Dbaii Rman Recovery

Post on 06-Oct-2015

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dba rman recovery


RMAN Complete Recovery
After completing this lesson, you should be able to do
the following:
• Restore datafiles to different locations
• Relocate and recover a tablespace by using archived
redo log files
Restoration and atafile Media Recovery
(sing RMAN
using the RMAN RESTORE command
• Recover files by using the RMAN RECOVER  command
(sing RMAN to Recover a atabase
in ARC"#$%&O' Mode
(sing the Recovery *i+ard
(sing RMAN to Restore atafiles
to a New &ocation
datafile to the new location
• (se the SWITCH command to record the change in
the control file
Restoring to a New &ocation
(sing RMAN to Recover a -ablespace
(se the following RMAN commands to restore and
recover a tablespace:
&0 a0ter ta*0e&2a3e -&er& ++0%ne %mme$%ate4;
  re&tre ta*0e&2a3e -&er&;
  re35er ta*0e&2a3e -&er&;
  &0 a0ter ta*0e&2a3e -&er& n0%ne4;
-ablespace Recovery
(sing RMAN to Relocate a -ablespace
• (se the SET NEWNAME command to restore the files
• (se the SWITCH command to record the new names
in the control file
the datafiles of the tablespace
• Recover a database in ARC"#$%&O' mode
• Restore datafiles to different locations if the original
location is unavailable
!ractices /01/ and /012 Overview
-hese practices cover the following topics:
• (sing RMAN to recover a tablespace
• (sing RMAN to recover relocated datafiles