent in this skill group or precisionqueue answered during the reporting interval.AnswerWaitTime is updated at the time the call isanswered, and the database is updated at everyreporting interval.

In Unified ICM,AnswerWaitTime is calculated fromthe following fields in the Termination_Call_Detailtable:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

In Unified CCE, AnswerWaitTime is calculatedfrom the following fields in theTermination_Call_Detail table:

• DelayTime

• RingTime

• NetworkSkillGroupQTime


YESDBINTTotal number of ACD calls to the skill group thatwere abandoned while ringing at an agent's position.The value is counted at the time the call disconnects,and the database is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTTotal ring time associated with ACD calls to theskill group that were abandoned while alerting anagent's position. RingTime occurs after anyDelayTime and LocalQTime. The value is countedat the time the call disconnects, and the database isupdated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of ACD calls to the skill groupthat abandoned while being held at an agentsposition. The value is counted at the time the calldisconnects, and the database is updated everyreporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)494

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, outbound ACD callshandled by agents associated with this skill groupthat ended during the reporting interval. The valueincludes the time spent from the agent beginning thecall to when the agent begins after-call work for thecall. The value is counted when the after-call-worktime associated with the call (if any) is completed,and the database is updated every reporting.

This field does not include the hold time;it is recorded in theAgentOutCallsOnHoldTime field.



YESDBINTThe total number of outboundACD calls by an agentassociated with this skill group that ended duringthe current reporting interval that were placed onhold at least once during the life of the call. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


YESDBINTTotal number of seconds outbound ACD calls wereplaced on hold by agents associated with this skillgroup. This value updated in the database whenafter-call work associated with the call (if any) iscompleted.


YESDBINTNot currently used.AgentTerminatedCalls

YESDBINTAverage handle time in seconds for inbound callsassociated with the skill group that were handledduring the reporting interval. This value is calculatedas follows: HandledCallsTime / CallsHandled. TheAvgHandledCallsTime value is counted when anyafter-call work time associated with the call iscompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of AutoOut (predictive) calls madeby agents associated with this skill group that endedduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed, and the database isupdated every reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)495

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by agents associated withthis skill group that ended during the reportinginterval. Handle time includesWorkTime, TalkTime,and HoldTime. The AutoOutCallsTime valueincludes the time spent from the call being initiatedto when the agent completes after-call work time forthe call. The value is counted when the after-callwork time associated with the call (if any) hascompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


YESDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive)calls handled by agents associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval. Thisvalue includes the time spent from the call beinginitiated to when the agent begins after-call workfor the call. It includes the HoldTime associated withthe call. AutoOutCallsTalkTime is counted whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) has completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of ended AutoOut (predictive)calls that agents associated with this skill group haveplaced on hold at least once. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed, and the database isupdated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of seconds that AutoOut(predictive) calls were placed on hold by agentsassociated with this skill group during the reportinginterval. The value is counted when the after-callwork associated with the call (if any) has completed,and the database is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe total handle time, in seconds, for outboundACDcalls handled by the skill group that ended duringthe reporting interval. Handle time includesWorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. TheAgentOutCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the agent beginning the call to when the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)496

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of outbound ACD calls made byagents in the skill group that ended during areporting interval. The value is counted when anyafter-call work time associated with the call iscompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


YESDBINTTotal time in seconds agents associated with thisskill group were in the Not_Active state for this skillgroup during the reporting interval. AvailTime isincluded in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTThe number of calls associated with this skill groupbarged in on either by the supervisor or by the agent.This field is applicable for Unified CCE only.


NULLDBINTThe ID of Bucket Intervals from the Bucket_Intervaltable used to generate the followingRouterAnsInterval and RouterAbandInterval fieldsin this record.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds agents have spent in theBusyOther state for this skill group during thereporting interval. BusyOtherTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTFor skill groups assigned to campaigns only per theCampaign Skill Group. As skill groups are oftenreused for new campaigns, this provides a historicaltrail for proper reporting. Filled in by the CallRouter.


YESDBINTNumber of callbackmessages processed by the skillgroup during the reporting interval.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds the skill group spent processingcallback messages during the reporting interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)497

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of inbound ACD calls answered andwrap-up completed by agents associated with thisskill group during the reporting interval.

This field is applicable for Unified ICM and UnifiedCCE. A handled call is:

1. An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

2. A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call or task is completed when the agentassociated with the call or task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call or task.


YESDBINTNumber of routed calls answered by agentsassociated with this skill group during the giveninterval. CallsAnswered is incremented in theinterval where the call is answered, as opposed toCallsHandled which is incremented in the intervalwhere the call ends.

With the existence of a network VRU, ina Unified CCE deployment with aUnified CCE System PG, this value doesnot include time spent in the networkVRU.



NULLDBINTThe number of external consult calls the agents inthis skill group completed during this interval.


NULLDBINTTime the agents in this skill group spent on consultexternal calls. It includes talk, hold, and wrap time.Time is counted when the call ends. This time


YESDBINTThe number of consultative calls agents associatedwith the skill group that ended in this reporting. Thecount is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the consultative call (if any) iscompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


YESDBINTThe number of seconds agents associated with thisskill group spent handling a consultative call. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the consultative call (if any) iscompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)498

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls received by this skill group forthe current reporting interval. In Unified CCE witha Unified CCE System PG, a call is counted asoffered when it is sent to a skill group. In UnifiedCCE without a Unified CCE System PG, a call iscounted as offered only when it is answered.

For consistent values, in Unified CCEregardless of whether there is a UnifiedCCESystemPG, useRouterCallsOffered.



YESDBINTThe number of calls queued to this skill group bythe ACD in the current reporting interval. In UnifiedCCE with a Unified CCE System PG, this field isapplicable and is updated when a call is queued tothe skill group.

Not applicable for Unified CCE withouta Unified CCE System PG and is notupdated.


For consistent values, in Unified CCE regardless ofwhether there is a Unified CCE System PG, useRouterQueueCalls.


YESDBINTThe number of incoming calls skill group agentswere conferenced into. Incoming calls include ACDand non-ACD calls. The value is counted when theagent drops off the call or the call becomes a simpletwo-party call, and the database is updated everyreporting.

For blind conferences in Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG, this fieldis updated when an agent later answersthe call that was blind conferenced to aVRU. For this call scenario, this field isnot updated in Unified CCE without aUnified CCE System PG.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)499

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of seconds agents associated with thisskill group were involved in incoming conferencecalls. Conferenced in calls include both ACD andnon-ACD. The value is counted when the agentdrops off the call or the call becomes a simpletwo-party call, and the database is updated everyreporting. For blind conferences in Unified CCE,the value is counted when an agent blind conferencesthe call to a VRU, and the database is updated everyreporting. For blind conferences in Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG, the value is notupdated in the database until another agent lateranswers the call that was blind conferenced to aVRU.

For blind conferences in Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG, this fieldis updated when another agent lateranswers the call that was blindconferenced to a VRU. For this callscenario, this field is not updated inUnified CCE without a Unified CCESystem PG.



YESDBINTThe number of conference calls that the skill groupagents initiated. The conferenced out calls includeACD and non-ACD calls. The value is countedwhenthe agent drops off the call or the call becomes asimple two-party call, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


YESDBINTThe number of seconds that agents spent onconference calls that they initiated. This includestime spent on both ACD and non-ACD conferencecalls initiated by the agent. The value is countedwhen the agent drops off the call or the call becomesa simple two-party call, and the database is updatedevery reporting.



DBSMALLDATEThe date and time at the start of the reportinginterval.


YESDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


YESDBINTThe number of emergency assist requests either bythe agent or by the supervisor. This field isapplicable for Unified CCE only.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)500

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of seconds where all calls to an agent areon hold during the reporting interval. HoldTime iscounted only while the agent is doing no othercall-related activity. HoldTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTThe number of seconds that agents spent inTalkTime for calls associated with this skill groupthat ended in this reporting interval. This field isapplicable for both Unified ICM, Unified CCE andOutbound Option.


YESDBINTThis field only applies to configured skill groups.The number of seconds an agent spent answeringthe call (including the time the call was on hold) tothe time the agent completed the after-call workassociated with the call.

HandledCallsTime = HandledCallsTalkTime +HoldTime +(WorkNotReadyTime/WorkReadyTime)

The value in this field for the incoming routed callsincludes:

1. Talk time

2. Total Held time

3. Work Ready and Work Not Ready time

Database is updated with the cumulativetime only after the call completion of boththe talk time and the wrap-up time.


This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE, and Outbound Option.



YESDBINTTotal number of seconds that inbound ACD callsthat agents associated with the skill group placed onhold that ended during the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) is completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)501

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of inbound ACD calls that agentsassociated with the skill group placed on hold atleast once during the reporting interval. The valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of seconds internal calls agentsassociated with the skill group ended in thisreporting ever put on hold. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of internal calls that agentsassociated with the skill group ended in thisreporting that were ever placed on hold. The valueis counted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed, and the databaseis updated every reporting.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds spent on internal calls receivedby the agent during the reporting interval. The valueis incremented when the after-call-work timeassociated with the call has completed.


YESDBINTNumber of internal calls associated with this skillgroup that agents received and that ended duringthis reporting interval. The value is counted whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) is completed, and the database is updated everyreporting.


YESDBINTNumber of internal calls agents associated with thisskill group ended during the reporting interval. Thevalue is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) is completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds spent on internal calls initiatedby the agent during the reporting interval. The valueis incremented when the after-call-work timeassociated with the call has completed.


YESDBINTThe number of seconds during which all calls to theagent are in interrupted state during the reportinginterval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)502

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls intercepted either by thesupervisor or by the agent. This field is applicablefor Unified CCE only.


YESDBINTTotal time, in seconds, agents associated with thisskill group were logged on during the reportinginterval. This field is applicable for both UnifiedICM, Unified CCE and Outbound Option.

This value is based on the sum of the following:

1. HoldTime

2. TalkInTime

3. TalkOutTime

4. TalkOtherTime

5. NotReadyTime

6. WorkReadyTime

7. WorkNotReadyTime

8. BusyOtherTime

9. ReservedStateTime

10. TalkAutoOutTime

11. TalkPreviewTime

12. TalkReservedTime

13. InterruptedTime


YESDBINTThe number of calls monitored either by thesupervisor or by the agent. This field is applicablefor Unified CCE only.


YESDBINTThe number of Network consultative calls completedby agents in the skill group with at least one call onhold. The count is counted when the after-call worktime associated with the consultative call (if any) iscompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)503

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of seconds agents in the skill groupspent handling a Network consultative call with atleast one call on hold. The value is counted whenthe after-call work time associated with theconsultative call (if any) is completed, and thedatabase is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe number of Network conference calls that theskill group agents initiated. The conferenced outcalls only include Network conference calls. Thevalue is counted when the agent drops off the callor the call becomes a simple two-party call, and thedatabase is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe number of seconds that agents spent on Networkconference calls that they initiated. This onlyincludes time spent on Network conference callsinitiated by the agent. This database element usesConferenceTime from the Termination_Call_Detailtable. The value is counted when the agent drops offthe call or the call becomes a simple two-party call,and the database is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTNumber of calls that were network (Blind andConsultative) transferred out of the skill groupduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.


YESDBINTTotal seconds agents were in the Not Ready statefor this skill group during the reporting interval.NotReadyTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pick requests successfully routedto this skill group for this interval.


NULLDBINTThe total number of pull requests successfully routedto this skill group for this interval .


NULLDBINTNumber of pick requests resulting in an error.PickErrors

NULLDBINTNumber of pull requests resulting in an error.PullErrors

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)504

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBFLT4Percentage of Ready time that agents associated withthis skill group spent talking or doing call workduring the reporting interval. This is the percentageof time these agents spent working on calls versusthe time agents were ready.


NULLDBINTForeign Key from Precision_Queue table.PrecisionQueueID

YESDBINTTotal number of outbound Preview calls made byagents associated with this skill group that endedduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) has completed, and the database isupdated every reporting.


YESDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by agents associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval.Handle time includes WorkTime, TalkTime, andHoldTime. The PreviewCallsTime value includesthe time spent from the call being initiated to whenthe agent completes after-call work time for the call.The value is counted when the after-call work timeassociated with the call (if any) has completed, andthe database is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by agents associated with this skillgroup that ended during the reporting interval. Thisvalue includes the time spent from the call beinginitiated to when the agent begins after-call workfor the call. It therefore includes the HoldTimeassociated with the call. PreviewCallsTalkTime iscounted when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed. This field isapplicable for both Unified ICM and Unified CCE,and the database is updated every reporting.


YESDBINTThe total number of ended outbound Preview callsthat agents associated with this skill group haveplaced on hold at least once during the reportinginterval. The value is counted when the after-callwork time associated with the call (if any) hascompleted, and the database is updated everyreporting.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)505

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of seconds outbound Preview callswere placed on hold by agents associated with thisskill group during the reporting interval. The valueis counted when the after-call work associated withthe call (if any) has completed, and the database isupdated every reporting.


YESDBINTFor Outbound Option, the number of reservationcalls received by agents in this skill group duringthe reporting interval.


YESDBINTFor Outbound Option, the time during the reportinginterval that outbound agents in this skill group spenton reservation calls waiting for delivery of aCampaign customer call. This includes preview timefor Preview, Direct Preview, and Personal Callbackcalls.


YESDBINTFor Outbound Option, the talk time for agents in thisskill group on reservation calls during the reportinginterval. This is calculated using Call State.


YESDBINTFor Outbound Option, the number of reservationcalls for agents in this skill group placed on holdduring the reporting interval.


YESDBINTFor Outbound Option, the time that reservation callsfor agents in this skill group are on hold during thereporting interval.



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.


YESDBINTThe number of ACD calls to the skill group that rangat an agent's terminal and redirected on failure toanswer. The value is counted at the time the call isdiverted to another device, and the database isupdated every reporting.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)506

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of seconds ACD calls to the skill grouprang at an agent's terminal before being redirectedon failure to answer on failure to answer. The valueis counted at the time the call is diverted to anotherdevice, and the database is updated every reporting.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 1. ForSkill Group Interval, RouterAbandInterval iscalculated from when the call is queued to a skillgroup or a precision queue, to when the call isabandoned.

This column is applicable to both third-party ACDsand Unified CCE with the following exception: thecolumn is not incremented if the call abandons afterit is routed to a standard ACD, unless the call wastranslation routed.

In a Unified CCE Enterprise Gateway deployment,a Unified ICM (parent) connected with a UnifiedCCE and with a Unified CCE System PG (child) orCisco Unified Contact Center Express (child)throughUnified CCEGateway PG, network queuingdata is not available in the child or in the child agentor supervisor desktops. The time spent in thenetwork queue is not included in the reportingmetrics in the child. A call center manager, whowould normally only look at the Unified CCE childreports, must also look at the parent Unified ICMreports for network queuing data.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 2. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 3. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 4. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 5. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 6. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)507

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 7. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 8. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 9. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls abandoned within interval 10. SeeRouterAbandInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answeredwithin interval 1. For SkillGroup Interval, RouterAnsInterval is calculated fromwhen the call is queued to a skill group or a precisionqueue, to when the call is answered.

This column is applicable to both third-party ACDsand CC Enterprise with the following exception: thecolumn is not incremented if an agent on athird-party ACD answers the call, unless the callwas translation routed.

In a Unified CCE Enterprise Gateway deployment,aUnified ICM (parent) connected with a Unified CCEwith a Unified CCE System PG (child) or CiscoUnified Contact Center Express (child) throughUnified CCE Gateway PG, network queuing data isnot available in the child or in the child agent orsupervisor desktops. The time spent in the networkqueue is not included in the reporting metrics in thechild. A call center manager, who would normallyonly look at the Unified CCE child reports, mustalso look at the parent Unified ICM reports fornetwork queuing data.

With the existence of a network VRU, for UnifiedCCE and for Unified ICM systems in which callsare translation-routed, the measurement of ServiceLevel begins when the call arrives at the routingscript, or when its call type is changed. This meansthat if self-service is performed on a call before thecall is queued to an agent, the routing script mustchange the call type of the call when self-service iscompleted. Otherwise, the time spent in self-servicenegatively impacts the Service Level.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 2. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)508

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 3. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 4. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 5. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 6. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 7. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 8. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 9. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls answered within interval 10. SeeRouterAnsInterval1.


YESDBINTNumber of calls queued to the group by theCallRouter that were abandoned during the half-hourinterval. The CallRouter sets this field.


DBINTThe summation of time spent waiting in queue withthis skill group by callers that abandon before beingrouted to an agent.

The CallRouter sets this field.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of calls queued for this skillgroup during this interval. Calls queued againstmultiple skill groups are included in the count foreach skill group it was queued to.

The CallRouter sets this field.


NULLDBINTThe longest a call had to wait before being answered,abandoned, or otherwise ended. This includes timein the network queue, local queue, and ringing at theagent if applicable.

The CallRouter sets this field.


YESDBINTNumber of calls queued to the group by theCallRouter during the reporting interval. TheCallRouter sets this field.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)509

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay

NULLDBINTThe value indicates Half Hour boundary interval (0- 47). Two 15 minute interval records will have aunique half hour boundary value.


NULLDBINTThis value indicates the period, in minutes, overwhich the router calculates the Call Type and CallType Skill Group data. The valid values are 30(default) or 15.


YESDBINTHow long an agent is in Reserved state. This iscounted using Agent State.


YESDBINTThe number of calls routed or queued for the SkillGroup in the reporting interval. The CallRouter setsthis field.

This fields does not include local ACD calls, notrouted by Unified ICM. Such calls are counted inthe CallsOffered field of Skill_Group tables.

Note: RouterCallsOffered =RouterCallsAbandToAgent + CallsHandled +RouterCallsDequeued + RedirectNoAnsCalls +RouterError + ReserveCalls + RouterCallsAbandQ+ RouterCallsAbandDequeued

This field is applicable to Unified CCE environmentsand to Unified ICM environments where calls aretranslation-routed to Skill Groups.

This value is incremented by:

1. CallType short calls, which are counted asabandoned for Skill Groups. (There is no shortcall count in the Skill_Group_Real_Time table.)

2. Calls that are cancelled bis Cancel Queue nodeand re-queued to the same Skill Group.

3. Calls that are routed to a Skill Group, re-queried,and re-queued to the same Skill Group.

For precision queue skill groups, thisvalue increments when a call is sent to aperipheral.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)510

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTIn the reporting interval, the number of callsabandoned after they have been routed to the agentdesktop and before they have been answered (forexample, Abandon Ringing). This field is applicablefor Unified CCE systems and for systems wherecalls are translation-routed to Skill Groups.

The CallRouter sets this field.

For precision queue skill groups, thisvalue counts the number of callsabandoned after the calls are routed to anagent desktop and before the calls areanswered.



YESDBINTThe number of calls that were de-queued from thisskill group to be routed to another skill group in thereporting interval. This field is also incrementedwhen a call is de-queued by a Cancel Queue node.This field is applicable to Unified CCE environmentsand to ICM environments where calls aretranslation-routed to Skill Groups.

The CallRouter sets this field.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)511

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls that resulted in an errorcondition in the reporting interval.

A few examples of error condition are:

• CCE Script execution is unable to find a targetfor the call due to any scripting or configurationerror.

• The system is unable to route the call to theidentified Agent for any error in the networkor device.

• Calls with mis-configured labels do not usedefault routing; for example, when a route hasnot been defined.

This field is applicable to Unified CCE environmentsand to Unified ICM environments where calls aretranslation-routed to Skill Groups.

The CallRouter sets this field.

For precision queue skill groups, thisvalue counts the number of calls resultingin an error condition after the calls arerouted to an agent desktop.


SeeRouter Error Codes, on page 663 for the completelist of RouterError codes.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)512

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls that were abandoned andde-queued from this skill group. When a call isqueued to multiple skill groups and abandoned, theRouterCallsAbandQ field is incremented for oneskill group and RouterCallsAbandDequeued isincremented for all the other skill groups. The groupthat is charged with the abandon is the group towhich the call had been continuously queued to thelongest at the time of the abandon. Normally, thiswould be the first group the script queued the callto, unless a more complicated dequeue, queue, orrequeue scenario changes the order.

The term "continuously queued" means that if a callis queued to a group, later dequeued, and still laterrequeued, the earlier time in queue is not used indetermining which group the abandon is chargedagainst.

This field is applicable to Unified CCE environmentsand to Unified ICM environments where calls aretranslation-routed to Skill Groups.

The CallRouter sets this field.


YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved1

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved2

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved3

YESDBINTReserved for future use.Reserved4

YESDBFLT4Reserved for future use.Reserved5


DBINTThe SkillTargetID of the skill group. Together withthe SkillGroupSkillTargetID, identifies the skillgroup member.


YESDBINTNumber of calls for which agents received supervisorassistance during the reporting interval. The valueis counted when the supervisor-assisted callcompletes, and the database is updated everyreporting. This field is applicable for Unified CCE.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds agents associated with this skillgroup spent on supervisor-assisted calls during thereporting interval. The value is counted when thesupervisor-assisted call completes, and the databaseis updated every reporting. This field is applicablefor Unified CCE.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)513

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls answered by agents associatedwith this skill group where the duration of the callsfalls short of the AnsweredShortCalls threshold. Youmight choose to factor these calls out of handle timestatistics. Inbound ACD short calls are counted asHandled. AGENT_INSIDE short calls are countedas InternalCallsRcvd.


YESDBFLT4Service Level for the skill group during the reportinginterval. This value is computed based on theServiceLevelCalls, ServiceLevelCallsoffered,ServiceLevelCallsAband, and CallsDequeued.

There are three types of service level calculations,and they are determined by the Service Level typechosen in configuration.

They are:

1. Ignore Abandoned Calls ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered- ServiceLevelCallsAband -RouterCallsDequeued -RouterCallsAbandDequeue).

2. Abandoned Calls have Negative ImpactServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls /ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued -RouterCallsAbandDequeue).

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive ImpactServiceLevel = (ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelCallsAband) /(ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued -RouterCallsAbandDequeue).

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)514

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this skill group answeredwithin the service level threshold during thereporting interval. For Skill Group Interval,ServiceLevelCalls is calculated from when the callis queued to a skill group or a precision queue, towhen the call is answered.

Calls may abandon while in the Skill Group queue,or they may abandon after they have been routed toa Skill Group. Calls that abandon after they arerouted to a Skill Group are identified by TCDrecords with abandoned call disposition. If the callis queued and abandons before it is routed to anySkill Groups (within the ServiceLevel threshold),the Router increments this value for ALL the SkillGroups this call was queued for. If the call abandonsafter it was routed to a Skill Group, that Skill Groupwill have ServiceLevelCallsAband incremented.Other Skill Groups have ServiceLevelCallsDequeuedincremented. Dequeuing the call by a Cancel Nodehas no impact on ServiceLevelCallsAband. Thisfield is relevant to the Unified CCE environmentonly.

With the existence of a network VRU, this valueincludes time in the network queue.


YESDBINTThe total number of calls of this skill groupabandoned within the service level threshold duringthe reporting interval. For Skill Group Interval,ServiceLevelCallsAband is calculated from whenthe call is queued to a skill group or a precisionqueue, to when the call is abandoned.

Calls may abandon while in the Skill Group queue,or they may abandon after they have been routed toa Skill Group. Calls that abandon after they arerouted to a Skill Group are identified by TCDrecords with abandoned call disposition flag. If thecall is queued and abandons before it is routed toany Skill Groups (within the ServiceLevelthreshold), the Router increments this value for ALLthe Skill Groups this call was queued for. If the callabandons after it was routed to a Skill Group, thatSkill Group will have ServiceLevelCallsAbandincremented. This field is relevant to the UnifiedCCE environment only.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)515

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of queued calls de-queued from a skillgroup within the skill ServiceLevel threshold in thereporting interval. Calls may be de-queued by aCancel Queue node or de-queued from this SkillGroup to be routed to a different Skill Group.

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



YESDBINTThe calls that ended in Error state within the skillgroup Service Level threshold during the reportinginterval.

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



YESDBINTThe calls that redirected on no answer within theService Level threshold during the reporting interval.These calls are part of the ServiceLevelCallsOffered.

Note: This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.

Note: With the existence of a network VRU, thisvalue includes time in the network queue.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


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Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTThe number of calls routed to a skill group or queuedfor a skill group in the reporting interval.

Includes the following categories of calls:

1. Calls that are answered within the ServiceLevelthreshold.

2. Calls that are abandonedwithin the ServiceLevelthreshold.

3. Calls that are redirected within the ServiceLevelthreshold. (This is consistent with Call TypeServiceLevel).

4. Calls that are not complete after theServiceLevel threshold has passed (that is, callsqueued longer than the Service Level threshold).

ServicelevelCallsOffered field, callsthat encountered an error are counted,irrespective of how the calls ended(within or beyond the threshold). Youcan use the RouterError field toexclude all the erroneous calls andServiceLevelError field to excludeerroneous calls before threshold.


This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.




DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds agents associated with this skillgroup spent talking on inbound ACD calls (neitherinternal nor outbound) during the reporting interval.TalkInTime is included in the calculation ofTalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


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Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of seconds agents associated with this skillgroup spent talking on external outbound orconsultative transfer calls during the reportinginterval. TalkOutTime is included in the calculationof TalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds agents spent talking on othercalls (neither inbound nor outbound) during thereporting interval. Examples of other calls includeagent-to-agent transfers and supervisor calls.TalkOtherTime is included in the calculation ofTalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the skill groupduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting. In Unified CCEwith a Unified CCESystem PG, a call is counted as offered when it issent to a skill group. In Unified CCE, a call iscounted as offered only when it is answered. Thisfield is applicable for both Unified ICM and UnifiedCCE.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE witha Unified CCE System PG, this fieldupdates when the call that is blindtransferred to a VRU is subsequentlytransferred to another agent and the agentanswers the call. For this call scenario,this field is not updated in Unified CCEwithout a Unified CCE System PG.


Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and non-voicetasks from ECE or third-party multichannelapplications that use the Task Routing APIs.


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All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTTotal seconds agents associated with this skill groupwere in the Talking state during the reportinginterval.

This value is based on the following:

1. TalkInTime

2. TalkOutTime

3. TalkOtherTime

4. TalkAutoOutTime

5. TalkPreviewTime

6. TalkReservedTime


YESDBINTNumber of seconds agents associated with this skillgroup spent handling transferred in calls that endedduring this reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.

Note: For blind transfers in Unified CCE with aUnified CCE System PG, this field is updated whenthe call that was blind transferred to an IVR is latertransferred to another agent and the agent answersthe call. For this call scenario, this field is notupdated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCESystem PG.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from ECE or third-party multichannelapplications that use the Task Routing APIs.


YESDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the skill groupduring the reporting interval. The value is countedwhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed, and the database is updatedevery reporting.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from ECE or third-party multichannelapplications that use the Task Routing APIs.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds the agent spent talking onAutoOut (predictive) calls during the reportinginterval. TalkAutoOutTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)519

All TablesSkill_Group_Interval

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

YESDBINTNumber of seconds the agent spent talking onoutbound Preview calls during the reporting interval.TalkAutoOutTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTNumber of seconds the agent spent talking on agentreservation calls during the reporting interval.TalkReserveTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTTotal time in seconds agents associated with thisskill groupwere in theWORK_NOT_READY stateduring the reporting interval. WorkNotReadyTimeis included as in the calculation of LoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTTotal seconds agents in the skill group were in theWORK_READY state for tasks associated with thisskill group that ended during this reporting interval.WorkReadyTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


YESDBINTThe number of calls coached either by the supervisoror by the agent. This field is applicable for UnifiedCCE only.



This table is one of the Skill Group Member Detail tables in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, onpage 629). To see database rules for these tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

The Skill Group Member table maps agents to skill groups. Each skill group contains one or more memberagents. Each agent can be a member of one or more skill groups.

Use the Skill Group Route Explorer tool to add, update, and delete Skill_Group_Member records.

Related Tables

Agent, on page 17 (AgentSkillTargetID maps to Agent.SkillTargetID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

Table 412: Indexes for Skill_Group_Member Table


AgentSkillTargetIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Skill_Group_Member

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)520

All TablesSkill_Group_Member


SkillGroupSkillTargetID, AgentSkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 413: Fields in Skill_Group_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe agent's SkillTargetID value.AgentSkillTargetID


DBINTThe skill group's SkillTargetID value.SkillGroupSkillTargetID

Skill_Group_Real_TimeThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

In an IPCC Enterprise Gateway deployment, Unified ICM (parent) connected with an Unified CCE with anIPCC System PG (child) or Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (child) through IPCCGateway PG, networkqueuing data is not available in the child or in the child agent/supervisor desktop. The time spent in the networkqueue is not included in the reporting metrics in the child. A call center manager who would normally onlylook at the Unified CCE child reports will need to also look at the parent Unified ICM reports for networkqueuing data.


Local database only. Contains real time information about each skill group.

The system software generates a Skill_Group_Real_Time record for each skill group.

Related Table

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via SkillTargetID)

Table 414: Indexes for Skill_Group_Real_Time Table


SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)521

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Table 415: Fields in Skill_Group_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe total handle time, in seconds, for outboundACDcalls associated with this skill group that endedduring the rolling five-minute interval. Handle timeincludes WorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. TheAgentOutCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated by the agent to the timethe agent completes after-call work time for the call.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)is completed.


NULLDBINTThe total number of outbound ACD calls associatedwith this skill group that ended during the currentfive-minute interval. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed.


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All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIt is the current (rolling) five-minute interval totalof:

• In Unified ICM, the time in seconds fromwhen the call first arrives at the ACD to whenthe agent answers the call.

AnswerWaitTime is calculated from thefollowing:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

• In Unified CCE, the number of seconds callsspent between first queued being queued to theskillgroup through Select (LAA) or Queue toSkillgroup nodes to when they were answeredby an agent.

AnswerWaitTime is calculated from thefollowing:

• DelayTime

• LocalQTime

• RingTime

• NetworkQTime

With the existence of a network VRU, ina Unified CCE deployment with aUnified CCE System PG, this value willnot include time spent in the networkVRU.



NULLDBINTThe number of agents belonging to this skill groupwho are currently ApplicationAvailablewith respectto the MRD to which the skill group belongs.

An agent is Application available if the agent is NotRoutable and Available for the MRD. This meansthat the agent can be routed a task by the Email andWeb Manager.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)523

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for AutoOut (predictive)calls handled by agents in the skill group that endedduring the current five-minute interval. This valueincludes the time spent from the call being initiatedto the time the agent begins after-call work for thecall. It includes the HoldTime associated with thecall. AutoOutCallsTalkTime is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for AutoOut(predictive) calls handled by agents in the skill groupthat ended during the current five-minute interval.Handle time includes WorkTime, TalkTime, andHoldTime. The AutoOutCallsTime value includesthe time spent from the call being initiated to thetime the agent completes after-call work time forthe call. The value is updated in the database whenthe after-call work time associated with the call (ifany) has completed.


NULLDBINTTotal number of AutoOut (predictive) calls made byagents in the skill group that ended during the currentfive-minute interval. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call-work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents for the skill group in Not_Activestate with respect to this skill group.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents in the skill group have been inthe Not_Active state during the current five-minuteinterval. AvailTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTAverage talk time in seconds for calls counted ashandled by the skill group during the rollingfive-minute interval. This value is calculated asfollows:

HandledCallsTalkTimeTo5 / CallHandledTo5

AvgHandledCallsTalkTime is calculated only forcalls counted as handled. This field is updated in thedatabase when any after-call work associated withthe call is completed.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)524

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Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAverage handle time in seconds for calls counted ashandled by the skill group during the rollingfive-minute interval. The value is calculated asfollows:

HandledCallsTimeTo5 / CallHandledTo5

The AvgHandledCallsTime value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call is completed.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents currently in the BusyOther statewith respect to this skill group.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents have spent in theBusyOther state during the rolling five-minuteinterval. BusyOtherTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were answered by the skillgroup during the rolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were handled by the skillgroup during the rolling five-minute interval.

This field is applicable for both Unified ICM andUnified CCE. A handled call is:

• An incoming ACD call that was answered byan agent, and then completed.

• A non-voice task that the agent started workingon then completed.

A handled call/task is completed when the agentassociated with the call/task finishes the wrap-upwork associated with the call/task.


NULLDBINTThe total number of ongoing non-voice tasksassociated with this skill group. This field populatesfor non-voice tasks only.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls offered to the skill group during therolling five-minute interval. A call is counted onlywhen it is answered.

This field represents local queue counts at the ACD.It is incremented only in the event of local queueing.In the event of Network Queueing, the fieldincremented in RouterCallsOfferedTo5.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)525

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls currently queued to this skillgroup by the ACD.

This field represents local queue counts at the ACD.It is incremented only in the event of local queueing.In the event of Network Queueing, the fieldincremented in RouterCallsQNow.



DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated.


NULLDBINTTotal talk time, in seconds, for calls counted ashandled by the skill group during the rollingfive-minute interval. It is updated in the databasewhen the after-call work time associated with thecall (if any) is completed.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)526

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThis field only applies to configured skill groups.Total handle time, in seconds, for calls counted ashandled by the Precision Queue during the rollingfive-minute interval.

Handle time is number of seconds an agent spentanswering the call (including the time the call wason hold) to the time the agent completed theafter-call work associated with the call.

HandledCallsTime = HandledCallsTalkTime +HoldTime +(WorkNotReadyTime/WorkReadyTime)

The value in this field for the incoming routed callsincludes:

1. Talk time

2. Total Held time

3. Work Ready and Work Not Ready time

Database is updated with the cumulativetime only after the call completion of boththe talk time and the wrap-up time.


This field is applicable for Unified ICM,Unified CCE, and Outbound Option.



NULLDBINTThe number of agents that have all active calls onhold. The agent is not in the Hold state with one callon hold and talking on another call (for example, aconsultative call). The agent must have all activecalls on hold.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds where all calls to the agent areon hold during the rolling five-minute interval.HoldTime is counted only while the agent is doingno other call related activity. HoldTime is includedin the calculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe number of agents belonging to this skill groupwho are currently ICMAvailable with respect to theMRD to which the skill group belongs. An agent isICM available if s/he is Routable and Available forthe MRD. This means that the agent can be routeda task by system software.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)527

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of seconds during which all calls to theagent are in interrupted state during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents that are currently logged on to theskill group. This count is updated each time an agentlogs on and each time an agent logs off.


NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, agents were logged on to theskill group during the current (rolling) five-minuteinterval. This value is based on the following:

• HoldTimeTo5

• TalkInTimeTo5

• TalkOutTimeTo5

• TalkOtherTimeTo5

• AvailTimeTo5

• NotReadyTimeTo5

• WorkReadyTimeTo5

• WorkNotReadyTimeTo5

• BusyOtherTimeTo5

• ReservedStateTimeTo5

• TalkAutoOutTimeTo5

• TalkPreviewTimeTo5

• TalkReservedTimeTo5

This field is applicable for both Unified ICM,Unified CCEand Outbound Option.


NULLDBDATETIMEA date and time value that specifies the time that thelongest available agent for the skill group becameavailable. If no agent was available, the value is 0


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Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEThe date and time that the longest call in the queuefor the skill group was placed in the queue.

Not applicable for Unified CCE withouta Unified CCE System PG and is notupdated. In Unified CCE, with a UnifiedCCE System PG, this field is applicableand is updated when a call is queued tothe skill group. For consistent values, inUnified CCE regardless of whether or notthere is a Unified CCE System PG, useRouterLongestCallInQ.



NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the Not Ready state for the skillgroup.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents in the skill group have been inthe Not Ready state during the rolling five-minuteinterval. NotReadyTime is included in thecalculation of LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTThe number of agents whose state with respect tothis skill group is currently Interrupted.


NULLDBFLT4Percentage of Ready time that agents in the skillgroup spent talking or doing call work during therolling five-minute interval. This is the percentageof time agents spend working on calls versus thetime agents were ready.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by agents in the skill group that endedduring the rolling five-minute interval. Handle timeincludes WorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. ThePreviewCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.


NULLDBINTTotal handle time, in seconds, for outbound Previewcalls handled by agents in the skill group that endedduring the current five-minute interval. Handle timeincludes WorkTime, TalkTime, and HoldTime. ThePreviewCallsTime value includes the time spentfrom the call being initiated to the time the agentcompletes after-call work time for the call. The valueis updated in the database when the after-call worktime associated with the call (if any) has completed.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)529

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal number of outbound Preview calls made byagents in the skill group that ended during the rollingfive-minute interval. The value is updated in thedatabase when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) has completed.


NULLDBINTThe number of agents who are Routable with respectto the MRD associated with this skill group, andwhose state with respect to this skill group iscurrently something other than NOT_READY orWORK_NOT_READY.


NULLDBINTThis is the talk time for the reservation call. It shouldbe either zero or a few seconds. This is counted usingCall State.


NULLDBINTIn the rolling five-minute interval, the number ofACD calls to the skill group that rang at an agent'sterminal and redirected on failure to answer.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTThis is the sum of the total number of reservationcalls placed on hold and the talk time for thereservation call. This is counted using Call State.


NULLDBINTNumber of reservation calls. This should alwaysequal to the ReserveCallsOnHoldToHalf.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents for the skill group currently in theReserved state.


NULLDBINTHow long an agent is in Reserved state. This iscounted using Agent State.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that abandoned while queuedin the router to this agent, in the rolling five-minuteinterval.


NULLDBINTIn the rolling five-minute interval, the number ofcalls abandoned after they have been routed to theagent desktop and before they have been answered(for example, Abandon Ringing).

This field is applicable for Unified CCE systemsand for systems where calls are translation-routedto Skill Groups.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)530

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

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Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were de-queued from thisskill group, and had to be routed to another skillgroup in the rolling five-minute interval.

This field is incremented when a call is de-queuedthrough the Cancel Queue node.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls that were de-queued from thisskill group to be routed to another skill group in therolling five-minute interval.

This field is also incremented when a call isde-queued via Cancel Queue node.


NULLDBINTThe number of calls received by this skill group inthe rolling five-minute interval. This value is set bythe Call Router. A call is counted as offered as soonat it is sent to a Skill Group.

This value is incremented by:

• CallType short calls, which are counted asabandoned for Skill Groups. (There is no shortcall count in the Skill_Group_Real_Time table.)

• Calls that are cancelled by Cancel Queue nodeand re-queued to the same Skill Group

• Calls that are routed to a Skill Group,re-queried, and re-queued to the same SkillGroup

This field does not include local ACD calls, notrouted by Unified ICM. Such calls are counted inthe CallsOfferedTo5 field of Skill_Group tables.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls currently queued for the skill groupat the CallRouter.

This field does not include local ACD calls, notrouted by Unified ICM. Such calls are counted inthe CallsQueuedNow field of Skill_Group tables.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe time when the longest call in queue was queuedfor this skill group.


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Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe count of calls that abandonwithin the skill groupSL threshold in rolling five-minute interval.

Calls may abandon while in the Skill Group queue,or they may abandon after they have been routed toa Skill Group.

Calls that abandon after they are routed to a SkillGroup are identified by TCD recordswith abandonedcall disposition.

If the call is queued and abandons before it is routedto any Skill Groups (within the ServiceLevelthreshold), the Router will increment this value forALL the Skill Groups this call was queued for.

If the call abandons after it was routed to a SkillGroup, that Skill Group will haveServiceLevelCallsAband incremented.

Dequeuing the call via Cancel Node has no impacton ServiceLevelCallsAband.

Calls may be de-queued via Cancel Queue node orde-queued from this Skill Group to be routed to adifferent Skill Group.

This field is applicable to the UnifiedCCE environment only.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



NULLDBINTThe number of calls de-queued from a skill group,within the skill group Service Level threshold, inrolling five-minute interval.

This field is applicable to the UnifiedCCE environment only.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



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All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of calls that are routed to a skill groupor queued for a the skill group in the rollingfive-minute interval

Includes these categories of calls

• Calls that are answered within the ServiceLevelthreshold

• Calls that are abandoned within theServiceLevel threshold

• Calls that are redirectedwithin the ServiceLevelthreshold (this is consistent with Call TypeServiceLevel)

• Calls that are not complete after theServiceLevel threshold has passed (that is, callsqueued longer than the Service Levelthreshold).

Calls that end in error state within SLthreshold are not counted asServiceLevelCallsOffered.


This field is applicable to the UnifiedCCE environment only.


With the existence of a network VRU,this value includes time in the networkqueue.



NULLDBINTThe number of calls that are answered by the skillgroup within the Service Level threshold in therolling five-minute interval.

This field is applicable to the UnifiedCCE environment only.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)533

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBFLT4Service Level for the skill group in rollingfive-minute interval.

There are three types of service level calculations,and they are determined by the Service Level typechosen in configuration.

They are:

1. Ignore Abandoned Calls ServiceLevel =ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered- ServiceLevelCallsAband -RouterCallsDequeued)

2. Abandoned Calls have Negative ImpactServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls /ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued)

3. Abandoned Calls have Positive ImpactServiceLevel = (ServiceLevelCalls +ServiceLevelCallsAband) /(ServiceLevelCallsoffered -RouterCallsDequeued)

This field is relevant to the Unified CCEenvironment only.



NULLDBINTThe calls that redirected on no answer within ServiceLevel threshold within the rolling five-minuteinterval.

These calls are part of the ServiceLevelCallsOffered.

This field is applicable to the Unified CCEenvironment only.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.



DBINTForeign key from the Skill Group table. TheSkillTargetID of the agent. Together with theSkillGroupSkillTargetID, identifies the skill groupmember.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents in the skill group spenttalking on AutoOut (predictive) calls during therolling five-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group currently talkingon AutoOut (predictive) calls.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)534

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group currently talkingon inbound calls.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group currently talkingon internal (neither inbound nor outbound) calls.Examples of "other calls include agent-to-agenttransfers and supervisor calls.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group currently talkingon outbound calls.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group currently talkingon outbound Preview calls.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group currently talkingon agent reservation calls.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents spent talking on inbound callsfor the skill group during the rolling five-minuteinterval. TalkInTime is included in the calculationof TalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents spent talking on other calls(neither inbound nor outbound) for the skill groupduring the rolling five-minute interval.TalkOtherTime is included in the calculation ofTalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents spent talking on outbound callsfor the skill group during the rolling five-minuteinterval. TalkOutTime is included in the calculationof TalkTime and LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents in the skill group spenttalking on outbound Preview calls during the currentfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of seconds agents in the skill group spenttalking on agent reservation calls during the rollingfive-minute interval.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents in the skill group have been inthe Talking state during the rolling five-minuteinterval. This value is calculated as follows:

TalkInTimeTo5 + TalkOutTimeTo5 +TalkOtherTimeTo5


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)535

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds agents spent on callstransferred into the skill group that ended during therolling five-minute interval. The value is updated inthe database when the after-call work time associatedwith the call (if any) is completed.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE with a UnifiedCCE System PG, this field is updated when the callthat was blind transferred to an IVR is subsequentlytransferred to another agent and the agent answersthe call. For this call scenario, this field is notupdated in Unified CCE without a Unified CCESystem PG.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred into the skill group thatended during the current five-minute interval. Thevalue is updated in the database when the after-callwork time associated with the call (if any) iscompleted.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE, the value isupdated in the database when an agent blind transfersthe call to an IVR.

For blind transfers in Unified CCE with a UnifiedCCE System PG, the value is not updated in thedatabase until the call that was blind transferred toan IVR is subsequently transferred to another agent.

Note: For blind transfers in Unified CCE with aUnified CCE System PG, this field is updated whenthe call that was blind transferred to an IVR issubsequently transferred to another agent and theagent answers the call. For this call scenario, thisfield is not updated in Unified CCE without aUnified CCE System PG.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)536

All TablesSkill_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of calls transferred out of the skill groupthat ended during the rolling five-minute interval.The value is updated in the database when theafter-call work time associated with the call (if any)is completed.

Note: "Calls" may include voice calls and nonvoicetasks from third-party multichannel applications thatuse the Task Routing APIs.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group in theWork NotReady state.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents have been in the Work NotReady state during the rolling five-minute interval.WorkNotReadyTime is included in the calculationof LoggedOnTime.


NULLDBINTNumber of agents in the skill group in the WorkReady state.


NULLDBINTTotal seconds agents have been in the Work Readystate during the rolling five-minute interval.WorkReadyTime is included in the calculation ofLoggedOnTime.


Skill_TargetThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Establishes a unique identifier for every agent, skill group, service, service array, and translation route in theenterprise.

The Skill Group Explorer maintains the Skill_Target table when you create or delete agents, skill groups,services, service arrays, or translation routes.

Related Tables

Agent, on page 17 (via SkillTargetID)

Route, on page 374 (via SkillTargetID)

Service, on page 443 (via SkillTargetID)

Service_Array, on page 446 (via SkillTargetID)

Skill_Group, on page 484 (via SkillTargetID)

Translation_Route, on page 579 (via SkillTargetID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)537

All TablesSkill_Target

Table 416: Indexes for Skill_Target Table


SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 417: Fields in Skill_Target Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA unique identifier for the skill target.SkillTargetID


DBSMALLINTType of target:

• 1 = Service

• 2 = Skill Group

• 3 = Agent

• 4 = Translation Routes

• 5= Service Array


Smart_License_EntitlementsThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table stores the information on the pre-defined entitlement tags for identifying and reporting licenses onCSSM.

The information is presented in the table in multiple rows, one for each supported entitlement such as Standardand Premium Agent Entitlement for each supported product.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Product

• Smart_License_Server

Table 418: Indexes for the Smart_License_Server Table


SmartLicenseEntitlementsTagIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Entitlements

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)538

All TablesSmart_License_Entitlements

Table 419: Fields in the Smart_License_Server Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncrements when the record is changed in thedatabase.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded/updated.


NULLvarchar(255)Deployment mode of the system.DeploymentType

NULLVARCHAR(255)Unique tag per Product ID (PID).

For example, Standard or Premium AgentEntitlementTag. EntitlementTag names aredifferent for different types licenses.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Identifies the entitlement names for theconfigured deployment.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Displays the description of the Entitlement onCSSM.

1 - Direct

2 - Proxy

3 - Satellite Connected

4 - Satellite Disconnected


NULLVARCHAR(255)Entitlement Version is usually 1.0 unlessmultiple versions are required by the product.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)539

All TablesSmart_License_Entitlements

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(50)Current enforcement mode of the entitlement.

List of the probable modes:

• Invalid

• Licenses not in use

• Waiting

• InCompliance

• OutOfCompliance

• Overage

• Evaluation Mode

• EvalExpired

• AuthorizedPeriodExpired

• Disabled

• InvalidTag

• NotApplicable

• ReservedInCompliance

• NotAuthorized

• NotInUse


NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTThe two types of license supported are:

• 1 - Perpetual

• 2 - Flex

The default value 1(Perpetual).


NULLDBINTIt is the highest license consumption valueabove and beyond entitlement value when thesystem is in Out-of-compliance state.


NULLDBINTThis flag tells whether this Entitlement is inOutOfCompliance.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)540

All TablesSmart_License_Entitlements

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDisplays the number of times the Entitlementsare OutOfCompliance.


NULLDBINTDisplays the peak usage of this entitlementPeakUsage

NOT NULLDBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


Smart_License_InfoThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table captures the Registration and Authorization status for a Smart License Agent instance running ona Unified CCE instance. The fields in this table represent the responses received from the Cisco Smart SoftwareManager (CSSM) portal using internal APIs.

Each row displays the information for one Smart Agent instance.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Server

• Smart_License_Product

• Smart_License_Entitlements

Table 420: Indexes for the Smart_License_Info Table


SmartLicenseInfoIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Info

Fields in the Smart_License_Info Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time of expiry of the productlicense authorization. Product licenseauthorizationmust be renewed before thisdate.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Reason for failure of authorizationattempt.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changedin the database.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)541

All TablesSmart_License_Info

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAuthorization status ID of Unified CCEwith CSSM or Satellite.

Default value is 5


NULLDBINTRegistration status ID of Unified CCEwith CSSM or Satellite.

Default value is 2


NULLDBINTNumber of days left in evaluation mode.DaysLeftInEvaluationMode

NULLDBINTNumber of days left in Out OfCompliance mode.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and timewhen the recordis added/updated.


NULLDBCHARN indicates that encryption cannot beturned on.

Values Y or N are allowed


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time of expiry of the productevaluation period.


NULLDBDATETIMEReserved FieldFutureUseDateTime1

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt6

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar2

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar3

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar4

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)542

All TablesSmart_License_Info

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBCHARY if the product license authorizationattempt fails.

Values Y or N are allowed


NULLDBCHARY if the product license registrationattempt fails.

Values Y or N are allowed


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the last renewal attemptfor the product license authorization.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the last renewal attemptfor the product license registration.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the next renewalattempt for the product licenseauthorization.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the next renewalattempt for the product licenseregistration.


NULLDBINTThe number of days you can use UnifiedCCE when Out Of Compliance.


NULLDBDATETIMETime stamp when the overage dayscolumn is updated.


NULLVARCHAR(100)Registered Product instance with CSSM.ProductInstance

NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time at which the productlicense registration will expire. Productlicense registration must be renewedbefore this date.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Reason for registration attempt failure.RegistrationFailedReason

NULLVARCHAR(100)Name of Smart Account Name.SmartAccount



DBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


NULLDBINTForeign key to SmartLicenseServerSmartLicenseServerId

NULLVARCHAR(100)Name of Virtual Account Name.VirtualAccount

Smart_License_ProductThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)543

All TablesSmart_License_Product

This table stores the information about the pre-defined product tag, display name and description to identifythe product instances on CSSM.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Server

• Smart_License_Entitlements

Table 421: Indexes for the Smart_License_Server Table


SmartLicenseProductIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Product

Table 422: Fields in the Smart_License_Server Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPThis field is incremented when the record ischanged in the database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the licenserecord was added/updated.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2


Displays the description of the product licensein the product instance overview of CSSM.



Displays the name of the product in theproduct instance overview of CSSM.


NULLDBINTDisplays the environment of the product in theproduct instance overview of CSSM.

The two types of environments supported are:

• 0: Production (default value)

• 1: Development


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)544

All TablesSmart_License_Product

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDisplays the privacy status of the product inthe product instance overview of CSSM.

Values 0 or 1 are allowed.

• 0: Privacy disabled

• 1: Privacy enabled (default value)



Is a unique id defined for each product likeUCCE, PCCE and HCS-CC.


NULLVARCHAR (30)Product Version is usually 1.0 unless multipleversions are required by the product.




DBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


Smart_License_ServerThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table stores the Unified CCE specific configuration information that is required for connection andregistration to CSSM.

This table will come under configuration database table.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Product

• Smart_License_Entitlements

Table 423: Indexes for the Smart_License_Server Table


SmartLicenseServerIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Server

Table 424: Fields in the Smart_License_Server Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)ID that is used to identify the source ofthe notification when there are multipleinstances of an agent on the same system.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)545

All TablesSmart_License_Server

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncrements when the record is changedin the database.


NULLDBINTMaximum wait time from CSSM beforeSmartAgent times out and API fails.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when therecord was added/updated.


NOT NULLDBINT1 - Enterprise

2 - HCS


NOT NULLDBCHARApplies the 95 percentile formula toexclude spikes if this value set to Y.

Values Y or N are allowed

Default value is Y


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar3

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar4

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar5

NULLVARCHAR(255)Get the token fromCisco Licensing CloudCSSM.


NOT NULLDBCHARDefines the enforcement level applied.Default value is Y which allows MACDoperation on Agents and Features.Default.

Values Y or N are allowed.



2 - Flex


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)546

All TablesSmart_License_Server

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBCHARDefines if the system isOutOfCompliance.

Allowed: Y or N


NULLDBDATETIMEThe Out-of-Compliance start date.OutOfComplianceStartTime

NULLDBINTNumber of times system went into OutOf Compliance.

Default Value: 0


NULLVARCHAR(255)Intermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy Hostname or IP address


NULLDBINTIntermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy portaddress


NULLVARCHAR(255)For internal use.SmartCode



DBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


NULLVARCHAR(50)Serial number to identify the product.SerialNumber

NULLVARCHAR(255)Smart Software Manager Satellite URLonly in mediated deployment mode.



1 - On-Prem CSSM

2 - Proxy


NULLVARCHAR(255)Cisco Smart Software Manager transportURL in non-mediated deployment mode.


Special_Day_ScheduleThis table contains the list of special days such as holidays that have a different business hour schedulecompared to the regular days. Each row records the business hour schedule of a special day.

Related Tables

• Business_Hours, on page 104 (through BusinessHoursID)

• Business_Hours_Reason, on page 107 (through BusinessHourReasonID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)547

All TablesSpecial_Day_Schedule

Table 425: Indexes for Special_Day_Schedule Table


SpecialDayScheduleIDPrimary keyXPKSpecial_Day_Schedule

BusinessHoursIDInversion keyXIE1Special_Day_Schedule

Table 426: Fields in Business_Hours Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBINTSchedule ID of the special day.SpecialDayScheduleID



DBINTUnique ID of the business schedule object.BusinessHoursID

NULLDESCRIPTIONName or short description of the special day.Description


DBTINYINTIndicates whether the business hour is open orclosed.

• 0 indicates that the business hour is closed.

• 1indicates that the business hour is open.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the date of themonth for the special month.Valid values range from 1 to 31.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the month of the special day. Valid valuesrange from 1 to 12.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the year of the special day.YearOfSpecialDay

NULLDBSMALLINTSpecifies the hour the special day starts. The valueis stored in the local time of the scheduled zone. Usethis parameter in conjunction with the EndHourparameter.

