Date: WORKSHEET-Rational Numbers Subject: … VIII-Worksheets No...Date: WORKSHEET-Rational Numbers...

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Date: WORKSHEET-Rational Numbers Subject: Mathematics

Class: VIII Name of the student:

1. Write the additive numbers of the following:

(a) 45

107 (b)


10 (c)


7 (d)



2. Write the multiplicative inverse of the following:

(a) −23

37 (b)


9 (c)



3. Do as directed:

a) Write five rational numbers less than 2.

b) Write eight rational numbers less than -1.

c) Write five rational numbers between −9

10 and



d) Write three rational numbers between 3

2 and 4.

4.Represent the following numbers in the number line:

a) −3

7 b)


11 c)



5. Solve the following:

a) The product of two rational numbers is −6

7 .If one of the number is


3 .find the

other number.

b) By which rational number should we multiply 5

7 to get


7 ?

6. Multiply 13

7 and 3


4 .

7. Divide the sum of 11

5 and


9 by the product of


7 and


4 .

8. Two pieces of 11

4 and 2


5 are cut from a 5 kg cake. How much of the cake is left?

9. The cost of chocolates is Rs.4 9

10 per kg. What is the cost of a 13


7 kg of chocolates?

10. Ramesh opens a 600ml bottle of Coca-Cola. He drinks 1

3rd of it himself. His friend

Raja drinks 3

5th of the remaining amount. They leave the rest for Ragini. How much

Coco-Cola did they leave for her?


Surfing Internet

Class:VIII Name of the student: Subject: Computer

I) Define the following terms:

a. WWW

b. Real Time Communication

c. Web Browser

d. Blog

e. Hypertext

f. URL

II) What is the use of SKYPE?

III) Fill in the Blanks:

1. ______________ is considered as the father of internet.

2. The term hypertext was coined by ____________ .

3. Skype software was originally created by ______________ and _____________.

4. WWW was developed by _____________.

5. is a site to create ____________.

IV) Answer the following questions:

1. Which technology is used in the computer system to connect to the entire world?


2. What is the full form of WWW?


3. Computers on the Internet communicate with each other using the …………………


4. What does TCP/IP stand for?


5. Which alphabetic icon is used to represent Internet explorer?


6. Name any plug-in that offers creation and implementation of an entire multimedia


combining graphics, animations and sounds.



Date: / /17 Assignment

The Cell

Subject: Science

Class:VIII Name of the student: Roll No.-

Q1. Write true/false against the following statements: -

a) Cells are invisible to the naked human eye

b) Animal cells have a cellwall but plant cells do not.

c) Protoplasm includes nucleoplasm & cytoplasm.

d) Human cheek cells are irregular in shape.

e) Cell wall is non-living & composed of cellulose.

Q2. How is cytoplasm different from cell sap?

Q3. What is the similarity between plasma membrane & egg membrane?

Q4. Identify the cell organelle/component-

(a) transparent jelly-like living substance

(b) kitchen of the cell

(c) brain of the cell

(d) heredity material

(e) provides various colours to plant parts

(f) unit of inheritance in living organism

(g) organisms made of more than one cell

Q5. What is the difference in the location of the nuclei of plant & animal cells?

Q6. What is the importance of vacuoles in a cell?

Q7. What are prokaryotic cells?

Q8. Select the odd ones out giving reasons: -

(a) cheek cells, onion peel cells, bacterial cells, nerve cell

(b) blue green algae, hen's egg, neuron, ostrich's egg

Q9. Who discovered cell for the first time?

Q10. Name one cell organelle that is present in plant cells but absent in animal cells and another

that ispresent in animal cells but absent in plant cells.

Date: Assignment - Worksheet -1 Subject:Hindi

Class:VIII Name of the student: Max. Marks:

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gkFkksa feysA ysfdu volj dks ,sfrgkfld cukus dh {kerk lquhy

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vius ijkdze ls gSaA

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Ikz-u-&4 uhps vafdr fp= dks ns[kdj vius ‘kCnksa esa bldk o.kZu


Date: Worksheet 1 Sntences Subject: ENGLISH


Q1) Read the passage and answer the questions given below:-

Nature’s Fury

When volcanoes erupt, they cause great damage to lives and property. Yet, more than four

hundred million people around the world choose to live near active volcanoes. Mount

Vesuvius in southern Italy and Mount Popocatepetl in Mexico are active volcanoes. A

combined population of around thirty five million people live within striking range of these

‘fire mountains’. Are the people aware of the dangers? Yes! But they are equally aware of

the benefits of volcanic activity.

