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A Simple Report For Adsense Newbies

Scott Soloff

copyright 2007

I get emails about adsense . People wonder whether it is it possible to do $3.00 or $5.00 or more a day. The answer is yes.

There are many reports and ebooks on this subject.Some are very good. In my report there isn’t anything really new, it’s just the way I put it together.

Basically, this is a simple, low cost and effective wayto get started. Using this material will get you indexed very quickly, ranked high in the search engines and get plenty of free, organic traffic.

You will get clicks and start making money in a couple of days. It’s really that simple.

After that just set up some more sites. When you make a few bucks you can invest in some software and automate the process.

By the way, the secret ingredient to making this successful is work. Study anybody who is doing this for real and you’ll see that their secret ingredient is plain, old fashion work.


Scott Soloff

Step 1

Find a niche (subject) for your website. There are many ways to do this but we’re going to cheat (and I’ll show you why).

What you want to do is join PLR Pro, a monthly membership site which provides 440 articles across 11 niches.

Yes, this is going to cost money ($97.00) but it isgoing to make your life so much easier. There are ways to do this for nothing and we’ll discuss them later.

This is what PLR Pro offers that is so important. 11 niches with 40 articles each. Keyword research andaffiliates for this niche. There’s more, but for the moment this is what counts for our purposes.

Step 2

Next is keyword research. We’re going to use an actual article pack from PLR Pro to make an actual site.

The article pack we’re going to use is ‘anxiety’. We go over to google’s keyword tools to get an idea of what they’re paying. https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal

The keyword ‘anxiety’ is averaging about $2.00. Not horrible. Remember though, google isn’t going to pay us that much, not in the beginning anyway.

We’re dealing with two types of keywords. The main keyword is most likely, but not always, going to be our high paying keyword. To some extent we’ll use these on our site.

Long tail keywords are more descriptive. They have less searches and therefore less competition. Long tail keywords will drive traffic to our site.

Step 3

We’ll open up the ‘anxiety’ article pack from PLR Pro.It looks like this:

Now open up anxiety-final.xls.

Here you’ll find Wordtracker keyword research. This is where you’ll find about 1000 related keywords ranging from the most searched to the least. What we need is a long tail keyword with at least two searches daily that we can build an article around. (Overture results are usually underestimated). In this example we’re going to start with the third one down ‘anxiety dealing depression’.

Step 4

Let’s head over to google and put ‘anxiety dealing depression’ into the search box.

As you can see this returned about 1,190. We’re looking for about 1000 or under and this is close enough.

It should be no problem to rank on the first page of google with this keyword.

Step 6

Open Articles-Word-Version.

The second article down is titled anxiety and depression. This is close to our keyword, so we’ll rewrite the article, kind of.

Step 7

Open this article.

Next, go up to the drop down menu, edit, scroll down and click on find.

Enter anxiety and depression into the find what box.

Enter anxiety dealing depression into the replace with box.Click on Replace All.

Now we have to edit the article slightly so that is coherent.For example, the title now reads-Dealing With Anxiety Dealing Depression. This doesn’t make too much sense. Change this to Anxiety Dealing Depression. This isn’t much better but for search engines it will do the trick.

Go through the article and edit in a similar fashion to make it readable.

Step 8

Time to make the website. We going to use Blogger. It has pros and cons, but for us it’s very useful.

No cost for domain names. Owned by google so it’s quickly indexed and spidered frequently. No knowledge of html required. Set up as many sites as you wish and they’re free.

On the other hand, google can take them away any time they want. But if you play by the rules, they won’t.

Go here:https://www.blogger.com/start

Click on create your blog now.

Fill out this page and click continue.

Here you’re asked for the blog title and blog url. We can either choose a main keyword for profitability or a long tail keyword for search engine rankings.

Let’s see, I say…long tail word. Let’s be lazy and use the same one as our first article-‘anxiety dealing depression’. We’ll use some high paying keywords in just a moment.

So, the title of the blog is Anxiety Dealing Depression. Not exactly the king’s English, but it will get us traffic and pr.

Now for the blog address (url) type in http://anxiety-dealing-depression.blogspot.com (with the hyphens).Check availability (it checks) and click continue.

Choose a template-just click continue (we’re just going to change it later).

Next page says “Your blog has been created”. Click “start posting”.

You’ll see three tabs-click on ‘Settings’.

The first line already shows the title.

Next is the Description box. In here we’re going to describe our blog with high paying keywords. These will act as our meta tags.

Go back to your google keyword tool and select a few of the higher paying keywords that are relevant. In this example our description will read like this:

“Anxiety Dealing Depression provides useful articles and resources about anxiety help, anxiety depression, anxiety treatments, anxiety medications and anxiety disorder.”

Click on save settings.

Click on formatting and just set your time zone and save settings.

Click on comments, enter your email address and save.

Site feed, select short for Allow Blog Feed. Save.

Under email, enter your email address and save.

That’s it. Return to the tabs and click on Template.

Below the Template tab-click on Pick New Template. Click save template.