The value of this field is NULL if theSchedule Status is closed (0).



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)548

All TablesSpecial_Day_Schedule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBSMALLINTSpecifies the minute the special day starts. Use thisparameter in conjunction with the EndMinuteparameter.

The value of this field is NULL if theSchedule Status is closed (0).



NULLDBSMALLINTSpecifies the second the special day starts. Use thisparameter in conjunction with the EndSecondparameter.

The value of this field is NULL if theSchedule Status is closed (0).


Default value is zero.


NULLDBSMALLINTSpecifies the hour the special day ends. Use thisparameter in conjunction with the StartHourparameter.

The value of this field is NULL if theSchedule Status is closed (0).



NULLDBSMALLINTSpecifies the minute the special day ends. Use thisparameter in conjunction with the StartMinuteparameter.

The value of this field is NULL if theSchedule Status is closed (0).



NULLDBSMALLINTSpecifies the second the special day ends. Use thisparameter in conjunction with the StartSecondparameter.

The value of this field is NULL if theSchedule Status is closed (0).


Default value is zero.




DBINTDisplays the foreign key from the Business HoursReason table.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded or updated.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)549

All TablesSpecial_Day_Schedule

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar2

Survey (For Future Use)This table will define the configurations for Survey Name, Type of Survey and also the associated configurationfor the Survey. It will be one record per survey application.

Related Tables

• Survey_Question (For Future Use), on page 551 (through SurveyID)

• Survey_Result (For Future Use), on page 552 (through SurveyQuestionID)

Table 427: Indexes for Surey Table


SurveyIDPrimary keyXPKSurvey

EnterpriseNameUnique keyXAK1Survey

Table 428: Fields in Survey Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changedChangeStamp


DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDBINTForeign key from Department. NULL for globaldeployment.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)550

All TablesSurvey (For Future Use)

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about SurveyDescription


varchar(32)Survey application name.

Different Survey can be mapped to the sameSurveyApplication.


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2



DBINTSurvey Application ID.SurveyID


DBINTSurvey type - specifies how the survey will beconducted.

0 - Voice based survey



varchar(32)Survey application name on CVP that will be playedwhen the Survey is triggered.


Survey_Question (For Future Use)This table defines the configuration for each survey question.

Related Tables

• Survey (For Future Use), on page 550 (through SurveyID)

• Survey_Result (For Future Use), on page 552 (through SurveyQuestionID)

Table 429: Indexes for Surey Table


SurveyQuestionIDPrimary keyXPKSurvey_Question

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)551

All TablesSurvey_Question (For Future Use)

Table 430: Fields in Survey Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed.ChangeStamp

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONQuestion DescriptionDescription


DBINTThe question sequence in survey application. Rangeis 1 to 10.


NULLvarchar(512)Question content to be specified. Reserved field forfuture use.





• 2 - CES

• 3 - NPS


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2


DBINTSurvey Application ID.SurveyID


DBINTSurvey question ID.SurveyQuestionID

Survey_Result (For Future Use)Survey_Results is a historical report table, which stores the Survey Results. For every survey interaction, thetable will have a result data.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)552

All TablesSurvey_Result (For Future Use)

Related Tables

• Survey (For Future Use), on page 550 (through SurveyID)

• Survey_Question (For Future Use), on page 551 (through SurveyID)

Table 431: Indexes for Surey Table


DateTime, SurveyIDPrimary keyXPKSurvey_Result

Recovery KeyUnique keyXAK1 Survey_Result

Table 432: Fields in Survey Table

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(32)Automatic Number Identification. Identifies thecalling party.


NULLDBINTA unique identifier for the agent team.AgentTeamID

NULLDBINTThe agent's SkillTargetID value.AgentSkillTargetID

NOT NULLDBINTA unique identifier for this call type.CallTypeID

NOT NULLDBDATETIMEDateTime of event in Central Controller Time.DateTime

NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column


NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLvarchar(32)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLvarchar(32)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2



DBINTAn identifier for the Media Routing Domain in theUnified ICM system configuration.


NULLDBINTID and primary key.PrecisionQueueID

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType1

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)553

All TablesSurvey_Result (For Future Use)

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType2

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType3

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType4

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType5

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType6

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType7

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType8

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType9

FK,NULLDBINTType of Survey Question.QuestionType10

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 1.Response1

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 2.Response2

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 3.Response3

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 4.Response4

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 5.Response5

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 6.Response6

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 7.Response7

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 8.Response8

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 9Response9

NULLDBINTResult of Survey Question 10.Response10

NOT NULLDBINTA call key counter created and set by the systemsoftware. This value forms the unique portion of the64-bit key for the call. This value is for the originalcall.


NOT NULLDBINTA sequence number used for ordering rows forcradle-to-grave call tracking. This number definesthe order in which the route requests were created.This is not the order in which the Route_Call_Detailrecords were created. This value is for the originalcall.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)554

All TablesSurvey_Result (For Future Use)

Keys andNULL Option

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLDBINTA sequence number used for ordering rows forcradle-to-grave call tracking. This number definesthe order in which the route requests were created.This is not the order in which the Route_Call_Detailrecords were created. This value is for the originalcall.


NOT NULLDBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/CCE software to trackthe record.


NOT NULLDBINTSurvey Application ID.SurveyID

NULLDBINTSkill Group ID to which the Call is queued.SkillGroupID



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


System_Capacity_IntervalThis table belongs to the Reporting category. It is used to update the maximum number of concurrent agentslogged on for a particular interval.

Table 433: Indexes for System_Capacity_Interval Table


DataTimenonclustered located onPRIMARY


CustomerDefinitionIdForeign keyXFK1System_Capacity_Interval

Table 434: Fields in System_Capacity_Interval Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIdentifies the Customer Instance, foreignkey to Customer Definition table.


NOT NULLDBSMALLDATEThe Central Controller date and time at thestart of the interval when the row wasgenerated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)555

All TablesSystem_Capacity_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when therecords are written to the HDS database.The date and time stamp in the loggerdatabase is the time at which routergenerated/cut the interval record.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt6

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt7

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt8

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt9

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt10

NOT NULLDBINTA unique identifier for the instance.ICRInstanceID

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of agents loggedon to all the peripherals in the ICMsystem-specific interval.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.MaxCPS

NULLDBINTThe cumulativemaximum number of CVPcallcontrol ports used or assigned duringa specified interval in all the active CVPs.


NULLDBINTThe cumulativemaximum number of CVPVRU ports used or assigned during aspecified interval in all the active CVPs.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.MaxCallsInProgress

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.MaxAgentQueuePairs

NULLDBINTMaximum number of Agents who handledOutbound calls in Preview mode.


NULLDBINTMaximum number of Agents who handledOutbound calls in Preview and/orProgressive mode


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)556

All TablesSystem_Capacity_Interval

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.MaxCallTypeSkillGroupPairs

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.MaxCongestionLevel

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Voice onlyAgents logged in.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of non-voiceAgents logged in (Email and/or Chat),and/or voice Agents logged in.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Premium agentlogged into system. This is for perpetuallicense.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Standard agentlogged into system.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Premium agentlogged into system.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of ICM agentslogged in to all the peripherals in the ICMsystem-specific interval.


NULLDBINTThe cumulativemaximumnumber of dialerports used during the interval on all theactive dialers.


NULLDBINTThis is to keep maximum local agentslogged-in in an interval. All agents countshall be ignored which are associated withACMI PG.


NULLDBINTMaximum CVA ports used for thisinterval.


NULLDBINTThe router uses this value to calculate thesystem capacity data for that interval. Thevalid values are 15 or 30 (default).


NOT NULLDBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record andused internally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE software to track the record.


NOT NULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for thedate and time. The value is the offset inminutes from UTC(formerly GMT).Thevalue is negative for time zones to the eastof UTC and positive for time zones to thewest of UTC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)557

All TablesSystem_Capacity_Interval

System_Capacity_Real_TimeSystem_Capacity_Real_Time provides configured and adjusted real-time capacity setting associated with thesystem.

Table 435: Indexes for System_Capacity_Real_Time Table


ICRInstanceIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 436: Fields in System_Capacity_Real_Time Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLDBINTAdjusted CPS capacity during run time based onSystem Realtime conditions. This is reported asscaled up value by 1000.


NOT NULLDBFLT4Use to set the rejection treatment mode. For thefollowing deployment types, this field does notinclude the Agent Greeting calls:

• Packaged CCE: 2000 Agents

• Packaged CCE: Lab Mode

• HCS-CC: 2000 Agents

• HCS-CC: 500 Agents (Deprecated)



DBINTAverage skills per agent value reported as scaled upby 1000.


NULLDBINTIdentifies the Customer Instance.

Set to 1 for all Unified and Packaged CCEdeployments.

Supported in HCS-CC SCC deployments.


NOT NULLDBINTConfigured CPS capacity.ConfiguredCapacity

NOT NULLDBINTCurrent congestion level.CurrentCongestionLevel

NOT NULLDBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated.


NOT NULLDBDATETIMECongestion start time.DateTimeCongested

NOT NULLDBDATETIMECurrent congestion level start time.DateTimeCurrentLevel

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)558

All TablesSystem_Capacity_Real_Time

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLDBINTLevel 1 abatement CPS is computed based on theadjusted CPS capacity. The value is scaled up by1000.


NOT NULLDBINTLevel 2 abatement CPS is computed based on theadjusted CPS capacity. The value is scaled up by1000.


NOT NULLDBINTLevel 3 abatement CPS is computed based on theadjusted CPS capacity. The value is scaled up by1000.


NOT NULLDBINTLevel 1 onset CPS is computed based on the adjustedCPS capacity. The value is scaled up by 1000.


NOT NULLDBINTLevel 2 onset CPS is computed based on the adjustedCPS capacity. The value is scaled up by 1000.


NOT NULLDBINTLevel 3 onset CPS is computed based on the adjustedCPS capacity. The value is scaled up by 1000.


NOT NULLDBINTLevel 1 call rate reduction.Level1Reduction

NOT NULLDBINTLevel 2 call rate reduction.Level2Reduction

NOT NULLDBINTLevel 3 call rate reduction.Level3Reduction

NOT NULLDBINTCurrent call reduction percentage.RejectionPercentage

NOT NULLDBINTLogged in agents.TotalAgentsLoggedOn

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of ICM agents logged in toall the peripherals in the ICM system-specificinterval.


NULLDBINTThe cumulative maximum number of dialer portsused on all the active dialers at the current time.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Voice Agents logged in.MaxVoiceAgentsLoggedIn

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of non-voice Agents loggedin (Email and/or Chat).


NULLDBINTThemaximum number of Agents handled Outboundcalls in Preview mode.


NULLDBINTThemaximum number of Agents handled Outboundcalls in Preview and/or Progressive mode.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Premium agent loggedinto system. This is for perpetual license.


NULLDBINTThemaximum number of Standard agent logged intosystem.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)559

All TablesSystem_Capacity_Real_Time

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe maximum number of Premium agent loggedinto system.


NULLDBINTThe maximum number of CVP Call control portsutilized.


NULLDBINTThe Maximum number of VRU Call control portsutilized


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

Termination_Call_DetailThis table is one of the tables in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). For more information aboutdatabase rules of these tables, see Route Tables, on page 696.

It gets populated on the central database.When Detailed Data Server (DDS) role is enabled on Administrationand Data Server, this table gets populated on HDS database also.

It contains information about handling each call at a peripheral. Therefore, the system generates aTermination_Call_Detail record for each call that arrives at a peripheral.

Because this table grows larger in size, running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract data from the HDS into your custom database. Thecustom database must be on a separate server and ensure that other Unified ICM or Unified CC Enterprisecomponents do not use it. Use only DBDateTime (date and time of the record when written to the HDSdatabase) to perform the extraction. You can index the table on the custom database according to the customreporting needs.

Related Tables

• Agent, on page 17 (AgentSkillTargetID maps to Agent.SkillTargetID. SourceAgentSkillTargetID mapsto Agent.SkillTargetID)

• Call_Type, on page 110 (through CallTypeID)

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 (through MRDomainID)

• Network_Target, on page 306 (through NetworkTargetID)

• Peripheral, on page 321 (through PeripheralID)

• Precision_Queue, on page 341 (through PrecisionQueueID)

• Route, on page 374 (through RouteID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)560

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

• Route_Call_Detail, on page 376 (through Day + RouterCallKey)

• Service, on page 443 (ServiceSkillTargetID maps to Service.SkillTargetID)

• Skill_Group, on page 484 (SkillGroupSkillTargetID maps to Skill_Group.SkillTargetID)

• Termination_Call_Variable, on page 577 (RecoveryKey maps toTermination_Call_Variable.TCDRecoveryKey)

Table 437: Indexes for Termination_Call_Detail Table


RecoveryKeyPrimary key

This primary key isnonclustered.



DateTime, PeripheralID, ICRCallKeyUnique key

This unique key is clustered.Note


DateTimeInversion keyXIE1Termination_Call_Detail

DbDateTimeInversion keyXIE2Termination_Call_Detail

RouterCallKeyDay, RouterCallKeyInversion keyXIE3Termination_Call_Detail

CallGUIDInversion keyXIE4Termination_Call_Detail

Table 438: Fields in Termination_Call_Detail Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(32)The peripheral number of the agent who handled thecall.

This field can be NULL when the sourceor destination party is unmonitored or theagent is not logged in.



NULLVARCHAR(64)Unique identifier for Agent login session of the agentwho handled the call. If there are no agents involvedin the call, this field is NULL.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)561

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTIdentifies which agent handled a call. This value (forexample, 5001), is unique among all skill targets inthe enterprise. It is taken from the Agent table in theUnified ICM central database. AgentSkillTargetIDsare generated automatically when the agent is firstconfigured in the Agent Configuration window ofUnified ICM Configuration Manager.

The AgentSkillTargetID is used only if agents areconfigured. If agents are not configured, the valuefor AgentSkillTargetID is NULL. You can use theAgentPeripheralNumber to determine the peripheralnumber of the agent that handled the call.


NULLVARCHAR(32)The ANI value for the call.ANI

NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp when the Agent answers thecall.

If an Agent does not answer a call, then this field isNULL.


NULLDBCHARIndicates whether the agent answered the call withinthe service level defined for the service:

• Y = yes

• N= no

This field is always "no" when using PrecisionQueues


NULLVARCHAR(100)Additional data passed in the End Task message forthis task.


NULLDBINTA field passed in the End Taskmessage for this task.This is application-specific code that indicates whythe task ended. For example, Email and WebManager use the ApplicationTaskDisposition fieldto indicate that the task ended because an agentclosed an email without responding to it.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)562

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)XML formatted string containing agent attributesfrom 1 through 10 and corresponding values are asfollows:<AGAttr>



It is possible that the XML document may overflowthe VARCHAR 255 definition. When this occurs,the attribute list will be truncated. Therefore, it isimportant to note that some attributes may betruncated.


NULLDBCHARIndicates whether the call was marked as bad by theagent. Stored as a character:

• Y = the call was marked "bad"

• N = the call was not marked "bad"

BadCallTag is set by desktop applications thatimplement the bad call request protocol. Finessedoes not support this currently.

BadCallTag is also set when the CallDisposition is26. Refer to the Termination Call Detail: CallDisposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields, on page677 chapter for more details on this CallDispositon.


NULLDBSMALLINTReserved for future use.BillRate

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)563

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe final disposition of call (or how the callterminated). To see the list of values, seeTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition andCallDispositionFlag Fields, on page 677.

As long as the call leg has conference time that isaccrued, and the peripheral call type is notConference (15), Call Disposition will beconferenced.


NULLDBINTA series of flags providing detail on the calldisposition. To see the list of values, see TerminationCall Detail: Call Disposition andCallDispositionFlagFields, on page 677.


NULLDBINTTime, in seconds, that the system took to segment aprivate network call. For example, if the systemsoftware handed off the caller to a menu of choices,CallSegmentTime reflects how long the caller spentin the menu.


NULLDBINTInUnified ICM andUnified CCE, indicates whichcall type, and therefore which routing script, wasused to route this call.

This field contains a value only if the callwas translation-routed or sent to aUnified CCE agent.





DBDATETIMEThis value indicates interval date time that Routerused TCD record to calculate Call Type relatedhistorical data.




VARCHAR(32)This value uniquely identifies the instance of a callin a Unified CM cluster.

With the Avaya G3 PG (TSAPI), this field containsthe Universal Call ID (UCID) received from theAvaya AES server. UCID is a unique call identifieracross all switches in the network.


NULLVARCHAR(32)Globally unique call identifier.CallGUID

NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp at which the call terminated inUTC format.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)564

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(30)The Caller Entered Digits (CED) associated withthe call. This is filled for Outbound OptionReservation or Personal Callback Calls. The valuesare:

• ICM_BA_Reservation_Call - Reservation call

• Callback - Personal Callback customer call

This field is applicable for Unified ICM andUnified CCE.


NULLDBINTThe cumulative number of seconds that the call wasin conference with more than two parties.ConferenceTime is recorded for both ACD andnon-ACD calls. The value includes any HoldTimeassociated with the call. It is updated when the agentdrops off the call or the call becomes a simpletwo-party call.

Depending on who initiated the call,ConferenceTime from Termination_Call_Detail isused in the following Skill Group and Agent SkillGroup tables:

• ConferencedOutCallsTimeToHalf

• ConferencedInCallsTimeToHalf


NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp when the conference is firstcompleted.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp when the conference ended,and only 2 parties remain in the conference call.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp at which the agent initiated aconsult call.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp at which the agent ended theconsult call and connected back to the caller.


AK-2, IE-1


DBDATETIMEThe date/time that the Termination_Call_Detail tablerecord is generated by the Peripheral Gateway (PG).The Termination_Call_Detail table record isgenerated by the PG when the call has eitherphysically left the PG (for example, IVR routes thecall to an agent) or when wrap-up is completed forthe call after the call has left the agent device (eitherby disconnect, or through transfer completion).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)565

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLDBINTThe time in seconds that the call is active on theswitch but not queued to a skill group or trunkresource. For example, if a call arrives at an ACDand an announcement is played before the call isqueued, from the time the call arrives at the ACD tothe time the call gets queued is the DelayTime.DelayTime includes all time the call spent onannouncements. For ACDs that can de-queue calls,a call can go back into the delay state and DelayTimecan begin accumulating again.

DelayTime is used to calculate Duration in theTermination_Call_Detail record. It is also used tocalculate the following fields in the Service andRoute Half Hour tables:

• DelayQAbandTimeToHalf

• LongestCallAbandTimeToHalf

• AnswerWaitTimeToHalf


NULLVARCHAR(40)The digits dialed for an outbound call initiated onthe ACD. These digits are not provided by all ACDs.Currently, only IVRs, the Aspect CallCenter, andthe DEFINITY ECS provide values in theDigitsDialed field. In addition, if a call is translationrouted, the receiving PG also reports this field eventhough the call is inbound.

This field is set for Unified CCE.


NULLVNAME32The DNIS value, provided by the ACD, that arriveswith the call.


NULLDBINTDuration of the call in seconds. This is the time thatthe switch is processing the call. The Duration fieldcomprises several fields of theTermination_Call_Detail table:

LocalQTime + RingTime + TalkTime +WorkTime + HoldTime + DelayTime +NetQTime + NetworkTime


NULLDBINTA unique identifier for this ECC payloadECCPayloadID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)566

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThis field indicates the amount of time the call wasin the queue, on the parent Unified CCE system inCVP, or another network queuing platform.

If you are using an 8.x child system thathas the EnterpriseQueueTime field in theTermination_Call_Detail Table, theparent systemmust also be an 8.x system,so that the field gets populated. If thechild system is a 7.x system, and if theparent system is 8.x, then there would beNO EnterpriseQueueTime field in theTermination_Call_Detail Table, and thefield is not populated.


The EnterpriseQueueTime does not factorinto the AnswerWaitTime or ServiceLevel computations on the child system.



NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future useFutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Reserved for future useFutureUseVarchar2

NULLDBINTThe cumulative time, in seconds, that the call wasput on hold by at least one agent device. A call maybe put on hold by more than one agent device duringits duration. The call might be finished by beingabandoned, transferred, handled to completion, andso on.

This field is used in CallHandleTimeHalffield of the Call_Type_Half_Hour tableonly when there is a valid CallTypeID inthe Termination_Call_Detail table.


This field indicates agent reservation timefor Call Result 29.





DBINTA unique number generated at the PG for every call.Values are reused after approximately 2 billion calls.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)567

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTLink to the ICRCallKey field of a child call (usedfor transfers and multiple-way conference calls).


NULLDBINTLink to the ICRCallKey field of a parent call (usedfor transfers and conference calls).


NULLDBINTInstrument number or extension number of thedevice that handled the call at the peripheral.

This field often contains the extension of the agentwho handled or placed the call. For CCE, whenmulti-line is enabled, the field usually contains thenon-ACD extension, if used.

This field, however, is not reliable. There are severalscenarios in which the field is not filled in correctly,including but not limited to the following:

• If there are two agents on the call, in whichcase the field can reflect only the extension ofone of the agents.

• If the agent extension is greater than4294967295.

• If there are leading zeros in the extension.

• If there was a blind transfer to an unmonitoreddevice.

This field is also populated for outbound calls.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)568

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTICM 5.x:Measures the cumulative time, in seconds,that the call spent queued at the local ACD and thetime the call spent queued in the network VRU.

ICM 6.x and 7.x: Measures only the cumulativetime, in seconds, that the call spent queued at thelocal ACD. NetQTime (see below) measures thetime that the call spends queued in the networkVRU.

Both: During its duration, a call can be queued tomultiple answering resources (for example, a trunk,voice port, skill group, etc.). LocalQTime includestime the call spent queued to any of these resources.

LocalQTime does not include any DelayTime(before the call is queued), or RingTime (after thecall leaves the queue). LocalQTime is a completedcall time, not an agent state time.

LocalQTime is used to calculate Duration inTermination_Call_Detail, and to calculate thefollowing Service and Route values:

• LongestCallDelayQTime

• LongestCallAbandTime

• DelayQAbandTime

• DelayQTime

• AnswerWaitTime

LocalQTime is also used to calculate theAnswerWaitTime in the Skill Group and Agent SkillGroup tables.


NULLVARCHAR(128)Globally unique location identifier.LocationParamPKID

NULLVARCHAR(50)Location name.LocationParamName



DBINTAn identifier for the Media Routing Domain in theUnified ICM system configuration.


NULLDBINTRepresents the time that the call spent on NetworkQueue in the CallRouter. The LocalQTime field isused for local ACD queuing.




DBINTThe identifier of the peripheral target to which thecall was delivered.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)569

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe number of seconds between the PG receiving a"pre-call message from the CallRouter for the taskand an Offer Task (or Start Task, if an Offer Taskis not sent) message for the task.


NULLDBINTRepresents the time the call is queued for the skillgroup identified by theRoutedSkillGroupSkillTargetID field in the networkVRU. It is the time when the call is queued to thespecific skill group until the call is routed by therouter. The router resets the time when the call isrequeried.


NULLDBCHARCall has been re-classified via transfer, overflow, ornew transaction. Indicates that there is at least onemore row in Termination Call Detail for this call.


NULLchar(1)Indicates which Unified CCE component initiatesthe call. 'D' - originated from Dialer.


NULLDBINTAn identifier assigned to the call by the peripheral(ACD, IVR). The range and type of value used inthis field vary depending on the type of peripheral.For example:

• ACD 1 views an original call, a transfer, and aconsultative call as three separate calls (CallIDs 1001, 1002, 1003 respectively)

• ACD 2 views all three calls as a continuationof the same call (Call IDs 1001, 1001, 1001respectively).

• ACD 3 views the original and transfer as thesame call, but the consultative call as a secondcall (Call IDs 1001,1002, 1001 respectively).

• ACD 4 views the original call as one call andthe original and transfer as another call (CallIDs 1001, 1002, 1002 respectively).

In addition, the identifier used may not beunique depending on the peripheral'simplementation. For example, the AspectCallCenter and the DEFINITY ECS ACDsreuse identifiers in this field (For non-voice thevalue would be NULL).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)570

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBSMALLINTType of call reported by the peripheral. To see validsettings for this field, see Termination Call Detail:Peripheral Call Type, on page 685.


FK, AK-2


DBSMALLINTIdentifies which peripheral handled the call. Thisvalue (for example, 5002), is unique among allperipherals in the enterprise. It is taken from thePeripheral table in the Unified ICM central database.Peripheral IDs are generated automatically when aperipheral is configured in the PeripheralConfiguration window of Unified ICMConfiguration Manager.


NULLDBINTForeign key to the Precision_Queue tablePrecisionQueueID

NULLDBINTInteger that defines the order of rows for a PrecisionQueue Step.


NULLDBSMALLINTUsed by the DEFINITY ECS to indicate the priorityof the call.


NULLDBINTInternal reference ID used to identify the componentclass (PBX/VRU/ACD)

The possible values are:

• NULL for all TCDs prior 8.x.


• 1 = JTAPI

• 2 = GED125_CVP

• 3 = GED125_IPIVR

• 4 = GED125_OTHER

• 5 = GED188_ACMI_CCX

• 6 = GED188_ACMI_CCE


• 8 = GED188_ACMI_ERS

• 9 = ARI


• 11 = Other


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)571

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(32)The Trunk Group ID on which the call arrived onthe IOS Gateway.


NULLDBINTThe Trunk Group Channel Number on which thecall arrived on the IOS Gateway.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay



DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.

Unlike the default, this primary key isnonclustered.



NULLDBINTThe number of seconds that the call spent ringing atthe agent's teleset before it was answered. Ring timeoccurs after any DelayTime and LocalQTime. Fordiverted calls (that is, calls that rang at an agent'steleset before being redirected on failure to answer),RingTime is the sum of the time that the call spentringing at each teleset.

RingTime is added to Skill Group Half Hour andAgent Skill Group half-hour tables when the callcompletes.

RingTime is also used to compute the followingRoute and Service half-hour values:

• DelayQAbandTimeToHalf

• LongestCallDelayQTimeToHalf

• LongestCallAbandTimeToHalf




DBINTIdentifies the route where the call was sent. Thevalue (for example, 6), is unique among all routesin the enterprise. It is taken from the Route table inthe Unified ICM central database. Route IDs aregenerated automatically when a route is configuredin the Route Configuration window of Unified ICMConfiguration Manager.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)572

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThis value is created by the system software andforms the unique portion of the 64-bit key for thecall. Unified CCE resets this counter at midnight.

This field contains a value only if the callwas translation-routed or sent to anUnified CCE agent.



NULLDBINTThe day that the call was taken and theTermination_Call_Detail record was created. Thisfield contains a value only for calls that weretranslation-routed or post-routed to or from an ACD.

Together with RouterCallKey, the Day value formsa unique 64-bit key for the call. The PG might nothave this information for all calls, but if it does, itallows you to track all states of a call between theRoute_Call_Detail and the Termination_Call_Detailtables by using the cradle-to-grave call trackingfacility. (For calls that span a day, the day may notcorrespond to the day specified in the DateTimefield.)

