Database Trending

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Database Trending. Timothy J Bruce For PDXPug 19 Jan 2012. Why the big deal?. New job No metrics Use performance tools. What type of Trending. What is management interested in? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Database Trending

Timothy J Bruce

For PDXPug 19

Jan 2012

Why the big deal?

New job No metrics Use performance tools

What type of Trending

What is management interested in?

What am I (the DBA) interested in?

Where to these things intersect?

What type of Trending

Not Current System / Database Performance

Historical System Information

Performance Tools









What's Important

How big is my database?

How big is my database growing?


One row per database, showing database OID, database name, number of active server processes connected to that database, number of transactions committed and rolled back in that database, total disk blocks read, and total buffer hits (i.e., block read requests avoided by finding the block already in buffer cache).

So I can get the OID. And use the pg_database_size (OID) function....

Database Size

So I can use this SQL command to get the size:

SELECT datname, cast(sum(pg_database_size(datid))/1024 as bigint ) FROM pg_stat_database GROUP BY datname;'


Column | Type | Modifiers


server_name | name | default 'dbserver01'::name

database_name | name |

database_size | bigint |

date_collected | timestamp with time zone | default now()

Size Results

server_name | database_name | database_size | collected


dbserver01 | proddb | 2,752,157,754 | 2012-01-18

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,746,933,858 | 2012-01-17

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,742,249,994 | 2012-01-16

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,736,916,578 | 2012-01-15

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,732,626,274 | 2012-01-14

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,714,683,898 | 2012-01-13

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,696,561,922 | 2012-01-12

dbserver01 | proddb | 2,691,771,402 | 2012-01-11

Size Process

Create two views One for ”today's size” One for ”Yesterday's size”

Why? I'm interested in what it looked like yesterday compared to today....

And if they're views, I can ”subtract” yesterday from today and display the total (difference).

Today's Database Size

Column | Type | Modifiers


server_name | name |

database_name | name |

database_size | bigint |

View definition:

SELECT database_size_stats.server_name, database_size_stats.database_name, database_size_stats.database_size

FROM database_size_stats

WHERE database_size_stats.date_collected >= now()::date

ORDER BY database_size_stats.database_name;

Database Sizing....

My database is growing by around 6 Gb a day.


What's causing it to grow?

Table Size

So what's my biggest table?

And how do I find out which one?


For each table in the current database (including TOAST tables), the table OID, schema and table name, number of sequential scans initiated, number of live rows fetched by sequential scans, number of index scans initiated (over all indexes belonging to the table), number of live rows fetched by index scans, numbers of row insertions, updates, and deletions, the last time the table was vacuumed manually, the last time it was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon, the last time it was analyzed manually, and the last time it was analyzed by the autovacuum daemon.

table_stats Column | Type | Modifiers


id | integer | not null default nextval('analyze_stats_id_seq'::regclass)

reloid | oid | schemaname | name | relname | name | rec_ins | bigint | rec_upd | bigint | rec_del | bigint | updated | timestamp| default now()

Table Size

So I can use this SQL command to get the size:

insert into table_stats ( reloid, schemaname, relname, rec_ins, rec_del, rec_upd )

select u.relid, u.schemaname, u.relname, u.n_tup_ins, u.n_tup_del, u.n_tup_upd, from pg_stat_user_tables u;

Table Size Process

Again - Create two views One for ”today's size” One for ”Yesterday's size”

Why? Frequently I'm looking at today's size AND I'm interested in what it looked like yesterday compared to today....

And since they're views, I can ”subtract” yesterday from today and display the total (difference) and email it out.

Table Size Process Side-Effect

I can collect the number of records read as well.

number of sequential scans initiated number of live rows fetched by sequential

scans number of index scans initiated (over all

indexes belonging to the table) number of live rows fetched by index scans


id | integer

reloid | oid

schemaname | name

relname | name

last_vacuum | timestamp

last_autovacuum | timestamp

last_analyze | timestamp

last_autoanalyze | timestamp

updated | timestamp

rec_ins | bigint

rec_upd | bigint

rec_del | bigint

rec_seq_scan | bigint

rec_seq_read | bigint

rec_idx_scan | bigint

rec_idx_read | bigint

rec_total | bigint

Record Count

select reltuples from pg_class

Real Table Data

So I can use this SQL command to get the size:

insert into table_stats ( reloid, schemaname, relname, last_vacuum, last_autovacuum, last_analyze, last_autoanalyze, rec_ins, rec_del, rec_upd, rec_seq_scan, rec_seq_read, rec_idx_scan, rec_idx_read, rec_total )

select u.relid, u.schemaname, u.relname, u.last_vacuum, u.last_autovacuum, u.last_analyze, u.last_autoanalyze, u.n_tup_ins, u.n_tup_del, u.n_tup_upd, u.seq_scan, u.seq_tup_read, u.idx_scan, u.idx_tup_fetch, ( select reltuples from pg_class c where c.relname = u.relname and c.relnamespace = ( SELECT n.oid FROM pg_namespace n WHERE n.nspname = u.schemaname ) ) as "recs" from pg_stat_user_tables u;

Schedule the Jobs

An account that has access to read all the information (public schema) and insert the data into my private schema.

Job is scheduled for early in the morning – just after midnight.

A view called ”Today” looks at the data as of today's morning run (yesterday's data).

A view called ”Yesterday” looks at the data from yesterday's morning run (the day before's data).

Table AnalysisCMD="SELECT * FROM dba.v_table_info_change "

function SQL {


CMD1="$CMD "




$PSQL -c "$SQLCMD" pfprod >> $RESULTS 2>&1

If [ "$?” != "0" ]; then

echo "Table Stats Analysis failed for $COLUMN " >> $TMP_LOG_FILE



Table Analysis cont'decho `/usr/ucb/hostname` " :: Table Stats started at `date`" >>


date > $RESULTS

SQL ins

SQL del

SQL upd

SQL seq_read

SQL idx_read

SQL total

echo "Database Size Analysis completed at `date`" >> $TMP_LOG_FILE

mailx -s "Table Stats Analysis" $MAIL_USERS < $RESULTS

Next Steps

pg_bloat? (But there are issues with pg_bloat)

index sizes and growth?


PostgreSQL Documentation -

Reference Email: From: Ondrej Ivanič Date: Wed, December 28, 2011 17:38 To:


Your Turn....