· PDF file02/06/2014 · pertinent DBM Circulars and issuances. 3.0 Coverage _.~II...

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Department of JusticeManila


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l.ML-MC-07.1\ J4-.~" \

MEMORANDl1M CIRCULAR NO. 002TO AU Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries,

Directors, Division/Section Chiefs, RegionalProsecutors, Provincial/City Prosecutors, StateCounsels, WPSBP, BOC, sere, JJWC, OADRIACAT, Office for Competition, and All OtherOfficials and Employees concerned.

SUBJECT Department of Budlget and Management (DBM)Circular Letter No. 2013-16 dated23 December 2013

DATE 07 January 2014iI;


Attached is a copy of Department of Budget and Management(DBM) Circular Letter No. 2013-16 dated 23 December 2013 "relative tothe Implementation of the Expanded Modified Direct PaymentScheme (ExMDPS) For Accounts Payable Due Creditors/Payees ofAll National Government Agencies.

-Thesalient features of the DBM Circular Letter are as follows:

'. To provide guidelines 'in the use of the ExMDPS for paymentof Accounts Payable (AlPs) due creditors/payees of allNational Government Agencies (NGAs )/Operating Units(OUs);

• Prescribe the List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable'(LDDAP) as accountable form to be used by NGAs/OUsunder the ExMDPS;

. ...• Delineate the responsibilities of NGAs/OUs, ModifiedDisbursement System (MDS) - Government Service Banks(GSBs) and DBM relative to the adoption of the ExMDPS;and

• Amend/reiterate the policies and procedures prescribed underthe pertinent DBM Circulars and issuances.

---- For your information and guidance.

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December 23 , 2013

TO : All Heads of Department~, Agencies and Other. O~, of the, NationalGovernment. Budget Officers and Heads of ~untlng Units, COAAuditors, Heads of Modified Disbursement System-Government ServicingBanks (MDS-GSB), and' All Others Concerned '.

SUBJECT : Implementation of-the Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme(ExMDPS) For Accounts Payable Due Creditors/Payees of AllNational Government Agencies (NGAs)

1.0 Background

Presently, the National Government uses two (2) schemes for payment ofAccounts Payables (AlPs): 1) the Common Fund Scheme where payment ismade through issuance of MDS checks, and 2) the Direct Payment Scheme(DPS) via bank debit system, through issuance of Advice to Debit Account'(ADA),

The second scheme has two 'variants: 1) the DPS whereby direct payment to thecreditors' accounts is effected by MDS-GSB, upon receipt from the agency ofthe ADA based 011 the Advice Of Notice of Cash Allocation Issued (ANCAI) fromDBM; and 2) the Modifie~rDisbursement Payment System (MOPS) whe ebydirect payment to the creditors' account is effected by the MDS-GSB, uponreceipt from the DBM of the agency's ADA integrated in the .List of Due andDemandable NP (LDDAPJ:


in 2004, the MOPS was initially implemented in selected departments tofacilitate settlement of, accounts payables due their external creditors, removethe discretion in the 'payment of. AlP and" ensure predictability of resourceallocation to these creditors. The departments/agencies, i.e., DPWH, DEPED,DOH, CI:IED, SlJGS; and: DOLE-TESDA .were. covered by the decentralizedrelease 'procedures of the DBM.

The MOPS has contributed to the substanttal reduction of agencies' due anddemandable AiPs and has minimized the volume of outstanding checks, Inaddition. said scheme has addressed cash programming concerns relative toresource predictability requirements by providing specific schedule of payments.

Effective January 1, 2014, the. ExMOPS shall be adopted for the settlement ofAlPs due creditors/payees of all NGAs and their operating units (GUs),Chargeable against their Common Fund.

2. i To provide guidelines in the use of the ExMDPS for payment of AlPs duecreditors/payees of all NGAs/OUs;

2.0 Purpose

2.2 To prescribe the LDDAP-ADA as an accountable form to be used byNGAs/OUs under the ExMDPS;

2.3 To delineate the responsibiiities of NGAs/OUs, MDS-GSBs and DBMrelative to the adoption of the ExIVlDPS; and

.. 2.4 To amend/reiterate the policies and procedu res prescribed under thepertinent DBM Circulars and issuances.