This field contains a value only if the callwas translation-routed, post-routedto/from an ACD, or sent to a UnifiedCCE Enterprise agent.



NULLDBINTA sequence number used for ordering rows forcradle-to-grave call tracking.

This number is a best effort to describe the order inwhich call legs were created and bears no relationto the order in which calls ended.

This is not the order in which theTermination_Call_Detail records were created. (Thisfield also exists in the Route_Call_Detail table,where it defines the order in which the route requestswere created.)

There are a few scenarios where theRouterCallKeySequenceNumbermay not be uniquefor a given RouterCallKey (specifically whentranslation routing to a Service Controlled IVR). Forexample, a call plays a prompt based on the script.This call is directly routed to a release node andproduces a duplicateRouterCallKeySequenceNumber.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)573

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe RoutedSkillGroupSkillTargetID is theSkillGroupSkillTargetID selected by the routerthrough the routing script. If the call is not routedby the router, this field is set to null.


NULLDBINTThe RoutedServiceSkillTargetID is theServiceSkillTargetID selected by the router throughthe routing script. If the call is not routed by therouter, this field is set to null.


NULLDBINTThe RoutedAgentSkillTargetID is theAgentSkillTargetID selected by the router throughthe routing script. If the call is not routed by therouter, this field is set to null.




DBINTIdentifies which service handled the call. This value(for example, 5004) is unique among all skill targetsin the enterprise. It is taken from the Service tablein the Unified ICM central database.ServiceSkillTargetIDs are generated automaticallywhen a service is configured in the ServiceConfiguration window of Unified ICMConfiguration Manager. If the call is handled by anon-configured service, this field is set to null. Inaddition, if the call is not associated with a service,the field is set to null (for example, in the case ofnon-ACD calls).




DBINTIdentifies which skill group handled the call. Thisvalue (for example, 5010) is unique among all skilltargets in the enterprise. It is taken from theSkill_Group table in the Unified ICM centraldatabase. SkillGroupSkillTargetIDs are generatedautomatically when a skill group is configured inthe Skill Group Configuration window of UnifiedICM Configuration Manager.

If the call is handled by a non-configured skill group,this field is set to null.


NULLVARCHAR(32)Peripheral number of agent that initiated the call.

The field can be NULL when the sourceor destination party is unmonitored or ifthe agent is not logged in.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)574

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTThe identifier for the agent that initiated the call.This value is set only if the agent associated withSourceAgentPeripheralNumber is configured in thesystem software.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe date/time in UTC that the call was first seen atthe Peripheral Gateway (PG), e.g. ingress call arrival,agent initiated call, new call resulting from a calltransfer.


NULLDBINTThe cumulative time, in seconds, that the call wasin a talking state on the destination device. TalkTimeis a completed call time, not an agent state time.

TalkTime is used in the calculation of Duration inthe Termination_Call_Detail record. It is also usedto calculate TalkTime in the Services and Routetables.

In the Termination_Call_Detail,Skill_Group, and Agent_Skill_Grouptables, TalkTime does not includeHoldTime; however, in the Services andRoute tables, TalkTime does includeHoldTime.



NULLDBINTThe elapsed time in seconds before the call wasabandoned. This can include DelayTime,LocalQTime, and RingTime, depending on whenthe call was abandoned. This value is set only whenthe call is not answered by an agent or trunkresource.


NULLDBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp at which the agent completesthe transfer.


NULLDBINTThe number (as known to the peripheral) of the trunkon which the call arrived.




DBINTThe identifier of the trunk group on which the callarrived at the peripheral.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)575

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(131)ISDNUser to User information for a private networkcall.


NULLVARCHAR(40)First of five variables used for call segmentation.Can also contain data entered during call wrap-up.(Maps to Aspect variable A.)


NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable (maps to Aspect variableB).


NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable (maps to Aspect variableC).


NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable (maps to Aspect variableD).


NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable (maps to Aspect variableE).


NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable.Variable6

NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable.Variable7

NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable.Variable8

NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable.Variable9

NULLVARCHAR(40)Call segmentation variable.Variable10

NULLDBINTThe cumulative number of seconds of after-call worktime associated with the call. After-call workincludes post-call activities such as completingpaperwork or consulting with associates.Work timeis a completed call time, not an agent state time.

WorkTime is used to calculate Duration in theTermination_Call_Detail table and HandleTime inthe Unified ICM Service, Route, and Call_Typetables.


NULLVARCHAR(40)Data entered by the agent during call wrap- up.

WorkTime is used to calculate Duration in theTermination_Call_Detail table and HandleTime inthe Unified ICM Service, Route, and Call_Typetables.


NULLDBDATETIMEThe UTC timestamp at which the agent cleared thecall and moved to after call work.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)576

All TablesTermination_Call_Detail

Termination_Call_VariableThis table is one of the tables in the Route category (see Route, on page 619). For more information aboutdatabase rules of these tables, see Route Tables, on page 696.

It gets populated on the central database.When Detailed Data Server (DDS) role is enabled on Administrationand Data Server, this table gets populated on HDS database also.

Each row in this table records the value of an expanded call variable for a call that is handled at a peripheral.If the expanded call variable is an array, one Termination_Call_Variable row is generated for each elementof the array. Therefore, the system software generates a Termination_Call_Variable record for every expandedcall variable of a call that is handled at a peripheral.

Because this table grows larger in size, running custom reporting queries against it while it is on the HDS candegrade performance. To optimize performance, extract the data from the HDS into your own custom database.The custom database must be on a separate server and ensure that other Unified ICM or Unified CC Enterprisecomponents do not use it. Use only DBDateTime (date and time of the record that was written to the HDSdatabase) to perform the extraction. You can index the table on the custom database according to the customreporting needs.

Related Tables

Expanded_Call_Variable, on page 257 (via ExpandedCallVariableID)

Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560(TCDRecoveryKey maps to Termination_Call_Detail.RecoveryKey)

Table 439: Indexes for Termination_Call_Variable Table


TCDRecoveryKey, ExpandedCallVariableID,ArrayIndex

Clustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Termination_Call_Variable

DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2Termination_Call_Variable

RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 440: Fields in Termination_Call_Variable Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTIf the expanded call variable is an array, thisidentifies the array element: 0 to N-1, where N isthe size of the array.



DBSMALLDATEThe date and time when the call was routed.DateTime

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)577

All TablesTermination_Call_Variable

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

IE-2 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLVARCHAR(255)The value of the call variable or array element.ECCValue


DBSMALLINTIdentifies the expanded call variable.ExpandedCallVariableID


DBFLT8Unique identity that is assigned to each record andused internally by the Unified ICM andUnified CCEsoftware to track the record.



DBFLT8The date and time when the call was routed.TCDRecoveryKey

Time_Zone_LocationThe table contains the list of timezones that can be selected in a system. The list is based on the MicrosoftWindows timezone definitions stored in the following location:

\HKLM\Microsoft\Microsoft Windows NT\Current Version\TimeZone

These definitions also include daylight savings and its offset from UTC.

Related Tables

• Business_Hours, on page 104 (through TimeZoneLocationID)

Table 441: Indexes for Time_Zone_Location Table


TimeZoneLocationIDPrimary keyXPKTimeZone_Location

TimeZoneLocationNameInversion keyXIE1TimeZone_Location

Table 442: Fields in Time_Zone_Location Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField



DBINTUnique ID for timezone location.TimeZoneLocationID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)578

All TablesTime_Zone_Location

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField



VARCHAR(32)The location name of the specific time zone.TimeZoneLocationName


VARCHAR(128)Defines the name of the time zone.TimeZoneDisplayName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded or updated.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


Translation_RouteThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Each row defines a special route that is used for sending additional information with the call. When theperipheral receives a call targeted at a translation route, it requests the true route from the CallRouter process.

Use the Translation Route Explorer or Translation RouteWizard to add, update, and delete Translation_Routerecords.

Related Tables

Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285 (via LogicalControllerID)

Skill_Target, on page 537 (via SkillTargetID)

Translation_Route_Half_Hour, on page 580 (TranslationRouteSkillTargetID maps toTranslation_Route.SkillTargetID)

Table 443: Indexes for Translation_Route Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


LogicalControllerIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Translation_Route

SkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)579

All TablesTranslation_Route

Table 444: Fields in Translation_Route Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the translation route.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the translation route. Thisname must be unique among all translation routesin the enterprise.



DBSMALLINTThe Logical Interface Controller associated with thetranslation route.



DBINTAn identifier that is unique among all skill targetsin the enterprise.



DBINTThe type of translation route:

• 1 = DNIS

• 2 = CDPD


Translation_Route_Half_HourThis table is in the Skill Target category (see Skill Target, on page 629). To see database rules for these tables,see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Provides statistics for each translation route. These statistics are updated every 30 minutes.

Related Tables

Routing_Client, on page 407 (via RoutingClientID)

Translation_Route, on page 579 (via TranslationRouteSkillTargetID)

Table 445: Indexes for Translation_Route_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeynonclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


DbDateTimenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Translation_Route_Half_Hour

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)580

All TablesTranslation_Route_Half_Hour


DateTime, RoutingClientID,TranslationRouteSkillTargetID, TimeZone

clustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARY


Table 446: Fields in Translation_Route_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAverage number of routes in use in the last half hour.AvgRoutesInUseToHalf

NULLDBINTAverage time (in seconds) to successfully completea translation route for a routing client.


NULLDBINTThe number of times the router finds configurationerror during a translation route for a routing client.



DBSMALLDATEThe central controller date and time at the start ofthe interval.



DBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the database.


NULLDBINTMaximum number of routes used in a translationrouting for a routing client in the half hour interval.


NULLDBINTMaximum time (in seconds) to successfully completea translation route for a routing client.


NULLDBINTThe number of times PG times out the translationroute for a routing client. Not applicable fortranslation route to VRU.



DBFLT8Unique record identifier.RecoveryKey

NULLDBINTThe number of times translation route is completedsuccessfully.


NULLDBINTThe number of times router times out the translationroute for a routing client.



DBSMALLINTThe unique identifier of the routing client.RoutingClientID


DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)581

All TablesTranslation_Route_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe unique identifier of the translation route.TranslationRouteSkillTargetID

NULLDBINTThe number of times router cannot find availableroute in a translation route for a routing client.


NULLDBINTThe number of times translation route is used to sendcalls to VRU or agent peripheral to a routing client.


TrunkThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Each row describes a trunk associated with a peripheral. Trunks are grouped by the Trunk Group table.

Use the Trunk bulk configuration tools to add, update, and delete Trunk records.

Related Table

Trunk_Group, on page 583 (via TrunkGroupID)

Vru_Port_Map, on page 603 (via TrunkID)

Table 447: Indexes for Trunk Table


TrunkGroupID, TrunkNumbernonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


TrunkIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 448: Fields in Trunk Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLVNAME32The carrier that provides the circuit.CircuitProvider

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)582

All TablesTrunk

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTForeign key from the Trunk Group table.TrunkGroupID


DBINTA unique identifier for the trunk.TrunkID


DBINTTrunk number as understood by the peripheral.TrunkNumber


DBSMALLINTType of trunk. To see the list of values, see TrunkType, on page 688.


Trunk_GroupThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Each row defines a group of trunks. A peripheral determines how to handle a call based on the DNIS and thetrunk group on which it arrives.

Use the Trunk Group bulk configuration tools to add, update, and delete Trunk_Group records.

Related Tables

Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307 (via NetworkTrunkGroupID)

Peripheral, on page 321 (via PeripheralID)

Trunk_Group_Five_Minute, on page 585 (via TrunkGroupID)

Trunk_Group_Half_Hour, on page 586 (via TrunkGroupID)

Trunk_Group_Real_Time, on page 587 (via TrunkGroupID)

Trunk, on page 582 (via TrunkGroupID)

Table 449: Indexes for Trunk_Group Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


PeripheralID, PeripheralNumbernonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


NetworkTrunkGroupIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Trunk_Group

TrunkGroupIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)583

All TablesTrunk_Group

Table 450: Fields in Trunk_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLvarcharA string of parameters the system software sends tothe peripheral to initialize the trunk group.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBCHARDeleted Flag. Stored as a character:

• Y = Yes

• N = No


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the trunk group.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the trunk group. This mustbe unique among all trunk groups in the enterprise.


NULLVTELNO10The extension number for the trunk group (used bythe Definity ECS ACD).


FK, NULLDBINTOptionally, the network trunk group to which thistrunk group belongs.



DBSMALLINTForeign key from the Peripheral table.PeripheralID


VNAME32Trunk group name as given by the peripheral.PeripheralName


DBINTTrunk group number as given by the peripheral.PeripheralNumber


DBINTThe number of trunks in the trunk group. If the valueis -1 (the default), the system software determinesthe number of trunks in the group dynamically byexamining the Trunk table. Do not change this valueunless the Trunk data are not reliable.



DBINTUnique identifier for this trunk group.TrunkGroupID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)584

All TablesTrunk_Group

Trunk_Group_Five_MinuteThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains information about a trunk group collectedduring each five-minute interval.

The system software generates Trunk_Group_Five_Minute records for each trunk group.

Related Table

Trunk_Group, on page 583 (via TrunkGroupID)

Table 451: Indexes for Trunk_Group_Five_Minute Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DateTime, TrunkGroupID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 452: Fields in Trunk_Group_Five_Minute Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, during the current half-hourinterval that all trunks in the group were busy.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of thefive-minute interval.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



DBINTForeign key from the Trunk Group table.TrunkGroupID

NULLDBINTNumber of non-busy trunks in the group at the endof the five-minute interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)585

All TablesTrunk_Group_Five_Minute

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of trunks in this trunk group in service atthe end of the five-minute interval.


Trunk_Group_Half_HourThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

It gets populated on central and HDS databases. This table contains information about a trunk group collectedduring each 30-minute interval. The system software generates Trunk_Group_Half_Hour records for eachtrunk group.

Related Table

Trunk_Group, on page 583 (via TrunkGroupID)

Table 453: Indexes for Trunk_Group_Half_Hour Table


RecoveryKeyNonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


DbDateTimeNonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Trunk_Group_Half_Hour

DateTime, TrunkGroupID, TimeZoneClustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 454: Fields in Trunk_Group_Half_Hour Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal time, in seconds, during the half-hour intervalthat all trunks in the group were busy.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the trunk group abandoned duringthe current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of incoming calls received on the trunkgroup during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls sent on the trunk groupduring the half-hour interval.



DBSMALLDATECentral Controller date and time at the start of thehalf-hour interval.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)586

All TablesTrunk_Group_Half_Hour

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

IE-1 NULLDBDATETIMEThe current date and time stamp when the recordsare written to the HDS database. The logger databasehas NULL for this column.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the groupwere in service during the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the groupwere used for inbound calls during the half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the groupwere used for outbound calls during the half-hourinterval.



DBINTCurrently not used, set to zero (0).RecoveryDay


DBFLT8A unique ID assigned to each record and usedinternally by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE softwareto track the record.



DBINTThe Central Controller’s time zone for the date andtime. The value is the offset in minutes fromUTC(formerly GMT).The value is negative for timezones to the east of UTC and positive for time zonesto the west of UTC.



DBINTForeign key from the Trunk Group table.TrunkGroupID

NULLDBINTNumber of non-busy trunks in the group at the endof the half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of trunks in the group in service at the endof the half-hour interval.


Trunk_Group_Real_TimeThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Local database only.

Contains real time information about each trunk group.

The system software generates a Trunk_Group_Real_Time record for each trunk group.

Related Table

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)587

All TablesTrunk_Group_Real_Time

Trunk_Group, on page 583 (via TrunkGroupID)

Table 455: Indexes for Trunk_Group_Real_Time Table


TrunkGroupIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 456: Fields in Trunk_Group_Real_Time Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds during the current half-hourinterval that all trunks in the group were busy.


NULLDBINTTotal number of seconds since midnight that alltrunks in the group were busy.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the trunk group abandoned inqueue during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of calls to the trunk group abandoned inqueue since midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls received on the trunk groupduring the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls currently in progress onthe trunk group.


NULLDBINTNumber of inbound calls received on the trunk groupsince midnight.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls received on the trunkgroup during the current half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls currently in progress onthe trunk group.


NULLDBINTNumber of outbound calls received on the trunkgroup since midnight.



DBDATETIMECentral Controller date and time that this data waslast updated.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the grouphave been in service during the current half-hourinterval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the grouphave been in service since midnight.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)588

All TablesTrunk_Group_Real_Time

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the grouphave been in use for inbound calls during the currenthalf-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the grouphave been in use for inbound calls since midnight.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the grouphave been in use for outbound calls during thecurrent half-hour interval.


NULLDBINTAggregate number of seconds trunks in the grouphave been in use for outbound calls since midnight.



DBINTForeign key from the Trunk Group table.TrunkGroupID

NULLDBINTNumber of non-busy trunks in the group now.TrunksIdle

NULLDBINTNumber of trunks in the trunk group in service now.TrunksInService

User_FormulaThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row describes a custom function. A custom function is a shorthand for an expression. It may, optionally,accept parameters. The expression associated with the function is stored in the User_Formula_Equation table.

Use the Script Editor to create, modify, and delete custom functions.

Related Table

User_Formula_Equation, on page 590 (via UserFormulaID)

Table 457: Indexes for User_Formula Table


EnterpriseNameclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


UserFormulaIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)589

All TablesUser_Formula

Table 458: Fields in User_Formula Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the function.Description


VNAME32An enterprise name for the function. Customfunction names always begin with "user".



DBINTThe number of bytes in the expression for thefunction.



DBINTThe number of parameters the function accepts.ParamCount


DBINTA unique identifier for the function.UserFormulaID

User_Formula_EquationThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Each row contains all or part of the expression associated with a custom formula.

Use the Script Editor to add, modify, and delete custom formulas.

Related Table

User_Formula, on page 589 (via UserFormulaID)

Table 459: Indexes for User_Formula_Equation Table


UserFormulaID, RowOrderclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 460: Fields in User_Formula_Equation Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(255)The expression string.EquationString

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)590

All TablesUser_Formula_Equation

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTSpecifies the order of strings for a formula. Aformula may have one or more strings.



DBINTForeign key from the User_Formula table.UserFormulaID

User_GroupThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Lists the groups of users to which specific access rights apply. A record in this table can represent a group ofusers (with multiple associated records in the User_Group_Member table) or a single user (with a singleassociated record in the User_Group_Member table).

Use Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete user groups.

Related Tables

Class_Security, on page 195 (via UserGroupName)

Customer_Definition, on page 207 (via CustomerDefinitionID)

Feature_Control_Set, on page 259 (via via FeatureSetID)

Global Security Control (via UserGroupID)

Object_Security, on page 318 (via UserGroupName)

Sec_Group, on page 441 (via UserGroupID)

Sec_User, on page 442 (via UserGroupID)

User_Group_Member, on page 593 (via UserGroupName)

User_Supervisor_Map, on page 595 (via UserGroupID)

Table 461: Indexes for User_Group Table


UserGroupNameclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


CustomerDefinitionIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1User_Group

UserGroupIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)591

All TablesUser_Group

Table 462: Fields in User_Group Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTIdentifies the customer associated with the usergroup.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the group.Description

NULLVARCHAR(190)The FQDN of the domain to which the user belongs.(Domain FQDN)

For the UserGroupName, "DBO", thisfield stores the global default domainname. The default domain name is set bythe System Information tool.



NULLVARCHAR(254)Email address of the customer associated with theuser group.


FK NULLDBINTIdentifies a feature set from the Feature_Control_SetTable.



DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = Read-only user

• N = Normal user



DBCHARValid options include:

• Y = Service provider or normal customer

• N = Service bureau customer.

This field is no longer used.Note



DBINTA unique identifier for the group.UserGroupID


DBSMALLINTIndicates the User Role for a given user.

Values displayed include:

• 0 = Supervisors.

• 1 = Setup User.

• 2 = Config User.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)592

All TablesUser_Group

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


varchar(64)The name of a user or a group.UserGroupName


char(1)The type of the group:

• U = for an individual user

• G = for a group of users.


NULLVarchar(64)A unique global ID from Active Directory.UserGuid

NULLVarchar(64)The user logon name of the user (Username portionof the User's UserPrincipalName).


User_Group_MemberThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Lists the specific users that are members of each user group. If the group is of type "U" then it has a singleUser_Group_Member record. If the group is of type 'G' is can have multiple User_Group_Member records.A single user can be a member of multiple user groups.

Use Configuration Manager to create, update, and delete User Group Member records.

Related Table

User_Group, on page 591 (via UserGroupID)

Table 463: Indexes for User_Group_Member Table


UserName, UserGroupNameclustered, unique, unique key locatedon PRIMARY


UserNamenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1User_Group_Member

UserGroupMemberIDnonclustered, unique, primary keylocated on PRIMARY


Table 464: Fields in User_Group_Member Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)593

All TablesUser_Group_Member

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



DBINTA unique identifier for the record.UserGroupMemberID


varchar(64)The group to which the member belongs.UserGroupName


varchar(64)The username as registered with SQL Server.UserName

User_Security_ControlThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Specifies the security access that individual users have to specific objects. The system software builds thistable from the data in the other security tables.

Related Tables

Ids, on page 269 (via ObjectType + ObjectID)

User_Group_Member, on page 593 (via UserName)

Table 465: Indexes for User_Security_Control Table


UserNamenonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1User_Security_Control

UserGroupIDnonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE2User_Security_Control

ObjectType, ObjectID, UserNameclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 466: Fields in User_Security_Control Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe level of access that the user has for the object.To see values. see Access Levels, on page 648.



DBINTTogether with ObjectType, identifies the object.ObjectID

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)594

All TablesUser_Security_Control

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTTogether with ObjectID, identifies the object.ObjectType


DBINTForeign key from the User_Group table.UserGroupID


varchar(64)The SQL Server username of the user.UserName

User_Supervisor_MapThis table is in the Security category (see Security, on page 627). To see database rules for these tables, seeSecurity Tables, on page 698.

Used to allow an agent to log in as a Supervisor. When an agent logs in as a Supervisor, an entry for the agentis created in the User Group table to allow the agent login.

Related Table

User_Group, on page 591 (via UserGroupID)

Table 467: Indexes for User_Supervisor_Map Table


AgentSkillTargetIDnonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


UserGroupID, AgentSkillTargetIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 468: Fields in User_Supervisor_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe identifier for the SkillTargetID for an agent thatis a supervisor.

The SupervisorAgent field for this agentmust be Y.




DBINTThe identifier for the user.

The UserGroupType for this user mustbe U.



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)595

All TablesUser_Supervisor_Map

User_VariableThis table is part of the Script category (see Script, on page 623). For database rules, see Script Tables, onpage 697.

Contains the definitions of user variables. You can optionally associate a variable with an object type (suchas service or skill group). The system software then creates an instance of the variable for each object of thattype (for example, for each service or each skill group). You can set and reference variables within scripts. Ifa variable is persistent, its value is stored in the Persistent_Variable table.

Use the User Variable list tool to create, update, and delete definitions of user variables.

Related Table

Persistent_Variable, on page 338 (via UserVariableID)

Table 469: Indexes for User_Variable Table


ObjectType, VariableNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


UserVariableIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 470: Fields in User_Variable Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBSMALLINTIndicates the type of the variable:

• 0 = Long

• 1 = Float

• 2 = Char

• 3 = Date


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the variable.Description


DBCHARNot currently used.Instance

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)596

All TablesUser_Variable

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBSMALLINTThe type of object with which the variable isassociated. For the list of values, see Object Types:User Variable, on page 667.



DBCHARIndicates whether to preserve the value of thevariable between script invocations. Stored as acharacter:

• Y = yes

• N = no



DBSMALLINTNot currently used.ReportingMethod


DBINTA unique identifier for the variable.UserVariableID


VNAME32The name of the variable. User variable names mustbegin with "user".


VersionThis table is in the System category (see System, on page 642). To see database rules for these tables, seeSystem Tables, on page 699.

A system table containing a single row which indicates the current version of the system database schemainstalled in the central and local databases. This table is maintained by the system software installation process.

Table 471: Indexes for Version Table


Majornonclustered located on PRIMARYXIE1Version

Table 472: Fields in Version Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTThe incremental version number of the localdatabase schema on the AW. For example, if theversion is 1.3, this value is 3.



DBINTThe incremental version number of the centraldatabase schema. For example, if the version is 1.2,this value is 2.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)597

All TablesVersion

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTControl version of preconfigured items forSimplified Unified CCE Deployments.



DBINTThe number of the major version; for example, ifthe version is 1.2, this value is 1.


View_ColumnThis table is in the Schedule category (see Schedule, on page 622). To see database rules, see Schedule Tables,on page 696.

Describes how the system software interprets one column of imported schedule data.

Related Table

ICR_View, on page 268 (via ICRViewID)

Table 473: Indexes for View_Column Table


ICRViewID, ColumnNumbernonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ICRViewID, ViewNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


ViewColumnIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 474: Fields in View_Column Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVNAME32The name used for the column in the system fromwhich it imported.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTIndicates the position of the column within theSchedule Import table.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)598

All TablesView_Column

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDESCRIPTIONAdditional information about the column.Description


DBCHARIndicates whether the View_Column record can bemodified. Stored as a character:

• Y = yes

• N = no



DBINTIdentifies the view to which the column belongs.ICRViewID

NULLDBINTIndicates which bit positions to use in the value. AnAND operation is applied to the mask value and thefield value.


NULLDBINTThe number of bit positions to shift the value to theleft.



DBINTA unique identifier for the column.ViewColumnID


VNAME32The name used for the column within the systemsoftware.


Vru_CurrencyThis is one of the VRU_Micro_Application tables (see VRU Micro-application, on page 645). For databaserules, see VRU Micro-applications Tables, on page 700.

This table contains a list of currencies supported by VRU micro-applications.

Related Table

Vru_Defaults, on page 600 (via CurrencyID)

Table 475: Indexes for Vru_Currency Table


CurrencyNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


CurrencyIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)599

All TablesVru_Currency

Table 476: Fields in Vru_Currency Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTA unique identifier.CurrencyID


varchar(10)Specifies the currency supported by the VRUmicro-application:

• 1 = U.S. Dollar (default)

• 2 = Euro

• 3 = Pound Sterling

• 4 = French franc

• 5 = Deutschmark

• 6 = Lira

• 7 = Peseta

• 0 = Other


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


Vru_DefaultsThis is one of the VRU_Micro_Application tables (see VRU Micro-application, on page 645). For databaserules, see VRU Micro-applications Tables, on page 700.

This table contains a single row of data that contains the default values for a particular VRUmicro-application.

Related Tables

Vru_Locale, on page 602 (via LocaleID)

Vru_Currency, on page 599 (via CurrencyID)

Table 477: Indexes for View_Defaults Table


EnterpriseNamenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)600

All TablesVru_Defaults


VruDefaultsIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 478: Fields in Vru_Defaults Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLvarchar(255)A path to library of application media files/promptsspecific to a set of related Unified ICM scripts.(Example: customer menus.) The default entry isapp.



