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February 1, 2011In This Issue Page
the Johnson's pool during
I hope you found the sermon series on the Ten Commandments interesting and challenging. Starting on October 7th we will begin a new four-week sermon series on forgiveness. This sermon series will be in conjunction with the Christian Relationships Sunday School class and their four week study of a series by Rev. Adam Hamilton of the Church of the Resurrection. I am excited about doing a sermon series connected to one of our Sunday school classes. If you are interested in attending the class for these particular four weeks, please feel free to do so. For more information and/or to pick up a study book, (cost is $10) please see Rhonda Ostis. You can attend the class without getting the study book or can get the book and read it on your own timetable. Jesus was clear in his teaching about forgiveness. He offers us God’s forgiveness and instructs us to forgive one another. For some reason, we have a very difficult time with this teaching. What is it that makes us so unforgiving of ourselves and of each other?? We’ll take an honest and realistic look at how to seek, extend, and accept forgiveness. Our first Stewardship church-wide dinner will be held on Monday, October 29th, I hope you can join us. In Christ, Pastor Lisa
A Church Conference was held on Monday September 17th in the Fellowship Hall with over 50 people in attendance. The following two motions were presented, discussed and passed by a 75% margin. Motion: Sanctuary - From the Endowment Committee The Endowment committee moves to transfer $17000 from Endowment Funds to the Trustee Reserve to provide sufficient monies to complete the renovations of the Sanctuary. Motion: Bus - From the Youth Committee/Ad Hoc Bus Committee The Committee moves to transfer $28000 from the Endowment Fund to the Trustee Reserve in order to pay the balance due for the purchase of a new bus. The Council met on September 17th following the Church Conference.
The Treasurer/Finance Chair reported on the church finances. The church expenditures year to date are $22,653 (approximately 9%) more than offerings. For the same time period last year expenditures were $18,584 more than offerings. The Trustees expenditures for this time period are $4,652 more than last year. The Treasurer and Finance Chair Russ Smith will answer questions and offers additional details regarding church finances.
As a result of the Church Conference discussion the Council recognized a potential need to clarify certain aspects of the Endowment Fund guidelines. A motion was passed to direct the Endowment Committee to hold an open meeting with the congregation to discuss the Endowment Fund. This effort is intended to review the current guidelines and to establish clarity regarding the appropriate use of Endowment Funds. Any recommended changes will be properly advertised and placed on the agenda for the November Charge Conference.
The Council discussed increasing efforts to seek contributions for the Endowment Fund without reducing congregational giving to the general budget fund.
Lay Leadership shared the positions that will be open as of January 1, 2013. Some of the positions are Treasurer, Chair of the Finance Committee and Chair of Staff Parrish Relations Committee. Russ Smith has offered to continue in either the Treasurer or Finance Committee Chair position if they are not both filled. Anyone interested in serving is encouraged to speak with Pastor Lisa, Bob Tomlinson or a member of the Lay Leadership Committee. May we seek God’s guidance as we offer ourselves in service to Him.
In His Peace, Steve Leonard 2012 Council Chair
also known as Luke’s Mom, Ben’s wife and I am also Chairperson of the Worship Team.
I apologize for not communicating more regarding the change in seating in the Fellowship Hall.
Kyle spoke about it a few times at the beginning of worship services, but I should have
communicated much more by bulletin and the Lamplighter.
I apologize if the change in seating appeared sudden and abrupt. That was never our intention.
The seating is a work in progress and not set in stone.
The seats were rearranged after our July meeting so we could see what we’ve been discussing.
We thought worship would be in the Green Cathedral that Sunday. Like so many other Sundays
this summer, it rained, so we were inside. We did receive several positive comments about the
change, so the decision was made to roll with it. Just as I hope Christ sees me as a work in
progress, please understand these changes also are a work in progress, not set in stone. I thank
you for the feedback we’ve received, it is helpful as we continue move forward.
Again, we as a worship team, will be more communicative about the initiatives we are taking.
Many of you have devoted and continue to devote yourselves to the care of this church. I thank
you and praise God for your devotion. We, the Worship team are praying about these changes,
asking the Lord’s direction. To you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, as part of this faith
community we call Davidsonville United Methodist Church; I ask that you be in prayer, too. My
hope is our collective goal is to honor God here. For at the beginning of the day and the end of
the day, this is God’s church not yours, not mine. I am grateful to serve our Lord and Savior
with you. Let’s worship….