3.0 Coverage

_.~II NG/\s/OUs relative to the payment of their due and demandable AlPs,lncludinq pension benefits.

4.0 Exclusion


Payment for Terminal Leave and Retirement Gratuity (TURG) benefits which isgovernEd by Republic Act .No. 10154 as implemented by Civil ServiceComrnissio Resolution No. 1300237 and Budget Circular No. 2013-'1.

5.0 Definition of Terms

The following terms as defined and used under existing guidelines are herebyreiterated or modified for purposes of this Circular:

5.1 Accounts Payable (AlPs) - refer to valid and legal obligations ofNGA:sfOUs, for which, goods/services/projects have been:delivered/rendered/completed and accepted, regardless of the year whenthese obligations were incurred (i.e., current year or previous years).

5.2 Advice to Debit Account (ADA) • refers to an authorization issued bythe NGNOU appearing in the lower portion of the LDDAP. It serves asinstruction to the MDS-GSB to debit a specified amount from its availableNotice of Cash Allocation (NCA) balance under the regular MDS sub-account for payment of creditors/payees thru the MOPS.

5.3 Gommon Fund Scheme .. refers to the budgetary policy whereby cashallocation released to NGAs/OUs under the regular MDS sub-accountlI@Y be. used to cover payment of current year and prior years' AlPs ofcreditors/payees, after satisfying those programmed obligations asreflected/considered in the Monthly Disbursement Program (MDP),Budget Execution Document No.3 per National Budget Circular No. 550.

5.4 CredltorsjPayees - refers to internal and external creditors/payees of theNGAJOU, as enumerated but not limited to the following:



5.4.'1 Internal creditors/payees, enumerated but not limited to thefollowing: Employees of the department or agency; Other NGAs; Government corporations, such as Government ServiceInsurance System, PHILHEAl.TH, Home DevelopmentMutual Fund, and others; . Local government units; Utility companies,such as: supplier of petroleum, oil andlubricants, water, illumination and power services,telephone, internet and other communication services,insurance and rents; Right-of-way (ROW) claimants; and' Others, such as:o Government scholars:o Service providers,' such as janitorial, security

services, contracted services; ando Non-regular suppliers/contractors of the agency, with

one-time transactions regardless of the amount ofclaim.

5.4.2 External creditors/payees, referring to creditors of NGAs/OUs notamong those enumerated under item 5.4.1.

5.5 List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable with Advice to DebitAccount (LDDAP-ADA) - refers to an accountable form integrating theADA with the LDDAP which is a list reflecting th~ names ofcreditors/payees to be paid by the NGA/OU and the correspondingamounts of their unpaid claims, duly certified and approved by the headsof the accounting unit and the agency, or authorized officials.

5.6 Llst of Not Yet Due and Demandable Obligations (LNYDDO) .. refers'-foB list reflecnng-the~NGAle\j ebliqatione-oharged against prior years'budget for which, goods, services, and projects are not yet delivered,rendered, nor completed/accepted as of December 31 of the precedingyear.

5.7 Letter of lntroductlon (LOI) - refers to a letter addressed to the MOS··GSB, issued by the NGNOU to its creditors/payees for the purpose ofopening an account or validation of an existing account.

5.8 Modified Disbursement System, Government Servicing Banks (MOS-GSBs) - refer to the authorized government servicing banks, such asLand Bank of the Philippines (LBP), Development Bank of thie Philippines(OBP), and Philippine Veterans Bank (PVB), to which DBM issues theNCAs for crediting to theMDS sub-accounts of NGAs.

5.9 Expanded Modified Direct Payment Scheme (ExMDPS) - refers to thepayment procedure whereby the MOS-GSB shall pay thecreditors/payees listed in the LDDAP-AOA not later than A8. hours but notearlier than U hours upon receipt of the said document from theNGAIOU, thru:

"5.B. -I Direct credit to the creditor's currentisavings/A TM account

(CAJSA/ATM) maintained with the MDS-GS8; or

5.9.2 Bank transfer, if creditor's account, is maintained outside theaqency's MDS-GSB, where corresponding bank charges shall beborne/paid by the creditor/payee concerned.

:5.10 Monthl)' Disbursement Program (MOP) - refers to the monthlybreakdown of the total disbursement requirements of the NGA/OU for thefiscal year corresponding to its commitments and obligations.