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.



DBINTThe currency supported byVRUmicro-applications.The default value is 1, CURRENCY_DOLLAR.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.


NULLDESCRIPTIONA description of the row. There is no default valuein this field.



char(1)DTMF Termination key:

0-9 (digits)

* (asterisk)

# (pound sign, the default)

N (no termination key)



VNAME32A unique name for the enterprise.EnterpriseName


DBINTThe number of seconds a caller is allowed betweenentering digits. If exceeded, the system times-out.Valid options are the digits 1-99 (default: 3).



DBINTNumber of times ISN repeats the Get Digits cyclewhen the caller enters invalid data. (Total includesthe first cycle.) Valid options are the digits 1-9(default: 3).


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)601

All TablesVru_Defaults

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


DBINTA combination of language and country specifyingthe language the VRU micro-application executesin:

• en-us = U.S. English (default)

• en-gb = Great Britain English

• es-es = European Spanish

• es-mx = Mexican Spanish



varchar(255)Base URL for all media files used in the VRU script.The default value is file:../MediaFiles



DBINTThe number of seconds a caller is allowed to beginentering digits. If exceeded, the system times-out.

Valid options are the digits 0-99 (default: 5).



DBINTNumber of times ISN repeats the Get Digits cyclewhen a caller doesn't enter any data after being giventhe prompt. (Total includes first cycle.)

Valid options are the digits 1-9 (default: 3).


NULLvarchar(255)A path to library of system media files/prompts forindividual digits, months, default error messages,etc. The default entry is sys.



DBINTA unique identifier.VruDefaultsID

Vru_LocaleThis is one of the VRU_Micro_Application tables (see VRU Micro-application, on page 645). For databaserules, see VRU Micro-applications Tables, on page 700.

This table contains a list of locales (a locale is a combination of language and country) supported by VRUmicro-applications.

Related Table

Vru_Defaults, on page 600 (via LocaleID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)602

All TablesVru_Locale

Table 479: Indexes for Vru_Locale Table


Localenonclustered, unique, unique keylocated on PRIMARY


LocaleIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 480: Fields in Vru_Locale Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when a record isadded/updated.



varchar(10)A combination of language and country specifyingthe language the VRU micro-application executesin:

• en-us = U.S. English (default)

• en-gb = Great Britain English

• es-es = European Spanish

• es-mx = Mexican Spanish



DBINTA unique identifier.LocaleID

Vru_Port_MapThis is in the Device category (see Device, on page 612). For database rules, see Device Tables, on page 694.

In cases where ACD and VRU PIMs are controlled by the same PG, the VRU_Port_Map table is used tospecify how VRU ports map to ACD ports or trunks.

Use the VRU Port Map and Bulk Insert tool to map VRU ports to ACD ports or trunks.

Related Table

Trunk, on page 582 (via TrunkID)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)603

All TablesVru_Port_Map

Table 481: Indexes for Vru_Port_Map Table


TrunkIDclustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARY


Table 482: Fields in Vru_Port_Map Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBSMALLINTThe ID of ACD peripheral if Type is 1.ACDPeripheralID

NULLVNAME32The ACD port if Type is 1.ACDPort

NULLDBINTThe ID of the ACD trunk if Type is 0.ACDTrunkID


DBINTThe ID of the VRU trunk to be mapped.TrunkID


DBINTThe type of VRU-to-ACD mapping:

• 0 = A VRU trunk-to-ACD trunk mapping

• 1 = A VRU trunk-to-ACD port mapping.


Week_Day_ScheduleThe table Week_Day_Schedule defines the business hours on weekdays. The weekday schedule contain anyday of the week except the holidays. Each row in the table records a weekday schedule.

Related Tables

• Business_Hours, on page 104 (through BusinessHoursID)

• Special_Day_Schedule, on page 547 (through BusinessHoursID)

Table 483: Indexes for Week_Day_Schedule Table


WeekDayScheduleIDPrimary keyXPKWeek_Day_Schedule

BusinessHoursIDInversion keyXIE1Week_Day_Schedule

DayTypeInversion keyXIE2Week_Day_Schedule

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)604

All TablesWeek_Day_Schedule

Table 484: Fields in Week_Day_Schedule Table

Keys andNULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionField



DBINTThe ID of the each week day schedule.WeekDayScheduleID



DBINTUnique ID of the business schedule objectBusinessHoursID



DBSMALLINTValues range from 0 to 6, assigned to each day in aweek starting from Sunday.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the hour the business hour starts in aweekday.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the minute the business hours starts in aweekday.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the second the business hours starts in aweekday. Default value is 0.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the hour the business hour ends in aweekday.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the minute the business hours ends in aweekday.



DBSMALLINTSpecifies the second the business hours ends in aweekday. Default value is 0.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded or updated



CHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changed in thecentral database.


NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTFuture UseFutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(64)Future UseFutureUseVarChar2

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)605

All TablesWeek_Day_Schedule

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)606

All TablesWeek_Day_Schedule

C H A P T E R 3Tables by Group

• Overview, on page 607• Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page 608• Business Hours, on page 609• Contact Sharing, on page 610• Survey (For Future Use), on page 611• Device, on page 612• Enterprise, on page 615• Media Routing, on page 617• Precision Queue, on page 618• Route, on page 619• Schedule, on page 622• Script, on page 623• Security, on page 627• Skill Target, on page 629• Smart License, on page 633• System, on page 642• User Preferences, on page 644• VRU Micro-application, on page 645• Tables Reserved for Future Use, on page 645

OverviewThis section explains major areas of the schema. Tables are arranged in logical groups based on their domainsand interrelationships.

For each section, you can find:

• an illustration that maps the connections among tables in that group

• links to detailed information on each individual table in the group

• a link to the database rules for the group

For details on the columns in each table, see All Tables.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)607

Blended Agent (Outbound Option)This figure depicts the tables in the Blended Agent (Outbound Option) category and their connections.

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Figure 1: Blended Agent

To see database rules for tables in the Blended Agent group, see Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option),on page 691.

Tables that hold Blended Agent (Outbound Option) data are listed below.

• Blended_Agent_Options, on page 96

• Campaign, on page 156

• Campaign_Half_Hour, on page 165

• Campaign_Query_Rule, on page 166

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)608

Tables by GroupBlended Agent (Outbound Option)

• Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour, on page 169

• Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time, on page 175

• Campaign_Skill_Group, on page 184

• Campaign_Target_Sequence, on page 186

• Dialer, on page 219

• Dialer_Detail, on page 224

• Dialer_Half_Hour, on page 230

• Dialer_Port_Map, on page 236

• Dialer_Port_Real_Time, on page 237

• Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour, on page 242

• Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 246

• Import_Rule, on page 271

• Import_Rule_Clause, on page 275

• Import_Rule_History, on page 277

• Import_Rule_Real_Time, on page 278

• Query_Rule, on page 358

• Query_Rule_Clause, on page 360

Business HoursThis figure depicts the tables in this category and their connections.

In this graphic:

Figure 2: Business Hours

• A single box represents a single table.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)609

Tables by GroupBusiness Hours

Figure 3: Business Hours Category

To see the database rules for these tables, see Business Hours Tables, on page 693.

Tables in the Business Hours category include the following:

• Business_Hours, on page 104

• Business_Hours_Real_Time, on page 106

• Business_Hours_Reason, on page 107

• Special_Day_Schedule, on page 547

• Time_Zone_Location, on page 578

• Week_Day_Schedule, on page 604

Contact SharingThis figure depicts the tables in this category and their connections.

In this graphic:

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)610

Tables by GroupContact Sharing

Figure 4: Contact Sharing

• A single box represents a single table.

• A box with a + plus sign represents a subcategory of table with related detail: Peripheral and TrunkGroup.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Figure 5: Contact Sharing

To see database rules for these tables, see Contact Sharing Tables, on page 693.

Tables in the Contact Sharing category include the following:

• Application_Gateway, on page 80

• Contact_Share_Group, on page 203

• Contact_Share_Group_Member, on page 204

• Contact_Share_Queue, on page 205

• Contact_Share_Rule, on page 206

• Precision_Queue, on page 341

• Skill_Group, on page 484

Survey (For Future Use)This figure depicts the tables in this category and their connections.

In the following graphic:

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)611

Tables by GroupSurvey (For Future Use)

• A single box represents a single table.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

Figure 6: Survey

To see the database rules for these tables, see CX Survey_Table (For Future Use), on page 693.

Tables in the Survey category include the following:

• Survey (For Future Use), on page 550

• Survey_Question (For Future Use), on page 551

• Survey_Result (For Future Use), on page 552

DeviceThis figure depicts the tables in this category and their connections.

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A box with a + plus sign represents a subcategory of table with related detail: Peripheral and TrunkGroup.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)612

Tables by GroupDevice

Figure 7: Device

To see database rules for these tables, see Device Tables, on page 694.

Tables in the Device category include the following:

• Agent_Targeting_Rule, on page 69

• Agent_Targeting_Rule_Member, on page 72

• Agent_Targeting_Rule_Range, on page 73

• Dial_Number_Plan, on page 218

• Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285

• Network_Trunk_Group, on page 307

• Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour, on page 308

• Network_Trunk_Group_Real_Time, on page 310

• Peripheral, on page 321 See the section below for Peripheral Detail tables.

• Peripheral_Default_Route, on page 325

• Physical_Controller_Half_Hour, on page 339

• Physical_Interface_Controller, on page 340

• Routing_Client, on page 407

• Routing_Client_Five_Minute, on page 411

• Trunk, on page 582

• Trunk_Group, on page 583 See the section below for Trunk Group Detail tables.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)613

Tables by GroupDevice

• Vru_Port_Map, on page 603

Peripheral DetailThe figure below illustrates the tables in the Peripheral Detail subcategory.

Figure 8: Peripheral Detail

These tables are:

• Agent_Distribution, on page 26

• Dialer_Detail, on page 224

• Peripheral, on page 321

• Peripheral_Monitor, on page 328

• Peripheral_Real_Time, on page 330

Trunk Group DetailThe figure below illustrates the tables in the Trunk Detail subcategory.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)614

Tables by GroupPeripheral Detail

Figure 9: Trunk Details

These tables are:

• Trunk_Group, on page 583

• Trunk_Group_Five_Minute, on page 585

• Trunk_Group_Half_Hour, on page 586

• Trunk_Group_Real_Time, on page 587

EnterpriseThe figure below shows the relationships among tables in the Enterprise category.

• A single box represents a single table.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)615

Tables by GroupEnterprise

Figure 10: Enterprise

To see database rules for these tables, see Enterprise Tables, on page 695.

Tables that hold Enterprise data are listed below.

• Enterprise_Route, on page 250

• Enterprise_Route_Member, on page 251

• Enterprise_Skill_Group, on page 253

• Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member, on page 254

• Enterprise_Service, on page 251

• Enterprise_Service_Member, on page 252

• Service_Array, on page 446

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)616

Tables by GroupEnterprise

• Service_Array_Member, on page 448

Media RoutingThe figure below shows the relationships among the tables in the Media Routing category.

• A single box represents a single table.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Figure 11: Media Routing Tables

To see Database rules for the Media Routing tables, see Media Routing Tables, on page 695.

Media Routing Tables are listed below:

• Application_Instance, on page 87

• Application_Path, on page 88

• Application_Path_Member, on page 90

• Application_Path_Real_Time, on page 90

• Media_Class, on page 300

• Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)617

Tables by GroupMedia Routing

Precision QueueThis figure depicts the tables in the Precision Queue category and their connections.

Figure 12: Precision Queue Tables

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Tables that hold Precision Queue data are listed below:

• Agent_Real_Time

• Agent_Skill_Group_Interval

• Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time

• Call_Type_SG_Interval

• Precision_Q_Real_Time_Table

• Precision_Queue_Step

• Precision_Queue_Term

• Router_Queue_Interval

• Skilll_Group

• Skill_Group_Interval

• Termination_Call_Detail

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)618

Tables by GroupPrecision Queue

Precision Queue DetailThe figure below illustrates the tables in the Precision Queue Detail subcategory.

Figure 13: Precision Queue Detail

RouteThis figure depicts the tables in this category and their connections.

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A box with a + plus sign represents a subcategory of table with related detail: Route Detail.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)619

Tables by GroupPrecision Queue Detail

Figure 14: Route Tables

To see Database Rules for Route Tables, see Route Tables, on page 696.

Tables that hold Route data are listed below.

• Announcement, on page 76

• Dialed_Number, on page 214

• Dialed_Number_Label, on page 216

• Expanded_Call_Variable, on page 257

• Label, on page 280

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)620

Tables by GroupRoute

• Network_Event_Detail, on page 304

• Network_Target, on page 306

• Network_Vru, on page 312

• Network_Vru_Bank, on page 313

• Network_Vru_Script, on page 314

• Peripheral_Target, on page 336

• Recurring_Schedule_Map, on page 363• Route, on page 374

• Route_Call_Detail, on page 376

• Route_Call_Variable, on page 383

• Scheduled_Target, on page 430

• Scheduled_Target_Real_Time, on page 431

• Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560

• Termination_Call_Variable, on page 577

Route Detail Tables

The figure below illustrates the tables in the Route Details subcategory.

Figure 15: Route Details Tables

Route Detail Tables are:

• Route, on page 374

• Route_Real_Time, on page 393

• Route_Five_Minute, on page 384

• Route_Half_Hour, on page 388

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)621

Tables by GroupRoute

ScheduleThis figure depicts the tables in this category.

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Figure 16: Schedule Tables

To see Database Rules for Schedule Tables, see Schedule Tables, on page 696.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)622

Tables by GroupSchedule

Tables that hold Schedule data are listed below.

• Schedule, on page 419

• Schedule_Source, on page 429

• Schedule_Map, on page 425

• Recurring_Schedule_Map, on page 363• Schedule_Report, on page 426

• Schedule_Report_Input, on page 428

• Schedule_Import, on page 421

• Schedule_Import_Real_Time, on page 423

• Schedule_Source, on page 429

• Import_Schedule, on page 280

• Import_Log, on page 270

• ICR_View, on page 268

• View_Column, on page 598

ScriptThis figure depicts the tables in this category.

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A box with a + plus sign represents a subcategory of table with related detail: Call Type, Region, andScript.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)623

Tables by GroupScript

Figure 17: Script Tables

To see database rules for these tables, see Script Tables, on page 697.

Script Tables are listed below

• Admin_Script_Schedule_Map, on page 14

• Application_Gateway, on page 80

• Application_Gateway_Connection, on page 81

• Application_Gateway_Half_Hour, on page 85

• Application_Gateway_Globals, on page 83

• Call_Type, on page 110

• Call_Type_Map, on page 129

• Call_Type_Real_Time, on page 142

• Customer_Definition, on page 207

• Customer_Options, on page 208

• Default_Call_Type, on page 209

• Dialed_Number_Map, on page 216

• ICR_Instance, on page 264

• ICR_Node, on page 267

• Master_Script, on page 298

• Persistent_Variable, on page 338

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)624

Tables by GroupScript

• Region, on page 365

• Script, on page 432

• Script, on page 432

• Script_Table_Column, on page 440

• User_Formula, on page 589

• User_Formula_Equation, on page 590

• User_Variable, on page 596

Call Type DetailThe figure below illustrates the tables in the Call Type subcategory.

Figure 18: Call Type Tables

These tables are:

• Call_Type, on page 110

Region DetailThe figure below illustrates the tables in the Region Detail subcategory.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)625

Tables by GroupCall Type Detail

Figure 19: Region Detail Tables

Region Detail Tables are listed below:

• Region, on page 365

• Region_Member, on page 367

• Region_Prefix, on page 368

• Region_View_Member, on page 373

• Region_View, on page 369

Script DetailThe figure below illustrates the tables in the Script Detail subcategory.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)626

Tables by GroupScript Detail

Figure 20: Script Detail

Script Detail Tables are listed below:

• Script, on page 432

• Script_Cross_Reference, on page 434

• Script_Data, on page 435

• Script_Five_Minute, on page 435

• Script_Print_Control, on page 437

• Script_Real_Time, on page 438

SecurityThe figure below shows the relationships among tables in the Security category.

• A single box represents a single table.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)627

Tables by GroupSecurity

Figure 21: Security Tables

To see database rules for these tables, see Security Tables, on page 698.

Tables that hold Security data are listed below.

• Business_Entity, on page 103

• Class_Access_Xref, on page 194

• ClassID_To_ObjectType, on page 196

• Class_List, on page 194

• Class_Security, on page 195

• Feature_Control_Set, on page 259

• Ids, on page 269

• Object_Access_Xref, on page 316

• Object_List, on page 317

• Object_Security, on page 318

• Sec_Group, on page 441

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)628

Tables by GroupSecurity

• Sec_User, on page 442

• User_Group, on page 591

• User_Group_Member, on page 593

• User_Security_Control, on page 594

• User_Supervisor_Map, on page 595

Skill TargetThis figure shows the relationships among tables in the Skill Target category. The Agent, Service, Skill Group,and Skill Group Member tables each have related tables, as indicated by the + (plus signs) in the illustration.

In this graphic:

• A single box represents a single table.

• A box with a + plus sign represents a subcategory of table with related detail: Agent, Service, Skill Group,and Skill Group Member.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)629

Tables by GroupSkill Target

Figure 22: Skill Target Tables

To see database rules for Skill Target tables, see Skill Target Tables, on page 698.

Skill Target tables include the following:

• Agent Table. See the Agent Detail section, below.

• Agent_Desk_Settings, on page 21

• Agent_Interval, on page 33

• Person, on page 319

• Service Tables. See the Service Detail section, below.

• Service_Member, on page 464

• Skill Group and Skill Group Member Tables. See the Skill Group Detail Section, below.

• Skill_Target, on page 537

• Translation_Route, on page 579

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)630

Tables by GroupSkill Target

• Translation_Route_Half_Hour, on page 580

Agent DetailThe figure below illustrates tables in the Agent subcategory.

Figure 23: Agent Tables

Agent Detail tables are listed below:

• Agent, on page 17

• Agent_Interval, on page 33

• Agent_Real_Time, on page 39

• Agent_Event_Detail, on page 27

• Agent_State_Trace, on page 65

• Agent_Team, on page 73

• Agent_Team_Member, on page 75

• Agent_Team_Supervisor, on page 76

• Dialer_Detail, on page 224

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)631

Tables by GroupAgent Detail

Service DetailThe figure below illustrates tables in the Service subcategory.

Figure 24: Service Tables

Service tables include:

• Service, on page 443

• Service_Five_Minute, on page 449

• Service_Real_Time, on page 465

Skill Group DetailThe figures below illustrate tables in the Skill Group and Skill Group Member subcategories.

Figure 25: Skill Group Tables

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)632

Tables by GroupService Detail

Figure 26: Skill Group Member Tables

Skill Group and Skill Group Member Tables include the following:

• Skill_Group, on page 484

• Skill_Group_Five_Minute, on page 488

• Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 521

• Skill_Group_Member, on page 520

• Agent_Skill_Group_Logout, on page 61

• Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 62

Smart License

Smart_License_InfoThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table captures the Registration and Authorization status for a Smart License Agent instance running ona Unified CCE instance. The fields in this table represent the responses received from the Cisco Smart SoftwareManager (CSSM) portal using internal APIs.

Each row displays the information for one Smart Agent instance.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Server

• Smart_License_Product

• Smart_License_Entitlements

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)633

Tables by GroupSmart License

Table 485: Indexes for the Smart_License_Info Table


SmartLicenseInfoIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Info

Fields in the Smart_License_Info Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time of expiry of the productlicense authorization. Product licenseauthorizationmust be renewed before thisdate.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Reason for failure of authorizationattempt.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncremented when the record is changedin the database.


NULLDBINTAuthorization status ID of Unified CCEwith CSSM or Satellite.

Default value is 5


NULLDBINTRegistration status ID of Unified CCEwith CSSM or Satellite.

Default value is 2


NULLDBINTNumber of days left in evaluation mode.DaysLeftInEvaluationMode

NULLDBINTNumber of days left in Out OfCompliance mode.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and timewhen the recordis added/updated.


NULLDBCHARN indicates that encryption cannot beturned on.

Values Y or N are allowed


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and time of expiry of the productevaluation period.


NULLDBDATETIMEReserved FieldFutureUseDateTime1

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt2

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)634

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Info

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt5

NULLDBINTReserved FieldFutureUseInt6

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar2

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar3

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar4

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved FieldFutureUseVarChar5

NULLDBCHARY if the product license authorizationattempt fails.

Values Y or N are allowed


NULLDBCHARY if the product license registrationattempt fails.

Values Y or N are allowed


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the last renewal attemptfor the product license authorization.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the last renewal attemptfor the product license registration.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the next renewalattempt for the product licenseauthorization.


NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time of the next renewalattempt for the product licenseregistration.


NULLDBINTThe number of days you can use UnifiedCCE when Out Of Compliance.


NULLDBDATETIMETime stamp when the overage dayscolumn is updated.


NULLVARCHAR(100)Registered Product instance with CSSM.ProductInstance

NULLDBDATETIMEDate and Time at which the productlicense registration will expire. Productlicense registration must be renewedbefore this date.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)635

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Info

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reason for registration attempt failure.RegistrationFailedReason

NULLVARCHAR(100)Name of Smart Account Name.SmartAccount



DBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


NULLDBINTForeign key to SmartLicenseServerSmartLicenseServerId

NULLVARCHAR(100)Name of Virtual Account Name.VirtualAccount

Smart_License_ServerThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table stores the Unified CCE specific configuration information that is required for connection andregistration to CSSM.

This table will come under configuration database table.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Product

• Smart_License_Entitlements

Table 486: Indexes for the Smart_License_Server Table


SmartLicenseServerIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Server

Table 487: Fields in the Smart_License_Server Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(255)ID that is used to identify the source ofthe notification when there are multipleinstances of an agent on the same system.


NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncrements when the record is changedin the database.


NULLDBINTMaximum wait time from CSSM beforeSmartAgent times out and API fails.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)636

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Server

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when therecord was added/updated.


NOT NULLDBINT1 - Enterprise

2 - HCS


NOT NULLDBCHARApplies the 95 percentile formula toexclude spikes if this value set to Y.

Values Y or N are allowed

Default value is Y


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt3

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt4

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt5

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar3

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar4

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar5

NULLVARCHAR(255)Get the token fromCisco Licensing CloudCSSM.


NOT NULLDBCHARDefines the enforcement level applied.Default value is Y which allows MACDoperation on Agents and Features.Default.

Values Y or N are allowed.



2 - Flex


NULLDBCHARDefines if the system isOutOfCompliance.

Allowed: Y or N


NULLDBDATETIMEThe Out-of-Compliance start date.OutOfComplianceStartTime

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)637

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Server

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTNumber of times system went into OutOf Compliance.

Default Value: 0


NULLVARCHAR(255)Intermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy Hostname or IP address


NULLDBINTIntermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy portaddress


NULLVARCHAR(255)For internal use.SmartCode



DBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


NULLVARCHAR(50)Serial number to identify the product.SerialNumber

NULLVARCHAR(255)Smart Software Manager Satellite URLonly in mediated deployment mode.



1 - On-Prem CSSM

2 - Proxy


NULLVARCHAR(255)Cisco Smart Software Manager transportURL in non-mediated deployment mode.


Smart_License_EntitlementsThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table stores the information on the pre-defined entitlement tags for identifying and reporting licenses onCSSM.

The information is presented in the table in multiple rows, one for each supported entitlement such as Standardand Premium Agent Entitlement for each supported product.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Product

• Smart_License_Server

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)638

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Entitlements

Table 488: Indexes for the Smart_License_Server Table


SmartLicenseEntitlementsTagIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Entitlements

Table 489: Fields in the Smart_License_Server Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPIncrements when the record is changed in thedatabase.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the record wasadded/updated.


NULLvarchar(255)Deployment mode of the system.DeploymentType

NULLVARCHAR(255)Unique tag per Product ID (PID).

For example, Standard or Premium AgentEntitlementTag. EntitlementTag names aredifferent for different types licenses.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Identifies the entitlement names for theconfigured deployment.


NULLVARCHAR(255)Displays the description of the Entitlement onCSSM.

1 - Direct

2 - Proxy

3 - Satellite Connected

4 - Satellite Disconnected


NULLVARCHAR(255)Entitlement Version is usually 1.0 unlessmultiple versions are required by the product.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)639

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Entitlements

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLVARCHAR(50)Current enforcement mode of the entitlement.

List of the probable modes:

• Invalid

• Licenses not in use

• Waiting

• InCompliance

• OutOfCompliance

• Overage

• Evaluation Mode

• EvalExpired

• AuthorizedPeriodExpired

• Disabled

• InvalidTag

• NotApplicable

• ReservedInCompliance

• NotAuthorized

• NotInUse


NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLDBINTThe two types of license supported are:

• 1 - Perpetual

• 2 - Flex

The default value 1(Perpetual).


NULLDBINTIt is the highest license consumption valueabove and beyond entitlement value when thesystem is in Out-of-compliance state.


NULLDBINTThis flag tells whether this Entitlement is inOutOfCompliance.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)640

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Entitlements

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NULLDBINTDisplays the number of times the Entitlementsare OutOfCompliance.


NULLDBINTDisplays the peak usage of this entitlementPeakUsage

NOT NULLDBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


Smart_License_ProductThis table is one of the Smart License tables.

This table stores the information about the pre-defined product tag, display name and description to identifythe product instances on CSSM.

Related Tables

• Smart_License_Info

• Smart_License_Server

• Smart_License_Entitlements

Table 490: Indexes for the Smart_License_Server Table


SmartLicenseProductIDPrimary keyXPKSmart_License_Product

Table 491: Fields in the Smart_License_Server Table

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName

NOT NULLCHANGESTAMPThis field is incremented when the record ischanged in the database.


NULLDBDATETIMERecords the date and time when the licenserecord was added/updated.


NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt1

NULLDBINTReserved for future use.FutureUseInt2

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar1

NULLVARCHAR(255)Reserved for future use.FutureUseVarChar2


Displays the description of the product licensein the product instance overview of CSSM.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)641

Tables by GroupSmart_License_Product

Keys and NULLOption

Data TypeDescriptionName


Displays the name of the product in theproduct instance overview of CSSM.


NULLDBINTDisplays the environment of the product in theproduct instance overview of CSSM.

The two types of environments supported are:

• 0: Production (default value)

• 1: Development


NULLDBINTDisplays the privacy status of the product inthe product instance overview of CSSM.

Values 0 or 1 are allowed.

• 0: Privacy disabled

• 1: Privacy enabled (default value)



Is a unique id defined for each product likeUCCE, PCCE and HCS-CC.


NULLVARCHAR (30)Product Version is usually 1.0 unless multipleversions are required by the product.




DBINTGets the Smart License ID from theNext_Available_Number table.