Blessing of the Animals
The Blessing of the Animals was held at the DUMC on September 23rd at the Green Cathedral.
St. Francis of Assisi was known for his inspiring work with indigents and was also known for his love of nature and animals. Most Blessings of the Animals are held as close to the date that commemorates his death, October 3rd, 1226. The wonderful
turnout of people and furry animals celebrated being blessed as Pastor Lisa gave an individual
blessing to each animal and its owner. She presented them with a small medallion of St. Francis
and addressed each animal by name. Attending were 50 owners and a furry population of 21
dogs, 1 Guinea- Pig and a Hermit Crab.
From Pam Matousek
Dear SPRC, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to the SPRC committee for the gift of $300.00 in Southwest gift cards. This is a very thoughtful gift and will help greatly towards the purchase of a ticket to Dallas, my favorite place to go right now. I do miss seeing you all as often or at least speaking with you on the phone. But I am so grateful that I am free (at least right now) to help Amy and family get through these first few months til Everly Kate settles into a better routine. Blessings to you all my dear friends Pam
Lay Leadership Committee To All Church Members, we need some volunteers to fill upcoming vacancies within the Church Leadership Committees. It is time to step forward and have some fun in steering our Church on the right path. We are in need of a Head of the Finance Committee and another member, additional members of the Staff-Parish for the year 2015. We need a couple of new bloods on the Trustee's group and of course, three new members for the Lay Leadership Committee. Also a new Lamplighter Editor is needed for the beginning of 2013. We need a recording Secretary for the Church Council as Rhonda Ostis has volunteered after much arm twisting to take over the SPRC, replacing Carol Chell who has done such a wonderful job and is moving on to a new ministry within the Church. This is an opportunity to step up and make a difference. Please contact any of the members of the Lay Leadership Committee and get your name in the pot. They are, Pastor Lisa, Bob Tomlinson, Sharon Bence, Lynda Hall, Dixon Wood, Cindy Wratchford, Peggy Williams, Lisa Neimann, Ray Long and Roger Vales. We thank you in advance for getting involved. Bob Tomlinson
Finance Report Final figures are not available at this time for financial results through September, but for the eight
months ending August 31, 2012, we witnessed the following:
Church revenues were $244732 versus our budget of $268597 and last year of $244401. Net income
reflects a loss of $22653 compared to a loss of $18584 at the same time last year. The current loss was
minimized by a credit of $4682 in conference apportionments resulting from a favorable audit appeal.
September results will also realize a credit of approximately $2800. These credits are the findings from a
review of overstated expenses submitted with the 2010 Annual Conference Statistical Report which
determined total apportionments for 2012. All other expense categories are generally in line with budget
and last year, leaving the main cause for our loss this year to the shortage in budgeted revenue.
During mid October the Finance Committee will send a budget worksheet to each Committee Chair to
begin the planning process for 2013. Lee Matousek will be chairing the Stewardship campaign with a
fresh approach to reach our revenue goals for 2013. Stewardship Dinners will begin on October 29th with
two additional dinners planned for November 7 and November 14. Everyone should attend these dinners
to become aware of our resources and how the resources will be used.