Choose minima lefty and click save template.

This is what you’ll have-

Well, don’t quit now, you’re almost there!

Step 9

Removing the blogger bar:

Click on ‘Edit Html’ and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Find this:

/** Page structure tweaks for layout editor wireframe */body#layout #header { margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px;

Insert this:

#navbar-iframe{ height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }

So it looks like this:

/** Page structure tweaks for layout editor wireframe */#navbar-iframe{ height:0px; visibility:hidden;

display:none }body#layout #header { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px;

Hit save template and return to page elements.

Now we’re going to do something strange. We already have header but no picture. Don’t take out the present header because it serves as an h1 tag and the meta tags.

What we’re going to do is place the picture header under the present one. There’s a reason for this and I’ll show you later.

Click on the long ‘add a page element’ at the bottom of the page and you’ll see this:

On the left hand side third down it say Picture. Click on ‘add to blog’.

You’ll get this:

Click the browse button. Find the PLR Pro pack for anxiety. Click on the the graphics file and then click onthe anxiety.jpg. Hit save changes.

This is what you’ll get:

Now this is a drop and drag system. It’s almost idiot proof. Left click your mouse on the long bottom rectangle that says ‘Picture’. Drag it up to under the top rectangle that says ‘Anxiety Dealing Depression’. Save changes.

It will look like thus:

Just for fun, click on preview and you’ll see what we haveso far:

Not too shabby. We’re making progress.

Now, under the template tab click on fonts & colors.It will look like this:

This is where we’ll start to match the colors on our site.

In this case we’ll leave backround color as white.

Text color stays black.

Link color-click on the link color box to the left.Go over to the color palette on the right and choose one of

the brighter blues.

For blog title color, blog description color, post description color, and border color I’ve selected a rusty red to match the word anxiety in the photo header.

Visited color link is purple. Save changes.This is what you’ll see.

Click on page elements.

Step 10

Time to incorporate Adsense. If you don’t have an Adsense account, apply through your blog.

On your template page, click on either ‘add a page element’. When that box opens click on the adsense link. Follow the directions.

Once you’ve been accepted-go here:https://www.google.com/adsense/login/en_US/?sourceid=aso&subid=ww-en-ha-


Sign in to your account.

Click on the Adsense Setup tab and find yourself here:

Click on Adsense for Content:

Tic on Ad unit and change to Text ads only, continue.

Format: 728x90 LeaderboardTitle color: Click on the little color box next to the title #.

Select the same rusty red we’ve been using. Continue.

Finally, the reason we’re here and not doing this in blogger. Ad channels.

This gives us the ability to track where our adsense income is coming from.

Click on Add new channel. Type anxiety (just our example, insert your own keyword) in the pop up box and continue.

This is your adsense javascript. Right click, select all. Right click, copy. That’s it, for now.

Return to blogger.

Click on the large rectangle at the bottom that say ‘Add A Page Element’.

We’re not going to open the Adsense box.

Click on the HTML/Javascript box where it says: Add to Blog.

We’re doing this because we generated our own code from google in order to include the channel code.

In the content box, right click and paste. Save changes.

At the bottom of the page:

Left click on the rectangle ‘HTML/Javascript’.

Drag it to under the ‘Picture’ rectangle near the top.

Hit save. Click Preview. This is it.

Return to adsense (hope you didn’t close your page).

Click the Back button (not the Back to Adsense Setup).On the next page do the same (this is to save your settings) and you’ll be back here:

Change the format to 120x600 Skyscraper. Hit continue, next page hit continue, and on the third page highlight and copy your code. Return here:

Click on the small ‘Add a Page Element’.Click on HTML/Javascript:

Right click and paste-save changes:

Hit save and then hit preview:

This is what you’ll see:

Nicely done, we’re almost there.

Step 11

That article we used in Step 7, it goes here.

Go up to the tabs and click on posting and arrive here:

1-Copy and paste your title here.

2-Copy and paste your article here.

3-Put your long tail keyword here-in this case ‘anxiety dealing depression’.

Click on publish post.

Click on View blog (in a new window) and you’ll find your brand new blog on the internet.

Very nice, but we ain’t done yet.

One last step for this section. The RSS generator, go here:http://www.justinpfister.com/gnewsfeed.cfm?q=easter&output=ATOM&ned=us&lang=en

Enter your keyword into the Search Query and hit create RSS:

Click on the google feed:

Copy the feed from here:

Return to Page elements on blogger and click on the lower ‘Add a Page Element’.

Click on ‘Feed’:

Add your RSS feed here and click continue:

This is what you’ll get-save changes.

Hit view blog:

And you have your very own RSS thing.

Congratulations, you have completed Part 1.

Part II: Indexing & Traffic

This next section is about quick indexing and driving free traffic to our site.

Step 1

Our first stop is technorati: Go here http://technorati.com/ and sign up. Once you have an account go to the lower left hand corner and click ‘claim your blog’.

Enter your blog url and hit ‘begin claim’.

Choose ‘quick claim’.