SystemThe figure below illustrates tables in the System category. To see database rules for these tables, see SystemTables, on page 699.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)642

Tables by GroupSystem

Figure 27: System Tables

To see database rules for these tables, see System Tables, on page 699.

System Tables are listed below

• Application_Event, on page 77

• AWControl, on page 95

• Config_Message_Log, on page 199

• Controller_Time, on page 206

• Event, on page 255

• ICR_Globals, on page 260

• ICR_Locks, on page 266

• Logger_Admin, on page 282

• Logger_Meters, on page 283

• Logger_Type, on page 285

• Next_Available_Number, on page 316

• Recovery, on page 362

• Region_Info, on page 366

• Rename, on page 374

• Version, on page 597

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)643

Tables by GroupSystem

User PreferencesThe figure below illustrates the relationships among the Uesr Preferences tables.

• A single box represents a single table.

• A stack of boxes represents several tables in another category of the schema.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Figure 28: User Preferences Tables

To see database rules for these tables, see User Preferences Tables, on page 700.

User Preferences Tables include the following:

• Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State, on page 187

• Cfg_Mngr_Globals, on page 188

• Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap, on page 189

• Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu, on page 191

• Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings, on page 192

• Cfg_Mngr_View, on page 193

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)644

Tables by GroupUser Preferences

VRU Micro-applicationThe figure below illustrates the relationships among the VRU Micro-Application tables.

• A single box represents a single table.

• A single arrowhead indicates a one-to-one relationship, and a double arrowhead indicates a one-to-manyrelationship.

Figure 29: VRU Micro-application Tables

For database rules, see VRU Micro-applications Tables, on page 700.

VRU MicroApplication Tables are listed below:

• Vru_Currency, on page 599

• Vru_Defaults, on page 600

• Vru_Locale, on page 602

Tables Reserved for Future UseAlthough the following tables have been added to the Unified ICM/Unified CCE Schema, they are reservedfor future use:

• Application_Gateway_License

• Campaign_Half_Hour

• Campaign_Real_Time

• Dialer Skill Group Half Hour

• Dialer Skill Group Real Time

• License_Definition

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)645

Tables by GroupVRU Micro-application

• License_Real_Time

• Phone_Strategy

• Phone_Strategy_Node

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)646

Tables by GroupTables Reserved for Future Use

C H A P T E R 4Field Values

• Access Levels, on page 648• AgentState, on page 648• Application Gateway: Fault Tolerance, on page 649• Client Type, on page 650• Customer Options Type, on page 652• Days, on page 652• Dialed Number Map: ANIWildCardType, on page 653• Dialer Detail: CallResult, on page 654• Dialer Detail: CallStatusZone, on page 655• Dialer Detail: DialingMode, on page 656• Event Fields, on page 657• ICR Locks Fields, on page 657• LabelType Fields, on page 658• Logical Interface Controller Fields, on page 658• Network Vru Type, on page 660• Port Status, on page 661• Route Call Detail Fields, on page 661• Router Error Codes, on page 663• Object Types: Security, on page 666• Object Types: User Variable, on page 667• Peripheral Real Time Status Field, on page 669• Reason Codes, on page 670• Service Fields, on page 672• Service Real Time: Service Mode Indicator Field, on page 673• Survey Question (For Future Use), on page 673• Target Types: Script Cross Reference and Scheduled Report Input, on page 674• Termination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields, on page 677• Termination Call Detail: Peripheral Call Type, on page 685• Trunk Type, on page 688

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)647

Access LevelsSeveral tables include an AccessLevel field that indicates the rights a user or group has to access an object orclass.

MeaningAccess Level Values



Maintenance (create, read, update, delete)30

AgentStateThe Agent Real Time, Agent Skill Group Real Time, and Agent state trace tables ( see Agent_Real_Time,on page 39, Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 62, and Agent_State_Trace, on page 65) use theAgentState field, which indicates the agent's state.

The meaning for this field varies depending on the table that uses it.Note

Meaning (Agent_State_Trace)Meaning (Agent_Real_Time /Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time)

Agent StateValues

Logged OffLogged Off0

Logged OnLogged On1

Not ReadyNot Ready2



Work Not ReadyWork Not Ready5

Work ReadyWork Ready6

Busy OtherBusy Other7


Call InitiatedUnknown9

Call HeldCalls On Hold10



Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)648

Field ValuesAccess Levels

Meaning (Agent_State_Trace)Meaning (Agent_Real_Time /Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time)

Agent StateValues


Not ActiveNot Active

Not Active is an agent state when the agentis signed into a nonvoice skill group orprecision queue. This state is the equivalentof Ready for voice.



The Type field indicates the recurrence pattern of the schedule.


Daily (the DayType field indicates which days of the week)1

Weekly (the DayType field indicates which days of the week)2

Biweekly (the DayType field indicates which days of the week)3

Monthly (the Day field specifies the day of month)4

Monthly (the DayPosition and DayType fields indicate day of the month)5

Yearly (the month and day fields specify the day of year)6

Yearly (the DayPosition, DayType, and Month specify the day of year)7

Range (the starting and ending date and times specify the range)8

Application Gateway: Fault ToleranceThe Fault Tolerance field in the Application Gateway Table (see Application_Gateway, on page 80) takesthese values:

• 0 = none

• 1 = Duplicate Request

Each router will manage a connection to a different host. Each time a scripts initiates a request, bothrouters will ask their corresponding host. Both routers will believe the response from whichever hostresponds first. This method is the most reliable, but has the added expense of requiring two hosts tointerface to. Even if a host (or a connection) fails, all requests will be satisfied.

• 2 = Alternate Request

Each router will manage a connection to a different host. The routers will take turns, sending half therequests to the host connected to side A, and the other half to the host connected to side B. If either hostfails, the entire load will be directed to the surviving host. When a host (or connection) fails, some requestsmay be lost. This is because by the time the router can figure out that a host is not going to respond, itis too late to ask the other host and still route the call within the deadline imposed by the network

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)649

Field ValuesApplication Gateway: Fault Tolerance

• 3 = Hot Standby

The hot standby method. Each router will manage a connection to a different host. All requests will bedirected to the designated primary host. If the host (or connection) fails, all requests will be directed tothe backup host. This option may also lose some requests on failures.

Client TypeThe Client Type field in the Peripheral (see Peripheral, on page 321) and in the Routing_Client Table (seeRouting_Client, on page 407) takes these values:

• 1 = Avaya DEFINITY ECS (non-EAS)

• 2 = MCI

• 3 = Sprint

• 4 = Aspect

• 5 = Nortel Meridian

• 6= Rockwell Galaxy (without priority enhancements) (Not supported)

• 7=GTN

• 8 = Generic NIC

• 9= Avaya G2

• 10= Rockwell Galaxy (Not supported)

• 11= Rockwell Spectrum (Not supported)

• 12= Avaya DEFINITY ECS (EAS)

• 13= VRU

• 14= British Telecom NIC

• 15= VRU Polled


• 17= Nortel NIC

• 18= DMS 100 (Not Supported)

• 19= Siemens Hicom 300 E (9006) (Not supported)

• 20= France Telecom

• 21= Stentor NIC (Not Supported)

• 22= Ameritech


• 24 = Siemens ROLM 9751 CBX (9005) (Not supported)

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)650

Field ValuesClient Type

• 25= ICR Protocol NIC

• 26 = Alcatel 4400 (Not supported)

• 27= NEC NEAX 2x00

• 28= ACP 1000

• 29= Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC)

• 30= Enterprise Agent

• 31= Call Routing Service Protocol (CRSP)

• 32= Ericsson MD110

• 33 = Wireless INAP NIC

• 34= Energis INAP NIC


• 36= Concert NIC

• 37= Deutsche Telecom NIC

• 38= CAIN NIC

• 39= Telfort INAP NIC

• 40= BT V2 NIC


• 42= Generic PG

• 43= Reserved

• 44 = GKTMP NIC (Gatekeeper NIC) (Not supported)

• 45 = SS7IN NIC (SS7 Intelligent Network)

• 46 = NTL NIC

• 47 = Media Routing

• 48 = Non-Voice Agent PIM

• 49= UCC Express Gateway

• 50= UCC Enterprise Gateway

• 51 = System PG

• 52 = ARS PIM (Agent Routing Services)

ARS PIM is deprecated in release 10.0(1).Note

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)651

Field ValuesClient Type

Customer Options TypeThe Type field in the Customer Options Table (see Customer_Options, on page 208) indicates a type of optionthat is enabled or disabled for a customer.


Allow quick-edit of Announcement node1

Allow quick-edit of Call Type node2

Allow quick-edit of Caller Entered Digits node3

Allow quick-edit of Calling Line ID node4

Allow quick-edit of Dialed Number node5

Allow quick-edit of Goto Script node6

Allow quick-edit of Percent Allocation node7

Allow quick-edit of Requalify node8

Allow quick-edit of Run VRU Script node9

Allow quick-edit of Scheduled Select node10

Allow quick-edit of Switch node11

Allow quick-edit of Time node12

Bill for VRU time50

Customer billing data51

DaysBoth the Admin Script ScheduleMap Table (see Admin_Script_Schedule_Map, on page 14) and the RecurringSchedule Map Table use values to indicate the day of the week, day of the month, day position, and day type.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)652

Field ValuesCustomer Options Type


0x01 = Sunday

0x02 = Monday

0x04 = Tuesday

0x08 = Wednseday

0x10 = Thursday

0x20 = Friday

0x40 = Saturday

Day of the Week

0 = Applies to every day

1-31 = Specifies the day of month

Day of the Month

0 = First day of the type in a month

1 = Second day of the type in a month

2 = Third day of the type in a month

3 = Fourth day of the type in a month

4 = Last day of the type in a month

5 = Every day of the type in a month

Day Position

0-6 = Specifies a day (Sunday through Saturday, respectively)

7 = Every day

8 = Every weekday

9 = Every weekend day

Day Type

Dialed Number Map: ANIWildCardTypeThe ANIWildCardType field in the Dialed Number Map Table (see Dialed_Number_Map, on page 216)indicates how the system software should interpret the value given in the ANIWildCard field.

MeaningANIWildCardType Value


NPA (3-digit match)1

NPA-NXX (6-digit match)2

Match (all digits are match)3


All (match all ANIs)5

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)653

Field ValuesDialed Number Map: ANIWildCardType

MeaningANIWildCardType Value


If the value is 4, then the ANIWildCard value is ignored and the RegionID value is used.Note

Dialer Detail: CallResultThe CallResult field in the Dialer Detail (see Dialer_Detail, on page 224) can be populated with the followingvalues:

MeaningSystem Type Values

Error condition while dialing.2

Number reported not in service by network.3

No ringback from network when dial attempted.4

Operator intercept returned from network when dial attempted.5

No dial tone when dialer port went off hook.6

Number reported as invalid by the network.7

Customer phone did not answer.8

Customer phone was busy.9

Customer answered and was connected to agent.10

Fax machine detected.11

Answering machine detected.12

Dialer stopped dialing customer due to lack of agents or network stoppeddialing before it was complete.


Customer requested callback.14

Answering machine requested callback.15

Call connected with customer was abandoned by the dialer due to lackof agents.


Failed to reserve agent for personal callback.17

Agent has skipped or rejected a preview call.18

Agent has skipped or rejected a preview call with the close option.19

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)654

Field ValuesDialer Detail: CallResult

MeaningSystem Type Values

Customer has been abandoned to an IVR.20

Customer dropped call within configured abandoned time.21

Mostly used with TDM switches - network answering machine, such asa network voicemail.


Number successfully contacted but wrong number.23

Number successfully contacted but reached the wrong person.24

Dialer has flushed this record because there is a change in the skillgroup,or a change in the campaign, or there are no agents available.


The number was on the do not call list.26

Call disconnected by the carrier or the network while ringing.27

Dead air or low voice volume call.28

Received message is not supported by voice gateway.29

Received message is not authorized by voice gateway.30

Invalid message received by voice gateway.31

Call cancelled because the dialer lost connection with the CampaignManager.


Agent timed-out accepting preview or personal callback call.

This Call Result is supported from 12.0 ES33 onwards.Note


Dialer Detail: CallStatusZoneThe CallStatusZone1 and CallStatusZone2 fields in the Dialer Detail (see Dialer_Detail, on page 224) can bepopulated with the following values that show the current status of the customer record for the zone.

The values are:

• A = Active. Stored in CallStatusZoneX (1 or 2). A zone is set to active when it has been sent to a dialerfor dialing

• B = A callback was requested. Stored in CallStatusZone1 and CallStatusZone2 field when a regularcallback (non personal callback) has been scheduled. The Callback time itself is stored in both theCallbackDateTimeZone1 and CallbackDateTimeZone2 columns since the callback overrides the individualzones.

• C = Closed. Record has been closed for that particular zone, so the record will not be retried again forthat zone.

• D=Dialed. Record has been dialed for that particular zone.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)655

Field ValuesDialer Detail: CallStatusZone

• F= Fax Machine. Stored in CallStatusZoneX (1 or 2).

• L = Not Allocated. Invalid number used for a Personal Callback.

• J = Agent rejected (closed out the record).

• M = Max Calls. The maximum number of attempts has been reached. Stored in both CallStatusZone1and CallStatusZone2. A record is set to "M" when it has dialed the maximum times as specified in thecampaign and will not be retried again. Both zones are set to "M" to indicate no further calling in eitherzone.

• P = Pending. Stored in CallStatusZoneX (1 or 2). This is the initial state of a record before any dialinghas taken place. The record remains in the pending state for a particular zone until all of the numbersspecified for that zone are dialed. A pending contact which has already dialed at least once from itssequence will have at least one CallBackDateTime column filled in with a retry time.

• R = Retry. Stored in CallStatusZoneX (1 or 2) for the zone where the Retry is scheduled. The retry timeitself is stored in the CallbackDateTimeZoneX (1 or 2) as well as in the individual number columnCallbackDateTimeXX, where XX is the number to be retried (01 - 10). Call can be retried for a varietyof reasons including receiving a busy or no answer result, etc.

• S = A personal callback was requested. Stored in both CallStatusZone1 and CallStatusZone2. A recordis set to "S" when it has been scheduled for a personal callback. Both zones are set to "S" to indicate thatit has been moved to the personal callback list

• U = Unknown. Stored in CallStatusZone1 and CallStatusZone2. A record is set to Unknown if its statuswas "A" when the Campaign Manager started. If the Campaign Manager shuts down when a record isat a dialer, it no longer knows its status when it restarts. Therefore, it will remain in "U" state until therecord is returned to it.

• X = Agent not Available. For a personal callback, the agent is not available, and the reschedule mode isAbandon. (CallStatusZone1 only)

Dialer Detail: DialingModeTheDialingMode field in the Dialer Detail (see Dialer_Detail, on page 224) can be populated with the followingvalues that show the campaign mode for the call. This field is NULL for Do Not Call entries.

Values are:

• 1 = Predictive only

• 2 = Predictive blended

• 3 = Preview only

• 4 = Preview blended

• 5 = Progressive only

• 6 = Progressive blended

• 7. = Direct preview only

• 8. = Direct preview blended

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)656

Field ValuesDialer Detail: DialingMode

Event FieldsThe SystemType field in the Event (see Event, on page 255) indicates the type of system within the systemsoftware that generated the event.

MeaningSystem Type Values



Peripheral Gateway (PG)2

Network Interface Controller (NIC)3

Administration&DataServer (ADS)4



CTI Gateway7

Blended Agent Dialer8

If the event is generated by a PG or an AT&T NIC, the Event.SystemId field indicates the specific machine.For a CallRouter or Logger, Event.SystemId is always 0.


ICR Locks FieldsThe LockType field in the ICR Locak Table (see ICR_Locks, on page 266) indicates a kind of lock.

Table 492: ICR_Locks.LockType Values


Master lock (applies to configuration data and script.0

Configuration lock (no longer used)1

Script Lock(applies to an individual script)2

Application lock (no longer used)3

If the event is generated by a PG or an AT&T NIC, the Event.SystemId field indicates the specific machine.For a CallRouter or Logger, Event.SystemId is always 0.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)657

Field ValuesEvent Fields

LabelType FieldsThe LabelType field in the Label Table (see Label, on page 280) indicates the type of the routing label.



DNIS Override (the system software returns the specific DNIS value to be used with thelabel)


Busy (instructs the routing client to play a busy signal to caller)2

Ring (instructs the routing client to play an unanswered ring to caller)3

Post-Query (instructs the routing client to re-enter its call processing plan at a specificpoint)


Resource (used internally for special routing client resources, such as a network VRU)5

Not all label types are valid for all routing client types.Note

Logical Interface Controller FieldsThe LogicalControllerType field uses a subset of the values for Event.SystemType listed in the followingtable. The ClientType field indicates the type of peripheral or routing client associated with the controller:


Avaya DEFINITY ECS, without Expert Agent Selection (EAS)2




Aspect CallCenter4

Nortel Meridian5

Rockwell Galaxy without priority enhancements (r1.3)

(Not supported)3



Generic Network Interface Controller (GenNIC)8

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)658

Field ValuesLabelType Fields


Avaya G29

Rockwell Galaxy (Not supported)10

Rockwell Spectrum (Not supported)11

Avaya DEFINITY ECS, with Expert Agent Selection (EAS)12

Voice Response Unit (VRU)13

British Telecom NIC14

Voice Response Unit (VRU), polled15


Nortel NIC17

DMS 100 (Not supported)18

Siemens Hicom 300 E, 9006 (Not supported)19

France Telecom20



Siemens ROLM 9751 CBX, 9005 (Not supported)23

ICR Protocol (ICRP) NIC24

Alcatel 4400 (Not supported)25

NEC NEAX 2x0026

ACP 100027


Enterprise Agent29

Call Routing Service Protocol (CRSP) NIC30

Ericsson MD11031

able & Wireless Corp. (CWC) INAP NIC32

Energis INAP NIC33


Concert NIC35

Deutsche Telecom NIC36

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)659

Field ValuesLogical Interface Controller Fields



Telfort INAP NIC38



Generic PG41


2 This value was also formerly used for the AT&T USS network.3 This value is for backwards compatibility with ICM software Release 1.3 only.

Network Vru TypeThe Type field in the Network Vru Table (see Network_Vru, on page 312) indicates the type of interface thesystem software uses to communicate with the VRU.


Normal label type and a correlation ID.1

Normal label type and a DNIS.2

Resource label type and a correlation ID. The routing client can automatically take back thecall from the VRU when the system software returns a destination label.


Resource label type and a DNIS.4

Resource label type and either a correlation ID or a DNIS.5

No label, no correlation ID, and no DNIS (call is already at the VRU).6

Similar to Type 3, but the system software automatically instructs the VRU to release the callwhen it sends a destination label to the routing client.


Similar to Type 2, but a Type 8 VRU is used when the NAM has a routing client that controlsthe call to the VRU.


Queuing for Network VRU controlled by the Unified CCE System PG.9

Simplifies configuration requirements in Unified CVP Comprehensive Model deployments.10

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)660

Field ValuesNetwork Vru Type

Port StatusThe values for the Port Status field in the Dialer_Port_Real_Time Table (see Dialer_Port_Real_Time, on page237) are listed below:

• 290 = port allocated for future dial

• 300 = port released

• 310 = reservation call started

• 320 = agent reserved

• 330 = customer call started

• 340 = customer has been contacted

• 350 = call transferred to agent

• 360 = customer conversation complete

• 370 = agent completed with call

Route Call Detail FieldsThis section has values for three fields in the Route_Call_Detail Table (see Route_Call_Detail, on page 376):RequestType, OriginatorType, and TargetType.

The RequestType field indicates the type of route request processed.


Pre-Routing request1

Blind transfer or network VRU2

Announced transfer orMCI 800 call3



Post-Routing request6

The OriginatorType field indicates where the route request came from.





Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)661

Field ValuesPort Status


Voice ResponseUnit (VRU)3

Trunk Group4

The Route Call Detail Target Type is a numeric value representing the execution result of the routing script.

Following is a list of possible values this field (shown in terms of the value, type, and description):

• 0 = resultNone Call routing ended badly.

• 1= resultDefaultRouteCall routing ended using a default route.

• 2= resultRouteAgentCall routing ended with a route to an agent.

• 3= resultRouteService Call routing ended with a route to a service.

• 4= resultRouteGroup Call routing ended with a route to a skill group.

• 5= resultAnnouncementCall routing ended with an announcement.

• 6= resultBusy Call routing ended in a Busy node.

• 7= resultRing Call routing ended in a Ring node.

• 8= resultNone Call routing ended in a Label node.

• 9= resultNetworkDefault Call routing ended in a Termination node using a network default route

• 10 = resultRouteServiceArray Call routing ended with a route to a service array.

• 11= resultMultipleLabels Call routing ended badly.

• 12 = resultScheduledTarget - Call routing ended in a Scheduled Target node(busy link functionality).

• 13= resultDone Only applicable to an AdminScript that ends with no errors.

• 14= resultAborted Call disconnected.

• 15= = resultReleaseCall Call routing ended with a Release Call node.

• 16= resultQueuedTooLong Call routing exceeded the queue limit.

• 17= resultSendAgent Call routing ended with an Agent to Agent node.

• 18 = resultDynamicLabelCall routing ended with a dynamic label node.

• 19= resultDivertDynamicLabels Call routing ended with a divert-on-busy dynamic label.

• 20= resultQueuedDialogFailure The administrator asked to fail queued calls.

• 21= resultRouteAgentAndGroup Call routing ended with a route to an agent in a specified group.

• 22= resultSendPQ Call routing ended with a route to a Precision Queue.

• 23= resultPickPullAgent Successful pick or pull request routed to agent.

• 24= resultPickPullError Unsuccessful pick or pull request.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)662

Field ValuesRoute Call Detail Fields

Router Error CodesThe Router sets RouterErrorCode in the RCD when error conditions are detected and increments theCallType.ErrorCountToHalf for the current half-hour.

A Route_Call_Detail.RouterErrorCode value of 448 is treated as abandon calls and do not increment theCallType.ErrorCodeToHalf.


References in the document to DeskLink and Enterprise Agent are specific to resources associated with aUnified CCE Peripheral.

The Router Log Viewer tool provides methods for viewing the System Events defined in this document.Router Log Viewer tool is an ICM Admin Workstation tool that provides a live stream of errors as they arereported by the Router. This may be utilized to capture the error conditions specified in the document.

The following defines the set of valid values for Router_Call_Detail.RouterErrorCode.

Some internally used error codes are not updated in the RCD.Note

• RouterErrorCode=62

The error is caused because the Router received a call route request from routing client with a diallednumber that is not configured.

• RouterErrorCode=63

The error is caused because the Router was unable to find a call type for Specified dialled number, callerentered digits and ANI in route request.

• RouterErrorCode=64

The error is caused because there is no script scheduled to run at the current time for the identified calltype and dialed number from the route request.

• RouterErrorCode=65

The error is caused because, the script execution did not yield a result due to lack route configurationfor the dialed number and the associated call type.

• RouterErrorCode=66

There is no default label configured for dialed number, yet the Router needed one.

• RouterErrorCode=67

This error is caused because there is no label configured for announcement for the dialed number in theCentral Controller.

• RouterErrorCode=68

This error is caused because there is no peripheral target configured in the Central Controller for routewith routing client.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)663

Field ValuesRouter Error Codes

• RouterErrorCode=69

This error is caused because there is no valid label configured for the peripheral target.

• RouterErrorCode=70

This error is caused because of an incorrect configuration in the translation route.

• RouterErrorCode=123

This error is caused because the routes were configured for the translation route.

• RouterErrorCode=124

This error is caused when the peripheral to which a translation route is directed is not online. Thetranslation route cannot be completed. The peripheral (ACD) cannot be seen by the ICM. It may be downor the Peripheral Gateway (PG) may not be able to see the peripheral due to communications problemsbetween the ACD and the PG.

• RouterErrorCode=126

This error is caused because the specified ACD/IVR is not visible to the Peripheral Gateway. No call oragent state information is being received by the Router from this site. Routing to this site is impacted.

• RouterErrorCode=230

This error is caused because a script indicated that a busy label should be returned to routing client fordialed number , but no such label is configured.

• RouterErrorCode=231

This error is caused because a script indicated that a ring label should be returned to routing client fordialed number, but no such label is configured.

• RouterErrorCode=232

This error is caused because a script indicated that a label should be returned to routing client for dialednumber, but no such label is configured.

• RouterErrorCode=257

This error is caused when there is no peripheral target available for translation route with routing client.

• RouterErrorCode=258

This error is caused because there are no labels for the peripheral target and the routing client.

• RouterErrorCode=274

This error is caused when there are no free routes available to use for the translation route. This is typicallycaused either when all the routes are used for translation routing.

• RouterErrorCode=435

This is the default error that the system uses when a specific error is not identified.

• RouterErrorCode=448

This error is caused when the customer disconnects the call at the routing client. This is not a routingerror.

• RouterErrorCode=485

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)664

Field ValuesRouter Error Codes

This error is caused when a call (dialed number) from PG routing client claimed to be from a VRU, butthe routing client's associated peripheral had no network VRU configured, so the router was unable todetermine which VRU the call was from.

• RouterErrorCode=486

This error is caused when a call with unknown dialed number from NIC routing client claimed to befrom a VRU, but since the dialed number was unknown, it was not possible to determine which VRUthe call was from.

• RouterErrorCode=487

This error is caused when a call with dialed number from NIC routing client claimed to be from a VRU,but since the customer was unknown, it was not possible to determine which VRU the call was from.

• RouterErrorCode=488

This error is caused when a call with dialed number from NIC routing client claimed to be from a VRU,but since the customer was not configured with a Network VRU (or there is no default NetworkVRU),it was not possible to determine which VRU the call was from.

• RouterErrorCode=490

This error is caused when the Routing to DeskLink route fails to find an agent in the SkillGroup node

• RouterErrorCode=491

This error is caused when the router attempts to send DeviceTargetPreCallInd to unconnected peripheral.An attempt was made to route an enterprise agent call to a peripheral not currently on-line to the router.

This probably indicates a configuration inconsistency.

• RouterErrorCode=492

This error is caused when an attempt was made to route an enterprise agent call to a peripheral notconnected with the correct OPI revision.

This probably indicates a configuration inconsistency.

• RouterErrorCode=495

This error is caused when the router attempted to send call to agent on peripheral who has no devicetarget. A script attempted to send an enterprise agent call to an agent who has no device target assignedby the peripheral gateway.

• RouterErrorCode=499

This error is caused because the call on dialed number gets terminated for exceeding the maximum queuetime limit. The call was sent to the default label.

• RouterErrorCode=545

This error is caused when the Router received a task request from routing client with a dialed numberconfigured with the wrong media routing domain.

• RouterErrorCode=547

This error is caused when a call was received from routing client with an unknownmedia routing domain.This probably indicates a configuration inconsistency.

• RouterErrorCode=564

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)665

Field ValuesRouter Error Codes

This error is caused because of incorrect label configuration for scheduled target in the CCE script.

• RouterErrorCode=594

This error is caused because there is no label available for the peripheral target and the routing client.