CrossRoads Child Development Center continues to operate in the positive mode. Earnings for the eight
months ending August 31 were $76167 with dividends being distributed to the Trustee Reserve Account,
the Building Fund, and the Social Needs committee in accordance with guidelines accepted during the
church retreat held earlier this year. The CrossRoads staff has been very energetic by introducing several
new programs such as Pastor Kyle's children ministry, the inclusion of outside vendors for various
entertainment and education purposes, and the continued refinement of daily agendas, all designed to
make CrossRoads the most comfortable and safe learning environment for preschool children in the
Below is the continuation of the article that began in the June 2012 Lamplighter. As you recall, the article deals with the issues surrounding music in the contemporary church. When Music Splits Churches A Broadcast Presented by E. Lonnie Melashenko Writer-Producer: David B. Smith Three Questions and Responses How should you relate to worship services that feature music you really dislike? I want to share three responses to the issue of: "I hate that music." More specifically, let's think about this very human reaction: "That music is wrong because I hate it." Or "evil." Or "should be banned." All around the world, good, sincere Christians are convinced that music being played in their church is displeasing to God and that the amps ought to be unplugged. The first point is a concession. I can only speak for me as I read my Bible and spin my CDs and go to my church. But yes, I'm convinced that there is music being played today that is antithetical to, or against, the principles of true Christian worship. Is there music that is wrong, that is tainted by sinfulness? I believe there is. Is there music that displeases God? I believe there is. Is that music sometimes played in church? Sometimes, yes. Music is not a neutral thing; not all forms of music can be baptized and brought into the sanctuary. I believe there is music that belongs in worship, and music that doesn't. After reaching out to persons with various views on music, Johnsson concedes in the Adventist Review: "I have no doubt that some music . . . has gone beyond the bounds." And he goes on to say that some of the "praise music" being sung today in churches is "shallow . . . in both tunes and words." A much stronger opinion is being registered right now by another book floating around in my own denomination just now. According to this writer: "Rock and roll is not just a musical style, but a revolutionary religious movement." A bit later: "Rock music is not just another musical genre that can be sanitized to worship God and proclaim the Gospel. A closer look at the rock scene reveals that rock and roll embodies an endtime apostate religious movement of open rebellion against God and the moral principles revealed in His word." Later in the same volume comes this criticism: "The mixture of good and evil in rock music may well represent an effective Satanic strategy to use the good lyrics to lead some Christians to accept more readily the evil ones." We can't solve the issue of what music ought to, or ought not to, be played and sung in our churches in this article, or in ten years of articles and radio programs. But what do we do when we hate some kinds of music in church, and is it possible that some music ought to be hated? From where I'm sitting today, the answer to that first question must prayerfully be a yes. There is music that does not belong in a Christian setting, a worship experience where we want Christ to be uplifted, God to be exalted, and the Holy Spirit to be present. Wrong vs. Disliked But question number two is this: Is it possible to believe that music is wrong, or sinful, or inappropriate--not because we know enough to know that for sure--but simply because we don't like that music? Is it possible to quickly go from "I don't like that music" to "Everyone should dislike that music because it's bad music"?
In the very well-written Christianity Today article I mentioned previously, entitled "Triumph of the Praise Songs: How Guitars Beat Out the Organ in the Worship Wars," Michael S. Hamilton makes this point: "Every complaint about worship music, no matter which style, claims to be rooted in theological principles. Yet in every critique, the theology aligns perfectly with the critic's own musical taste." What's he saying here? A critic says: "The rap music genre is inherently evil. It has no place in church." Question: "Do you personally like rap music?" Answer: "Heavens, no. I hate it." Is that a coincidence? The point is that not liking something and condemning it may often go hand in hand. But the opposite may also be true: liking something and defending it often go together, too. Right here I might argue just a bit with Dr. Hamilton. I have no doubt that there are musicians who--to pick an example--have succeeded in the rock-and-roll culture. For years they've liked it, performed it, lived and breathed it. And then, as God moves upon their heart, they feel led to reject at least some forms of the very music that all their lives they have enjoyed and had an affinity for. In their inward souls, they like it still . . . and yet they see the fruits, the results, of some kinds of rock music, and they ask God to help them put it out of their lives. That would be a tough battle, and yet one we all should consider in our own lives. Having said that, though, we might do well to reflect on the words of C. S. Lewis: "Just because I don't like this music . . . isn't an ironclad guarantee that it's wrong everywhere, every day, for everyone." Bill Johnsson, in his editorial, writes about the new music in churches: "This is sound from somewhere else, which I do not understand and but faintly appreciate." But then he adds: "What I appreciate is the fervent love for Jesus that I see in the young people who do understand and appreciate it. I covet their spirit of commitment to Christ and His mission. Seeing them, knowing them, I cannot write off their music, dismiss it with simplistic taglines." To be continued......... Bob Waddell, Music Director
The Women's Daytime Bible Study
The Women's Bible study is using material covering the book of James, entitled James: Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore. This study is taking an in-depth look at James, the brother of Jesus, who started out as a skeptic, but was transformed into a believer and leader of the Jerusalem church after meeting the resurrected Savior. Topics in this study include: joy, hardship, faith, reversal of fortunes for rich and poor, wisdom, gifts from above, single-mindedness, the dangers of the tongue, humility and prayer. The group meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am in the Library. Carol Chell is leading the lesson and is doing a fantastic job. Submitted by: Kristy Moseley
Missions Update
This has been a busy end of summer and early fall for Missions. The Tongues of Fire Barbeque
Ministry Team had its best sale ever at the Peach Festival, clearing more than $3200. The last
sale of the bbq season occurred on the first day of autumn, September 22nd. Sales were
sluggish, but the team still cleared over $1100. Parishioners and friends will recall that 10% of
TOF profits go to DUMC as a tithe, with 65% going to Missions. The remaining 25% remains in
the TOF reserve account for discretionary spending.