The lava that volcanoes spew out during eruptions slowly breaks down to form soil that is

rich in nutrients and can be effectively used for farming. In fact some of the most fertile

areas of the earth fall within what is known as the ‘pacific ring of fire’. The best rice growing

areas of the world are in Indonesia which has the highest concentration of volcanoes with 50

active volcanoes in Java alone.

Another bounty of volcanoes is geothermal energy which is an important source of energy for

countries in and around the ring of fire such as Japan, Indonesia and the the Philippines.

Geothermal energy is produced when underground water comes in contact with rocks that

have been heated to very high temperature by magma and become steam. This steam turns

the turbines of power plants to produce electricity.

Apart from this, igneous rocks – a product of extinct volcanoes are very rich in minerals like

copper, zinc and lead. Precious stones such as diamonds and opals can also be found in these


Every year, millions of tourists visit warm bathing lakes, hot springs, bubbling mud pools and

steam vents found around the volcanoes. Local people have set up businesses taking tourists

to see volcanic landscapes or provide facilities for tourists to enjoy the healing effects of

mineral rich hot springs and mud pools.

a) What are the benefits of volcanic activity?

b) What type of energy do people in Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Italy use? How is

this energy produced?

c) Why do tourists visit these regions?

d) Find a word from the passage which means ‘of high value or worth’ ( para 4 )

e) Find

a word from the passage which is an antonym of ‘barren’.

II) Identify whether the following sentences are simple, compound or complex:-

1) I know that children are fond of eating sweets. ________________

2) In spite of being very old this car is in good condition. _______________

3) He sat under the tree entire afternoon. ________________

4) The boy ran away and the old man was left alone. _____________

5) She ordered lunch for me because I was feeling hungry. ______________

6) It is a familiar story told in an interesting manner. ______________

7) He is afraid of darkness so he refused to go alone. _______________

8) We must get up early because there is a lot of work to do. ____________

III) Read the extract and answer the questions that follow:-

1) “Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

Who violently sweep your house

Empty of its furniture”

a) Name the poem and the poet.


b) Whom does the poet ask us to welcome?


c) What does the poet mean by ‘crowd of sorrows’?


Date: Assignment 1- Lesson 1–Role of the

Indian Constitution.



Class:VIII Name of the student: Max. Marks:

I Learning based questions-

Answer the following in around 30 words

a)Define the term Constitution.

b)Analyse the need for having a Constitution.

c)Write down the main features of the Indian Constitution.

d)What are the three lists of subjects ?

e)Name the three organs of the government and also specify the role of each.

f)Enumerate the six fundamental rights we have.

II Understanding based questions-

Answer the following in around 30 words

a)In India you have the freedom to follow any religion of your choice.

b)Children below the age of 14 cannot be employed in factories.

c)The union and the state governments work in accordance to the constitutional


d)Do you thing Right to Property should be a Fundamental Right? Justify.

III Find out and write

Fundamental Rights cannot be enforced if we fail to perform fundamental duties

.In respect to that find out the significance of National Flag and National Anthem

.Also mention the latest verdict in regards to singing of the national anthem in

cinema halls .Collect and paste an article regarding it.





Class:VIII Name of the student: Max. Marks:

I. Imagine, if you lived in the age before the Modern Age, how would your life be different from

today in the following areas?

a. Travel: _____________________________________________________________________________

b. Classroom: __________________________________________________________________________

c. Entertainment: _______________________________________________________________________

II. Arrange the following into two categories of sources of information regarding the Ancient and Modern Age:

Reports, Original Documents, Reviews, Archaeological remains, Conclusions of the historians, Potteries, Cave

dwellings, Burial grounds, Newspapers, Films.

A. Ancient: ____________________________________________________________________________

B. Modern: _____________________________________________________________________________

III. Renaissance means a new spirit, a new way of thinking, a new outlook. Point out any three outcomes of


(i) ________________________________________ (ii) ______________________________________

(iii) ______________________________________________

IV. The Turks captured and blocked the land route from Europe to the East. This had major changes. Spell out

the changes:

A. ___________________________________________________________________________________

B. ___________________________________________________________________________________

C. ___________________________________________________________________________________


V. Outline the consequences of the following events:

A. Weak Mughal rulers: ___________________________________________________________________

B. The Third Battle of Panipat: ______________________________________________________________

C. The Third Carnatic War:_________________________________________________________________

D. The Battles of Plassey and Buxar: _________________________________________________________

E. Invasions by Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali: ____________________________________________

VI. Which Countries did the following people belong to?

(i) Ferdinand Magellan ________________________ (ii) Vasco da Gama _______________________

(iii) Columbus __________________________ (iv) Nadir Shah __________________________

(v) Ahmad Shah Abdali _______________________ (vi)