• RouterErrorCode=595

This error is caused because no peripheral targets for route have valid labels for every routing clienttargeted by translation route.

Object Types: SecuritySeveral tables related to security include an ObjectType field that indicates the type of object to which securityis applied.

MeaningObject TypeValues

Dialed Number2000

Call Type2001


Trunk Group2003


Skill Group2005



Translation Route2008



Script Table2011

Business Entity2012

Master Script2013

Enterprise Service2014

Enterprise Skill Group2015


Schedule Source2017

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)666

Field ValuesObject Types: Security

MeaningObject TypeValues

Agent Desk Settings2018

Agent Team2019

Application Gateway2020

Enterprise Agent Group2021

Network Trunk Group2022

Service Array2023

Device Target (deprecated)2024

Logical Interface Controller2025

User Variable2026

User Formula2027

Schedule Report2028

Network VRU Script2029

Scheduled Target2030

Network VRU2031

Expanded Call Variable2032



Import Rule2035

Query Rule2036


Network Interface2101

Peripheral Global2102



Object Types: User VariableThe ObjectType field in the User Variable Table (see User_Variable, on page 596) takes one of these values:

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)667

Field ValuesObject Types: User Variable

• 0 = Unknown

• 1 = Service

• 2 = Skill Group

• 3 = Agent

• 4 = Translation Route

• 5 = Agent Administration Group

• 6 = Announcement

• 7 = Call Type

• 8 = Enterprise Service

• 9 = Enterprise Skill Group

• 10 = Region

• 11 = Dialed Number

• 12 = Logical Interface Controller

• 13 = Physical Interface Controller

• 14 = Peripheral

• 15 = Routing Client

• 16 = Trunk Group

• 17 = Route

• 18 = Peripheral Target

• 19 = Label

• 20 = Master Script

• 21 = Script Table

• 22 = Script Table Column

• 23 = Script

• 24 = Schedule

• 25 = ICR View

• 26 = View Column

• 27 = Network Trunk Group

• 28 = Service Array

• 29 = Application Gateway

• 30 = Device Target (deprecated)

• 31 = User Variable

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)668

Field ValuesObject Types: User Variable

• 32 = User Formula

• 33 = Network VRU Script

• 34 = Scheduled Target

• 35 = Network VRU

• 36 = Skill Group Member

• 37 = Expanded Call Variable

• 38 = Agent Team

• 39 = Campaign

• 40 = Dialer

• 41 = Import Rule

• 42 = Query Rule

• 43 = Campaign Query Rule

• 44 = Dialer Port Map

• 45 = Message Category

• 46 = Message Destination

• 47 = Response Template

Peripheral Real Time Status FieldThe Status field in the Peripheral Real Time table (see Peripheral_Real_Time, on page 330) can take thesevalues:

The current failure state of the peripheral is indicated by the status code:

• 0 = normal operation. The JTAPI Subsystem must be in service and all other subsystems are in service.

• 1 - 31 = failures that do not affect functionality. The JTAPI Subsystem must be in service and some othersubsystems are not in service.

• 32-63 = degraded operation (call routing still possible). The JTAPI Subsystem is in partial service andall other subsystems are in service.

• 64 = no call processing

The JTAPI Subsystem is out of service and all other subsystems are in service.

• 65 - 127 = failures that prevent call routing

The JTAPI Subsystem is out of service and some other subsystems are not in service.

The JTAPI Subsystem reports "in service" if it can process calls and if all the configuration you specifycan be initialized.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)669

Field ValuesPeripheral Real Time Status Field

It reports "out of service" if it is not configured, if the CTI Manager is down, or if all of its configurationcould not be initialized.

It reports "partial service" if some of its configuration could be initialize but not all of it.

When we are in a range, the Unified IP IVR simply increases the status by one for each subsystem (exceptthe JTAPI subsystem) it finds to not be in service.

These values are dependant upon the peripheral connected to the PIM.

All PIMs use the previously discussed status codes, with the exception of the Avaya and the Unified IPIVR PIMs.

The Email and Web Manager PIM receives its Status values from the Init event and the Status event.

The VRU PIM receives its status values from the Init Event, the Status Event, and Poll confirmation.

• The Avaya PIM only uses four failure states:

0 = normal operation.

1 = failures that do not affect functionality.

32 = degraded operation (call routing still possible).

64 = failures that prevent call routing.

Reason CodesIn addition to reason codes that you have defined, the Unified CCE system uses predefined Not Ready andLogout reason codes. The following tables describe these predefined Not Ready and Logout reason codes.For more information see the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Reporting User Guide. Also refer tothe Reason_Code table.

Predefined Not Ready Reason Code

A Finesse supervisor forced an agent state change.999

ACTI client component failed, causing the agent stateto be displayed as Not Ready. This could be due toclosing the agent desktop application, heartbeattimeout, or a CTI server client failure (such asFinesse).


The agent's state was changed to Not Ready becausethe agent either answered or made a non-ACD call.


When agent places call in Available state, the UnifiedCCE system temporarily changes the state to NotReady with this reason code to prevent calls fromrouting to the agent.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)670

Field ValuesReason Codes

Predefined Not Ready Reason Code

The agent did not receive multiple consecutive callsrouted to him/her. The system makes the agent NotReady automatically so that additional calls are notrouted to the agent. By default, the number ofconsecutive calls missed before the agent is made NotReady is 2.


This reason codes applies if an agent logs onto anextension which already has a call or if the agent ison a call when the PG restarts.


The agent's state was changed to Not Ready becausethe call fails when the agent's phone line rings busy.


The agent's state was changed to Not Ready becausethe agent did not answer a call and the call wasredirected to a different agent or skill group.


The agent's state was changed to Not Ready and theagent was forcibly logged out.


This is the normal logout reason code condition fromNot Ready.


If the agent is not in Not Ready state, a request ismade to place the agent in Not Ready state and thena logout request is made to log the agent out.


This code is reserved.Supervisor Not Ready

DescriptionPredefined Logout Reason Code

The agent reinitialized due to peripheral restart.-1

The PG reset the agent, normally due to a PG failure.-2

An administrator modified the agent's extension whilethe agent was logged in.


A CTI client component failed, causing the agent stateto be displayed as logged out. This could be due toclosing the agent desktop application, heartbeattimeout, or a CTI client failure (such as Finesse).


The agent was logged out because the Unified CMreported the agent's device as out of service.


The agent was logged out due to agent inactivity asconfigured in agent desk settings.


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)671

Field ValuesReason Codes

DescriptionPredefined Logout Reason Code

For reskilling operations on active agents, the agentwas logged out of the skill group due to a reskillingoperation that removed the skill group assignment tothat agent. This reason code is used in theAgent_Event_Detail record and theAgent_Skill_Group_Logout record to identify theskill group the agent was removed from (due to thereskilling operation).


The agent was logged out because the agent waslogged into dynamic device target that was using thesame dialed number (DN) as the PG static devicetarget.

Device target is deprecated.Note


The mobile agent was logged out because the callfailed.


The mobile agent was logged out because the phoneline disconnectedwhen using nailed connectionmode.


Forces the logout request.20003

A supervisor forced an agent state change to Logout.999

Service FieldsThe Unified ICM/Unified CCE software can use any of three formulas to calculate the service level for aservice.

The formulas differ in the way they treat calls that were abandoned before the service level threshold expired.

The value of the ServiceLevelType field indicates the type of service level calculation used.


Use default value from Peripheral record.0

Ignore Abandoned Calls. Remove the abandoned calls from the calculation.1

Abandoned Calls have negative impact. Treat abandoned calls as though they exceeded the servicelevel threshold.


Abandoned Calls have positive impact. Treat abandoned calls as though they were answered withinthe service level threshold.


Note that regardless of which calculation you choose, the system software always tracks separately the numberof calls abandoned before the threshold expired.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)672

Field ValuesService Fields

In addition to tracking the service level as calculated by the system software, the historical and real-time tablesalso track the service level as calculated by the peripheral.

In the Peripheral (see Peripheral, on page 321), the PeripheralServiceLevelType field indicates how theperipheral itself calculates the service level. Aspect CallCenter ACDs can calculate service level in severaldifferent ways.

Valid options for Aspect types are:

• 1 = Service Level 1

• 2= Service Level 2

• 3= Service Level 3

• 4= Service Level as Calculated by Call Center.

If this field is 0 for a service, the system software assumes the default specified for the associatedperipheral.

If the peripheral is not an Aspect ACD, the type must be 4 (calculated by the peripheral).

If the peripheral is not an Aspect ACD, the type must be 4 (calculated by the peripheral).

Service Real Time: Service Mode Indicator FieldIn the Service_Real_Time Table (see Service_Real_Time, on page 465), the ServiceModeIndicator fieldindicates the current mode of the service.


Day Service1

Night Service2

Closed with Answer3




Pilot Status Other13

Survey Question (For Future Use)The value in the following table represents the KPI metrics used in the Survey

MeaningQuestion Type Value

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)1

Customer Effort (CES)2

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)673

Field ValuesService Real Time: Service Mode Indicator Field

MeaningQuestion Type Value

Net Promoter Score (NPS)3

Target Types: Script Cross Reference and Scheduled ReportInput

For the Script Cross Reference table (see Script_Cross_Reference, on page 434) the TargetType field indicatesthe type of object referenced by the script. That is, it indicates the table referenced by theScript_Cross_Reference.ForeignKey field.

For the Scheduled Report Input table (see Schedule_Report_Input, on page 428), the Target Type is a uniqueidentifier for the report input row.

MeaningTarget TypeValues



Skill Group2


Translation Route4

Agent Administration Group5


Call Type7

Enterprise Service8

Enterprise Skill Group9


Dialed Number11

Logical Interface Controller12

Physical Interface Controller13


Routing Client15

Trunk Group16


Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)674

Field ValuesTarget Types: Script Cross Reference and Scheduled Report Input

MeaningTarget TypeValues

Peripheral Target18


Master Script20

Script Table21

Script Table Column22



ICR View25

View Column26

Network Trunk Group27

Service Array28

Application Gateway29

Device Target (deprecated)30

User Variable31

User Formula32

Network VRU Script33

Scheduled Target34

Network VRU35

Skill Group Member36

Expanded Call Variable37

Agent Team38



Import Rule41

Query Rule42

Campaign Query Rule43

Dialer Port Map44

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)675

Field ValuesTarget Types: Script Cross Reference and Scheduled Report Input

MeaningTarget TypeValues

Message Category45

Message Destination46

Response Template47

Enterprise Route48


Media RoutingDomainMember50

Media Routing Domain51

Application Path52

Peripheral MRD53

Script Queue Meters54

Campaign Target Sequence55

Microapp Defaults56

Microapp Currency57

Microapp Locale58

Object Call59

Dialer Skill Group60

ECC Payload61

Call Type Skill Group62

Translation Route Meters63


Precision Queue65

Precision Queue Step66

Precision Queue Term67

Precision Queue Step Member68

Attribute Set69

Attribute Set Member70

Precision Queue Member71

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)676

Field ValuesTarget Types: Script Cross Reference and Scheduled Report Input

MeaningTarget TypeValues

Congestion Control72

Precision Queue Step Meter73

Contact Share Group80

Machine Address81

Machine Host82

Machine Service83


Contact Share Rule85

Contact Share Queue86

Business Hours87

Business Hours Weekday88

Business Hours Special Day89

Business Hours Calendar90

Business Hours Reason91

Time Zone Location92

The Script_Cross_Reference.LocalID field indicates the script object that references the target. TheScript_Cross_Reference.ForeignKey indicates the specific configuration record referenced.


The Termination Call Detail Table (see Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560) has two fields that providedetails on why the call was considered handled, abandoned, and so forth.

The Call Disposition field gives the final disposition of call (or how the call terminated).

• 1 = Abandoned in Network

InUnified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned, or dropped, before being terminated at a target device(for instance, an ACD, IVR, Desklink, etc.).

In Unified CCE, indicates that the call was routed to an agent but it never arrived or arrived after thePIM reservation timed-out. (The default timeout is 30 seconds.) An agent will be set to Not Ready if itmisses two consecutive routed calls, Peripheral Call Type will normally be two, and the Call Type IDand Network Target ID will be filled in.

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates customer phone not in service.

• 2 = Abandoned in Local Queue

InUnified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned in the ACD queue while queued to an ACD answeringresources (for instance, a skill group, voice port, trunk, etc.)

In Unified CCE. Indicates that VRU Peripheral call was abandoned while in the queue (only for VRULEG call type).

VRU Service Control Queue Reporting has to be enabled.Note

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call was abandoned either by the customeror dialer.

• 3 = Abandoned Ring

In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned while ringing at a device. For example, the caller didnot wait for the call to be answered but hung up while the call was ringing.

In Unified CCE, indicates that the caller hung up while phone was ringing at the agent desktop.

• 4 = Abandoned Delay

In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned without having been answered but not while ringingor in a queue. Typically, a call marked Abandoned Delay was delayed due to switch processing. Becauseof the delay, the caller ended up dropping the call before it could be answered.

In Unified CCE, indicates that the destination was not connected when the call terminated. This mightmean that:

• The agent logged out

• The agent picked up the phone and then hung up without dialing digits.

• Route requests were logged on the Cisco Communication Manager PG that were not immediatelyredirected to an agent.

• 5 = Abandoned Interflow

InUnified ICM, indicates an interflow call that dropped before the call could be handled by an answeringresource. Interflow calls are calls between ACDs. Abandoned Interflow is supported only by PIMs thattrack interflow calls. Currently, this includes only the Aspect CallCenter PIM.

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 6 = Abandoned Agent Terminal

In Unified ICM, indicates the call was dropped while being held at an agent device. For example, thecaller is connected to an agent; the agent puts the caller on hold; the caller gets tired of waiting and hangsup.

In Unified CCE, indicates that the caller hung up while on hold on the Unified CM PG, which generallyindicates a training issue for the agent. On the VRU PG with Service Control Queue reporting checked,this normally indicates caller abandoned..

• 7 = Short

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

In Unified ICM, indicates the call was abandoned before reaching the abandoned call wait time. Shortcalls are technically abandoned calls, but they are not counted in the Unified ICMCallsAbandoned countsfor the associated service/route. Short calls are, however, counted as offered calls in the CallsOfferedand ShortCall counts.

When the short call abandon timer is configured, single step transfers (localtransfers), being blind transfers by definition, have a Call Disposition of 7 (shortcall abandon) and a Peripheral Call Type of 4 (transfer)


Also applies toUnified CCE. In addition, route requests would be counted as short calls if so configured.

• 8 = Busy

Not used in Unified ICM.

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call resulted in a busy signal.

• 9 = Forced Busy

The call was made busy by the ACD because there were no answering resources available to handle thecall. Currently, only the Avaya Aura PIM supports Forced Busy.

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 10 = Disconnect/drop no answer

Only the Meridian PIMs support the disconnect/drop no answer call disposition. For the Meridian ACD,disconnect/drop no answer indicates that the ACD performed a "forced disconnect" .Disconnect/drop noanswer calls are counted as either abandoned or short calls in the system software's service and routetables.

In Unified CCE, indicates that an agent-initiated call was not answered. (If agent picked up the phonebut did not dial any digits, the CallDisposition would be 4, Abandoned Delay.)

• 11 = Disconnect/drop busy

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 12 = Disconnect/drop reorder

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 13 = Disconnect/drop handled primary route

InUnified ICM, indicates the call was handled by an agent and was neither conferenced nor transferred.These calls are counted as handled calls in Unified ICM Schema's service, route, and skill group tables.

In Unified CCE, indicates that a call was routed to an agent on the Cisco Communication Manager PGand handled without a transfer or conference. This call disposition is also used for non-routed callshandled by the agent if wrap up is used. On the VRU PG, this indicates that the call was handled by theVRU. However, it does not indicate if the caller abandoned or disconnected the call after the call washandled by the VRU.

Just in case the script ends without routing the call, the RouterErrorCode field in the Route Call Detailrecords will indicate the cause. Additionally, you can verify if the ServiceLevelAband and

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

ServiceLevelCallsOffered database fields in the CTHH report are incremented. The incremented fieldsindicate that the caller abandoned the call when the call was at the VRU.

• 14 = Disconnect/drop handled other InUnified ICM andUnified CCE, indicates the call was handledby a non-agent or unmonitored device (for example, a voice mail system). These calls are counted ashandled calls in Unified ICM schema's service, route, and skill group tables.

• 15 = Redirected / Rejected

In Unified ICM, this indicates the call was redirected such that the PIM no longer can receive eventsfor the call. In other words, the PIM no longer has a way of referencing or tracking the call. For example,the call might have been redirected to a non-Unified ICM monitored device and then returned to theswitch with a different call ID. The Unified ICM generates the Termination Call Detail record with onlythe data originally tracked for the call. Calls marked as Redirected are counted as Overflow Out calls inthe Unified ICM service and route tables.

In Unified CCE, to more accurately reflect call status, CallDisposition is set to 15 (Redirected) insteadof 4 (Abandon Delay) when:

• A call leaves a CTI route point to be sent to an IVR.

• An agent transfers the call to another skillgroup and no agent is available, so the call is sent to anIVR.

• 16 = Cut Through

Not currently used.

• 17 = Intraflow

Not currently used.

• 18 = Interflow

Not currently used.

• 19 = Ring No Answer

Not currently used in Unified ICM.

In Unified CCE, this indicates the call wasn't answered by the agent within the Ring No Answer Time(set in the agent desktop setting in Unified ICM Configuration) or that the call was pulled back becauseof no answer as a result of CVP's RNA timeout expiring.

For nonvoice tasks, this indicates a RONA condition. The task was not accepted within the MRDTaskStartTimeout.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates an outbound call was not answered in the alloted time.

• 20 = Intercept reorder

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the Dialer did not receive a ring back from the ACD onthe network.

• 21 = Intercept denial

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the customer call was intercepted by the operator.

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

• 22 = Time Out

Supported only by the Avaya ACD Manager PIM. Time out indicates that for an unknown reason thePIM is no longer receiving events for the call. The Time Out call disposition provides a way to "cleanup" the call since events for the call can no longer be monitored. Time out calls are counted asTerminatedOther in the Unified ICM service and route tables.

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the Dialer is unable to detect a dial tone.

• 23 = Voice Energy

Not currently used in Unified ICM.

In Unified CCE, this indicates the outbound call was picked up by a person or an answering machine.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the outbound call was picked up by a person.

• 24 = Non-classified Energy Detected

Not currently used in Unified ICM.

In Outbound Option, this result code indicates the outbound call reached a FAX machine.

• 25 = No Cut Through

Not currently used.

• 26 = U-Abort

In the Unified ICM, this indicates the call ended abnormally.

In Unified CCE, the Unified CM indicated the call ended due to one of the following reasons: networkcongestion, network not obtainable, or resource not available. Such reasons may be due to errors in mediaset up.

InOutbound Option, this result code indicates the outbound call was stopped before the customer pickedup.

• 27 = Failed Software

In Unified ICM, either the PIM detected an error condition or an event did not occur for a call for anextended period of time. For example, an inbound call with Call ID 1 and associated with Trunk 1 mightbe marked failed if the PIM received a different call ID associated with Trunk 1. This would indicate amissing Disconnect event for Call ID 1.

If no events are being tracked for the call, the call is eventually timed out. The failed call is marked as aForced Closed call in the Unified ICM Service and Route tables.

In Unified CCE, generally indicates that Unified CM PG terminated the call because it had exceededthe time allowed for this state. (The default is 1 hour in the NULL state when agent has been removed,and 8 hours in the connected state. The value is configurable.)

• 28 = Blind Transfer

In the Unified ICM, a transfer scenario involves a primary call and a secondary call. If the secondarycall is transferred to a queue or another non-connected device, then the primary call (the one beingtransferred) is set to Blind Transfer.

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

In Unified CCE (Unified CM PG), this indicates that the call was transferred before the destinationanswered. For Unified ICM (VRU PG), this indicates that the IVR indicated the call was successfullyredirected.

• 29 = Announced Transfer

In Unified ICM andUnified CCE, a transfer scenario involves a primary call and a secondary call. Ifthe secondary call is connected to another answering device, or is put on hold at the device, then theprimary call (the call being transferred) is marked as Announced Transfer.

• 30 = Conferenced

In Unified ICM and Unified CCE, the call was terminated (dropped out of the conference). Conferencetime is tracked in the system software's Skill Group tables for the skill group that initiated the conference.

• 31 = Duplicate Transfer

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 32 = Unmonitored Device

Not currently used.

• 33 = Answering Machine

InUnified ICM, this indicates the call was answered by an answeringmachine. Does not apply toUnifiedCCE.

In Outbound Option, indicates the call was picked up by an answering machine.

• 34 = Network Blind Transfer

In Unified ICM, indicates the call was transferred by the network to a different peripheral. Does notapply to Unified CCE unless there is an ISN installation.

• 35 = Task Abandoned in Router

The NewTask dialogue associated with the task was terminated before the Router could send aDoThisWithTask message to the application instance that issued the NewTask.

• 36 = Task Abandoned Before Offered

This disposition is deprecated beginning in the 11.5(1) release. Nonvoice tasks that RONA incrementdisposition 19 instead of 36.

• 37 = Task Abandoned While Offered

This disposition is only defined for multi-session chat tasks. A task is given this disposition if an agentwho is working on one chat session is assigned another chat session, and the customer involved in thenew chat session hangs up before the agent begins chatting with him.

• 38 = Normal End Task

The task was handled by an agent.

Only applies to non-voice tasks.

• 39 = Can't Obtain Task ID

When an application sends the system software an Offer Application Task or Start Application Taskrequest, it waits for the Unified ICM to send a response containing that Task ID that Unified ICM hasassigned to the task. If OPC is unable to obtain a task ID from the Router (because the Router is down,

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)682

Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

or the network connection between OPC and the Router is down), OPC will terminate the task withdisposition 39 "Can't Obtain Task ID".

• 40 = Agent Logged Out During Task

The agent logged out of an MRD without terminating the task.

• 41 = Maximum Task Lifetime Exceeded

The system software did not receive an End Task message for this task within the maximum task lifetimeof the MRD with which the task is associated.

• 42 = Application Path Went Down

The Task Life timed out while the system software was attempting to communicate with the applicationinstance associated with the task. (This might have occurred either because the application instance wasdown, or the network connection between Unified ICM and the application instance was down.)

• 43 = Unified ICM Routing Complete

Not currently used.

• 44 = Unified ICM Routing Disabled

Not currently used.

• 45 = Application Invalid MRD ID

Not currently used.

• 46 = Application Invalid Dialog ID

Not currently used.

• 47 = Application Duplicate Dialogue ID

Not currently used.

• 48 = Application Invalid Invoke ID

Not currently used.

• 49 = Application Invalid Script Selector

The task was rejected because of an invalid Script Selector in the Task Routing request.

• 50 = Application Terminate Dialogue

Not currently used.

• 51 = Task Ended During Application Init

The application instance notified the system software that a task that existed prior to the loss of connectionwas not initialized by the application once connection was restored.

• 52 = Called Party Disconnected.

CD 52 expected when called party disconnects, with CVP being the routing client.

• 53 = Partial call

This code simplifies the process of distinguishing interim from final TCD records at reporting or extracttime.

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

Records that contain this CallDisposition code are considered interim records.

OPCwill be changed to set a new "PartialCall" EventCause when it receives a GEO_NewTransaction_Indmessage from any PIM, and OPC's EventCauseToDisposition() needs to translate that EventCause tothe new "PartialCall" CallDisposition.

• 54 = Drop Network Consult

A Network Consult was established, and the agent then reconnected.

The consult leg would have this disposition for a successful single step transfer.Note

• 55 = Network Consult Transfer

The Network Consult was established, and then the transfer was completed.

• 57 = Abandon Network Consult

The Network Consult was never established (ringing, but not answered), and the agent gives up andreconnects.

This disposition will also be reported on a consult leg for a successful networkconsult transfer.


• 58 = Router Requery Before Answer

Router Received a Requery Event from CVP before the Agent PG indicated the call was answered byan agent.

• 59 = Router Requery After Answer

Router Received a Requery Event from CVP after the Agent PG indicated the call was answered by anagent.

• 60 = Network Error

Router received a Network Error for a call targeting an agent before the call arrived to the agent.

• 61 = Network Error Before Answer

Router Received a Network Error Event from CVP before the Agent PG indicated the call was answeredby an agent.

• 62 = Network Error After Answer

Router Received a Network Error Event from CVP after the Agent PG indicated the call was answeredby an agent.

• 63 = Task Transfer

The task was transferred. The initiating application sent a new task request to CCE for routing thatincludes the task id of the first task.

• 64 = Application Disconnected

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Call Disposition and CallDispositionFlag Fields

Used for single ApplicationPath failures, for ApplicationInstances supportingmultiple Client Connectionsusing the same ApplicationPath (UQ.Path). In this case the Application Path is not considered down,because the other client instance of the Application is still connected. This occurs when a TaskLivetimeout occurs or and agent logs in again to the ApplicationPath.

• 65 = Task Transferred on Agent Logout

The agent logged out of the MRD with an active task, and the task was transferred.

• 66 = Pick / Pull Request Error

The pick or pull request failed.

The CallDispositionFlag field provides detail on the call disposition.

Flags are:








Termination Call Detail: Peripheral Call TypeThe PeripheralCallType field in the Termination Call Detail Table (see Termination_Call_Detail, on page560) offers information about the type of the call as reported by the peripheral.

Valid settings for this field are:

• 1 = ACD In

In Unified ICM (VRU PG), all calls are of this type.

In Unified CCE (Unified CM PG), generally indicates that this is a post-route request.

• 2 = Pre-Route ACD In

InUnified CCE, indicates call was routed to this destination so the Unified CMPG has routing informationto associate with the call (router call key, call context).

• 3 = Pre-Route Direct Agent

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 4 = Transfer In

In Unified CCE, indicates the call was transferred from another agent or device. The name value ismisleading because it is used for calls transferred in or out.

• 5 = Overflow In

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Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Peripheral Call Type

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 6 = Other In

InUnified CCE, used for inbound calls that do not have route information/call context associated. Appliesto a call coming from an agent from the same peripheral.

• 7 = Auto Out

In Outbound option, indicates a Predictive /Progressive customer call.

• 8 = Agent Out

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 9 = Out

In Unified CCE, indicates call was placed outside the Unified CM cluster or that a network reachedevent was received.

• 10 = Agent Inside

• 11 = Offered

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 12 = Consult

• 13 = Consult Offered

• 14 = Consult Conference

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 15 = Conference , Supervisor Barge In

Supervisor Barge In is specified as returning a PeripheralCallType of 23, butcurrently returns 15, Conference, in the Termination Call Detail Table.


• 16 = Unmonitored

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

• 17 = Preview

In Outbound Option indicates a Preview/Callback customer call.

• 18 = Reserved

In Outbound Option indicates a Reservation call.