--- 5.'1'l National Government Agencies (NGAs) - refers to entities whichperform functions not normally undertaken by the private sector, whollydependent on the government for their budgetary requirements. Theseinclude departments, agencies and their operating units.

5.12 Operatlnq Units (OUs) - refers to an "agency" receiving NCAs directlyfrom DBIVI.

6.0 GeneralGuidelines

6.1 The following budgetary policies on the treatment of AlPs sHall continueto be observed:

6.1.-1 Only valid and lega\ AlPs (i.e., obligations incurred by the NGA/OUwithin the prescriptive period of the covering allotment and coveredby an approved contract with specific creditors/suppliers) for which,~~loods/servicesfprojects have been delivered/rendered/completedand accepted, shall be considered for payment.

6.1 ..2 Obligations, for which goods/services/projects have not yet beendelivered/rendered/comoletedby the creditor and accepted by theNGAJOU, shall not be recorded as AlPs at the end of the year.These obligations shall only be recognized as AlPs on the date ofdelivery/rendition/completion and acceptance of theOoods/services/projects, regardless of the year of incurrence ofsuch obligations.

6."1.2.1 Pursuant to NBC No. 550, all NGAs/OUs shall submitthe MOP to DBM-CO/ROs on or before November 30 ofeach year. Said IVlOP shall reflect those not yet due anddemandable obligations cited under item 6.1.2 above,projected to become AlPs during the budget year,computed as the sum of actual AlPs as of Septemberand the estimated obliqation for the fourth quarter,

:3.~1.2.2 Said data shall serve as basis in determining themonthly NCA level to be released to cover these prior

·" .Ei.6.1 DBM shall include in the comprehensive f\lCAs the requirements

for the payment of A/Ps as reflected in the MOP for FY 2014. TheMDP also includes the requirements for the settlement of prioryears' not yet due and demandable obligations.

6.6.2 DBM shall issue additional NCAs in the following cases: The Common Fund balance is insufficient to coveroutstanding obligations/due and demandable AlPs of theagency; and Cash requirements corresponding to additional allotmentreleases chargeable against special purpose funds, e.g ..,Calamity Fund, e-Gov, etc., if necessary.

67 DBM shall release NCAs directly to GUs of agencies including those cashrequirements corresponding to the transferred allotments representing the

- OUst share or allocation from lump-sum funds and centrally-managed. items (eM!s) within the aqency specific budgets fleshed out during budget

execution. The issuance of Notice of Transfer of Allocation (NTA) shall be .discouraged.

6.8 In support of prospective implementation of the Treasury Single Account,validation of the MDSsub-·accounts of all NGAsl0Us shall be undertakenby the DBM and BTr together with the MDS-GSB.

6.9 For the payment of TLIRG benefits, NCAs corresponding to the pertinentSARO issued shall continue to be credited to the NGNOU's special MDSsub-account being maintained solely for the purpose. All other existingprovisions under DBM Budget Circular No. 2013·-1 shall remain in force.

7_0 Specific Guidelines and Responsibilities

7.1 NGAs/OUs shall:

7.1.1 Require their creditors to furnish them with their respective bankaccount numbers and bank branches to which the amounts forrelease shall becredited.

/.1.2 Observe tile followinq policies and procedures in preparing theLDDAP-ADA: Take extra effort in providing accurate information, i.e.,creditor's name, bank account number/branch based onthe validated LOI. The NGA/OU shall ensure that themirror image approach re: creditor's name is adopted toavoid cases of typographical errors and subsequentdelays in crediting of funds. Arrange the LDDAP-ADi\ on a "first-in, first-out" (FIFO)basis, that is according to the date of receipt by theNGAlOU of the creditor's billings with completesupporting documents.

, .,',

7'.1.2.3 Prepare separate LDOAP~ADA for creditors/payees withCA/SA maintained with other banks outside theNGA/OU'sMDS-GSB. Example: The MDS-GSB of theNGA/OU is LBP, but some of its creditors aremaintaining accounts with DBP, PVB and private banks.One LDDAP shall be prepared for creditors with LBPaccounts, while separate LDDAPs shall be prepared forthose with accounts outside LSP.

