David Icko Portfolio

Post on 01-Apr-2016

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Most of my works are peeping boxes, which based on the construction of dioramas. I put my dioramas into closed boxes. In every box there is one or more peeping holes. Through this the viewer can observe the inner diorama. One of the most important features of my works are the different lenses, which is used to determinate the focus between the view-er and the miniature narrative inside the box. With this optical trick an automatic intimate re-lation arose between the work and its’ voyeur.

Munkáim többsége zárt dobozokban el-helyezett diorámák. Ezek az úgynevezett ‘kukucskáló dobozok’ alapját dioráma kon-strukció képzi, amit igyekszem tovább fe-jleszteni. Az egyik fontos szempontja eze-knek az “újításoknak”, kísérletezéseknek maga az optika. A dobozokon 1-2 nyílást helyezek el, amin keresztül a nézo betekinthet azok belsejébe. A nyílásokba nagyító teszek. Ezek segítségével tudom meghatározni a szemlé-lo fókusz-távolságát, ami azonnali intim viszo-nyt eredményez az alkotás és a nézo között.

The natural destroyers, mixed media, 20x20x20cm, 2014

There is Hopper in the woods, mixed media, 20x20x20cm, 2013

The collection: 1th, 2th, 3th, 4th, mixed media, 10x15x20cm, 2014

Capsized, mixed media, 80x45x450cm, 2013

In my newest works I use more visual tricks, which opens wid-er spectrum for me to integrate theoretical issues in my works. My dioramas’ conceptions come from simple motifs of everyday life although I willingly dip impres-sion from literature and art the-oretical issues as well. The visu-al language of the art films has a great impact on my works too. In conclusion through all the ef-fects I use and merge together the main point of my works are its visual and temporal openness, which generate strong attention and interest in the viewer.

In my newest works I use more visual tricks, which opens wid-er spectrum for me to integrate theoretical issues in my works. My dioramas’ conceptions come from simple motifs of everyday life although I willingly dip impres-sion from literature and art the-oretical issues as well. The visu-al language of the art films has a great impact on my works too. In conclusion through all the ef-fects I use and merge together the main point of my works are its visual and temporal openness, which generate strong attention and interest in the viewer.

Capsized, mixed media, 80x45x45 cm, 2013The contract, mixed media, 40x40x60cm, 2013

Surrender, mixed media, 60x60x80cm, 2013

Untitled, mixed media, 20x20x20cm, 2014

Found x001, 00:1 min, 2014 http://vimeo.com/97672929