At the August 25 th
TOF Social and Meeting the team enjoyed yet another verse being added to
its theme song, co-authored by Pam Matousek and Cathie Stutler. It must be heard to be
believed. Each year’s verse reflects the happenings of that bbq season. Ever wondered what a
bbq team eats at the end of the season? Well, it isn’t bbq. This year featured brats and a fish fry.
At the business side of the gathering, the team voted to donate $3000 from its reserve account for
the new DUMC bus.
to consider a number of issues. Once the books are
updated and final figures for Missions are determined, funds will be allocated. Assuming funds
are available, $3000 from Missions (VIM) will be donated from its reserve account for the new
DUMC bus. (This will be for a total donation of $6K towards the purchase of the bus from
TOF/VIM. That’s a lot of bbq sandwiches!!!) $1500 will be used to replace stolen mission
equipment, and $3700 will be reserved for the January VIM trip. Other issues discussed
revolved around how best to store and secure Mission equipment so that there won’t or can’t be a
repeat of the August theft. A number of options are under consideration with a definitive plan to
be adopted at the November 15 th
meeting of Missions.
Upcoming Missions activities include the October 18-20 trip to West River Camp where sun
shelters at the pool area are to be constructed. The DUMC Youth will work in conjunction with
the BSA and Austin Fowler to complete the latter’s required Eagle Scout service project. VIM
veterans are encouraged to participate and share their knowledge with the Youth.
On November 7 th
Missions has responsibility for the Stewardship Dinner. Committee members,
VIM vets and TOF will combine efforts to put on a nice beef brisket dinner. That’ll truly wrap
up the bbq season.
The Volunteers In Mission trip to Grantsboro, North Carolina will take place January 6 through
the 12 th
. This is near where the team worked in Aurora in January of this year and where the
DUMC Youth did their June mission trip. Both groups had very favorable reports about their
experiences there. If interested in finding out more or to volunteer to participate, please contact
Blair Smith @ bbq.pilgrim@verizon.net or 410-798-7236.
“Help a person in need, and you have done it to me.” Jesus – Matthew 25: 40
October 16, 2012 - 7:00 PM
On September 17, 2012, DUMC held a church conference to review proposed expenditures from
the Endowment Fund. Specifically, two subjects were discussed which were:
1. Provide $28000 from the Endowment Fund as partial payment to purchase a new church bus.
The total cost of the bus is $40000 with other funds being provided by the Youth group, Tongues
of Fire, Missions Committee, and the United Methodist Women.
2. Provide $17000 as a source of remaining funds needed to complete the renovation and
enhancements planned for the Sanctuary. Total costs to complete the project are estimated to be
With over fifty members in attendance, both measures passed. The current market value of the
Endowment Fund is $269493 and after the appropriations, the balance will be $224493.
The Endowment Committee discussed at its most recent meeting, various ways to reinvigorate
the process of attracting new gifts and developing revenue streams to restore these expenditures
and grow the fund for future projects.
Since there appears to be a need for clarification of the Endowment Fund's purpose and proper
administration, the Council directed the Endowment Committee to hold an open meeting with
the congregation to solicit recommendations and propose amendments to the Endowment
Guidelines. A meeting has been set for October 16, 2012 at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
A summary of the recommendations will be presented for approval to the Church Charge
Conference scheduled for November 10, 2012. Any proposed changes will be advertised in
accordance with currently established and approved procedures.
Concerns with the Current Endowment Document:
1. Some folks consider the fund to be solely for the purpose of funding a new building. The
document simply states in regard to expenditures " providing for the FUTURE VISION of the
congregation". Furthermore, "No portion of the Fund shall be used for the annual operating
budget". Other sections direct the Endowment Committee "At no time will more than 50% of
the balance within the Fund be available for missions and/or capital improvements unless
approved by the Church Conference".
2. All actions of the Endowment Committee must be approved by a Church Conference or
Charge Conference. The Finance Committee nor the Church Council have any direction over the
fund other than to appoint temporary replacements to the committee. This is a very clumsy
approach which prohibits the Committee from reacting to sudden market changes or revising the
investment strategy in place at the time. Personally, I think oversight by the Church Council
should be sufficient.