7.12.4 Adopt the following coding structure in nurnberinq theLDDAP with signed ADA,

Fund Category COdE) "MonthSeries for the monthYear


I10 001 20'13


!____ .--I

"consistent with the Unified Accounts CodeStructure per DOF-DBM-COA Joint Circular No,2013··1.

7.1.:(~5 Each page of the LDDAP-AOA shall be takenindependently, with amounts of claims added and dulycertified by NGA/OU officials concerned as follows:

Agency Head/Authorized Official

"l hereby assume full responsibility for the veracityand accuracy of the listed cleims» and theauthenticity of the supporting documents submittedby the claimants,"

Head oJ Agency Accounting Unit -'.- .


~'Ihereby warrant that the above List of Due endDemandable Accounts Payable was prepared inaccordance with existing budgeting, accountingand auditing rules and regulations. "

]'.1.2.6 Furnish creditor/payees the LDDAP-ADA number forpurposes of inquiries on the status of their claims.

,',1.3 In case of insufficient balance of its Common Fund under regularMDS Account, submit a request for release of additional NCj\ tocover payment to creditors/payees to the following DBM offices: For sues and Regional Offices (RO) of DPWH, DOH,OepEd, CHED, TESDA, MMDA and PRRC -- to theirDBM RO counterparts; and

" For Central Offices of the NGAs/OUs and other entities -to the Budget and Management Bureau concerned in theDBM-CO.

7. '1.4 Consistent with auditing regulations, remind their creditors/payeesof the following: Automatic issuance of evidence of receipt of payment 10rdisbursement thru official receipts (ORs), whether:

o in electronic form consistent with COA Circular No.2004-006 dated September 9, 2004 or in paper,upon crediting of payment to their respective bankaccounts: or .....

o provisional receipt once creditors are included in theLDDAP-ADA, subject to replacement of ORimmediately after actual receipt of payment.

7.1,4.2 Non-issuance of ORs may be a ground for referral to theBureau of lnternat Revenue (BIR) for violation ofregulations.

7.1.5 Post on its website the following: The LDDAP-ADA numbers endorsed for direct paymentto the :MDS-GSB. This will serve as notice to thecreditors/payees concerned on the status of their claims. Agency's established procedures in processing A/Ps asreflected in Its Cmzen's Charter, i.e., through C!nUWcilcillincluding the timelines.

"12 TlheIDBM shall:

"1.2.1 Include in the comprehensive NCAs, requirements of NGAs/OUsfor payment of due and demandable AlPs corresponding to therequired amount as indicated in the suBmitted Mnp

7.2.2 Post on its website www.dbm.gov.ph. the MOP of the NGA/OU andthe total amount of NCAs issued to NGAs/OUs.

"7.3 The MDS-GSB shall:

7.3.1 Prior to implementation of this Circular in January 1, 2014, provideDBM on or before Decernber15, 2013, with a complete list of MDSaccounts being maintained by all NGAs/OUs, inclusive of regular,special and trust accounts, classified according to status, i.e.,active or dormant (no transactions for at least one year), byd8pditmentJagency/OU.

7.3.2 Upon receipt of the NCA, credit the same to the NGA/OU's regularMDS sub-account. Consistent with the creditors included in theLDDAP-ADA forwarded by the NGAfOU, the MDS-GSB shall effect

payment thru the MOPS not earlier than 24 hours but not later than48 hours after receipt of the said document.

7.3.;:~ In the case of far-flung location of certain MDS-GSB branches asspecifically identified by the MDS-GSB Head Office (wherefax/wire/cable cannot be used), the MDS-GSB HOJRO concernedshall monitor the direct payments to be made by these branches.

..The reckoning time for the crediting will be the actual receipt by thesaid specific MDS-GSB branch, of the copy of the LDDAP-ADAsent via pouch, from either its MDS-GSB HO, i.e., for DBM COreleases, for MDS-GSB RO branch, i.e., for DBfVI RO releases.

7.3.4 On the next banking day, provide the NGAJOU concerned withcopy of the duly validated/posted ADA, to inform the NGA/OU ofthe following: . Direct payments effected in favor of creditors, i.e.,machine validation shown in the lower portion of the saiddocument; and Non-payments to' creditors/payees indicated under"remarks" column,· due to any inconsistency ofinformation (i.e., bank branch, account name/number)between bank records and LDDAP-ADA.