• 19 = Supervisor Assist

• 20 = Emergency Call

• 21 = Supervisor Monitor

• 22 = Supervisor Whisper

Does not apply to Unified CCE.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)686

Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Peripheral Call Type

• Supervisor Barge In

Supervisor Barge In is specified as returning a PeripheralCallType of 23, butcurrently returns 15, Conference, in the Termination Call Detail Table.


• 24 = Supervisor Intercept

• 25 = Task Routed by Unified CCE

Call type for nonvoice tasks routed by Unified CCE.

• 26 = Task Started by Application Instance

Call type for nonvoice tasks started by an agent or application.

• 27 = Reservation Preview

Call type for Outbound Option Reservation calls for Preview mode.

• 28 = Reservation Preview Direct

Call type for Outbound Option Reservation calls for Direct Preview mode.

• 29 = Reservation Predictive

Call type for Outbound Option Reservation calls for Predictive mode and Progressive mode.

• 30 = Reservation Callback

Call type for Outbound Option Reservation calls for Callback calls.

• 31 = Reservation Personal Callback

Call type for Outbound Option Reservation calls for Personal Callback calls.

• 32 = Customer Preview

Call type for Outbound Option Customer calls for Preview mode.

• 33 = Customer Preview Direct

Call type for Outbound Option Customer calls for Direct Preview mode.

• 34 = Customer Predictive

Call type forOutbound OptionCustomer calls for Predictivemode and Progressivemode for agent-basedcampaigns.

• 35 = Customer Callback

Call type for Outbound Option Customer calls for callback calls.

• 36 = Customer Personal Callback

Call type for Outbound Option Customer calls for personal callback calls.

• 37 = Customer IVR

Call type for Outbound Option Customer calls for Transfer to IVR campaigns.

• 38 = Non-ACD Call

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)687

Field ValuesTermination Call Detail: Peripheral Call Type

Call type for Multi-Line Agent. Agent placed or received a call on a secondary extension. In an agentto agent call that includes both an ACD line and a non-ACD line, the ACD line attributes take precedence.

• 39 = Play Agent Greeting

Route request to play an Agent Greeting.

• 40 = Record Agent Greeting

Agent call for recording an Agent Greeting.

• 41 = Voice Callback

Agent call for outbound Voice Callback.

• 42 = Switch Leg

Switch Leg for VRU Peripheral call.

Identifies the switch leg of the call at CVP, deployed as a Type 10 VRU.Note

• 43 = VRU Leg

VRU Leg for VRU Peripheral call.

Identifies the VRU leg of the call at CVP, deployed as a Type 10 VRU. (This isonly classified as VRU leg, if Queue Reporting has been enabled for thecorresponding VRU PG, using Peripheral Gateway Setup). If enabled, callsabandoned in queue will have an Abandoned call disposition for the VRU leg ofthe call, instead of a Handled call disposition, which helps in identifying individualcalls that were abandoned while being queued at CVP. The abandoned calldisposition is restricted to only queued calls, and not to Self-service calls.


• 44 = Pick Request

Pick request from a non-Voice queue.

• 45 = Pull Request

Pull request from a non-Voice queue.

Trunk TypeThe Type field in the Trunk Table (see Trunk, on page 582) allows these values to indicate the type of trunk:

• 1 = Local C.O.

• 2 = Foreign Exchange

• 3 = WATS

• 4 = DID/DNIS

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Field ValuesTrunk Type

• 5 = PRI

• 6 = Tie Line

• 7 = Interflow

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Field ValuesTrunk Type

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Field ValuesTrunk Type

C H A P T E R 5Database Rules

• Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option), on page 691• Business Hours Tables, on page 693• Contact Sharing Tables, on page 693• CX Survey_Table (For Future Use), on page 693• Device Tables, on page 694• Enterprise Tables, on page 695• Media Routing Tables, on page 695• Route Tables, on page 696• Schedule Tables, on page 696• Script Tables, on page 697• Security Tables, on page 698• Skill Target Tables, on page 698• System Tables, on page 699• User Preferences Tables, on page 700• VRU Micro-applications Tables, on page 700

Blended Agent Tables (Outbound Option)To see a list and an illustration of the Blended Options tables, see Blended Agent (Outbound Option), on page608.

With the optional Outbound Option feature, you can configure a contact center for automated inbound andoutbound calling activities.

The Blended Agent Options (see Blended_Agent_Options, on page 96) contains all options that are globalto a Blended Agent deployment, such as time parameters for calling a contact.

Campaign and Query Rules

A campaign delivers outgoing calls to agents for a specific purpose or goal. The goal might be to send aparticular message (for example, to invite current clients to take advantage of a new service) or make aparticular query (for example, to inquire about an account).

A query rule is a SQL filter function that selects contact records and associates those records with a campaign.Contact records are selected from import lists you provide to the Blended Agent software.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)691

The Campaign (see Campaign, on page 156) contains information for all the campaigns defined in a OutboundOption implementation. (There is a single row for every configured campaign.)

The Campaign Half Hour (see Campaign_Half_Hour, on page 165) provides historical reporting for campaignattributes.

The Campaign Query Rule (see Campaign_Query_Rule, on page 166) is a cross-reference table between theCampaign table and the Query Rule Table.

The Campaign Skill Group (see Campaign_Skill_Group, on page 184) is a cross-reference table betweenCampaign table and the Skill Groups table. It defines the association between skill groups and campaigns.

The Campaign Target Sequence (see Campaign_Target_Sequence, on page 186) contains the target type andsequence with which numbers are dialed within a campaign.

The Campaign Query Rule Real Time (see Campaign_Query_Rule_Real_Time, on page 175) and CampaignQuery Rule Half Hour (see Campaign_Query_Rule_Half_Hour, on page 169) provide statistics on particularCampaign-Query Rule combinations.

The Query Rule Clause (see Query_Rule_Clause, on page 360) contains the SQL rules associated with eachquery rule. There is a single row for each configured query rule.

The Query Rule (see Query_Rule, on page 358) is a cross-reference table between Query Rule Clause tableand the Import Rule table.

Import Rules

An import rule defines howBlendedAgent imports data from an import list into a contact table. The informationin the contact table can then be used to build a dialing list.

An import list is a raw set of customer contacts (in text file format) that can be imported into a contact tableand used to build a dialing list. The import list may also be referred to as an import file or a contact file. Theimport list is associated with a particular campaign and query rule.

The Import Rule (see Import_Rule, on page 271) contains a list of all the import rules and their associatedimport lists.

The Import Rule Real Time (see Import_Rule_Real_Time, on page 278) and the Import Rule History (seeImport_Rule_History, on page 277) contain statistics on the Outbound Option imports and the success rate ofthe imports.

The Import Rule Clause (see Import_Rule_Clause, on page 275) defines the portions of an import list to beimported by the Blended Agent Import Rule process.


The dialer is is used in Outbound Option to define the relationship between skill groups, the ACDs to whichthey are connected, and the ports on a dialer board. The settings you assign to the dialer control how it handlesdialing from your location and how it responds to answering machines or human voices. Several databasetables control dialer configuration and record statistics.

The Dialer (see Dialer, on page 219) contains configuration information for each dialer in a Outbound Optionimplementation.

The Dialer Port Map (see Dialer_Port_Map, on page 236) maps port numbers on the dialer to the ports on theACD, and identifies the ACD stations and their mapping to dialer ports.

Two reporting tables, Dialer Real Time (see Dialer_Real_Time, on page 239) and Dialer Half Hour (seeDialer_Half_Hour, on page 230) provide statistics for reporting on dialer execution.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)692

Database RulesBlended Agent Tables (Outbound Option)

Two reporting tables, Dialer Skill Group Real Time (see Dialer_Skill_Group_Real_Time, on page 246) andDialer Skill Group Half Hour (see Dialer_Skill_Group_Half_Hour, on page 242) provide reports on campaignsrunning on a dialer.

The Dialer Detail (see Dialer_Detail, on page 224) is a historical table that saves the detailed dialer recordsthat allow enhanced troubleshooting and tracking of dialer attempts, agent-skipped calls, and terminationcodes.

Business Hours TablesTo see a list and an illustration of the Business Hour tables, see Business Hours, on page 609.

Business_Hours, on page 104 contains one entry for each business hour and maps to business hour reason,time zone, and department.

Business_Hours_Real_Time, on page 106 maps to business hours.

Business_Hours_Reason, on page 107 contains one entry for each business reason.

Special_Day_Schedule, on page 547 contains one entry for each special day schedule and maps to businesshour and business reason.

Time_Zone_Location, on page 578 contains time zones from the system and maps to business hour.

Week_Day_Schedule, on page 604contains one entry each for weekday schedule and maps to business hour.

Contact Sharing TablesTo see a list and an illustration of the Contact Sharing tables, see Contact Sharing, on page 610.

A Contact Share Group (see the Contact_Share_Group, on page 203) applies to a group of contact shareprecision queues and/or skill groups.

Each Contact Share Group Member (see the Contact_Share_Group_Member, on page 204) contains one ormore contact share queues.

Each Contact Share Queue (see the Contact_Share_Queue, on page 205) maps to either a skill group or aprecision queue using a TargetQueueID.

A Contact Share Rule (see the Contact_Share_Rule, on page 206) applies for all contact share precision queuesor skill groups within a contact share group.

CX Survey_Table (For Future Use)To see a list and an illustration of the Survey tables, see Survey (For Future Use), on page 611.

Survey (For Future Use), on page 550 contains one entry for each survey and maps to survey_question andcalltype.

Survey_Question (For Future Use), on page 551 contains one entry per question for each survey type.

Call_Type, on page 110 contains new columns whichmaps to surveyID. one calltype canmap to one surveyID.

Database Schema Handbook for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise, Release 12.5(1)693

Database RulesBusiness Hours Tables

Survey_Result (For Future Use), on page 552 contains response for each question type per survey and mapsto surveyID and question type.

Device TablesTo see a list and an illustration of the Device tables, see Device, on page 612.

A Logical Interface Controller (see Logical_Interface_Controller, on page 285) is either a Peripheral Gateway(PG) or a Network Interface Controller (NIC) .

Each logical interface controller maps to a Physical Interface Controller (see Physical_Interface_Controller,on page 340). If NICs are duplexed, each NIC in the duplexed pair maps to a separate Physical InterfaceController. A duplexed pair of PGs share a single Physical Interface Controller.

A Routing Client (see Routing_Client, on page 407) is a service, such as AT&T, MCI, or Sprint, or a switchwithin a private network. If a logical interface controller is a NIC, it has one or more associated routing clients.If a logical interface controller is a PG, it may have one or more associated routing clients (if peripheralsmanaged by the PG support Post-Routing)

Each routing client may have one or more associated Dial Number Plans (see Dial_Number_Plan, on page218).

A Peripheral (see Peripheral, on page 321) is an ACD, PBX, or VRU . Each peripheral is associated with aPeripheral Gateway.


Each peripheral has one or more Trunk Groups (see Trunk_Group, on page 583). The public telephone networkmay group trunks differently, so each PG may have one or more Network Trunk Groups (seeNetwork_Trunk_Group, on page 307).

Each Trunk Group contains one or more Trunks. Each trunk belongs to one trunk group.


At Five-Minute intervals status information is produced for each Routing Client (see Routing_Client, on page407).

Statistics are produced for each Trunk Group in Real-Time, at Five-Minute intervals, and every Half-hour.Statistics are also produced for each Network Trunk Group in Real-Time and at Half-hour intervals.

Each Peripheral can have a Default Route (see Route, on page 374) that is used to account for calls at theperipheral that are not associated with any other route.

Real-time statistics are generated for each Peripheral.

For some peripheral types, you must specify what entities to collect data for by including them in the PeripheralMonitor (see Peripheral_Monitor, on page 328).

Multiple PIM Types

The Unified ICM PG can support multiple device types (for example, ACDs and VRUs). Each device typerequires a separate Peripheral Interface Manager (PIM). In cases where ACD and VRU PIMs are controlledby the same PG, you must specify how VRU ports map to ACD ports or trunks.

Service Level Threshold

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The Service Level Threshold (see Service_Level_Threshold, on page 463) contains information on how thesystem software calculates the service level. Each row defines the service level threshold default values fora particular Peripheral-Media Routing Domain pair.

Enterprise TablesTo see an illustration and a list of the Enterprise tables, see Enterprise, on page 615.

Each Route (see Route, on page 374) can belong to one or more Enterprise Routes (see Enterprise_Route, onpage 250).

The Enterprise RouteMember (see Enterprise_Route_Member, on page 251)maps Routes to Enterprise Routes.

Each Skill Group (see Skill_Group, on page 484) can belong to one or more Enterprise Skill Groups (seeEnterprise_Skill_Group, on page 253).

The Enterprise Skill Group Member (see Enterprise_Skill_Group_Member, on page 254) maps Skill Groupsto Enterprise Skill Groups.

Each Service (see Service, on page 443) can belong to one or more Enterprise Services (see Enterprise_Service,on page 251).

The Enterprise Service Member (see Enterprise_Service_Member, on page 252) maps services to enterpriseservices.

Each Peripheral Gateway (PG) can have one or more associated Service Arrays (see Service_Array, on page446).

Each Service Array (see ) Service_Array, on page 446 contains one or more Services (see Service, on page443); but all services in an array must be from peripherals associated with the same PG.

The Service Array Member (see Service_Array_Member, on page 448) maps Services (see Service, on page443) to Service Arrays.

Media Routing TablesTo see an illustration and a list of the Media Routing tables, see Media Routing, on page 617.

Application_Instance, on page 87 contains configuration data about external application instances. The datain this table enables the system software to identify application instances and grant them access to theConfiguration Management Service (CMS).

Application_Path, on page 88 defines a path from a registered application instances to a CTI Server.Applications need an interface to CTI Server in order to report logins, agent states, and task messages to thesystem software.

Application_Path_Real_Time, on page 90 provides real-time status and connection data for application paths.

Application_Path_Member, on page 90 defines the Media Routing Domains (MRDs) that use a particularapplication path.

Media Class is a combination or single instance of physical media that are to be treated as a single conceptby Unified ICM/Unified CCE software.

Media_Class, on page 300 defines a type of media class. This table is populated initially with default mediaclasses.

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Media Routing Domain (MRD) is a collection of skill groups and services that are associated with a commoncommunication medium.

Media_Routing_Domain, on page 301 describes a single implementation of a media class. For example, amedia class such as Cisco single-session chat might have one or more Media Routing Domains (MRDs)defined. These MRDs would all be of the same media class. However, they might be on different servers orhandle slightly different types of requests.

Route TablesTo see an illustration and a list of all tables in the Route category, see Route, on page 619.

Unified ICM/Unified CCE selects a Route (see Route, on page 374) for each call. The route specifies a servicefor the call and a skill target to handle the call. A skill target is a service, skill group, agent, or translationroute.

The Network Target (see Network_Target, on page 306) specifies a destination for a call. A network targetcan be an Announcement (see Announcement, on page 76), a Peripheral Target (see Peripheral_Target, onpage 336) or a Scheduled Target (see Scheduled_Target, on page 430). A peripheral target is a trunk group onwhich to deliver the call and a DNIS value to send with it. A scheduled target is a destination for which theUnified ICM/Unified CCE knows only the number of scheduled resources and the number of calls in progress.For each scheduled target, the Unified ICM/Unified CCE maintains Scheduled Target Real Time data.

The routing client presents the Unified ICM/Unified CCE with a Dialed Number (see Dialed_Number, onpage 214). A dialed number can be an 800 number such as 800-555-1234, or a string such as "RTE.007." EachDialed Number can have a default route.

A route is associated with one or more Network Targets. The network target has one or more associatedLabels. A label is the string that is passed back to the network to indicate the appropriate target. The DialedNumber Label (see Dialed_Number_Label, on page 216) indicates which labels are valid for each dialednumber (or you can choose to make all labels valid for a routing client valid for all of that routing client'sdialed numbers).

For each route, statistics are produced in Real Time, every Five Minutes, and every Half-hour.

A Route Call Detail (see Route_Call_Detail, on page 376) record is produced immediately after the UnifiedICM/Unified CCE determines a route. This records information about the request and the route determinedby the Unified ICM/Unified CCE.

A Termination Call Detail (see Termination_Call_Detail, on page 560) record is produced at the end of eachcall. Data for this record comes from the Peripheral Gateway . It provides information about how the call washandled at the peripheral. The Route Call Detail and Termination Call Detail are linked by the Day andRouterCallKey fields.

A script may direct a call to a Network VRU (see Network_Vru, on page 312) associated with the routingclient. The script returns a label to the routing client. It may also specify a Network Vru Script (seeNetwork_Vru_Script, on page 314) to be executed by the VRU.

Schedule TablesTo see an illustration and a list of all tables in the Schedule category, see Schedule, on page 622.

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With the optional Schedule Import feature, you can import schedules for each agent, skill group, and servicefrom a workforce management system.

Schedule, on page 419 contains one entry for each schedule.

Schedule_Import, on page 421 contains the actual scheduling data for various time periods.Schedule_Import_Real_Time, on page 423 contains the scheduling data that is currently in effect.

Schedule_Source, on page 429 indicates where the data are imported from. Schedule_Map, on page 425 givesthe primary key value for the scheduling data in the source.

ICR_View, on page 268 indicates how the Schedule Import records for a schedule are to be interpreted.

View_Column, on page 598 indicates how to interpret each field in Schedule Import

Import_Schedule, on page 280 defines import processes to be run automatically at specified times.

Import_Log, on page 270 contains information about these import processes.

A schedule may recur daily, weekly, monthly, etc. The Recurring ScheduleMap describes a recurrence patternfor a schedule.

Script TablesTo see an illustration and a list of all tables in the Script category, see Script, on page 623.

The Unified ICM/Unified CCE classifies each incoming call into a Call Type (see Call_Type, on page 110)based on a Dialed Number Map (see Dialed_Number_Map, on page 216). The mapping considers the dialednumber, caller-entered digits, and calling line ID. The calling line ID can be specified as a specific number,a wildcard, or a Region (see Region, on page 365) composed of Prefixes. Each routing client may have aDefault Call Type (see Default_Call_Type, on page 209).

A script is a series of steps executed to determine the best route for a call or to perform periodic administrativeactions. You can create several versions of each script. General information about each script is stored in theMaster Script (seeMaster_Script, on page 298). Specific information about each version is stored in the Script(see Script, on page 432). The binary representation of the script version is stored in the Script Data (seeScript_Data, on page 435) table. Each Script version has a Cross Reference for each database entity that itreferences.

A Call Type Map (see Call_Type_Map, on page 129) associates one or more routing scripts to the call typebased on a schedule of when each script is active. An Admin Script Schedule Map (seeAdmin_Script_Schedule_Map, on page 14) schedules a periodic administrative script. For each script version,Real Time and Five-Minute data are produced. Also, Real-Time data are produced for each call type.

You can define User Variables (see User_Variable, on page 596) that you can set and reference in scripts.Optionally, you can define Persistent Variables (see Persistent_Variable, on page 338) that retain their valuesbetween script invocations. You can also define custom functions that are stored as User Formulas (seeUser_Formula, on page 589). The expression associated with a custom function is stored in User FormulaEquation (see User_Formula_Equation, on page 590).

With the optional Gateway feature, a script can communicate with an external application. An ApplicationGateway (see Application_Gateway, on page 80) represents such an external application. Each side of theCentral Controller can maintain a separate Connection for each Application Gateway. Unified ICM/UnifiedCCE software also maintains Global default values for Application Gateway connections. Half-hour data areproduced for each Application Gateway.

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With the optional Gateway SQL feature, a script can query an external database. The tables that can be accessedare stored in Script Table (see Script, on page 432) and the specific columns in Script Table Column (seeScript_Table_Column, on page 440).

The Script Queue Real Time (see Script_Queue_Real_Time, on page 437) contains data on how tasks areprocessed in a script queue.

Security TablesTo see an illustration and a list of all tables in the Security category, see Security, on page 627.

You might choose to restrict access to some objects in the Unified ICM/Unified CCE database to specificusers, specific groups of users, or to a specific entity (such as a division within a company). The enterpriseconsists of one or more entities. The Business Entity (see Business_Entity, on page 103) defines the entitieswithin an enterprise.

The User Group (see User_Group, on page 591) defines groups of users or individual users who have specificaccess rights. If a row in the User Group table defines a group, each user who is a member of that group isconfigured in the User Group Member (see User_Group_Member, on page 593). Unified ICM/Unified CCEsoftware also uses the Sec Group (see Sec_Group, on page 441) and Sec User (see Sec_User, on page 442) totrack the state of user groups. The User Supervisor Map (see User_Supervisor_Map, on page 595) is used toallow an agent to log in as a Supervisor.

The Feature Control Set (see Feature_Control_Set, on page 259) defines the different feature sets that may beused by different users. One set of features may be mapped to multiple users.

Each individual item for which the Unified ICM/Unified CCE software controls access is an object. TheObject List (see Object_List, on page 317) contains information about these objects. The Ids (see Ids, on page269) contains information about row-level security for objects. The Object Security (see Object_Security, onpage 318) defines the access that specific user groups have for specific objects.

The User Security Control (see User_Security_Control, on page 594) defines the access that specific usershave for specific objects. The possible access levels for each object are defined in the Object Access Xref(see Object_Access_Xref, on page 316). The Unified ICM/Unified CCE software uses the Group SecurityControl as an intermediate table to build User Security Control records.

A category of objects on which access is controlled is a class. The Class List (see Class_List, on page 194)defines these categories. The Class Security (see Class_Security, on page 195) specifies the level of access auser group has to a specific class. The access levels that are available for a class are specified in the ClassAccess Xref (see Class_Access_Xref, on page 194).

The ClassID To ObjectType (see ClassID_To_ObjectType, on page 196) defines the mapping of classes toobjects.

Skill Target TablesTo see an illustration and a list of the Skill Target tables, see Skill Target, on page 629.

Peripheral Targets

Each peripheral can have many Services (see Service, on page 443), Agents, Skill Groups, and TranslationRoutes (see Translation_Route, on page 579). These entities are collectively known as Skill Targets (seeSkill_Target, on page 537).

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Each agent can be assigned to an team of agents (see Agent_Team, on page 73). Teams are for monitoringpurposes only; they are not used for routing calls. The Agent Team Member (see Agent_Team_Member, onpage 75) maps agents to teams.

The Agent Team Supervisor (see Agent_Team_Supervisor, on page 76) is a configuration table that specifiesthe mapping of supervisors to agent teams.

For agents that are not associated with an ACD, you can define Agent Desk Settings (see Agent_Desk_Settings,on page 21), which specify features available and how the Unified ICM handles certain state changes for anagent.

A Person (see Person, on page 319) record provides primary identification and authentication for all systemusers, including both agents and administrators.

Each service has one or more associated skill groups. Each skill group can be associated with one or moreservice. The Service Member (see Service_Member, on page 464) maps skill groups to services.

Each Skill Group has one or more member agents. Each agent can be associated with one or more skill groups.The Skill Group Member (see Skill_Group_Member, on page 520) maps agents to skill groups.

For some peripherals, a base Skill Group can have multiple related Skill Groups with different priorities.


Real-Time statistics are produced for each Agent (see Agent, on page 17), Skill Group (see Skill_Group, onpage 484), Service (see Service, on page 443, and each Skill Group Member (see Skill_Group_Member, onpage 520).

At Five-Minute intervals statistics are produced for each Skill Group (see Skill_Group, on page 484) andService (see Service, on page 443).

Every Half-hour, statistics are produced for each Skill Group (see Skill_Group, on page 484), Service (seeService, on page 443), and Translation Route (see Translation_Route, on page 579).

For each agent, the Unified ICM/Unified CCE software maintains a State Trace, which tracks the states anagent has been in. When an agent logs out, the Unified ICM/Unified CCE software creates an Agent Logoutrecord (see Agent_Logout, on page 38).

System TablesTo see an illustration and a list of the System tables, see System, on page 642.

Application_Event, on page 77 contains information about application events generated by the UnifiedICM/Unified CCE software. This is a subset of the events reported in the Event table.

AWControl, on page 95 maintains information about the Admin Workstation and its local database.

Config_Message_Log, on page 199 contains database system information.

Controller_Time, on page 206 contains the current time as kept by the Central Controller.

Event, on page 255 contains information about system events generated by the Unified ICM/Unified CCEsoftware.

ICR_Globals, on page 260 contains some general information about the system.

ICR_Locks, on page 266 contains a row for each database lock currently held.

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Logger_Admin, on page 282 maintains information about scheduled administration jobs run on the centraldatabase by the Unified ICM/Unified CCE software.

Logger_Meters, on page 283 contains performance information about the Logger process.

Logger_Type, on page 285 specifies the type of Logger (that is, standard, Customer ICM (CICM)) , or NetworkApplications Manager (NAM) and, if the Logger is a NAM Logger, whether or not the NAM is a slave NAM.

Next_Available_Number, on page 316 identifies the next available unique integer ID value for a specificdatabase table.

Recovery, on page 362 contains internal status about each table in the database.

Region_Info, on page 366 specifies which prefixes and regions are pre-defined by the Unified ICM/UnifiedCCE software.

Rename, on page 374 is an internal table.

Version, on page 597 records the current versions of the Unified ICM/Unified CCE schema installed in thecentral and local databases.

User Preferences TablesTo see an illustration and a list of the User Preferences tables, see User Preferences, on page 644.

Tables in the User Preferences group are used to create custom tool sets and desktop appearances for usersof the system software.

The "Cfg" tables control the desktop settings, or appearance, of Configuration Manager tool, which allowsusers to define desktop settings, and to view, edit, or delete the records of existing desktop settings.

Cfg_Mngr_App_Snapshot_State, on page 187 defines a specific state of the Unified ICM ConfigurationManager that a user has saved. Information from this table is used to reconstruct the Unified ICMConfigurationManager state when the Administration & DataServer is restarted.

Cfg_Mngr_User_Desktop_Snap, on page 189 retains information on the current ConfigurationManager statefor a particular user.

Cfg_Mngr_User_Menu, on page 191 holds information that describes the default and custom menus in usefor each user of the Configuration Manager.

Cfg_Mngr_View, on page 193 holds the information necessary to produce the tree view structure for multipledefault and custom menus within the Unified ICM Configuration Manager.

Cfg_Mngr_User_Settings, on page 192 holds specific Unified ICM Configuration Manager settings for eachuser of the Configuration Manager tool. Each row in this table specifies the personal settings for one user (forexample, whether or not the user want to save the Configuration Manager desktop settings in place whenConfiguration Manager is closed).

Cfg_Mngr_Globals, on page 188 contains a single record that stores version information about the menu systemthat Unified ICM Configuration Manager is currently using.

VRU Micro-applications TablesTo see an illustration and a list of the VRU Micro-Applications tables, see VRU Micro-application, on page645.

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Vru_Currency, on page 599 contains a list of currencies supported by VRU micro-applications.

Vru_Defaults, on page 600 contains a single row of data that contains the default values for a particular VRUmicro-application.

Vru_Locale, on page 602 contains a list of locales (a locale is a combination of language and country) supportedby VRU micro-applications.

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