Dawn Zimmer Choice Flier

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Hoboken Change that Works618 Washington St.Hoboken, NJ 07030 PAID


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look at the facts:

~ Only Dawn Zimmer opposed Mayor Roberts' budget and exposed$11 million dollars in unaccounted for over-spending. As Mayor, she willput an end to budget gimmicks, restore fiscal responsibility and reducethe tax burden. Peter Cammarano supported every Roberts' budget putbefore him, and defends doing so to this day.

~ Only Dawn Zimmer is standing up against costly overdevelopment,leading the fight against the out-of-scale New Jersey Transit and WesternEdge Redevelopment Projects. Peter Cammarano has consistentlysupported large scale redevelopment projects that have raised our taxesand threatened our quality of life.

~ Only Dawn Zimmer voted against the PILOT tax abatement for the ownersof Church Towers, opposing the measure because it continued tax subsidiesfor people earning over $100,000 a year and provided no real safeguards forresidents who need affordable housing. Peter Cammarano voted to givethe owners of Church Towers a "blank check."

Dawn Zimmer lor MaJorChange that Works for All Hoboken