7.3.!i Provide the BTr Head Office (Asset Management Service), or itsnearest Regional/District/Provincial Office, a copy of the receivedLDDAP-ADA from the agency on the same day of receipt of saiddocument, to provide advance information on the cashrequirements of agencies.

8.0 Changes/corrections in the names of creditors shall be pursuant to thefollowing guidelines:

8.1 The NGAJOU head or his/her representative shall be the sale authority inapproving any correction .in the names of creditors/payees and incertifying the consistency in the identity of its creditors/payees.

8.2 Corrections shall be made through a letter authority to the MDS-GSB tobe signed by the NGNOU head or his authorized representative who aresignatories in the LDDAP-AOA.

8. 3 Only the following corrections shall be allowed:

8.3.'1 Change of one letter in the name of creditorlretiree, e.g., a to 0;

8.3.2 Abbreviations used in the business name, e.g., Co. to Company;Inc. to Incorporated or vice-versa;

8.3.3 Correction in the name of creditor/retiree referring to one and thesame person or company, Examples:

o Change in family name as a result of change in status;/

o Omission of "Jr." or "Sr." from the name of creditor or"Company/Incorporated, Co./lnc." for the business name.

8.3.4 In cases of non-payment due to errors not falling under theallowable typographical errors enumerated above, the NGA/OUconcerned shall include the creditors/payees concerned in thesucceeding LODAP ..ADA to be prepared. If the l..DDAP-ADA issued covers only onecreditor/payee, it can be cancelled. In case of multiple payees per one (1) ADA, theprovisions of item of this circular shall prevail.

8.4 In the event that a creditor/payee dies after the NCA has been issued andhis claim for payment of AlP is still being precessed by the NGA, the lattershall pay the amount due to the heirs. The payment of the same, shall behonored by the MDS-GSB provided the documents cited below aresubmitted by the NGA/OU to the MDS-GSB:

8.4.1 Copy of the death certificate of creditor/payee;

8.4.2 Judicial or Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate; and'

8.4.3 Other documents as may be required by the MDS-GSB.

... 9.0 .Reporting Requirements

9.1 NGNOUs shall prepare and submit a Monthly Report of Disbursements(MRD) to DBM on or before the 30th day follpwing the quarter coveredby the report as prescribed under D8M-COkJoint Circular No. 2013-1 .

•9.2 The MDS-GSBs shall provide DBM with a monthly report on l\leAs

credited and utilized per MDS accounts of NGA/OUs by fund on or beforethe 2nd working day following the month covered by the report. Saiddata will be used by DBM in validating the actual NCAs disbursernents ofNGAs/OUs reported per MRD.

10.0 Accountability

Payment of claims shall be subject to existinq accounting and auditing rules andregulations.

11.0 Saving/Repealing Clause

'11.1 Provisions of existing circulars, which are not consistent with theseguidelines are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly;

'11.2 Cases not covered by this Circular shall be referred to the DBIVI Secretaryfor resolution.


. "


12.0 Effectivity

These guidelines shall take effect starting January 1, 20'14 .

-±-2"'=~ ,_\ _.._,~.""""".'"~"' ..• /...- .......-..••... ~

FLORENCIO B. ABAD. , ,Secretary-=>V'






__ "_.__ ..__ ~.!:!..~OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (LDDAP)<' :.""CREDITOR -,--- \n P"so'>----=r:-. PREF£:RRI:D SERVICING-' Obligation ALLOThlENT /"-._-

BANKISAVINGS/CURRENT .~CCT. Request No. (C~\AS~S) ,GMROO AMOUNAME NO. per,..!---'-"..;.:.:.=' ._--- --- --- --_.

- ,,--55

wm<HO'~" iN"'UNT GTAX



p p

I. Current Year NPs


j.I Sub-total


1\.?r1or Years' NP:;

Sub-total It--:;:TO=T~A""L'---- -----------=r=I hereby warrant tJ\at thel above Ust 01 Due andDemandable NPs was prepared In accordance wll!,existing budgeting. accounting and auditing rules aYldreguIaUOIlS.

I hereby assume full responsibility for the veracity and accuracof the ft6ted claims, and tho avtl1enU~lty of the supportingdocuments as submitted by the claimants.