Enter your blogger name and password. Hit quick ‘claim now’.

Now enter:

1- Your blogs description.2- Go back to google and get 20 high paying keywords

and enter them here.

Scroll down:

Save the ‘Widget Code’ to notepad.Scroll to the end and click ‘Save Blog Info’.

Return to Blogger, click add ‘Add a Page Element’, click HTML/Javascript and paste the code from technorati.Save changes.

Now left click on the top ‘HTML/Javascript’ box and drag it below the ‘About Me’ box. Click save.

This is what it looks like:

Step 2

Go to Yahoo.Click on My Yahoo and create an account.

Click on ‘add content’.

Click on ‘Add RSS by url’.

Now, type in ‘yoururl.atom.xml’. This is you RSS feed for your site. In our example it would be http://anxiety-dealing-depression.blogspot.com/atom.xml.

Click ‘add’.

Create accounts at Google and Netscape.com and repeatthis process.

Step 3

Go to Bloglines and create an account:http://www.bloglines.com/login?r=/myblogs

Click ‘Add’:

Same thing, type in ‘yoururl.com/atom.xml’. In this case it’s http://anxiety-dealing-depression.blogspot.com/atom.xml. Hit subscribe.

Tic this box and hit subscribe at the bottom of the page.

Step 4Create an account at StumbleUpon here:http://www.stumbleupon.com/sign_up.php

Go here to install a stumbleupon bar:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/138

Once you bar is installed, open up you website in your browser. Highlight the first line or two or your artilcle and click ‘I like it’ on the tool bar:

Step 5

Join OnlyWire: http://www.onlywire.com/

Sign up for each of their bookmarking services.Add the onlywire link to your toolbar. Open your site in your browser. Click on the link in your toolbar:

Fill in the name of your blog.

The url.

Add the tags (main keywords).

Copy and paste the first two lines of the article in theClippings/comments/notes box.

Tic all the boxes of the bookmarking services.

Click ‘Bookmark Page’.

Step 6

Go to Pingoat:http://www.pingoat.com/

Fill in the title of your blog.

Fill in the url.

Enter the xml feed (yourdomain.com/xml).

Tic all the boxes.

Click ‘Go Pingoat’.

That's it, you’re done!

You’ve just successfully created a seo friendly site that will soon be crawled and indexed.

If you want to see when you’ve been indexed just copy and past your url (without the http://) into the google search box. It should only take one or two days.

Next, copy and paste the title of your article and paste itinto the search box in quotes. Then do it without quotes.You’ll be surprised at how frequently you end up on googles first page for your keyword.

So what’s next?

After your sites been indexed, post one article per day for the next four days. Ping (pingoat) your site each daythat you post an article.

By the way, prepare each of these articles the same way we did the first one. Find a long tail keyword that you can insert into an existing article.

Of course there’s more, but this is the easiest way to get started.

I could have presented this where all of the resources cost nothing. You can possibly start from scratch and write all your own articles.

But this isn’t the way I do it. What you see here is exactly the method that I use.

If you discover that you benefit from this report, kindly let me know. I can be reached with comments as always at internetmarketingdotcom@gmail.com.

Also, if I receive enough feedback I’ll prepare a report on Free Killer Traffic Techniques to supplement Wash, Rinse and Repeat.




Growing Your List

This report is about getting started with Adsense. But since we’re already here there are two other things that you should do.

The first is to grow your list. Start by creating a free report. Take five of the articles from your PLR Pro pack,and make a pdf called ‘5 Things You Must Know AboutAnxiety’.

Get your free pdf compiler-Open Office here: http://www.openoffice.org/

Next you want to create a newsletter. In order to do this you’ll need an autoresponder.

Check out Aweber, it’s the one that I use.

Here are the steps to take:

1- Apply to the affiliate programs include in you PLR Pro pack.

2- Insert the affiliate links into your PLR Pro articles twice, once in the middle and again at the end. Say

“For more information click here” and then include the link.

3- Take these articles and insert them one at a time into your autoresponder. 40 articles becomes forty emails. Call your newsletter “Forty Steps To Dealing With Anxiety”.

4- Create a popover form from Aweber. Say something along the lines of “Free Report: 5 Things You Must Know About Anxiety when you sign up for my weekly newsletter”.

5- Go to Blogger, open a HTML/Javascript box and insert the code for your subscription form.

Affiliate Programs

Here’s a chance to make some more money.

After you’ve signed up for those affiliate programs put the links onto your site.

Insert hyperlinks in your articles.

Put ads on the left hand side of your site.

What Can You Accomplish?

Let’s take a simple scenario:

With PLR Pro you receive 11 niches each month.Setting up 11 blogs/sites shouldn’t be too difficult.

That’s 132 per year. If each site does a dollar per day,that’s $132 daily. That comes to a little over $48,000 per year. That doesn’t suck. And it doesn’t include your affiliate sales.

Truth be told, I’m underestimating. You should be able to get all of them to $1.00 per day but many should do more.

Anyway, best of luck. Let me know how you make out.

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