Dating advice for men, That First Impression!

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Normally, we as men have only one opportunity when we are interacting with



After that first impression, women already have a great idea of who and

how you are.

They can easily tell if you're candidate for one night stand, best friend, potential boyfriend or husband


So what kind of first impression, did you want to show?

If you wish to leave the best impression of yourself from now on, at any interaction with

women, then read and apply the following simple, but HIGHLY effective techniques.

Consider the following 3 thinks to make yourself different from others

and very attractive to women

1- Never, ever position yourself straight (Parallel) to her chest! NO MORE CHEST TO

CHEST conversations

2- No more scanning their bodies!

From now on, when you are interacting with any women; focus 100% of your

attention only in her face.

Most likely between her lips and eyes

80% of time looking to her lips, paying attention to what she has to say and 20%

admiring the beauty of her eyes.

3- I’m going to tell you how to go under any women’s radar

You can make her put her guard down instantly by wearing an engagement ring…

This ring represents a commitment that means a lot to you and not necessarily


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And start living the life of your dreams, when it comes to dating women

After that First Impression, there’s not a second chance!

Get yourself properly trained, gain confidence and…

finally conquer that beautiful girl of your dreams