Certified Correct: Approved:

---------. --Head of Agency orAuthOt1zed Officlai

Head of Accountlng Unit

U.ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNT {A~~' --.---------To MDS'{)S8 of the AoencyPlease debit MDS Sub· Account Number:Please credit the accounts of the above IIsled creditors to cover payment of accounts payable (AlPs).

pTOTAL AMOUNT: ---------_._--_ ..( In WOrds)

Agency I\uthorlrea SignatorIes

2.1. ------_ .._----_._--( Erasures sileR invalidS/I) /hIs document)


InstrucUOfls:1. Agency shalf Ilrnmql) the creditors on a "(usl-in, flfSt--out" basis, tflst Is according to the aste of receipt of supplJer'slcreditor's IJilli%',

duly supported WIlI1 complete oocomems.2, MDS-GSB br8n<;h conoemod shllll indfcsf9 wJd8r 'Ramarks' column, non-paymenTs made 10 concerned Grsdilrxs due 10 Inconsistency

In {n'oana/fan (croci/lor account !>ame.number) between LDDAP-ADA and bani, records.;NoTES: . '. - .Tlto LDDAP.ADA Is an an BCGOunlalJle form LODAP-ADA NO. __ .._


--==r----- .....:..

Nf"'""- -----FOR




= -









Electronic Peso Clearing System (EPCS) Active Participantsa5 of June 39, 2913

. Bank Routing Symbol Trans~t Numbe~





131032··001·3e107<'H301- S01053-066-7e107o··~Hn-301067'·11131-9011312-0131-961114-0(11- 4e1044··e~11-6

. I

€11004--001-801063··381-7131046-601-2131072-01311010HH301-301069-002-88113137-001-7e1865-eel-381859·-1381-8e1e62.-0@1-4131064->301-60HH36-@01-4e1056-001-9Elle,l-tHH -8(31035-002-5011122-601-6131026-999-601116-001-20H111-001-681007-001-0010139-003-9elleZ.8-mn -4eIe14-0~n -5011305-001-1611:l29-999-5~na41-999-S611333-001-6131027-034-1e1094-001·1e1107-BGl-6

" .:.,

** Effective July 1';. 2013. Allied Bank Corporation shall cease to participate in the EC?S Netting Operation. As such, all ECPStransactions intended for Allied Banking Corporation must be directed to Philippine Niltiona! Bank using BRSnl 01008-001·0



Agenc.y Control No. _

Name of Agency: .._Address

LEITER OF INTRODUCTION (lOl)Direct Payment to the Account of the Creditor/Payee

To: The Branch Manag!i:IM.QS Government 5ervidng Bank BranchAddress of MDS-G$B B!j.!och


In 1U'fe With-t:he-Impfementation of the revised procedure for payment of accounts payable (AlPs), prescribed underthe Department of BtKl~let and Management Circular Letter No. dated __ --' 2013, we ore endorsing toyou Name of Creditor/Company, an authorized creditor/supplier/contractor/payee of . Name of CorDpany withbusiness address at__ . __ to open an account or v~rify an existing account.

By: (Agency Authorized Offidal)

Signature over Printed Name

To be accomplished by the MDS-GSBBranch

D Opening of AccountD Individual Account

E'=3 SavjngS/ATM Account Number_.. Current Account Number

o Company Account

E-'-J SaviitgsjA n'vf Account Number=:=J Cu~nt Accouo: Number

[=:J Verification of Existing Account


Inaivtdus! Savings/A TN Account Numbertnaivtaus! Current Account NumberCompany Savings/ATM Account NumberCompany Current Account Number

Authorized/Valldated By: ~Autllorized Official

Signature OVer Printed Name

Instructions:1. The agency shall provide each creditor/payee, LOI addressed to the MDS-GSBbranch, for either of the following

purposes:Opening of CAjSN ATM. witl1 any branch of its MOS-GS8Validation of existing CA/SA/ATM maintained with any branch of its MDS-GSB

2. Validation shall be made by the agency's MDS-GSBonly in cases where the creditor/payee opts to open an account withany branch other than the agency's MDS-GSB.

3. TIle MDS-GSBbrancn where the creditor/payee has opened/maintained an account shall provide the agency with a copy.__ -,-_O_f the d~lyacr:~mpfished/validated 1.01.