3. A clearly defined investment strategy needs to implemented as none is currently documented.
This cannot be done without Church Conference approval but should include various percentages
allocated to certain market sectors, type of investments (bonds, stocks, mutual's, ETF's, etc.),
guidelines for domestic or international investing, etc.
4. While a money market account for the fund has been approved, none has been established.
We need to proceed with setting up an account and a budgeted amount approved for the
promotion of attracting gifts and contributions. A change would be using the money market
funds for the Endowment promotional activities without church conference approval of each
transaction. The promotional activities could include mailings, printing brochures, and
advertising to get the message out to all potential prospects.
5. One remedy could be returning all designated building fund contributions from the
Endowment Fund to the Building Fund. Leave the Building Fund in place as being for the sole
purpose of a new building. This would leave the Endowment Fund to be used for multiple
purposes as envisioned by many members. Investment earnings could be applied to each
account proportionally to the balance in each account.
Other ideas may be included with the meeting announcements. Anyone with any suggestions to
be discussed should call or email me and I will ensure that it is included on the agenda. Copies
of the Endowment Document will be available at the meeting, but if you would like a copy
before the meeting, you can call or email me a request for one at chesway@comcast.net and it
will be forwarded to you.
I hope to see everyone on October 16th.
Russ Smith,
Blessing of the Back Packs
The children received a special blessing in August of their back packs from Pastor Lisa to set the right
tone for entering the new school year. Pastor Kyle looks on in a studious manner.
lived in Edgewater Beach since 2003. Mike
is a mortgage loan officer at The
Washington Savings Bank. We have two
daughters, Beth and Kellie. Kellie is a
graduate student in school psychology at
Towson University, and Beth and her
husband, Matt, work for NSA. I love being
“Grammy” to Beth and Matt’s two children;
Addie, who turned 2 in July, and Jake, who
was born on August 17. Besides spending
time with Addie and Jake, I enjoy playing
tennis in my spare time.
I currently teach ECI, Early
Childhood Intervention, at Meade Heights
Elementary School. This is a special
education program for three and four year
olds with developmental delays. It is
equally challenging and rewarding. I have
also taught kindergarten, first, second, and
third grade as well as reading intervention.
I have been a member of the United
Methodist Church my entire life, most
recently at Mt. Zion in Lothian. The
friendly, caring atmosphere at Davidsonville
UMC reminds me of Calvary UMC, the
church in Waldorf where I grew up. I look
forward to getting to know, and being a part
of this congregation.
United Methodist Church. CrossRoads has a
special place in Joanna's heart and a great
deal of her time and spirit are dedicated
to the school as she enjoys making an
impact working with children and families
and helping her teachers to be their
best. Joanna is very thankful for her many
years of teaching and Director experience
and applies much of her knowledge and
experience to her personal life as a devoted and
loving mother to her son, Harrison, who attends
CrossRoads. Having Harrison has been a true
inspiration for Joanna to continue being part of
young children's lives. As a new member,
Joanna is excited to help DUMC grow and looks
forward to helping with the Youth Ministry!
Finding time to continue personal hobbies is a
challenge for this working mother, so she shares
her favorites, singing and running- with
Harrison! (Joanna hopes to share her singing
with the Music Ministry too!) Joanna also loves
to play the piano, read about health and fitness,
style, fashion and cosmetics and keeping up
with her blog, "My Little King"- a blog all about
Harrison and the joys and experiences of being
his mommy!
Adam Schmitt
10/12/12 – 10/14/12 – CHANGE THE WORLD
Time/Location TBD
Food, Fire, Entertainment…youth participation (last year was set-up/break-down)
10/18/12-10/20/12 – WEST RIVER SERVICE PROJECT
West River UM Camp
Details – Damon Ostis/Ken Fowler
Frederick, MD - $24
Davidsonville UMC, Time – TBA
Annapolis, MD – 7:00-9:00 AM
High School Youth
Middle School Youth
Performance Title/Times TBA
Fairfax, VA OR Philadephia, PA - $30-$45
Christian Hip-Hop/Alternative/Pop Music
Youth tackle the job of painting their room in early August.
Lone Star Chili Cook-Off
The Davidsonville United Methodist Church, Youth Mission, will be hosting the First Annual
Lone Star Chili Cook Off on November 3rd, 2012, at DUMC. The event is open to all Chili
Cooks and the proceeds with benefit DUMC Youth and Church Missions.
