David bailey

Post on 26-Feb-2016

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David bailey. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


David bailey

David bailey is a studio photographer. He was born in leystone, london and from the age of three lived in east ham. He had a rough background, in the war his house was bombed and some days he went to school and some days he didn’t and some days he went in the shelter. He says ‘’I remember watching the doodle bugs in the sky.’’In 1959 he became an assistant photographer oporator at the jhon french studio.Bailey has also taken a keen interest in art over the years. An exhibition of his paintings and mixed media works was held at London's Scream, opening in October 2011. It presents portraits and paintings inspired by his childhood, influences, inspiration, fears and desires.

Here are some examples:

Her specific body language is shy and unconfident.We can tell this because her arms are pushed into her chest and facing away from the camera. This how's she is shy because she is looking away from the camera which means she doesn’t want attention pointed her way. It also shows she is unconfident because she's tucking her arms to her chest which shows she's nervous.

The focus for this young people that are it to fashion or hair and beauty.

We know can tell this because her hair is done she has nice clothes on and she clearly has a lot of self respect. In David baileys photos he often tells what the objects personality is like and from this we can tell she is probably shy and unconfident.

In this photo what I think is particularly affective is the black and Wight, this tells something about the object, it could possibly tell she has a dull character it could also tell she is a boring and plain character.

In this image they have used a basic straight shot, with her head placed in the top middle square off the rule of thirds and her hands being placed in the golden square, I think they have done this purposely to show something about the character, personally I think they have portrayed that she is shy.

Annie leibovitz was born on the 2nd october 1949 in water bury, coneticut. She studied painting at the San Francisco Art Institute, and took nightly photography lessons. In 1970, she began doing work for Rolling stone magazine, then she became chief photographer for their magazine. She also started working for vogue and Vanity Fair magazine and after 10 years she had shot 142 covers on vogue. Exhibitions of her images have appeared at museums and galleries all over the world, including the National Portrait Gallery and 200 of her black and white and color photographs were exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery, in Washington D.C. Widely considered one of Americas best portrait photographers, she also released the book ‘Woman’ in 1999. She is now at the age of 51, she had her daughter, Sarah.

Mode of address: he’s holding a goose, walking and holding it tight. He is crouched down looking into the camera.

Mise-en-scene: he is in a field with a goose as a prop. Everything is darker than the goose making the goose stand out.

Representation: he comes across as very caring because he looking after a goose.

Editing affects: it has be put into black and white, this makes the goose stand out.

Henri Cartier

Henri Cartier-Bresson was born on August 22, 1908 in Cantaloupe, France. A pioneer in photojournalism,

Cartier-Bresson wandered around the world with his camera, becoming totally immersed in his current

environment. Considered one of the major artists of the 20th century, he covered many of the world biggest

events from the Spanish Civil War to the French uprisings in 1968. Cartier-Bresson's rise as a photographer proved

rapid. By the mid 1930s he'd shown his work in major exhibits in Mexico, New York, and Madrid. Just a few weeks shy of his 96th birthday, Henri Cartier-Bresson

passed away at his home in Provence on August 3, 2004.

Henri Cartier

Mise-en-scene: This photograph is taken in a forest setting with a dark atmosphere. The weather is miserable so it makes the photograph look dark and sad.Mode of Address: The man has a blank facial expression and indirect eyeline, it looks like he is looking at something behind the camera. He is wearing a black old fashioned cloak with a top hat and smoking a cigar. He also looks very isolated and alone.Representation: The person is shown quite old fashioned and mysterious. The darkness of the photo makes him look creepy and mischievous. Editing/Developing effects: The photograph is in black and white so it looks more emotional and shadowed.


Richard Avedon was born on May 15, 1923 in New York City. He worked first as a photographer for the Merchant Marines, taking identification photos. He then moved to fashion, shooting for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, demanding that his models convey emotion and movement, a departure from the norm of motionless fashion photography. Richard Avedon passed away on October 1, 2004, while on assignment for The New Yorker in San Antonio, Texas. He was 81 years old.

Mise-en-scene: This photograph of Twiggy was taken in a studio. It has a shadowed background but highlighted on her face.Mode of Address: Her facial expression is gormless and looking directly into the camera showing confidence. She also has unusual eye makeup.Representation: She comes across as very vague and blank because of her facial expressions.Editing/Developing effects: The photo is black and white which makes is look more elegant and serious.