Chili will be served at 11:30 am and the Judging begins at High Noon. The judging
considerations for "Best Chili" will include Flavor, Texture, Consistency, and Aroma. Prizes
will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places.
Entry Fee for Chili Cook contestants' is $25.00, registration forms and the entry fee should be
received by October 20th, 2012. Each contestant will receive a DUMC Lone Star Chili Cook
Off T-shirt with their entry fee.
Entry Fee Must be
Size of T-Shirt: S M L XL XXL XXL Received By Oct. 20th
1 Paula Simpson 2 Chris Tucker
1 Alexander Ward 3 Mary Wilson
2 June Scrimgeour 4 Ryan Purcell
4 Bev Finn 4 Jenny Grow
4 Don Wilson 7 Charlie Sweet
5 Ken Fowler 8 Skip McKee
6 Barbara Cohen 10 Emily Marks
6 Jordan Hicks 10 Marie Simpson
7 Lisa Bandel 11 Izzy Lawrence
7 Kevin Reio 12 Tom Tucker
7 Herb Wilson 13 Karin Thibodeau
9 Rob Ballister 14 Ben Borchelt
11 Demi Heider 14 Liz Hopkins
16 Kaileigh Ducharme 15 Pam Durbin
16 Logan Masters 16 Eric Hollamon
16 Rita Siprak-Weill 16 Ray Weems
17 Lee Matousek 17 Trevor Baird
20 Kate Hopkins 17 Gavin Baird
23 Jodee Niemann 18 Chole Lawrence
25 Vassie Hollamon 19 Kyla Ballister
27 Steve Leonard 19 Caroline Scruggs
28 Stephanie McKeever20 Peggy Williams
29 Andrew Hirakawa 21 Branson Fowler
31 Connie Haywood 24 Monica Batterden
25 Linsey Turkett
26 Joann Smith
called Heart Gifts and is written by
Helen Steiner Rice.......
It’s not the things that can be bought that are
life’s richest treasure,
It’s just the little “heart gifts” that money cannot
of our God...
They are the things that can’t be bought with
silver or with gold,
never sold...
They are the priceless things in life for which no
one can pay,
them away.
receiver in a Stephen Ministry relationship.
There is still time to enroll in the training session
beginning October 13. Please prayerfully
consider this caring Ministry. Learn more at
http://www.stephenministries.org/ or speak with
Pastor Lisa or myself.
Peace and love, Connie
Notice The next issue of the Lamplighter scheduled to be published on or about December 1, 2012 will be the final one which we will serve as Editors. Anyone interested in assuming this rewarding function should contact Pastor Lisa. Jean & Russ Smith
27th Hopkins Sunday School Fall Festival
28th Youth Concert in Frederick MD
29th-5:30p.m. 1st Stewardship Dinner
5th-6:30p.m. CCDC Meeting
12th-6:30p.m. Trustees Meeting
13th-7:00p.m. UMW Meeting
14th- Stewardship Dinner
nothing is impossible for God.
When we live and give in this way, we position
ourselves to experience the blessings of God’s
future harvest…We are the only hands and feet
that God has to do God’s work in this world.”
The quote above is from the book “Upside
Living in a Downside Economy” by Mike
Slaughter. We will be using this book for our
discussions and lessons during our 2012
campaign dinners which will start on Monday,
October 29 th . I can already hear the “here we go
again” groans out there but stewardship is vital
to our continued life, growth and vitality as a
congregation. We had a great campaign last year
and we want to maintain our momentum by
addressing the issues that face each and every
one of us in these tough economic times.
In times like these it is necessary to not only
check our economic balance sheet but our
spiritual one as well. I hope that is what we will
accomplish together this year. I invite you all to
our dinners. You know the food and fellowship
will be great. We are always happiest when we
are together. I believe our programs will be
thought provoking and challenging. Once again I
will be encouraging the leadership of our church
to be inviting you to join them at their tables so
that we can discuss the issues that are on your
minds and questions you have about where we
are going as a congregation.
So remember these dates and circle them on
your calendar: October 29 th , November 7
th ,
Davidsonville United Methodist Church
Davidsonville Maryland 21035
Lamplighter Published – Bi-Monthly And
Special Issues As Necessary
Editor: Jean Smith / jeanline@comcast.net
Submission of material for the Lamplighter does
not guarantee publication and is subject to editing